HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 29. 2002P
MONDAY, APRIL 29, 2002
5:30 P.M.
a) Background information from staff regarding.
· Comprehensive Plan
· PUD criteria
b) Developer presentation on Concept Plan
c) Development Issues
Relocation ~Wor elimination ofco~ercial area ~[~
· Density ~ ~- /~ a-lm~B~~ '
· Shor~land. D~stnct & Class~ficat~on of J~tler s Pond_
~JO~ (7'30 P.M.)
*Please note the City Council reserves the right to add or delete items from this agenda based upon
availability, i
L:\02FILES\02planning comm\02pcagenda\ccpcworkshp.doc
16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245
Jeffer's Property
Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Issues
The Jeffer's property presently has three designations on the 2020 Comprehensive Plan
Land Use Map (see attached).
The northeast comer of the property is designated for Business Office Park uses.
The area located about ¼ mile south of CSAH 42, north of Carriage Hills Parkway,
and east of Jeffer's Pond is designated for Community Retail Shopping uses.
The remaining area is designated for Urban Low to Medium Density Residential uses.
The Zoning Map generally corresponds to the land use plan designations, with the
exception of the Community Retail Shopping. The site is zoned either C-5 (Business
Office Park) or R-1 (Low Density Residential).
The Business Office Park area is intended for office and light manufacturing uses.
Residential uses are not permitted or appropriate within this area.
The Community Retail Shopping designation is intended for offices, retail and other
commercial uses. Senior Care Overlay districts may be permitted within this area.
The Urban Low to Medium Density Residential designation permits densities up to 10
units per acre. The current zoning (R-1) allows up to 3.6 units per acre. This site is
further constrained by the Shoreland District around Jeffer's Pond. Jeffer's Pond is a
Natural Environment lake; the minimum lot area for non-riparian lots is 20,000 square
Changes to the Comprehensive Plan require a public hearing before the Planning ~
Commission and review and approval by the City Council. The Metropolitan Council
must also review the change. The Comprehensive Plan must be amended before the City
will review a rezoning application.
16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245
L:\02FILES\02subject\jeffer pond\comp p)~i~'Id~I/~..~ORTUNiTY EMPLOYER
Area: 360.50 acres
Total Area:
Wetlands/Other 120.80 acres
Unusable Area: 239.70 acres
Net Acres:
, (Remaining calculations are based on the net area of the site.)
Comprehensive Plan Designation {Existing):
C-BO (Business Office Park) +__48 acres
R-L/MD (Low to Medium
Density Residential)
191.70 acres
Zoning (Existing): C-5 (Business Park)
R-1 (Low Density Residential)
+48 acres
19!.70 acres
Shorelancl District (Natural Environment Lake) 191 acres
Total: 78 acres
Tier 1 113 acres
Tiers 24
Outside Shoreland District: 49 acres
Allowed Density {R-1 area only)
(R-1 density is generally 3.6 units per acre
Density in the Shoreland District is based on the minimum
lot area in each tier. The minimum lot area is 40,000 sf in Tier
1 and 20,000 sf in Tier 2.)
R-lSD - Tier 1:
R-lSD - Tiers 24
R-1 (outside SD)
Total Units
Overall Density
49 acres/40,000 sf =
94 acres / 20,000 sf =
49 acres x 3.6 u/a =
436 un/191.70 ac =
54 units
205 units
177 units
436 units
2.27 units/acre
i:XO1 files\ 01subjectXjeffers propertyXanalysis.d°c
dr~ .. ~*'~ area ~ ,~c~ rea~iz~ _ e
¢~Uired ~ _ '~ ~one,~, I~d i~- - fio~ of 1 o
~edica~.~ ~ o ~ess fh .... ~Uaes ~.u% of ~he
S~e~' ~,un: 3~ ~"
~ ~rs and rt... °u. 50x ln~ '~as or
~he la.~"~Ca~ed for ~ . 36.05 acres
"'~Z ~ect ,~ ' ~us dOes ~.,u uffli6e.~
.... -re · -4~ts ~e~s'~,- .--~ou~ ~n,,
d. . ~'z ~Zcula,;~ t Z~% of
(~bet o~ pn - 72 acr-
su~ uSSible ,.
~ cs Stree,o _ _
'~:ISD . Tier'~:'nd Utilities sp ead
~~ 2s~iers 2~ ~6ocres~40,O~Yt~usite)
~tal~[~eSD) 3~.~/~2~,00~[~ 6Ousts
357 124 U~ts
Allowable Us - un~191.70 ac ~ 357
Single 'a~ ~) L86 ~nitS/acre
Tow~o. ~ ,~Omes
aSes (Up to 4 U~ts .
