HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 22, 2002FRANK BOYLES TO: SUBJECT: January 18, 2002 MAYOR HAUGEN AND CITY COUNCILMEMBERS January 22, 2002 Work Session The City Council has scheduled a work session or 5:30pm, Tuesday, January 22, 2002. A meal will be served. Attached is an agenda for the meeting. Also attached is a draft list of 2002 staff goals and objectives. The list is intended to be comprehensive. To prepare the draft 2002 list I reviewed incomplete 2001 goals, capital improvement program goals for 2002, goals set forth in the 2002 budget, and initiatives identified in the Mayor's January 7th presentation. The goals and objectives are organized in the four categories identified by Mayor Haugen on January 7th. Also included is a list of questions Mayor Haugen has prepared as discussion questions for Council consideration in setting the 2002 objectives. While I have received supervisory input, I will obtain employee input following this work session. Following that, the goals and objectives will be placed on a future City Council agenda for final approval. As much as I and my staff would like to accomplish all these objectives, I am not optimistic. I have included a thoughtful memo from Public Works Director Bud Osmundson which expresses his concerns and offers some food for thought. I am hopeful that we can carefully review these items so Council can identify the "must do" projects for 2002. Depending upon the number and complexity of the goals and objectives identified by the Council, it may be necessary for me to recommend additional expenditures to obtain needed resources. The second item on the agenda is the Ring Road, which I believe is a "must do" project. We would like to discuss some road alignment alternatives. We will also attempt to assess other options for completing preparations for this road project. The Forum is scheduled to begin at 7pm. Representatives of Keystone Communities (formerly Crystal Care) will be present to review a revised concept plan for a 100-unit assisted and memory care facility. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER W ork on , 2 3 Review and Prioritize Draft 2002 Staff Goals and Objectives Discuss Ring Road Alternatives Other Business~ 4 Adjourn. ~ Please note that the City Council reserves the right to add or delete items from the agenda based upon time availability. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, ]v[innesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN E(~UAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Discussion Questions (Mayor Haugen) the Mission Statement truly reflect our mission? 2. Do our actions support the Mission Statement? 3. What can we do to make customer service a key priority? 4. How do we provide superb customer service? 5. How can we build a Fire Station through a joint venture with the Mdewakanton Community? 6. How can we make our customers feel important? 7. How can we develop open, effective communication with our community? 8. How can we build effective media relationships? 9. What partnering opportunities exist with our various partners? 10. How can we avoid a ground water usage situation like last summer? 11. How can we involve all segments of our community in developing a 20-year plan? 12. How can we enhance economic development in our community? 13. How can we have economic development in our community without a development director? 14. How could a development director enhance our development, marketing and communication efforts? 15. Is the Wavelength an effective and cost-effective communication tool? 16. How do we make people feel welcome to Prior Lake? 17. What are the Top 10 development / re-development areas in Prior Lake? 18. Are we currently staffed effectively to accomplish our objectives? 19. Are we using talents of our City staff effectively? 20. How can we effectively "market" Prior Lake? 21. What are our land acquisition priorities over the next 10 years (development opportunities)? 