HomeMy WebLinkAbout120792 RegularMINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL December 7, 1992 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, December 7, 1992 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council .Chambers. Present were Councilmembers Fitzgerald, Kedrowskl, White, Acting City Manager Kuhlmann, Finance ulrec~o~ Teschner, Public Works Director Anderson, City Attorney Kessel and Recording Secretary Birch. Councilmember Scott was absent due to being out of town, Mayor Andren was absent until 8:00 p.m. due to the fact she was making a a presentation at the School. Acting Mayor White, called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of the November 16, 1992 Council meeting were reviewed by Council. MOTION MADE BY KEDROWSKI, SECONDED BY FITZGERALD, TO APPROVE THE Minutes NOVEMBER 16, 1992 COUNCIL MINUTES AS SUBMITTED. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Kedrowski, and White, the motion carried. The next order of business was approval of the Consent Agenda as follows: a) Consider Approval of Invoices To Be PaidInvoices b) Consider Approval of Ordinance 92-12 Amending Prior Lake 0R92-12 City Code Section 5-2-1 and Zoning Ordinance 83-6 _ Beaudette Beaudette Rezoning C-1 to R-1 c) Consider Approval of Resolution 92-37 - A Resolution ~S9u2-37 Entering Into an Agreement With the State of Minnesota ~u§e c~ For the Reimbursement Monies Through the Federal !elmburse- Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986. ment d) Consider Approval of Telephone System Upgrade ~hongs e) Consider Approval of Payment to Northwest Associated ~orthwe~st. assoc~a~ea Consultants For Assistance in Formulating The Shoreland C°nsultants Management Ordinance ~e~ra~d' MOTION MADE BY KEDROWSKI, SECONDED BY FITZGERALD, TO APPROVE THE Consent CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (a) THRU (e). Agenda Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Kedrowski, and White, the motion carried. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 ! Ph. (612) 447-4230 ! Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Minutes of the Prior Lake City Council December 7, 1992 Acting Mayor White stated that Staff had requested Agenda Item 5, - Continuation of Landscape Ordinance 92-10 Public Hearing - be continued to January 19, 1993. MOTION MADE BY FITZGERALD, SECONDED BY KEDROWSKI, TO APPROVE THE CONTINUATION OF LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE 92-10 PUBLIC HEARING TO TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1993. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Kedrowski, and White, the motion carried. Landscape Ordinance The next order of business was: Consider Livingston Livin§ston Administrative Land Division and Variance Application. City Admin. Lane Planner Graser presented details of the land division and Div & Var. discussed the contingencies. A short discussion occurred with Applicatio~ regard to the use of the property and insurance requirements of a twin home. MOTION MADE BY KEDROWSKI, SECONDED BY FITZGERALD, TO APPROVE Randall RANDALL LIVINGSTON' S ADMINISTRATIVE LAND DIVISION AND VARIANCE FOR 16180 AND 16182 EVANSTON AVENUE, SUBJECT TO PROVIDING THE Livin§ston CITY DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS AND SUBMITTAL OF A CASHIER'S Land Div CHECK TO THE CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $500 AS SECURITY FOR TURF ESTABLISHMENT. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Kedrowski, and White, motion carried. the A short recess was called. Mayor Andren reconvened the meeting at 8:00 p.m. The next order of business was: Public Hearing - 1993 Operating Public Budget. Acting City Manager Kuhlmann presented an overview of Hearing the proposed 1993 Operating Budget, and discussed details of the 1993 tax levy as it related to the overall property taxes and impact on the various priced homes in Prior Lake. Ms. Kuhlmann also Operating presented overheads of charts and graphs indicating the City's Budget standing in comparison with other municipalities in the metropolitan area based on the overall taxes. Mayor Andren then opened the meeting for public comment. The following persons addressed the Council regarding the proposed budget: Paul Reutelier 5470 Amblewood Drive Carl Hanson 4065 Raspberry Ridge Road Tom Schlick 15213 Edgewater Circle Manny Russo 5384 160th Street SE Jim Brown 3654 Willow Beach Street Carol Von Arx 14346 Rutgers