HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 14 14 City Council Meeting Minutes4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake MN 55372 , 6)+90%6'-8='392'-01))8-2+1-298)7 April 14, 2014 '%008336()6 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Hedberg, Councilors Keeney, McGuire, Morton and Soukup, City Manager Boyles, City Attorney Rosow, City Engineer / Inspections Director Poppler, Project Engineer Thongvanh, Public Works / Natural Resources Director Gehler, Finance Director Erickson, Community and Economic Development Director Rogness, Fire Chief Hartman, Police Chief O’Rourke, Assistant City Manager Meyer and Executive Assistant Deppe. 49&0-'*3691 The public forum is intended to afford the public an opportunity to address concerns to the City Council. The public forum will be no longer than 30 minutes in length and each presenter will have no more than ten (10) minutes to speak. Topics of discussion are restricted to City governmental topics rather than private or political agendas. Topics may be addressed at the public forum that are on the agenda. However, topics that are the subject of a public hearing are best addressed at the public hearing, not at public forum. Therefore, topics may not be addressed at public forum if: (i) the topic has been the subject of a public hearing before the City Council or any City Advisory Committee and the Council has not taken action on the topic; or (ii) if the topic is the subject of a scheduled or continued public hearing or public information hearing on the current agenda or at a future meeting before the City Council or any City Advisory Committee.During public forum, a member of the public may request that the City Council consider removing an item from the Consent Agenda following the procedure set forth in Section 401.5. The City Council may discuss but will not take formal action on public forum presentations. Matters that are the subject of pending litigation are not appropriate for the forum. (Updated 3/10/2014) 'SQQIRXW Reviewed the process for the public forum. &S]PIW Commented on the quality of the neighborhood of Rolling Oaks 4EXVMGO5YMRR 6SPPMRK3EOW'MVGPI  Circle, and the proposal for reconstruction of Rolling Oaks Circle to City standards. Believed the development was being driven by the Meadowlawn development to the east. Believed the Rolling Oaks Circle property owners will disproportionately bear the enormous cost of the project. Discussed the feasibility report from last fall and the proposal to split the larger parcels into multiple units. Asked the Council to remove the concept of splitting parcel, communicated that none of the residents want the project, and believed the property values will not support the project. Believes the City and developer bear much of the benefit and should bear corresponding costs for the project. Thanked staff for taking the time for neighborhood meetings. 1EV]5YMRR 6SPPMRK3EOW'MVGPI  Believed the vision for Prior Lake is to preserve neighborhoods for all ages. Commented on the focus of the Feasibility report being to develop, subdivide or destroy the neighborhood in order to fund the infrastructure improvements. Repeated that the project is for the benefit of the developer of Meadowlawn, and the costs for the project are not feasible for the property owners. Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com Concerned about the street resurfacing project due to the impact on 8SQ7GLYX^ 'EVVMEKI,MPP6SEH  home values, park access, and traffic. Provided a petition asking the Council to take a closer look at the project with neighborhood input. Asked for a public hearing to review the concerns of the neighborhood .IVV]=SYRK 7LSVI8VEMP  related to the Carriage Hills reconstruction. Commented on the larger concept of special assessments for City +SVHSR)VMGOWSR 6SPPMRK3EOW'MVGPI  improvements. Believed that minutes should be kept for special assessment committee meetings and that transparency is called for. With no others interested in speaking, the City Council provided the following comments: Discussed that the Carriage Hills project is on the meeting agenda for this evening and the Council ,IHFIVK will consider whether additional public comment is necessary. On the topic of Rolling Oaks, reassured the neighborhood that the Council and staff are equally concerned about the costs of the Rolling Oaks improvements, and that further discussion will occur before any decision will be made. Further commented that the role of subcommittees is to meet with staff and spend a lot more time on /IIRI] an issue and understand all the complications. Offered reassurances that the process for those subcommittees is to learn and make a recommendation to the full Council. No decisions are made. Most of the information provided in those meetings is made part of the agenda packet when the Council considers the item. %4463:%03*%+)2(% MOTION BY SOUKUP, SECOND BY MCGUIRE TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PROPOSED. Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup :38) Aye Nay The motion carried. %4463:%03*1))8-2+1-298)7 MOTION BY SOUKUP , SECOND BY KEENEY TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 10, 2014 CITY COUNCIL MEETING. Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup :38) Aye Nay The motion carried. '327)28%+)2(% reviewed the items on the consent agenda. 'MX]1EREKIV&S]PIW A. Consider Approval of Claims Listing B. Consider Approval of February 2014 Treasurer’s Report C. Consider Approval of Building Permit Summary Report for February and March D. Consider Approval of a Report Requesting that the EDA be Directed to Investigate and Recommend the Appropriateness of Two Property Acquisitions Ϯ ϬϰϭϰϭϰŝƚLJŽƵŶĐŝůDĞĞƚŝŶŐDŝŶƵƚĞƐ E. Consider Approval of Approving a Revised Purchasing Policy 6IWSPYXMSR F. Consider Approval of Authorizing the 2014 Insurance Policy Renewals 6IWSPYXMSR<<< G. Consider Approval of and for the Maplewood Street Improvement (City 6IWSPYXMSR Project #14-012): 1) Accepting Bids and Awarding the City’s Standardized Construction Contract; and 2) Accepting Proposals and Authorizing Probe Engineering to Provide Construction Staking H. Consider Approval of (1) 1 Amending the Zoning Map to Designate Property as a PUD - 3VHMRERGI Planned Unit Development; (2) Approving the Final PUD Plan and the PUD 6IWSPYXMSR Agreement; and (3) Approving the Final Plat and the Development Contract, all for 6IWSPYXMSR the Bluffs of Shady Beach I. Consider Approval of Approving a Title VI Plan for the City of Prior Lake Laker Lines 6IWSPYXMSR Transit J. Consider Approval of Accepting Proposals and Awarding the City’s Standard Contract 6IWSPYXMSR for Professional Services for Arc Flash Hazard Compliance K. Consider Approval of Approving a Temporary On-Sale Liquor License for the Church 6IWSPYXMSR<<< of St. Michael L. Consider Approval of a Massage Therapy License Renewal for Judy Coursolle M. Consider Approval of Approving the Submission of a Grant for the Mushtown, 6IWSPYXMSR Panama, Maple Project. N. Consider Approval of Authorizing the Maintenance Superintendent to Sign the Annual 6IWSPYXMSR Contract Between the City of Prior Lake and the Cooperative Purchasing Venture for Road Salt. O. Consider Approval of Authorizing the Purchase of Two 2014 Dodge Charger AWD 6IWSPYXMSR Police Sedans. P. Consider Approval of Approving the Wetland Replacement Plan for the Hickory 6IWSPYXMSR Shores South Development (City Project #DEV-2013-0009) Q. Consider Approval of Amending the Electronic Message Board