HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 8II. III. *PLEASE REVIEW FOR MEETING OF 5/8/200~ ~* PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA MONDAY: MAY 8~ 2000 Prior Lake Maintenance Center 6:30 P.M. Call to order Minutes from meeting of MW 10, 2000 Staff Reports m. g. Paul Hokeness, Parks and Recreation Director 1. Playground Equipment 2. Trails 3. The Wilds South Park Delopment/Park Dedication 4. Lakefront Days C. Al Friedges, Parks Supervisor 1. Lakefront Park Progress 2. Busse Property Progress 3. Spring Projects Chris Esser, Recreation Supervisor 1. May/June Wavelength - Brochure 2. Summer Registration Night 3. Beach Opening 4. Dance Recital IV. Old Business V. New Business Set Next Meeting Date - Scheduled for Monday, June 12, 2000 at 6 Center. VII. Adjourn Meeting 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-423 AGND.~OO,DOC AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 30 p.m. at the Maintenance Fax (612) 447-4245 PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 10, 2000 The Parks Advisory Committee meeting was called to order by Ron Ceminsky at 6:37 p.m. on Monday, April 10, 2000. Members present were Ron Ceminsky, Sandi Fleck, Tom Schutz, and Pat Heaney. Thea Fluhrer and Kathy Smith arrived at 7:00 p.m. Chad Storley was absent. Pat Heaney left at 8:05 p.m. Councilmember Jim Ericson was absent. Staff members present were Paul Hokeness, Director of Parks and Recreation, Al Friedges, Parks Supervisor, Chris Esser, Recreation Supervisor and Nancy McGill, Parks and Recreation Secretary. Sarah Treick was present from the Prior Lake American. SANDI FLECK MADE A MOTION TO ACCEPT THE MONDAY, MARCH 13, 2000 MINUTES. PAT HEANEY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. STAFF REPORTS - PAUL HOKENESS, PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR Referendum and Park Capital Fund Finance Report- The City Council has requested a detailed breakdown of the Parks and Library Referendum Project Costs which includes a description of the cost of all projects included in the referendum. The committee reviewed the report. Discussion followed concerning the purchase of the Spring Lake property and consensus that the property should be purchased for future needs. The original plan included the construction of adult softball fields but the participation numbers have been down and adult athletic trends seem to be changing. Youth soccer and baseball numbers are on the rise A recommendation will be made to the Council to purchase the 25 acre Spring Lake property, grade it and finish it as money is available. Trends may determine the actual development of the property. April 17, 2000 City Council Agenda Items - We will be presenting to the City Council the Park Capital Fund agenda reports 1) Preparation of Plans and Specifications for Trails and Playground Equipment, and 2) Miscellaneous Park Capital Improvement Projects and Park Appurtenant Equipment. These items were deferred at a previous City Council meeting. Revision to C. LP. - A few of the revisions that have been made to the C.I.P. report include the paving of the trail at Fish Point Park in 2002, deleting the basketball court at Glynwater in 2003, adding on to the restroom/concession stand at Sand Point Beach in 2004 and possible land acquisition of a park site located near Northwood Road in 2005. The Park Land search in this area is a current City Council directive. Some discussion followed. TOM SCHUTZ MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE C.I.P. REVISIONS. PAT HEANEY SECONDED MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Tom Schutz suggested that we do something about erosion control at Sand Point Beach and possibly at Watzl's Beach this year since the water level is Iow. PAC410 Paul indicated that he has talked to the president of the Prior Lake Association, Marv Mirsch regarding this issue and he will also talk to Lani Lechty to find out what steps need to be followed. Ron Ceminsky suggested that we use field stone around the "Welcome to Lakefront Parl~' sign which would compliment the retaining wall at the park entrance. Lakefront Park Grand Opening Ceremony - A grand opening ceremony is scheduled for Thursday, August 3, 2000. This date coincides with Lakefront Days and our Windjammers concert and Ice Cream Social. STAFF REPORTS - AL FRIEDGES, PARKS SUPERVISOR Lakefront Update - The maintenance crews are currently planting approximately 150-200 shrubs per day. Trees and shrubs have been planted around the playground equipment, the irrigation is completed. Al