HomeMy WebLinkAbout071904 Work Session16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E.
Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714
Review Comprehensive Plan Meeting Feedback · Area North of CSAH 42
· Annexation Area
· Downtown
Council Direction on the following: · Goals and Objectives
· Medium- and High-Density Residential
· Downtown Dimensions
· Commercial/Residential Mix in Annexation Area
· Monnens Property (Commercial v. Residential)
· Comp Plan Schedule
· Follow Up Meeting
Other Business
4 Adjourn.
~ Please note that the City Council reserves the right to add or delete items from the agenda based
upon time availability.
www. cityofpriorlake, corn
Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245
16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E.
Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714
To: Prior Lake City Council Members
From: Jane Kansier, Planning Director
Re: Comprehensive Plan Update, City Council Work Session, July 19, 2004
Date: July 19, 2004
At the City Council Work Session on July 19, 2004, the staff will update the City
Council on the progress of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. As part of this
update, staff is asking the Council for direction in several aspects of the plan.
The following memorandum briefly discusses the items on the Workshop
Comprehensive Plan Meeting Feedback: The staff has tabulated
comments we received from each of the Comprehensive Plan meetings in
April, 2004. Included as part of the table are suggested responses. We
are asking the Council to review these comments and responses before
we send these out. Our intention is to post the responses on our website,
and to conduct follow-up meetings with the residents in each of these
areas. The follow-up meetings would provide us with the opportunity to
provide the residents with a more specific draft of the plan, as well as
some more specific information to some of the questions raised at the
eadier meetings.
Goals and Objectives: Attached is a draft of the revised goals and
objectives for the Comprehensive Plan. The Council had the opportunity
to review these a few months ago. These are the policies that drive the
plan. We are looking to the Council for direction to ensure we are moving
in the proper direction. We will attempt to summarize these goals and
objectives for discussion on Monday.
Medium and High Density Residential: The Council has stated an
interest in splitting out the Low Density and Medium Density Residential
designations. We can provide the Council with some idea of where these
designations should be located. We would like to hear the Council's ideas
I:~mp2030\7-19 workshop memo.doc www. cityofpriorlake.com
Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245
about this plan. We would also like to know what densities the Council
feels should be Iow, medium and high.
Downtown Dimensions: There has been quite a bit of discussion about
the growth of the downtown area. We would like to discuss what the
Council feels are appropriate boundaries.
Commercial/Residential Mix in the Orderly Annexation Area: The
vast majodty of the Ordedy Annexation Area will be designated as Low
Density Residential. However, it may make sense to include a small
commercial hub along Highway 13, in addition to the existing Industrial
area. We would like to discuss this with the Council.
Monnen's Property: This property is located along Highway 13, directly
west of the Triangle Car Wash and east of Pheasant Meadow. As part of
the CSAH 12 project, the existing commercial buildings will most likely be
purchased for the road realignment and storm water ponding. In addition,
MN DOT has provided the City with a substantial grant to eliminate access
from TH 13. In light of this, does it make sense to maintain this 10 acre
area as commercial, when access will be through residential areas?
Comprehensive Plan Schedule: The attached schedule identifies the
progress on the consultant reports. Most of these reports are on
schedule. The most significant set back is a result of the staff being
unable to provide the consultant with necessary information. We will also
provide a proposed hearing schedule.
Follow-Up Meetings: We would like the Council's direction about the
format and the information we should provide at future public meetings.
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/ { Forn~tted: Font: t2 pt
GOAL: ,HOUSING. QUALITY AN.D DIVERSITY.. ......................................... '_" .i Oele~d: AND ENVIRONMENT
Encourage the development of suitable housing in a desirable environment.
OBJECTIVE No. 1: Provide opportunities for a variety of affordable high quality
a. Codes and ordinances relating to development, redevelopment, and
maintenance of housing shall be adopted and periodically reviewed to
ensure specific direction is provided regarding affordable uses in each
district and regarding minimum development standards.
b. Review annually the current and planned programs of the Scott County
Housing and Redevelopment Authority. EL, xp lore~ _ _ innovative__: ....... and._ _uni_ [qjue .... ...... f RomanF°rmatted:Not BoldF°nt: Times New
.public and private partnerships that may foster a wide variew of single L_' .... _ ...............................
purpose and mixed-use housing/commercial/public developments with
the Scott County HR.A. Utilize the tools of the City's EDA/HRA to
Cooperate with the Scott County HRA where appropriate.
c. Maintain development standards and housing policies that allow for low
and moderate cost housing opportunities.
d. Develop and consider for adoption a code enforcement program for
existing housing.
e. Develop and maintain regulations that permit a mix of housing types,
sizes and price ranges to be provided throughout the City.