Policy 6IWSPYXMSR<<< R. Consider Approval of February and March Fire Incident Reports S. Consider Approval of Confirming the Previous City Council Decision to Vacate Public 6IWSPYXMSR Road and Waterfront in Butternut Beach T. Consider Approval of the February and March Animal Control Reports 5F (Morton), 5K (Soukup), and 5Q (Keeney) -XIQW6IQSZIH MOTION BY MCGUIRE , SECOND BY SOUKUP TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup :38) Aye Nay The motion carried. : 46)7)28%8-327 %6IGSKRMXMSRSJ'LVMWXSTLIV3PWSR Discussed the 27 years of service of former officer/detective Christopher Olson, including his hire 3v6SYVOI in 1987, first DARE officer in Prior Lake and types of calls handled - from animal abuse to homicide investigation. Noted Chris was recognized by the County Attorney staff and FBI, has been recommended for Employee of Year based upon his leadership, competence, thoroughness, commitment, and the respective of his peers. Advised that Chris has taken a position with the Bureau of Criminal Investigation as a homicide investigator. Thanked Chris for his service. ϯ ϬϰϭϰϭϰŝƚLJŽƵŶĐŝůDĞĞƚŝŶŐDŝŶƵƚĞƐ 1E]SV,IHFIVKTVIWIRXIH'LVMW3PWSR[MXLETPEUYIERHXLEROIHLMQJSVXLIQER]]IEVWSJWIVZMGI Commented that he was grateful for working at the City for 27 years, and discussed the growth over 3PWSR his tenure and the professionalism of the staff and his fellow officers. &4VSGPEMQ%TVMP%W%VFSV(E]-RXLI'MX]SJ4VMSV0EOI Reviewed the agenda item in connection with the staff report in order to get to Tree City USA status. +ILPIV Read the proclamation identifying April 25, 2014 as Arbor Day in Prior Lake. ,IHFIVK 49&0-',)%6-2+7 %4VSTSWIH3JJMGMEP*II7GLIHYPI Reviewed the agenda item consistent with the staff report, reviewing the significant items for change )VMGOWSR including an increase in the escrow for construction observation from 5% to 6%, and two sewer utility charges. Asked how often the boat slip rental fees are charged, and the parking fee for Sand Pointe Park. /IIRI] MOTION BY SOUKUP, SECOND BY MCGUIRE TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup :38) Aye Nay The motion carried. No persons chose to speak on this item. 'SYRGMP(MWGYWWMSR MOTION BY MORTON, SECOND BY SOUKUP, TO APPROVE APPROVING THE 36(-2%2')<<< ORDINANCE AS PROPOSED AND SUMMARY PUBLICATION. Asked if there are current water agreements or if it is something that will come before the Council on 1SVXSR an agreement-by-agreement basis. Advised that the Council will see the costs on an agreement-by-agreement basis as negotiated. )VMGOWSR Asked if this fee structure is a result of the action the Council took encumbering the Trunk fund to /IIRI] perform some of the more difficult infrastructure projects. No, and advised that a fee study would be conducted to further evaluate Trunk fees or other )VMGOWSR development fees. Asked if the construction observation escrow increase has been discussed with the Builders ,IHFIVK Association or other developers. ϰ ϬϰϭϰϭϰŝƚLJŽƵŶĐŝůDĞĞƚŝŶŐDŝŶƵƚĞƐ Advised that over the last 6 years, 4 projects have gone over on the construction observation costs. 4STTPIV There has been feedback that developers would prefer an increase rather than having to secure additional funding mid-project to cover the overages. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECOND BY MCGUIRE TO AMEND THE PROPOSED INCREASE FROM 6% BACK TO 5% IN ORDER THAT ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION CAN BE HAD WITH THE BUILDERS ASSOCIATION. Explained that we have heard from two different developers that this is their preference as opposed 4STTPIV to going through the process to acquire funding mid-project. VOTE ON THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT AND DIRECTION TO STAFF. Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup :38) Aye Nay The motion carried. VOTE ON THE MAIN MOTION AS AMENDED. Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup :38) Aye Nay Asked for a clarification on the procedure. Because it would require publishing the Ordinance twice, &S]PIW the Ordinance would not be published until the Council concludes its approval following the public hearing. Explained that if the public hearing is closed, it would need to be re-noticed. The other option is to 6SWS[ continue the public hearing. MOTION BY MCGUIRE, SECOND BY HEDBERG TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING TO MAY 12, 2014 TO ADDRESS THE ESCROW PERCENTAGE. Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup :38) Aye Nay The motion carried. 30(&97-2)77 %'SRWMHIV%TTVSZEPSJE6IWSPYXMSR%GGITXMRK&MHWERH%[EVHMRKXLI'MX]vW7XERHEVHM^IH 'SRWXVYGXMSR'SRXVEGXJSVXLI'EVVMEKI,MPPW4EVO[E]'EVVMEKI,MPP6SEHERH'VIWX%ZIRYI 6ILEFMPMXEXMSR4VSNIGX 'MX]4VSNIGX ERH(IXIVQMRI;LEX%HHMXMSREP4YFPMG-RTYXMJ%R] 7LSYPH&I7SPMGMXIHERH,S[ Reviewed the project consistent with the staff report. 4STTPIV MOTION BY KEENEY, SECOND BY MCGUIRE TO APPROVE ACCEPTING BIDS 6)73098-32 AND AWARDING THE CITY’S STANDARDIZED CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR THE CARRIAGE HILLS PARKWAY, CARRIAGE HILL ROAD AND CREST AVENUE REHABILITATION PROJECT (CITY PROJECT #14-002). ϱ ϬϰϭϰϭϰŝƚLJŽƵŶĐŝůDĞĞƚŝŶŐDŝŶƵƚĞƐ Believed it appropriate to talk about the additional public input first. 1G+YMVI Staff was suggesting that since we have gone through the bidding process and have received a ,IHFIVK favorable bid, that we move forward and can still conduct additional public input. Asked how staff envisioned what the compromise might be on the project that will not impact the bid 1SVXSR price. Commented that changes could be made that do not affect bid price if they do not impact the outside 4STTPIV curb line or width of the street, such as an additional striping plan. Similarly, if there is not a median and a different re-striping plan was determined at the park entrance area, the bid would not be significantly impacted. Asked if the median in this section is a pain point for the neighborhood. 1SVXSR Would not suggest removing the median, but the DNR access is a high demand access and boats 4STTPIV with trailers queue on Crest Avenue. The project shortens the availability of left turn room for those queues. As the road gets busier with development to the west, the decision is whether it is even appropriate for queuing and the impediment that creates for higher volume traffic. Some of the residents suggest that without a long queue the traffic will queue on other local streets. There is not a good solution related to that DNR access. The design is not built for the peak but there is 700 feet that will accommodate most weekends. Asked that if we award the bid, and through the process the final configuration affects quantities, can ,IHFIVK that be accomplished by a change order. Yes. 4STTPIV Asked about the impact on available parking. Further asked if the ponding on the west end of /IIRI] Carriage Hills would need to be increased and if the City has the appropriate easements. On-street parking would stay. Related to the ponding, staff is recommending tying into existing 4STTPIV piping so no additional easement is required. Based upon the types of changes that could be contemplated, he is comfortable moving forward with /IIRI] additional input to follow to resolve the outstanding concerns of the neighborhood. Agreed. 1G+YMVI VOTE ON THE MAIN MOTION. Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup :38) Aye Nay The motion carried. MOTION BY MCGUIRE, SECOND BY SOUKUP, DIRECTING STAFF TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING WITH NOTICE TO RESIDENTS PRIOR TO THE APRIL 28, 2014 COUNCIL MEETING AND BRING A RECOMMENDATION BACK TO THE CITY COUNCIL AT ITS APRIL 28, 2014 MEETING. ϲ ϬϰϭϰϭϰŝƚLJŽƵŶĐŝůDĞĞƚŝŶŐDŝŶƵƚĞƐ Asked that the public hearing opportunity be re-noticed to the neighborhood. 