HomeMy WebLinkAboutPollution Prev. Prog.-SW Servic STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEMS WITIDN THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE t .~ CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Pete Willenbring, P.E. Date: February 13,2003 Lic.No.15998 Table of Contents Cover Letter Title Page 1. Introduction II. Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Evaluation III. Pollution Prevention Program MCM6 Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts Public Participation and Involvement Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control Post-Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations Ii <, MCMl MCM2 MCM3 MCM4 MCM5 IV. Best Management Practices Implementation Plan V. Annual Report List of Figures 1. Project Location Map 2. DNR Waters and National Wetland Inyentory Map List of Tables I. BMP Implementation Plan List of Appendices A. Best Management Practices' Details B. Annual Report C. Best Management Practices' Report Forms I. INTRODUCTION This Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) has been prepared in conformance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), Phase II Rules and is in compliance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act, as amended, (33 D.S.C. l25lET SEQ; hereafter, the "Act"), 40 CFR 122, l23, and l24, as amended, ET SEQ; Minnesota Statutes Chapters 115 and 116, as amended and Minnesota Rules, Chapter 7001. The urbanized area covered by this SWPPP is shown in Figure 1. The goal of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit is to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of waters of the state through management and treatment of urban storm water runoff. The Department of Natural Resources Wetland and Waters, and the wetlands identified in the National Wetland Inventory located within the project area are shown in Figure 2. This program requires that this be accomplished through the management of Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) through the preparation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP). 1 The SWPPP identifies the goals and the Best Management Practices (BMPs) that will be undertaken to meet the requirements of the NPDES Phase II rules. Measurable goals have been established for each of the BMPs included in the SWPPP along with an implementation plan and the persons responsible for implementing the BMPs. This SWPPP has been prepared to manage and minimize the discharge of pollutants from MS4s to the maximum extent practicable (MEP). This will be accomplished through the implementation of the BMPs outlined within this SWPPP. These BMPs could be a combination of education, maintenance, control techniques, system design and engineering methods, and other such provisions that are appropriate to meet the requirements of the NPDES Phase II permit. BMPs have been prepared to address each of the six minimum control measures as outlined in the rules. These six minimum control measures are: 1. Public education and outreach on storm water impacts. 2. Public participation and involvement. 3. Illicit discharge detection and elimination. 4. Construction site runoff control. 5. Post construction storm water management in new development and redevelopment. 6. Pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations. For each of these six minimum control measures, appropriate BMPs have been identified along with measurable goals, an implementation schedule, and the persons responsible to complete each measure. ,. Figure 1 Project Location Map .i '~ Figure 2 Wetland Map :i .~ II. MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM EVALUATION An evaluation of the storm sewer system was completed to determine the factors affecting the maximum extent practicable standards set forth within the NPDES Phase II Rule. Factors which were used in developing the BMPs outlined in this SWPPP were as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Sources of pollutants Potential polluting activities being conducted in the watershed Sensitivity of receiving waters and wetlands within the system Intended uses of receiving waters Local concerns and storm water issues The size of the MS4, the available staff, and the number of residents BMP implementation schedules Ability to finance storm water related programs Hydraulics and hydrology of the watershed Geology Ability to finance and perform operation and maintenance of the MS4 Land uses Development and redevelopment expectations Watershed characteristics Organizational structure of the municipal operator ,i ; An inventory of these factors and policies developed to manage water resources within the City can be found in the City's Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan (CSMP). In conformance with the requirements for the preparation of the SWPPP, a number of non-storm water discharges were evaluated to determine if they are significant contributors of pollutants to the storm sewer system. Non-storm