HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 20, 1998, . . MINUTES OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY JULY 20, 1998 5:30 p.m. FIRE STATION CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. Present were: President Barsness, Commissioners Kedrowski, Schenck, and Underferth, City Manager Boyles, City Attorney Pace, Plalming Director Rye, Consultant Guenette, Recording Secretary Oden. Absent: Gresser. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: President Barsness led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed everyone to the meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 15, 1998 MOTION BY SCHENCK SECOND BY UNDERFERTH TO APPROVE MINUTES. . Upon a vote, ayes by Barsness, Schenck and Underferth, the motion carded. CONSENT AGENDA: None. 5. PRESENTATIONS: None. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. . OLD BUSINESS: a) Northland Products Development Proposal: Northland Products is considering building a 45,000 square foot facility on the single remaining 4.5 acre parcel in the Waterfront Business Park subject to wetland reclamation, soil boring, surveying and tax increment to be offered by the City. The request is to authorize approval of the purchase agreement and the conditions associated with it. Guenette: Concerns relate to: 1) There is a potential for noise pollution. Braun Intertec measured noise levels at the existing plant. At the loudest point at his property line, there is a potential to exceed state standards for noise pollution. That situation could be mitigated. The area to the south is a residential area with a tree line in place, so that should not be an issue as 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 4q7-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER long as the tree line remains. If costs results from noise mitigation measures inside the plant, the City may want to offer a rebate. 2) Uncertainty of soil correction activities is another issue. Mitigation of wetlands is necessary. Estimates for mitigation are in the range of $30,000. City will reimburse for soil borings. City may pay for soil corrections if soil corrections are necessary and reimburse through TIF. 3)Stipulated purchase price $1.50 per square foot or $295,000. Over the term of the district, TIF, etc., costs and mitigation, will result in $200,000 rebate. Net land cost after 11 years is $100,000. Other cities are guaranteeing developable land. Dick Pyle asked for a new purchase agreement to the same effect. Contingencies are the City would provide a survey, he would provide a site plan within ten days. The City would have borings done, then have 45 to 60 days to complete the analysis, and let him know if the City will go ahead or will cancel the agreement. The TIF would provide an increment of $22,000 per year over 9 years. Is the EDA interested in that? Either way the EDA should prepare this site for development. Questions from Commissioners: Underferth: Is the City giving up too much by taking on the noise mitigation costs? Guenette: Under the purchase agreement, Northland is responsible for mitigating noise and the City guarantees a buildable site. Pace: If the City is going to guarantee a buildable site, it needs to be in the purchase agreement. Zoning ordinances have certain criteria. If the agreed upon criteria exceed the ordinance, they must be contractually agreed upon or the City would have a difficult time enforcing them. It should be clear that the cost of doing that is site specific. Barsness: Are noise standards applicable regardless of zoning? Rye: There are 3 classes of noise standards between land use classifications. There are standards for day time and night time which must be met at the property line. Schenck: Why is Pyle leaving his current location? Roger: The lease is up on his current building and his business has outgrown it. Schenck: What will his hours of operation be? Guenette: 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. or possibly 4 p.m.-11 p.m.. Schenck: Imposing hours of operation would not go well. Underferth: That would not go well, but he would probably not mn the noisy equipment at 11:00 at night. Boyles: Did not get impression that second shift is different than first. Guenette: They will try to get all planing and sawing done, then shipping at night. Schenck: Could they go to a 24 hour operation? Guenette: Possibly, but he has not said he would mn more than two shifts. Barsness: What distance was testing done? Rye: Noise testing varied 45-85 feet from building. The representation from Braun was that if all things were equal, potentially there could be a violation. Barsness: What are setback requirements for commercial property? Rye: 60 foot setback for commercial, 25 foot setback for residential. The measurement is at the property line, not from the structure. Schenck: Between the proposed development site and Casey's addition is there any other development potential? Rye: The maintenance center and condominium office building are located between the site and any residential development is to the east. Commissioner Kedrowski arrived at 6:00 p.m. Comments from Commissioners: Barsness: If all things equal, Pyle would choose this site. He indicated the net price was amenable if soil corrections were not an issue. He needs to know he can buy the site and build on it. If the purchase agreement is a fixed price and it gives the City an out if necessary, he may accept it. Would recommend going with Gucnette's suggestion. Underferth: The City would be investigating the property to find out its building potential while we have someone interested. Would be risking some money to find out if it is buildable. With decibel readings beyond state standards, the City must have concern. Schenck: Has concerns with the noise issue with the surrounding tenants and with current and future residents. May not be able to meet PCA standards. Supports borings and survey. Kedrowski: Supports