OBJECTIVE No. 2: Maintain a choice of and encourage development of quality
residential environments.
a. Maintain a variety of residential densities (dwelling units per acre).
b. Ensure that public services and on-site improvements are completed at
the time of residential development.
c. The burden of a satisfactory transition from one density or dwelling type
to another,rests Mth.the deve!oper' seeking.deve!0pment p!anapproval: .~....- '[ Oeleted: is the
d. Discourage new leapfrog residential subdivisions in isolated areas that -~r Deleted: either develop into a viable
have little or no potential to connect with ,an .established neighborhood: ..... / --[ neighborhood or to assimilate with
e. Consideration of development plans for multiple dwellings in areas so
designated on the Land Use Guide Plan should include the following
design-related items:
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(1)New developments should not isolate existing single family
dwellings by inhibiting pedestrian and/or vehicular access.
(2) New development completely surrounded by single family
dwellings, should be discouraged in favor of large scale planned unit
developments which are more conducive to a mix of housing styles
with shared amenities.
(3) There should be convenient access to collector and arterial streets
and to available transit ~o to not unduly contribute to congestion on
local residential streets.
(4)Large common open areas may provide an effective transitional use
to other uses.
(5)Location near permanent public and private open spaces may
compensate for the impact of the higher density.
Create and enhance neighborhoods that provide parks and open spaces,
public access to natural amenities located on and adjacent to the site, and
pedestrian linkages throughout and among adjacent neighborhoods.
......................................... -- ~ Deleted' I
Preserve and.incorporate historical and natural features to the maximum .~ ~ ......... .._ .................................. _~
feasible extent.
,Av0id..designs that. is01ate..neighborhoods.. Provide tmffi~ or pedestrian~,· ...... D~,etea: <#>~'roviac ~acstd~n acc~s~
to commercial and industrial centers,
circulation within and between developments. ,. ?_ubli___c lan.__._ds,__and schools.¶
Avoid or mitigate encroachment by incompatible land uses,ti!at .can. have ..... ............... Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
a negative impact on the residential living environment. Mitigation -'~i~'~' which
measures include, but are not limited to, the use of open space, berms,
dense landscaping vegetation, and similar buffers.
· Allow higher density multiple dwelling housing in areas within close
proximity of existing support services and facilities, and where there is
adequate access to collector and arterial streets.
Ensure new development includes design features such as buffering,
screening, and spatial separation from collector and arterial streets; and
from anticipated adverse environmental impacts including, but not
limited to, noise and air pollution.
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I. Link neighborhoods to each other, and to parks, schools and commercial
centers via local streets or pedestrian trails.
m. Ensure subdivisions are designed to avoid direct private drive access
from and to major collector and arterial streets.
n...Promote innovative subdivision design and housing products through the
use of the planned unit development process and similar techniques.
o. Avoid locating high density housing to primarily serve as a buffer or as a
land use suited for absorbing negative impacts of adjacent land uses.
High density housing should only be developed in those areas near
support and commercial services.
p..Code enforcement shall be used to keep .!!!ega[ ..uses...and physi~al ............ I De~et~d: <#>Support development
...................................................................................... ~ designs that arc tailored to
deterioration from compromising the value and integrity of the housing /environmentally sensitive areas
stock within the community. / conta~g ~ugg~,opo~phy,
[ and woodlands.¶
q. Parking lots shall be screened to reduce the impact upon adjacent uses.
Privatization of natural and historic features should be regulated to
promote neighborhood identity and to allow the community to share the
inherent value of prominent features.
Neighborhoods and other land uses should be planned and developed in
accordance with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Development
proposals shall be thoroughly reviewed and evaluated to determine
consistency with City plans and policies.
t. Proposed revisions to the Land Use Guide Plan and requests for major
extensions of public services or utilities to accommodate the proposed
development and land uses shall be considered only after a thorough
review and analysis of the City public facilities plans, potential
environmental impacts, and merits of the changes.
u. Development shall be conducted in a manner that is sensitive to the
impact upon natural features and to environmental constraints, including
but not limited to surface water, wetlands, slopes, woodlands,
vegetation, drainage ways, shorelands, and flood plain areas.
v. City policies and official controls shall provide opportunities for
development of housing for all segments of the population.
Support development desi.gms that are tailored to environmentally sensitive areas containing
rugged topography, wetlands, and woodlands.
OBJECTIVE No. 1: Provide suitable passive open space for the preservation of
the natural environment and the enioyment of residents.
Deleted: OBJECTIVE No. 3: Provide
suitable passive open space for thc
preservation of the natural environment
and the enjoyment of residents.¶
<#>Retain natural ponding areas and
wetlands, as appropriate.¶
<#>Promote platting of large planned
unit developments.¶
a. Retain natural ponding areas and wetlands, as appropriate.
b. Encourage platting of large planned unit developments.
