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16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E.
Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714
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! MONDAY, December 8, 2003 I
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i : p.m. !
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. 1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Meetina Minutes
a. Approval of October 13, 2003 Meeting Minutes
3. Old Business
a. Winter Maintenance Policy
b. Dance Program Report
c. FIN Program - Norex Donation
d. Spring Lake Regional Park
4. New Business
a. 2004 Skate Park Fees
b. Maintenance of Lakefront Park Ice Rinks
c. Busacker Property Concept Plan
d. Wensmann 4th Preliminary Plat
e. 2005 - 2009 Capital Improvement Budget
f. Concessions
5. Future Meetina Date
a. January 12, 2004
6. Adiournment
Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245
. FOR OCTOBER 13, 2003
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm, on Monday, October 13, 2003, at the
Maintenance Facility. Members present were Pat McFadden, Tom Borger, Mike
Feriancek, and Lori Helgestad. Ruth Harris was absent. Also in attendance were Public
Works Director Bud Osmundson, Parks Maintenance Supervisor AI Friedges, and
Assistant City Manager Susan Walsh.
. -Approval of the AUQust 11.,2003 Meeting Minutes: Motion by McFadden to approve
the August 11, 2003 Meting Minutes. Second by Borger. Ayes 4. Nays: o.
MeadQwview Park Plavaround Eauipment: Discussion was held on the action taken
by the City Council at their August 18, 2003 meeting denying an amendment to the
Comprehensive Plan to change the zoning from commercial to high densi~y residential.
Based on this action, the parks department installed the playground equipment that was
purchased earlier this year. Friedges advised the playground equipment for this park
represented a full set of equipment that is typical for a neighborhood park. Staff advised
they are attempting to address size of park and types of equipment in preconstruction
meetings with developers or early in the process so potential buyers know what type of
park is planned for the development. But, it is difficult to control what information
developers provide to potential homebuyers. ~
Lakefront Park Reforestation ProQram: Friedges provided additional information on
the grant funds the city will use to pay for a forest management plan to remove
buckthorn and other noxious plants from Lakefront Park. The $9,000 the city was
awarded will pay for a consultant to come in and do a thorough study on what and how
to remove the noxious plants and how to implement a replacement program. Once the
plan is complete, removal and reforestation will be done in phases. Workers may be
used from the sentence-to-serve program.
FiN Proaram: ,The committee members reviewed information regarding the Fishing in
the Neighborhood program, which is a DNR program to increase fishing opportunities as
well as increase awareness of our environment. The DNR has looked at the two lakes
at Lakefront Park as potential places to implement the program. The DNR would stock
the lakes each year or would install an aerator to keep the fish from freezing out.
Friedges advised he is waiting on the recommendation from the DNR. Committee
members concurred this is a worthwhile program and staff should move forward with the
2003 Parks Proaram Update: Committee members were provided an update on the
parks projects that were completed this year:
· Installation of playground equipment at Deerfield Park, Fairway Heights,
Meadowview and Timber Crest.
· Construction of trails at Glynwater and Haas Lake Park
· Volleyball court
· Batting cage at Ponds Park
Winter Maintenance Policv: Osmundson distributed a map showing the trails the city
maintenance crew currently plows based upon priority criteria. Members discussed a
petition the city received earlier this year that requested snow removal on trails in the
WOodridge Development and Ponds ParklMagen Fields. Staff had invited Mary
Sheehan to attend this evening's meeting. No one from her neighborhood was present
at the meeting. Osmundson expressed his concerns that if we start plowing trails in this
development, it will be difficult to refuse requests from other neighborhoods in the city
while the number of parks and streets continue to grow.
Staff reviewed the current priority list for removal of snow on sidewalks and trails:
1 st Priority: All safety and emergency parking lots and school accesses within first 12
2nd Priority; Community trails and county corridor trails within 12 _ 24 hours.
3rd Priority: Pleasure rinks and other trails within 24 - 36 hours.
Following further discussion, the committee members recommended the following:
1. The petition to plow trails from the Woodridge area through the Ponds Athletic
Complex and around the new trail in Deerfield should be denied because (a)
.. residents can use the trails that are plowed in Lakefront Park and Five Hawks
. Nature area; (b) it is financially responsible to limit the numbers of trails cleared in
the winter; (c) some residents do not want the trails plowed.
2. The sidewalks/trails on Colorado Street and Pleasant Street (leading to St.
. Michael's) should not be maintained by the city. They should remain the residents'
3. The 5 ft. sidewalk on 1501h Street between Estate Avenue and Fair/awn Shores Trail
' should be plowed since 150th Street is a collector street and the sid~walk connects
to Green Oaks Park and Indian Ridge Park. It was recommended that this would be
a low priority.
4. The pleasure rink~ at Memorial and Fish Point Parks- will not be flooded because of
extreme low usage. Members suggested that residents are notified of these '
changes through the Wavelength, cable, and web site.
PLAY Contribution: Frledges advised PLAY will be presenting a check to the city for
their final payment towards an irrigation system and lighting for fields 1, 2 and 7. Their
contribution will be $34,000.
Scott County Open House for Parks. Trails and Open Space Policv: Mike
Feriancek informed the committee about the public open house on Wednesday. October
22, from 4 pm to 7 pm, at the Prior Lake Library. County staff will be present to discuss
and receive input on the first draft of a comprehensive plan for parks, trails and open
space within the county.
Archel'l/ Ranoe: Pat McFadden asked about the city's archery range. Friedges
advised there is one located in Ponds Park back by field 9. It was suggested that staff
make sure residents know about this through the city newsletter, cable. and web page.
MOTION by McFadden to adjourn. Second by Borger. Ayes: 4. Nays: O.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Walsh,
Year End 02-03
I :
; ,
200~ I 200~ I
i I
i !
Season Length: 6/17/02 - 9/29/02 I 5/3/03 - 9/28/03
Days Open: 90 102
Days Closed: 12 I 6
Total: 102 108
! i I
Total Attendance: 1,505 : 1,081 i
Average Daily Attendance: 17 9
Waivers on File: 482 404
Season Passes Sold: 32 30
Admission: $ 4,129.00 $ 3,215.00 I
Concessions: I I N/A 1$ 1,292.00
City of Prior Lake Confidential
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