....................................................... ..6...;...0....0....p.........m...... .........................................................
1. c:a!! to Order
2. Introd~ct!o_n_ of Parks and Recreation !_n_tern - Kent Kloster
3. A,nprova! of Meet_i_n_~ Mim~te$ - March 11, 2002
Old R,sine~s
a. Parking at Sand Point Beach
b. Outfield Signage
c. Skatepark Update
· Acquisition of Equipment
· Opening Date
· Hours of Operation
· Fees
· Agenda for Informational Meeting at 7:30 p.m.
4. New ~,~si_ness
a. Summer Program Review
F~t~re Meetin_g _Dates
a. May 13, 2002 Joint Meeting with City Council
· Tour of City Parks
· Items for Discussion with Council
1. Adjm~mment
7:30 P.M.
i0 Eagie Creek Ave. $.E., Prior Lake, ivhnnesota 55372-i7i / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245
MARCH 11, 2002
Chair Thea Fluhrer called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., on Monday, March 11,
2002. Members present were Tom Schutz, Chad Storley, Lori Helgestad and Pat
McFadden. Also in attendance were Parks Maintenance Supervisor Al Friedges,
Recreation Supervisor Chris Esser, Council Liaison Joe Zieska and Assistant City
Manager Susan Walsh.
February 11, 2002 Meeting Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting was
reviewed. MOTION by Storley to approve the February 11, 2002 minutes. Second by
Helgestad. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0.
Outfield Sicjnage: Recreation Supervisor Esser advised he has sent email messages
to representatives from the Mudcats and Jays to see if they would be interested in
participating in this project. He has not heard back from either club, but will follow up
with them.
Skatepark Facility: Discussion was held on the recent action taken by the City Council
amending the 2002 Capital Improvement Budget to include a skatepark facility. This
action was taken at the March 6th Council Meeting. The Council also directed city staff
and the Park Advisory Committee members to make recommendations to the City
Council for a location, design, vendor selection and other related issues for construction
of a skatepark facility for this year.
Recreation Supervisor Chris Esser provided a memorandum to the members that
outlined several factors members needed to consider for a skatepark. Members
discussed each of the following factors:
· Site: Members concurred the skatepark should be placed in one of the existing
hockey rinks rather than using funds to grade and pave a new site. A new site could
be considered in the future if the skatepark remains as popular as predicted.
· Tier l and Tier I1: Esser explained the difference between the two categories and
advised most cities with existing skateparks are leaning towards upgrading from a
Tier l to a Tier II.
· Equipment: Esser discussed wood-based versus steel-based systems. Most cities
are using equipment sold by True Ride and Earl F. Andersen. Members concurred
the steel-based modular systems should be purchased because of its 10-year
warranty, durability, and modular design. Esser also advised that Earl F. Andersen
has a system for sale that has been used only for indoor demonstrations and is
discounted at 25% off the original price.
· Supervision: Members concurred that the skatepark facility should be staffed for
Tier l and Teri II.
· Cooperation: Esser contacted the City of Savage who has already ordered
equipment but indicated they would be interested in future endeavors. The school
district has not been contacted.
· User Input: Members unanimously agreed it is crucial to receive input from the
users, and meetings need to be publicized so parents and youth can attend.
· Timeline: Esser advised installation of equipment will take three to six weeks, and in
order to have a facility in place by this summer, it may necessitate special meetings
for the committee.
· Cost: The Optimist Club has donated $25,000, and a recommendation for total
project funding will be determined based upon the quotations received from vendors.
MOTION by Schutz to a hold the first public meeting at 7:30 p.m. on April 8, 2002, a
second meeting on April 22, 2002 and make a recommendation to the City Council at
the Joint Parks Advisory Committee/City Council meeting on May 13th, 2002. Second
by Storley. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0.
Parking at Sandpoint: Discussion was held with regards to a memorandum from City
Manager Frank Boyles regarding past discussions of the Parks Advisory Committee to
expand collection of parking fees at Sandpoint to include the spring and fall months.
Member Tom Schutz did not believe the additional fees were more aggressive but rather
a way to provide a long-term solution for additional parking and maintenance needs.
Schutz advised he has discussed this with some members of the Council who agreed
this matter should be looked at. Schutz recommend that an honor system with a fee
box be implemented at Sandpoint, and funds be expended for a parking lot at the water
tower. Assistant City Manager Walsh advised construction of the parking lot would need
to be included in the Capital Improvement Program, and the committee members could
make a recommendation to the City Council.
Some members of the committee were not in favor of using the upper parking lot at
Lakefront Park for boat trailer parking. They felt Kop Parkway is too narrow and may be
a safety issue.
Chair Thea Fluhrer requested that Schutz bring back a proposal to the next meeting.
Park Entrance Signs: Parks Supervisor Al Friedges requested committee members'
input and recommendations on the type of signs to be installed at the neighborhood
parks. $10,000 is included in the capital park fund for the next five years for new and
replacement signs. Friedges presented three different styles and types of signs: (1)
granite sailboat approximately 4 feet in height, (2) pre-cast concrete signs and (3) a
plastic sign. Following discussion of each, the members agreed that because of the
unique style of the granite sailboat signs, they should only be used for community parks
or at entrances to the City. They further agreed they liked the pre-cast concrete signs
for the neighborhood parks.
Summer Performance Series: Recreation Supervisor Esser requested input on
whether the summer performances in the park should be moved to a different evening
because of lack of parking spaces when soccer games are going on the same evening.
There was a general consensus from the members the concerts in the park should
remain on Thursday evenings since there is available parking in the upper parking lot
and some of the soccer games will be moved to Thomas Ryan Park this summer which
will help with the tight parking problem.
Thomas Ryan Memorial Park Dedication: Committee members requested that staff
begin planning for the grand opening. Staff will report back at the next meeting.
Transit: Member McFadden asked if there was some way that the city buses could run
a regular route through the city during the summer months that would provide rides to
the youth to the beach, skatepark and baseball fields. Assistant City Manager Walsh
advised that it would cost approximately $250 to use the buses for a minimum of three
hours. McFadden and other members agreed that it would cost too much. Walsh said
she would look into the Dial-a-ride services that are provided by Scott County.
Extreme Bass Tournament: Walsh advised the members that representatives from
KFAN, Cystic Fibrosis and Waste Management approached the City Council to seek
their approval of having this event in Lakefront Park. The date is June 16th, and they
expect several hundred people to attend. This is the last day of a series of fishing
tournaments on Lake Minnetonka, and the top prizes will be give out to the winners.
This tournament is a huge fundraising event for Cystic Fibrosis. Some of the events will
include kids' fishing tournament, entertainment, vendors' booths, food and more.
MOTION by McFadden to adjourn. Seconded by Fluhrer. Ayes 5. Nays 0.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Walsh
Assistant City Manager