............. [ Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
OBJECTIVE No. 2: Provide for conservation and protection of the natural
a. Provide adequate regulations to prevent the development or existence of- ..... I Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
any industrial or commercial endeavor which will, through its operation,
create a hazard to the environment.
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b. Require all developers to retain the natural environment as much as
possible such as the preservation of desirable trees, shrubs, land forms,
wetlands, and ponding areas.
c. Effectively and uniformly regulate the development of structures and
other land uses in or near flood plain and drainage areas.
d. Require that any waste disposal or processing facility meets or exceeds
all federal, state, and local requirements, and be located in an area which
will not jeopardize future development of the City.
e. Require adequate storage and containment of waste and refuse materials.
f. Encourage full participation in public and private recycling programs.
g. Develop and maintain City property, parks and playfields i.n an
environmentally responsible and aesthetically pleasing manner.
OBJECTIVE No. 3: Provide for conservation mad protection of the lakes and
su.dhce water.
a. ,AdoPt.and implem.ent a. plan t0..in~prpYesurfhce, water, qualitY., *
b. Adopt and implement a Comprehensive Lake Management Plan for
Prior Lake and other lakes within the City cooperatively with the
Watershed District.
c. Adopt a program which ensures an acceptable level of lake access
parking and responsible lake utilization.
d. Implement a groundwater plan emphasizing production, conservation,
education, communication, and landscape maintenance.
e. Participate with the Prior Lake-Spring lake watershed District in
developing and implementing a land management program for upstream
st0ragex- _~ ~ .* ] Formatted: Font: Times New
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Pursue a prudent use of available resources and the optimum functioning of economic
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Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering
Style: a, b, c .... + Start at: 1 +
Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.5" +
Tab after: 1.75" + Indent at: 1.75",
Don~ hyphenate, Tabs: -0.5", Left +
0", LeE + 0.5", Left + 1", Left +
1.5", Left
OBJECTIVE No. 1: Determine and strive for a balance of commerce, industry,
and population.
a. Maintain the amount of publicly held tax exempt land at a reasonable
level commensurate with City needs; and, monitor the amount of tax
exempt land held by others within the City's jurisdiction for periodic
b..,_Cooperate, where appropriate, with the Scott County ..Hc..R;.A, private-'~/~
explore, budget, and purchase tax exempt,parcels through the use of land ....
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banking and equity investment techniques to redevelop them in a joint
thshion so the land may be more productive and economically viable.
c..Establish a range..pf, th{¢ .mininmm .and max~mum..amounts of-industrial ......... [ Deleted: Set the
and commercial (office, service, retail) development desired.
OBJECTIVE No. 2: Encourage a diversified economic base and a broad range of
employment opportunities.
Deleted: <#>Develop and m~ta~ a
method for determining and evaluating
fiscal impact of adherence to guide plans,
policies, and programs.¶
<#>Develop and maintain a mcthod for
dctcrmining and evaluating fiscal impact
of departures from establishcd guide
plans, policies, and programs.¶
Comprehensive Plan 2020 Update
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a. Encourage a mixture and diversity of industrial and commercial land
uses that will remain relatively stable under changing economic
b. Identify the services needed to attract and retain commerce and industry.
c. Services provided by the City should be within the fiscal and financial
capacity of the City. including the prudent use of debt.
d. Establish and maintain an economic development and redevelopment
program through support of the Economic Development Authority and
its goals:
(1) ,Develop a basic and straightforward 3-Year Strategic Plan for the ..-*f Deleted: Eneourage andprovideforthe
~'i~y"'c~i/prio~ '~i~ ~DX', I revitalization of the City through the
Idevelopment or redevelopment of
! existing and new commercial and
(2) ,When in conformance with the City's Comprehensive Land Use [industrialareas.
Pian's "and"-t;¢~;a'li- 'g~l~/p~i'i~i~}"-c'0h~i~l~r" htiiilz'i~i~ '~l~e ~v~r's'--0i~ -- "'[ Deleted: Increase employment
eminent domain/condemnation with the City EDA and Scott ~opportunities.
County HRA on projects that serve a public or a public/private
(3) ~U_tiJ. i_z._e _th._e _rec_o_m_ _m_en_d_a_ti_o_ns_ _of_ _th_e_ _M_ c_Cz o_m_ b_s_ _G_ro_u_p _r_eEo_r[. 9_n .... . ....... [ Deleted: Strengthen the City tax base.
retail/service/office potential dated JanuaD' 2004 as the basis for
future decisions and the development of policies/plans affecting
future commercial and industrial development.
