HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 Misc. Information;Jan, ~1.~ 2000 9'05AM BRAUER & ASSOC. No. 5343 DATE: DECEMBER 8, 1999 TO: TODD INGRAM, INGRAM EXCAVATING - FAX 934-0901 JEFF & BOB, INGRAM EXCAVATING CC: PAUL HOKENESS, PRIOR LAKE - FAX 447-4245 AL FRIEDGES, PRIOR LAKE - FAX 440-9678 JASON L. AMBERG, R.L.A. I~RAUER & ASSOCIATES, LTD. LAKEFR~3NT PARK CONSTRUCTION PUNCH LIST (2 PAGES) FROM: RE; E~ELOW IS THE PUNCH LIST FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF LAKEFRONT PARK AS OF DECEMBER 8, 1999. THE CITY HAS RECOGNIZED AND APPRECIATED THE CONCESSIONS MADE aY ]NGRAM EXCAVATING THROUGHOUT THE DEVELOPMENT OF THIS PARK AND WOULO LIKE TO CONTINUE THE GOOD WORKING RELATIONSHIP. THEY WOULD, HOWEVER, LIKE TO PUT FINAL CLOSURE ON THE PROJECT IN A TIMELY FASHION AS THE PUBLIC IS GETTING VERY ANXIOUS TO USE THIS RESOURCE. THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE WOULD LIKE A COMMITMENT FROM YOUR COMPANY (IN LETTER FORM) TO COMPLETE ANY REMAINING PUNCH LIST ITEMS IN THE SPRING AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. SHOULD YOU FAIL TO COMPLETE THESE ITEMS IN THE SPRING IN A TIMELY FASHION, THE CiTY OF PRIOR LAKE WiLL ASSIGN COSTS TO ANY UNFINISHED / uNAcCEPTABLE woRK ON THIS L'IST, OR ANY OTHER INCOMPLETE PORTION OF THE CONTRACT WHICH WILL THEN BE DEDUCTED IN THE FORM OF A CHANGE ORDER. CALL ME AT 238-0831 #14 IF YOU HAVE ANY QuEsTIONS OR CONCERNS. , , PUNCH LIST ITEMS: PLAY AREA A. GRIND DOWN GROUT AT HANDRAIL POST LOCATIONS TO MATCH E%ISTING CONCRETE - VERY SLOPPY WORK B. TOUCHUP HANDRAILS - COLOR SHOULD BE MATCHED To THE DARK BLUE OF MAIN PLAY EQUIPMENT STRUCTURE C. BACKFILL AROUND CATCH BASIN NEAR PLAY AREA D. FURNISH AND INSTALL DRINKING FOUNTAIN E. NEED TO SUBMIT VERIFICATION / LETTERS OF SAFETY COMPLIANCE FROM EACH OF THE PLAY EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS REPRESENTATIVES MAIN PARK BUILDING AREA A. COMPLETE ASPHALT TRAIL CONNECTIONS TO THE BUILDING B. COMPLETE EXPOSED AGGREGATE CONCRETE WORKAROUND THE BUILDING C. COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF SPLIT RAIL FENCING BI~AUE~ & ASSOCIATES, LTD. - PROJEOT 98-09^ C:\DO CS~1998\9809A~UNc~usT-I 2-08,gg.WPD ..... Pa~e I of 2 3an. 31. 2000 . 9'05AM BRAUER & ASSOC. No. 5343 P. 2/3 HOCKEY AREA A. ADD A 10' CONCRETE CURB CUT FOR THE TRAIL TO THE HOCKEY RINK (ADDENDUM #1) - ALSO NEED TO ADD TRAIL FROM THE PARKING LOT B. THE TRAIL TO HOCKEY RINK SHOULD LINE Up WITH THE VEHICLE GATE OPENING , . . BALLFIELD AREA A. COMPLETE BALLFIELD BACKSTOP AND FENCING B. SOD BETWEEN FENCE LINE AND BASELINE OF BALLFIELD AS PER ADDENDUM TENNIS COURT AREA A. GROUT AROUND POSTS OVERALL SITE A. FINISH ALL ELECTRICAL WORK - LIGHTING, AND CONNECTIONS ETc. I. NEW ELEC. POLES AND FINAL HOOKUP OF ALL LIGHTS B. FINISH ALL IRRIGATION WORK C. GRADING WEST OF AMPHITHEATER TO AVOID PONDING WATER ON THE TRAIL D. GRADING, FINE GRADING, TOPSOIL RESPREAD I. MANY AREAS AROUND THE BUILDING, PLAY AREAS, BASKETBALL COURT, AMPHITHEATER HAVE A MIX OF TOPSOIL AND CLASS 5 - THESE AREAS SHOULD BE CLEANUP, ALL CLASS 5 / ROCKS SHOULO BE REMOVED CHECK ALL CONCRETE CURB AND FLATWORK - REPLACE BROKEN / CRACKED CONCRETE TEST RESULTS ON ALL CONCRETE HAS FAILED - STILL WAITING FOR A RESPONSE FROM INGRAM AS TO HOW THE ISSUE WILL BE DEALT WITH (REFER TO 3 PAGES ATTACHED) TRIM GEOTEXTILE FABRIC FLUSH WITH GRADES BEHIND ALL BOULDER RETAINING WALLS COMPLETE THE INSTALLATION OF SITE AMENITIES, IL. EEl HOOPS, TETHER BALL (ITEMS ARE IN STORAGE