HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-002t CITY OF PRIOR LAKE " ORDINANCE NO. 83 -2 An ordinance amending Prior Lake City Code -1 -4, para- graphs (C) and (D) specsfving the aarhacre and refuse container x requirements and container structure requirements for multiple residence buildinas and commercial establishments. The Council of the City of Prior Lake ordains: i Section 1: Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance is to amend the Prior Lake City Code Section 8-1 -4, paragraphs (C) and (D) to snec-i fy the type of oarhage and refuse container s and enclosinq structure required for multiple residence build- } ings and commercial establishments in the City of Prior Lake. ' Section 2: Prior Lake City Code Section 8 -1 -4, p'araaraph. (C) is amended to read as follows: (C) Multiple Residence Buildinas: Multiple residence buildings having more than three (3) family units F havinq garbage and refuse pickup shall either be r rr' equipped with refuse containers and refuse pickut7 service..as Provided in this subsection or be equipped ' with a c,ommerci.al incinerator complying with the ° requirements of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and licensed by the Citv cts provided in this rn chapter. If refuse containers are Provided as an alternative to.or in addition to incineration and are " tl See also section, 8 -1 -9 and 8 -1 -10 of the Prior Lake City Code J �a one (1 cubic yard or laraer in capacity, then they shall be conveniently l ocated in relationship to the residence units for which they are provided, shat,l be { watertight and "'rodent proof wi lids and shall be tV kept in . an enclosing structure conceali:nq them from public view. Such structure shall have a concrete: floor with apron that drains which shall not be higher than three (3) inches above the natural grade of the surroundin,q area. 'Existing bituminous surfaces ' may be used as a floor., for the enclosi,na structures = until " time that the floor has deteriorated or five (5) years whichever occurs' first, at which time the bituminous floor shall be replaced with a con- crete floor.'T:he enclosing structure shall be equip-` ped with a, gate large enough for a garbage' truck to < f; service the refuse container. The gate in the 'enclos- ` :ng structu`ri- shall face' in the direction which is most .for the aooroach of the garbaae truck and -shall be constructed with a latch which, can se- cure the gate in an open and, :shut position. The en- Closing. structure shall tiave a minimum operdn.g of thirty (30) inches. Such oneninq shall be constr`?iete(I i n such a manner so that the view to the interior of the- enclosure i:s_blocke.d when vi ewed from the outsi +de of the encloinq structure. Such enclosing structure r< s 2 Contact your. eefUse hauler for detailed structure dessicjn 1 f i , shall be ke i.n a state of aood reTaair at all times. The refuse containers shall be located such that their contents are inaccessible to at least three t'31 feet above the base of the enclos,inq structure. The owner or opera't6r of such multiple residence property shall provide for garbaae pickup from such con- tainers. Defuse, debris, garbage, and other= wp�ste materials shall not be 'permitted to be accuinulated in, or near the enclosin`q strut rtre unless placed in the �. refuse containers located wi.thxn',,said structure with the watertight and rodent oroof "lids i:n - place thereby r i i sealing off the ddntai.ner. There shall be daily ,clean- upi.n and around each such enclo'sinq structure. x - Section 3: Prior Lake City Code Secti.pn 3 -1 - 4 Y , paragraph (D) is hereby amended to read as follows; � I (D) Commercial Establishments/ Volume Producers of Car- t, ' bage or Refuse: TheJ owner or occupant of any commer cial establishment shall also comply with the provi -. sions of the Prior ' Lake City Co 8 - 1 - 4 (C). The owner or occupant of any other property located in the Cj,ty of Prior Lake producing a volume of gar ; bage or refuse or both, the accumulat'.ion of which t exceeds the a,arbaae collection agreement for maximum amounts to be picked tip and hauled on a weekly basis e pursuant to the agreement i.ri effect between the owner {r or occupant of `the property and the garbage or refuse ✓ u eymwYY.t ..NMWncaXm4 �ti}�" "b'/-v yymmiyjyw y 1 collector, shall also comply with the - orovisions of � 4 the Prior Lake' City Corte Section 8 -1 -4 (C ) . ,.` Section 4 : This ord ,nznce amendment shall become effec- tive from and after :its passaae and oubli cation , Passed lair the.. Cotancil this a.8i:h clay of Fepruar y, 1G8:i, f �� ATTEST: „ City Manager Ma, f o o Published 'l,n,. ' on th is 16th daY of March 1983. i u j n p