(4) Support broad-scale community development activities using
available and appropriate financing to fund the public redevelopment
e. Establish a theme for positive identification for redevelopment of
existing commercial areas in focal locations including, but not limited to,
Gateway, Downtown, and Priordale. Utilize the city downtown plans
titled "Downtown Development Guide" developed by the Hoisin~on
Koegler Gro'up dated June 2000 as a guide to Downtown
redevelopment and investment.
f. Estabhsh a joint marketing plan and program with the Shakopee
Mdewakanton Dakota Community and with the tourist industry in
adjacent cities. Work with the Prior Lake Area Chamber of Commerce
and the City of Prior Lake EDA to develop the plan and fund its
Page 5
implementation through collaborative and cooperative
OBJECTIVE No. 3: Promote sound land use.
a. Maintain a current City Comprehensive Land Use Guide Plan and Map.
b. Prepare and maintain official maps including, but not limited to: zoning,
transportation system, utilities, parks and mils, Shoreland Management
and Flood Plain areas, and existing land uses.
c. Industrial and commercial uses should be consolidated in planned areas.
d. Reserve sufficient space on arterial roads for neighborhood, community,
and regional commercial centers.
e. Industrial and commercial centers should interface with the community
rather than be developed solely to capture vehicular traffic that happens
to travel through the city.
f. New development should contribute to the function and success of the
adjacent neighborhoods and the community.
OBJECTIVE No. 4: Maintain high standards in the promotion and development
of commerce and industry.
a. Encourage, regulate, and promote non-polluting and aesthetically
pleasing commercial and industrial development.
b. Develop and support adequate uniform inspection policies and effective
enforcement procedures.
c. Encourage maintenance of commercial and industrial $i.te.s and ........... [I}elet~d:self-policingandmaintenance1
structures. [ of
d. Maintain proper physical site screening and landscaping standards.
e. Develop and maintain traffic pattems keeping industrial and commercial
traffic clear of residential areas.
f. .Discourage maior use of outside storage. Where outside storage is ........ -[~ormatt~: Bullets and Numbering
pemfitted, protect the appearance of the surrounding area through the use
of screening materials including fencing, berms and landscaping.
g. Encourage building materials and desi.ens that hold value and appreciate,
rather than rapidly depreciate over time.
Ensure the security of individuals, human rights, and property.
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OBJECTIVE No. 1: Ensure fair and impartial hearings and application of
a. All ordinances must be developed and enforced in the public interest.
b. The Comprehensive Plan should be subject to reviews and evaluations at
least every five years, to ensure the elements are current in terms of
adopted policies, development trends, and statutory requirements.
c. Ordinances, codes, and policies should be maintained through regular
review, evaluation, and, when warranted, revisions or repeal, to avoid
obsolescence and ineffectiveness.
d. City ordinances shall be enforced by the City staff in an equitable and
uniform manner.
e. Variances from City ordinances, codes, and regulations may be made
only after study, and after appropriate hearings, in accordance with
established variance standards and criteria.
f. Ensure adequate public hearings prior to the adoption of land use
ordinances and regulations.
OBJECTIVE No. 2: Provide rational transition for compliance with new standards
when a change in ordinance or land use classification is necessary.
a. Plan development of the City so that it occurs in a reasonable and
functional fashion.
Ordinances and zoning changes should be applied in a logical manner
allowing sufficient time for those individuals directly affected by the
ordinance or zoning change to comply.
c. Discourage and/or prohibit the following:
(1) "Spot" guiding and zoning with disregard of adopted standards and
criteria, to satisfy special interests.
(2) Reguiding or rezoning of land uses in unserviced and/or future
development areas when adequate zoned land is available in serviced
areas of the City.
(3) Urban development beyond existing utility service areas.
d. Transition between radically different land uses should be accomplished
on the developer's property or by a natural boundary, an arterial or
collector road, and/or through adequate landscaping.
OBJECTIVE No. 3: Enact and maintain policies and ordinances to ensure the
public safety, health, and welfare.
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a. Effectively deliver basic public services which protect and preserve the
community and its residents; including police; fire prevention and fire
fighting; public health and environmental protection; protective
inspection; public works and engineering; planning; parks and
recreation; and, administrative and financial services.
b.Provide adequate buildings, facilities and equipment for all City
c. Provide the following facilities and services:
(1) A planned transportation system.
(2) Adequate lighting for,rp_ad_ s- _an_d_i_nt_e_rs_ec_ti_'qn_s: .................
(3) Optimum traffic regulatory signage and equipment at the level
required by law and conducive to a balance of traffic volume, speed,
and safety.
(4) .Clear visibility of major intersections and often-used driveways- ..... {he,etna: <#>An adequatesidewalk
/ system paralleling arterials and major
through the plan approval process and code enforcement. ,,
(5) Requirements for parking lot lighting, l, Formattad: Bullets and Numbering
(6) A safe and adequate potable water supply and distribution system.
(7) An adequate program against accumulation of toxic weeds and
diseased trees.
.- '[ Deleted: <#>Minimize exposure of
(8) _,Require a high..standard.0f.des!gn. andmaterials f0r..a!l..styuctu[es~ ......... ~ p,destrans to undesirable conditions.