AT THE CITY OVER THE WINTER) FINISH ASPHALT WORK I. 7' MINIMUM RADIUS ATALL TRAIL JUNCTURES II. FINISH CONNECTIONS AROUND THE BUILDING Iii. TRAIL TO FLOATING BOARDWALK DOES NOT MEET REQUIRED ELEvATIoNS FOR coNcRETE ABUTMENT RELATIVE TO POND - NEED TO REDO ALL TRAIL JUNCTURES SHOULD MAINTAIN A MIN. 8' RADIUS UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE SUBMIT OPERATION ! MAINTENANCE MANUALS FOR ALL ELEC, IRRIG, MECHANICAL WORK, ETC. SUBMIT AS BUILTS FOR ALL REVISIONS TO THE PROJECT CLEANUP E. G. J. BRAUER & ASSOCIATES, LTO. - PROJECT 98-09A C:~DOCS\1998~980gA~PUNCHUST. 12-08-gg.WPO I~a~,e 2 of 2 Jan. 3L'2000 9'05AM BRAUER & ASSOC. ,. No. 5343 DATE: DECEMBER 8, 1999 To: TODD INGRAM, INGRAM EXCAVATING - FAX 934-0901 JEFF & BOB, INGRAM EXCAVATING · CC; PAUL HOKENESS, PRIOR LAKE - FAX 447-4245 AL FR~EDGES, PRIOR'LAKE - FAX 440-9678 FROM: RE: JASON L. AMBERG, R.L.A. BRAUER & ASSOCIATES, LTD. LAKEFRONT PARK- ITEMS THAT NEED TO BE COVERED BY RETAINAGE THE FOLLOVV1NG IS A LIST OF ITEMS WITH ASSOCIATED AMOUNTS FOR WHICH WILL REQUIRE RETAINAGE UNTIL THE ITEMS AREA COMPLETED. CALL ME AT 238-O831 #14 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS. , , 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. RETAINAGE ITEMS; .. · DRINKING FouNTAIN VVITH SUBDRAIN ASPHALT TRAILS TYPE 1 CONCRETE AT PLAY AREA TYPE 2 INTEGRAL CONCRETE 4" THICK CONCRETE PAVEMENT 7 RISER CONG. STEPS 6 RISER CONC. STEPS AREA I IRRIGATION AREA 2 IRRIGATION BASKETBALL OUTFIT ADJUSTABLE BAS KETBALL OUTFIT HANDRAILS PLAY EQUIP. #1 PLAY EQUIP. #2 ELEC. i~ HOCKEY ELEC. {~ BASKETBALL AREA 3 IRRIGATION ELEC. t~ SLIDING HILL . ELEC. ~._TEN NI S TOTAL AMOUNT OF RETAINAGE WITHHELD SCHEDULED AMOUNT AMOUNT TO WITHHOLD 3,1oo.0o 3,~oo.oo (~o°o/o) 98,425.00 9,842.50 (10%) 6,000.00 6,000.00 (100%) 3,375.00 3,375.00 (100%) 31,948.00 $1,948.00 (100%) 8,700.00 8,700.00 (100%) s,6So.oo 5,68o.0o (lOO%) 31,000.00 3,100.00 (10%) s,ooo.oo 600.00 ¢0%) 2,964.00 148.20 (5%) 1,479.00 73.95 (5%) 9,ooo.oo goo.oo (lO%) 46,292.00 2,314.60 (5%) 68,538.00 3,426.90 (5%) 25,958.00 12,g92.50 (50%) 25,870.00 12,935.00 (50%) 8,500.00 850.00 (10%) 15,869.00 . . 7,934.50 (50%) 26,472.00 13',236.00 (~50%) $127,127.15 BRAUER & ASSOCI^TES, LTD. - PROJECT 98-ogA C:\DOCS\1998\9809A~RETAIN~CE-12-08-99.WPO Pa~e I 2000 OFFICIAL FEE SCHEDULE City of Prior Lake (Effective January 4, 2000) ASSESSMENT RATES: Collector Street Acreage Charge Park Dedication (residential 10% ~ $13,000/ac) Sewer & Water Trunk Acreage Charge Storm Water Trunk Acreage Charge (residential) Water Rate for Unassessed Parcels Sewer Rate for Unassessed Parcels UTILITY BILLING RATES: Water Rate Sewer Rate Capital Facility Charge Storm Water Charge SERVICE CHARGES: .n Assessment Search NSF Charge Late License Processing Charge Plumbing Registration Survey, Plat & Parcel Report Water Tower Antenna Rental - Communication Companies Water Tower Antenna Rental - ISD #719 POLICE, FIRE & RESCUE SERVICE CHARGES: Burning Permit ·. Drivers License/Warrant Check Fire Call False Alarm (eft. upon 3rd false alarm ea. yr.) Police Accident Reports LIQUOR LICENSES: Club License Consumption & Display Permit Off Sale Intoxicating Off Sale Non-intoxicating On Sale Intoxicating On Sale Non-intoxicating Set-up License Sunday Liquor Temporary On Sale Non-intoxicating (1~3 days) Wine License Investigation Fee - on/Off Sale Intoxicating Investigation Fee - On Sale Non-intoxicating Investigation Fee - Off Sale Non-intoxicating MISCELLANEOUS LICENSES: Bingo/Gambling License Cigarette License Dog License Dog Boarding Fees Kennel License Redemption of Dogs Current 1500.00/ac 1300.00/ac 3500.00/ac 3180.00/ac 20.00/fl 40.00/ff 1.40/1000 gals 2.85/1000 gals 7.5 O/billing cycle 3.75 (residential) 15.00 15.00 50.00 25.00 0.50 13,000.00 1,200.00 25.00 4.00 100.00 5.00 650.00 25.00 150.00 50.00 5,300.