7SYOYT Believed that a public information meeting with the staff is more productive and solution-oriented on a 1SVXSR date other than the Council meeting date. It would be up to staff to bring the solutions back to the City Council. Suggested that the public information meeting be conducted at the work session prior to the meeting. 7SYOYT Asked Tom Schutz if the neighborhood would be receptive to an informational meeting prior to the ,IHFIVK next City Council meeting. Believed an informational meeting best serves addressing the 8SQ7GLYX^ 'EVVMEKI,MPP6SEH  problem. Commented that the meeting could happen next week and the timeline met. 4STTPIV MOTION BY MCGUIRE , SECOND BY SOUKUP TO APPROVE A NOTICED, STAFF-CONDUCTED PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING ON APRIL 23: Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup :38) Aye Nay The motion carried. &'SRWMHIV%TTVSZEPSJ6IGSQQIRHEXMSRWJVSQ'SQQYRMX]7EJIX]%HZMWSV]'SQQMXXII6IPEXMRKXS 0MUYSV0MGIRWIW6IKEVHMRK  *MVWX3JJIRWI4VIWYQTXMZI4IREPX]  8VEMRMRKVIUYMVIQIRXWJSV EPPWIPPIVWERH  &EPERGMRKTIREPX]JSVGPIVOEKEMRWXPMGIRWII4IREPX] Discussed the recommendations of the Community Safety Advisory Committee. 3v6SYVOI MOTION BY MCGUIRE, SECOND BY SOUKUP TO APPROVE RELATING TO LIQUOR 36(-2%2') LICENSES REGARDING: (1) FIRST OFFENSE PRESUMPTIVE PENALTY; (2) TRAINING REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL SELLERS; AND (3) BALANCING PENALTY FOR CLERK AGAINST LICENSEE PENALTY Thanked staff and Community Safety Advisory Committee. Asked for clarification of whether 70% of 7SYOYT all staff being trained means all volunteers or just volunteers serving. Clarified that it would apply to volunteers/employees charged with serving alcohol. There is no way 3v6SYVOI for the Police Department to know if a volunteer/employee has been trained except by asking them upon a compliance check with a failure. Also like the idea of a training DVD that can be distributed to all licensed entities. 7SYOYT Concerned that we are dramatically lowering the penalty for retailers, and whether we are maintaining /IIRI] an effective deterrent especially for larger operations. Suggested that any stay of criminal prosecution for the first offense be related to proof of training. Asked about the presumptive penalty for a second infraction. Agreed with Councilmember Keeney. The second offense is a 6 day suspension. 3v6SYVOI ϳ ϬϰϭϰϭϰŝƚLJŽƵŶĐŝůDĞĞƚŝŶŐDŝŶƵƚĞƐ MOTION BY KEENEY, SECOND BY MORTON, THAT THE STAY FOR FIRST OFFENSE IS CONDITIONED UPON PROOF OF TRAINING FOR ALL EMPLOYEES SERVING LIQUOR. Clarified that if the proof of training could not be provided, the automatic penalty of $1000 and one 1G+YMVI day suspension would be enforced. Clarified that the ordinance needs to be amended to note that the ordinance would become effective &S]PIW “for violations occurring from and after the ordinance’s passage and publication. VOTE ON AMENDMENT FOR PROOF OF TRAINING FOR ALL THE EMPLOYEES. Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup :38) Aye Nay The motion carried. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECOND BY MORTON, THAT THE ORDINANCE SHALL BE EFFECTIVE FOR VIOLATIONS AFTER PASSAGE AND PUBLICATION. Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup :38) Aye Nay The motion carried. VOTE ON ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED. Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup :38) Aye Nay The motion carried. 