HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-005CITY OF PRIOR LAKE
Permit and Prohibited Signs
�;--7 3:
Signs required in any Districts
5 - 7 4:
sl.gns in any Districts
,S ~7;. 5s
,5 6:
' Non - conf - -Signs
5. -7- 7:
Permit Requirements
5 -7- 8:
,5 -7- 9:
Removal of Signs
5 -7--I0 :
5 -7 -11:
5; -7 -12:
Severance Clause
5 -7 -13:
Revoke Permit
5-7 =14:
`' Any written announcements, declaration, demon-
strat16n,, display, illustration,, insignia or
illumination used to 'advertise or promote the
interest of any person. or- persons when the
same is displayed or placed out of doors in
the view of the eneral ublic or a
p � pylon
exterior wall or b uilding surface or inside
of a building within three, feet (3 of a
transparent window. A sign shall be con-
a r
sidered as a structure or a part of a struc
" '
ture for the purpose` of applying yard and
t r «
height regulations except,as herein stipu
lated. Signs shall be-constructed of metal,
plastic, masonite,, or plywood anti be painted'''�
in colors that will aesthetically fit the
surroundings. Signs shell be of sound con-
struction so as.,not to be toppled by the 1
7t ',
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A billboard, posterpanel board, painted bull.e
tin board,, or other communicative device
which is used to advertise products, goods
and /or services, any part of which are not
sold, produced, assembled, manufactured or
furnished or otherwise related.to activities
'conducted on the premises on which such sign
is located.
A sign consisting of identification numbers
only, either written or numerical form.
Refers to the elevation or level of the street
closest to the sign to which reference is
made, measured at the street's centerline.
A non -rigid hood or cover projecting from
a building, which may be folded,,collapsed,
or retracted against the building.
A sign which is printed, painted or attached'
to a balloon.
A -sign attached to a bench for seating while
waiting at a bus stop.
A sign relating in its subject matter to
the premise on which it is located or to
products, accomodations,, services or activi-
ties thereon.
A sign erected on t
g private property for the
purpose of directing vehicular and pedestrian
.traffic to public facilities or functions.
An illuminated sign on which the artificial.
light is not maintained constant in intensity
and color at all times in which such sign
is in use or any sign which, by mechanical
means, appears to simulate a flashing sign.
Any sigp which has characters, letters,
design or outlines illuminated by artificial
light direct to or from the'interior of the
A sign carrying the name of a building, its }'
date of erection,, monumental citations,
commemorative tablets and the like when carved!
into stone, concrete or- similar material
or made of bronze, aluminum, or other perma-
nent type of construction and ° made an inte-
gral part of the structure.
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Any sign placed on the interior of,,a window
or an outside wall or within thirt} six inches
(36 ") of a window so as to be viewed from
the exterior of a building.
MARQUEE and /or
A roof like structure projecting; :from and 1
attached to a building.
A sign which bears the name and /or address r
of the occupants of a building.
Any advertising structure or sign which was
lawfully erected and maintained prior to
such time as it came within the purview of
this Code, and any amendments thereto, and
which fails to conform to all applicable
regulations and restrictions of this Code.
A sign which.has been painted directly 'onto i
a building wall, using the wall material
as a Haase of the sign.
A sign not attached to the ground and designed
so as to be movable from one location to ^
A sign designating the current time and /or
temperature and /or stock market data on the
exterior of a_bus,ldinq or pylon so as to
` z
be viewed by the passing public from a public
A temporary sign erected by a realtor or
private individual for purposes of advertising i
for sale or lease a particular building arfd /or
parcel of property.
A sign which revolves or rotates on its axis
by mechanical means. t
A sign erected upon or above a roof or para-
pet of a building or abovN the eaves in the
case of a hip, gable or mansard. roof where
the planed of the roof is Tess than sixty
degrees (50 from the horizontal.
The lowest plane at which the external upper
covering begins. .'
For purposes of this 'Chapter,, any reference°
to street herein shall mean any street,or
roadway, public or private, but not to include
private driveways.
