HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 1116200 Eagle Creek Avenue $.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 , , . , . . , , Please note start time of meetin.q is at 6:00 p.m.! PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2000 Prior Lake Maintenance Center 6:00 p.m. Call to Order Approval of July 10, 2000 Minutes Playground Equipment Bids 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm - Presentations by Vendors 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm - Discussion and Rating of Vendor Equipment 8:00 pm - Bid Openings Staff Reports a. Lakefront Park Band Shelter Bids b. Bituminous Trails c. Park Fee Study Proposals d. Fall Program Review e. Dance Update f. Update on Park Naming and Revised Park Naming Policy Old Business New Business Next Meeting Date - Monday, October 9,. 2000 at 6:30 pm Adjourn www. cityofpriorlake, com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 $o PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES JULY 10 2000 The Parks Advisory Committee meeting was called to order by Ron Ceminsky at 6:35 p.m. on Monday, July 10, 2000. Members present were Ron Ceminsky, Sandi Fleck, Thea Fluhrer, Pat Heaney, Kathy Smith, Tom Schutz, and Chad Storley. Councilmember Jim Ericson was present. Staff members present were Bud Osmundson, Public Works Director, Sue Walsh, Assistant City Manager, Al Friedges, Parks Supervisor, Chris Esser, Recreation Supervisor and Nancy McGill, Parks and Recreation Secretary. Mike Simon, Adult Softball Director was also present. Staff members, Sue Walsh, Assistant City Manager, and Bud Osmundson, Public Works Director, were introduced to the Committee. The May 8, 2000 minutes were reviewed. Al Friedges indicated that a couple of items needed to be amended. Under Staff Reports, Al Friedges, Busse Property Progress, it was stated that a special meeting would be called to meet with the neighbors to discuss the plans and specs, and that to his knowledge, this was not mentioned. Under Staff Reports Spring Projects, it was stated that the Plans and Specs for Trails were approved by the City Council. At this time, they had not yet been approved and would be going to City Council on August 7th. CHAD STORLEY MADE A MOTION TO AMEND THE ABOVE MENTIONED CHANGES AS DISCUSSED BY AL FRIEDGES. THEA FLUHRER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The minutes from the June 10, 2000 meeting was reviewed. TOM SCHUTZ MADE A MOTION TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES FROM THE JUNE 10, 2000 MEETING. KATHY SMITH SECONDED MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Staff Reports: Lakefront Park Grand Opening- Scheduled for Thursday, August 3 at 6:00 p.m. Sue Walsh stated that Administrative Staff would like to postpone the Grand Opening until the Band Shell is complete. Thea Fluhrer asked if this could be discussed under Item D., Lakefront Park. Bandshell. Lakefront Days Activities - Tuesday, August 1st - Miss Prior Lake Pageant as PLHS. Nothing scheduled for Wednesday, August 2nd. Thursday, August 3rd, 'Lakefront Park Dedication/Windjammers Concert and Ice Cream Social. Friday, August 4th, Golf Tournament, Photo Contest Display at Library, Car Cruise, and Chamber "Porky's BBQ", and entertainment tent. Saturday, August 5th, Bass Tournament, Fun Run at Lakefront Park, Soccer Tournament, Softball Tournament, Photo Contest Display at Library, Parade at 12:30 p.m., vendors, kids rides/petting zoo, entertainment tent and kids entertainment. Sunday, August 6th, is the Water-ski Show. Tom Schutz asked about the parking situation. Signage will be used - park and walk. A supplement outlining all the Lakefront Days Activities will be in the "Prior Lake American". 16200 Eac[le Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 PAC710.DIDC AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Playground Equipment Selection Process - Bud Osmundson and Al Friedges will be meeting with Jeff Schoenbauer of Brauer & Associates to finalize the plans and specs. Six parks will be getting new playground equipment, Raspberry Ridge, Fish Point Park, Busse Property, Knob Hill, Sunset Park, and Sand Point Park. Bud indicated that they were considering using one of our own parks as an example of the type of equipment, quality and amenities that vendors could use in the bidding process. They would like to keep the dollar amount out of the bidding process. The plans and specs will be available for PAC members to review at the August 14th meeting, and then they will go to City Council on August 21st for approval. Upon approval, bidding process would start, and bids could be opened at the September 11th PAC meeting. Discussion followed. Thea asked if we would have to take the lowest bidder. Bud stated that he didn't feel we would need to accept the lowest bidder but