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April 10
*PLEASE REVIEW FOR MEETING OF 4/10/2000* PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA MONDAY~ APRIL 10~ 2000 Prior Lake Maintenance Center 6:30 P.M. mo Vo VI. VII. Call to order Minutes from meeting of March 13, 2000 Staff Reports m. Paul Hokeness, Parks and Recreation Director o 2. 3. 4. 5. Referendum and Park Capital Fund Finance Report April 17, 2000 City Council Agenda Items Lakefront Park Grand Opening Revision to C.I.P. Future Park Property Bo A1 Friedges, Parks Supervisor 1. Lakefront Park Update 2. P.L.A.Y. Proposal for Ponds Park 3. Adopt-A-Park and Clean-Up Day 4. Memorial Benches and Trees Co Chris Esser, Recreation Supervisor 1. Clean-Up, Recycling, and Bridging Day 2. Spring and Summer Programs 3. Summer Staffing Old Business 1. Park Naming Sub-committee Update New Business Set Next Meeting Date - Scheduled for Monday, May 8, 2000 at 6:30 p.m. at the Maintenance Center. Adjourn Meeting AGND400 PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES MARCH 13, 2000 The Parks Advisory Committee meeting was called to order by Ron Ceminsky at 6:40 p.m. on Monday, March 13, 2000. Members present were Ron Ceminsky, Sandi Fleck, Thea Fluhr, Tom Schutz, Chad Storley, and Pat Heaney. Kathy Smith was absent. Pat Heaney left at 8:00 p.m. Councilmember Jim Ericson was present. Staff members present were Paul Hokeness, Director of Parks and Recreation, Al Friedges, Parks Supervisor, Chris Esser, Recreation Supervisor and Nancy McGill, Parks and Recreation Secretary. Sarah Treick was present from the Prior Lake American. SANDI FLECK MADE A MOTION TO ACCEPT THE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2000 MINUTES. CHAD STORLEY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Staff Reports - Paul Hokeness, Director Park Naming and Sub-committee Appointment - The Kop Parkway name was accepted by the City Council; however, Mayor Mader has given direction to the Parks Advisory Committee to appoint two members to serve on a sub-committee with himself and the Parks Liaison, Jim Ericson, This sub-committee will discuss the policy and the process. There was some discussion regarding the necessity of the sub-committee and what purpose it will serve. PAT HEANEY MADE A MOTION TO APPOINT TOM SCHUTZ AND RON CEMINSKY TO THE PARK NAMING SUB-COMMITTEE AND PAT HEANEY AS THE ALTERNATE. THEA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Playground Equipment and Trails - The playgrounds and Trails Agenda Item 9C (Referendum and C.I.P.) was deferred by the City Council for the February 22, 2000 meeting. At the March 20, 2000 City Council meeting Frank Boyles and Ralph Teschner will report to the Council as to what still needs to be completed on the referendum and how it applies to the C.I.P. Jim Ericson gave Paul reference materials that could be examples used in the selection process of playground equipment. There was some discussion regarding the selection process. Tom Schutz stated that looks, safety and vendor reliability should be highly considered in the selection process. Ron Ceminsky questioned the difference between recycled and new base material for trails. Lakefront Park Bandshell- The Lions Club has indicated that they would like to be involved in the contribution for a bandshell at Lakefront Park. The presentation that Paul gave at their recent meeting was well received. The Lion's would like to contribute $30,000 over a five year period and the balance of $20,000 could be contributed from the park capital fund. The total completion cost is estimated at $40,000-50,000. A memo has been sent from Frank Boyles to the City Council for PAC313 reviewal., The committee liked the design plan "Litchfield Special" product of the proposed shelter. The bidding process would be followed with a completion date of Spring, 2001. Busse Property Meeting - Another special meeting will be held on Thursday, March 16th at 7:00 at the Maintenance Center to address the issue of the traffic impact resulting from the park development. Representatives of the City, County, and Township will be conducting a meeting to respond to the questions and comments which were raided at the December 15th meeting. Paul indicated that a Management Plan is in process for all parks. Lakefront Days - Rachel Van den Boom is the chair for Lakefront Days. The agenda will include the following: Wednesday - Miss Prior Lake pageant Thursday - Windjammer Concert and Ice Cream Social Friday - Classic Car Cruise and entertainment Saturday - Pedaling in the Parks bike ride, Lakefront Pacer, softball tournament, Jays and Mudcats baseball game, and the parade. A craft fair is also being