-3- _
t �
r i�
A banner, P ennant,, poster or advertising
display constructed ofcloth, canvas, plastic,'
sheet, cardboard, or other like materials
and intended to be displayed for a limited
period of time
A sign affixed directly to the exterior wall
or screening surface and confined within
the limits thereof and which project from
that surface less than fifteen inches (1.5 ")
at all points;
(A) The following signs are permitted uses subject to the follow- j
ing requlationsc
1,, Temporary Real Estate Signs For the purpose of sell-
ing, renting or leasing property. Only one (1) sign may be
placed per street frontage and one (1) per lake front-
age on property to be ,sold or leased. Such signs shall be
'set back a safe distance from road surface, placement of
temporary directional real estate signs shall have the ex
pressed consent of the owner or occupant of the abuttinq
t property. The size of such sign shall be a maximum of six
(6) square feet for residential property and a maximum of
thirty-two (32) square feet for all other properties. Such
signs shall be removed within seven (7) days following the
r leasing or" Iclosing of the. sale, Vacancy signs shall be no
larger than four (4) square feet.
' I
t 2. Signs for Promoting and /or Selling a Development Pro-
�Ject: For the purpose of selling or promoting a development
project of three (3) to thirty (30) acres, three (3) signs
i not to exceed one hundred (100) aggregate square feet of
advertising surface -may be erected on the project site. For
projects'of thirty (30) acres or greater, five (5) signs not
to exceed two hundred (200) aggregate square feet of adver-
tisi.ng surface may be erected. Such sign shall not remain
after ninety peroi�nt (.90 %) of the project is developed.
3� Street Banners: Street banners advertising a public
_ e�tertainlient or „, event are permitted if specifically
k approved by the City Manager and in locations designated by
the City Manager: Such: sign may be displayed fourteen (14)
' days to and seven (7) days after the public entertainment or
4. Temporary Signs: There shall be no more than one (1)
teimporary sign in any required yard, and there shall be no
' "kmore than three (3) such signs on any lot, and the total
r area of such signs shall not exceed twenty -five (25) square
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feet per side with a maximum of two (2) sides. Such sign
shall be displayed for no longer than thirty (30) days,
unless approved by the Zoning Officer.
5. Election Signs: Political advertising of public elec-
tions are permitted on private property in any Zoning Dis-
ttict with the expressed consent of the owner or occupant of
such property. Such signs may not be posted more than sixty
(60) days prior to the election and must be removed by those
responsible for the erection of the sign or the property
owner within seven (7)" days.following the election. Such
sign must be no larger than sixteen (16) square feet.
6. Window Signs: Permanent signs printed or otherwise
displayed the inside surface of an individual window'
shall not exceed two (2) square feet or twenty- five percent
(25%) of the total window area, whichever`is greater.-
7. Public Service Information Signs: Shall be allowed by
conditional use permit in "B” Districts either on pylons or
on the build'nq face. Such sign area, devoted to this shall
conform to sign: area and location controls in this Chapter,
but may be done in an intermittent lighting basis subject
to timing and information controls stipulated as a condition
to the Conditional Use Permit.
8. On- Premise Signs: For the purpose of identifying or
advertising a business, person, activity, goods, products or
;services located on the premises where the sign is installed
and maintained, signs shall be regulated as set forth in
Section 5- 7 -4(B) and (C).
9... Illuminated Signs; Illuminated signs shall be allowed
in "B" and "I" DiStricts.,Such sign shall be illuminated
only by steady, stationary, shielded light sources directed'"
solely at the sign, or internal to it -, without causing ,glare
for motorists, pedestrians, or'nei,ghborinq premise.
10 -. No Trespassing Signs: No trespassing and no dumping
signs shall not exceed two (2) square feet in area per side
and not to exceed: four (4) in number per lot in "R" Di,s-
tricts. In "A and "C'" Districts such signs shall not be
less than three,hundred feet (300 apart:
11. Off - Premises .Directional Sgrl For the purpose of
providing off street direction to a residential project
described in Sections 5- 7 -2(A) described herein, or a new
venture less than twelve (12) months following occupancy
permit, a public,-religious or nonprofit ins'tituti.on, or a
use which; in the determination of the Planning Commission,,
incurs substantial hardship from lack of reasonable identi-
fication as a result of its location, a speci permit
shall be required. Such sign shall not exceed twenty-five'
z, `;
(25) square feet.per face and such sign shall conform to
yard requirements of the Zoning Distract in which it
is located. Such conditional use permit shall be issued
for one (1) year periods. In addition, a directional sign
may be permitted for any use which,. in the determination
of the Planning commission, incur substantial hardship from,'
lack of reasonable identification as:a result of its 7.ocaa
tion. If said sign is lighted, it shall be illuminated onl,
during those hours when business is in operation or when
the model homes or other developments are open for conducting
12. On - Premise Directional Sign.: Where one - way access and
egress drives are incorporated in a site plan, >,a sign indica-
ting traffic direction no more than four (4) square feet may
be placed at a driveway within five feet (5 of the street
right -of -way and no more than four feet (4 from the average
grade level. -A directional sign indicating the entrance
to a two -way driveway may be approved or required where'`
the Zoning Administrator deems it is necessary to safely
direct the travel;?nq public.
