HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 25, 2002
fj 1'"tI'lif
February 22, 2002
SUBJECT: February 25,2002 Goals & Objectives Work Session
Attached are a number of materials for use at our workshop. The agenda provides you with an
overview of workshop activities and the location. Also enclosed is the 2002 Capital Improvement
Program summary page and an overview of major 2002 budget initiatives. The attached draft 2002
goals will receive the greatest attention at the work session. I have also included all of the goals and
objectives submitted by employees. I am pleased by the response given the circumstances of my
Dress for the work session is business casual. We will supply a continental breakfast, lunch and
dessert. Remember to park in the Pillsbury ramp and bring the ticket to Suesan's office so it can be
16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245
Goal 1: Create an Environment of Open
Communication, Trust, Respect and
Cooperation Within City Government and
Between Prior Lake City Government and
Our Community.
1. Citizen's Committee.
A. Data gathering.
B. Identifying & prioritizing needs and
2. Update City Survey.
A. Broader range of opinions.
3. Collect Data Electronically.
A. Web site.
B. Communicating based upon needs
rather than based on perceived
4. Communications:
A. #3 above.
B. Wavelength.
C. Prior Lake American.
D. Cable.
E. Forum.
1. Location on agenda, responses.
2. Respond to comments.
3. Televise.
F. Council meeting format (perception
of public).
G. Employee cha~t sessions.
DN: 141558
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H. Telephone call-in.
5. Employee Involvement in Planning
6. Transporting People/Messages.
7. Town Hall Meetings.
8. Public Information.
A. Agenda Item.
B. Informal One-On-One Before City
Council Meeting or Office Hours.
Lunch/Breakfast With
Councilmember or Staff. Switch
LocationslTimes/ Groups.
9. Marketing - Coordinated Program.
1 o. Provide Employee Training.
A. How to deliver the message.
ON: 141558
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B. How do we make the Council aware
of key issues.
C. Consistent treatment.
11. Volume Tracking/Customer Comment.
12.Staffed Appropriately to Provide Quality.
13. Creating Effective Staff Relationships
Within and Without the Organization.
14. UnrealistidUnnecessary Rules.
A. Change rules that don't work.
ON: 141558
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Goal 2: Create Mutually Beneficial
Partnerships With Residents, Businesses,
Civic and Service Organizations, the School
District, Surrounding Cities and Townships,
the SMSC and Regional Agencies for the
Benefit of All.
1. Orderly Annexation Agreement.
2. ISD 719 Land Needs.
3. Transit - Scott County/Lakeville/
4. Private Schools - Shepherd Lake, Prior
Lake Baptist, St. Mike's.
5. Prior Lake/Spring Lake - Outlet Ch./
Erosion Control/Water Resource
6. Sharing Data - Prior Lake *Scott County;
Res, Other Cities.
ON: 141574
7. Supplemental Elec. Data for Residents
and Businesses (G/S, Financial,
8. Met. Council/money - downtown
9. SMSC - Water, Fire Station/Dept., Well
Head Protection Program; Trash & Joint
Road Imp. Toward More Trusting
1 O. Regional Parks - Secure
Land/Acceleration of Regional Park
11 . Facilities/Opportunities for Seniors - Art
Society, Youth, Service Groups (Comm.
12. Partnering - Service Organizations -
Rotary, Opt. Chamber, etc.
ON: 141574
13.Athletic Field/Park Maintenance - Prior
Lake and ISD.
14. Park Patrol - City and County?
15. City/County - Lake Surface Regulation/
16. Celebrate "National Night Out."
17. Renew Adopt a Park Efforts.
18. Fire Department Joint Powers Training
19. Northern Scott County Coalition
(Shakopee, Savage, Prior Lake and Scott .
20. Update Police Joint Powers Agreements.
21.Chamber/City Cooperation.
22. Revitalize Business Council.
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Goal 3: Update the Strategic Plan and
2020 Comprehensive Plan.
1. Establish Citizen's Committee.
A. Data.
B. Review and Prioritize.
2. City Survey Update.
3. Electronic Input.
4. Reevaluate:
A. Mission Statement.
B. Vision & Elements.
5. City Council Approval.
6. Marketing/Communicating - Kiss.
7. Next Steps.
ON: 141579
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Goal 4: Assure Adequate Water Resources
by Developing and Implementing a
Groundwater Plan Which Includes Water
Production, Conversation, Community
Education and Communication.