planned at the Library/Resource Center. A photo contest co-sponsored with the Prior Lake American is also planned. Everyone is anticipating a great event. Al Friedges indicated that as an Eagle Scout Project, wild flowers are being planted in Lakefront. Referendum Report and 2000 C.I.P. - Paul reviewed the content of the report with the committee indicating that the column "New Community ParN' should be split into two columns one being the Busse Park or Youth Athletic Complex and the other as the Adult Community Athletic Park. The shaded areas are those columns that are finished. The committee asked if the referendum money can be used for anything else and Paul indicated that our finance attorney said that it could only be used for park or library purposes. Ron Ceminsky asked the life expectancy of resilient surfacing. Chad Storley stated approximately 30 years with no maintenance involved. Al Friedges - Parks Maintenance Supervisor Lakefront Park Construction - The baseball and soccer fields will not be ready for use until 2001. Projects that still need completion: All seeding, sodding around the Pavilion, shrubs around the playground area, painting the Pavilion, and signage throughout the park. The old shelter will be refurbished with sewer and water hook up. The concrete pad will also be enlarged to hold more tables The boardwalk is being constructed in the shop in 20 -10 ft sections. $12,000 was saved by doing this project in-house. Spring Projects - The 12th Annual Clean-up Day is scheduled for Saturday, April 29 along with the Bridging project. Al will be contacting various associations, Adopt-A-Highway, Adopt-A-Park, etc. to participate in this Clean-Up Day. Grant money from the County will help with the barbecue expenses as well as funding received from the Credit River Township. Chris Esser- Recreation Supervisor Brochure and Wavelength - The next publication of the Wavelength will be back tot he brochure style and will be directly mailed to homes. Summer activities will be listed in the next brochure and out to homes the fir week of May with summer registration starting on May 10th. PAC313 Summer Playgrounds - We will be following a slightly different format this summer. There will be seven playground sites but will alternate weeks. This should help with the staffing situation. Summer Concert Series - We are planning concerts in Lakefront Park at the Bandshell on ten (10) consecutive Thursday evenings starting in early June. At this time we don't have the funds to pay for performances but hopeful that we will receive grant money from the Minnesota a Performing Arts Society and get local businesses to sponsor these evenings. The Windjammer's, group from the Renaissance, Prior Lake Players, High School Bands, and our dance group are possible performers this summer which will perform free of charge. Old Business Thea thanked the Parks Department for the bench installed at Carriage Hills Park. New Business Paul reviewed the prototype of the restroom/concession building that Oertel Architects designed for the Busse Property Park. The estimated cost would be $92,000 for bathrooms only or $150,000 for bathrooms, concessions, and picnic shelter. The building will be centrally located for easy access to the fields. Ron Ceminsky asked about the pedestrian walkways and there was some discussion on this. Tom Schutz, as a representative for the Soccer Association,. asked about field scheduling at the Pond's and what can be done about it this summer. It was suggested that one field should be used for baseball and one field for soccer. Chris indicated that he will be setting up a scheduling meeting with all youth organizations to discuss these matters as field scheduling is going to be difficult in the next few years. The next meeting will be held on Monday, April 10, 2000 at 6:30 p.m. at the Maintenance Center. MOTION BY TOM SCHUTZ TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 9:03 P.M. CHAD STORLEY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Paul Hokeness Director of Parks and Recreation Nancy McGill Recording Secretary PAC313 E~ TO: FROM: RE: Memorandum March 21, 2000 Parks Advisory Committee Paul Hokeness Ring Road and Council Agenda Information You had requested at the last P.A.C. meeting that I mail you a diagram showing the layout of the proposed ring road. I have also included the agenda report regarding the financing of the Parks and Library Referendum which was presented at the March 20, 2000 City Council meeting. This agenda item as well as the two deferred agenda items that were on the February 22nd agenda have been deferred until the April 17, 2000 meeting. These other two items were the ones regarding the preparation of plans and specifications for trails and playgrounds and for the purchase of park appurtenant equipment. We can discuss this matter more at the April 10th P.A.C. meeting. Thank you for your support and your patience. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER E$Ot MEETIN( AGENDA PREPARt AGENDA DISCUSS] DATE: HUMBER: D BY: ITEM: iON: CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT · FEBRUARY 22, 2000 9B CHRIS ESSER, RECREATION SUPERVISOR CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION 00-XX APPROVING PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION FOR THE NAMING.OF PARKS AND STREETS WITHIN PARKS IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY POLICY. Histor_v In response to inquiries we have received regarding the naming of parks, facilities, streets within parks, and public places the Parks Advisory Cormnittee recommended the City Council adopt a policy to address such requests. A formal policy was presented to the City Council at the March 1, 1999 meeting. At this meeting the City COuncil adopted the policy' (attached).' Current Circumstances As the Council may know, the new Lakefront Park entrance road and the new road at the Ponds Park have not been named, nor has the park being developed on the.former Busse property. At their December 15, 1999 meeting, the Parks .A.d.visory Committee, in consideration of the City Council's Park Naming Policy, directed staff to place an ad in the Prior Lake American to solicit input for the naming of: 1) the roadway in Lakefront Park., 2) the roadway in The Ponds Park and 3) the new Youth Athletic Complex/Community Park that is currently being developed on the · former Busse property. The press release soliciting resident inPut in accordance With the Park Naming Policy appeared in the Prior Lake American January 29 edition (see attached). Applications were accepted until February 11. There were a total of 15 applications. submitted to name' the aforementioned roadways and the new Youth Athletic Complex/Community Park. Please note that some of the applications suggested more than one name (see attached). Listed below are all applicant name suggestions: 16200 F-.gg~X~kt~.r~ge. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 Roadway in Lakefront Park: 1. Goat Hill Gate 2. Koda Trail 3. Kop Kove 4. Kop Parkway 5. Ongonna Trail 6.. Singing Hills Trail Roadway in The Ponds Park: 1'. Ponds Parkway Youth Athletic Complex/Community Park: 1. Busse Fields (3) 2. Busse Park (3) 3. Fitzgerald Fields (9) 4. George Mikan Meadow/Field The Issues We spoke to the Prior Lake Police Department and they stated th~ the naming of the roadways would be advantageous to them in order for emergency personnel to identify the address based on the name recognition'. ,. The Planning Department said that neither of: the two roadway namings will pose any problems as they are streets that are internal to the park and that the naming of these roadways will not affect residential addresses. The naming of public property, parks, and streets is typically non- controversial, however, there may be people or organizations that believe they deserve their name attached to a property or road. The policy allows for anyone to apply for a naming or renaming. These are our first requests since the Council approved the policy. In accordance with the. policy, if the Council believes that other names should be considered, the appropriate action is to refer all or part of the items back to the Parks Advisory Committee. · . The Parks Advisory Committee rationale for the selection of the three names reflect the local feel of the park and roadways to be named. The Kop family and Busse family names are well recognized within the community. The PAC felt that naming the Lakefront Park roadway and the . Youth Athletic Complex/Community Park after the Kop and Busse families would be appropriate considering their historical ties to the park land and the community. Fitzgerald Fields received the most requests of any PARKNAME.DOC ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDED MOTION: REVIEWED BY: applied name with the rationale of Mr. Fitzgerald's involvement with the start of Prior Lake Athletics for Youth. The PAC felt that the Youth designation of this park, and the baseball fields in particular, would be appropriate to carry one of the founding members of P.L.A.Y.'s name. There were no applications for the naming of the roadway through The Ponds Park, therefore, the PAC felt that it would be appropriate to have the road named the same as the park. All applications are attached for City Council review. Conclusion At their February 14, 2000 meeting, the Parks Advisory Committee discussed the merits of each of the proposed names. The Park Advisory Committee makes the following recommendations to the City Council:: Roadway in Lakefront Park be named: Kop Parkway Roadway in The Ponds Park be named: Ponds Parkway Youth Athletic Complex/Community Park: The Parks Advisory Committee is recommending two names, one for the park itself and one for the youth baseball fields: Busse Park 'Fitzgerald Fields Attached is the Park Naming Policy, all applications received, and the application invitation that appeared in the Prior Lake American for the City Council to review and discuss. 