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MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1998, $:30 p.m.
Call to Order: Vice President Underferth called the meeting to order
at 5:30 p.m. Present were: Vice President Underferth, Commissioners
Gresser, Kedrowski, and Schenck, City Attorney Pace, City Manager
Boyles, Assistant City Manager Woodson, Planning Director Rye,
Planner Tovar, and Recording Secretary Oden. President Barsness was
Pledge of Allegiance: Vice President Underferth led the Pledge of
Allegiance and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Approval of Minutes
a) April 20, 1998
Upon a vote, ayes by Gresser, and Schenck, abstention Underferth, the
motion carried.
4. Consent Agenda
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5. Presentations
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Public Hearings
Old Business:
a) Status Report on Downtown Loan Brochure Distribution
Executive Director Boyles said Jim Sherack who had presented the
program to the EDA prepared a loan brochure for distribution.
16200 F_~~r.~ Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245
Planning Director Rye said it had not been distributed yet.
Vice President Underferth said it should be held until the downtown
redevelopment plan is finalized, distributed, and implementation is
Commissioner Gresser asked how close is the downtown
redevelopment report to having criteria established for redevelopment?
Vice President Underferth said it will be presented at the next EDA
Commissioner Schenck said perhaps brochures should be mailed out in
advance so businesses are notified before they seek financing on their
own. It would be prudent to consider a double mailing, earlier and then
when the plan is finalized.
Vice President Underferth said if one was mailed out now and then the
downtown redevelopment plan is sent out in a month, businesses may
take immediate use of the program and then when the downtown
redevelopment plan is done they would still be assessed. It should be
used as a tool for the redevelopment.
Commissioner Gresser suggested a notice in the paper regarding the
Executive Director Boyles said if it is run as a public service
announcement, there is no charge. It is run on a space available basis.
Planning Director Rye said there were perhaps thirty affected
Vice President Underferth said the downtown redevelopment
committee will have recommendations for the EDA. One
recommendation will be for the EDA to visit downtown businesses
encouraging their support for downtown redevelopment.
b) Status Report on Distribution of TIF Policy
Executive Director Boyles said the TIF Policy has been distributed
through the Chamber of Commerce list in an effort to make businesses
aware that there is now a written policy.
Commissioner Schenck asked about those who are not on the Chamber
Vice President Underferth said there were some on the mailing list,
about 20, that were not chamber members.
New Business
a) Vacant Parcel Inventory
Executive Director Boyles said the EDA has as one of its goals to have
staff provide a list of vacant parcels. That has been done through the
Planning Department. A list has been supplied including zoning,
status of sewer and water, etc.
Commissioner Schenck asked whether 4.5 acres in business park is
Executive Director Boyles said it was not.
Commissioner Schenck asked about the parcel marketed to the City for
the library.
Planning Director Rye said it was included.
Commissioner Schenck said the southwest corner of 42 and 83 is
shown as section 28 but is not in the list.
Planner Tovar said the report is missing a page. The staff will supply
the entire report at the next meeting.
Vice President Underferth asked whether the Vierling and Jeffers
property were both in ag preserve.
Planning Director Rye said the Jeffers property and Vierling property
south of CSAH 42 is in green acres but not ag preserve. The Vierling
property north of CSAH 42 is still in ag preserve. The difference is
green acres confers tax status as agricultural which establishes the tax
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rate as agricultural preserve imposes a prohibition on the development
of the property, the minimum is eight years.
Commissioner Schenck asked if the property is still farmed, after eight
years what is its tax status?
Planning Director Rye said it can then continue as green acres but can
be developed.
Executive Director Boyles asked is there further information the EDA
would like regarding vacant properties?
Commissioner Schenck said properties which are under green acres
and ag preserve should be identified. Since the only property the City
holds is 4.5 acres, is it involved in marketing the property?
Consultant Guenette said ff asked he assists with redevelopment
information, contacts, system for paying for appraising, mall property,
property adjacent to it. Beyond that he has not been approached to
assist in any way.
Commissioner Gresser asked about hiring a broker on a commission
Consultant Guenette said the City does not need to at the present
time. Information on the property has been sent to a mailing list of
commercial Realtors and developers, to reinform them of the
availability of the parcel.
Commissioner Schenck said looking at current and future inventory
coming out of the ag preserve, is annexation a solution to the shortage
of property?