water discharges which were evaluated include: 1. Flushing of municipal waterlines 2. Residential, commercial and agricultural landscape irrigation 3. Stream flow diversions 4. Groundwater outputs and rising elevations 5. Uncontaminated pumped ground water 6. Uncontaminated groundwater infiltration 7. Filtration backwash from municipal water treatment facility 8. Discharge of foundation drains into the MS4 9. Potable water source discharges 10. Condensation from air conditioning units 11. Car washing by individual residents 12. Discharges from the chlorinated swimming pools 13. Wash water from street sweeping activities 14. Water discharged from firefighting activities These sources of non-storm water inputs into the municipal separate storm sewer system were determined not to be significant contributors of pollutants. Therefore, BMPs will not be prepared to address these storm water discharges. III. POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM This Pollution Prevention Program outlines the BMPs which are appropriate for the City of Prior Lake community to control or reduce the pollutants in storm water runoff. Best Management Practices have been prepared for each of the six minimum control measures. A description of each BMP, an implementation schedule, measurable goals that determine the success or benefit, and the person responsible to complete each BMP is included in Appendix A. A description of the six minimum control measures and the BMPs which have been developed to meet the requirements of each minimum control measure are outlined in the following pages: t '~ Minimum Control Measure #1: Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts. The public education program has been developed to distribute educational materials to the community or conduct equivalent outreach activities. This function will focus on the impacts of stonn water discharges on water bodies and the steps that the public can take to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff. These activities have been prepared to individually address each of the six minimum control measures. For each minimum control measure, the education program identifies: 1) 2) The audience or audiences involved; Educational goals for each audience in terms of increased awareness, increased understanding, acquired skills, and/or desired changes in behavior; Activities used to reach educational goals for each audience; Activity implementation plans, including responsible persons in charge, entities responsible for given activities, and schedules; Available performance measures that can be used to determine success in reaching educational goals. t ! 3) 4) 5) The public education and outreach BMPs that will be undertaken are: l) The City intends to produce and distribute information on illicit discharges, erosion, shoreline management, compo sting and pollution prevention and other applicable BMPs utilized in the SWPPP. This information may be distributed through City mailings, newsletters, bill stuffing, and on the City website. 2) Incorporate public information on the SWPPP issues into a separate page on the City's website. The web page would specifically describe the SWPPP, each minimum control measure, the goals and actions planned by the City, provide links to BMPs, articles on each control measure, and collect feedback from site visitors. 3) Provide training opportunities for City staff including erosion control, BMPs, good housekeeping and pollution prevention. Training topics could include, but are not limited to: a) Mn/DOT Erosion Control Certification b) Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program Workshops c) Best Management Practices Workshops d) Brochures and publications distributed to staff 4) Coordinate educational and outreach issues with community groups, non-profit organizations, soil and water conservation districts, watershed districts, watershed management organizations, school districts, University of Minnesota Extension, county, regional, state, and federal government programs. A description of each BMP and the persons responsible for implementation can bee seen in Appendix A. The implementation program planned for each of these BMPs is outlined in Table 1. t '~ Minimum Control Measure #2: Public Participation and Involvement This minimum control measure requires that the City provide measures to receive public input and opinion on the adequacy ofthe SWPPP. This input can be received from public meetings, oral testimony, and written correspondence. To reach this goal, the City anticipates implementing the following BMPs: 1) Conduct an annual public hearing on the City's Stonn Water Pollution Prevention Program and solicit opinion on the plan and consider written and oral input on the adequacy ofthe SWPPP. 