HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 31, 2000 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING Monday, January 31,2000 5:30 p.m. Fire Station City Council Chambers Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were President Barsness, Commissioners Schenck and Mader, Executive Director Boyles, Planning Director Rye and Recording Secretary Meyer. President Barsness noted the passing of Consider APproval of Minutes from December 20, 1999 Regular Meeting. MOTION BY SCHENCK, SECOND BY BARSNESS TO APPROVE DECEMBER 20, 1999 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES. VOTE: Ayes by Barsness and Schenck, the motion carried. Commissioner Mader abstained. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda. BOYLE$: Briefly reviewed the Schedule of Invoices to be Paid and clarified the purpose of each of the items, including a payment to Hoisington Koegler and a payment to Metropolitan Area Promotions for an ad in the Chamber of Commerce pamphlet. MOTION BY SCHENCK, SECOND BY BARSNESS TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS SUBMITTED. VOTE: Ayes by Barsness, Schenck and Mader, the motion carried. Presentation by NBC prOducts. Tony Shanks Mr. Shanks was unable to attend the meeting at the last minute. The presentation will be rescheduled at a later date. Election of Officers BOYLES: Noted that the EDA bylaws provide for the election of a president, vice president and treasurer, although the Finance Director acts as the assistant treasurer. The Secretary position is typically filled by the Executive Secretary. The choices are to elect officers now, or appoint interim officers until the two new members are appointed to serve on the EDA. SCHENCK: Suggested appointing an interim vice president and treasurer. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes January 31, 2000 MOTION BY SCHENCK, SECOND BY BARSNESS TO APPOINT AN INTERIM VICE PRESIDENT AND INTERIM TREASURER UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE CURRENT VACANCIES HAVE BEEN FILLED. VOTE: Ayes by Barsness, Schenck and Mader, the motion carried. MOTION BY MADER, SECOND BY SCHENCK TO APPOINT COMMISSIONER SCHENCK AS INTERIM VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE VACANT POSITIONS HAVE BEEN FILLED. VOTE: Ayes by Barsness, Schenck, and Mader, the motion carried. MOTION BY SCHENCK, SECOND BY MADER TO APPOINT COMMISSIONER BARSNESS AS PRESIDENT FOR THE YEAR 2000. ~CJ:IEIY_C~: Noted that with two new members to be appointed to the EDA, he felt it was important to retain Commissioner Barsness in his capacity as President because of his experience. VOTE: Ayes by Barsness, Schenck and Mader, the motion carried. Review and Discuss Draft of Annual Report to City Council. B_Q_Y_LES: Noted that the Bylaws require that prior to March 31st of each year, the EDA must provide an annual report to the City Council on the EDA's activities. Reviewed the draft report prepared by Planning Director Rye item by item, including the Downtown Redevelopment Study, business retention survey, wetland mitigation, business assistance policy and installation of signage on 35W and Hwy169. Also noted that the report includes a review of the revenues and expenditures, as well as goals and projects for 2000. Asked for comments from the Commissioners. $CHENCK: Asked for clarification of the economic service development goal for 2000, and if the goals for 2000 mirror the goals identified in the 1999 mission statement and objectives. BOYLES: Explained that one of the EDA's recommendations was to look at an economic development director for the community. This item merely puts the issue before the EDA for further determination. There are a number of items as goals for 1999 that do need to be considered. Staff is looking for direction and expected that the EDA would not take final action tonight. MADER: Noted that two agenda items may getting mixed together. There was additional discussion among the Commissioners and staff on what to include in the annual report, and concluded that the focus should be on the 1999 activities and economics. SCHENCK: Asked what the timeframe is for giving the annual report and developing the goals and objectives for 2000. Suggested deferring the discussion until a full commission is present. RYE: Noted that the annual report refers to what happened last year, so there should be no reason not to proceed. Deferral of the discussion regarding 2000 goals is a decision for the Commissioners. BARSNESS: Suggested that the new member workshop may be an appropriate time to discuss the 2000 I:\EDAMIN.DOC 2 Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes January 31, 2000 goals. MADER: Suggested adopting the report as submitted with the notation that the attached goals and objectives will be considered by the full commission in the year 2000. ~_CJ:IEB.~: Agreed. MOTION BY MADER, SECOND BY SCHENCK, TO ADOPT THE REPORT SUBMITTED BUT DELETING THE LISTING OF THE PROPOSED PROJECTS AND SUBSTITUTING THE MISSION STATEMENT AND OBJECTIVES AS RECOMMENDED FOR CONSIDERATION BY THE EDA IN THE YEAR 2000. VOTE: Ayes by Barsness, Schenck, and Mader, the motion carried. Review and Comment on 2000-2004 Capital Improvement Program. B_Q_Y_t,ES: Noted that the intention of the City Council is to solicit input from the EDA and other advisory bodies on the proposed capital improvement program. Projects recommended by the EDA include TH13 intersection at Commerce/Boudin for 2000, TH13 intersection at 150th street for 2002, and the TH13 intersection improvement at TH23 at Five Hawks in 2004. Staff is concerned about getting MnDOT funding every other year over a three year period, and that it may be worthwhile to look at getting funding from MnDot all in one year. To accomplish all those projects in one year could be very difficult. Briefly reviewed the funding sources for each project. MADER: Suggested finding out and tying into any plans the State may have for TH13. In order to get funding, if the only risk is administration of the projects, suggested that there may