13. Interior Window Sign: Temporary signs in the show
window of a business which re part of'a,display of merchan-
_dise or display relating to sales on the premises, provided
such signs are not to be displayed for a period exceedinq
thirty (30) consecutive days.'Such sign shall -not exceed
seventy- five percent (75 %) of each individual window area
facing:the street,
14. Awning Signs: Signs consisting of one line of letters
not exceeding nine inches (9 in height may be uainted or
placed upon the hanging border only of an awning,
An identification emblem, insignia, .initial, or other similar
design not,exceedina eight (8) square feet in area may be
painted or placed elsewhere on an awning.
15. Balloon Signs: Such sign y
9 q permitted b conditional use,
with an area no greater than forty (40 - cubic feet.
16. Painted Wall Signs: Painted `wall signs shall be per -
mitted on structurally sound and homogenous surfaces.
1'7., .Any sign which provides a service to the lake and /or °is
located • within two hundred - feet x(200'') of the lake shall
be by conditional use permit, with the exception of tempo-
rary real estate signs Said „conditional use shall address
size, location,, color, .and lighting of such signs.
(B) The, following signs "are prohibited as prescribed:
1. Illuminated Signs,:i Illuminated sig1"Is shall not be per-
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mitted with the " A " , '° 't,and. "fi" Districts, with the excep-
tion of 5- 7= 2 (17),
2. Rotating 'or Moving Signs: Rotating or moving signs
shall not be permitted. a r a.y d,�s tricts .
3. Flashing Signs Flashing signs shall not be permitted
in any district.,,
4. Traffic Interference: No sign shall be erected that, by
reason of position,, shape, or colo`r.woul d interfere in any
way with the proper f,�anctioninq or purpose of a traffic
sign or signal.
5. Beacons: There shall be no use of revolving beacons,
beamed lights or similar devices that should so distract
automobile traffic as to constitute a safety hazard.
6. Roof Signs: Roof signs, roof advertising Symbols,`' roof.
logos, roof statues or roof sculptures shall not be permitted
in any district. No sign shall extend above the roof -
7. Business and Advertising Sig *_is: Such sign shall not be
painted, attached, or in eny manner affixed'to trees, rocks,
or similar natural surfaces, nor shall such signs be affixed
to a fence or utility pole.
S. Advertising (Billboard) Signs: Advertising (billboard)
signs shall not be permitted in any district.
f a'
9. Public Right -of- Ways; No sign shall be upon or overhang
any public .right -of -way', with the exception of °B -2 Districts
where an overhang of fifteen inches (15 is pas'sible'.
10. Bench Sign: Bench signs shall not be permitted in any
5 -7 -3: SIGNS,. REQUIRED ItI NY DISTRICTS: Before a permit
shall be granted,--a minimum of one address shall
be required on each building in all districts. Such sign shall
be of sufficient size to be legible from the street yet shall
not exceed two (2) square feet in area.
. A- "
(A) Signs in C
" ", ", and "R" Districts:
"A, "; "C ", "R - and 11 R -2" Districts: One (1) nameplate
r sign for each dwelling unit. Such sign shall not exceed
two 2
( ) ' s qu are f eet in. area per surface, and no sign . shall
have more than two (2) surfaces. Non - conforming business
uses shall be permitted one (1) on- premises wall sight not
exceeding twenty (20) square feet in areA..
2. "R -3" Districts: One (1) nameplate sign for '6ach dwell
ing group of six (6) or more units, and 'such sign shall not "
exceed six l,B) square feet in area pen surface and no sign
shall have mor; than two (2) surfaces'.,.
One (1) nameplate sign for each permitted use or use by condi-
tional use permit other than residential. much sirn� not
exceed twelve (12) square feet in area per surface. tuq,`h sign
is permitted in areas other than residential 'b cd cond'i''
y itional
use permit.