1. Approve the recommendations of the Park Advisory Committee to name the two roadways and the new Youth Athletic Complex/Community Park. 2. Approve one or more of the Park Advisory Committee recommendations, table action on others and refer the naming back to the 'Parks Advisory Committee in accordance with the City Council Park Naming Policy. Motion and Second to approve Resolution 00-XX as recommended by the Parks Advisory Committee to name 1) the roadway in Lakefront Park, Kop Parkway 2) the roadway in The Ponds Park, Ponds Parkway and 3) the new Youth Athletic Complex/Community Park that is currently being developed on the former Busse property, Busse Park with the baseball fields named Fitzgerald Fields. PARKNAME.DOC Paul Hokeness, __~ ear~~~n e~ City ~ PARKNAME.DOC RESOLUTION 00-XX .. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE NAMING OF THE ROADWAY IN LAKEFRONT PARK, THE ROADWAY IN' THE PONDS PARK AND THE YOUTH ATHLETIC COMPLEX/COMMUNITY PARK LOCATED ON THE FORMER BUSSE PROPERTY MOTION BY: SECOND BY: WHEREAS, On March 1, 1999 the 'Prior Lake City CoUncil adopted a policy regarding the naming of parks, facilities, and streets within parks; and, WHEREAS, the roadway in Lakefront Park, the roadway in The Ponds Park, and the youth athletic 'complex/community park .being developed on the former Busse property required formal naming in accordance with City policy; and, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, at their December 15, 1999 meeting, the Parks Advisory Committee, in consideration of the City Council's Park Naming Policy, directed staff to solicit input for the naming of the roadway' in Lakefront Park, the roadway in The-Ponds Park, and the youth athletic complex/community park being developed on the former Busse-property; and, a total of 15 applications were submit.tedl and, at their February 14, 2000 .meeting the park Advisory Committee discussed the merits of each name submitted and have made ?recommendations to the City Council pursuant of policy. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF PRIOR LAKE, that the roadway in Lakefront Park be named Kop Parkway, the roadway in The Ponds ,Park.be named Ponds Parkway, the youth athletic complex/community park being developed on the former Busse property be named Busse Park and the baseball fields at the youth athletic complex/community park being .de~;eloped on the former Busse property be named Fitzgerald Fields. paSsed and adopted this 22nd day of February, 2000. YES Mader Mader Ericson Ericson Gundlach Gundlach , Petersen Petersen , Schenck Schenck . - {Seal} City Manager City of Prior Lake NO ~'^l~)©~agle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: AGENDA #: PREPARED BY: AGENDA ITEM: FEBRUARY 22, 2000 9C PAUL HOKENESS, PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION 00-XX AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR TRAILS AND PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT AS IDENTIFIED IN THE 1999 AND 2000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DISCUSSION: Historg: Each year the City Council adopts the Capital Improvement Program which involves funding for various park improvement projects. To assure that the Council is aware of and supportive of our major park improvement efforts, we are seeking approval to prepare plans and specifications for park projects programmed for 1999 and 2000. The 1999 and 2000 Capital Improvement Programs contains a total of $287,750.00 in park improvement projects. Of this, $212,750.00 is for playground equipment and trail projects. The remainder, $75,000.00 is for miscellaneous improvements and capital park appurtenant equipment. This agenda item will focus on the playground equipment and trail projects. Agenda item 9D addresses the miscellaneous improvements and capital appurtenant equipment expenditures. The 1999 Capital Improvement Program identified two parks which were slated for new playground equipment as well as trails at Knob Hill park and Crest Avenue. The two parks which were to receive playgroUnd equipment:in 