project. Good operation. Want that type of business in Prior Lake. Difficult property to market and sell. This is an interested and qualified buyer. MOTION BY SCHENCK SECOND BY KEDROWSKI TO GO FORWARD WITH A PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND NORTHLAND FOREST PRODUCTS, INC. WITH THE STIPULATION THAT THE CITY FUND SOIL TESTING, SOIL CORRECTIONS, MITIGATION OF WETLAND AREA, AND SURVEY TO ASSURE DEVELOPABLE PROPERTY, CONTINGENT UPON NORTHLAND PRODUCTS FURNISHING THE CITY WITH A SIGNED PURCHASE AGREEMENT AND SITE PLAN. Upon a vote, ayes by Barsness, Kedrowski, Underferth, and Schenck, the motion carded. . NEW BUSINESS: a)Consider Approval of Downtown Redevelopment Task Force Report and Recommendations A Task Force of Economic Development Authority, City Staff and Downtown Business representatives have been appointed to study the downtown redevelopment issue and prepare a report with recommendations about how the downtown could best be redeveloped. The EDA is to consider a resolution approving the report and initiating its implementation. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI SECOND BY UNDERFERTH TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 98-01 EDA APPROVING DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT TASK FORCE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS. Questions from Commissioners: Schenck: On p. 17, #7, concerned about entrance into downtown and that we are stopping redevelopment efforts at Viereck's Fireplace. Rye: No specifics at this point. Need to be more specific about properties involved in the Redevelopment Plan. Another consideration depends upon what happens with the access to Lakefront Park and possible redesign of Main/TH13 intersection. The area by Viereck may be improved as part of phase 2. Barsness: Is there argument for further extending the improvements? Rye: Ideally improvements will be extended, assuming the intersection works and Lakefront Park access is finalized. Boyles: Engineering is being completed now on the Lakefront Park access. Underferth: Design of access does not preclude extension. It can be accomplished later. Barsness: Do we need to come up with a statement of intent and marketing plan? Kedrowski: The redevelopment task force and EDA will accomplish this. Barsness: The report needs to be presented to the Council. The EDA would then proceed with the marketing plan and other steps. Kedrowski: We need a marketing plan for the Council to see. The other items are EDA responsibility. Rye: The recommendation was to do the whole improvement project using an assessment process. Kedrowsla': Will we go to the Council and do a presentation for informational purposes and then bring it back or do all the work first and then bring it to the Council? Rye: Doesn't it depend on whether the EDA or the Council pays for the feasibility report? If Council pays for it, it has to go to them for authorization. Barsness: In house or consultant? Ilkka: Consultant, due to engineering department work load. Comments from Commissioners: Schenck: · We need to make sure the area north of Viereck is not ignored. Undcrfcrth: · We should get Council approval first and then have the EDA do the marketing and other steps. Barsness: · Concur with Underferth. Schenck: · Concurred. The longer Council is not presented with the opportunity to request a feasibility study, the longer the project is delayed. Would like to see the presentation to the Council in the very near future. Public Improvement project timeline should be attached to report. Kedrowski · Council should have everything laid out before its support is obtained. Rye: Ideally a marketing plan should be presented to the businesses to get a sense of support then go Council for approval. Pace: For the resolution, change condition #2 under Now Therefore to read, "That a presentation be made to the City Council about the Downtown Redevelopment Task Force Report and the steps the EDA intends to undertake to further the report's implementation as set forth below;" delete "Be it Further Resolved" and change the numbering to reflect all the conditions will be under "Now Therefore", 1-7. Kedrowsla': Indicate in the presentation to the City Council that the EDA will undertake all the other things and afterward will come back and ask the Council to authorize feasibility report for Public Improvement Project. This was accepted as a friendly amendment. Upon a vote, ayes Barsness, Kedrowski, Underferth, and Schenck, the motion carded. B )NB C Products: NBC Products is expanding its existing facilities on a 1.1 acre parcel they purchased from the City. The firm applied for a Small Business Administration grant and were rejected. They are seeking to loan $75,000 fi.om the Milmesota Department of Trade and Economic Development. Guenette: NBC's loan application was rejected by the Small Business Association because NBC is considered affiliated with Honeywell, which does not qualify as a small business. Shanks therefore has an equity shortfall. A solution is the submission of a Minnesota Investment Fund Grant to Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development. One of the key qualifications is new job creation. Mr. Shanks will create 15 new jobs at ten dollars per hour. The state has given verbal indication they will accept an application for $75,000. That grant will be awarded to the City. They will mm around and make a loan to NBC. This loan will provide enough collateral to leverage bank financing. The public hearing is set for August 17th at the City Council Meeting for submission of the grant. The EDA concurred with the report. 9. OTHER BUSINESS: None. 10. CORRESPONDENCE: None. 11. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION BY UNDERFERTH SECOND BY KEDROWSKI TO ADJOURN. Upon a vote, ayes by Barsness, Kedrowski, Schenck and Underferth, the motion carded. The meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Executive Director Recording Secretary