Any nameplate sign over one (1) foot square shall, be set back
Y at least ten feet (10') from any, line. No sign shall
�.xceed five feet (5') in height "46pve the average drad,e ,,- -fwel.
Freestanding signs shall be permitted for the purpose of permanent
,F identification of residential areas. At each principal entrance
" to such an area a maximum of two ( 2) signs' not to exceed f'zfty:
(50) feet
, square of sig area
g per sign with the exclusion of
decorative landscaping. The maximum height of such signs shall
be five feet (5') about the average grade level.
(B) Signs in the "B" Districts: The total area of signs shall
not exceed twenty percent (20°J) of the area of the total-
building front and in no case shall exceed one hundred (100)
square feet, except buildings over three thousand (3,000) -
{ square feet of floor area may add one (1) square foot of
sign space for each one hundred (100) square feet of floor
space over three thousand (3,000) square feet. No advertis-
ing sign shall, be larger than two hundred (200) square feet
in area..
Wall Signs: The maximum number of signs on any building
shall be one (1) identification or business sign per princi-
pal business entrance plus one (1) overall business or
> identification
sign per building or shopping center shall
be,allowed provided that the combination shall not exceed
i the above listed one hundred (100) square foot maximum,
s Such signs shall not project from thebuilding line more
than fifteen inches (15 In the case of wall signs at
a shopping center, a comprehensive sign plan must be designed
and submitted to the City, allowing no more than one (1)
sign per business.
Freestanding Signs: Where a building does not cover the
full area of the property, signs may be freestanding. One
(1) such sign per building. The maximum height of such sign
shall -,be twenty feet (20 in B -1 and B -2 Districts and
thirty feet (30') in B -3 Districts. In no case shall such
sign be located closer than forty feet (40') to one another.
Maximum size of such sign shall be seventy -five (75) square
feet. No sign shall extend •beyo,.id a property line, buildi.t�g
restriction line o'r right -of -way line. Such sign must be
located ten feet (10 from the street right -of -way line,
with the exception of B -2 Districts where such sign may
have zero setback.
Area Identification for Shopp=ing Center: An area identi:ti-
cation sign, stating -the name of the center and the major
tenants shall be allowed. The maximum size shall. be one
hundred.(100) square feet per side with a maximum height
of thirty feet (30
Marquee Signs:` Signs may be placed on the roof of a cowered
walk or marquee in a building complex on the vertical face
of a marquee and may project from the lower edge of the
marquee not more than twenty -four inches (24 "), but the
bottottt of a sign placed on a marquee shall be no less than
eight feet (8 above the sidewalk or grade at any point.
No part of the sign shall extend above the top of the roof
line for a covered walk or above the top of the vertical
face of the marquee. Signs shall not be permitted anywhere
on a marquee which projects over any public right -of -way,
with the exception of B -2 Districts.
Portable Signs: Such signs may used for a period not
to exceed ten'(10) days and no more than three (3) times
per year at one location or for -one use. The maximum size
of such sign shall be forty (40) square feet and a maximum
height of ten feet (10 and fifteen feet (15 from the
str eet right -of- way.
Building overhangs in B -2 Districts may have one (1 nameplate'
; per business. Such sign shall be no larger, than five (5) square
a feet. All signs shall be homogeneous for buildings containing
more than one business.
(C) Signs in "I" Districts: A total' sign area of two (2) square
feet for each lineal foot of the building frontage shall
= be "allowed. Such sign shall be identification signs only.
A, maximum of one hundred (100) square "feet in;:area �
, allowed:
wd S
ll The. m axi;mum number of sighs on an building
g y g
shall be one (1) sign per building street frontage. Such
sign shall not cover ,any window ov•,part of a window, INo
sign shall extend above the roof line.. No wall signs
project from the established building line more than twelve
Freestanding Signs: Where a building does not cower the
full area of the property, signs may be freestanding with
one (1) such sign per building. The maximum height of such
sign shall be twenty (20) feet and in no case shall such
signs be located closer than forty (40) feet to one another.
Maximum size of such sign shall be seventy -five (75) square
feet per face. No sign shall extend beyond the property
line, building restriction line or right -of -way line. Such
sign must be located ten feet (10 °) from the street right-
of-way line.1
Portable Sign: The same regulations as for "B" District"
signs apply.