1. Water Production - Short Range/Long
A. FIG Well.
B. Jordan Well.
C. SMSC Intercommunication.
D. Evaluate Utility of Savage
E. Evaluate Water Treatment.
2. Conservation.
A. Landscape Sprinkler Sensor Subsidy -
(Retrofitting Only).
ON: 141580
B. Tiered Water Billing.
C. Encourage Water Saving.
1. Showerheads.
D. Research Other Conservation
Mechanisms, Strategies.
E. Legitimate Enforcement of Odd-Even
3. Community Education.
A. Encourage Voluntary Compliance.
B. Encourage Various Forms of
Communication Regarding Simple
Means of Water Conservation
1. Showers, Bricks, etc., Landscape
ON: 141580
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C. Multifocused - Youth, parents, civic
organizations, schools.
D. Demonstration Proj
, houses.
4. Communication/Marketing.
A. Wavelength - cable, public,
presentations, video to various
ON: 141580
GoalS: Prepare a Plan to Effectively
Manage and Enhance the Quality of Our
Lakes, Parks and Natural Areas for the
Enjoyment of Current and Future Residents.
1. Consider Comprehensive Lake
Management Plan with Watershed.
2. Focus on All Lakes, Not Just Prior Lake.
Also look at Regulations.
3. Evaluate Available Personnel for City
Parks. (Construction vs. Maintenance)
Evaluate Opportunities for Privatization.
4. Evaluate Bike Patrol/Park Patrol
5. Trailer Parking/Fisherman Parking &
6. Dog Park.
ON: 141604
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7. Skateboard Park Addressing Youth
8. Evaluate Surface Water Enforcement.
9. Chloride Monitoring/Salt-Sand
1 o. Septic Control/Ag Control - Spring Lake
11. Focus on Relationship with DNR &
12. Evaluate No Wake - Noise, Speed,
Direction, '904.
13. Evaluate Property Acquisition for Park
Purpose (Expansion, Future Needs).
14. Evaluate ParklTrail Dedication
Requirements (Open Space, Active,
Passive, Trail).
ON: 141604
15. Conservation Easements/Land Trusts to
Preserve Natural Areas.
16.lnitiate Plant-A-Park. Enhance Adopt-A-
17. Consider I + I Especially Around Lakes.
ON: 141604
Goal 6: Create a Cooperative Environment
Which Supports Retention and Growth of
Existing Business, Attracts and Stimulates
New Business and Encourages Quality
Residential Development.
1. Existing Businesses.
A. Examine and Develop and Incentive
Package - TIF, Facade Imp. Grants/
B. Build Relationships - Evaluate
Opportunities to Begin Partnering.
C. Proactive Philosophy v. Regulation.
D. Friendlier/Regs., Process, Red. $.
E. Work and Partner with Chamber
Rotary, Business Development
ON: 141607
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F. Working with Other Community
2. New Business.
A. Identify and Prioritize Community
Development Opportunities.
B. Identify Target Markets + Businesses.
C. Proper Staffing & Resources to
Accomplish Same.
D. Marketing.
E. Downtown or Other Property
3. Quality Residential Development.
A. Acquisition of Land for Long-Term
Needs (Park and Commercial Within
and Outside Community).
ON: 141607
B. Life Cycle Housing - Senior, Price
Points, Housing Styles.
C. Match Land Designations for
Development Purposes to Market
Needs and Vision of Community.
D. Annexation.
ON: 141607
Goal 7: Maximize the Value of City Tax
1. Evaluate Allocation of Personnel.
2. Develop Revenue Sources Which
Substitute for Tax Levy - User Fees.
3. Seek Out Partnering Opportunities.
4. Examine the Business of Government -
What Should We/Shouldn't We Do.
5. Examine How We Do It.
6. Examine if We Must Do It Or Others
Can - Privatization; Joint Powers.
7. Expense Control.
8. Evaluate Fees vs. Actual Costs.
9. Contributions From (Others).
10, Re u~ r Bf;v-- VJ</I/Jel 6t'ryef 5
+- eft f!Jif
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Goal 8: Make Infrastructure Arrangements.
1. City Hall.
2. Fire Station.
3. Transportation/Roadways - Need to
Prioritize, Then Commit to High Priority.
4. Water Treatment Plant.
5. Sewer, Water & Storm Water
6. Amendment of CIP Projects to Allow for
Greater Cost Effectiveness.
7. Civil D. Siren.
8. Community Center.
9. Transit Stops.
1 O. Street Reconstruction.
ON: 141610
11. Park Construction/Reconstruction - BMX
Bikes, Skate Board Park, Water Park.
