HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 24 2014 EDAC rept 5a
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
MEETING DATE: April 24, 2014
AGENDA #: 5.a.
PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist
DISCUSSION: Introduction
The EDA held its regular scheduled meeting on Monday, April 21, 2014. The EDA discussed
the following items on their agenda.
Recommendation to Appoint a Technology Village Board Member
Sewer and Water Fee Deferral Program Amendments
Deerfield Business Park - Comprehensive Plan and Zoning
Downtown Redevelopment Project Proposal
Downtown Parking Study - Economic Development Incentive Grant Program
Property Acquisition on Colorado Street
Current Circumstances
Recommendation to Appoint a Technology Village Board Member
The EDA recommended that the City Council appoint Adam Proehl to the Technology Vil-
lage Board of Directors.
Sewer and Water Fee Deferral Program Amendments
On February 11, 2013 the Prior Lake City Council adopted the Metropolitan Council SAC
Deferral Program which allowed for the deferment of SAC fees for small businesses that
receive SAC determinations of 10 units or less (SAC refers to Sewer Availability Charge).
The Met Council has since revised their program to increase the SAC determination to 25
units for eligible businesses.
The EDA reviewed the revised Master SAC Deferral Agreement with the Metropolitan Coun-
cil and made three recommendations to the City Council: 1) recommend that the City Coun-
cil authorize the Mayor and City Manager enter into the revised Master SAC Deferral Agree-
ment with the Metropolitan Council; 2) recommend that the City Council schedule a public
hearing to consider amendments to Subsections 704.500 and 705.600 of the City Code;
and 3) recommend that the City Council amend the City of Prior Lake Sewer and Water Fee
Deferral Program Policy to mirror the Metropolitan Council SAC Deferral Program.
Deerfield Business Park - Comprehensive Plan and Zoning
The EDA reviewed the status of property in Deerfield Business Park that is currently guided
as Hospitality General Business (C-HG) and zoned as General Business (C-2). The EDA
asked the City Council to initiate a public hearing to re-guide the property as Business Office
Park (C-BO) and rezone it to Business Park (C-3).
Downtown Redevelopment Project Proposal
The EDA reviewed a redevelopment concept proposal for the downtown area and the pro-
posed impacts on parking availability in the downtown. EDA members also discussed op-
tions for providing additional parking in the downtown core.
Downtown Parking Study - Economic Development Incentive Grant Program
The EDA recommended that the City Council submit a Technical Assistance application to
the Scott County CDA for its 2014 Economic Development Incentive Grant Program in the
budget. The grant would pay the costs of a consultant to evaluate downtown parking op-
portunities; including site analysis, surface parking design, parking ramp options and esti-
mated total development costs.
Property Acquisition on Colorado Street
The City Council directed the EDA is to prepare a report with recommendations on the ap-
propriateness of acquiring two residential properties on Colorado Street that are currently
for sale. These properties would be needed to further extend Arcadia from Colorado to
Pleasant Street. An estimated budget, not including possible future demolition, would be
approximately $310,000 for the two properties based on further negotiation.
Although no final decisions have been made on extending Arcadia, the EDA felt that any
future extension would require acquisition of these two parcels. If no future extension were
completed the parcels could be resold for development opportunities or used for surface
parking. The EDA recommend that staff prepare a report for city council consideration stat-
h discussion to purchase the two par-
Detailed updates of EDA activity related to the above listed topics will be presented to the EDAC
during the April 24 meeting.
ISSUES: Update only.
ALTERNATIVES: Update only.
RECOMMENDED Update only.