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 25.00 1,250.00 500/10,000 (max.) 100.00 50.00 10.00/100.00 250.00 10.00/20.00 10.00 50.00 1st licensed- 25.00 1st unlicensed - 30.00 2nd offense- 50.00 3rd offense - 100.00 FEESOO.XLS :23 PM 11412000 2000 OFFICIAL FEE SCHEDULE City of Prior Lake (Effective January 4, 2000) Massage Therapy License Investigation Fee Outdoor Concert Permit/(clean-up deposit): wedding/private reception commercial events Refuse Haulers License · Taxi Cab License Current 250.00 500.00/(max.) 50.00/200.00 200.00/500.00 1st truck - 125.00 ea. addnl truck - 25.00 100.00/50.00 ea addnl cab PERMITS: Building Permit Common Home Improvements Re-roofing Re-siding Windows. Lower level finish (1 room) Lower level finish (2 room) Lower level finish (3 room) Lower level finish (4 room) Swimming pool (above ground) Swimming pool (below ground) Driveway Permit Plan Review Plumbing Permits · Industrial, commercial, multi-residential Residential - new construction (single/two family) Residential - additions Mechanical Permits Industrial, commercial, multi-residential Residential - heating/air (single/two family) Residential - heating Residential - gas fireplaces Residential - additions Residential Contractor's Deposit State Building Code Fixed valuation fee 74.75 74.75 74.75 34.75 62.25 74.75 87.25 74.75 162.25 10.00 65% Building Permit Fee 1.0% of cOst (39.50 min.) 99.50 39.50 1.0% of cost (39.50 min.) 99.50 64.50 39.50 39.50 1,500.00 CONNECTION PERMIT CItARGES: Frost Plates MCES Metro Sewer Availability Charge Pressure Reducer Sewer Connection Charge Water Connection Charge Water Meter - residential 5/8" (inc. meter horn) Water Tower Charge Water Inspection Industrial, commercial, multi-residential Residential Sewer Inspection Industrial, commercial, multi-residential Residential PARK PERMITS: Boat Trailer Parking Park Daily Admission Park Program Surcharge (non-resident) Park Season Sticker (non-resident) FEESOO.XLS 7.50 1,100.00 45:00 600.00 600.00 125.00 700.00 1.0% of cost (17.50 min.) 17.50 1.0% of cost (17.50 min.) 17.50 10.00 4.00 5.00 30.00 2 !:9 PMl/4/2000 2000 OFFICIAL FEE SCHEDULE City of Prior Lake (Effective January 4, 2000) Park Season Sticker (resident) Park Support Fee Picnic Table Moves Picnic/Field reservation (resident) Picnic/Field reservation (non-resident) Current Charges 20.00 850.00 5.00/table 50.00 100.00 PARK FACILITY RENTALS: Field/Rink Lights Lakefront Park Pavilion Rental (resident) Lakefront Park Pavilion Rental (non-resident) Resource Center Studio Rental (resident) Resource Center Studio Rental (non-resident) Rink/Warming House Reservation 25.00/hr. 50.00/hr. 75.00/hr. 25.00/hr. 37.50/hr. reg./non-reg, hrs. 15.00/30.00 ZONING/SUBDI.VISION FEES: Administrative Plat Fee Comprehensive Plan Amendment (minor/major) Conditional Use Fee Excavation/Filling Permit (UBC graduated fee schedule) Final Plat Application Fee Home Occupation Permit Landscape Plan Letter of Credit (residential building relocation) Moving Permit P.U.D. (new/amendment) Preliminary Plat Application Fee Registration Charge (variance/cup) Rezoning Sign Permit Sign Plan Site Plan Solicitor Permit Special Hunting Permit Survey Waiver Temporary Sign Permit Temporary Sign Permit Deposit Tree Preservation Lot Deposit Vacation Fee Variance Fee (Other) Variance Fee (SF) Zoning Code Amendment Zoning Officer's Appeal Zoning Verification Letter 175.00 500.00/1000.00 350.00 O. mc) 150.00 + 5/lot 10.00 500.00 5,000.00 50.00 500',00 + 1 O/acre 500.00 + 10/lot 50.00 300.00 + 10/acre 30.00 - 1st 40 sq. ft. plus .25/sq.ft. thereafter 25.00 300.