2) The City intends to incorporate public information on SWPPP issues into a separate page on the City's website. The web page would specifically describe the SWPPP, each minimum control measure, the goals and actions planned by the City, provide links to BMPs, articles on each control measure, and collect feedback from site visitors. t 'I A description of each BMP and the person responsible for implementation can be seen in Appendix A. The implementation program planned for each ofthese BMPs is outlined in Table 1. Minimum Control Measure #3: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination A number ofBMPs have been developed to implement and enforce a program to detect and eliminate illicit discharges into the municipal separate storm sewer system. These BMPs are: 1) Identify all City-owned storm sewer conveyances 24 inches or greater on a storm sewer map. This will also identify all outfalls and discharge points leaving the City. This map would be updated yearly to reflect changes or additions to the storm sewer system. 2) Review the current storm water ordinance to evaluate it's effectiveness toward illegal discharges. 3) Review City staff training in identifying and responding to illicit discharges into municipal separate storm sewer system. 4) Continue to support County recycling program to discourage illegal dumping by offering alternative uses for unwanted materials and drop-offs for household hazardous waste. !i ~ A description of each BMP and the person responsible for implementation can be seen in Appendix A. Minimum Control Measure #4: Construction Site, Storm Water Runoff Control A number ofBMPs have been developed and will be implemented and enforced to reduce pollutants and storm water runoff from construction activities with land disturbances equal to or greater than one acre. These BMPs are: 1) The City will review current erosion control ordinance and revise the City's building permit to include construction site erosion and sediment control as part of the permit conditions. This erosion control ordinance will also include sanctions to determine non- compliance with the permit and ordinances. 2) Provide City Public Work staff with training and proper location, inspection, and installation of erosion control BMPs. 3) Construction site inspection and enforcement will be incorporated into the activities of building inspectors. This will be an effort to reduce pollutants to MS4 from small construction activities. . 'J The details of each of these BMPs can be seen in Appendix A. The implementation timeline for these BMPs is provided in Table 1. Minimum Control Measure #5: Post Construction Storm Water Management for New Development and Redevelopment A program of BMPs has been prepared to address storm water runoff from new development and redevelopment projects that disturb equal to or greater than one acre. This program insures that controls are in place that would prevent or minimize water quality impacts from development activities. These BMPs are: I) The City will implement the storm water runoff control program that is currently used by local Watershed Districts to minimize the effect of storm water runoff on water quality within the City. This program will utilize appropriate BMPs, selected by the City to minimize storm water runoff from new developments and redevelopments. 2) Develop and implement a comprehensive storm water management plan. Currently the City is in the process of developing a storm water plan, which will establish City policies, requirements and Best Management Practices include within the requirements of this permit. ii '~ 3) Continue to maintain existing ordinances and regulatory mechanisms currently in place to enforce post construction runoff control requirements. A detailed description and the person responsible for implementing these BMPs is contained in Appendix A. The implementation program is described in Table 1. Minimum Control Measure #6: Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations To meet the requirements of the pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations. A number ofBMPs have been prepared including the following: 1) Continue to practice current municipal operations and maintenance procedures within the City and update them to best prevent or reduce pollutant runoff. 2) Review the City's current practices and policies of road salt applications. The City will consider alternative products, calibration of equipment, inspection of vehicles and staff training to reduce pollutants from road deicing activities. 3) Manage the City's current street sweeping program, identify improvements and implement changes to reduce storm water pollutants. 1 4) Manage the City's current landscaping and lawn-care practices, which may include the use of fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, lawn mowing, grass clipping collection, mulching and compo sting, and develop BMPs to reduce storm water pollution. 5) Implement a program to incorporate BMPs for handling of equipment and hazardous materials used by City staff. 6) Manage storm sewer operation and maintenance program for the City. Maintenance of the storm sewer system will include an annual inspection ofthe storm sewer system and a summary ofthe results. 