HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 21 2014 EDA Minutes 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes January 21, 2014 1.CALL TO ORDER President Hedberg called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m. Present were Hedberg, Choudek, Keeney, Bump and Chromy. Also present was Community & Economic Development Director Rogness and Community De- velopment Specialist McCabe. 2.APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION BY CHROMY, SECONDED BY BUMP TO APPROVE THE AGENDA SUBJECT TO ADDING TWO ITEMS: (8D) JOINT MARKETING CAMPAIGN AND (8E) TECHNOLOGY VILLAGE BUSINESS. VOTE: Ayes by Hedberg, Choudek, Keeney, Bump and Chromy. The motion carried. 3.APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY CHROMY, SECONDED BY BUMP TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 16, 2013. Ayes by Hedberg, Choudek, Keeney, Bump and Chromy. The motion carried. 4.CONSENT AGENDA No Consent Items 5.REMOVED CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS No Consent Items Removed 6.PUBLIC HEARING No Public Hearings 7.OLD BUSINESS A. Election of Officers for 2014. Rogness: summarized the list of officers to be elected for 2014, including President, Vice-President, Finance Director, and the Secretary and Assistant Treasurer can be staff. The EDA should also appoint the 2014 liaison to the EDAC. Hedberg: asked for nominations for President; he agreed to be President again in 2014. Chromy: asked whether they could make one nomination for all officers at one time? Hedberg: responded yes. MOTION BY CHROMY, SECONDED BY KEENEY TO APPOINT 2014 OFFICERS THE SAME AS IN 2013, INCLUDING PRESIDENT HEDBERG, VICE-PRESIDENT CHOUDEK, TREASURER ERICKSON, SECRETARY BOYLES, AND ASSISTANT TREASURER ROGNESS. VOTE: Ayes by Hedberg, Choudek, Keeney, Bump and Chromy. The motion carried. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECONDED BY CHROMY TO APPOINT CHOUDEK AS THE 2014 LIAISON TO THE EDAC. VOTE: Ayes by Hedberg, Choudek, Keeney, Bump and Chromy. The motion carried. Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com B. Draft EDA 2014 Business Plan Update. Rogness: provided an overview of changes made to the 2012 EDA Business Plan, which included the ad- dition of job/business/value achievement during 2011-2013, changes to the Implementation Plan to recog- nize progress made during the past year, and updates to the section on funding needs and resources. Keeney: asked whether the city has data on the total square footage of commercial and industrial proper- ties in Prior Lake? Rogness: responded that staff has much of that data, but not a full count of everything. Hedberg: said that the EDA should reassess broadband and whether it makes sense to keep supporting a full fiber build-out with city resources. Bump: supports it if the EDA can clearly define the benefits and if it makes economic sense, including whether people will pay for the service. Keeney: believes that high-speed fiber will be needed someday, but not necessarily at this time; the city should continue to test what can be provided by Integra. Bump: asked whether the city should invest public funds to create a more competitive environment in this type of non-competitive industry. Choudek: said that the EDA should keep pushing forward with broadband and Integra without taking a step back from achievements made in 2013. Chromy: agreed with Choudek. Hedberg: and lack of marketable commercial/industrial land. Rogness: highlighted the new maps that show three key target development and redevelopment areas within the city. Keeney: along with other Commissioners, he expressed concern with lines on a map that may not help define the extent or limits to those three areas; he recommended that these maps be eliminated from the revised Business Plan. Chromy: questioned the importance of having more pad-ready commercial/industrial sites available? Bump: expressed a view of positioning versus reality in Prior Lake, and recommended that the EDA sup- port an expedited city review and approval process for land development more than supporting pad-ready sites; staff should further evaluate this idea. Hedberg: said that staff should return with another revision of the Business Plan for the next EDA meeting based on Commissioner comments. 