HomeMy WebLinkAbout86-004x. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 86 -04 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 83 -6, SECTION 2.1, AND PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE 5 -2 -1. The Council of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain: y That the Zoning Map referred to in Section 2.1 of Ordinance No. 83 - And 5 -2 -1 of Prior Lake City Code is hereby amended to rezone the following legally'described property from Zoning District C-1 Conservation to R - Resident That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter cf Section Z, Township 114, Range 22, Scott County, Kinnesota, described as follows: Degirat,ing at &,,point on the south line of Pleasant Avenue as•' on the plat of "NEST SIDL ADDITION to PRIOR LAKE", 9094 toet west of the north and south quarter line of said Section•2; thence westerly along the south line of Pleasant Avenue a"distance of 30.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 28 Minutes 5 3. 8 eco Want (along a line drawn f th last d" gibed: point to the northeast corner of outlot A, plat of Holly Court, Scott County, Minnesota) a dintrnce of 450.66 feet to the northeast,corner of said Outiat A; thence continuing South 00 degrees 28 minutes 51 seconds W"t.a distance of 18.00 feet; thence South 33 degrees 27 ainit*s 00 seconds East 52.00 feet; thence South 32 degrees 50 siinutws .00 , se con ds Bast 26.00 feet; thends, South 75 degrees. Sl minutes 00 seconds East 3 0.00 feat; thence North g 66 4 e gti�s 02 minutes 06 seconds East 22:00 feet; thence 116 z!!'$ 70 degrees 17 minutes 00 seconds East 43.00 feet; 'thenoo North 33 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds East 51.00 f*0 t thine North 30 degrees 14 minutes 00 seconds East �4 i..00 !set thence North 29 degrees 53 minutes 00 seconds 9"t 19.00•fists thence North 14 degrees 05, minutes 00 s nda 044t 29.00 feet; thence North 42.degrees 52 minutes ;00 seconds llei�t 19.0.0 feet; thence North 52 degrees 27 mid. 00` 80=1 `Nett '72.00' feet; thence North 52 degrees sy 25 m mttos.60 seconds hest 37.00 feet;, thence North 00 degrees 36 minutes 00 seconds Nest 35.00 feet; thence North 919 37.minutes 00 seconds West 15.00 feet; thence rth 36, d6,grees 33 minutes '00 seconds East 53.00 foot; k •uNol'th 49 degrees 33 minutes 00 seconds East 26. 00 feet;' thevOt forth 77 degrees 40 minutes 00 seconds East 111 00 fti thence South 89 degrees 48 minutes 11 seconds Emit 3.4Z'fiet; thence North 01 degree 23 minutes 17_ seconds 't: , 11-00 feet; thence North 88 degrees 36 minutes' 44 seconds Nest 220 feet more 'or less to the intersection w•x a r, � I sa tx ii vtt.l } "4c' f 1YlY Y4 13 J�; Affidavit of Publication Southwest Suburban Publishing Inc. State of Minn6sota ) )SS. County of Scott ) AM ttoitantd dabr sryora, r eaW a) s %A ar is UK pat Uislrr W the adberiaed, d the � aawrrapers Yao`n as the Sltabapr Vablsr firr�ra, Jrdas frtdrpeadcM, had Pries Ike Anwricas. and hn Ied1 iuwcrkfp K the laets hweia stated r IdIms: (A) Ihase trwa�grn have with the rewwwwMb cwWi+Mia{ W- 4tiesumas a based newspaper•"provided � by Mishnah t1W We ZA d¢ �iA fb. had Myer a�YeMie Iawra �s awWN: to d?. �. (t)'nn /riMdi paalie notice thed it atcbod M ttds Af6drvit ad idantifisd « tw. waa prbYakad N ure da0s - or hobo aM M the newapysr Mated i. Uts sttacvsd Nit ice. arl aW NNicr is bN** inaejorwd as pert d Oft At- Hdavk. Said aaYce w/sa eat from for eoiirttas d Use apacbliad. f'rbMad below is a cum of UK lower ear 1` :Wu" Irem A to Z, both iedwive. and is hateb> nkaiw =. t ! A !d ; kind had rise of type w �loa ed to the cow and p.blicatiaa of the tteticr : J abcdefghi jk hnnopgrAuv= aticrlrfphilithnopUrrtuvw:>rs ,i ax: tddisbar � � 246cri6fd and sworn Bolan tae an 3 `I . rt Ilfis ttarft,tarr; Ilelafy PaMbe � �4 RATIE IA TWN Lowest eluaif ied rata paid by commweiN triers for comra We specs —.36 p0 pear comet bm;h Maxkmfn toed allowed . • . 4lr low for 1M above maNr .... .......................... ......t1.M psrgoitanM iftoh, Pate actuaty charged for 1 above mattx ........................................ $4.49 W column Me i M` FB I a NOW M dw Mftr LdN American; : Sept. ltl. Im. ft. =I I i with a line drawn South 00 d�eqgroes 28 minutes 51 s econds Wast. fron. the point of beginning; thence North 00 d*groas 28 minutes 51 second East 150 feat to the point of beginning. Containing 1.40 acres This ordinance shall become effective from anti after its passgga and `publication. Passed by lby e this, th Coil day iar p 19 th o 1996 , ATTEST: - cit y. , Hagar -- m ay or -- °�� � w Prior Lake ' ;a►me rica ' n on the 29tdc day of iabl i'shed 1r th SW ester 1986 ..Drafted. Sy.: I ian Belson,'cola 4 Stegebarg, P.A. 210a "Tcy Tovor '�l�[inneapolis," �tnnesota55402 ' T' ^r*• p-:; q�+ �'••• , n * ;! • � +• �*..s. +�n..n?.+*`e3k wtt" sti!•" ." ��YsxM` ?'' x!& ??. S; 9�N3vea, W;^ wx' Nxt�KOa+ �N..; a+. wcuxm•. a1YU ,xasat�v,*+:ecunva,,7rn;..a, —. ,:- �,: r ..,+M..aa.,+e+«.ra�w.�rxk*,sy L'.��9.�,i