5 -7 -5: EXEMPTION: The following types of signs are exempt
from all fees:
1. Public Signs: Signs of a noncommercial nature and in
the public interest, erected by, or on the order of a public
officer in the performance of his public duty; such as direc-
tional signs, regulatory signs, warning signs`, and informa-
tion signs.
2. Temporary Signs. There shall be no more than one (1)
temporary sign in, required yard, and there shall be no
more than three (3) such signs on any lot, and the total
area of'such signs shall not exceed twenty -five (25) square
feet per side with a maximum of two (2) sides. Such signs
shall , be displayed for no longer than thirty (30) days,
unless approved by the Zoning Officer.
3. Temporary Real Estate Signs: For the purpose of sell-
ing, renting or leasing property, Only one (1) sign may be
placed per street frontage and one (1) sign per lake front-
age on the property to be sold or 'leased. Such signs shall
be set back a safe distance from road surface, placement of
teri'tporary directional real estate signs shall have the ex -.
pressed consent of the owner or occupant of the abutting
property. The size of such sign shall be a maximum of six
(6) square feet for residential proper�y and a maximum of
thirty -two (32) square `feet for all other properties. Such
signs shall be removed within seven (7) days following the
leasing or closing of the sale. Vacancy signs shall be no
larger than four (4) square feet.
°4. Integral: Names of buildings, dates or erection, monu-
mental citations, commemorative tablets and the like when
'. carved into stone, concrete or similar materials or made of
bronze aluminum or other permanent type construction and
made an integral part of the structure.
`'5. Announcements of concerts, plays, lectures and club
.,activities and the like placed in the windows of. consenting
business,; -Such. announcements shall be removed no later than
seven (7) days after the 'event.
6. Election Signs: Political advertising of public elec -,
Lions are ,permitted on private property in any Zoning Dis-
trict with the expressed consent of the owner or occupant of
such property. Such signs may not be posted more than sixty,
(60) days prior to the election and must be removed by those
responsible for the erection of the sign or the property
owner within seven (7) days following the election. Such
sign must be no larger than sixteen (16) square feet.
w.,. No Trespassing Signs: No trespassing and no dumping
signs,, shall not exceed two (2) square feet in area per side
and not to exceed four (4) in number per lot in "R" Dis-
'tr4cts. In " A " and "C" Districts such signs,.shall' not be
than three hundred feet (300 apart.
8. Interior Window Signs: Temporary signs in the show
window of a business which are part of a display of merchan-
dise or display relating to sales on the premises, provided
such signs are not to be displayed for a period exceeding
thirty (30) consecutive days. Such sign will not exceed
seventy- five percent (75 %) of each individual window area
facing the street.
-9. On- Premises Directional Signs: Where one -way access and
egress drives are incorporated in a site plan, a, sign indi-
eating direction no more than four (4) square feet"
maybe placed at a driveway within five feet (5 of the
street sight -of -way and no more than four feet (4') from
the average grade level. ,,A directional sign indicating the
entrance to a two -way driveway may be approved or required
where the Zoning Administrator deems it is necessary to
safely direct the traveling public.
NON- CONFORMING SIGNS: Any sign that is non - conforming
to the requirements of this ordinance, whether by
variance previously granted or by conformance to existing sign
regulations at the time the original permit for said sign was
issued, shall either be removed or brought up to code require-
meht"s- within the time period prescribed herein' dating; from Decem-
ber 8, 1980, the effective date of this ordinance.
Amortization Schedule
Actual Cost of Sign „ Period for Removal
$ 500.00 or less 22 years
$ 500.01 to 1000.00 32 years
o $1000, 01 to 2500.00 42 years
Over $2500.00 52 years
(A) No sign shall be erected, changed or relocated without a
permit issued by the Zoning Officer. Any sign involving
electrical components shall be wired by a licensed elec-
The permit application shall be signed by the applicant.
When the applicant is any person other than the owner of
the property, it shall also be signed by the owner of the
$ property. The application shall contain the following
1. Name, address and telephone number of the property owner,
sign owner and erector:
2. Location of the sign or structure.
3. Scaled drawing showing position,of the sign =in relation
to the nearest buildings, structures, public streets; right-
of -ways and property lines.
4; Plans and specifications and method of construction'
or attachment to the building or in the,ground, including
i all dimensions, showing all light sources, wattage, type
and color of lights, and details of any light shields or
5. Other information as may be required by the Zoning
Official .