1999 were Oakland Beach and Sand Point. The storm of 1998 destroyed the playground equipment at Oakland Beach. In 1998 we ordered new equipment for the park at the Wild's but since this park wasn't ready .for development the Council authorized the installation of the equipment at Oakland Beach. Having new equipment at Oakland Beach left us with only Sand Point for 1999 equipment installation. We have discussed the park development of the Wild's with the developer but have not been successful in finalizing the plans, so we will be proposing that the Wild's playground equipment be included in the 2001 C.I.P. k:\paul\agden.rep\cipexpen.doc Page I 1620OEa§l-e Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax {612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Due to the schedule of the park maintenance crews who were busy with the ne~v Library/Resource Center and Lakefront Park we were unable to provide the labor necessary for the playground and trails. Typically park maintenance crews do all of the grading and prep work for the playgrounds including, hauling of sand, base work for the curbing, and finish landscaping and sodding. With the trails we do the grubbing, grading, and base work Park maintenance crews completed all of the landscaping at the Library/Resource Center and graded and based many of the trails in Lakefront park. They also did all of the seeding and tree planting in ~ Lakefront park as well as built the two hockey rinks and hauled the .:' sand and fiber for the playgrounds. Current Circumstances: The Capital Improvement program includes funds to install playgrounds at Sand Point, Fish Point, Knob Hill, Raspberry Ridge, and Sunset parks. The C.I.P. also includes funds to develop trails at Glynwater. The following is a breakdown of the cost estimates contained in the Capital Improvement Program for the 1999 and 2000 playground equipment and trails: ..' PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT 1999 Sand Point $25,750.00 * 2000 Fish Point · $25,750.00 2000 Knob Hill $25,750.00 2000 Raspberry Ridge $25,750.00 2000 Sunset $25,750.00 $128,750.00 * The 1999 C.I.P. included $44,000 for two parks. The Wilds park is to be rescheduled for 2001 therefore only $25,750.00 will be used this year. The increase in cost per park is due to council direction that resilient surfaces 'be 'done at the same time neW Play equipment is installed. This total includes the cost of the concrete curbing, resilient surfacing, and sand. The cost estimate for the equipment alone is $20,000.00, installation included. k:\paul\agden.rep\cipexpen.doc Page 2 k:\paul\agden.rep\cipexpen.doc TRAILS 1999 Crest Avenue $44,000.00 1999 Knob Hill $18,000.00 2000 Glynwater $22,000.00 $84,000.00 The trail at Crest Avenue is a reconstruction of the existing trail. The trail is approximately 20 years old and in very poor condition. The trail is 6 feet wide and we would replace this trail section with a standard 8 foot trail. This reconstruction would be from County Road 42 to Shore Lane. The trail at Knob Hill Park is a new trail which will meander through the new park and connect Carriage Hills Parkway with Hummingbird Trail. The trail at Glynwater is also an internal park trail which will provide access to the park within the development as well as provide a connection to Island View Park. These trail sections are identified in the Comprehensive Plan (attached). The Issues: The bidding of the trails is typically not complicated as it is easy to quantify the length of the trails and the quantities needed for their construction. The specifications for bituminous and base materials is not very complicated and the mix is typically the same regardless of which paving contractor is used.. ,. As we know from past experience the bidding of playground equipment is more complicated as the various manufacturers have different specifications for each part of their equipment i.e. pipes, clamps, decks, slides, swings, coatings, etc.. The warranties vary and the installation of the equipment differs from one vendor to the next. The intention would be to use the input received from the City Council at the February 10, 2000 workshop to guide us in the preparation of specifications, analysis and award. Conclusion: Staff is reqUesting that the Council approve the attached resolution so that we may prepare the plans and specifications for the playground equipment and the trails for Council approval. The plans and specifications will be presented to the City Council for approval prior to bidding. Design and plans for these projects will be done in-house as a cooperative effort between the Parks and Engineering Departments. By doing so,'the City will save on design costs and allow a full commitment of the funding to construction costs. The design scope of these projects is small and the work can be done efficiently in-house. Page 3 Most of the rough grading and back filling will be performed by Parks Maintenance staff. In addition, the construction management and field work will be done in-house as well. FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: Budget Impact: The funds for these projects will be drawn from the Parks portion of the Capital Improvement Program. The project cost estimates for the playground and trails is $212,750.00. The Park Capital Program currently has a balance of $549,057.00. . 