HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 21 2014 EDA Report 4C
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
MEETING DATE: April 21, 2014
PREPARED BY: Dan Rogness, Community & Economic Development Director
DISCUSSION: Introduction
The purpose of this agenda item is to review the current status of property in Deer-
field Business Park that is currently guided as Hospitality General Business (C-HG)
and zoned as General Business (C-2), and to consider asking the City Council to
initiate a public hearing to re-guide the property as Business Office Park (C-BO) and
to zone it as Business Park (C-3).
The 50-acre Deerfield Business Park has two land use designations in the 2030
Comprehensive Plan, including Planned Industrial (I-PI) and Hospitality General
Business (C-HG). All property in this business park south of Adelmann Street is
guided I-PI. Except for three lots to the east, all property north of Adelmann is
guided I-PI. Those three lots (5.6 acres) are guided C-HG, as well as the adjacent
Abhe/Svoboda property that includes two lots at 8.6 acres. Moreover, since it was
annexed, the Abhe-Svobota property continues to reflect R-1 zoning.
The Deerfield Business Park property is zoned with some lots matching the Com-
prehensive Plan categories, but with some lots that do not:
1. South of Adelmann: I-PI Land Use = General Industrial Zoning (I-1).
2. North of Adelmann: I-PI Land Use = Business Park Zoning (C-3).
3. North of Adelmann: C-HG Land Use = General Business Zoning (C-2).
4. Abhe/Svoboda: C-HG Land Use = Low Density Residential Zoning (R-1).
Three buildings have been constructed in the I-1 zoning district (Busse Bus, Wreck-
A-Mended, Allied Excavating); three buildings have been constructed in the C-3
zoning district (Onsite Engineering, Cutting Edge, Triple Play Sports); and one build-
ing has been constructed in the C-2 zoning district (Paws and Pals Pet Resort).
Current Circumstances
A business that is classified as light manufacturing (plastics) is considering the pur-
chase of a 3.6-acre outlot in Deerfield to construct a 40,000 square foot building.
This outlot is at the northeast corner of Adelmann Street and County Highway 87,
adjacent to the south property line of Abhe/Svoboda, currently guided as C-HG for
hospitality businesses and zoned as C-2 for general businesses.
Manufacturing and processing is a permitted use in the Business Park Zone (C-3),
but not in the existing General Business Zone (C-3). Therefore, City staff is asking
the EDA to discuss whether it makes sense to consider asking the City Council to
hold a public hearing on a potential zone change from C-2 to C-3, and a potential
Comprehensive Plan land use change from C-HG to C-BO. The EDA should view
this change in the context of all three lots in Deerfield (including Paws & Pals) and
two lots owned by Abhe/Svoboda.
The 2030 Comprehensive Plan land use designation for Hospitality General Busi-
ness (C-HG) is to provide land for: (1) services, goods and employment opportuni-
ties related to the continued dependence upon the automobile for high mobility, (2)
leisure and recreational activities, and (3) hospitality and lodging facilities. The Gen-
eral Business (C-2) District is the corresponding zone to C-HG.
There is no other area in Prior Lake that has the hospitality land use designation in
the Comprehensive Plan. Staff speculates that the property’s location adjacent to
Cleary Lake regional park and its access to a future signalized intersection at County
Highways 21 and 87 combine to make this area appropriate for uses noted above.
However, City staff also believes that this area could also be ideal for expanded
business park (C-BO)uses that permit limited research, development and manufac-
turing facilities. An attached table compares the zoning ordinance uses allowed in
the C-2 and C-3 Districts.
When the Abhe/Svoboda property was annexed to the City in early 2011, it came in
automatically as Low Density Residential (R-1). This property needs to be rezoned
to a business use, so it should also be evaluated at this time as being most appro-
priate for either the C-2 or C-3 Use District. In addition, the EDA may want to con-
sider recommending re-guiding all other property in Deerfield north of Adelmann to
Business Office Park (C-BO), since that is how the property is currently zoned and
developed. For example, Triple Play Sports is supported in the Business Office
Park land use, but not the Planned Industrial land use.
ISSUES: This report recommends that the EDA propose that the city council initiate the pro-
cess to rezone and re-guide the subject property. As part of the process it would be
appropriate for the EDA to weigh in as well at a future EDA agenda item.
FINANCIAL The most appropriate guide plan designation and corresponding zoning district
designation should ultimately help property be developed or redeveloped for tax
base and jobs purposes.
ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend that the City Council initiate a public hearing process to re-
guide and rezone approximately 22 acres of property in Deerfield Business
Park and the Abhe/Svoboda property
2. Direct the staff to place an item on the future EDA Agenda to recommend
specific re-guiding and rezoning for the properties.
3. Take no action.
4. Table action, and request further information from staff.
RECOMMENDED Staff recommends a motion and second in support of Alternatives 1 and 2.
ATTACHMENTS: 1. Deerfield Business Park maps
2. Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Zoning Use District maps.
3. Comprehensive Plan description of C-HG, C-BO and I-PI land uses.
4. Table of allowed uses in the C-2 and C-3 zoning districts.