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 15.00 100.00 500.00 200.00 200.00 150.00 350.00 75.00 10.00 MUNICIPAL FINANCING APPLICATION FEES: Annexation Filing Fee (plus reimburse of city expenses up to $2500) TIF Application 500.00 1,000.00 PUBLICATIONS: Audit Booklet Budget Booklet CIP Booklet City Code Book Comprehensive Plan FEESOO.XLS 10.00 15.00 15.00 (purchase/update)- 100.00/25.00 50.00 1:23 PMI/4/2000 2000 OFFICIAL FEE SCHEDULE City of Prior Lake (Effective January 4, 2000) Comprehensive Utility Plans (each) Shoreland Ordinance Sign Ordinance Subdivision Booklet Zoning Ordinance Booklet Current Charges 25.00 10.00 15.00 25.00 25.00 A GEND A/MINUTES: ( ann u al) City Council Agenda City Council Minutes EDA Agenda EDA Minutes Planning Commission Agenda Planning Commission Minutes 20.00 40.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 40.00 MAPS: Aerial Maps Plan Copies (regular/large) Developers will be given 1 set of S&W asbuilts at no charge-addnl prints will be charged above rate Copies City Maps Topo Maps SAND BAGS: 5.00 5.00/10.00 .25 ea. 1.00 12.00/a¢. ($50.00 minimum) (Actual cost) FEESOO.XLS 1:23 PMI/4/2000 , 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. . . 11. 12. 13. t4. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. $ o.b. u.f. t.r. m.s, i.g. CAPSULE PROJECT SUMMARY 2000 CIP PROJECTS Project Description Fire Department Bunker Turnout Gear Project Amount Financing 6,000.00 6,000.00 Dollar. . o.b, Park Department (Developrnent) ' Neighborhood Park Resilient Surfaces .............. : 8,000.00 ........ 8,000.00 . Oakland Beach/Willows Basketball Courts :10,000.00 10,000.00 Park Appurtenant Equipment 10,000.00 10,000.00 Memorial Park Picnic Shelter ,r'~~'~ 16,000.00 16,000.00 Sand Point Beach Parking Lot Lighting 18,000.00 18,000.00 Neighborhood Park Playgrounds 103,000.00 103,000.00 (Trails.) Glynwater ' 22,000.00 22,000.00 ..' Public Works~.' (Buildings/Plant) Lift Station Renovation 60,000.00 60,000.00 Water Tower Painting 250,000.00. 125,000.00 125,000.00 (ImDrovernents) Trunk Watermain (Fountain Hills development) 30,000.00 30,000.00 Linden Circle Bituminous Paving 75,000.00 75,000.00 Main Avenue Street Lights 100,000.00 100,000.00 Fish Point Road/Fairlawn Shores Trail Overlay .300,000.00 180,000.00 ~ 120,000.00 Oak Ridge/Pixie Point Reconstruction 1,195,000.00 717,000.00 478,000.00 TH 13 Intersection Imp. (Commerce/B0udins) 1,750,000.00 850,000.00 6OO,O0O.OO 300,000.00 Water Resources (Improvements) Drainage Improvements 15,000.00 15,000.00 Storm Sewer Outlet Dredging (Green Hgts Tri) 15,000.00 15,000.00 Water Quality Pond (Center Road) .- 15,000.00 '15,000.00 Storm water Pond Dredging (Boudins) 30.000.00 30.000.00 Totals ...' ·4,028,000.00 4,028,000.00 · Financing Source Summary Project Tax Levy Operating Budget · Sewer & Water Utility Fund Storm Water Utility Fund Capital Park Fund - Collector Street Fund Trunk Reserve Fund Municipal State Aid Special Assessments. Intergovernmental Project Amount Tax Impact Dollar 897,000.00 $21.87 6,000.00 125,000.00 75,000.00 187,000.00 400,000.00 215,000.00 600,000.00 673,000,00. . - . 