22. How would a community development director enhance overall development (economic, parks, schools, etc.) in our community? 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ' :' create an Envir°nment°f Open CommUnication l TrUstI Respect and COoperation Between CitY Government and our Community, · Pa~nerwith our School District, Surrounding Cities and Townships, the Mdewakanton Sioux Community, Scott County and Regional Agencies for the Long-Term Benefit of All. . ................................................ i";~"i ............ ~.:~.~i.~:~..~.i~..~.~.~~i.~..i..~.~:~j~:~i~.~.~i~i~....~.ii~.~.~.~i.~...~L~.~i.i.~.~.~i~.~.~.~i~.~...~~.~.~.i~.~it as warranted. ~2) Develop a plan for Council action to improve trust, respect and cooperation within the City organization. i3) Work with Mdewakanton Sioux Community to address easement issues for CSAH 83 / CSAH 42 project, Fire i Department relationship and cooperation. ~4) Recommend implementation of communication position to City Council to enhance and implement more effective i interactive communications with residents, Council, City and School District representatives. !5) Consider modification of Wavelength ~6) Conclude outstanding litigation expeditiously. i7) Work with Savage to coordinate Commerce/Boudin intersection improvement. Consider the frontage road proposal on CSAH 42 and acquisition of additional right-of-way between Commerce and Boudin. i8) Acquire and implement radio-read water meter program community-wide. I9) Work with Watershed to develop a funding relationship for the improvement of the outlet channel. i10) Work with Township to resolve annexation issues. il 1) Consider whether the sewer and water agreement with Spring Lake Township should be amended to extend to i Vargus Lane in the Township to address pollution issues for Spring and Prior Lake. i12) Complete entrance monument sign installation/landscaping. i13) Prepare a plan for correction of cable television shortcomings. i14) Work with community groups and Savage on Dockside Teen Center. i15) Establish process for weekly update of Web page. i16) Complete Building Permit Issuance Improvement project. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT · Appoint a Citizen Committee to Identify the Short- and Long-Term Needs of our Community Leading to the Creation of a 15-Year Strategic Plan ...... ........................ ; .............. ~'(;~'i'~ ~" ~'R'~i"'i'~'~ i'~'~'~'R'i'"~'"'~'~:~'~"R'~i'"'W'&'i'~'i'"O'~'~'~'~'"isi~'R'"'{i~'~'i'' i'R'~i'{J'~i'~'~'"'~'~'R"~'~'~ii'~'R'i'"~8"~i'~'i'i'~'R'",'"'~'~ ~'~'R'i'~'~'i'i'~JR' "" and Well Development ............. (2) Place the FIG Well No. 7 on-line by November 30th. (3) Secure approval for Well No. 8 from DNR. (4) Develop plan to improve communication, educational and financial incentives to modify domestic water usage. (5) Recommend composition of long-term needs committee and constitute committee. Orient by review of existing strategic plan and 2002 objectives. Have committee identify process and timeline for updating strategic plan and recommending 2003 objectives. (6) Acquire and install skateboard park. (7) Address cellular tower issue on County Right-of-Way. (8) Complete Pavement Management Study. (9) Complete Well Head Protection plan. (10) Complete Storm Water and Wetland Management plan. Last Revised: January 18, 2002 "' . _ . -- ' :" .":.i' · ;:. '.- CAPSULE pROJECT sUMMARY ,-.' ..... " ,' _ . '.~ -, ~"::,. :~ 5/21/01. · ': .... "':":'..". ..'. - .: -'' '" 2002ClPPROJECTS Project Description ,- . Project'Amount- . .. Financi'ng 2. .. Economic Development Authority Downtown Reconstruction of Main'Avenue . .. . Park Department ' .. . L" .. - (Develboment) :.,. Outfield Fencing - Memorial Park ..... ~_'. '-. Park Entrance Signs .. Park. Appurtenant EquiPment ' t' ''' . : PicnicSheltei" Wilds Park' - - . . Basketball Court.