rather we will look at the entire picture. Tom Schutz sated that he had a couple of concerns with the method staff plans to use in the selection process. He felt that we would not get as many vendors submitting bids and also he foresees problems with working with exact equipment in making the playground selection and doesn't want to get down to counting nuts and bolts. Thea felt that previous vendors the City has worked with know what kind of budget we work with which should be an advantage. Sandi Fleck asked if all parks would be the same style or unique in their own design and felt we would probably get a better price if they were the same. Thea felt that there should be unique personality in each. Al Friedges said that realistically the parks would not be the same as each sight has its own amenities. Pat Heaney wanted it clarified that, as he understood it, the selection process has already been directed. This process being that vendors submit bids, give presentation, discussion and open bids. Bud Osmundson asked if committee wanted a neighborhood involvement in the selection. Committee felt it would be good to have representation from each of the playground sites and discussed how the word could get out regarding this. Kathy Smith asked if all the sites would be geared to the same age level. Al said that they would be. Tom Schutz asked who the contact person is for additional benches in the parks. Al said that he was. PAC710.DOC Lakefront Band Shelter- The plans and specs have been approved by the City Council. Frank is currently working on the bid documents. At this time, the Grand Opening at Lakefront Park was discussed. Thea felt that it would be a bigger splash if held during the Lakefront Days festivities. Administration felt that the park would be more beautiful this Fall or next Spring, whenever the band shell has been completed. The PAC felt that we would lose the excitement from the community if we waited and felt that it doesn't have to be completely finished in order to hold the grand opening ceremony. They felt that the band shell ceremony could be in addition to the grand opening. TOM SCHUTZ AND THEA FLUHRER MADE A MOTION STATING THAT THEY STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT THE LAKEFRONT GRAND OPENING BE HELD ON AUGUST 3, 2000 AS ORIGINALLY SCHEDULED. SANDI FLECK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Busse Property Construction Progress Report- Al Friedges indicated that due to the recent rains, the project has been pushed back approximately 2-3 weeks. The irrigation has been installed on the four soccer fields but not hooked up yet. Currently pouring the maintenance strips On the ball fields. The concession area has been roughly staked. Pat Heaney asked if there has been any noticeable imProvement with the run-off. Al indicated that there have been some problems, but they have been addressed and that the silt fencing and germination on the soccer fields will definitely help the situation. Minnesota Valley will be completing the electrical installation up to the concession area within a couple of weeks. The plans and specs for the concession building have been approved and will be going out for bid. Pat Heaney asked where the park naming policy stood. Jim Ericson said that a meeting needs to be held between the PAC representatives, Tom Schutz and Ron Ceminsky, himself and the Mayor. The amendments to the Park Renaming Policy has not been finalized yet. Kathy Smith felt that the PAC should have input in the name recommendations for the parks. The Busse property is to be completed in the Fall, 2001 but will depend upon the weather; the turf requires three growing seasons. New Trail Construction - The plans and specs will go to Council for approval on August 7th. Glynwater, Crest and Knob Hill are slated for trail construction. Time frame for completion is September, 2000. PAC710. DOC Tom Schutz said that the DNR median area on Crest Avenue needs to be wider. Al and Bud said they would look into it. Ron Ceminsky asked if there was any piece of equipment that would edge along the trails. Al said that there really wasn't. Summer Recreation Programs - Performances in the Park will be held Thursday evenings through August. The community beach party will be held on July 22nd at Sand Point Beach, a free event with no parking charge and will pass out popscicles. The tot lot and playground programs are going well. Special Events include the Penny Carnival to be held on Friday, July 14th at the Ponds Park. Aquatic Daycamp will be held on Friday, July 28. Safety Camp, sponsored by the Fire Department will be held on Friday, July 21 and has been full for quite some time. Chris reviewed the SORR Fun Run programs held throughout the summer in various communities. The Prior Lake Water ski Club have been displaying their talents