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1994 Ordinance Index
ORD. # DESCRIPTION ORDINANCE INDEX FOR 1994 PASSED PUBLISHED CODIFYRS 94-01 94-02 94-03 94-04 94-05 94-06 94-07 94-08 94-09 94-10 Establishing setbacks and lot area stds for properties adjacent to natural and man made wetlands. Amending P.L. Code Title 9, Chapters 4 & 5 huthorizing Rezoning ~fWestbury Ponds 1st. hddition. Amending P.L. City Code Yitle 9, Chapt. 3 Public Waters Affecting Surface Water Usage Ordinance Amending P.L. City Code Sec 6-7-3 & P.L. Subdiv. Ord. 87-10 Sec 6-7-3 & P.L. Zoning Or. 83-6 section 4-1 Ordinance Repealing City Code Sec 6-7-3 & P.L. Subdiv. Ord 87-10 Sec 6-7-3 & P.L. Zoning OR 83-6 Sec. 4-1 Reassign Zoning Code amendment for School District to rezone bowling alley ~ite * Lmending City Code Title 5 & Zoning Ord 83-6 Lot of Record, Min. lot size,max coverage. Reassign # 1/3 1/3 1/3 6/6 2/22 11/21 Summm 12/19 4/18 4/18 1/8 1/8 1/8 6/11 2/26 12/94 4/23 /23 8/94 8/94 8/94 8/94 8/94 8/94 8/94 ORDINANCE INDEX FOR 1994 "Ord94" ORD. # DESCRIPTION PASSED PUBLISHED CODIFIERS 94-11 94-12 94-13 94-14 94-15 Ord Amending P.L. City Code Sec 5-2-1 & P.L. Ord. 83-6 Sec. 2.1 Zoning map. Ordinance Amending Sections 1-6-5(D) and (E) and Sec. 1-12-1-4 of Prior Lake City Code IBids) Amending P.L. City Code Section 5-2-1 & P.L. Zoning Ord 83-6 - Sec 2.1 Amending Chapter 3, Sec, 2-3-3 (Planning Comm,) Amending Section 9-1-6 of Prior Lake City Code Pertaining to Street Overlay Assessment Policy 8/1/94 8/15/94 10/3/94 12/19 12/19 8/6/94 8/20/94 11/12/94 12/24/94 12/24/94 S/94 "Ord94"