HomeMy WebLinkAbout86-003CI'1Y OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE 86 AN ORDIMMM EVABLIS11IN3 A PROCMM FOR THE DEpEML OF SPECIAL ASSESSUM I The City Council may defer the payment of any special assessment on "UmeStead property 2 ow *d by a person who qualifies under one of the hardship criterion oat forth in. Sections II and Hi below. The hommowwr shall make application for deferred payment of special assessments on a form prescribed by the Scott County Auditor and supplemented by the ftior Lake , Citj Nmnimpr., The application shall be made within 30 days after, the aml�t of the assessment roll by the City Council and shall be renewed each year upon the ,.filing of a similar application no later than September 30. This ordinance will. be effective for all assessments levied. beginning in .1985. The City AM"t shall establish a cast numbei: for each applioati review the and " 4WiCation for od6plete information and det k on ' rev e a recommendation to the City, mu>rcil to either approve or disapprove the application for deferment. majorit y vote, *011 either grant or , deny the deferment and in granted, the City Council may require 'the payment of interest- 4:�*. *&ch Y*eL. Penewal applications will be approved' by the City Mano4ar1dr thome-ceeft wh-sreby the original conditions for qualifications rmaiu* abstantially unC' An qed. k the City ObUncil grants the deferment, the City Nwvqer shall notify the Ownty,.Abdt0r, who shall in accordatice, with Minnesota Statutes, Section 435.194, record. , a notice... of the deferment with the County Recorder setting forth the albouht. of agantnm*. ftftjj�n f.T kfardWhip is deemed to,exist if the applicant meets all. of the 1. f61 cooditions: AW. applicant must be 66 years of age, or' older, and must aim a legal or equitable interest in theproperty applied for *k the h0imestead'of the applicant. gross inoom of the applicant shall not be in *xomiss of t 6 inmew" Xi an set L f orth by famil Bias for the, City of Pri6r hake Attach■w* A. Calculation. of the total fmaily inww shall be d0t0kikin0d, 'by the summation of all available income nourcos of the W9 ON* and spouse. lrx me Spec ified in the application should be thi inbiiO Of the year preceding the year in which the application is 'Or. the 1. ftftill average income of the three years prior to the year in which the application is mmde, whichever is Iwo. the total special assessments to be deferred exceed $1,000.00. Intereot-dall hopharged on,.x W assessment deferred pursuant to this Section, at the rate charged on other assessments for the particular public Project the assw:wnt is financing. If the City Council grants an mom M !"4 Cn 414 ORDIN FOR NE 3ectian L I ymerot of NW pr Tte! deferred psj�v a ferin prom At ajW It City wi 38 4b3 re be renewstt a a 3IM L 9W .1 • L "' a PRIOR LAKE ANCE " ESTABUSHING A CRE4W MALOrSPECIAL WWW" V Cesswil Buy defer the on r OU can Idle ,md Affidavit of Publication Southwest Suburban Publishing Inc. - 0 4 State of M in nesot'a )SS. County of Scott 39= PAN", lx duly sworn, as oath says that ht is the publisher or the authorized agent of the publisher bf the no known as gas *akapft Valley Novo, Jordan Independent, and Prior LAke Anwricau, and has full knowk*-e of W14A AM" an follows: (A)=new=P 33 WS h ek s Pt ca ' w W Is" == t qualific as a legal newsp 33 � at pow as provided by tL#1 , and A Z m= . ' V (B)" 106 1001101plabW tkat is aftacbW be this Affidavit awl Werkified as No. 1,00 0 , waspoWkshed on thedate, or dates somi in the == in Ow attacked NAict, wW said Notice is hereby incorporated as part of thin Af- fWavit, Said notice # clk" m ot he I I kpor soecified. Primed below Is a copy of the lower case al'ItaMt tram A is S• bola lsahaulw, and is i beise the kind md size of type used IntWL Lunpositlan sad paklirNioa of the Notice: abcdefghijk1rhnupqrstu 11WX tl � , Start Hol Kblijdwr Subscribed and sworn before me on twsJ TT,C�' V lAWi* flartnuinn. NoUry Public RATE INFORMATION Low6st classified rate paid by-commersial usars for comporable'space: ... $6.00 colu mn inch Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter ........................... ..,,....,. per column inch Rate actually charged for the above matter ......... ......... ............... $4.49 par column Inch p3, eg 4 1. M •f ,em J" l «I� a =and 1�*e i�ltrrl is Mr wIw w Ui amt be w e� , r" ■ew»ri lwwiiMrtie �t w r�.. prWr . A. W Mr e w m MW A n isw 1aellaa� wik fbe to "" *Allm m@��T wwmft w yew m f ■ V wM. ar 00 twat aNi aft I was yew IMW b w1iIN V: ] t IiN k Nab" to " M uiatNllMAs �o h. , WM of ae of I show r aw kp 4 w gr: Mrt � swii 1� • a assessment deferral to an applicant, the interest may also be deferred, or the interest may be due and payable on a yearly basis up until the assessment period terminates ar,A only the principal is deferred. The decision as to whether the principal and'nterest or just the principal is deferred is decided by the City Council when considering the application. section TTT Not withstanding the foregoing provisions of thiv Section, the City Council, upon reccompndation by the City Manager, may consider exceptional and unusual circtmtanoes pertaining to a physical hardship relating to an applicant not covered by the conditions in Section II. 