850.000.00 4,028,000,00 _ . . Totals ... City Cost Tax Impact 'Percentage c.p. c.g.' c.p. c.p. c.p. c.p. t.r, t.r. u.f. t.r, s.a. c.s. 4.39 s.a 17,48 s.a. i.g. ITI.S. '0.52% 2.09% S,Wo S.W. S.W. S.W. percentage 2.61% 8 CAPSULE PROJECT SUMMARY 2001 CIP PROJECTS Project Description Project Amount Fire Department 1. Bunker Turnout Gear 7,000.00 Park Department (Oevelo.~ment) 2. Neighborhood Park Resilient Surfaces 3. Park Appurtenant Equipment 4. Memorial Park Fencing 5. Neighborhood Park Playgrounds (Trails.) 6. Fish Point, Island View & Sand Point 8,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 60,000.00 35,000.00 . Public Works.. (Buildings/Plant) Lift Station Renovation Water Tower Painting 60,000.00 250,000.00 (Improvements) 9. Trunk Watermain (Deerfield development) 10. Trunk Watermain (CSAH 21 from Carriage Pkwy to 42) 11. 150th Street Reconstruction '., .. 12, ' Pixie Point- Green Oaks S[reet Reconstruction 171,000.00 200,000.00 765,000.00 925,000.00 Financing 7,000.00 8,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 60,000.00 35,000.00 60,000.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 171,000.00 200,000.00 196,000.00 306,000.00 263,000.00' 555,000.00 370,0OO.OO City Cost Tax Impact Dollar. Percentage o.b. c.p. c.p. c.p. c.p. c.po t.r. t.r. u.f. t.r. 4.70 s.a m.s. 13.32 s.a 0.55% 1.55% 13. 14. $ o.b. u.f. g.f. $oWo c.p. t.r. m.s, $oa. Water Resources (Improvements) Storm Water Pond Dredging (Hampton Pond) Lake Bank Stabilization (Pike Lake Trail) Financing Source Summary Project Tax Levy Operating Budget Sewer & Water Utility Fund Grant Funding Storm Water Utility Fund Capital Park Fund Trunk Reserve Fund Municipal State Aid Fund Special Assessments Totals ... Totals ... 20,000.00 60,000.00 2,581,000.00 Project Amount 751,000.00 7,000.00 125,000.00 20,000.00 60,000.00 123,000.00 556,000.00 263,000.00 676.000.00 2,581,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 40.000.00 2,581,000.00 Tax Impact Dollar $18.02 . S,W. Percentage 2.10% 9 , Project Description Fire Department Bunker Turnout Gear Park Department (Development) 2. Neighborhood Park Resilient Surfaces 3. Park Appurtenant Equipment 4. Neighborhood Park Playgrounds (Trails) 5. Deerfield Development CAPSULE PROJECT SUMMARY 2002 CIP PROJECTS . Public Works (Buildings/Plant) Lift Station Re'~'ovation Municipal Well Project Amount 8,000.00 (Irnprovernents) 8. Carriage Hills Road (Knob Hill east extension) 9. Trunk Watermain (CSAH 42 from 21 to McKenna) 10. Frog Town Area Reconstruction 8,000.00 10,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 11. TH 13 Intersection Imp. (150th Street) 60,000.00 350,000.00 12. 13. 175,000.00 185,000.00 935,000.00 $ m.s. s.a. i.g. 700,000.00.. · Water Resources '(Improvements) Storm Drainage Improvements Storm Water Pond Dredging 40,000.00 40.000.00 Totals ... 2,631,000.00 Financing Source Summary Project Amount Project Tax Levy Operating Budget Storm Water Utility Fund Capital 'Park Fund Collector Street Fund Trunk Reserve Fund Municipal State Aid Special Assessments Intergovernmental Totals ... 560,000.00 8,000.00 80,000.00 138,000.00 175,000.00 595,000.00 100,000.00 375,000.00 600.000.00 2,631,000.00 Financing 8,000.00 City Cost Tax Impact Dollar Percentage o.b. 8,000.00 c.p. 10,000.00 c.p. 60,000.00 c.p. 60,000.00 c.p. 60,000.00 t.r. 350,000.00 t.r. 175,000.00 c.s. 185,000.00 t.r. 560,000.00 13.16 375,000.00 s.a 600,000.00 i.g. 100,000.00 m.s. 1.50% 40,000.00 s.w. 40.000.00 s.w. 2,631,000.00 Tax Impact Dollar Percentag~ $13.16 1.50% 10 CAPSULE PROJECT SUMMARY 2003 CIP PROJECTS Project Description Project Amount Fire Department 1. Bunker Turnout Gear (Buildings & Plant.) 