- Deerfield/Wilds.Parl~ Parking Lot' ~ Wilds Park. " Portable Bleachers' "- " ....: ,.--::": ...... "-:' "' ..~. ._ . .~nnn'n Parking Lot' Lighting - Pond's Park _.. -.-.: 40;000.00 Playgrounds·- Deerfield,. Fairway Hghts . --. '60;000:08 :i Ponds Park..--Lighting& Irrigation(Fi'eld iqtT):' ' ":" 'l.50.O00tO0. :''' . - lO~iOOO:OO. '...- lO,OO0:OO ~o,0oo.:oo . ~o.ooo:oo 15,000.00. - -' 1'5~000.00 1.5,000'.00' " :. ~ t.5,000.00, 18;0'00.00. '" ' -:'- ' 18~000.00" 20,000.00 .... 20,000:00. : 35,000;00 .... , 40,000.00 '" 60,000:00 .. 75~000.00 75;~00'.00' :' City Cost Tax Impact Dollar ~ 12: Sand. Point:.Wilds & Lords Street :.' .".: ' '-:i:" 50;000..00:'.. '... i ':.'.: 50,000:00.:." :.' .c.P'i ".: ? . ".....:': ". ....... ... .... .- -.:~. i:,..,.'~;: ,,.~ : · :,- ::",' :i:;':':.'- '' " " :' .':" ',""".::~ : .'..' i. ~ ?'""~"" "'::'" :i "; !':": "' . i.::- ~ .'.;~ ~,.,. , - - '.'., :' ',' Public Works ' . " ..... ;' .;'i . ./":' :' ''''"'':.'''. ..." ' .... 'i - "i '" -:.,i::':-. ::..' ".. ~i: '.-'"' .... :-."- (Bui/dinoS/P)ani):'.. "", ~,i :'.'":, :, ..-..:, ', .,.',..' ': i i':".... ;: ...... :'- ' "' "' :' · :.'i..:,;".: 'i".':,' ..... - · .-: · ,.:'. . :.::, ........ . ., . , ':'. :-'...,' .7,,....".',," '-.' ' ' 13..Lords street Bridge safety Renovation ' "-'. - - ' : 30,000:00 "" :'?"'30,000~00' m.s. ' -' -.-"-- - - 14: Lift'Stat[on SCADA Telemetry System". : '" 50-,000.00 """ 50,000.00 .. - t.r, . ': '.. : .',. ". '~, ii:-,, i'. '. -..?' .i . ' . ' · 15. Lift.stati0nRenovatibn ". .... -' ~:?:..~.'" . :;..'.i20';000..00 :-'~':- 120;000.00'"::::'."_'"'-::'tlr: · ':. '~.16, ..Water Me~er'Change-ouLProgram . ' ':'.-' '::::' "' ' ~'42.5,000,00 .::.':.'!..".'"' .425,000.00'- u.f. .. ' - .-.. ...... . ,-,.:, " ' '.,'.1:7,,. Water Tower' Painting (TOWer St.)' ,i .... ~."'." ...' 550.,000~00 ":' -':. i.'..550,000..00 . u.f.. '"-' ' '?-. · -; ~" ~.' ':: -.' .... :, · ".::,, ',:,:..:.:.. i~ :7..,,.;' , - i' ',: ,;..'"":..,' '". '.' .. ,,.; .,..,-.- ... .... ... ::_ .- :: , t.8, ·Trunk Watermain.., . . (FoUnt;~in.:_ .... Hiils).: ....... :..:- .': : :"'30,000.00 ".-- -'" .,.'t '30,000.00: ' '..:"'-"t. L{'i' t.r. · :" -' (,)'_':' '"':......: :" .:' .... "i .:-..:' ;:::' -. ". ":-"'.' ':!,~'" '.i:!",'. L'" ' '19, Tru'nk,Watermain'(CSAH'21.nortriofCarriageHills). ': .'. 1:25,000.00' -!'"::."..ii25:000i:00 '."i ~..;' ":.' :.." 201 Tru~k Watermain (csAH 83'south of. CSAH. 42) .... . .145,.000.00 "-;:" 1.45,000.00 _ t.r,,' -~._-"- ' '. ..... 21. McKenna Road Street Construction ' '-' ' '2001000i00:"" ....... 200,000.00 .' m.s. '" '" 22. Fountain HillsDrive extension (thru Jeffers prop.) 200,000:00:" : .-.. 200,000.00 re.s. ': ..... 23. Trunk.S&W'.Main (CSAH 42 West of CSAH21't'0 83) .... '-' 700,000.00., ' 700,000.00 :.,."i :'t.r._ :.:-- "· . 24;' Pixie Point- GreenOaks'Street Reconst~;~Jction-:. "-.- :-.1;265,000..00 '.':; :·:-640,000.00 ' 14.84 '.'-1_.93%". · ": ~ ',;... i,' '.',, ..- '.- .. '..': .;.~ .',, "... '~ '-":',..,.?: ':.'~, 'L, ..... , '~..':.'"'..'::;'!:"'..":.:.:'.:"'..425,00.0'.00' . .... s a ' . ,: .-,..-." _.. . .'..i i"-' ~:." .-'. ,-: ;.i '. '"" ':". ',.--':.":' ';':';i'.:."::..,:'::,'i~'i'. L' :::'..'::. ':: ;-'ii"::".-::?:".'.'..',.:':. :·",:- :i..:: .';i.,,::ii.,"':::,.?'"'.'!:'.".i.':'"-~70 OOo:oo ' :' c.~.. ::. ," '. :.;"i :...'. ':..:":-.., ': 'C -" '"' .:. . . - ...,.._..,;,..' -~.' .':'.i::!"::,',.':. ,.;..., '..,. ,, : ~: :'." ,..?.'!"",. :'..,'--.:.: .::."~...930,000..00 - 'm.~.- .,..: . .,.. , - .... . ... ..... .Water Resources "' ':":':." .... -' :' ':'- ' '' -: .... '*' "'" -'i:' . ,,-. ..... . ' ' ': .... '' "' .:,- . (Improvements).' ..' '"" '~':' '~" i,~:: :",:~i,.."":: ":" ' ' .......... - .,,c.' ',' :"'?i:":':~:' : ,.~,:-'"-'- -::i. ?....'-" .. ; .. ..., ...... 26. Lake Bank Stabilization (IsJ~nd View) ' .20.:000.00'- " - 20.000.00 ' : s..w: ":~ '"""'"' '"' 27. Cre~kside Circle Chann'erStabilizatior~ ::i: '" ".'"