1. Approve Resolution 00-XX authorizing the preparation of Plans and specifications for playground equipment and trails. 2. Table this agenda item for a specific reason. 3. Deny this agenda item for a specific reason. · o · . RECOMMENDED MOTION: REVIEWED BY: Motion and second to approve Resolution 00-XX authorizing staff to prepare plans and specifications for playground equipment at Sand Point, Fish Point, Knj~b Hill, Raspberry Ridge, and Sunset Parks and tra~~t. IA~ '~.Cres~ven~~b Hill, and Glynwater Parks. Frank' ' oy~, Cityjhanager' k:\paul\agden.rep\cipexpen.doc Page 4 RESOLUTION -Xx -. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION SPECIFICATIONS FOR TRAILS AND PLAYGROUND IDENTIFIED IN THE 1999 AND 2000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OF PLANS AND EQUIPMENT AS MOTION BY: SECOND BY: WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, the playground equipment as~'listed Improvement Program , Sand.Point Fish Point ' Knob'Hiil; · .. Raspberry Ridge Sunset, and following neighborhood..parks are scheduled to in the 1999 and receive new 2000 Capital the following trails are scheduled for construction as identified in the 1999 and 2000 Capital Improvement Program Crest Avenue Knob Hill Glynwater..' .: the City of Prior Lake is committed to providing recreational activities for people of all ages, and : ..'.: :. '- playgrounds and trails proVi'dd for physical and mental stimulation and are considered a high priority in the:development of the Prior Lake park system. 16200 ~a~PeL~Qe~CAve. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714,/ Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY .EMPLOYER · · o. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA, that staff is authorized to proceed with the preparation Of plans and specifications for the parks and trails identified herein. Passed and adopted this 22nd day of February 2000. {Seal} YES · NO Mader Mader Ericson Ericson Gundlach Gundlach Petersen .':Petersen Schenck .'. Schenck . . City :Manager City of Prior Lake TRLPLYG.DOC UJ I-- Z W W 0 r~o February 25. 2000 Meda Kop 1600 Main Ave. SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Dear Meda, I am happy to report the City Council officially named the new roadway going into Lakefront Park "Kop Parkway". Al Friedges is ordering a new street sign which will be installed this spring. It saddens my heart that John didn't get the chance to see the park when it is completed but, I am sure that he is smiling down on us, and is proud to know his family name is now a part of the park, forever. If there is anything that Al or I can do for you please give me a call at 447-9821. Sincerely, Paul Hokeness Parks and Recreation Director CITY OF PRIOR LAKE 16200 t~l~l~e~rl~4/e. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ~o CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: AGENDA #: PREPARED BY: AGENDA ITEM: FEBRUARY 22, 2'000 9D PAUL HOKENESS, PARKS AND RECREATION.DIRECTOR CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION 00'XX AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES FOR MISCELLANEOUS PARK CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS AND PARK APPURTENANT EQUIPMENT AS IDENTIFIED IN THE 1999 AND 2000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DISCUSSION: Histor~ The Parks and Recreation portion of the Capital Improvement Program (C.I.P.) includes a variety of improvement projects for the parks in Prior Lake. The larger projects are typically playground equipment and trail construction. We have identified the playground equipment and trails which are slated for construction in 2000 in Agenda Report #9C. Though the Council has already-approved the 1999 and 2000 C.I.P. staff felt that it would be a good idea to receive Council approval for' the smaller projects and equipment which don't require formal bidding, but are purchased in compliance with our purchasing guidelines. These purchases include project items such as basketball courts, picnic shelters, and resilient surfacing to make our playground equipment A.D.A. compliant. We-also purchase picnic tables, park benches, players benches, .bike racks, and grills, from a variety 'of vendors. These are new installations as well as replacements due to wear 'and tear or possibly vandalism. We are trying to replace some of our older wooden picnic tables and benches with new permanently mounted vinyl coated metal tables and benches. Many of our parks and new playgrounds do not have bike racks or benches and we try to 'install a few of these each year. 1621~¢P1~1~\~'!