7) Continue to follow spill response procedures, which include notification numbers, responsible individuals, and procedures for minimizing the potential contact of spill contents with storm water. A detailed description and the person responsible for implementing these BMPs is contained in Appendix A. The implementation program is described in Table 1. V. ANNUAL REPORT An annual report will be prepared and submitted to the PCA prior to March 10 of each year from 2004 through 2008. This annual report will summarize the following: A. Status of Compliance With Permit Conditions The annual report will contain an assessment of the appropriateness of the BMPs and progress toward achieving the identified measurable goals for each ofthe minimum control measures. This assessment will be based on results collected and analyzed, inspection findings, and public input received during the reporting period. B. Work Plan The annual report will contain a list of stonn water activities that are planning to be undertaken in the next reporting cycle. c. Modifications to the SWPPP '. , Tpe annual report will identify BMPs or measurable goals for any of the minimum control measures. D. Notice of Coordinated Activities A notice will be included in the annual report for any portions of the permit for which a government entity or organization outside ofthe MS4 is being utilized to fulfill any BMP contained in the SWPPP. The annual report document is provided in Appendix B. Appendix C contains forms that will be used by the persons responsible to complete reporting requirements for each of the BMPs. All the information used to prepare the SWPPP will be kept a minimum of three years beyond the end of the permit period which is March 10,2008. t l APPENDIX A Best Management Practices Details " IV. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IMPLEMENTATION PLAN A detailed description of each of the BMPs contained within the SWPPP are provided in Appendix A. The individual person responsible for each of the BMPs outlined in Appendix A along with the anticipated completion date of each activity are provided in Table 1. Table 1 BMP IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM SWPPP Web Page Produce and distribute information on illicit discharges, erosion control, shoreline management, and other SWPPP ractices. Establish web site for residents, business owners, and staff to receive information, report violations and respond to SWPPP issues Provide training opportunities for County Staff on SWPPP. Annually 2004 - 2008 Brochures, Handouts, and Newsletters Begin in 2004, complete by 2006. 1 SWPPP Staff Training Develop program 2004; provide annually throu 2008. SWPPP Website Complete before March 2008. Storm Sewer System Map and U date Illegal Discharge Ordinance Create City storm sewer system map. Complete before March 2008 Develop illegal discharge ordinance. 2004 - 2008 Recycling Program Discourage illegal dumping by offering drop-offs for hazardous waste. 2004-2008 Erosion Control Ordinance Develop Erosion Control Ordinance and review Cit 's utili ermit. Review current permit 2004. Ex and 2005. Annually through 2004 - 2008. Public Works Department Staff Training Train staff in BMPs. Best Management Practices Description of Goal Implementation Construction Site Inspection and Enforcement Program. Develop construction site inspection and enforcement program. Begm program review in 2004 and implement revised program by 2008. Storm Water Runoff Control Program Reduce Pollutant Runoff from Municipal Operations Road Salt Application Parking Lot and Street Sweeping Pro am Landscaping and Lawn Care Practices Equipment and Hazardous Material Storage Storm Sewer Operation and Maintenance Program Spill Response Program Develop program to minimize runoff within the City. Evaluate municipal operations and update as needed to prevent/reduce ollutant runoff. Revise City's road salt application ractices. Evaluate and improve current swee m ro am. Evaluate and improve City's landsca in and lawn care ractices. Develop and implement program and incorporate BMPs for equipment and hazardous material handlin . Develop storm sewer op<;:ration and maintenance pro am for City. Develop a spill response program 2004-2008 Evaluation: 2004 - 2005 Implementation: 2006-2008 Evaluation: 2003 - 2008 1m lementation: 2003 - 2005 Evaluation: 2004 - 2005 1m lementation: 2006-2008 Evaluation: 2003 - 2004 1m lementation: 2005 - 2008 Evaluation: 2004 Recommendation: 2005 1m lementation: 2005 - 2008 Evaluation: 2003 - 2008 1m lementation: 2003 - 2005 Evaluation: 2003 - 2008 1m lementation: 2003 - 2005 ;i '~ li '~ APPENDIX.B Annual Report 'i ~ APPENDIX C Best Management Practices' Report Forms MINIMUM CONTROL MEASURE 1 PUBLIC EDUCA nON AND OUTREACH swppp STAFF TRAINING DESCRIPTION: Provide training opportunities for City of Prior Lake Staff in Erosion Control, Best Management Practices, good housekeeping, and pollution prevention. These may include but are