at Watzl's Point Beach. Dance workshops/classes in tap, jazz, and ballet have been offered at the dance studio. Pat Heaney asked where the profits get distributed from dance workshops. Chris indicated that they go to the general fund; however, he does quarterly reports of all revenues and expenditures generated through all programs. Radio Disney will perform at the second session of the Wilderness Daycamp held at Cleary Lake Park. They are doing this free of charge as a promotion. Pat Heaney asked.if we pay groups to perform at the Thursday night performances at Lakefront Park. Chris indicated that two of the groups are receiving $50.00; otherwise all others are performing free. The City plans to include funding for this program in the budget for next year. Ron Ceminsky suggested that Chris bring quarterly reports of the program revenues/expenditures to the PAC meeting. Sandi Fleck noted that the playground supervisors are excellent this year. Park Dedication - Sue Walsh stated that the park dedication fees have been in existence for a number of years and the City Attorney feels it is time to conduct a fee study to justify the park dedication charges. Currently the fee is $850.00 per each residential unit. Frank Boyles is in the process of looking for a vendor to complete the park dedication fee (support fee) study within the next 60 days. The normal process will be followed before it goes to City Council. Tom Schutz asked if the cost of this study could be shared with other communities. Jim Ericson suggested that the Builders Association could help with this. Bud Osmundson indicated that each City would be different. Kathy Smith was concerned as to why we are paying an outside source to do this study. Where would the fee come from. Bud wasn't sure and Kathy asked for a report back on this. Old Business: PAC?10.DOC Ron Ceminsky informed Sue and Bud that PAC would like to retain the option of 10% dedication useable land with the Wensmann Development. The committee clearly wants to make sure that we can retain the land and development can follow later. Discussion followed. Jim Ericson stated that it was his personal opinion to take the land rather than cash settlement but could not speak for the opinions of the rest of the Council. Bud asked if there was any written policy regarding dedicated land. Ron indicated that there is some criteria. Sue asked if the PAC reviewed development plans, and Ron said that they do. New Business: Mike Simon, adult softball director and representative for 600-800 adults who have voiced their concern with the referendum money ($200,000 +) how it was planned to be used and why we are over budget. Staff indicated that this money is to be used to finish projects; some of which was not scheduled on original referendum such as Busse property concession building and lighting. The City Council elected not to purchase Spring Lake property which the PAC had recommended to purchase and develop later. In reference to the Spring Lake property, Jim Ericson said that this was already owned by Scott County and that the City of Prior Lake would not have been able to use it the way we wanted to. Mike also raised the question regarding the 7% tax cut. He felt that this would mean a savings of approximately $50/household and said that we lost a great guy for this. He also stated that he appreciated Al Friedges and his staff as well as the PAC regarding what they have done to improve the field conditions, and the support he has had from them. Tom Schutz wanted to clarify if there has been any discussions pertaining to changes that might be made regarding the parks programming or the dance program. Sue indicated that there would be no changes made. Kathy Smith wanted to know who was going to oversee the parks budget. Sue indicated that she and Chris would oversee the recreation budget and that Al and Bud would take care of the parks budget. The CIP has already been submitted to include the 5 year plan. Ron Ceminsky stated that Prior Lake is a growing community and what has transpired is disheartening. Bud Osmundson assured committee that services will not be lessened if staff needs to work overtime to get it done. Ron asked about status of the Lakefront Park entrance signage. Sue said that it would probably not be complete before Lakefront Days. Pat Heaney suggested that trash cans be put off to the side of the Lakefront Park entrance. He also said that he has heard tremendous amount of compliments from people about the park. PAC710.DOC Pat asked councilmember, Jim Ericson to explain why the reorganization process was not put up for discussion and never addressed at the beginning of the city council meeting; he felt that this was an illegal budget change. Jim said that council directed City Manager, Frank Boyles to achieve 4-5 objectives and that Frank has