~~. g\.~.,0~r~i~i~l[a~tra~$72-17 ltt/ Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Current Circumstances The following is a detailed list of items that were identified for purchase in the 1999 and 2000 C.I.P. Park Location Memorial Park Memorial Park Willows Park Sand Point Beach Cardinal Ridge, Indian Ridge, Boudins, Northwood, Memorial Improvement Picnic Shelter Concrete behind bleachers Basketball Court Parking Lot Lights Resilient surfacing (1999) for playgrounds (2000) Amount $10,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $18,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 Various Parks Appurtenant Equipment Benches, Grills, Picnic Tables, Bike Racks, Players Benches (1999) (2000) $10,000.00 $10,000.00 Total 1999 and 2000 Proposed Expenditures $75,000.00 *- The 2000 Capital Improvement Program includes $10,000 for Basketball courts. In the fall of 1999 $5,000 was used to cOmplete Oakland Beach court, which was done pursuant to council direction following the storm of 1998. · ** The 1999 Capital Improvement Program included $12,000 for resilient surfacing. In 1999 $4,000 of these funds were used to complete the resilient surfacing at Green Oaks and Willows Park. The $8,000 from 1999 plus the $8,000 included in the 2000 C.I.P. will complete the resilient surface for the five remaining parks. The Issues We will follow the City pUrchasing Policy guidelineS when procuring these items. Since' the Sand Point Beach parking lot lights exceed $15,000.00 we will return to the Council for final approval. Conclusion Funds for this item would be drawn from the Capital Park portion of the Capital Improvement Program which currently has a balance of $549,057.00. The estimated expenditure for playgrounds and trails as presented in Agenda Item 9C is $212,750.00. The expenditure request for this agenda item for small projects and appurtenant equipment is $75,000.00. The combined cost for these improvements is K:\PAULL&GDEN.REPk2000CIP.DOCCity of Prior Lake ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDED MOTION: REVIEWED BY: $287,750.00 which would leave a balance of $261,307.00 in the Capital Park portion of the C.I.P. 1. Approve Resolution 00-XX authorizing expenditures not to exceed $75,000.00 for capital improvements and park appurtenant equipment as identified in the 1999 and 2000 Capital Improvement Program. 2. Table this agenda item. 3. Deny this agenda item. Motion and second to approve Resolution 00:XX authorizing expenditures for miscellaneous park capital improvement projects and park appurtenant equ~ment as identified in the 1999 and 2000 Capital .. Improvement~rogra~ not to exceed $75,000.00. Fra~~Boy.~2n~ger K:\PAULXAGDEN.REPX2000CIP.DOCCity of Prior Lake RESOLUTION O0-XX MOTION BY: WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, .. SECOND BY: The Parks and Recreation p~rtion of the 1999 and 2000 Capital Improvement Program identifies funding for park improvement .projects, and the 1999 and 2000 Capital Improvement Program also includes funds for the purchase of park appurtenant equipment, and these improvements and equiPment are utilized and enjoyed by the community, and the following list of items is included in the Capital Improvement PrOgram ' Park Location Memorial Park Memorial Park Willows Park Sand Point Beach ImProvement Picnic Shelter Concrete behind bleachers Basketball Court parking Lot Lights Amount $10,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $18,000.00 Cardinal Ridge, Indian Ridge, Boudins, Northwood, Memorial Various Parks Resilient surfacing (1999) for Playgrounds (2000) Appurtenant Equipment Benches, Grills, piCnic Tables, Bike Racks, PlaYers Benches(1999) · . (2000) $ 8,000.00 $ 8,OOO.OO $10,000.00 $10,000.00 · o Total 1999 and 2000 Proposed Expenditures .. $75,000.00 ,and 16200 L~.