HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 27 14 City Council Meeting Minutes 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 27, 2014 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. Present were Mayor Hedberg, Councilors Keeney, McGuire, Soukup and Morton. Also present were Manager Boyles, Assistant Manager Meyer, Attorney Rosow, Finance Director Erickson, Engineer/Inspections Director Poppler, Public Works/Natural Resources Director Gehler, Community and Economic Development Director Rogness, Police Chief O’Rourke, Fire Chief Hartman, and Executive Assistant Dull. PUBLIC FORUM The public forum is intended to afford the public an opportunity to address concerns to the City Council. The public forum will be no longer than 30 minutes in length and each presenter will have no more than ten (10) minutes to speak. Topics of discussion are restricted to City governmental topics rather than private or political agendas. Topics may be addressed at the public forum that are on the agenda. However, topics that are the subject of a public hearing are best addressed at the public hearing, not at public forum. Therefore, topics may not be addressed at public forum if: (i) the topic has been the subject of a public hearing before the City Council or any City Advisory Committee and the Council has not taken action on the topic; or (ii) if the topic is the subject of a scheduled or continued public hearing or public information hearing on the current agenda or at a future meeting before the City Council or any City Advisory Committee. During public forum, a member of the public may request that the City Council consider removing an item from the Consent Agenda following the procedure set forth in Section 401.5. The City Council may discuss but will not take formal action on public forum presentations. Matters that are the subject of pending litigation are not appropriate for the forum. Boyles: Reviewed the process for the public forum. Mayor Hedberg opened the Public Forum at 7:06 p.m. and seeing no one wishing to speak, closed the Public Forum at 7:06 p.m. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION BY MCGUIRE, SECOND BY SOUKUP, TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS WRITTEN. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup Aye ☒☒☒☒☒ Nay ☐☐☐☐☐ Abstain ☐☐☐☐☐ Absent ☐☐☐☐☐ The motion carried. APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 13, 2014 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY KEENEY, SECOND BY SOUKUP, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 13, 2014 CITY COUNCIL MEETING. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup Aye ☒☒☒☐☒ Nay ☐☐☐☐☐ Abstain ☐☐☐☒☐ Absent ☐☐☐☐☐ The motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA Boyles: Reviewed the items on the consent agenda. 1 A. Consider Approval of Claims Listing B. Consider Approval of Treasurers’ Report C. Consider Approval of Building Permit Summary Report D. Consider Approval of Animal Control Services Report E. Consider Approval of Fire Department Report F. Consider Approval of August and September Police Department Reports G. Consider Approval of Resolution No. 14-161 Extending the Auditing Services Agreement with Malloy, Montague, Karnowski & Radosevich (MMKR) for Calendar Years Ending 2014, 2015, and 2016 H. Consider Approval of a Resolution Approving the Eagle Creek Estates Second Final Plat I. Consider Approval of Resolution No. 14-162 Approving a Temporary On-Sale Liquor License for the Prior Lake VFW J. Consider Approval of Resolution No. 14-163 Accepting Donations and Grants to the City During the Third Quarter of 2014 Soukup: Requested removal of item 5H from the consent agenda. Keeney: Thanked everyone for grants and donations as listed in item 5J. Hedberg: Requested removal of item 5C from the consent agenda MOTION BY MCGUIRE, SECOND BY SOUKUP TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup Aye ☒☒☒☒☒ Nay ☐☐☐☐☐ Abstain ☐☐☐☐☐ Absent ☐☐☐☐☐ The motion carried. PRESENTATIONS: NONE. PUBLIC HEARINGS: NONE. OLD BUSINESS: NONE. NEW BUSINESS 9A. Consider Approval of Resolution No. 14-164 Authorizing a Joint Powers Agreement for Assessment of the City of Prior Lake for Assessment Years 2015, 2016, and 2017. Erickson: Reviewed the staff report dated October 27, 2014 in connection with the agenda item. Staff recommended the Council adopt Resolution No. 14-164 authorizing approval of the Joint Powers Agreement for assessment of the City of Prior Lake for years 2015, 2016, and 2017. Soukup: Inquired why the costs were increasing, whether the numbers were increasing at the same rate as other cities, and whether there was a different cost for a property annexed into the city versus being in a township. Keeney: Asked whether other cities were comparable in costs. McGuire: Asked how much time was spent assessing Prior Lake properties. 2 10 27 14 City Council Meeting Minutes Erickson: Commented that in previous years, the county was not charging the full amount for their services and introduced Mike Thompson, Scott County Taxation Department Manager, to answer additional questions. Mike Thompson: Stated reasons for the increase included factors such as three years since the last increase, the city adding new parcels, and the county reclassifying a position to a supervisor. Reviewed average costs per parcel in other metro areas as well as highs and lows noting the proposed cost was approximately $18 per parcel as compared to the municipal average of $38 per parcel and the county average of $26 per parcel. Noted that some costs were administrative which the county would incur regardless and so those costs were excluded from the contract costs. Further advised that the overall proposed was 18% which would vary by entity but added that more than half of the increase is due to a shifting in responsibility and estimated that about 3-4 FTEs were spent on assessing Prior Lake properties. MOTION BY MORTON, SECOND BY KEENEY, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 14-164 AUTHORIZING THE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT BETWEEN SCOTT COUNTY AND THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE FOR ASSESSMENT SERVICES. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup Aye ☒☒☒☒☒ Nay ☐☐☐☐☐ Abstain ☐☐☐☐☐ Absent ☐☐☐☐☐ The motion carried. MOTION BY MCGUIRE, SECOND BY SOUKUP, TO DIRECT STAFF TO ANLYZE AND COMPARE COSTS OF THE COUNTY ASSESSING SERVICES TO THE COST IT WOULD TAKE FOR THE CITY TO IMPLEMENT ITS OWN ASSESSING DEPARTMENT AND TO BRING THE COMPARISON BACK WITHIN THE NEXT THREE YEARS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION OF THE APPROVED COUNTY CONTRACT. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup Aye ☒☒☒☒☒ Nay ☐☐☐☐☐ Abstain ☐☐☐☐☐ Absent ☐☐☐☐☐ The motion carried. 9B. Consider Approval of Resolutions 14-165, 14-166, 14-167, 14-168, and 14-169 Appointing Individuals to Serve on City Advisory Committees as Recommended by the Interview / Screening Committees Hedberg: Confirmed with the Attorney Rosow that all resolutions could be adopted under one motion. Boyles: Noted a change to Resolution 14-165 amending Gina Gertner and Janine Alcorn’s terms to end in 2018 to stager appointments. Keeney: Thanked all participants in the interview process and everyone who applied as well as everyone vacating their terms and expressed appreciation for the many volunteers. Added he was struck by the enthusiasm of all the people who interviewed. MOTION BY KEENEY, SECOND BY MCGUIRE, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NOS. 14-165, 14-166, 14-167, 14-168, AND 14-169 APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE ON CITY ADVISORY COMMITTEES AS RECOMMENDED BY THE INTERVIEW / SCREENING COMMITTEES. 3 10 27 14 City Council Meeting Minutes VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup Aye ☒☒☒☒☒ Nay ☐☐☐☐☐ Abstain ☐☐☐☐☐ Absent ☐☐☐☐☐ The motion carried. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: 5C. Consider Approval of Building Permit Summary Report Hedberg: Noted there were 87 dwelling units through the end of September and asked what was the number through October, how many were in process, and whether Hickory Shores has anything in process. Poppler: Confirmed 87 through September. Commented as of October 22 there were 102 issued, 4 others nd waiting, and 5 under review as well as 2 more submitted earlier in the day. Stated projections were at 130 through the end of the year, that a number of new developments have come online, that there may be a lull in November but, December is typically a busy month for building permits. Also commented that Hickory Shores will be approximately 34 homes but he hasn’t heard anything of building yet. MOTION BY HEDBERG, SECOND BY SOUKUP, TO APPROVE BUILDING PERMIT SUMMARY REPORT. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup Aye ☒☒☒☒☒ Nay ☐☐☐☐☐ Abstain ☐☐☐☐☐ Absent ☐☐☐☐☐ The motion carried. 5H. Consider Approval of Resolution No. 14-170 Approving the Eagle Creek Estates Second Final Plat Soukup: Recalled the area would include a mix of homes and wondered if Prior Lake was pricing itself out of the market. Suggested including more starter homes and/or lower income homes to capture some of those potential residents with construction jobs or other lower to middle class jobs. Commented that there are many second stage of life homes that may become empty if there is a housing crisis. Believed there would be a different flux of workers and income and have heard developers were looking at entry level homes. Asked about what was going on in the county. Rogness: Commented that according to DR Horton, many developers were looking at smaller lots. Noted Eagle Creek meets the city’s minimum lot size and is progressing with what was originally planned. Added that homes may be higher priced due to topography and geography in Prior Lake. Also commented that he read a bit of a warning from a demographer hired by the Met Council but stated the comments were a crystal ball view and wouldn’t be expected in Prior Lake. Hedberg: Commented that property values have rebounded nicely and that more homes that were vacant through the recession are now occupied. Noted it is difficult to build lower cost homes when lots are more expensive. Asked that if, as a policy, the Council wanted more diversity in housing, whether zoning changes were required such as reduced lot sizes or other factors. Suggested taking a look at implementing smaller lot sizes as many people were looking for entry level homes. 4 10 27 14 City Council Meeting Minutes Keeney: Noted that a recently approved plat went from townhomes to detached homes and had smaller lot sizes. Believed the market would dictate what was needed. Rogness: Advised that Enclave at Cleary went for $110k-$115k/acre and the preliminary plat and higher price reflects that. Adding that during a meeting with DR Horton, there were some area that were positive and others not commenting that some developers have reduced home prices by $150,000 which in large part was dictated by location. Agreed that home prices have rebounded in the last year or two and stated that developments that stalled have been picking up. Responded to Hedberg that PUD zoning allowed for smaller lot sizes and that Jeffers was an example of PUD zoning. MOTION BY SOUKUP, SECOND BY MORTON, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 14-170 APPROVING THE “EAGLE CREEK ESTATES SECOND” FINAL PLAT. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup Aye ☒☒☒☒☒ Nay ☐☐☐☐☐ Abstain ☐☐☐☐☐ Absent ☐☐☐☐☐ The motion carried. OTHER BUSINESS / COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS: 11A. Executive Session - Conduct a Closed Session to Discuss Labor Relations and Negotiation Strategy regarding Teamsters Contract Renewal Hedberg: Closed the regular meeting and adjourned to a closed session at 7:43 p.m. Reconvened the regular meeting at 8:30 p.m. noting Council has provided direction to staff related to the negotiations. ADJOURNMENT With no further business brought before the Council, a motion to adjourn was made by MORTON, seconded by SOUKUP. The motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:31 p.m. ___________________________________ Frank Boyles, City Manager 5 10 27 14 City Council Meeting Minutes