the authority to achieve goals and objectives that the council has set out. He said he could not answer the questions regarding the timing as he was not at that meeting but said that it solely rests on Frank to make decision. It was asked what process needs to be followed to address these questions. The process includes attending Open Forum at City Council meeting and if majority of council is interested, can direct City Manager to include item of discussion on a future agenda. Pat summarized by saying that the PAC members are upset, bewildered, suspicious and hurt over the actions taken. Committee is concerned about the long term affects, how services can be maintained with additional responsibilities required of staff. Ron asked who would be evaluating discussions and recommendations made by PAC. Sue indicated that she, Bud, Al and Chris would be responsible for this and will keep the City Manager well informed on all related matters. MOTION BY TOM SCHUTZ TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:50 P.M. KATHY SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The August P.A.C. meeting will be held on Monday, August 14, 2000. Bud Osmundson Public Works Director Sue Walsh Assistant City Manager Nancy McGill Recording Secretary PACT 10. DOC Tabulation of Bids for Five (5) Sets of Playground Equip~ CONTRACTOR BASE BID Flanagan Sales Inc. E.F.A. Miracle Recreation of MN Inc Minnesota/Wisconsin Playground PLYGRNDBIDTABUL lent LTERNATE Bm INTRODUCTION POLICY FOR THE RENAMING OF CITY STREETS, AND THE NAMING AND RENAMING OF PARKS, FACIL STREETS WITHIN PARKS, AND PUBLIC PLACE,~ The City desires that the selection of a proper name for City streets, parks, f~ park or public place be done through a thoughtful process by which all submiss consideration. For this reason, the procedures and guidelines contained herein RESPONSIBILITY The renaming of City streets, naming or renaming of a park, facility, street withi~ is the responsibility of the City Council. The City Council will normally act on has been considered by a subcommittee consisting of two City Council mer~ Council, and two Park Advisory Committee members selected by the Committe( RENAMING OF STREETS WITHIN THE CITY The renaming pertains to streets within the City of Prior Lake. It does not per existing streets or those proposed to be connected later. Streets in the latter c~ name of the current street. EXISTING PARKS, FACILITIES, STREETS WITHIN PARKS AND PUBLIC PLACES Any park, facility, street within a park, or public place named.prior to the app retain the name previously given, unless renamed in accordance with this polk such facility is expected to remain in effect for a minimum of five years. PARKS, FACILITIES, STREETS WITHIN PARKS AND PUBLIC PLACES Prior to the completion of a park development or comprehensive redevelopme~ be used to label a park, street within a park, or public space for identification Parks, facilities, streets within parks, and public places shall be permanently n; this policy. Normally, once a park, facility, street within a park, or public place is with this policy, it will retain that name. PROCEDURE The following procedure will be followed for the renaming of City streets, nam parks and public places: (1) The City staff, City Council, Advisory Body or City resident may rt street, park, facility, street(s) within a park, or public place. (2) Residents, neighborhood groups and developers are asked to subn using the notification process and submission guidelines contained he (3) City staff collects a list of potential names by soliciting input fron residents and developers of newly'constructed projects. This list will the criteria contained herein. (4) The subcommittee established in accordance with this policy will re' names. The subcommittee will discuss each name and its relative ,ITIES, ~cilities, streets within a ions will receive careful lave been adopted. a park, or public place recommendation that lbers appointed by the tain to the extension of tegory shall take on the 'oval of this policy shall ',y. The renaming of any it, a working name may ~nd reference purposes. med in accordance with renamed in accordance ing parks, streets within ;quest the naming of a fit proposals for naming rein. neighborhood groups, 2e formulated based on ¢iew the list of potential merits. Potential names 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER / (5) may be added or eliminated from the list at this time. A decision may be made at this or any subsequent meeting called by the subcommittee. The recommended name together with the rationale therefore, will be provided in a report for placement on the next City Council meeting agenda. If the City Council does not approve the recommended name, it shall refer the question back to the subcommittee with direction. NAMING CRITERIA