not limited to: · MnDOT Erosion Control Certification · Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program Workshops · Best Management Practices Workshops · Brochures and publications distributed to Staff AUDIENCE: City of Prior Lake Staff involved in public works projects, construction projects, construction inspection, maintenance RESPONsmLE PARTY: Sue McDermott- City Engineer MINIMUM CONTROL MEASURES COVERED: MCM 1 Public Education and Outreach MCM 4 Construction site Runoff Control MCM 5 Post Construction Runoff Control MCM 6 Pollution Prevention Good Housekeeping t ~ EDUCATION GOAL: To develop an understanding of the SWPPP among County staff. SCHEDULE: 2004 - 2008 MEASURABLE GOALS: The following information will be monitored and recorded for the 2004 SWPPP report: · Number of training sessions held or participated in · Number of participants attending staff training YEAR-END REPORT see attached F: \ WPWIMNPDESPHASEII\MS4slPriorLakelprior LakeIMCM 1.SWPPPstafjTraining,doc MINIMUM CONTROL MEASURE 1 PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH BROCHURES, HANDOUTS AND NEWSLETTERS DESCRIPTION: Produce and distribute articles and information on the City of Prior Lake's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan including information on the annual public hearing, illicit discharges, erosion control, shoreline management, composting and pollution prevention and other applicable best management practices. This publication will be distributed through City mailings and newsletters. AUDIENCE: All Prior Lake residents, property owners, and business owners. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: -Prior Lake City communications Director EDUCATION GOAL: To develop an understanding of the SWPPP among Prior Lake residents. SCHEDULE: Annually beginning in 2004 - 2008 MEASURABLE GOALS: Number of publications, Households served by publication f i YEAR-END REPORT F: I WPWIMNPDESPHASElliMS4slPriorLakelprior LakeIMCM I.Brochures.doc MINIMUM CONTROL MEASURE 1 PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH SWPPP WEB PAGE DESCRIPTION: To incorporate all public information data on SWPPP issues into a separate page on the City of Prior Lake Website. This would specifically describe the SWPPP, each minimum control measure, the goals and actions planned by the county, provide links to BMPS, articles on each control measure and collect feedback from site visitors. AUDIENCE: All residents of City of Prior Lake, and visitors to the City of Prior Lake website. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: - City of Prior Lake Communications Director MINNIMUM CONTROL MEASURES COVERED: MCM 1 Public Education and Outreach MCM 2 Public Involvement and Participation MCM 3 Illicit Discharges MCM 4 Construction site Runoff Control MCM 5 Post Construction Runoff Control MCM 6 Pollution Prevention Good Housekeeping * ! EDUCATION GOAL: To make information on stormwater pollution prevention, best management practices, the City of Prior Lake SWPPP, and outside entity resources available to City of Prior Lake residents. SCHEDULE: Completion of web page by 2004 MEASURABLE GOALS: The following information will be monitored and recorded for the 2008 SWPPP report: · Number of publications produced · Number of hits to the web site · Number of links and articles made available by the web site (See Page 2.) MINIMUM CONTROL MEASURE 1 PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH YEAR-END REPORT WEB PAGE ONLINE 04 05 06 07 08 D D D D D :i 1 MINIMUM CONTROL MEASURE 2 PUBLIC EDUCA nON AND OUTREACH ANNUAL PUBLIC MEETING DESCRIPTION: Conduct a public hearing on the City of Prior Lake Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program; solicit public opinion on the plan and to consider written and oral input into the SWPPP. AUDIENCE: All residents of City of Prior Lake RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Sue McDermott-City Engineer SCHEDULE: Completed annually before March through 2008 MEASURABLE GOALS: · Record the attendance for the public hearing · Quantify the number of oral statements · Quantify the number of written statements at the hearing · Number of changes made to the SWPPP in response to public input t l YEAR-END REPORT Notice Publications Date Published . . . . I Meetin~ Date: Time: Place: Meetin2 Notes Attendance: Written Comments: (attach) Oral Comments: (attach) Action Taken: MINIMUM CONTROL MEASURE 3 ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION ILLICIT DISCHARGE ORDINANCE DESCRIPTION: The City of Prior Lake will develop an ordinance, which will address the issue of non-stormwater discharges in the Cities Storm Sewer System. Elements of this ordinance will include but not be limited to defining allowable discharges, setting policy as it pertains to violations and penalties and mitigation requirements. