HomeMy WebLinkAbout121304 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2004 1. Call to Order: Chairman Stamson called the December 13, 2004, Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Billington, Lemke, Perez, Ringstad and Stamson, Planning Director Jane Kansier, Planning Coordinator Danette Moore, Assistant City Engineer Larry Poppler and Recording Secretary Connie Carlson. 2. Roll Call: Billington Lemke Perez Ringstad Stamson Present Present Present Present Present 3. Approval of Minutes: The Minutes from the November 22, 2004, Planning Commission meeting were approved as presented. 4. Consent: None 5. Public Hearings: Commissioner Stamson read the Public Hearing Statement and opened the meeting. A. #04-144 Jonathan Kuckhahn is requesting a variance from the Zoning Ordinance requirement for a driveway setback to a property line located south of CSAH 82 west of G1ynwater Trail, north of Arctic Lake. Planning Director Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated December 13, 2004, on file in the office of the City Planning Department. Jonathan Kuckhahn is requesting a 3 foot variance from the required 5 foot setback to construct a driveway which will be less than 5' from a property line on the property located south of CSAH 82, immediately west of Glynwater. The property is zoned ASD (Agricultural Shoreland District) and is guided R-L/MD (Urban Low/Medium Density Residential) on the 2020 Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map. This is an existing nonconforming lot. The buildable area of this property is located about'!. mile south of CSAH 82. The only driveway access to the building site is from CSAH 82 via the 16' wide strip ofland. The strict application of the ordinance creates an undue hardship in this case, since there is no other alternative for the driveway location. The staff recommended approval. L\04 FILES\04 PLAN COMMIS\Q4 pc Minutes\MN121304.doc 1 Planning Commission Meeting December 13, 2004 It is unusual to allow construction of a driveway prior to the issuance of a building permit for the dwelling. However, the length of this driveway, and the fact it is the only way to reach the site, are mitigating circumstances. To alleviate any potential problems, the staff suggests the applicant submit a Letter of Credit (LOC) to cover the cost of removing the driveway if a house is not constructed by December 31, 2006. The LOC would be released upon issuance of a building permit or removal of the driveway within that time. Billington questioned the amount of the LOC. Kansier said they would work with the applicant and Engineering Department. Comments from the Public: Applicant Jonathan Kuckhahn, 4280 Chestnut Lane, said he was concerned with the Letter of Credit requirement ifhe would not be able to build within the City's timeline. Kansier explained the condition - a building permit would have to be applied before December 31, 2006. Once the building permit is issued, the City will release the Letter of Credit. Two years is a reasonable time frame. Kuckhahn questioned what would happen ifhe had to sell the property and not put the driveway in. Stamson responded it shouldn't be a problem. The applicant wouldn't put a driveway in without building a home. Jan Margis, 3349 Glynwater Trail NW, asked for clarification on the driveway. Kansier said the driveway would be 2 feet from the applicant's property line. Margis requested a fence be installed between the walking path and the driveway as a requirement. Billington questioned the length of the suggested fence. The applicant responded it might be 150 feet. Stamson questioned why the walking path was put on the line and the driveway cannot be on the property line. Kansier explained the unique property and access. Chester Schultz, Board member of Glynwater West Homeowners Association, presented a statement of concerns read by Kansier. LeRoy Bohnsack, 3343 Glynwater, said there currently was a 4 foot washout on the easement. He also said there are homes within 15 to 20 feet of the driveway. Questioned where the sewer and water line would come from. Kansier responded the service line would go between the city park easement. Bohnsack also asked what would be done for dust control. Kansier said that would be handled during the construction. Jan McCormick, 3315 Glynwater Trail, said the new road would be basically in her back yard. She felt the trees would be destroyed and the dust unbearable during construction. Stamson explained a driveway is not a roadway. He also pointed out the trees were not on her property. L:\04 FILESI04 PLAN COMMISI04 pc MinuteslMNI2IJ04.doc 2 ---.---------~--,---,..-,-,."-.-.-----"--.---_"_. .~.,_..__._____.____.~__.______.___.. ___.'m____._.._._.__._.".._.