Listed below are the criteria which will be used to generate a list of potential names for parks, facilities, streets within parks, and public places: (1) Consideration may be given to naming of a City street, park, facility, street within a park or public place after the major subdivision in which the street, park or public place is contained or which it is to serve. (2) Name selection may acknowledge local historical events, persons or significant benefactors. (3) If a park, facility, street within a park or public place is to be named after an individual, living or deceased, the person shall have obtained local or national prominence via significant contribution in any field or endeavor. (4) Consideration of a name may acknowledge major financial contributions which made acquisition or property and/or development possible. RENAMING CRITERIA The renaming of a City street, park, facility, street within a park and a public place will be considered if one of the following criteria is met: (1) The name of the park is the working name for the park assigned prior to or during development. (2) The neighborhood changes and the primary users have submitted a petition for a name change that contains at least 51% of the households within a % mile radius. (3) An individual or organization contributed a significant portion of the costs of renovation of a park facility or area. (4) Renaming can occur for an individual living or dead who has significantly served the community. In order to be considered for such an honor, the person should have completed at least ten years of service. There should be a waiting period of at least six months from termination of service, or six months from the death of the individual. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Submission of names for City streets, parks, facilities and public places will be made on forms provided for that purpose. The completed forms should be returned to staff within the timeline set forth in the notification. NOTIFICATION PROCESS Before the subcommittee meets for the first time, notification should be given in the following manner: · Notification on the City of Prior Lake web site: www.cityofpriorlake.com · Notification in the City's official newspaper · Active solicitation by committee members and staff · Notification via letter or flyer to residents of the development or subdivision served by the park. FINAL DETERMINATION The City Council reserves all rights in the naming or renaming of all City streets, parks, facilities, streets within parks, and public places. for both Staff Writer The lo,Trial recommendation is now in: The Prior Lak.e/Savage Area School District should build a new high school... After gnawing on the district's current and projected growth in stu- dent population, the growth and new facilities committee made their case to the school board on Monday night for a new, 2,000-student capacity high school. "We have some work to do before we actually put this into a motion," Superintendent of Schools Les Sonnixbend told the board, ex- plaining that the recommendation ranges on wnemer tile oolnu u~ciu=a to propose a spring bond referendum to fund the project. "This isn't just keeping up with the Joneses," said board member Alan Loose. "This isn't envy of oth- er districts, but what we need to pro-. vide the best education possible." The growth and new facilities committee, made up of parents, com- munity members and school admin- istrators, was formed this past fall to come up with recommendations to deal with' the district's growing numbers and cramped buildings. The Proposal to page 16. What's ,,o name? Seeking oommunity involvement, input If Y..0U... could name a park, road.w.'ay or the new l,nkefront ,park pavilion, what would you call it? The City of Prior Lake is looking to name three punic plac- es and you can help. The first is the new parkway off of Main Avenue leading into Lake- front Park. Second is the parkway that goes through Pond's Park and now extends to Mushtown Road. ql~e third site is the new youth ath- letic complex/community park which is being built on the former Busse property in SPring Lake Townslfip. The recomm.ended name can be based on the subdivision in which the space is located, or it could ac- knowledge a local historical event, a person who made the acquisition of the property possible, a signifi- cant benefactor to the community or someone who has gained local or national prominence. The city's Parks Advisory Committee will review the list of potential names and m,'&e a rec- ommendation to the City Council for approval.' · Naming applicatiOns are a~ail- able from the city's Parks and Rec- reation Depm'tment by calling 447- 9820. Deadline for submitting rec- ommendations is Friday, Feb. H at 4:30 p.m. A vehicle theft sleuth [] Trooper Roske knows how to stOp- and catch- thieves By Nicole S. Colson Correspondent It all started with a'stolen bike. The case that launched Denny Roske's 16-year career as a vehicle- theft investigator can be traced to a not-so-crafty thief right here in Scott County. While he was still patrolling the streets of communities in Scott Coun- ty as a State Patrol trooper, Roske picked up a report of a stolen motor- cycle registered to a New Prague man. A visit to the man's house led Vehicles to page 7 Minnesota autos stolen ' m 1998 ~.