12.Access & Invest in Necessary Mobile
13.Determine if Lake Access Improvements
14. Computer.
15. Digital Document Storage.
17. Disposal of Buildings/Property.
78. Police Station.
ON: 141610
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1 Why Are We Here?
2 Existing Workload
· 2002 Capital Improvement Projects
· 2002 General Fund Budget
3 Defining Goals for 2002
(Noon - 1:30pm
4 Discuss Specific Plans & Projects for 2002
(Break - 3pm
5 Other Business1
6 Adjourn - 4pm
** Parking will be validated but only if you park in the Pillsbury building.
Otherwise, you'll need to pay and request reimbursement. The Pillsbury building is
at ~d Avenue and 6th Street. The ramp entrance is off of 5th Street. To get to the
Halleland Lewis office suite, you need to take the elevator to the Skyway Level, then
go left to a second bank of elevators to reach the 6th floor.
1 Please note that the City Council reserves the right to add or delete items from the agenda based
upon time availability.
16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245
New Service Improvements Within 2002 Bud~
1. Civil Defense Siren Replacement Program
2. New Street Bituminous Resurfacing Program
3. Downtown Property Revitalization Efforts
4. Implementation of Local Bus Service
5. Expanded Park Maintenance and Supervision
of the Library/Resource Center
6. New Positions
. 2 vs. 1 Mechanic
. Communications/Administrative position
Recommended 2002 Budget Proe:ram Modifications:
{> Restructure Water Resource Coordinator
Position to Assistant City Engineer
~ Digital Document Storage
{>City Hall/Fire Station Space Needs Study
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City Cost
Project Description Project Amount Financing Tax Impact
lliillar.. PercentaQe
Economic Development Authority
1. Downtown Reconstruction of Main Avenue "TBD" "TBD"
Park Department
2. Outfield Fencing - Memorial Park 10,000.00 10,000.00 c.p.
3. Park Entrance Signs 10,000.00 10,000.00 c.p.
4. Park Appurtenant Equipment 15,000.00 15,000.00 c.p.
5. Picnic Shelter - Wilds Park 15,000.00 15,000.00 C.p.
6. Basketball Court - DeerfieldlWilds Park 18,000.00 18,000.00 c.p.
7. Parking Lot - Wilds Park 20,000.00 20,000.00 C.p.
8. Portable Bleachers 35,000.00 35,000.00 C.p.
9. Parking Lot Lighting - Ponds Park 40,000.00 40,000.00 c.p.
10. Playgrounds - Deerfield, Fairway Hghts 60,000.00 60,000.00 c.p.
11. Ponds Park - Lighting & Irrigation (Field #7) 150,000.00 75,000.00 C.p.
75,000.00 m.c.
12. Sand Point, Wilds & Lords Street 50,000.00 50,000.00 C.p.
Public Works
13. Lords Street Bridge Safety Renovation 30,000.00 30,000.00 m.s.
14. Lift Station SCADA Telemetry System 50,000.00 50,000.00 t.r.
15. Lift Station Renovation 120,000.00 120,000.00 t.r.
16. Water Meter Change-out Program 425,000.00 425,000.00 u.f.
17. Water Tower Painting (Tower St.) 550,000.00 550,000.00 u.f.
18. Trunk Watermain (Fountain Hills) 30,000.00 30,000.00 t.r.
19. Trunk Watermain (CSAH 21 north of Carriage Hills) 125,000.00 125,000.00 t.r. (*)
20. Trunk Watermain (CSAH 83 south of CSAH 42) 145,000.00 145,000.00 t.r.
21. McKenna Road Street Construction 200,000.00 200,000.00 m.s.
22. Fountain Hills Drive extension (thru Jeffers prop.) 200,000.00 200,000.00 m.s.
23. Trunk S&W Main (CSAH 42 west of CSAH 21 to 83) 700,000.00 700,000.00 t.r.
24. Pixie Point - Green Oaks Street Reconstruction 1,265,000.00 640,000.00 14.84 1.93%
425,000.00 s.a
200,000.00 t.r.
25. Ring Road Construction (Phase 1) 2,100,000.00 125,000.00 t.r.
200,000.00 s.a
270,000.00 c.S.
575,000.00 u.f.
930,000.00 m.s.