2);&97-2)77 %'SRWMHIV%TTVSZEPSJ6IWSPYXMSRW%YXLSVM^MRK:ILMGPIERH)UYMTQIRX4YVGLEWIWMRGPYHMRK  0SEHIV4PS[ERH;MRK 7MRKPI%\PI8VYGO4PS[ERH;MRK Reviewed the requested equipment purchases consistent with the staff report. +ILPIV MOTION BY SOUKUP, SECOND BY MCGUIRE TO APPROVE AUTHORIZING 2014 6)73098-32 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT PURCHASES INCLUDING: LOADER, PLOW AND WING. Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup :38) Aye Nay The motion carried. MOTION BY SOUKUP, SECOND BY HEDBERG TO APPROVE AUTHORIZING 2014 6)73098-32 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT PURCHASES INCLUDING: SINGLE AXLE TRUCK, PLOW AND WING. Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup :38) Aye Nay The motion carried. ϴ ϬϰϭϰϭϰŝƚLJŽƵŶĐŝůDĞĞƚŝŶŐDŝŶƵƚĞƐ &'SRWMHIV%TTVSZEPSJE6IWSPYXMSR%TTVSZMRKXLI)(%%RRYEP6ITSVXERH)(% &YWMRIWW4PER Reviewed the EDA Annual Report and suggested adding the fact that two fee deferral loans had 6SKRIWW been approved for Honest One and Artisan Bistro. Advised that paragraph 5 is the best summary of activity, and noted that building permit value is /IIRI] another effective measure. Thanked staff for building a base of data. Further commented that there is still work to do in some ,IHFIVK areas but we are making good progress in terms of number of jobs. MOTION BY KEENEY, SECOND BY MCGUIRE TO APPROVE APPROVING THE EDA 6)73098-32 2013 ANNUAL REPORT. Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup :38) Aye Nay The motion carried. Further discussed the business plan goals for 2014 consistent with the staff report, including 6SKRIWW Broadband network build out by private business, Technology Village development, partnership with developers/property owners in targeted areas for development, City Codes & fees review, marketing of Prior Lake as Recreation Destination, and Building a Customer Centric City/EDA Culture. Commented that the number of new businesses is probably under-reported. Believes at some ,IHFIVK point we need to identify a way to measure the number of home-based businesses. Advised staff is looking for ways to get better inventories and not rely on just the state data. 6SKRIWW In terms of priority, the EDA has identified the “targeted areas for development” and Technology ,IHFIVK Village is higher on the list. Believed the increase in investments of time and energy will focus on marketing, and targeted /IIRI] areas for development. Also believed the technology village could expand to include more service businesses. Suggested listing the goals in terms of priority. Asked if the numbers could better show the growth or impact of the new businesses and 7SYOYT technology village since the last review period to assure that EDA metrics are accurate. Commented that he is optimistic about this year with commercial in Eagle Creek Estates, 6SKRIWW Deerfield Industrial Park, and one of the technology village tenants expanding. MOTION BY KEENEY, SECOND BY SOUKUP TO APPROVE APPROVING THE EDA 6)73098-32 2014 BUSINESS PLAN. Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup :38) Aye Nay The motion carried. ϵ ϬϰϭϰϭϰŝƚLJŽƵŶĐŝůDĞĞƚŝŶŐDŝŶƵƚĞƐ ''SRWMHIV%TTVSZEPSJE6IWSPYXMSR4VSZMHMRK'SQQIRXWXSXLI1IXVSTSPMXER'SYRGMP3RXLI (VEJX8LVMZI174'SQTVILIRWMZI(IZIPSTQIRX+YMHI Summarized the comments to be provided to the Met Council on its Thrive MSP 2040 6SKRIWW Comprehensive Development Guide. Council is not required to comment, but can if they wish. The draft letter is to get the discussion started. Noted Prior Lake is considered an “Emerging Suburban Edge” area on the current Met Council map and many of the comments proposed relate to the categories. Commented that on #4 to be an Emerging Suburban Edge less than 40% of the land is ,IHFIVK developed. That is not true about Prior Lake. We should be treated the same as Shakopee and Savage and understand the implications. Related to #7, Prior