~ 1.1991 Chevrolet Pickup 4x4 ~ 2. 1989 Ford Pickup F150 4x4 :~.~ 3. 1991 Pontiac Grand Am ~! 4. 1992 Chevrolet T10 4x4 5.1988 Chevrolet Caprice 6.1988 Chevrolet Caprice 7. 1988 Chevrolet Celebrity ~ 8. 1988 Chevrolet Blazer 4x4 ~ 9. 1991 Isuzu Stylus S "f 10. 1994 Chevrolet Cavaher SOURCE: Ccc Information Services, Inc. Graphic by JONI BERG $O' APPLICATION FOR NAMING' OR RE-NAMING A PARK, FACILITY, STREET WITHIN A PARK, OR PUBLIC PLACE Applicant Name: Address: / / ~ g Ci~/state/Zip Code: Phone: (Please check one) [---] RE-NAMING EXISTING Current Name: Proposed Name: 1. e [--~NAMING NEW Location: I~ ~FI0,,~lq~" ' R~O t~ ~'4 (k'~ ~lx)~: Proposed Name: 1. ~ 07 ~~ ~.DD occt , Please describe rationale for proposed name or re-naming of this park, facility, street within a park, or public place: .. · Please return completed application to: · Prior Lake Parks and Recreation Department Attn: Director of Parks and Recreation ..... 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue NE Prior Lake, MN 55372 16200 Eaqle Creek Ave.S.E.. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 NA~MEPARK.DOC4/16/99 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ' I t,olr ~'+ ;" q ~ 0..3 .[ APPLICATION FOR NAMING OR RE-NAMING A PARK, FACILITY, STREET WITHIN A pARK, OR PUBLIC PLACE Applicant Name: _~o f' ~_ ~/~-e Address: I qt ~ ~ o~ ~..~a¢ /~/~ City/State/Zip Code: ?v._ ~c, ~ Phone: t-lq (,, -.t6~L-~ (Please check one) [-'-] RE-NAMING EXISTING Current Name: Proposed Name: 1. . r--] NAMING Location: "'~0% e Proposed Name: e Please describe rationale for proposed name or re-naming of this park, facility, street within a park, or public place: Please return completed application to: (attach additional forms, if needed) Prior Lake Parks and Recreation Department Attn: Director of Parks and Recreation 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue NE Prior Lake, MN 55372 NAMEPARK.DOC 10/18/99 APPLICATION FOR NAMING OR RE-NAMING A PARK, FACILITY, STREET WITHIN A PA.RK, OR PUBLIC PLACE ' Applicant Name:~~.~~~ Address: lc~ I City/State/Zip '"- Phone: (?t:?~ (Please check one) [~ RE-NAMING EXISTING Current Name: Proposed Name: 1._._ NAMING NEW Proposed Name: 1. / .'- -~-~ ' ~' .. Please describe rationale for proposed name or re-naming of this park, facility, street within a park, or public place: Please return completed application to: (attach additional forms, if needed) Prior Lake Parks and Recreation Deparlment Attn: Director of Parks and Recreation 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue NE Prior Lake. MN 55372 NAMEPARK.DOC 10/18/99 APPLICATION FOR NAMING OR RE-NAMING A PARK, FACILITY, STREET WITHIN A PARK, OR PUBLIC PLACE Applicant Name: Address: City/State/Zip Code: Phone: (Please check one) [-'"] RE-NAMING EXISTING Current Name: Proposed Name: 1. e ' ' NAMING NEW Location: Proposed Name: e Please describe rationale for proposed name or re-naming of this park, facility, street within a park, or public place: . (attach additional forms, if needed) Please return completed application to: Prior Lake Parks and Recreation Department Attn: Director of Parks and Recreation 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue NE Prior Lake, MN 55372 NAMEPARK.DOC 10/18/99 -APPLICATION FOR NAMING OR RE-NAMING A PARK, FACILITY, STREET WITHIN A PARK., ~OR PUBLIC PLACE Applicant Name: [") F" ['=- c,, q 5; Address: City/State/Zip Code: Phone: (Please check one) ~ RE-NAMING EXISTING Current Name: Proposed Name: 1. [~] NAMING NEW Location: ]'~ L) cOG~ ~OP ~')~ Proposed Name: 1. ~"¢ ~ ¢ CD~[~ ~e/~ . Please describe rationale'for proposed name or re-naming of this,park, facility, street within a park, or public place: (attach additional forms, if needed) Please return completed application to: Prior Lake Parks and Recreation Department Attn: Director of Parks and Recreation 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue NE Prior Lake, MN 55372 NAMEPARK.DOC 1 O/18/99 APPLICATION FORNAMING OR RE-NAMING A PARK, FACILITY, STREET WITHIN A PARK,~ OR PUBLIC PLACE Applicant Name: Address: ~C~--2~q City/State/Zip Code: (Please check one) F---] RE-NAMING EXISTING Current Name: Proposed Name: 1. AMING NEW Location: Proposed Name: 1. e Please describe rationale for proposed name or re-naming of this park, facility; street within a park, or public place: - ,,. - -," " - .