(9) Maintain optimum road conditions.
d.Develop an emergency and disaster plan and maintain this through
suitable training and practice alerts.
e. Encourage the development of health facilities and support services,
including access to regional care centers.
f. Explore techniques which ensure effective public services.
g. Promote proactive rather than reactive public safety measures through
regular preparation of a five-year public safety strategic plan.
h. ,Encourage the consideration of appropriate ,public safety controb-. ...... IDelet~d:<g>Workcooperativelywith
............ : ................. · ................................. : .................; ............... · ............. ~"; ............. '" the school district to determine the
measures ~n the design and construction ofpubhc and private bml&ngs.
of the
"'"~ / population and develop safe walking
routes to school as needed ¶
OBJECTIVE No. 4: Enact and maintain policies and ordinances to ensure the
Formatted Bullets and Numbenng
safety and preservation of property. ",.'[ : '
[Deleted: cdme
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a. Require high standards of design and materials used for all stmctures~
but allow some relaxation of these standards in Industrial locations that
may be less visible~ -- '~ '[ Deleted:.
b. Maintain effective inspection services to ensure compliance with
development and building codes.
c. Ensure that all properties and structures are adequately maintained.
d. Provide for fees to recover cost of development and preservation
e. Identify in advance the need for redevelopment of existing residential
structures and plan for such action.
f- ,N0nconforming!and uses should be eli~minated.0y~r..fim~.. .............. 41, --
g. Develop and maintain communications with school district to ensure
proper location of educational structures.
h. ,Require.. the....burial.., of...telephone ._ md. electdq ... m!.d.....cable....seryice~)
distribution lines with new development, and over time, as above-ground ~
facilities are replaced. ~ ~
i. Prohibit outside storage without adequate screening from neighbors and '
public view. ,',
Deleted: <#>¶
<#>OBSECTIVE No. ~: Provide for
conservation and protection of the natural
<#>Pmvide adequate regulations to
prevent the development or existence of
any industrial or commercial endeavor
which will, through its operation, create a
hazard to the environment.¶
<#>Require all developers to retain thc
natural environment as much as possible
such as the preservation of desirable
aces, shrubs, land forms, swamps, and
ponding areas.¶
<#>Effectively and uniformly regulate
the development of structures and other
land uses in or near flood plain and
drainage areas.¶
Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
Deleted: <#>Requir~ that any waste
disposal or processing facility meets or
exceeds ali federal, state, and local
requirements, and be located in an area
which will not jeopardize future
development of the City.¶
Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
Deleted: <#>Requirc adequate storage
and containment of waste and refuse
<#>Encourage full participation in public
and private recycling programs.¶
Comprehensive Plan 2020 Update
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Plan for access to and movement of people, goods, and services.
OBJECTIVE No. 1: Provide for a safe, balanced intercity transportation system to
achieve quick and convenient access to the rest of the Metropolitan Area, the airport
and rural Minnesota.
Vehicular Traffic Flow
a. Classify and design city streets and highways to serve specific functions
in accordance with sound traffic engineering principles.
b. Cooperate with County and State jurisdictions to keep through-traffic on
arterials at minimum disruption of local circulation and residents.
c. Maintain standards of land use at intersections to avoid congesting
arterial interchanges with circulation of local traffic.
d. Require new plats to demonstrate a continuity of street patterns and
street access to adjacent parcels within proposed neighborhoods.
e. Require arterial and major collector access without use of neighborhood
streets for high density and high intensity use concentrations.
f. Access to arterials and major collectors shall be by public street only.
g. Establish a minimum interval between arterial highway interchanges and
local intersections and private driveways which is consistent with
reasonable traffic engineering standards.
h. Where possible, encouraee the use of private streets in developments ......... [ Format't~l: Bullets and Numbering
utilizing homeowners associations to maintain these streets.
i. Plan for and provide public access to public waters with a minimum
impact upon residents.
Pedestrian Access
j. Require pedestrian and limited vehicular access to neighborhood parks ......... I r~rmatt~l: Bullets and numbenng }
and vehicle access and parking areas to community playfields and City
parks from minor arterials or major collectors.
(1) Provide for low maintenance natural greenway trail systems for
recreational purposes from which all motor vehicles are banned.
(2) Provide for availability and maintenance of surfaced walkways
between major activity centers.
(3) Restrict use of motorized vehicle activities to appropriate limited
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k. Elementary schools should be located on at least minor collector streets ......... [ Formatted-' Bullets and Numbering
and afford maximum pedestrian access and safe efficient vehicle and bus
Junior high or middle schools should be located on at least minor arterial
streets and provide a balance of safe access for pedestrians and vehicles.