(B) Fees:
=The following schedule of fees for sign permits is estab-
1,, Forty (40) square feet or less in area,
2. Greater than forty (40) square feet in area;
3.. Signs which need a conditional use permit must ;pay sign
permit fee plus an additional fee as established for con-
ditional use permit.
No fee shall be required for signs exempted by Section 5 -7 -5.
Fees may be waived by'the,City Council for signs containing
a religious, civic school or public interest subject.
5 -7 -8: CANCELLATION: A sign permit shell become null and _
void if the work for which the permit was issued has
not been completed within a period of six (6)months after the
date of the permit. A permit may -be renewed one (1) time and no
additional fee shall be collected for the renewal.
5 -7--9 REMOVAL OF SIGNS: The Zoning Officer shall order
the removal of any sign erected or maintained in'
violation of this ordinance. Thirty (30) days notice in writing
shall be given to the owner of the building, structure or premises
h h 1 t d t 'th b ' the si n into
3.x clause, provision or portion thereof o£ this Chapter.
5 -7 -13: REVOKE PERMIT: The Zoning Officer is authorized
and empowered to revoke any permit upon failure of
the holder of said permit thereof to comply with any prov:�sions
of this Chapter.
MAINTENANCE All signs shall be ma?.ntained in,, -a
safe, presentable and good structural condition at
on whac suc sign is oca e } o ei er ring g
compliance with the ordinance or effect its removal.
5- 7 -1 "0: FINES: Any person, organization, corporation, or
their representatives found in violation of this
Chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction,
shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed five hundred dollars
($500.00) or by imprisonment for not more than ninety (90) days,
or both. Each day that .a violation exists shall constitute a
separate and distinct offense, punishable as aforesaid.
5 -7 -11: APPEALS :: To provide for a reasonable interpretation
of -the provisions of this Chapter, a permit applicant,
who wishes to appeal an interpretation by the City Zoning officer
may file a notice of,appeals with the Planning Commission and
request a hearing. The Commission shall hear appeals or requests
by the following cases: r
Appeals where it is alleged that there is an error in any order,
requirement, decision or determination made by the Zoning Officer
in the enforcement of this Chapter.
Request for variances from the literal provisions of this Chapter
in instances where .their'strict enforcement would c «use an undue
5 -7 -12: SEVERANCE CLAUSE: If any section, clause or provision
or portion thereof of this Chapter skull be found
to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent juris-
diction', ;,such decision shall not affect any other section,
3.x clause, provision or portion thereof o£ this Chapter.
5 -7 -13: REVOKE PERMIT: The Zoning Officer is authorized
and empowered to revoke any permit upon failure of
the holder of said permit thereof to comply with any prov:�sions
of this Chapter.
MAINTENANCE All signs shall be ma?.ntained in,, -a
safe, presentable and good structural condition at
all times. Maintenance shall include,painting, repainting, clean-
ing, replacement or repair of defective parts and other necessary
Any sign which is found in a dangerous or defective condition, '
shall be removed or repaired by the owner of the sa,4n or the
owner of the premises, on which the sign is located..
(Ord. 80 -6, 12 -8 -80)
n _
This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage
and publication.'
Passed by the Council this lith day of April 1983.
City C irk Administrator Mayor
,.Published in the City of Prior Lake Daily American on this
11th day of May 1983,
Prepared by:
Lommen, Nelson, Sullivan i Cole, P.A.
Attorneys for the City of Prior Lake
1120 TCF Tower
Miinneapolis,, Minnesota 55402
(612), 339- 8131
',• (
The City Council of the City of Prior Lace hereby
adopts by reference Prior Lake City Code, Title 5, Chap-
ter 7, as amended by City of Prior Lake Ordinance No.
an ordinance regulating signs within the.City bf Prior Lake,
Copies of the codification of the amended signord'in-
ance are available in the Office of the City Clerk or a`
This ordinance is furnished to give notice of the
adoption of the ordinance amending the sign regulation as
" codified in the Prior Lake City Code. Said ordinance amend-
ment is adopted by reference and the amended Code will not
be published,in its entirety.
1, 1
alter Stock, Mayor j
� I
Attested to by
-4 W
Michael McGuire, ity Manager
Prepared by_
Attorneys for the City of Prior Lake
j 1120 Twin City Federal Tower
( 612) 339 --8131
Dated 2, 1983