~_ Planning Commission Meeting December 13, 2004 Kansier noted the landscaping in Glynwater went onto the applicant's property. LeRoy Bohnsack, asked if the applicant knew where the sewer and water would go. City Engineer Larry Poppler said there were several options. Jim Clark, 3353 Glynwater Trail, questioned if the City was interested in buying the applicant's property. It would be a shame ifthere is a house between the city park and the lake. Kansier said the City did look at this property and the City Council felt this property was not appropriate at the time. Jonathan Kuckhahn, responded the trees mentioned by the residents were owned by the SMSC and will be cut down with their development. They are also scrub trees. Ringstad questioned if the applicant will blacktop the driveway. The applicant said he would with some type of impervious surface. J an Margis questioned if the property was even buildable. Kansier responded it was. Stan Ellison, the Land Manager for the SMSC, pointed out the easement was put in place to avoid land-locking and has been there at least 20 years that he knows of. The lot and easement were there before the Glynwater development. Ellison said most of the trees are scrub trees and they sit on SMSC land and will be removed at some point. The fact is there is no other way to the property. Kelly Murray, representing Wensmann Realty, explained the history of Glynwater. The 16 foot easement is not part of the Glynwater plat or the SMSC property. It is a separate parcel ofrecord. Last winter the County mailed notices to all the adjacent property owners that the easement would be for sale through tax forfeiture. Wensmann Realty bought the property on a sealed bid and they are now the fee owners. The easement parcel was created originally for a driveway to the triangle property. The owners did not keep up the taxes and it went into forfeiture. The hearing was closed at 7:03 p.m. Comments from the Commissioners: Ringstad: . Ringstad questioned runoff on neighboring properties. What is the plan? Kansier said before grading for the driveway the applicant will show where the runoff will go. The City will work with the applicant. There are options. It will be a challenge but it will be accomplished. . The applicant has a buildable lot. The City and applicant will make sure the runoff does not run onto the neighbor's property. L:\04 PILES\04 PLAN COMMIS\04 pc Minutes\MN121304.doc 3 Planning Commission Meeting December 13, 2004 . Agree with staffs findings. Support the variance request. The hardship criteria have been met. . Initially not in favor of the fence. Residents walk on city streets without fences. Billington: . Agreed with Ringstad and staff. This is a reasonable request. . A fence would be lengthy and a difficult configuration. Not sure of the cost benefit. . Support staffs conclusion. Lemke: . As much as the residents voiced their concerns a property owner is requesting use of his property. It is a reasonable request to gain access. . Understands the neighbors don't like it. If you build a walking path two feet from the property line you should not complain when someone else is two feet from the other line. That is the way it is. . Support the variance. Perez: . Agreed with staff - all nine hardships have been met, especially 2,3 and 7. . Agreed with Ringstad, this needs to be done to build on the lot. . Approve with conditions. Stamson: . Note - it's not a question of will or will not a driveway be built. The resident has access to an easement to build a driveway and has sufficient land to build. It's a classic example of a variance. It has to be an undue hardship created by ordinances. That is the conflict - it's the two competing issues with ordinances. The problem is ifhe builds it 5 feet he can only build a 6 foot driveway. Either we allow him to have a 6 foot driveway or allow him to build closer to the driveway. Its width versus closer to the driveway. . The sensible solution is to allow him to build closer than 5 feet from the property line. . Agreed with staff and commissioners. . Not necessary for a fence. It's a driveway for a single family home. There are sidewalks along most roads. There is no need for traffic control. . The amount of construction traffic is not an issue. . Support as presented. Lemke questioned snow removal. Kansier responded the property owner would have to be like anyone else next to the property line. L\04 FILES\04 PLAN COMMIS\04 pc Minutes\MNl 21304.doc 4 Planning Commission Meeting December 13, 2004 MOTION BY RINGSTAD, SECOND BY BILLINGTON, ADOPTING RESOLUTION 04-14PC APPROVING A 3 FOOT VARIANCE FROM THE 5 FOOT SETBACK FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DRIVEWAY. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. Stamson explained the appeal process. B. #04-137 Amcon Construction has filed an application to amend Section 11 07.304 of the Zoning Ordinance to provide for a separate designation for the number of required parking spaces for kennel uses. Planning Coordinator Danette Moore presented the Planning Report dated December 13, 2004, on file in the office of the City Planning Department. Amcon Construction has filed an application to amend Section 1107.304 ofthe Zoning Ordinance to provide a separate designation for the number of parking spaces required for animal kennel uses. Although the applicant has applied for this amendment for a specific site, the amendment will apply to all kennel uses. The purpose of this amendment is to allow for a separate parking classification for animal kennel uses, independent of animal hospital uses. In the past, kennel facilities have commonly been an accessory use to a veterinarian facility. However, in recent years animal boarding I kennel facilities have become more numerous and independent of animal hospital uses. For that reason, many communities are reviewing parking requirements related to this use, and adjusting them accordingly. The proposed amendment is consistent with the goals and objectives ofthe Comprehensive Plan and the enabling legislation set forth in Minnesota statutes. Staff recommended approval. Lemke questioned how the parking would be required and the actual enforcement. Moore explained the process. Comments from the Public: The applicants were present but declined to comment. The public hearing was closed at 7: 18 p.m. Comments from the Commissioners: Stamson: . Had the same concern as Lemke. Preference would be 5 parking spaces plus one for every 10 kennels - similar for day care and nursery parking. If animal training L:\04 FILES\04 PLAN COMMIS\04 pc Minutes\MNI21304.doc 5 Planning Commission Meeting December 13. 