HomeMy WebLinkAbout#5 - School District Correspond .- DISTRICT SERVICES CENTER (612) 447-2185 Dr. Cy. F. KIUse Supeflntendent a Schools Dr. Las C. Sonnobend Assistant Superintendent Ja( \tVIllemssen Director of Business Affairs John D. Katton Administrottve Assistant Community SeMces Student ,Activities Transportation Jean A C~ .AdministTative Assistant Food SeMces Data P,v....c..ssing Publications SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Dr. James A \Nold Principoj (612) 447-4131 JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL John R. Slater . Principal (612) 447-2188 FIVE HAWKS ELEMENTARY Ronald E. Mocnocek Principal (612) 447-4139 WESTWOOD ELEMENTARY Dotwin A Fo5se Princlpot (612) 447-2178 IN )EPENDENT SCHOO. ) S1 ~ CT 719 Box 539 · 5300 WestWood Drive Southeast Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 DEFENDANT'S EXHIBIT S I . ~~;.I ~ - '" .~ " ,~. I'"" .', . ........ ..J June 29, 1983 T ~ ; - ..., .~... I~;-~-:> ,.' :~.<,t I. ; . . .....~ h ....~,~ Mr. Gary C. Wilkerson Steffens, Usset, Rothnem and Olson, P.A. 3400 West 66th Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55435 Dear Mr. Wilkerson: We are in receipt of your letter dated June 21, 1983 with regard to the Prior View development. Please be advised that the Prior Lake School Board took the following action at its regular meeting of June 27, 1983: "Motion by Roger Ziemann, second by Marge Kinney that the con- ditions set forth in Superintendent Kruse's letter of November 11,1982, (copy attached), shall serve as requirements for the proposed improvements and extension of Five Hawks Avenue, and at such time that it is needed for final approval of the project, a resolution affirming those conditions shall be considered by the School Board. Motion carried unanimously: 4 - 0 Voting for: Kinney, Sauter, Schmokel, R. Ziemann Voting against: .None" Should it be necessary,as the planning process continues,' to pro- vide a resolution in consideration of the points found in my letter of November 11, 1982, the Board will be happy to consider such action. If you should have any questions'on this matter, please feel free to give me a call. Sincerely, Cy F. Kruse, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools CFK:ojr Ene. Kruse letter - November 11, 1982 c. c. Mel Sauter, Bill Scbmokel, Jay Willemssen, Michael McGuire Horst Graser, Larry Anderson P00010 An Equal Opportunity School District / .. November 11, 1982 Hr. rbolMs L. Steffens Steffens, Usset, Rothnem and Olson, P.A. 3400 Waat 66th STreet - Suite 200 Hil1l2Bapolis, Minnesota 55435 Dear Hr. Steffens: All a follow-up to your meeting wi th the School SOard Building CODIIIi tt.. and tbIJ .ubsequent meeting of tbB Prior Wk. School Board on November 8, 1982, the followlng condl tlons are outlined lIS the School D1strict'. po_ition regardj,ng road construction in aonjunction with the priorvitltl . PUD project: 1. 1'be time friJ1llt8 of r1ve years for tbe in.1tiation of tbe con- struction of Phase II road construct.ton must be observed. Phase II construction and paving will be paid by abutting property owners in the proportion or percentage of the property wbJ.cb abuts the roadway .1mprovement. 2. BJ.tumimous w&1Jatays the entire length of the project sball be p....."lded at .uch time that each pbaae i. developed. 2'~ Phase I walkway will be constructed at the same tillle .. the surfacing of the Pbiue I ro.dwfJY. 'J'lut increase in veb.icu.1.r traffic caused by the constructioll of 48 UAits plus tlJe onaet of oonstruce.1on vebicle. are .1JDport.-nt co~id.r.tiou ill requiring tbfl iAStall.tion of walJaiays immediately for tbe ..fet!l of SlQung people who co.... and go rrolll Pi ve BaWD School. 3. AnV fenclng of school property which i. deemed necessary bV the Board for the safety of scl_...l children will be provided at School D1.trict expense M2d the Di.tr1ct expects no obligation on the part of tbe developer for such costs. 4. ~be SChool Di.trict will require input on engineering plAnS and costs regardlng any water drainage projects coincident&! to the construction of Phase I and PhAse II roadltllYs. 2'be D18tria 18 w111lng to fHlY that proportion o~ drdna98 008t. lA p~port.i.OD to the UN seved. .>~- - 1 -~ POOOll 1Ir. Steffens - 2 - November 11,. 1982 s. PbiJse I reslM5pinq and sw:aacinq costs will be proportionate to tha ~propertfJ abutting tbe roadway. When costs are determined, the Dt~trict shall be credi tad for the original costs pursuant to the construction of the roadway in 1973. A breakdown of costs and expectations follow: 1973 Application for Paqment Busse Construction COIlJP4n1f. it Item 1 - $ 8,920.32 Item 2 - $14,126.60 Item B - $ 1,874.40 ItelZl 11 - $ 151.50 36.88 95.00 roTAL- $25,204.70 Construction of no.dway (..tve H.w~ Av.~u.) 'rbarefore, costs would be determined as follOttlS I Road Construction Cost in 1973 - Phase I Surfacing Costs $25,204.70 $34,470.00 Total Cost $59,674.00 Individu.l costs would be determined proportionately or 1n a per- centage to the running Loot.ge of abutting property owner.. The Di.,trict would then be credited with $25,204.70 tow.rd tbai.r .....sed proporti.onate costs. 'the School BoArd has given it$ .pproval WIder the foregoiZ1g colWideration.s Lor tb8 pl4l2Z1ing process to continue. 'l'his is a concept approvAl with the ctst.~l.!.8bed cond.J.ti.ons ident1fied- above. If !IOu should bave an~ qUctSt.f~ aD tl11. ..tter, please feel free to, give me . call. S.J.lJClfU'fJ15l, Cy r. ~., Ed.D. Su~.J.lJtand.nt of Schools Cn,ojr BDc. 1973 App1Jcation tor Payment - Busse COnstruct.iOD COIDpaIl9 c.c. c;.org. Borgerdil19, Bill SchmoJcel, Jal} Willems.eo, ILicbael McGw.re I Bors't Graser I Larry Ander$OD - 2 - P00012