A POD could increase the
~ot the OVerall density or allowa~'~ of units
-o~e USes. ~' building, but
~.s \ Olsubject\ ;e£~'
pr°Perry\ analysiS.doc
Following is a list of topics for potential discussion if time allows'
Jeffer's Pond Development (Wes)
Lakefront Plaza Project (Ralph)
Business Advisory Committee (Wes)
Watershed Outlet Channel Improvement Project (Sue)
CitY Manager Objectives for 2001 (Frank)
Other Business ~
7 Adjourn.
~ Please note that the City Council reserves the right to add or delete items from the agenda based
upon time availability.
16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245
~leffcrs f!state Informational Presentation
August 6, 2001
www. wcnsmarm, com,,
'requesting that the Prior Lake City Council members review thc following list of'issues
and provld¢,£¢edbai:k.
· .
Would the Council consider rezoning the C5 ar&a'as dei~icted to a r~sidential
· zoning distri~ in the North and North~st area of'the site, provided that ,.
· alternative skes for C5 zon/ng can be identified w/thin the City o£Pfior I~e.
, ,
What value is a. senior campus to the Ck'y o£Prior Lake'and would the Council
aIlow a slight incre~e in densi~ to accommodate this.. ·
Would the Council be ,in favor of'shuffling densities'on site to accommodate multi
family uses in specific locazions were it makes good planning and development
SCnSC, ,
How would the Council feel about the involvement of the'Scott Hermepin Pa~k
Rese~e District in de~eloping a nature preserve and interpretive center on the
property. . . . . .
5. Would the Council cormider park land dedication reqtiirements fulfilled if the
Scott,Henncpin Park Rescree District .co. nt[,olled ~rid maintained the la,fid.
'RHS Building
· 1895 Plaza l>~vc
Suiu~ 200
Eagun, ~ 55122
Fax. 651/905-3678
Mayor and City Council Members
Jane Kansier, Planning Coordinator
September 14, 2001
Jeffer's Property Preliminary Analysis
DRC Members
Suesan Pace, City Attorney
Attached is a preliminary analysis of the potential density on the Jeffer's property.
This analysis was done using the existing R-1 Zoning designation on the property.
The analysis is also based on a total site area of 360.50 acres, less 120.80 acres of
wetlands and other unusable area, for a net area of 239.70 acres.
Although this analysis identifies a potential number of units and densities, great
caution must be must exercised with the use of these numbers, for the following
We do not have a survey verifying either the total area or the net area of the
site. The acreages used are based on a concept plan submitted by the
The areas identified for each Zoning District, the tiers in the Shoreland
District and other areas are based on very rough calculations. We have no
survey or even an engineer's calculations to verify whether these numbers are
The analysis is based on several assumptions that may or may not be correct.
For example, the 30% figure for roads and utilities will vary greatly depending
on design, terrain, and many other factors.
The total number of units may vary a great deal, depending on the type of
development the developer is proposing.
The preliminary analysis is an attempt to identify the densities and the types of
development that could potentially be placed on the site, as it is currently zoned.
However, this analysis, as noted above, is very rough. When determining the
density that is allowed on the development, it is best to rely on the allowable
densities within the zoning districts. These densities are:
1:\01 files\01 subject\jeffers property\memorandum.doc Page l
16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245
R-1 3.6 units per acre
~R-2, R-3 7.2 units per acre
' R-4 30 units per acre
Using these numbers would give the City Council an absolute maximum density,
assuming the entire site was designated as one Zoning District. The actual
number of units would probably be less than the maximum, because of the need
for roads, utilities, storm water ponding, required parking area, maximum floor
area and impervious surface requirements, setbacks and so on.
I have also attached a copy of the questions submitted by the developer at the City
Council forum on August 6, 2001. The developer is looking for some feedback
on these issues.
1:\01 files\01 subject\j effers property\memorandum.doc
Page 2
Total Area: 360.50 acres
Wetlands / Other
Unusable Area: 120.80 acres
Net Acres: 239.70 acres
(Remaining calculations are based on the net area of the site.)
Comprehensive Plan Designation (Existing):
C-BO (Business Office Park)
+48 acres
R-L/MD (Low to Medium
Density Residential) 191.70 acres
Zoning (Existing): C-5 (Business Park)
R-1 (Low Density Residential)
+48 acres
191.70 acres
Shoreland District (Natural Environment Lake)
Total: 191 acres
Tier 1 78 acres
Tiers 2-4 113 acres
Outside Shoreland District: 49 acres
Allowed Density (R-1 area only)
(R-1 density is generally 3.6 units per acre
Density in the Shoreland District is based on the minimum
lot area in each tier. The minimum lot area is 40,000 sf in Tier
1 and 20,000 sf in Tier 2.)