1004 is on site there should be one space for every attendee and every employee. It is easier to enforce. . Agree with the change but more along the lines of the example. Lemke: . Agree with the change that animal hospitals and kennels need the same amount of parking. . Support the change with Stamson's language. Perez: . Agree with the change. Ringstad: . Agreed - the ordinance is required. Like Stamson's recommendation for parking. Billington: . Agreed - it is time to update the ordinance language. The change in that business is like any other business, constant revolving and we have to change with it. . Support with the amended number of parking spots. MOTION BY ST AMSON, SECOND BY LEMKE, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT AMENDING SECTION 1107.304 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE WITH THE REPLACEMENT LANGUAGE OF FIVE PARKING SPACE PLUS ONE FOR EVERY 10 KENNELS. IF ANIMAL TRAINING CLASSES ARE TAUGHT ON SITE, REGISTERED CLASS ATTENDEES PLUS EMPLOYEES SHALL NOT EXCEED THE AVAILABLE PARKING STALLS. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. This item will go before the City Council on January 3,2004. C. #04-141 Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community has filed an application for a Conditional Use Permit for the realignment of approximately 3,100 feet of Dakotah Parkway to accommodate an event center building addition to Mystic Lake Casino. Planning Coordinator Danette Moore presented the Planning Report dated December 13, 2004, on file in the office of the City Planning Department. The Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (SMSC) is proposing to excavate 140,000 cubic yards. 30,000 cubic yards of the excavated fill will be reincorporated within the site and 110,000 cubic yards will be removed. The 18.2 acre area is located on the west side ofCSAH 83, approximately % mile south ofCSAH 42 and y., mile north of CSAH 82. The purpose of this excavation is to allow for the relocation of approximately 3,100 feet of the existing Dakotah Parkway. The new alignment will accommodate an event center building addition to the Mystic Lake Casino. Section 1101.509 of the L\04 FILES\04 PLAN COMMIS\04 pc Minutes\MN121304.doc 6 Planning Commission Meeting December 13, 1004 Zoning Ordinance states grading, filling, land reclamation, and excavation require a Conditional Use Permit for excavation of more than 400 cubic yards. Staff recommended approval of the conditional use permit request, subject to the following conditions: 1. Prior to beginning any work on the site, the applicant must obtain approval ofthe wetland mitigation plan. 2. Prior to beginning any work on the site, the applicant must obtain a permit from the Watershed District and from any other agency as required. Copies of the approved permit must be submitted to the City. 3. A tree inventory and replacement plan must be submitted prior to the issuance of any permit. 4. An Irrevocable Letter of Credit, on a form prepared by the City and approved by the City Attorney, is to be submitted prior to the recording of the resolution. The amount of the LOC is for 125% of the cost of the landscaping. Bids or estimates for the required landscaping must be submitted to the City for review and approval. 5. The excavation must be done according to the approved plans. 6. The clean up of gravel as a result of spills or general transportation of gravel on any public road shall be the responsibility of the applicant. 7. Hours of operation are 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday (weekdays) and 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Saturdays. 8. Watering for dust control shall be done on an as needed basis or within 24 hours written notice from the City. Such notice shall be transmitted by facsimile to the applicant. Dust control includes the entire project area and is not limited to roadways. Water for dust control shall be provided from an off-site source. 