Water Resources
26. Lake Bank Stabilization (Island View) 20,000.00 20,000.00 S.w.
27. Creekside Circle Channel Stabilization 40,000.00 40,000.00 S.w.
28. Storm Drainage Improvements 80 000 00 80 000.00 s.w.
Totals '" 6,503,000.00 6,503,000.00
Financing Source Summary Project Amount Tax Impact
Q.Q!lar PercentaQe
$ Project Tax Levy 640,000.00 $14.84 1.93%
u.f. Sewer & Water Utility Fund 1,550,000.00
s.w. Stor!l1 Water Utility Fund 140,000.00
c.p. Capital Park Fund 348,000.00
t.r. Trunk Reserve Fund 1,495,000.00
c.s. Collector Street Fund 270,000.00
m.s. Municipal State Aid 1,360,000.00
s.a. Special Assessments 625,000.00
m.c. Matching Contribution 7500000
Totals ... 6,503,000.00
(*) possible construction in 2001
Goals for 2002 - partial
Submitted by Mike Gundlach, Councilmember for review.
Issues or Goals - left over business
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~/l. Ability to wave survey requirements by an official or staff for decks, etc.
I believe that Suesan Pace has been working on this.
/ 2. Private use of public right-of-way. Consider final policy and enforcement
[/3. Ordinance on Privacy Fences to the Lake - I believe the Council acted on this last
year requesting Planning Staff to address this.
'" ~ t!\ /5.
Ii)) t/ 6.
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Ordinance on placing RV's in front yards - I believe the Council asked for
recommendations on this in 200 I.
City abandoning its rights or control of right-of-way on County Roads for Cellular
Towers. The City Attorney was absent when this came up and we asked to delay
it until we could here from her, but never did. We need to determine whether the
ownership of the R1W is reason enough to abandon our responsibility to our
citizens for protection or regulation of those R1W's.
Comp Plan vs. Zoning requirements - Low to Med density. The Council voted
and asked the staff in 2001 for recommendations to make the Comp Plan match
the zoning plat maps so that developers know what the intent is/was for a parcel
and we don't get into situations where every parcel is pushed upward and made
medium density when it was intended to be low density. (The council was
adamant about this agenda item, but haven't seen any progress as of yet.)
Goals for 2003
1. Establish the acceptable amount of budget increase for 2003. This can be done
from a taxing perspective as years past or by setting a goal on the budget side to
work with based on the city needs, aside from addition of new Police officers or
additional recommended staff. These should be considered but not necessarily as
part of the consideration of budget increase for inflation etc. This helps to meet
the budget needs of the city and still allow for additional staffw/o potentially
exploding the budget. With loss of LGA it may become harder to hold the line on
the tax side, hence the consideration from the budget side might be appropriate.
2. Ring Road Completion - Franklin to Toronto. Providing access for the Mall,
Park Nicollet, Crystal Care and most importantly to remove the dangerous
roadway (driveway) being used in front of the gas station at present.
3. Commercial/Industrial assessments: Examine what properties like Carpenter
Lumber sold for as compared to assessed value. Since the land was sold, not the
business this would be a good example. If the differential is great with this or
other business properties as we've discovered when trying to purchase property,
ie: the Insurance Office, the city is not getting the benefit of having commercial
business in our city if its taxed like residential, hence little need to get more of it.
4. Building w/o permits - devise a plan or consistent policy (time line) for dealing
with these. (Morlock? Krause) are but two pending issues in addition to others
that the building department has discovered.
Please note: I didn't not include all the pending items listed on the City Managers
evaluation worksheet ending 2001. I suspected the city manager will bring those in
addition to most of the above mentioned items, forward. Thanks
a. Water meter change out program to replace all pre-1990 water meters
b. Radio utility reading system installation
c. Institute direct deposit for utility billing
d. Proj ect management time tracking system
e. Electronic time sheet conversion
f. Upgrade optical scan voting system to on-site precinct counters that would
produce immediate election results upon closing of the polls
g. Consider consolidating local odd-year city elections to even year general elections
h. Automate special assessment records
1. Convert license processing from manual issuance to computer generated licenses
J. Develop Rec Track Credit & Collections Guidelines for recreation programs
k. Credit Card application for payment of city services
a. Develop building expansion financing plan for a city hall/police facility and
satellite fire station
b. Construction financing for 2002 city projects
a. 2003-07 Capital Improvement Program
b. 2003 Operating Budget development
c. 2001 Financial Statement Audit
d. GASB 34 compliance
e. Debts Service Bond Analysis
H:\GENERAL\Goa1s02.doc 1/10/02 12:35 PM
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