Street NE James Emanuelson 16832 whitewood Avenue John Wingard 2892 Center Road Bill Cramer 13496 Pike Lake Trail Bradley Haycraft 14156 NE Ash Circle Richard Rheinhart 2917 Center RD SW Minutes of the Prior Lake City Council December 7, 1992 Extensive discussion occurred on various aspects of the budget. MOTION MADE BY KEDROWSKI, SECONDED BY WHITE, TO APPROVE RS92-38 RESOLUTION 92-38 CERTIFYING FINAL 1993 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE TAX Certifying LEVY TO SCOTT COUNTY AUDITOR. Final Tax Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Kedrowski, and Levy White, the motion carried. Tapes of the Public Hearing will be on file in the City Manager's office. MOTION MADE BY KEDROWSKI, SECONDED BY WHITE, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC ?H HEARING. Close Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Kedrowski, White, the motion carried. and A short recess was called. The meeting reconvened at 10:15 p.m. The next order of business was: Consider Carpet Replacement for Carpet City Hall. Finance Director Teschner presented details of the Replacemen~ request. Discussion occurred regarding funding and need for the for City carpeting. Councilmember White made a motion to carpet the Hall Police Department area only. Motion failed for lack of a second. Additional discussion occurred on bids, need and cost. MOTION MADE BY KEDROWSKI, SECONDED BY WHITE, TO TABLE THE ISSUE Carpet TO ALLOW COUNCIL TIME TO EVALUATE THE NEEDS ASSESSMENT STUDY AND Tabled WALK THROUGH THE BUILDING TO DETERMINE THE NEED FOR CARPETING, ESPECIALLY IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, AND DIRECTED STAFF TO SECURE TWO ADDITIONAL BIDS AND PLACE ON THE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION IN JANUARY. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Kedrowski. Nay by White, the motion carried. Topics discussed under Other Business: -- Update on The Wilds. Kay Kuhlmann handed out a draft Wilds timeframe on the approval process anticipated to take place Update before construction can begin on The Wilds. Staff and Council concurred that it will be necessary for the developer to forward pertinent documentation to the City as soon as possible to allow staff adequate time to process the detail work and coordinate schedules in order to foresee and avoid unneccessary delays. Discussion occurred regarding the project. Council directed staff to write a letter to the developer summarizing the process and stressing the importance of getting started on the details as soon as possible. -- Discussion of School District Issues. Kay Kuhlmann commented School on a memo prepared by staff which summarized the issues, and requested direction from Council. Discussion occurred Issues regarding various steps Council and staff had taken in the past to develop a supportive relationship with the School District. Council concurred that Mayor Andren should contact the Mayor of Savage and the Township officials of Credit Minutes of the Prior Lake City Council December 7, 1992 River, Spring Lake and Sand Creek to determine whether these jurisdictions would consider meeting with Prior Lake officials to brainstorm on ideas for assisting the School District. The meeting will occur after the first of the year. Council directed staff to draft a Resolution to Representative Becky Kelso and Senator Terry Johnston to encourage their participation in obtaining equitable funding from the state. -- Kay Kuhlmann proposed that Council and staff consider holding a workshop sometime within the next month to discuss the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community' s proposed recreation Workshop and fitness center. Council concurred that a workshop should Disc. be held, and directed Kay to put together some dates for for Indian cons iderat ion. C ommuni ty -- A short discussion occurred on whether to cancel the December 21, 1992 regularly scheduled Council meeting. MOTION MADE BY WHITE, SECONDED BY KEDROWSKI, TO CANCEL THE Dec. 21, DECEMBER 21, 1992 COUNCIL MEETING DUE TO LACK OF ITEMS FOR 1992 ¢ounc~ CONS I DERAT I ON. me e t lng Cancelled -- Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Kedrowski, and White, the motion carried. The next Council meeting will be Monday, January 4, 1993 at 7:30 p.m. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. by general consent of the Council. Kay.K~hlm~nn'- Act~city M~a~nager De~ Birch ' Recording Secretary