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Sue McDermott - City Engineer ACTIONS Staff will review current ordinances and City codes, review other City's Illicit Discharge Ordinances, meet with city attorney, hold public Meetings, develop control measures, and assemble a draft ordinance. Once this draft is complete, the document will follow the City charter requirements for establishing and approving an ordinance. SCHEDULE: Draft ordinance 2005 Public comment period 2006 City council review 2006 Adaptation of ordinance 2006 t " MEASURABLE GOAL: · Completion of draft, public review process, and adoption of an illicit discharge ordinance. YEAR-END REPORT (Attach copy of revised permit.) (See attached) MINIMUM CONTROL MEASURE 3 ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINA nON RECYCLING PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Discourage illegal dumping by offering alternative uses for unwanted materials and drop-offs for hazardous waste. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Sue McDermott-City Engineer ACTION GOALS: Create an information campaign on recycling options, services and programs within the County and provide options to illegal dumping. SCHEDULE: 2004 -2008 MEASURABLE GOALS: An inventory of materials collected at drop off sites each year Compare year-to-year number of clean-up calls. YEAR END REPORT 1 Brochures: Dro -off Site: Clean-u Re uests: MINIMUM CONTROL MEASURE 3 ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION RECYCLING PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Discourage illegal dumping by offering alternative uses for unwanted materials and drop-offs for hazardous waste. RESPONsmLE PARTY: Sue McDermott-City Engineer ACTION GOALS: Create an information campaign on recycling options, services and programs within the County and provide options to illegal dumping. SCHEDULE: 2004 -2008 MEASURABLE GOALS: An inventory of materials collected at drop off sites each year Compare year-to-year number of clean-up calls. YEAR END REPORT iI 1 Brochures: Dro -off Site: Clean-u Re uests: MINIMUM CONTROL MEASURE 3 ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION STORM SEWER MAP DESCRIPTION: The City of Prior Lake currently has a map identifying all ponds, lakes, streams, storm sewer pipes and conveyances within Prior Lake as well as outfalls and discharge points leaving City of Prior Lake. As part of the SWPPP the City will annually update this map to include changes to the storm sewer system through out the City including but not limited to, new development, street improvements, water quality projects, wetland mitigation projects and any changes to the storage or conveyance of water within the City. RESPONSffiLE PARTY: Sue McDermott - City Engineer ACTION GOALS As part of each yearly report, changes to the storm sewer system will be incorporated into the City of Prior Lake storm sewer map. SCHEDULE: Annually 2003-2008 MEASURABLE GOALS: . Identify all storm sewer pipe owned by City of Prior Lake Changes in the Storm Sewer System .. t . YEAR-END REPORT Data Collection .2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 MINIMUM CONTROL MEASURE 4 CONSTRUCTION SITE RUNOFF CONTROL UPDATE EROSION CONTROL ORDINANCE DESCRIPTION: City of Prior Lake will review their current utility permit and include site erosion and sediment control as part of the conditions of the permit. RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Sue McDermott - City Engineer ACTION GOALS: Staff will review current ordinances and City codes, review other City's Erosion Control Ordinances, meet with city attorney, hold public meetings, develop control measures, and assemble a draft ordinance. Once this draft is complete, the document will follow the City charter requirements for establishing and approving an ordinance. SCHEDULE: Review of current permit will take place in 2004. Additional requirements will be added in 2005. Enforce new permit requirements 2005 - 2008. MEASURABLE GOALS: A Completed update/revision ofthe City of Prior Lake's erosion control ordinance. 1 YEAR-END REPORT Erosion Control Ordinance Review Erosion Control Ordinance Revision (Attach copy of revised permit.) (See attached.) MINIMUM CONTROL MEASURE 4 CONSTRUCTION SITE RUNOFF CONTROL STAFF TRAINING DESCRIPTION: To provide Prior Lake City Staff training in proper location, inspection and installation of erosion control best management practices. RESPONsmLE PARTY: Sue McDermott- City Engineer ACTION GOALS To train City staff on the issue of proper erosion control, identification of problem areas and the expectations of the stormwater pollution prevention plan for county construction projects. SCHEDULE: Training beginning in 2004 and continuing annually through 2008. MEASURABLE GOALS: . Number of employees with MnDOT Certification Number of W orkshopsffraining Sessions Attendance at each workshop training session li ~ . . YEAR-END REPORT see attached MINIMUM CONTROL MEASURE 5 POST CONSTRUCTION RUNOFF CONTROL DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DESCRIPTION: The City of Prior Lake currently has a City Storm Water Management Plan in which standard requirements are listed