- tKO ~ U (attach additional forms, if needed) Please return completed application to: Prior Lake Parks and Recreation Depamnent Attn: Director of Parks and Recreation 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue NE Prior Lake, MN 55372 NAMEPARK.DOC 10/I 8~99 APPLICATI°N FOR NAMING OR RE-NAMING A PARK, FACILITY, STREET WITHIN A PARK, OR PUBLIC PLACE Applicant Name: Address: City/State/Zip Code: Phone: ~~ ~sl (Please check one) ~ RE-NAMING EXISTING Current Name: Proposed Name: 1. . - .r~NAMING NEW Location: '~t4 ~5 ~ Proposed Name: 1. . Please describe rationale for proposed name or re-naming of this park. facility, street within a park, Or public place: '¢L~/ ,'~ ~ v~,~ poF~x~c o.~a. v~x~ ,'~,,~oxt~-, ~f , F,"PZ q~ 0 5 Co~;~~ ~ ~ fr,'o r (aRachadditionalfoms, ifneeded)~- ..... Please return completed apphcat~on to: Prior Lake Par~ and Recreation Dcp~ent ~ O ~ A~n: Dbector of Par~ and Recreation ~ ~ 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue NE Prior L~e, ~ 55372 ~e ~ NAMEPARK.DOC 10/18/99 FEB 0 ? 2000 APPLICATION FOR NAMING OR RE-NAMING A PARK, FACILITY, STREET WITHIN A PARK, OR PUBLIC PLACE Address: City/State/Zip Code: Phone: (Please check one) ~ RE-NAMING EXISTING Current Name: Proposed Name: 1. 2. I--"] NAMING NEW Location: ~z.~~ Proposed Name: 1. , Please describe rationale for proposed name or re-naming of this park, facility, street within a park, or public place: - -" (attach additional forms, if needed) Please return completed application to: Prior Lake Parks and Recreation Department Attn: Director of Parks and Recreation 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue NE Prior Lake, MN 55372 NAMEPARK.DOC 10/18/99 02/04,FEB. 4.2000:4 l:39P~ll~-44EDINA REALTY TITLEI~ 0F FRIOR ~ · N0.553 P.3/3 APPLICATION I~OR NAMING OR RE-NAMING · .A P.ARK~ FACfl,IT¥, STRRET ~ A P~,. OR P~LIC P~~ ' I Applican~ Address:. i Terri George I 17248 Sunray Circle ,,, Cia/State/Zip Code: Prior Lake, 1~ $5372 Phon,: . 6 I. 2-8_9.5-4 884. (PI~__~ check on.) Current Name; .. · Proposed Name: l. NAMING NI~W Location: --. Any of ~:he new Ai:hletic Fields/Parks Proposed Name: . Pica.sc describe ralionale for l~oposcd name or re-naming of this park, facili~, slreet within a park, or public place: 'After George ~Lkan, the ori~inal'.Laker, ~ro 'basketball 'pLaver . for ~:he Lakers in the 19$0vs. I believe they still live in the Edina area. (at'ta=h additio-sl fom~, if needed) Plcasc ~mrn compLemd spplic~tion to: Prior L~e Patios ~d P. ccrcation Deparune~ Ann: Director ofPsrkls a~d F, ecre~lon 16200 Eaglo Creek Avenue NI~ Prl~r ,Lako, MN :~:~72 NAMBPARY~DOC ! 0/18~99 APPLICATION FOR NAMING OR RE-NAMING A PARK, FACILITY, STREET WITHIN A'PARK, OR PUBLIC PLACE Address: ~0 d-~ _ //..~ /,~t.j' ~ ,~. Phone:_... (Please check one) ' [--] RE-NAMING EXISTING Current Name: Proposed Name: 1. Please describe rationale for proposed name or re-naming of this park, facility, street · withija-3 park, or public place: - - ~ - · .- ( cll~rdditional forms, it~ded) Please return completed application to: . Prior Lake Parks and Recreation Department Attn: Director of Parks and Recreati°n 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue NE · · Prior Lake, MN 55372 NAMEPAKK.DOC 10/18/99 APPLICATION FOR NAMING OR RE-NAMING "" ' A PARK, FACILITY, STREET WITHIN A PARK, OR PUBLIC PLACE · Applicant Name: ~)~ J-~. ~ ,~J City/State/Zip ! Phone: (Please check one) ['-] RE-NAMING EXISTING Current Name: Proposed Name: e ' ~~AMING NEW Location: ,/~ J~__d_~ L. Proposed Name: 2. Please describe rationale for proposed name or re-naming of this park, facility} street within a park, or public place: ..~~ ¥~ l-~ ~,,~ ~_/~ :o ~ ~ ./~ ~, PI/tO · . · ~dd - ~ ~ - J ' Please~tum completed ~i~o~o~atio~ . A~: Dkector of P~ks and Recreation 1~0 m l ~~ 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue NE ~~ ~~ ~~~riorLake,~ 55372 ~AmeA~.~oc~0/~ PARK NAMING Location: Mushtown Road & Lone Pine Court Proposed Names: 1.) Busse Park 2.) Busse Fields By making the land available for park use, we feel the Busse name should be incorporated into the name of the Park. The Busse's have owned businesses in Prior Lake since the early 1900s, including Our ownership of the Grain Elevator in the 1960s and also having been a school bus owner and contractor for Prior Lake Schools for the past 49 years. The farm that we are presently living on and farming has been designated as a Century Farm by the State of Minnesota for many years. It has been in the Busse Family since the 1860s. APPLICATION FOR NAMING OR RE-NAMING A PARK, FACILITY, STREET WITHIN A PARK, OR PUBLIC PLACE Applicant Name: Address:/_~_/'Yr'~ City/State/Zip Code: Phone: (Please check one) [~ RE-NAMING EXISTING Current Name: Proposed Name: 1. 