HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 1216200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E.
Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714
MONDAY, MAY 12, 2003
6:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Meetin,q Minutes.
a. Approval of April 14, 2003 Meeting Minutes
Old Business
a. Dance Studio Request for Bids Update
b. Adopt-a-Park Program
c. 2004 - 2008 Capital Improvement Program
New Business
a. Skate Park and Beach Openings
b. Summer Program Review
Future Meetinq Date
a. June 9, 2003
6. Adiournment.
Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245
APRIL 14, 2003
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, April 14, 2003, at the
Maintenance Facility. Members present were Pat McFaddden, Tom Borger, Mike
Feriancek, and Lori Helgestad. Ruth Harris was absent. Also in attendance were
Councilmember Liaison Andrea BIomberg, Parks Maintenance Supervisor Al Friedges,
Recreation Supervisor Chris Esser and Assistant City Manager Susan Walsh.
Approval of March 10, 2003 Meetin_q Minutes: MOTION by Helgestad to approve the
March 10, 2003 Meeting Minutes. Second by McFadden. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0.
Dance Studio Request for Bids Process and Timeline: Walsh advised the City
Council approved the Request for Bids packet at the Apnl 7, 2003 Council Meeting. The
bid due date is April 28th, and the City Council will consider awarding the bid at one of
the May Council meetings.
Park Trails/Basketball Courts Bid Approval: Parks Supervisor Friedges reviewed the
trails that will be installed this year which will include Green Oaks Park, Glynwater Park,
Memorial Park, Hass Lake and Indian Ridge Park. The basketball court will be installed
at Glynwater Park. The city received 11 bids for the aggregate material and bituminous
work with the Iow bid submitted by Bituminous Materials in the amount of $67,006.50.
The Hass Park trail will include a floating boardwalk that will be 800 feet long and 8 feet
wide and will' be installed by city maintenance staff. This one is similar to the boardwalk
at Lakefront !Park. Costs for subgrade preparation, black dirt, silt fence, design,
construction and installation of the floating boardwalk are estimated at $87,993.50. The
total cost of $155,000 for these projects will be expended from the Capital Improvement
Lakefront park Gazebo Update: This project started approximately two weeks ago,
and park maintenance staff members are .making good progress on it.
Park Appurtenant Ecluipment for 2003: Friedges reviewed the various park
appurtenant equipment that was authorized by Council to purchase and install this
summer. These projects inClude: volleyball court at Lakefront Park; batting cage at
Memorial Park; outfield netting on fields 3, 5 and 6 at Ponds; trees; tables; benches;
drinking fountain at the skatepark and new player benches at Ponds Park. Additional
bleachers will be purchased and will conform to all new safety regulations.
Adopt a Park Proqram: Staff is working ~on this project and should have something for
the committee at the next meeting. ~
Tennis Courts: The committee members concurred that this item should stay on the
table as a viable project to be included in the Capital Improvement Program. Friedges
will finalize the costs for tl~e two courts. The Crest Water Tower site was considered as
a possible site.
Street Snow Plowing Routes: Staff is still gathering information from other cities and
will bring this item to the committee for discussion this summer.
i ·
Concessions Status: Esser provided an update to the concession operation 'at The
Ponds and Thomas Ryan Memorial Park for the summer. P.L.A.Y. and St. Michael's
Church have negotiated to operate the concession stand at both facilities as a
fundraiser for their organizations. St. Michael's will operate the small concession stand
located adjacent to the lower four softball fields at The Ponds during the weekday
evenings and P.L.A.Y. will operate the upper concession stand for their tournaments on
the weekends. P.L.A.Y. has also agreed to operate the concession stand at Thomas
Ryan Memorial Park at scheduled activity and game times throughout the summer
Chair Feriancek asked if the Soccer Club had been contacted regarding concession
operations. Esser stated he would contact Mr. Loose to discuss concession operation
possibilities for the future even though it seems to be finalized for this season with
P.L.A.Y. and St. Michael's.
Park and Trail Fee Study: Osmundson advised that the City Council at its April 7
meeting approved modifications to the cu,rrent park dedication fees and the associated
policy. Parkdedication fees or dedicated =land are acquired from new development and
are used to pay for new acquisition and improvements of parks and trails. Osmundson
identified areas in the city that have been .targeted for new parks and trails. The recent
study determined that $16.5 million will be required for park acquisition and development
attributable to new growth and therefore it is justified to increase the dedication fees.
The last revisions were done in 2001. The City Council approved a revised park and
trail dedication fee from $1685 to $2670 and agreed parkland dedication should be
based upon net land area instead of gross area. This study is done every two years.
Development Update: Osmundson provided a development update and answered
several questions from the committee.
Dedication Signs: Friedges showed the new bronze styled dedication signs that will be
installed at the skatepark, Thomas Ryan Memorial Park, and on the band shelter at
Lakefront Park.
Tobacco Free Policy in Youth Activity Areas: The City was approached from a
representative of Scott and Carver Counties for the Tobacco-Free Youth Recreation
Initiative. Esser advised this is a statewide program'that is designed to assist cities in
promoting tobacco free activities for youth. This group had asked that the City adopt a
resolution or policy prohibiting tobacco use during youth activities. Esser suggested that
the committee.members consider such a policy; and if a policy were adopted, signs
would be place on the backstops of ball fields at Ponds, Lakefront, Ryan and Memorial.
McFadden and Borger expressed concerns that the responsibility should be placed on
the adult smoker to chose when and where to smoke in our city parks and not by a city
policy that is unenforceable. Also, it will not set a good example to youth if they witness
adults ignoring signs and postings that are not enforced. Following further discussion,
there was a general consensus of the committee to not adopt such a policy.
Summer Recreation Programs: Recreation Supervisor Esser provided the following: · Skatepark will open for weekend business starting the first weekend in May.
· There will be a skatepark camp this summer and a skateboard exchange.
· Offering tot lot programs at Wilds and Carriage Hills for the first time.
· Will be expending senior programs as well as more crafts for tots.
· Will be offering teen volleyball this year.
2004- 2008 Capital ImproVement Budqet: Friedges and Osmundson reviewed the
2004-08 CIP for parks projects with the committee members. Chair Feriancek asked
each member to review the budget and provide comments and recommended additions
or changes at the next meeting.
Other Business: Pat McFadden recommended that staff include in the "Wavelength" a
column that shows pictures of each of the city park signs and readers are asked to
match up the park sign with the date it opened. He thought this would be a really good
way to advertise our city parks. Walsh advised she would pass this suggestion on to the
city's Communication Coordinator.
Future Meeting Date: Monday, May 12, 2003, at 6:00 p.
Motion.to adjourn by Helgestad. Second by McFadden. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Walsh, Assistant City Manager