8.NEW BUSINESS C. Open to Business Program (C. moved to the first New Business item) Rogness: introduced Christine Pigsley, the business advisor for the new business assistance program in Scott County. This program is supported in 2014 by the Scott County CDA, which has been recently imple- mented in Carver and Dakota counties. Pigsley: summarized the program, including its history in the Metropolitan Consortium of Community De- velopers (MCCD) organization in Minneapolis. She will be available one day per week on Tuesday to assist businesses in Scott County. Christine also identified loan financing that is available to businesses on a case-by-case basis. Hedberg: said that there are is a higher proportion of small businesses in Prior Lake that may need this type of service. Keeney: asked whether home-based businesses would be a good potential market to receive assistance. Pigsley: responded yes. 2 Commissioners: thanked Pigsley for her summary; they look forward to her services in Scott County. A. Draft EDA 2013 Annual Report. Rogness: summarized the first draft of the 2013 report, keeping it short and succinct to what activities were accomplished during the past year; the draft is three pages in length. Commissioners: asked that tax base increase possibly be added; a revised draft should be brought back for final review and approval at the next meeting. B. Expand Technology Village Board of Directors McCabe: reviewed a request from the Board members to increase the membership from six to eight; the bylaws allow up to nine members. Their rationale primarily includes having broader business experience in the Board of Directors that would be available to business tenants for advising and mentoring. Keeney: said that there is a trade-off whereby more people on a board may result in it being less effective due to its size. Bump: supported the need for a framework that applies to the Board that defines how to be most effective; he will further ask the Board to define what qualifications they are seeking in new members. MOTION BY CHOUDEK, SECONDED BY KEENEY TO ALLOW THE TECHNOLOGY BOARD OF DIREC- TORS TO EXPAND FROM SIX TO EIGHT MEMBERS AND TO INITIATE THE APPLICATION PROCESS. VOTE: Ayes by Hedberg, Choudek, Keeney, Bump and Chromy. The motion carried. D. Joint Marketing Campaign Hedberg: reviewed the results of a recent lunch meeting held at Mystic Lake related to a joint marketing campaign being proposed with the largest recreation/entertainment facilities in Scott County and the cities of Prior Lake and Shakopee. This effort would provide a broader focus to common amenities in the county, of campaign will be initially led by the resources of Mystic Lake Casino and Hotel. Rogness: said that the EDAC would like to add a Prior Lake marketing initiative Plan, including what is being proposed by Mystic Lake. Hedberg: will report back to the EDA on progress made on this joint effort. E. Technology Village Phase II Business Rogness: distributed a memorandum regarding a potential expansion of an existing Technology Village business, Innovative Computer Professionals (ICP), into Phase II of program. ICP is interested in moving its business from Burnsville to Prior Lake due to its existing presence is Technology Village; the owner, Rick Beers, also lives in Prior Lake. Staff is supporting a possible allocation of all budgeted Phase II lease subsidy allocation ($10,000) to ICP in order to secure at least ten livable wage jobs in Prior Lake. How- ever, that allocation would then not allow the Phase II Business Plan to be implemented to support approxi- mately three new businesses to be in the Technology Village program. Rogness asked for direction from the Board about this issue, including a possible budget amendment request to the EDA. Bump: said that this expansion tells a very good story for Technology Village, growing and expanding a Business Plan. Choudek: supported additional financial subsidies in Phase II since this is exactly what the desired out- come is for Technology Village; she wants to court this business to be in Prior Lake. Bump: supported the Technology Village Board further discussing this item and then bringing it back with a specific request to the EDA related to ICP funding. Rogness: general support of this will be relayed to the Technology Village Board of Directors as they further deliberate financial support to ICP. 9.OTHER BUSINESS 3 A. Draft February 18, 2014 Agenda. Rogness reviewed the draft agenda for February 18, which may also include discussion on a bylaws future change as an employee of Lunds versus his ownership of South Lake Village Grocery. 10. ADJOURNMENT MOTION BY CHROMY, SECONDED BY BUMP TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. With all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 6:19 p.m. ___________________________ Frank Boyles, Executive Director 4