2. ~ NAMING NEW Location: /'j~~ Proposed Name: 1. . Please describe rationale for proposed name or re-naming of this park, facility, street within a park, or public place: ..... ~.,~t:-~-~., '-h-.,~ ~._.,_.~ / ,. ,. (att~_h_jc3.clitlonal_~rms, if neededL~ Please return completed application to: Prior Lake Parks and Recreation De~lYaTtfnk~'t Attn: Director of Parks and Recreation 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue NE Prior Lake, MN 55372 NAMEPARK.DOC 10/18/99 APPLICATION FOR NAMING OR RE-NAMING A PARK, FACILITY, STREET WITHIN A PARK, OR PUBLIC PLACE Applicant Name: . .~ Address' .c~~-~'~ //~ ~ ~:~' City/State/Zip Code:~~7~,~, ~. -----~, Phone: ~/~/2 . ~~_._~ (Please check one) [-'-'] RE-NAMING EXISTING Current Name: Proposed Name: 1. . [~AMING NEW Location: Proposed Name: Please describe rationale for proposed name or re-naming of this park, facility, street within a park, or public place: · Please return completed application tO: (attach additional forms, if needed) Prior Lake Parks and Recreation Department Attn: Director of Parks and Recreation 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue NE Prior Lake, MN 55372 16200 ~9~LClX~.Po,~}C~lqt~or Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612)447-4230 / Fax (612)447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER NATIVE AMERICAN WA CIPI ENGLISH DAKOTA DAKOTA PHONETIC Hello Hou How Good-bye Ake Wa~iyakekte Akay Wacheeyahkaykahtay Please Ye Yay Thank you Pidamaya Peedahmyah Good WaSte Washtay Bad ~i~a Sheechah Friend Koda Kohdah Mother Ina Eenah Father Ate Ahtay Grandmother Kun~i Kuhnshee Grandfather Ongonna Ohngohnnah Man W~casta Weechahshtah Woman Winyan Weeyahn Boy Hok~ina Hokesheenah G i r l W~c~nyanna Weecheeyahnah Dog Sunka Shoonkah Cat Pusina Poohseenah House Tipi Teepee Day Anpetu Aahnpaytoo I or me Miye Meeyay I want Wa~in Wahcheen Me, too Mi~eya Meeshayah Water Mni Meenee Tree Can Chahn A or an Wan or wan~i Wahn or wahnzhee ~Courtesy of THE DAKOTA _ Other possibl, e names; KODA TRAIL "Koala" means friend, in Dakota language ONGONNA TRAIL Ongonna means grandfather Ann Kuboushek's and Meta Kpp's grandfather, Dana ~- was a scout for the Union Army in the Civil War. SOCIETY Felix, APPLICATION FOR NAMING OR RE-NAMING A PARK, FACILITY, STREET WITHIN A PARK, OR PUBLIC PLACE · Applicant Name: ~.~/~La' Q¢ ~'Q'~JffP,~,-x. Address://~' 67~, / .~ ~~~~~/~, ~. City/State/Zip Code:~~~y ~~:/ .~~ ~~ ¢ V Phone: ¢~ 7~- } l O (Please check one) [---] RE-NAMING EXISTING Current Name: Proposed Name' 1. . [~ NAMING Location: (~~ ~~ Proposed Name: . Please describe rationale for proposed name or re-naming of this park, facility, street within a park, or public place: .- Y.-'. P., ~ ~-~ ,- (attach additional forms, if needed) . ~- ... Please return completed application to: Prior Lake Parks and Recreation Department A~n: Director of Parks and Recreation 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue NE Prior Lake, ~ 55372 FEB 0 7 16200 ~~~~t,8~r Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612)447-4230 ) Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNI~ EMPLOYER J, ~) "' . ' ....... ~ .............. ,..,., 02/£F_E.B. 4;a.~_lB~,l: _i:~.8..P.I)ls.I.2tEDINR REALTY TITLE2ITY OF PRIOR ~ N0,553 P.a/3 Fgloo$ Applicant Name: APFLICATION FOR NAMING OR RE-N~G A'PARK, FAC~ITY, STREET WITHIN A P ,A~K' OR PUBLIC PLACE [ ! Terri Oeorge ,, ', __ Address: , ,17248 Suuray Circle Cit,/State/Zip Code:_ .... ~:i.0~... L,?e, ~ 5~372 Phone:, 612-895-4884 (Please check one) [---1 RB-N~G BXIST1NG Current ~ame: Proposed Name: 1.. r-~ NAMING Location: Lek?front Park near the Kop ~a_rm_ . BNTRANCE WITHIN THE PARK Proposed~ame: 1. Goat Hill CaTe (.Oo~t Hill Gs~-g~,~',?l Kop Kove Pavilltom Pica,se d~scribe rationale for propos~ name or rc-nami~ of~ds park. facility, street within a park. or public place: 1. "'EVERYONE 'I~0 EVER VISITS lis i~,NTIONS_LTRE GOATS ON. THE HILL '.-~' . ' ---- ' ACROSS FROH BURGER KING (I have used them in my directions to ~he house) _ , , 2. Kop Kove - ~or the owners of tha £arm :here Piemse mmm comptcmd applicazion m: (attach additional forms, ifne~-ded) Prior Lake Parks and T~ecre,~ion Department Ate: DJr~cu~r of Parks and ?,ccrcetion 16200 F.a~lo Crmk Avenue Prior Lake, Mlq lqAleffiPARI~.DOC ! 0/I Sl99 FEB 1 000 APPLICATION FOR NAMING OR RE-NAMING A PARK, FACILITY, STREET WITHIN A pARK, OR PUBLIC PLACE Applicant Name: Address: City/State/Zip C°de: ! (Please check one) n'-] RE-NAMING EXISTING Current Name: Proposed Name: 1. o - ["'-~NAMING NEW Location: ~ ~1. 5 ~'C- Proposed Name: 1. . Please describe rationale for proposed name or re-naming of this park, facility, street within a park, or public place: (attach additional forms, if needed) Please return completed application to: Prior Lake Parks and Recreation Department Attn: Director of Parks and Recreation 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue NE Prior Lake, MN 55372 BIAMEPARK.DOC 10/18~99