- '40.,00'-0'.00:' .."::" ".:. zt0,000,00;::.i'-. -- s.w, "?::.'i ' ."'~';: ""::',.. ",i..-- '"' :; "' .',: : .. ...."......,..",',' ,.....f .,.: .., ~ . : .':. ~':':" :. · . . · -' ":·:'.": '-" ';':::'~' '".":'.. ... ':' " , .:::'.. Totals. ... ',-.-!6,503,000.00~., . . :., . ..::'"2':.6:503.000.Q01,........ :. :...:,.~......:'. .... -.....:::.." :i .... ":/::. - .:-,..'..,.':'-,:.:..:. ... ' : -' ·: '.- .... :.. .- · :'...'-i-...',,.'~i :'- ' ' ' - " ' Financing S.oUrce Summary, .', - - - Project Amount : '" Taxl'mPact ':': "'" ' . - '" ' '.. -' ' Dollar _. Percentaae $ Project'Ta~.'Levy. .~ ' 640,0'00.00. -' ~14.84,. 1.93% '" u.f~ Sewer & wate~ Utility-Fund. -' ' ' ' '" ~,550;000.00:. ' s.w. Storm Water Utility Fund -' ' 1~40:000.00 c.p. Capital Park Fund - .... 348.000.00.. .. t.r; Trunk Reserve Fund ...... 1,495,000.00 .... " c.s. Collector Street Fund ' " 270,000:00 .. .. m.s, MuniciPal State Aid ' --. ' .._'L360;000.00. - - s.a. Special Assessments ""' ., ,....-.' ,:. '.. '.-" ' ' 625,000'.00 m.c, Matchi.ng Contribution -. ..' '.' 75.000.00_ ~ .. ". .. . '.' '-' !-"::': '.;"i-.'.-:.. ':'-:"'-' '"..:' '." Totals ... 6,503:,000.00' ":"' " -.. ''~' ' ?':. " ' (*) possible constrUc~ion in 200~ '' "' ' " : . . ,:. ~ , PRI, MEMORANDUM To: Frank Boyles, City Manager From: Bud Osmundson, Public Works Director Sue McDermott, City Engineer Date: January 13, 2002 Re: Workload / Projects Situation Our current workload and recent additions to it, have caused us to review and analyze our staffing needs and the prioritization and timing of some projects. We realize the entire city staff is busy, but the projects that involve engineering and public works usually take a minimum of two years from initiation to completion. Most other departments have projects that only take a few months to review and have the city council act on, and they are done with them. Our projects include those same projects; we review the submittals simultaneously as other departments, but then we have to get even more involved through construction. Then even after construction, we are involved in following up with new residents questions about construction details. We believe that the current situation requires some major changes. Currently the major projects get a quick review or have significant time lapses between periods of staff action. The results can cost the city financially through project change orders, and can also affect our relationships with developers due to changes being required after construction has begun. These issues not only may make the staff look confused and bewildered, but they also are a reflection on our city in general. We want the staff and city council to work as a team, with positive results down the road. The projects that have been started and are of the highest priority include: · CSAH 42 and CSAH 83 · Well No. 7 - FIG · Well No. 8 - Jordan · Ring Road Phase 1 & 2 · Pavement Management System (PMS) · PLSL Outlet Channel · Meter Replacement / Radio Read This list does not include the Well Head Protection Plan, required by law, which is a huge undertaking requiring significant public involvement and numerous meetings. It does not include the completion of a DNR Appropriation Permit for Well No. 6, required now that 17073 Adelmann St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (952) 440-9675 / Fax (952) 440-9678 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER it is on-line. It does not include any of the developer initiated projects. There are 13 development projects in various stages in 2001 and will not be completed until 2002. There are at least 4 "in-fill" projects in the planning stage for 2002, which require more staff time than development projects on bare agricultural land. The following list of projects should be done in 2002 for various reasons, all of which will require significant engineering and public works staff time: · Pixie Point reconstruction project · Stormwater and Wetland Management Plan · Water, Sanitary Sewer, and Storm Water Utility Rate Study · Tower Street Water Tower Repairs Due to all the aforementioned projects, we are not spending enough time on day-to-day operations in running our department. We are not spending enough time on the following list of duties including: Capital Improvement Plan analysis, Municipal State Aid System, as-builts, lift station renovations, mapping, review and analysis of the purchasing of equipment, budget review, and space needs. We have not included any of the Parks CIP projects, which A1 is doing a great job with, but do require Bud's time to review and many of which require Engineering department time to construct. Sue has an exceptional group of employees in the engineering area; however they are relatively inexperienced and require more supervision and oversight than we are currently providing. We have applied for funding from MnDOT for the TH 13 / Commerce-Boudins intersection and the TH 13 / CSAH 23 - Five Hawks intersection projects which has taken up many hours of staff time in the past month. Each of these projects are two million dollar projects which will take significant staff time to manage when they are funded by MnDOT, and there is a good possibility that the Commerce-Boudins project will be funded in 2002 or 2003. We also have the Main Street / Lakefront Plaza project on the horizon which will take significant staff time in 2002, whether it is constructed in 2002 or 2003. On the 2003 - 2006 horizon we have another group of huge projects in the CIP including: the County Road 12 reconstruction project; the Crest water tower repainting; the TH 13 / 150th Street intersection improvements; the TH 13 / CSAH 44 / Main Street intersection improvements; the CSAH 21 extension to the north of CSAH 42; the CSAH 82 reconstruction project; plus annual city street reconstruction projects. Proposed Solutions The following is a list of proposed solutions which we put together in a brainstorming session and which require some serious discussions with you at your earliest convenience. With current staffing levels, all of us including staff and the city council, have to be careful in not promising residents and developers projects that satisfy their , o ° o o o o concerns or issues, but which cannot be delivered without sacrificing the quality of work. We should consider pushing back to 2003 the Pixie Point Reconstruction project scheduled to completed by the city engineering department in 2002. We should consider pushing back the Main Street reconstruction project to 2003, which is associated with the Lakefront Plaza project. We should promote Sue to Assistant Public Works Director / City Engineer and hire an Assistant City Engineer with enough experience and in a salary range of approximately $60,000 who can manage major projects. Hire firm(s) immediately to perform land acquisition negotiations for projects including the Ring Road, the TH 13 / CSAH 23 - Five Hawks intersection (NAPA building), the TH 13 / Commerce-Boudins intersection (Assembly of God Church). Hire an experienced technician from a consulting firm to assist in the engineering department for two to four months to assist in catching up in mapping, asbuilts, etc. Hire a consultant to complete feasibility report and design of the Pixie Point reconstruction project for 2002. Hire a pool (2 to 4) of engineering firms to work off a nationally accepted standard sliding scale, and signed to the city's standard professional services contract, so that we do not have to spend significant time in writing request for proposals and council agenda items each time we want to hire a consultant for a project. In summary, we need to seriously consider a prioritization of projects, consider our staffing needs, and consider the hiring of consultants for these projects very quickly. Thank you for your consideration of these suggestions.