9. The CUP is valid for one year, but is revocable at any time for noncompliance with any condition contained herein. At the expiration of its one (1) year term, the property owner may make application to the City to renew the CUP. The initial approval of this CUP does not create any right, in law or equity, to the renewal thereof. Any renewal of the CUP is subject to City Council approval and is to include any information as requested by City staff or the City Council that would aid the City Council in determining whether the excavation activities conducted pursuant to this CUP created any adverse impacts to the health. safety or welfare of the City or its residents. Commissioner Perez is abstaining from comments and voting as he is employed by the SMSC. Comments from the Public: Stan Ellison, Land and Natural Resource Manager for the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (SMSC), gave a brief description of the proposed road and requirements. The realignment is for access to two buildings. An additional project is to replace a new lift station. It will help to alleviate any problems with County Road 83. The majority of the vegetation is scrub trees. They will plant new trees even though it is not required. L:\04 FILES\04 PLAN COMMIS\04 pc Minutes\MN121304.doc 7 Planning Commission Meeting December 13, 2004 Ellison pointed out the site and the future road with impacts to the wetland. He also explained the wetland mitigation plans. Stamson asked ifhe knew the traffic count. Ellison said he does not have the current number. The intended number will be employees and some golf course access. It should not be a busy casino road. Eighty percent of casino traffic is off County Roads 83/82. There still should be a way around any construction on County Road 83. The public hearing closed at 7:35 p.m. Comments from the Commissioners: Billington: . The request is reasonable and meets the criteria. . I am sure engineering has reviewed this. With their guidance I will support the request. Lemke: . Once again the SMSC has shown a lot of class. All oftheir facilities are first class. Believe this will be the same. . It will be a beautiful bridge and will preserve the wetlands. Ringstad: . Agreed - will support. Stamson: . Agreed - The Community has done a great job designing this. They went above and beyond the requirements. . Support. MOTION BY BILLINGTON, SECOND BY RINGSTAD, APPROVING RESOLUTION 04-XXPC TO ALLOW GRADING AND EXCAVATION OF MORE THAN 400 CUBIC YARDS. Vote taken indicated ayes by all with Commissioner Perez abstaining. MOTION CARRIED. n. #04-139 and 04-140 Wensmann Realty has applied for a Preliminary Plat and pun for the development of 336 acres for a mixed unit development known as Jeffers Pond. The proposal includes 693 residential units, 23 acres of commercial, a 12 acre elementary school site, a fire station site, an interpretive center, and parks. The Property is located at the southwest quadrant of the intersection of CSAH 21 and CSAH 42. Planning Director Jane Kansier presented the Planning Report dated December 13, 2004, on file in the office of the City Planning Department. L\04 FILES\04 PLAN COMMIS\04 pc Minutes\MNI21304.doc 8 Planning Commission Meeting December 13, 2004 Wensmann Realty and Paul Oberg, executor for the Jeffers Estate, have applied for approval of a development to be known as Jeffers Pond on the property located at the southwest quadrant of the intersection ofCSAH 42 and CSAH 21. The application includes the following requests: · Approve a Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan; . Approve a Preliminary Plat. The proposal calls for a mixed-use development consisting of retail space and offices, single family homes, residential condominiums, townhomes, senior apartments, an elementary school site, a fire station site, transit station site, and parks and trail on a total of 336 acres. 37% of the site is wetland. This is the first PUD proposal submitted under the new Mixed Use PUD standards, adopted by the City Council in October, 2004. Kansier gave an overview of the entire project. A brief overview - The preliminary plat consists of lots for 117 single family homes, 211 townhome units, 47 rental townhome units, and 204 senior co-op apartment units. The plan also includes a 24-acre mixed use site, consisting ofretail, office and other commercial uses, and 114 residential units. Density of the development is based on the net area ofthe site, which is 194.02 acres. There are a total of 693 units proposed, for an overall density of3.57 units per acre. This is consistent with the density in the R-1 district. There are several issues pertaining to this proposal. Some of these issues will affect its overall design. Others are issues that must be addressed prior to preliminary plat approval. These include the following: . Engineering Issues: 1. Topography 2. Utilities - interceptor pipe 3. Grading 4. Storm Water 5 . Wetlands . Buffer around Jeffers Pond . County Road Issues · Bluffs . Tree Inventory/Tree Preservation . Fire Station Site . Parks . Market Study . EAW . Traffic Impact Report . Overall Development Theme L:\04 FILES\04 PLAN COMMIS\04 pc Minutes\MN121304.doc 9 Planning Commission Meeting December 13. 2004 Based on the issued listed above, the proposed plan cannot proceed as is. The Planning staff recommended the public hearing be continued (to January 10, 2005) until several of the issues have been addressed. Lemke questioned the round-about not meeting Federal Highway Standards. Kansier said the idea is to provide a nice traffic flow out of the commercial areas. The dimensions will not meet the standards. A school bus or fire truck cannot make it around it. If it is provided it has to work. Comments from the Public: Terry Wensmann, ofWensmann Homes, stated they have been planning this project for over a year and are happy with the plan. It will preserve the natural amenities on site with a nice housing mix. Many government agencies are involved. They are working on staffs comments and concerns. None of the issues