High schools should be located at intersections of at least minor arterial
streets for a higher degree of vehicle access as well as safe pedestrian
~Aviation ......................................................................................
n. Support safety standards consistent with State Aeronautic Regulations,
for landing float planes on lakes.
o. Ensure land use plans and regulations are consistent with applicable
State Regulations as to height of structures.
p. Monitor any new airport proposals and regional aeronautic activities to
determine potential impact upon City residents and commerce.
Deleted: <#>A trail system should be
developed in a manner that provides
access within and among neighborhoods,
business districts, schools, churches, and
park lands, and which promotes
pedestrian and non-motorized vehicle
safety near high volume roadways. ¶
q. Provide access to public waters through plans and programs developed
in conjunction with the Lake Advisory Committee and with other
agencies with jurisdiction.
r. Promote adoption and enforcement of water safety standards.
Mass Transit
s. Identify and promote use of appropriate locations for transfer stations
including, but not limited to, "Park-and-Ride" lots.
t. Consider provision for mass transit vehicle access and circulation during
review of development and redevelopment plans for employment centers
and high density residential projects.
u.Encourage routes and schedules that meet current citizens' needs and
anticipate future requirements.
v. Work with Metropolitan Council and other communities to promote a
public transportation system which is responsive to the needs of all
communities and equitable with respect to services delivered and
revenues collected.
w.Promote public participation and cooperation in transit planning,
promotion, and delivery.
x.Investigate and experiment with various modes of transit and traffic
demand management techniques.
-. "'~I Deleted: <#>Encourage transit service
"[ for the city in proportion to taxes paid to
OBJECTIVE No. 2: Maintain orderly development of and access to utilities, regional transit authorities.¶
Comprehensive Plan 2020 Update
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a. Require that land proposed for urban development ~ se~ed_.wi~h al! .......... [l~leted: be
municipal utilities, i.e., do not extend sewer to new lands unless sewer,
water and storm drainage can be developed concurrently.
b. Extend utilities only to areas contiguous with existing utility service
boundaries, in accordance with approved growth and capital
improvement plans.
c. ~pnc.ept~t~ ..fgture~ pg!¢!ic .ufi!ity.. ~5.t~n._s!0n.s... tg_ ![h0~e .area~ ...w..~er~ ..a~
inadequate supply of land serviced by public utilities remains.
d. Cooperate with the school district to promote development of utilities
and land in the direction of future school sites so utilities are available
when schools are to be built.
e. Make maximum use of surface drainage ways and ponding, rather than
closed-pipe systems for storm drainage.
f. Identify those areas that should be included in the MUSA and which
could be included within the existing capacity of interceptors and
treatment facilities; develop and maintain a planned program of
servicing these areas as the supply of serviced land diminishes.
g. Identify those areas ,where local extension of utilities is consistent with
the expansion of th'e-' n~eh. OpOli'tan 'waste· "management.`` syst~ 'and
develop and maintain a,schedule so the local plans can be coordinated .......
with the expansion of metr°Politan'facilitieSl
Monitor the use of the metropolitan sewer facilities in the City by other
jurisdictions and the status of the capacity of the facilities that is and
could be available for development.
Deleted: Determine land usc catcgorics
within the Metropolitan Urban Service
Area (MUSA) where an inadequate
supply of land serviced by public utilities
remains, and c
Deleted: according to the Land Use
Guide Plan Map.
Deleted: that should be included in the
MUSA over time
Deleted: tentative
OBJECTIVE No. J,..:....KEep... abre .ast.' of. .deve!0pmems .in ...c0mmunicati0n~ ...and
information technology and potential impacts on city development.
a. Periodically assess technological developments which could impact on
City development.
b. Adapt and utilize where possible technological innovations which
enhance community quality and increase the effectiveness of City
,It ....... GOAL:...HUMAN DEVELOPMENT ............................................................ . .-' 'I Del.ted: E
Create an environment in which all citizens have the opportunity to develop their full
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OBJECTIVE No. 1: Encourage the development of a broad range of educational
and learning opportunities for persons of all ages.
a. Coordinate with the school district in school site selection.
b. Encourage joint development and utilization of education, recreation,
and social service facilities and services.
c. ,1}_n_c_o_ur_ag_e _th_e_l_oc_a_ti_o_n_of pr_e_sc_h_o_ol _an_d_ d_ay_c_a_re_ f_a_ci_li_ti_es_ i_n_t_he_ _vi_ci_n_ity~_ ~...
of major activity and employment centers.
OBJECTIVE No. 2: Promote leisure time opportunities and experiences which are
rewarding for the individual and families.
