6:30 p.m.
1. Call to Order
Approval of Meeting Minutes
a. September 10, 2001 Meeting
3. Staff RePorts
a. Ryan Park Concession Stand
b. Playground Equipment
c. Park Development Update
d. Committee Membership Update
4. Old Business
5 New Business
6. Future Meeting Dates - November 12, 2001
7. Adjournment
16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245
SEPTEMBER 10, 2001
Ron Ceminsky called the Parks Advisory Committee meeting to order at 6:30 p.m., on
Monday, September 10, 2001. Members present were Ron Ceminsky, Thea Fluhrer,
Pat Heaney, Tom Schutz, Chad Storley and Kathy Smith. Also in attendance were
Parks Supervisor Al Friedges and Assistant City Manager Susan Walsh.
June 11, 2001 Meeting Minutes: Parks Supervisor Friedges requested that Valley
Paving's bid should be changed to $78,397.50. MOTION BY SCHUTZ TO APPROVE
Motion carried.
Ryan Park Field Change: Parks Supervisor Al Friedges discussed a request from
PLAY to change Field 3 from youth softball to youth baseball. Field No. 4 at Ryan Park
was originally set up for youth baseball with 75-foot base pads. It was extended out to
accommodate 82-foot base pads that would accommodate12 and 13 year old youth
baseball players. Friedges is waiting for a letter from PLAY to inform him that the
numbers justify that that field should be set up for youth baseball rather than youth
softball. Committee members agreed that Field 4 should be utilized for 12 and 13 year
olds rather than just 12 year olds. They also agreed nothing should be done on Field 3
until the City receives the letter of request from PLAY. If this occurs, the fields would be
used as follows: Field 1 will be a full size baseball field; Field 2 will be youth softball;
Field 3 will be12 year old youth baseball and Field 4 will be 12 and 13 year old youth
Parks Supervisor Friedges advised the fields are not in very good shape because of the
lack of rain this summer. He advised that at this point in time it is difficult to predict what
the condition of the fields will be next spring. At that time it will be determined whether
or not to open the fields. It was suggested that perhaps the city could use school district
fields. Thea Fluhrer advised that the Soccer Association recently used the school district
fields and were charged a striping fee. Members of the committee agreed that school
district officials may need to be reminded that the city waives usage fees when the
school district uses city fields and facilities.
Trails Update: Friedges advised the trails have been graded and ready for paving.
According to the contract, Valley Paving must complete the job by October 1, 2001.
Discussion was held on the reconstruction or enhancement of older trails throughout the
city. Friedges advised that he hopes to put together a maintenance schedule matrix for
all the trails and parking lots and projected dates for improvement.
Sandpoint Beach Lighting Project: Since the completion of this project, there have
not been any complaints from nearby residents.
Summer Program Review/Fall Program Update: Walsh advised the Wavelength that
included the fall programs was recently mailed to residents. Prior Lake is continuing to
co-sponsor activities with Savage and District 719. This year's dance program began
last week, and enrollment is just below 400 students. Fall Fest is next Monday evening,
and the City will have two tables there.
Fishing Pier/Boat Trailer Parking Update: Council Liaison Joe Zieska requested
committee members' input on providing more parking spaces at the fishing pier on
County Road 21 and on adding additional vehicle-trailer parking at Sand Point Park. At
the September 4, 2001 Council meeting the Council passed a motion to direct staff to
re-stripe for vehicle with trailer parking at Lakefront Park and a portion of Sand Point
Park as determined by staff by Memorial Day 2002. The Council also passed a motion
to direct staff to research and bring back a proposal for installing steps at Lakefront Park
and for the adding parking spaces at Grainwood Park.
Following discussion, the members agreed they would like to see an additional 8 to10
spaces at Grainwood Park. The current lack of parking spaces prohibits parents with
small children to go fishing on the pier, and additional spaces would help keep cars from
parking on adjacent streets. Committee members expressed concerns that by adding
vehicle - trailer parking spaces at Sand Point Park; this would take away spaces for
people using the beach. It was suggested that an overflow parking lot for vehicle-boat
trailing parking be located on the water tower site.
Committee members did not object to adding vehicle-boat parking spaces at the upper
level of Lakefront Park. Thea Fluhrer questioned whether Kop Parkway is wide enough
to handle this type of traffic.
Discussion ensued on the feasibility of installing steps on the dirt trail leading from the
upper parking lot. Members concurred that a switchback type trail would be appropriate
but they needed final costs and usage numbers before a decision could be made.
They also agreed that the existing trail should not be closed.
New Business: Parks Supervisor Friedges advised that funds for park monuments is
identified in the CIP but a decision has not been paid on the type and style.
Ron Ceminsky advised that a donation of $3000 will be made to the City from Hoops in
the Park. This donation will help pay for basketball equipment that was installed this
year in Willows and Knob Hill Parks.
A motion to adjourn was made and seconded.
Su~an Waist,, Assistant City Manager