'this authority is granted to the City Council pursuant to Settion 435.193 of the Minnesota Statutes. any determination shall be made in a nondiscriminatory manner and shall not give, the applicant an unreasonable preference or advantage over other applicants. For any individual who does not qualify under the conditions set forth in follo ditions ma ' i a pplicant for an assessment b�ection II, the c y qualify an appl , deferral. A hardship is de+st+ed to exist if the applicant meets all of the following conditions 1. M applicant must be' retired by reason of permanent and/or total disability and must own, a legal' eguiitable interest in the property applied for which must be the homestead of tI* applicant. 2. The annual gross income of the applicant - shall not be in exceon of the income limits as set forth by family size for the City of Prior Lake - Attachoent A. glaulation of the totat family income shall be deterimined by the summation of all . atiailai�le income sources of the applicant and spouse;' Income specified in. "the application' should be' the inc bm a 'of ` the year pretmoing the year „in" which the application is i ds, or the average itxmw of the three gears prior to the year: in ' irtiicts the application is',mode, whichever %pis lesser. ' 3. Tye total special assessments to be deferred exceed $1,000.00. Pornihent and/or total disability shall be ,determined by using the criteria established for " permanent and total disability'" for Workman's Compensation, to tits x 1. The total and permanent. lose of the sight of both eyes, 26* The loss'of both arms at the shoulder. 3. Ttw 'loss of both,.legs so close to the hips that no effective artificial members can be used. 4 Complete and permanent paralysis. 5 Tota an d permanent loss of mental faculties, S. owner from working at in. the " a occupation w�hichibrings hliincapacitates An app swat substantiate the retirement by. reason of permarmt and/or it by 'a licensed' medical „ ,dttestFing ,doctor ttat�lcbe�,app�i! s �urableatoi� gainfully employed because 'of a permm*, and /or total disability. " 2 w.u.re++•• ^+.• -, ,. yeti» c+ r» asim: rtw,'x'.mx:.'s'itia.Yx.mMM;Y:+� ..e ..._.,.., .y....•fa :i'.MR ', nL uka ' , Y1..H, Tr ''t B@=iQnJY The option to defer the payment of special assessments shall terminate and all amo nts accumulated plus applicable interest shall beooe- due upon the occurrence of any one of the following events: 1. The death of an owner when there is no spouts eligible, for deferment. 2. The sale, transfer, or aubdi- vision of all or any part of the prr,+perty, if such transaction creates an increase of property value equal to or greeter than the asourt rif the deferred assessment or if the net sale prooeeds derived'are equivalent to or greater than the deferred amount. Any transaction that prods; s a lesser result shall be reviewed. by Council as to its effect upon the deferred assessment as a whole. A proportionate- imioimtt of the deferred assessment may be required to becowe current, if such transaction occurs on a pieceweal basis, to prevent owrloading °'of assessments on the residual property. 3. Lose of hameatead status on the property. s. Deterldnat.on by the City Council for any reason that there would be no hardship to regteire iaeediate or partial payment. 5. Failure to file a renewal application within thee tier prescribed in Section I aboere. . U&n .the occurrence, of one of the events specified in Section 7CV, the City Council shall terminate:, the deferment. "wreupon the City ftnaget shall notify r the Ctxmty ,Auditor and. County Assessor of the termination, including the asi mts aaoxanlated cn ,uk,q*id, principal ihstallseits, plus any app k.Able interest. Mich shall beoc m due and payable as a result of the termination. , Itie City llmiriagex may` pop tiate and establish a payment , schedule can the prificipal and ' interest owd after the• deferment terpinates. Nothing herein` shall be construed to prohibit the City CCUncfl fms Ocesideripq an applioation of hardship on the basis of esooptionai and unwmual circuntaeio s which are not red by the starddLide ,arid guidelines ae , meat forth s An W tb ordlneo ceo This cunsidi�ration and determination x u4t be ss a iii rion-elisorisrInatory. u n *r ao,,'as , not to give the applicant an unraeechable p!rEfer c or ad"ntage over other applicants. ibis ofdVAt= shall be effective from; and oftei its passage and ., a000rdt" to law, Aiomed 'by , the" City Ootmil 'of the City of Prior Lake, !Minnesota this 18th, day of ANOLML , 1986. 1�T't�tr pity ;Mmsga'r !Ma*yor Published iri.,the Prior Lake American the W day of a" mabe- , 1986. 3 i S.lix" 4j k, AZ's A CITY Or PRIOR LUM, MII D iT' owim1I�1Ca I3 ► � LIlQ3S i Eli IY. size 1 Perscn loom $16.65 2, Persas 189A'Z 3 Persona 21,373 4' Peraaww 23',754 5 Permm 25,"S 6 27,531 7 Form " 29,405 1 8 Persom 31,371 %I { 11ALts will , b.e adjumW a uw�ally'' -bY the Minn �olif -at. dal anger A ' Prow fix. t, 3 k,� �Ar:R'.YT`A4