2. -Satellite Fire Station Park Department (Development) 3. Neighborhood Park Resilient Surfaces 4. Park Appurtenant Equipment 5. Neighborhood Park Playgrounds ' .[Trails.) 6. Jeffers Pond Development · · Public Work~' (Buildings/Pte nt) 7. Lift Station Renovation (Irn.~rovement$) 8. Shady Bch Trl/Fish Point Rd W Reconstruction 8,000.00 750,000.00 · · 8,000.00 10,000.00 60,000.00 40,000.00 60,000.00 1,185,000.00 Water Resources (Irn.~)rovements) . . 9. Storm Drainage Improvements 10..' Sto'rm Water Pond Dredging Financing Source Summary $ Project Tax Levy. o.b. Operating Budget s.w. Storm Water Utility Fund c.p. Capital Park Fund t.r. Trunk Reserve Fund s.a. Special Assessments g.o. G.O. Referendum Bon~ls Totals ... Totals ... 40,000.00 40.000.00 2,201,000.00 Project Amount 711,000.00 8,000.00 80,000.00 118,000.00 60,000.00 474,O0O.OO 750.000.00 2,201',000.00 Financing City Cost Tax Impact Dollar 8,000.00 o.b. 750,000.00 .g.o. 8,000.00 c.p. 10,000.00 c.p. 60,000.00 c.p. 40,000.00 c.p. 60,000.00 t.r. 711,000.00 16.40 474,000.00 s.a .40,000.00 · s.w. 40.000.00 s.w. 2,201,000.00 Taxlmpact Dollar Percentag~ $16.40 1.85% 1.85% 11 Project Description Fire Department 1. Bunker Turnout Gear Park Department · (Develo.~ment) 2. Neighborhood Park Resilient Surfaces 3. Park Appurtenant Equipment CAPSULE PROJECT SUMMARY 2004 CIP PROJECTS Public Works (Buildings & Plant.) 4. Lift Station Renovation 5. Municipal Well 6. Water Filtration Plant [Improvement~)"' 7. Trunk Watermain (Fish Point Rd Ext. to CSAH 21) 8. Trunk Watermain (CSAH 42 from CSAH 83 to W. Limit) 9. Gateway Shores Street Reconstruction Project Amount 8,000.00 10. TH 13 Intersection Imp. (CSAH 23/Five Hawks) 8,000.00 10,000.00 11. 12. 60,000.00 350,000.00 6,000,000.00 50,000.00 127,000.00 1,180,000.00 1,150,000.00 $ o.b. $.W. C.p. Co$o t.r. m.s. $.a. i.g. w.r. Water Resources (Irn.orovements) Storm Drainage Improvements Storm Water Pond Dredging Financing Source Summary Project Tax Levy Operating Budget Storm Water Utility Fund Capital Park Fund Collector Street Fund Trunk *Reserve Fund Municipal State 'Aid Special Assessments Intergovernmental Water Revenue Bonds Totals ... Totals ... 40,000.00 40.000.00 9,023,000.00 Project Amount 708,000.00 8,000.00 80,000.00 18,000.00 255,000.00 587,000~00 400,000.00 472,000.00 495,000.00 9,023,000.00 Financing 8,000.00 8,000.00 10,000.00 60,000.00 350,000.00 6,000,000.00 50,000.00 127,000.00 708,000.00 472,000.00 495,000.00 400,000.00 255,000.00 40,000.00 40.000.00 g,023,000.00 Tax Impact Dollar $16.00 City Cost Tax Impact .Dollar Percentage o.b. t,r. t.r. w.r. t.r. 16.00 s.a i.g. m.s. C.S. 1.77% S oW. Percentage 1.77% o. _ 12 PRIOR LAKE PARK MAINTENANCE BUDGET HISTORY PERSONNEL OPERATING TOTAL % INCREASE 1996 $443,225.00 $165,210.00 $619,385.00 1997 $436,280.00 $183,270.00 $641,500.00 .03 (secretary and attendants to rec.) 1998 $478,090.00 $171,960.00 $650,050.00 .01 1999 $504,244.00 $170,340.00 $674,584.00 .04 2000 $535,679.00 $180,775.00 $716,454.00 .06 . THE PERSONNEL BUDGET INCLUDES SALARIES AND BENEFITS FOR THE PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR, PARK MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR, PARKS LEAD PERSON, FOUR (4) FULL TIME PARK