HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 17, 1999PR/ PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING Monday, May 17, 1999 5:30 p.m. Fire Station City Council Chambers Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were President Barsness, Commissioners Kedrowski, Underferth and Jader, Executive Director Boyles, City Attorney Pace, Planning Director Rye, Planning Coordinator Kansier and Recording Secretary Meyer. Commissioner Schenck was absent. APPROVAL OF APRIL 19, 1999 MEETING MINUTES AND APRIL 28, 1999 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES: MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY JADER, TO APPROVE THE APRIL 19, 1999 MEETING MINUTES AND THE APRIL 28, 1999 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES. VOTE: Ayes by Barsness, Kedrowski, Jader and Underferth, the motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA: None. PRESENTATIONS: None. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. OLD BUSINESS: Results of April 21, 1999 Meeting with Scott County HRA. RYE: Discussed in detail the staff's meeting on April 21st with the Scott County HRA, including the Scott County Rental Housing Study. Noted that the current rental vacancy rate in Prior Lake is virtually zero. Out of 280 rental units, only four units were available for rent indicating that the rental housing market is very tight. KEDROWSKI: Asked the typical or optimum rate for rental vacancies. RYE: Indicated that a rate of 4%-6% is a standard that typically balances supply and demand. The Study further discussed the specific need analysis as it relates to Prior Lake. The summary and conclusions within the staff report draw a fair analysis of the study. The staff also discussed with the HRA the Shakopee River Center project in detail regarding how the project was orchestrated as well as its financing. The last items discussed were the benefits and drawbacks to utilizing the HRA through a joint powers agreement. Advised that entering into the Agreement does not necessarily initiate any type of project, but would indicate the City's willingness to cooperate with the HRA as potential projects came along. KEDROWSKI: Asked if the Study addressed any average rental rate specific to Prior Lake, and would it be helpful to break out some of the information as it applies to Prior Lake separately from Shakopee and Savage. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes May '17, f999 BOYLE$: Noted the specific page where the summary provided rate ranges. RYE: Added that information specific to Prior Lake can be broken out and that it would be useful. UNDERFERTH: Suggested having a discussion whether this EDA would consider marketing some of the undeveloped land within the City to be used for rental housing whether in conjunction with Scott County HRA or independent of them. BARSNE$$: Commented that the EDA needs to become aware of the land available and its zoning classification in order to network the development of commercial/industrial with additional rental housing needs. RYE: Advised that it may be helpful if staff provides an inventory of undeveloped property and its zoning classification. KEDROWSKI: Suggested that in connection with Commissioner Underferth's comments, we may be able to use the issue of high-density residential development to partner with the HRA, using that as a "pilot project" to start to define this relationship. UNDERFERTH: Asked for advice from counsel on whether it is prudent to enter into a joint powers contract without a specific project. Suggested a letter of understanding at this point. KEDROWSKI: Agreed and suggested proposing some smaller project to see how the relationship works. BARSNES$: Discussed concern with the scope of the HRA's role in any particular project. Agreed that any contract should be narrow when the projects are identified. RYE: Clarified that the HRA can focus on more issues than housing. It would depend on the direction and focus of the EDA. Also noted that the City is responsible for carrying the costs for any property acquired by the HRA as well as their holding costs. KEDROWSKI and JADER agreed. PACE: Asked if the intent of the EDA was that it agreed to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding to work cooperatively with the HRA on a project-by-project basis in lieu of a Joint Powers Agreement at this point. Each of the Commissioners confirmed that Attorney PACE'S statement was exactly the intent at this time. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY UNDERFERTH TO DIRECT STAFF TO PREPARE A DRAFT LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE SCOTT COUNTY HOUSING REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. VOTE: Ayes by Barsness, Kedrowski, Jader and Underferth, the motion carried. I:V~,DVBODYS\E DA\M IN UTES\99\051799. DOC 2 Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes May 17, 1999 Results of May 13, 1999 Downtown Redevelopment Workshop. RYE: Reviewed the discussions and input of residents at the Downtown Redevelopment Kick-Off meeting, including identification of the assets to downtown as well as challenges. Mark Koegler will be providing a summary of that workshop which will help him develop some preliminary ideas and lead us into the second Workshop. BOYLES: Commented that the tone of the meeting was very upbeat. People were giving quality input, the process was good, and the consultant was excited about the progress. We would like to see even more people attend. Proposed 2000-2004 Capital Improvement Program. BOYLES: Reviewed the purpose of the Capital Improvement Program and briefly reviewed the TH13 intersection projects scheduled for improvement over the next 5 years, together with their funding sources. Further advised that the County Road 42 frontage road project was not currently scheduled because of the level of fiscal and property impacts. KEDROWSKI: Suggested allowing staff an extra 30-45 days to research additional funding sources with respect to the County Road 42 frontage road project. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY UNDERFERTH, TO ALLOW STAFF AN ADDITIONAL 30-45 DAYS TO RESEARCH ADDITIONAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR THE PROJECT IN ORDER TO RECOMMEND SPECIFIC ACTION TO THE COUNCIL. UNDERFERTH: Asked if the Council considered potential commercial development, and would 30-45 days be enough time for staff to compile the additional information that may sway Council support. BOYLES: Believed that the staff could get a preliminary scan of any available funding sources. However, it is unlikely that this project would be added to the CIP for the next 5 years. KEDROWSKI: Clarified that the discussion at the Council level came down to having the funding to acquire the necessary property. VOTE: Ayes by Barsness, Kedrowski, Jader and Underferth, the motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: Consider Megabit Committee Final Report. JADER: Discussed the purpose of the Committee, their discussions with Scott-Rice Telephone and Triax Cable companies, and the results of the Committee's findings. The Committee suggested that Scott-Rice Telephone will be able to meet the needs of the community and that it is important for the City to partner with Scott-Rice to ensure that the high-speed data needs are met both in the near future and long term. Suggested that the EDA continue to monitor the situation, but that the committee should be terminated. h~,DVBODYS\EDA\MIN UTES\99\051799.DOC 3 Economic Development AUthority Meeting Minutes May 17, 1999 UNDERFERTH: Asked if Scott-Rice Telephone will at some time be capable of cable transmission. JADER: Confirmed that that is correct. There is a lot of competition at this point between cable and telephone companies. But, in any case, the Committee at least found that someone will be able to provide the services that Prior Lake demands. BOYLE$: Advised of other committees that will be following the issue, and that the City has recently used Scott-Rice to provide Internet access, as well as to share information electronically between the City and the County. Proposal for Business Visits by EDA Members. RYE: Stated that in connection with the EDA's business retention concerns, the staff has identified businesses which meet the EDA's criteria and suggested that teams of two Commissioners individually interview each of the business owners. KEDROWSKI: Commented that he believed it makes a good presentation to send two Commissioners, but also did not have a problem interviewing alone. Stated that this is an important issue that deserves a lot of our attention. Suggested including the casino and Dakotah community businesses to keep the lines of communication open if nothing else. JADER: Suggested that it is important that EDA Commissioners perform the interviews but that the members develop some list of topics so that we are discussing the same things. UNDERFERTH: Suggested that two-person teams would be great, but that timing and coordination is a difficult issue. BOYLES: Suggested having one EDA member go with one staff member who could ask the questions and take notes. JADER: Commented that if the Commissioners can go out one-on-one representing the businesses it might be better received. Further discussion occurred regarding the list of businesses, timing and procedures. BARSNESS: Suggested that staff fax around a sign-up list, and that by the next meeting we could have a procedure in place. JADER: Advised that the Chamber in Duluth has hired a business retention consultant that has conducted a survey and compiled its results. They have agreed to share the information with him this week, which he will pass along to staff. Procedures for Authorizing EDA Funds. BOYLES: Discussed a housekeeping measure which would approve invoices to be paid as part of the consent agenda. I:~ADVBODYS\E DA\M IN UTES\99\051799. DOC 4 Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes May 17, 1999 KEDROWSKI: Suggested bringing a recommendation to the Council to initiate an annual special purpose levy to support EDA activities. BARSNESS: Suggested that staff determine the amount allowed under a special levy by the EDA and that the EDA discuss at its next meeting the amount and parameters for its use. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY JADER, TO APPROVE THE PROCEDURE FOR AUTHORIZING INVOICES AS PROPOSED. KEDROWSKI: Clarified that staff will verify if the change in procedure needs to be approved by the Council. VOTE: Ayes by Barsness, Kedrowski, Jader and Schenck, the motion carried. OTHER BUSINESS: Review 1999 EDA Goals and Objectives. BOYLES: Discussed adding a plan that would target specific development that the EDA is looking for including specific timelines, etc. and suggested revising the goals and objectives. BARSNESS: Asked for a compilation of the notes from the Joint Planning Commission, EDA and City Council meeting for reference. UNDERFERTH: Noted that discussion also occurred regarding marketing. BARSNESS: Suggested that he, Boyles and Rye prepare a memo to the EDA for the next meeting regarding the status and/or progress of each of the goals. The Commissioners all agreed. ANNOUNCEMENTS: NONE. Upon a motion and second, the meeting adjourned at 6:48 p.m. I:V~,DVBODYS\E DA\M IN UTES\99\051799. DOC 5