for all new and re-development projects within the City. In this plan review, each proposed development project must address water quality, water quantity, erosion control, site grading and Best management Practices for each of these activities RESPONsmLE PARTY: Sue McDermott - City Engineer ACTION GOAL: To continue to review new and re-development projects to ensure that it is consistent with the water management goals and requirements of the City's Surface Water Management Plan. SCHEDULE: Annually - 2004 through 2008 MEASURABLE GOALS: . Development Plans Submitted, Reviewed and Approved Grading Permits Issued Best Management Practice used for each development , . . YEAR-END REPORT MINIMUM CONTROL MEASURE 5 POST CONSTRUCTION RUNOFF CONTROL REVISION OF THE CITY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN DESCRIPTION: The City of Prior Lake is currently preparing a Comprehensive Surfacewater Management Plan. As part of the CSMP, the City will review the policies, requirements and Best Management Practices include within this document and make amendments as necessary . RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Sue McDermott - City Engineer ACTION GOAL: To complete a Comprehensive Surface Water Management Plan. This includes but is not limited to, ordinances, best management practices, and incorporation of local Watershed District's requirements as they pertain to policies, procedures and execution of surface water management. SCHEDULE: Review process will begin in late 2003 and final adoption projected for 2005. MEASURABLE GOALS: . Completing the City of Prior Lake Surface Water Management Plan iI , YEAR-END REPORT (Attach copy of revised permit.) (See attached.) MINIMUM CONTROL MEASURE 6 POLLUTION PREVENTION/ GOOD HOUSEKEEPING FOR MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS ROAD SALT APPLICATION DESCRIPTION: Review current practices and policies of road salt applications such as: alternative products, calibration of equipment, inspection of vehicles and staff training. RESPONsmLE PARTY: Sue McDermott-City Engineer ACTION GOAL: To minimize the amount of road salt and chemicals applied to roadways without compromising public safety. SCHEDULE: Annual Program evaluation 2003-2008 MEASURABLE GOALS: · Quantity of Salt used in a given year · Number of alternative products used · Number of spreaders calibrated · Number of staff members trained Year-End-Report ii , MINIMUM CONTROL MEASURE 6 POLLUTION PREVENTION/ GOOD HOUSEKEEPING FOR MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS STREET SWEEPING PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The City of Prior Lake uses streets sweepers twice annually in an effort to reduce the number of sediments and trash from reaching the storm sewer system amount of sediments RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Sue McDermott - Director of Public Works ACTION GOAL: To take preventative measures to try to reduce the amount of sedimentation of storm water ponds, pipes, and conveyances. SCHEDULE: Annually through the lifetime of the permit 2003-2008 MEASURABLE GOALS: Number of times streets are swept, Amount of Materials removed from sweepers in truckloads Y ear- End-Report ,. 'I MINIMUM CONTROL MEASURE 6 POLLUTION PREVENTION/ GOOD HOUSEKEEPING FOR MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS LANDSCAPING AND LA WNCARE PRACTICES DESCRIPTION: To evaluate the City of Prior Lake's current practices in the use of fertilizer application, pesticide and herbicide application, mowing and discharge operations, grass clipping collection, mulching and composting and develop best management practices to prevent storm water pollution. RESPONSffiLE PARTY: Sue McDermott -Director of Public Works ACTION GOAL: To identify and prevent potential pollution sources from City of Prior Lake practices in landscaping and lawn care. SCHEDULE: Program evaluation 2003-2004_Recomrnendation and implementation 2005-2008 MEASURABLE GOALS: . Amount of fertilizer used Amount of pesticides used Amount of grass clippings collected Document the number of practices changed 1 . . . Year-End-Report " MINIMUM CONTROL MEASURE 6 POLLUTION PREVENTION/ GOOD HOUSEKEEPING FOR MUNICIPAL OPERA nONS NPDES PERMIT FOR INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION: The City of Prior Lake will develop stormwater pollution prevention plans for City -owned maintenance garages in accordance to the NPDES requirements for industrial activity. RESPONsmLE PARTY: Sue McDermott- City Engineer ACTION GOAL: This permit requires the City to complete a drainage map of the above-mentioned sites, make an inventory of significant materials, evaluate potential contamination, identify Best Management Practices, evaluate discharges, develop preventative maintenance plan, develop spill response procedures and implement employee training. SCHEDULE: Permit application 2003 Inspections Bi-monthly as prescribed by the permit MEASURABLE GOALS: . Submit Industrial Storm Water Permit Inspection Reports 1 .