MAINTENANCE EMPLOYEES, ONE (1) REGULAR PART-TIME PARK MAINTENANCE EMPLOYEE, FIFTEEN (15) SEASONAL EMPLOYEES, AND ONE HALF TIME SECRETARY. THE OPERATING PORTION OF THE PARK MAINTENANCE BUDGET INCLUDES ALL OPERATING SUPPLIES SUCH AS GRASS SEED AND FERTILIZER, PLAY EQUIPMENT PARTS, CEMENT, LUMBER, HARDWARE, ALSO UTILITIES SUCH AS PHONE, GAS, AND ELECTRIC, REFUSE DISPOSAL, CONTRACTUAL REPAIRS OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT, PORTABLE TOILETS, ETC.. PRIOR LAKE PARK ACRES NUMBER OF ACRES NUMBER OF ACRES DEVELOPED 1996 463.95 297.45 2000 517.53 439.50 2001 DEERFIELD-27, GLYNNWATER-11.91, WILDS SOUTH-4 560.44 THESE NUMBERS DO NOT INCLUDE BOULEVARDS AND MEDIANS, CITY HALL, FIRE STATION, LIBRARY, OR MAINTENANCE CENTER BUDHIST.DOC PRIOR LAKE RECREATION BUDGET HISTORY PERSONNEL OPERATING* TOTAL % INCREASE 1996 $72,530 $24,500 $97,030 1999 .09 1997 $122,010 $24,700 $146,710 .06 (seasonalworkersandsecretaryadded ~om parks) 1998 $146,137 $24,800 $170,937 .09' (seasonalhourlyrateincreasebasedon market) $157,731 $24,800 $182,531 (seasonalhourlyrateincreasebasedon market) 2000 $157,113 $24,900 $182,013 (.01) THE PERSONNEL BUDGET INCLUDES SALARIES AND BENEFITS FOR THE RECREATION SUPERVISOR, 31 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES, AND ONE HALF TIME SECRETARY. THE OPERATING PORTION BUDGET INCLUDES ALL TAX SUPPORTED E~ENDITURES, NOT REVENUE SUPPORTED EXPENDITURES SUCH AS THE WAVELENGTH NEWSLETTER AND POSTAGE. PRIOR LAKE PROGRAMS NUMBER OF REGISTERED PARTICIPANTS (does not include dance program, beach, and skating attendance) 1996 3,759 1999 4,817 ACTUAL PROGRAM REVENUES (includes programs, facility rental, concessions, and park admission fees) 1996 $194,582 1997 $270,912 1998 $281,561 RBUDHIS.DOC Park On December 15, 1999, a Public Hearing was concluded for residents living within a 1/~ mile radius of the proposed park. Of the 300 households invited, 30+ residents attended the public meeting. .. The purpose of the meeting was to explain the results of the traffic study to interested residents and solicit input regarding improvements that could be made to traffic safety in the area once the Park is in operation. The traffic safety enhancements are shown on the attached map keyed by number. . Shown below are the improvements requested by attendees of the December 15th meeting and the actions the City will take in response to each request. (1) How does the study account for parental drop-offs and pick-ups of Children at the Park? The traffic generation figures were estimated using the Institute of Traffic Engineers Trip Generation' Manual and comparisons with The Ponds Park actual trip generation. The traffic counts are estimateS only and could vary by _+'10%. This is a generally accepted method of estimating traffic. These estimates are for peak use periods such as weekend tournaments. Park personnel have observed over many years that parental drop-offs and pick-ups of children occur more frequently during practices which are typically during weekday evenings. (non-peak usage). During tournaments and league games on weekends, parents typically stay and watch the games which would not add to the trip generation. Using this basis, the number of parental drop-offs/pick-ups would not have a significant affect on the estimated traffic counts. When the park is fully operational, actual traffic counts can be taken which Will provide a more scientific basis for any. additional traffic remediation projects. (2) Determine whether