R-lSD- Tier 1:
R-lSD- Tiers 2-4
R-1 (outside SD)
Total Units
Overall Density
49 acres/40,000 sf =
94 acres/20,000 sf =
49 acres x 3.6 u/a =
436 un/191.70 ac =
54 units
205 units
177 units
436 units
2.27 units/acre
1:\ 01 files\ 01subject\jeffers property\analysis.doc
Jeffer's Property Discussion
Planned Unit Developments
The development of the Jeffer's property will probably be accomplished by the Planned
Unit Development (PUD) process for several reasons, including: (1) the mixture of uses
and densities on the site, and (2) The use of private streets.
Section 1106 of the Zoning Ordinance lists the purpose, findings and procedures for a
PUD. The purpose of a PUD is to allow greater flexibility in the development of a parcel
by tailoring the development to the site and to the surrounding neighborhood. Not every
development is suitable as a PUD. In order to determine which developments are
suitable, Section 1106.100 lists 10 findings and criteria for a PUD. These are:
(1) Greater utilization of new technologies in building design, materials,
construction and land development.
(2) Higher standards of site and building design.
(3) More efficient and effective use of streets, utilities, and public facilities to
support high quality land use development at a lesser cost.
(4) Enhanced incorporation of recreational, public and open space components in
the development which may be made more useable and be more suitably
located than would otherwise be provided under conventional development
(5) Provides a flexible approach to development which allows modifications to
the strict application of regulations within the various Use Districts that are in
harmony with the purpose and intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan and
Zoning Ordinance.
(6) Encourages a more creative and efficient use of land.
(7) Preserves and enhances desirable site characteristics including flora and
fauna, scenic views, screening and buffering, and access.
(8) Allows the development to operate in concert with a Redevelopment Plan in
certain areas of the City and to insure the redevelopment goals and objectives
within the Redevelopment District will be achieved.
(9) Provides for flexibility in design and construction of the development in
cases where large tracts of land are under single ownership or control and
where the use(s) has the potential to significantly affect adjacent or nearby
16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245
L:\02FILES\02subject\jeffer pond\pud iSS~L~AL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER
(10)Encourages the develOper to convey property to the public, over and above
required dedications, by allowing a portion of the density to be transferred to
other parts of the site.
Every PUD proposal is reviewed based on these criteria. The City Council makes
findings on whether or not to approve a PUD plan based on these criteria. When
considering the use of a PUD, the developer is also encouraged to review and address
these criteria as part of the application.
L:\02FILES\02subject\jeffer pond\pud issues.doc
City of Prior Lake
800 0 800
A Aodcultural
R-S Rural Subdivision Residential
R-1 Low Density Residential
R-2 Low-Medium Residential
R-3 Medium Density Residential
R-4 High Density Residential
C-1 Neighborhood Commercial
C-2 Community Business
C-3 Specialty Business
C-4 General Business
C-5 Business Park
I-1 General Industrial
SD Boundary
PUD Boundary
Updated June 20, 2001
City of Prior Lake Comprehensive
Land Use
Designated Land Use
Residential Classlfl~ations
[~ Rural Density
E~ Urban Low/Medium Density
~ Urban High Density
Commercial Development Cla$~ifications
~ Retail Shopping (Neighborhood
Retail Shopping (Community)
~ Town Center
~ Hospitality General Business
~ Business Office Park
Industrial Development Classification
~ Planned Industrial
Public Development Classifications
~ Recreation & Open Space
~ Right-Of-Way
~ Lake
December 20, 2000
Allowed Density (if the C-5 area is rezoned to R-l)
R-lSD - Tier 1:
R-lSD - Tiers 2-4
R-1 (outside SD)
'Total Units
Overall Density
78 acres/40,000 sf =
113 acres/20,000 sf =
49 acres x 3.6 u/a -
508 un/191.70 ac =
85 units
246 units
177 units
508 units
2.65 units/acre
Parkland Dedication Requirements
(Subdivision Ordinance requires dedication of 10% of the
gross land area. Acceptable land includes wooded areas or
dry upland with slopes less than 10%.)
Required Dedication: 360.50 x 10% = 36.05 acres
Streets and Utilities:
Area dedicated for streets and utilities is generally about 30% of
the land area. This does not affect the density calculation but
may affect the number of units.
Area Dedicated: 72 acres
Number of Possible Units:
(Assumes streets and utilities spread evenly thru site)
R-lSD - Tier 1: 54.6 acres/40,000 sf - 60 units
R-lSD- Tiers 2-4
R-1 (outside SD)
Total Units
Overall Density
79.1 acres/20,000 sf =
34.3 acres x 3.6 u/a =
357 un/191.70 ac =
173 units
124 units
357 units
1.86 units/acre
Allowable Uses (R-l) Single family homes
Townhouses (up to 4 units per building)
A PUD could increase the number of units per building, but
not the overall density or allowable uses.
1:\ 01files\ 01subject\jeffers property\analysis.doc
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