-,,,'~,l Deleted: <#>A library should be
retained within thc City unless an
affordable regional facility can be
" provided elsewhere that provides equal or
better service.¶
Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
a. Establish and maintain a comprehensive park and trail systems plan;
efforts should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and recreation
industry objectives.
b. Park construction and maintenance should be aggressive and completed
in a timely fashion.
c. Develop a year-round system of recreation programs which appeals to all
citizens of the community.
d. Periodically conduct research and surveys to identify cost effective ways
of responding to community leisure needs.
e. Major sites for park and recreation purposes should be acquired in
advance of their actual need to assure a desirable location in relation to
the area to be served.
f. Establish and maintain a park and open space land dedication policy for
new subdivisions.
g. Acquisition and development of land for parks and trails should take into
consideration potential conflicts with adjacent land uses and on-going
maintenance costs.
h. City funds should be available for land acquisition in those cases where
the Comprehensive Park Plan requires more open space than the
developer is required to dedicate.
Neighborhood Level
i. Each neighborhood identified by this Plan should contain a centrally
located park within walking distance of all homes, oriented to small
child and parent activities rather than to organized athletic activities:
Comprehensive Plan 2020 Update
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Facilities should be jointly shared with elementary schools where
possible. Programs should reflect consideration of neighborhood needs
and desires and should take maximum advantage of site capabilities.
Community Level
k. ,Major open spaces.should be planned and pr0yided, .n0twi[hstandingL~
facilities owned or planned by other jurisdictions, and the plans should
incorporate a variety of natural physical elements though not necessarily
within every park area. "
1. ~.. !.oc.a.t/.o.n...and ...size .pema~t~ .~.ne!ghbg[h. o0d.., p~rk.., f. ac!!!ties..., can.., be., '
incorporated into the design and development of a community park.
A large nature-study preserve should be provided, possibly, though not
necessarily as part of a City park. Small neighborhood preserves should
be acquired through the land development process.
,The pyeser~ati0n ...and....treatment...of.. 9pcn space shall ..be. a.. _. major..
consideration in planning and review of all types of development within
the City.
OBJECTIVE No. 3: Anticipate the development of preventative, corrective, and
rehabilitative facilities and programs by appropriate agencies, and plan for non-local
facilities on a regional "fair-share" basis.
a. Encourage development of youth activity facilities which are properly
b. Support properly structured drag abuse and chemical dependency
treatment programs.
c. Coordinate closely with other jurisdictions and agencies regarding the
operation of institutions for corrections and social rehabilitation.
Deleted: <It>Major public open space
and activity centers should be made
available within each quadrant of the
City, not only for environmental contrast
and passive recreation, but for those
major organized active recreation and
indoor group programs which cannot
practically be conducted at school
~ormattad: Bullets and Numbering
Deleted: <#>Since the passive open
space involved in City parks should be
oriented to the unique natural features of
the land which help establish the
character for each quadrant of the city, a
central location in each quadrant for City
open space is not essential.¶
Deleted: <#>A system oftrailways
should be developed in the City to link
major areas of interest with special
attention given to separation of
pedestrian and bicycle traffic from
vehicular traffic.¶
<#>The City should make plans to either
acquire or develop desired facilities
which happen to be privately owned as
principal uses, rather than assuming those
recreation facilities will continue.¶
OBJECTIVE No. 4: Make the development and enhancement of a sense of
community and a sense of place an explicit public policy.
a. Support individuals seeking to deal with human and support services
affecting City residents.
b. Encourage voluntary organizations seeking to develop parmerships
linking community needs with resources within the community.
c. Encourage the formation of homeowner associations, athletic
associations, civic groups, and other voluntary associations whose
objectives are to strengthen and improve the opportunities for all people
to participate in community and govemmental affairs.
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d. Develop and encourage mechanisms to improve communications and
information exchange among individuals, neighborhoods, voluntary
associations and the City govemment.
(1) Provide individuals with greater opportunity to participate and exert
an impact on decision-making and the way elected officials exercise
power, e.g., town meetings, accessibility to elected officials via voice
messaging, cable cast of meetings.
(2) Encourage confidence in and understanding about the democratic
principles of self-govemment.
(3) Conduct community attitude surveys periodically to assist in budget
and policy development.
(4) Conduct at least one city-wide annual event involving planning and
execution by community groups.
(5) Identify a plan for maintaining ongoing communication between
community groups and the City.
(6) Communicate the strategic plan components and its regular update to
residents so that it will remain a living document and will receive
regular review, update, and publicity.
(7) Elicit a means of involving neighborhoods in City affairs.
e. Encourage public and private cooperation through both formal and
informal parmerships to meet specific needs and to foster new ideas.
f. Encourage the private sector to promote the City's identity and quality of
Support participation by elected and appointed City officials in
community service and promotive organizations.
Install al'rival monuments and directional signs on arterial roads at the
major gateways to the City so that community amenities can be easily
Foster intergovernmental cooperation.
(1) Participate in and consider, where appropriate and where
economies of scale can be applied, ioint collaborative development
projects, with 'the Scott County HRA, State of Minnesota, Federal
Government, and Shakopee Dakota Community to foster economic
development, housing, and overall community development and
redevelopment pro]ects~ ...............................