a stop sign [stopping all three legs]. can be installed at Mushtown and Maple The City will request that the Township determine whether criteria are met for stop signs in this area. If so, the City will provide and install the signs, but the Township will be responsible for sign maintenance and traffic enforcement. Busse Athletic Park- Traffic Safety Improvements (3) Could additional directional signage be installed directing traffic from TH13 to the park? Yes. Directional signs will be installed along Duluth at TH13 to Tower and at Tower to Toronto. Signs will also be installed at Panama and TH13 directing traffic to Tower and Toronto. When the ring road is comi:)leted and when the CSAH 23 intersection is reconfigured, directional signs will direct traffic to Toronto and 170th to access the parks .... (4) What impact will the ring road have? With appropriate directional signage, the ring road will actually help encourage traffic to access the park via Toronto. (5) Could the 30 mph zone on Mushtown Road be extended to the East (along the gravel portion) to increase safety at the entrance? Yes. The City will attempt to move this speed zone as far as possible to the east in cooperation with the Township. Additional signage will be installed to advise motorists and pedestrians. · (6) Could "30 mph" be printed on the rOadway? Yes. The City will complete and maintain the "30mph" markings west of the park entrance on the blacktop segment of Mushtown. (7) Could more consideration be given to pedestrians walking along Mushtown Road westerly? Yes, the City would be willing to evaluate trail costs within the City and program as funding is available if the Township will do the same for the trail segments within their corporate limits leading to CSAH 23. (8) Would the City maintain or provide financial support for the maintenance of Township road used to access the site? Most of the roads accessing the site are City roads or have been upgraded at the City's expense. The City currently completes the snow and ice control on Mushtown Road from CSAH 23 to The Ponds park entrance even though half of the road is Township responsibility. A written agreement on shared maintenance will be explored. 'I:\FRANIGNOTES\00\BUSSETRA.DOC 2 Busse Athletic Park- Traffic Safety Improvements (9) What can the City do to improve safety on Toronto Avenue at the Woodridge Neighborhood Park? The City will consider prohibiting parking on the east side of the street adjacent to Woodridge park and will post more speed limit signs along Toronto. (lO)Could a blinking amber light be installed at the park entrance? The City will mark the crossing on the street. It will also place stop signs at the roads and trails exiting the two parks at the crosswalk, and install "park entry ahead" typ.e signage as appropriate, all of which will be in conformance with the Uniform Traffic Control Manual.'A street light will also be installed at the intersection for night safety. Amber 'blinking lights are not being considered at this time. After the park is in use, traffic counts and experience may justify further consideration of this installation. I:\FRANIGNOTES\00\BUSSETRA.DOC 3 . T. OOD TR. WELL . ¢~ER ,DVIEW TR. TACO~ ST. C~R' 170th ST: ~ND Blind oke THE . PONDS/'~~ PARK' ~/~ BUSSE · /PROPERTY Oct. 6. 1999~ 2'53PM~BRAU~t~ & ASSOC. ;duJOO ::)l:lelqtV tlnpv %lJwdoad qJWd m:q.l BUlJd8 wlomeuu~N 'mqwl JOlJd ;0 At~'J / / / / ! / ,/ ( \ ~ ~ I-- Z W W~ Omm - 0 ! ~ 0 ~ 0 E E E E LO I~ 0 0 E