Lake should be reduced to 3 rather than 5 units per acre. Believed that comments that take into consideration SMSC holdings should be stressed, and /IIRI] include their long-term intended use. Supports Suburban Edge classification. Commented that related to job and activity centers Scott County is not noted as having any job ,IHFIVK and activity centers, which will partly drive where transportation and transit investments get made. MOTION BY KEENEY, SECOND BY MCGUIRE TO APPROVE APPROVING 6)73098-32 COMMENTS WITH THE INPUT PROVIDED BY COUNCILMEMBERS TO THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ON THE DRAFT THRIVE MSP 2040 COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT GUIDE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup :38) Aye Nay The motion carried. Asked how any further comments after Friday can be communicated. 1SVXSR The draft with tonight’s revisions will be circulated in the update and any comments directed to me. &S]PIW -8)176)13:)(*631'327)28%+)2(% *'SRWMHIV%TTVSZEPSJ6IWSPYXMSR%YXLSVM^MRKXLI-RWYVERGI4SPMG]6IRI[EPW MOTION BY MORTON, SECOND BY MCGUIRE TO APPROVE AUTHORIZING THE 6)73098-32 2014 INSURANCE POLICY RENEWALS. Asked about premium increases and underlying drivers. 1SVXSR : Commented that the overall experience is impacted by the size 'EVP&IRRIXWIR 2SVXLIVR'ETMXEP-RWYVERGI of the claims. No specific areas for concern. Discussed how police claims disproportionately affect the rate formula. They are more costly to defend. With respect to worker’s compensation, the City had an unbelievably good rating, but has had two significant claims in 2013 and, while still good, went up Asked about the purpose of equipment breakdown risk insurance. 1SVXSR ϭϬ ϬϰϭϰϭϰŝƚLJŽƵŶĐŝůDĞĞƚŝŶŐDŝŶƵƚĞƐ : Advised that most municipalities have equipment breakdown 'EVP&IRRIXWIR 2SVXLIVR'ETMXEP-RWYVERGI coverage for equipment like high-cost motors for water systems, wells, fire equipment, air condensers for buildings, water surges, lift stations, and so on that if they break can have significant liability exposure. Clarified that accidental doesn’t mean that there was fault contributing to an accident. In insurance 6SWS[ “sudden and accidental” means something unexpected, as opposed to normal or sustained wear. Asked if a year from now we will be able to tell if this insurance was valuable or not. 1SVXSR Advised that cost benefit can be tracked. +ILPIV Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup :38) Aye Nay The motion carried. /'SRWMHIV%TTVSZEPSJ6IWSPYXMSR%TTVSZMRKE8IQTSVEV]3R7EPI0MUYSV0MGIRWIJSV XLI'LYVGLSJ7X1MGLEIP MOTION BY SOUKUP, SECOND BY MCGUIRE TO APPROVE APPROVING A 6)73098-32 TEMPORARY ON-SALE LIQUOR LICENSE FOR THE CHURCH OF ST. MICHAEL. Advised that this license will be subject to the new ordinance. &S]PIW Asked if there was a compliance failure last year at St. Michael’s, and commented it is not noted in /IIRI] the staff report. Confirmed. 6SWS[ Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup :38) Aye Nay The motion carried. 5'SRWMHIV%TTVSZEPSJ6IWSPYXMSR%QIRHMRKXLI)PIGXVSRMG1IWWEKI&SEVH4SPMG] MOTION BY KEENEY, SECOND BY SOUKUP TO APPROVE AMENDING THE 6)73098-32 ELECTRONIC MESSAGE BOARD POLICY. Suggested that business promotion only happen in terms of event location, rather than “sponsored /IIRI] by” basis. Hedberg Keeney McGuire MortonSoukup :38) Aye Nay The motion carried. ϭϭ ϬϰϭϰϭϰŝƚLJŽƵŶĐŝůDĞĞƚŝŶŐDŝŶƵƚĞƐ 38,)6&97-2)77 Welcomed Sarah Deppe as new Executive Assistant. ,IHFIVK %(.39621)28 With no further business brought before the Council, a motion to adjourn was made by MORTON and seconded by SOUKUP. The motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 10:12pm. ___________________________________ Frank Boyles, City Manager ϭϮ ϬϰϭϰϭϰŝƚLJŽƵŶĐŝůDĞĞƚŝŶŐDŝŶƵƚĞƐ