will be a problem. They are just going to tweak the process. They are not concerned with tabling the hearing to January 10. Billington noted he really liked the project and wondered if the applicant had any concerns with engineering's comments. Wensmann responded they met with stafflast week and did not see any significant changes. Billington asked about the timeline. Wensmann said they would like to start grading this spring. They feel they can meet the dates and actually start building homes after the streets are in - maybe July - depending on the weather. The school has some urgency. Build out may be 3 or 4 years. Lemke questioned if they were okay with the Watershed District. Wensmann responded most issues have been addressed with the Watershed and DNR. They do not foresee any problems. Lemke would like to see the roundabout. Terry Wensmann said they are looking at meeting the standards. Hopefully they can preserve it. Deb Olson, 14640 Bridle Ridge Trail, said her family has enjoyed the Jeffers Pond area for 10 years. Olson asked the Commissioners ifthere has been any consideration for the amount of noise in that area. It is already noisy with County Road 21. She stated she has grown accustom to a certain standard ofliving in the country. Now it sounds like she'll be living in the "freeway". Kansier responded "noise" is addressed in the EA W. The suggestion is the noise would not be any more than any other development on the site. County Road 21 is a major road which will continue to Highway 169. One of the requirements with this development is to have some sort of buffer and landscape along the road. Olson said she is still concerned with the noise for the residents who live along County Road 21. She asked the Commissioners to consider the lifestyle of the residents who live in Carriage Hills and Raspberry Ridge. L:\04 FILES\Q4 PLAN COMMIS\04 pc Minutes\MN12] 304.doc 10 Planning Commission Meeting December 13, 2004 Rhianna Saxon, 14584 Bridle Ridge said no one cares what she says because she is not rich or a developer. Saxon said she moved from an overdeveloped area that changed everyone's lifestyle so she moved because it was miserable. She moved to Prior Lake because it is a magical place and still like the country. The Jeffers Pond area is like a dream. Why can't these beautiful areas be protected? Where will the wildlife go? She does not want to look across the street to see industry, cars, etc. Saxon felt her house will be worth nothing. This development will change Prior Lake and she'll move. Deb Olson asked staff for the traffic count on County Road 21. Kansier said she does not have the exact count, probably around 24,000. Comments from the Commissioners: Lemke questioned the DNR's concern with the maple basswood forest. It looks like it is being preserved. Kansier responded they were talking about the trees on the ridge and park. Everyone is making every effort to preserve the ridge and trees. It is part of the natural park area. Lemke asked if the developer had any concerns with the fire station. Kansier said the concern is size and configuration. Without a specific layout it is hard to tell. The developer will note as part of the plan that it will meet staffs concerns. Lemke questioned the noise issue with the breakout of the development. Half the traffic will come off County Road 42 and part off County Road 21. Kansier explained the traffic flow. Ringstad said he is going to be specifically looking at the bluff impact zone. He would like to see the 50 foot buffer preserved. Kelly Murray said there was a problem reading the lines on the plans to distinguish the setbacks from the wetlands. A new plan was redesigned and the actual topo has improved areas where it looks like there is a bluff impact. Kansier pointed out there were 300 notices sent and tried to solicit public input. It has been in the newspaper and the developer had a neighborhood meeting. Billington asked if the EA W was available for review. Kansier said it was available on the City's web site and a copy at the office. MOTION BY LEMKE, SECOND BY BILLINGTON TO CONTINUE THE HEARING TO JANUARY 10,2005. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. L:\04 FILES\04 PLAN COMMIS\04 pc Minutes\MN121304.doc 11 Planning Commission Meeting December 13, 1004 6. Old Business: None 7. New Business: None 8. Announcements and Correspondence: The December 27'h Planning Commission meeting has been cancelled. Kansier announced Councilmember Blomberg will be resigning. 9. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Connie Carlson Recording Secretary L:\Q4 FILES\04 PLAN COMMI$\Q4 pc Minutes\MNI21304.doc 12 PUBLIC HEARING condU~he Planning Commission UA,VJ&v I ~ I Jt)Cff The Planning Commission welcomes your comments in this matter. In fairness to all who choose to speak, we ask that, after speaking once you allow everyone to speak before you address the Commission again and limit your comments to new information. Please be aware this is the principal opportunity to provide input on this matter. Once the public hearing is closed, further testimony or comment will not be possible except under rare occasions. The City Council will not hear additional testimony when it considers this matter. Thank you. ATTENDAJ.'1CE - PLEASE PRINT NAJ.'1E ADDRESS I 5SIZ'U " 5":5'Yo ,J L: \D EPTWOR.I<:' B LAClKFRM'PHSIGNlJP ,doc