Develop public infrastructure for the efficient provision of municipal services.
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Deleted: Monitor and participate in
activities sponsored by adjacent
communities, Scott County, Metropolitan
Council, and the State.
Deleted: <#>Focus on government-to-
government relationship between the
Shakopee Mdewakanton Dakota
Community and the City.¶
<#>Communicate the Strategic Plan and
the Comprehensive Plan to the Shakopee
Mdewakanton Dakota Community, the
County, and adjacent municipalities, and
identify opportunities for collaboration.¶
O'i~IECTIVE No. 1: Provide well-maintained streets~ water distributions systems~
sewage systems, and other municipal services.
a. Establish and maintain a Capital Improvements Program for the ........ ~ronnatt~: Bullets and ~lumberin§ 1
development and maintenance of infrastructure.
b. Establish pavement management .mfidelines.
c. Ensure specifications for the construction of inti'astructure are in
accordance with Best Management Practices.
d. Encourage cooperative agreements and projects with other governmental
e. Establish equitable distribution of cost participation between individuals
and community.
f. Establish a water treatment facility.
g. Support redevelopment of civic buildings and plants.
Define the City's ultimate boundaries and develop a plan for establishing those boundaries.
OBJECTIVE No. 1: Work with surrounding cities, townships and the County to
collaboratively address urban expansion questions.
a. Prior to initiating future annexations, evaluate the impact of such action ............ [ ~-orm~tt~d: Bullets and Numberin§ 1
on the financial position of the City.
b. Ensure that all development that occurs in the annexation area is
consistent with CounW standards before annexation and with City of
Prior Lake standards after annexation.
c. Identify in advance the Comprehensive Planning and Zoning tbr acreage
to be annexed.
d. Identify and preserve through Comprehensive Planning and Zoning
acreage, for future commercial, school, park and residential expansion
e. Schedule infrastructure improvements and revenue availability in the
Capital Improvement Program in accordance with the annexation
schedule in the Orderly Annexation Agreement.
,GOAL: EFFICIENCY IN GOVERNMENT .... -.-~ ~ormatt~d: Font: Bold
OBJECTIVE No. 1: ~_Continually eX-pic~r~"'means and ;pp0rtunities 't0-devei'0p~ [ r~rmattea: Indent: Left: 1
partnerships with other units of government, citizens, businesses and other entities ..... [ I~ormatted: Font: Not Bold
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that will result in a more cost-effect:ive means of delivering services to the City's
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16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E.
Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714
UPDATED: 07/13/04
Land Use Map 10/15/03 4/15/04 Staff time Staff
New draft to be prepared
after Council direction
Land Use text 11/15/03 4/30/04 Staff time Staff
Storm water 11/18/03 12/01/04 $110,390 Eng. Staff/BRAA
management Water Quality/Trunk IN PROCESS/ON
funds/Grant S CHE D ULE
About lA done - BRAA is
completing wetland rating
and inventory
Protection 1/15/04 1/30/04 Staff time Staff
element DONE
Housing 1/1/04 3/15/04 $ 3,500 HKgI
element Planning budget DRAFT COMPLETE
Aggregate 12/01/03 4/15/04 Staff Planning/Engineering
Transportation 2/15/04 8¢4-5¢04 $29,500 SRF
element 9/1/04 Collector street fund IN PROCESS
Staff meeting with SRF
Sanitary sewers In 06/15/04 $15,356 BRAA/Staff
Plan progress Trunk reserve DRAFT REPORT DONE
Staff is reviewing
Water supply 12/17/03 7¢t--5¢04 $59,500 Staff/WSB
Plan 10/1/04 Trunk reserve IN PROCESS
Staff has given information
to consultant
Parks/Open 2/15/04/ 7/! 5/04 $10,000 Staff/Ingraham
space Plan 9/1/04 Capital parks fund IN PROCESS
Wellhead 11/18/03 03¢t-5¢04 $8,500 Mak/Barr Engineering
protection Plan 10/1/04 Trunk reserve IN PROCESS
www. cityofpriorlake, com
l:\comp2030\comprehensive pla~l~gdnaete~l)~.-~:~o~30 / Fax 952.447.4245 1
Official controls 05/15/04 7/15/04 Staff time Staff
CIP 03/01/04 06/01/04 Staff time Staff
Housing 05/15/04 07/! 5/04 Staff time Staff
Implementation 9/1/04
2004 11/01/03 2/15/04 Staff time Staff/Jane
annexation Underway DONE
areas P.C.
amendment OK11/24/
Economic study 8/15/03 10/31/03 $33,795 McComb Group Ltd.
Draft Planning and Econ. DONE
complete Dev. budget
l:\comp2030\comprehensive plan update2OO2-2OO4.doc 2