~8°~Pe~ Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-!714.:/Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER .. · . . WHEREAS, staff will follow purchasing policy guidelines in procuring the above listed items, and ' NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA, that the City Council authorizes the expenditures for.the projects and appurtenant equipment as identified in an amount not to exceed $75,000.00. Passed and adopted this 22nd day of 2000. YES NO Mader ~ .": Mader EricsOn .. · Ericson Gundlach Gundlach Petersen Petersen Schenck Schenck { Seal} City Manager City of Prior Lake CIP9900.DOC d Special" Products ar Model ti9040 20'x 40'Band Shelter. This prototype design is subject to change for product irnprovernent. lights up the stage Not your average band shelter! This model's contemporary yet clean lines draws attention while still fitting in with existing architecture. · 40' wide x 20' deep (any desired masonry work not provided) · Solid Glue Laminated Waved Support Beams . · 2"x6"Tongue & Groove Decking · Tubular Steel Support Columns I I I PA~ I 1,,,1 o 1~ ,/ j. ~-'~' ...... ~'-~f'-~'~" ~"~' ; t" SPECIFICATIONS LAMINATED WA~D BEAM BAND SHELL 9000 Series SCOPE~ To provide a shelt~ st~cmre with wood or stol columns, laminated eu~ ~ms, w~d T&G rooCdeck, ~d roofing syst~. Shelter shall be d~ign~ to eliminate "bi~-n~ting" ledge. DESIGN ~ SHOP D~WING CRITERIAt ~is shelt~ st~eture is ~pi~lly d~ign~ ¢ora 30lb live load and a 20ih (95-100mph) wind load. Additionally, ifr~ui~fl by bid, installation drawings will be sign~ ~d s~l~ by a register~ ~gin~r in the State o[jurisdietion. AQer receipt o~ an order, manuCaeturer will Cumish er~tion d~wings, showing details. - LAMINATED BEAMS & PURLINSt L~inat~ membe~ are kiln-dri~ southern pine with a bending str~s o[2400 psi, and a minimum el~tici~ modulus o[ 1.7~ psi. Membe~ are manuCaemr~ by ~ expefi~e~ fabricator and are ANSI/AITC A 190. I- 1983, AITC LM.-200, and AITC (wat~r~adh~ive) AITC-i 17 ee~ifi~. AITC quality marks app~ on ~e all- pfiqcipal m~b~. St~ctu~l glu~laminat~ timber ~ms ~e a~hit~tuml ap~nce grade, s~l~ ~d individually w~p~ Cot proration. M~ are individually w~p~d with ~t~- 4 Industrial Dr. Litchficld, M1 49252 (5 ! 7).542-2988 (800)542-5282 Fax (517)542-3939 resistant paper and joints taped prior to shipment for protection while in transit. Handle members using non-marring slings, and install temporary bracing in accordance with good construction practices. COLUMNS: A-500 structural steel tubing welded to a 5/8" steel base-plate. Columns are factory painted with red oxide rust-inh~itor primer, and finished in standard fiat black enamel. . ... · . · . ~ ~ARDWA'RE: 'All hardware to be zinc plated. All required nails and fasteners to be included. ' :. ROOF: Application of roof deck and felts shall immediately follow laminated member erection. Roof decking will be 2x6 nom. tongue and groove, ' 'V'-joint face-side, kiln dried, #2 grade or better Southern Yellow Pine, furnished in standard un-cut lengths to provide acon, tinuous lay-up system and a nominal 2' overhang at the gable ends. FASCIA: Hand selected 2x8 nom. Southern Yellow Pine, CCA 0.4 pcftreated. · .' NOT INCLUDED IN SPECIFICATIONS: Concrete slab, footings and other concrete work; Building and site preparation; Freight charges, and ' soil and foundation analysis. oPTIONS: -Cedar Roof Decking and Cedar Fascia.. -Fiberglass-based shingles. . SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE FOR PRODUCT IMPROVEMENT! BandShell.doc:4-gg:llw '5:~. 4'~'oix Rec~ntio# C"oml:~l~Y, ~c. Sheet1 225 N. Second Street - . _ ' -'~tillwater, MN 55082 (651)430-1247 Fax (651)430-9231 _- . . _ . ..... e-mail stc,oix~sl~q~_ .eSt~?.net ~ ...~ websit~ www.stcroi~e¢.com - - Quote City of Prior Lake Attn: Paul Hokeness Date Contact Project Phone # Fax 6/7199 In compliance with your request of June 7, 1999, for a price quotation on park equipment supplied by-Lirtchfield Ind., we submit the following: No. l~m No. Description Unit Price Ex~ended ~ 1 9000 Laminated Waved Beam Band Shell W/Shingle.~ $25,150.00 $ 25,150.00 . - . . .. . ! · ._ ,, _. · Quotation in effect until July 30, 1999 Sub Total $ 25,150.00 We quote F.O.B. Prior Lake, MN Sales Tax $ ~,634.75 ShiPment can be made within 6 Weeks AROll Freight $ ./,~33.00 Terms are net net 30 Oaysl " Optional Installation ~ t I I I ! I Tota~ $ 27,9'/7.75 Purchase order should be made out ot St. Croix Recreation Co. Inc. Send the order to the above address or fax, thereby authorizing shipment and acceptance of the the terms. Please include Bill To:, Ship To:, and tax exempt # if applicable. Page I · ~_ ST. MICHAEl'S CATHOLIC' SCHOOL' ' --' -- ' .' 16280 DULUTH AVENUE S.E 'HEARTS AND HANDS TOGETHER' (8 I 2) 447-- 2 I 24 FAX (61' 2) 447--2132 E-'MAIL' sohool@saintmpl..org _ ST. MICHAEl'S CATHOLIO SOHOOL *HEARTS AND HANDS TOGETHER' 16280 DULUTH AVENUE S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MN. 55372 (61 2) 447-2124 FAX (612) 447- 2132 E-MAIL: sOhool@sainCmpl.opg