HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 13, 1998 .. PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, January 13, 1998 5:30 p.m. Fire Station City Council Chambers 1. Call to Order 2. Review results of the TH13 Corridor Study and Council modification thereof. 3. Identify the issues/interest. 4. Discuss alternatives for business/MnDOT consideration. 5. Adjournment - 7:00 p.m. 16200 a.~iF~Wl~\E$Ai\P~MkBl,9~sota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 1l@~ ~lJ~lflli f}{]a@(}{]~~W 1l~ Lr~~~ [?@rJl~~ ~@rp@~~@ [b@rNl@ trn~~ ~cccc~~~ ~rNl@ [Q)~[L@m~[WlJ ~rNl One lull access .r signalized IntersecHon on T H 101 10 serve this area. Prionty C {~ ~ Limited '0 right turn N\ and right turn oul (or maybe closed complelely) II lull access "r signalized Intersection Is conslrucled on T H 101 belween 131h Ave end Zinran Avenue EKaCI k>cahon uncertain dependenl on local development Priority 8 Note: Inl8rsecbon reconstruction maybe done prior to the addition "'through lanes Connection 0' Candy Cove Trail on the 50Ulh side 01 T H 13 will be closed. Priority B Priority C ~udes commitment by Cily to move I connection 01 Aidgemounl Ave. and 'In 51. lunhar hom T.H 13 PlIOrily C Notos An streel connections 10 T H 131hat are nol highlighted will be limited to "right 1urn in and rlghl lurn out.- _ _ _ _ - Potential new roads, generallocaltons Con~lluchon Time Table Priorilies Priority A: 1-3 years Priority B: 4-10 year. Priority C: 10-30 years Prionly A Signalizing intersection is dependent on connection at County Ad. 23 with Five Ha...,k. Ave Priority C pnonty C Nole: The timetable tor priority B and C projects. Will be dependent on local developmenl, lIaHic volume growth, accidenl penern., Bnd available lunding. Future accident panems may resuh In the need 10 aher the degree 01 access shown on Ihis plan. at ....dividualloc8lioos Prior Lake Economic Development Authority Minutes Tuesday, January 13, 1998 Fire Station City Council Chambers Call to Order: President Barsness called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members Present: President Barsness, Dick Underferth, Pete Schenck Staff Present: Executive Director Frank Boyles, Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier and Assistant City Engineer Sue McDermott Boyles explained the purpose of the meeting was to provide background on TH 13 Study. Engineering has prepared some intersection plans identifying who is affected by access changes. The members are asked to anticipate issues which may come up with the affected property owners and identify some solutions. The City Council identified both Franklin Trail intersections as full access intersections. MnDOT has proposed a different configuration for these intersections. Franklin Trail North Access (MnDOT Proposal): . Northbound lane ofTH 13 allows a right in/right out turn onto Franklin Trail and left turn into Lakers Restaurant . Southbound lane ofTH 13.allows a right in/right.out turn to Lakers Restaurant. . No cross traffic is allowed from Franklin Trail to Lakers. McDermott said MnDOT has stated the changes can be phased - as traffic volumes on TH 13 continue to rise, restrictions will be added. The members discussed different options for access. Comments included: Barsness: More people would want to turn left onto Franklin Trail rather than Lakers, but alternative access exists to Franklin Trail. Schenck: Need left turn from southbound TH 13 to Franklin Trail- limits access to First Bank. Underferth: Talked to the owners of the First Bank building. They are not currently concerned about this arrangement, but when they outgrow the building and want to sell, the intersection configuration will1imit buyers due to bad access. L:\98FILES\98EDA\EDAMIN\MNOl1398.DOC 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Barsness: Schenck: Underferth: Boyles: Should be a way to allow left turns, but limit cross traffic. Need left turn lane with development of retail on the Hechter property. Agreed a left turn lane is needed because of new retail use. Ask MnDOT to consider a design which will restrict cross traffic. We will try to design something and send to MnDOT - Call MnDOT first before a lot of work is done to see if they will consider options. Franklin Trail South Access (MnDOT Proposal): . No access to south bound TH 13 from Franklin Trail. Close Anna Trail access. Underferth: Schenck: Underferth: Schenck: Boyles: Schenck: Does not see this as a problem because most development is residential. The MnDOT configuration creates more U-turns which seems more dangerous than cross traffic. Statistically, U-turns are better than cross traffic. Ring road makes more sense. Does not like closing Anna Trail. Letter from MnDOT is contrary to design plan. The letter states MnDOT does not intend to change Anna Trail connection. Anna Trail - right in/right out is a harmless intersection. The members discussed MnDOT rationale for design at Franklin Trail South. Schenck: Barsness: Underferth: Barsness: Schenck: Underferth: Franklin Trail South should be left as is. Take this intersection off plan until reasonable solution is in place. Reverse statement. City will go along with MnDOT plan when suitable alternative (ring road) is in place. Insist Anna Trail remain open. Ring road must be built from Franklin to Duluth. Do we need to have a public hearing on these issues? This was brought to EDA for recommendation to Council. EDA's decision substantiates Council decision. To summarize the EDA recommendation, there should be no change to the Franklin Trail North intersection. The Franklin Trail South L:\98FILES\98EDA \EDAMIN\MNOl1398.00C 2 Boyles: Barsness: Underferth: Schenck: Boyles: Underferth: intersection design is acceptable only when ring road is in place. First, we will talk to MnDOT to see if there is room for negotiation. Secondly, ifMnDOT says "yes", we will need to try to sell this design to the affected businesses. In summary, the City staff will talk to MnDOT for 1) clarification on Anna Trail; 2) possibility of negotiation; and 3) the EDA will hold a neighborhood meeting. The Council should hold the hearing. Agreed. The Council makes the decision. EDA recommends Council hold a hearing. IfMnDOT is not interested, tell City Council results of the discussion. Tell Council what happens ifMnDOT does not agree. Explain what the EDA recommended. The meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m. Jane Kansier Recording Secretary L:\98FILES\98EDA \EDAMIN\MNOl1398.DOC 3