stated that water is scheduled to come on at night on the odd/even cycle and that the sensors are in place so if it rains the irrigation will turn off automatically or not come on whichever the case may be. The maintenance crews have started seeding the fields. Sodding needs to be done. The lighting is finished. The boardwalk is built, and the crew is pouring the footings, and as soon as we get the permit from the DNR the boardwalk will be installed. There was some discussion regarding signage on the boardwalk. "Walk your bike" sign will be made and it was suggested that there should be some signage pertaining to No swimming or wading". Tom Schutz asked if there would be a wind break at the Tennis Courts. Al indicated that he is looking into wind screening/mesh and/or plantings. P.L.A.Y. Proposal for Pond's Park - Al meets with this group quarterly. P.L.A.Y. would like a 12' chain link fence installed between the first base and third base line on Fields 1 & 2 and hoods installed on both back stops and the batting cage. They would also like some protection provided for the players bench on Field 7. There was some discussion and it was suggested that maybe some of the labor could be provided by P.L.A.Y. members also. Adopt. A.Park and Clean Up Day - Letters are being sent out to fourteen Adopt-A-Highway participants and ten Adopt-a-Park participants to participate on Saturday, April 29, 2000. Memorial Benches and Trees - The program is progressing. We have two trees and five benches which have been planted/installed in memory of loved ones. STAFF REPORTS - CHRIS ESSER, RECREATION SUPERVISOR Clean-Up, Recycling and Bridging Day - Saturday, April 29, 2000. An appreciation barbecue will be held at Memorial Park from 11:30 a.m.-l:00 p.m. Parks Advisory committee members were encouraged to help. Thea stated that the Boy Scouts will be planting trees at Cardinal Ridge Park on that day. PAC410 Spring and Summer Programs - The spring programs were not as successful as usual; possibly due to the form of advertisement. The summer brochure will be an 11/17 size with half of it dedicated to City news and half to Parks and Recreation programming. There will be also be a City Council corner. Registration will be held on Wednesday, May 10 at the Maintenance Center. New programs offered this summer include the SORR Music Festival, co-sponsoring sailing lessons with the Prior Lake Yacht Club offering lessons for both youth and adults, and aerobics classes. Other programs being offered include Summer Dance Workshops in tap, ballet, hip hop and musical theater. Tennis lessons will once again be offered for both youth and adults, adult trips, and summer tot lot and playground programs. We are also hosting the SORR soccer league again this year. We may co-sponsor some evening boat excursions with Charles Prior Charter but it has not yet been finalized. Golf lessons will not be offered as Cleary Lake has already filled most of their class offerings. Thea suggested that fishing lessons be offered to promote use of the lake from the shore. Paul said that he has thought about offering a girls/women's fishing seminar and that Thea's suggestion is a possibility as well as other fishing and water activities. As we develop the facilities, the programs will follow. Summer Staffing- Applications are coming in. We have 50% of our staff returning. Chris mentioned that the Parks and Recreation Department will be receiving the Partnership Award at the Partnership Award Dinner on Thursday, April 13, 2000 at Hidden Oaks Middle School. OLD BUSINESS. Park Naming Sub-Committee Update - The sub-committee's first meeting was held on April 4th with Tom Schutz, Ron Ceminsky, Mayor Mader, and Councilmember, Jim Ericson. Tom Schutz was assigned to re-write the Park Naming Policy to include a broader selection of applicants, to set some standards, and to advertise outside of the Prior Lake American. Tom does not foresee a lot of changes being made to the current policy. The sub-committee will be responsible for submitting choices to the City Council. One suggestion was that the committee be responsible for naming streets as well as parks with this policy; however, there may already be a policy for naming streets. The next P.A.C. meeting will be held on Monday, May 8, 2000 at 6:30 p.m. at the Maintenance Center. MOTION BY KATHY SMITH TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:58 P.M. SANDI FLECK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Paul Hokeness Director of Parks and Recreation Nancy McGill Recording Secretary PAC410