Consultant Guenette said the Mesenbrink property is more commercial
industrial. The EDA should see how the downtown redevelopment
committee report is received.
Commissioner Gresser asked, related to annexation, will there be
commercial industrial demand at that time?
Vice President Underferth said as inventory relates to number five, the
City will have a lot more inventory.
Consultant Guenette said the population has increased. There are
many different factors. The whole area will have a lot more traffic. If
there are specific areas that need to be attended to they should be
looked at now.
Commissioner Gresser asked under each category of zoning, what
category falls under that for proposed zoning?
Vice President Underferth said it is hard to deal with a list and map.
Staff should blow it up.
Executive Director Boyles said there could be a key on a larger map
which shows status with respect to Agricultural Preserve, and green
acres, and identifies what can be developed by zoning district.
Planning Director Rye said they will need a document to go with it.
Other Business
a) Review 1998 EDA Goals and Objectives
Executive Director Boyles said the TIF policy is done. They can review
and comment on the County Finance policy; and local effort TIF from
cities. The business park is nearly done and the Council will be dealing
with the utility extension request tonight.
Executive Director Boyles said the Downtown Redevelopment
Committee will meet with two developers to review the plan. In the
Priordale mall site, Boderman continues to attempt to lease.
Nothing has been done regarding Goal 4. Goal 5 was just discussed
and Goal 6 is no longer relevant at Priordale.
Commissioner Kedrowski said the goals should be revisited and
updated for 1998/1999.
Announcements or Correspondence
Consultant Guenette said Northland Forest Projects, Dick Pyle, wants
EDA members to see his operation. He wants to make sure his facility
would conform to city ordinances and land use requirements. He does
not want to be confronted with nuisance issues. Don Rye, Bob
Barsness, and Roger Guenette went through the facility. There is
noise. With a residential subdivision south through the business park,
he does not want complaints. The purchase agreement stipulates $1.00
square foot. He will take soil borings but will not pay for soil
Executive Director Boyles said the EDA may wish to give the existing
tenants of the business park an opportunity to see Northland as well.
However, they do not want to give them the impression that they have
approval authority.
City Attorney Pace said there are ordinances and code provisions
pertaining to operation and uses and whether or not the uses are
Consultant Guenette said what if the businesses don't like the
Northland operation?
Executive Director Boyles said they have the opportunity to participate
in the public process.
City Attorney Pace asked whether the Northland project was
contingent upon TIF financing.
· Executive Director Boyles said yes.
City Attorney Pace asked was it his idea to have the EDA come look at
his business?
Consultant Guenette said Mr. Pyle wants to know if his investment
will be secure from complaints.
· Councilmember Kedrowski said he is trying to be a good neighbor.
City Attorney Pace asked is the sound study going to provide any
Vice President Underferth said Mr. Pyle is not looking for written
assurances. Whoever has contact with him should suggest he invite
potential neighbors.
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Consultant Guenette said his concern is the residential subdivision in
south. Planers and saws run in the summer with the doors open. the
quest:ion {s will the nolse carry off the property line.
· Commissioner Schenck said Regency Coffee is a direct correlation.
Consultant Guenette said that use was not identified in the front end
throughout that facility. This person is prepared to make a major
Commissioner Schenck said businesses expect certain activities to take
place. Current businesses in the park are willing to put up with noise
and smells in the park. It is bordered by a residential area. He thought
the residents complained about Regency.
City Attorney Pace said the point is disturbances at a property line. If
Mr. Pyle wants assurances himself, he has to have determined decibel
levels. A business with nuisance potential may have buffering
requirements added.
Consultant Guenette asked is there a decibel level requirement at the
property line?
Planning Director Rye said there are state standards which are
adopted by the City.
Consultant Guenette said noise should be measured at the existing
Northland operation to see if it complies with state requirements.
Executive Director Boyles acknowledged that the current Northland
operation is smaller than the proposed operation in Prior Lake.
However, Pyle indicates that most of the additional space will be used
for warehousing.
Vice President Underferth said he wants to go in knowing this is a
business that conforms, not worry about having complaints and upset
Executive Director Boyles said Thursday at 10:00 a.m. the EDA will
meet at 12400 Portland, Suite 115 to tour the Northland plant in
Vice President Underferth said the next meeting would be July 20th at
5:30 in the Fire Station.
11. Adjournment:
The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
Executive Director
Recording Secretary