be other ways to administer the projects. Commissioners SCHENCK and B,N~_BESS agreed. There was a brief discussion regarding the realignment of the ring road and its impact on economic development. BOYLES: Concluded that the City Council will conduct a hearing on the Capital Improvement Programs in May and staff will forward the EDA's comments on this matter. SCHENCK: Discussed that the extension of Adelmann Street may be necessary in order to jump-start commercial development in the area. RYE: Initially the request was denied to have the City extend the street. Subsequently, it was reconsidered by the Council and at that time, the Council agreed to provide half of the costs to improve the extension in an amount not to exceed. Discuss 2000 EDA Goals and Objectives. RYE: Commented that initially it was determined that the goals would be broad in scope, and that the objectives would attached some sort of timeline. I:\EDAMIN.DOC 3 Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes January 31, 2000 The Commissioners and staff briefly reviewed the list of goals and objectives. ~: Commented that the glaring objective that is incomplete is the sale of the remaining 4.5 acres parcel, even though the wetland mitigation was completed. Asked for comment by Roger Guennette. _G._~~: Advised that the wetland mitigation was completed in the late fall, and a market analysis was complete and several prospects were followed up on. None of them were an appropriate fit. At this point there is another prospect, although preliminary. It certainly remains a priority and should be aggressiv.ely pursued. ~: Asked for any recommendations on different marketing efforts? Asked if the pricing needs to be reviewed? _G._~~: The best marketing tools have proven to be through contacts with contractors, developers and brokers. The fact that the property really wasn't available during 1999 was a detriment. Now that the mitigation is complete, it should make a difference. With respect to pricing, there are properties in the area that have sold under the cash price we are marketing at $1.50 per square foot. The Commissioners agreed that the sale of the property needs to be aggressively pursued. B~: Asked about the Deerfield property. Also asked about the extension of utilities to the old development park. _~._~LF;_!~~: Noted that at this point there is not a willing developer. His information is that the property is up for sale. If utilities are extended to the old development park, we allow for the correction of some existing conditions. It does not generate new property available for additional development. If the EDA's intent is to look for creating new opportunities for development, and there are limited resources available, does not believe it would be a wise use of the proceeds. It probably is not a priority given the present resources. There was continued discussion on the potential uses and viability of those uses at that site with and without the extension of utilities, including the possibility of potential relocation of Downtown businesses as the Downtown project developments. Staff and Guennette advised that there would be some environmental issues and fire code issues, but probably not any zoning issues. _~__~: If we get to the point where that type of relocation occur, we first have to be able to fund the acquisition and relocation. Suggested looking at the cost of utility extension, but believed that we are not going to like the answer. SCHENCK: Asked if the property coming out of green acres in 2002 can be stopped or postponed? Also asked at what point the EDA can start working with the property owner regarding market the property for commercial development? RYE: Noted that there may not be any way to stop it, but it is possible that the green acres status can be reinstituted. I:\EDAMIN.DOC 4 Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes January 31, 2000 _~: Advised that if the property is interested in seeing the property developed, the EDA could work with him at any point to determine the economics and how the development would proceed. On the other hand, if the property is coming out of green acres, and the property owner is not interested in development, changing use or selling, unless the City is proactive in pursuing that property through a condemnation proceeding, our time is probably better spent elsewhere. !~: Asked if the next Downtown Redevelopment Plan Orientation meeting is scheduled? And if we will have two new members at that point? BOYLES: Advised that the two new members will probably not be determined until the February 22nd Council meeting, which means the Downtown Redevelopment meeting would fall between March 7th and March 21st, and the public meeting, Workshop IV, would probably fall between March 22nd and April 3rd. SCHENCK: Asked if interviews could be completed for consideration at the February 7th Council meeting. ~: Explained that the deadline is not a hard and fast deadline, and that to get a larger applicant pool, the Mayor and he have solicited additional persons. MADER: Noted that we are now also filling two positions rather than one. Clarified that some individuals who expressed interest, but who had not filed applications. BARSNESS: Suggested that the City Manager work out the dates and come up with some prospective dates for the Downtown workshop. Suggested that the EDA could reschedule its February meeting until after the appointments at the February 22nd Council meeting. The Commissioners each agreed. Announcements. BOYLES: Advised that at the February 22nd City Council meeting, the Council will consider, as part of a public hearing, the EDA's recommendation to adopt the business assistance policy. ~..IZEI~iE.~_E: Noted that a meeting occurred with representatives of an assisted living residential facility, who are considering a project within the City. City staff and he met with the individuals and discussions are proceeding, although preliminary. Recording Secre~ the meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m. I:\EDAMIN.DOC 5