HomeMy WebLinkAboutBldg Permit 04-0694 & 04-0702 m~ PRIO,," .:.. '!' ... ., - ~ U I'l +'Jv"/ES01." CITY OF PRIOR LAKE BUILDING PERMIT, TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE AND UTILITY CONNECTION PERMIT {tJr(tJ /'A/cLL 5....- /.Ak~+ e or ADDRESS Ont and si at bottom wtsniu (J utC. Date Rec' d (c .30.04- Wh.ile Pink Yellow I PERMIT NO. (;4 c C '//1-1 File City Applicant .s.e ZONING (office use) Cl.,/ LEGAL DESCRIPTION (ollice use only) LOT BLOCK ADDITION OWNER (Name) PIDZS: 93~, 0(,1. 0 (Phone) (Address) BUILDER (Company Name) (Contact Name) (Address) ()~N -1'~iiJ (/;,,..};ft;~I/-",,,- l),4/1 ~hrvt'~-l (Phone) "7<';"l- '1'11-1111 (Phone)(l .,$"Z-,;2-0"5"'- W'l.v", " -- TYPE OF WORK 0 New Constru.l.tion ODeck OPorch ORe-Roofing DAddition ~Alteration DUtility Connection 0 Misc. CODE: OI.R.C. OI.B.C. Type of Construction: Occupancy Group: A B Division: I E IT F I 1lIIVVA HIM R 2 3 4 5 ORe-Siding DLower Level Finish o Fireplace /aooo .... B S U PROJECT COST IV ALUE $ (excluding land) "I aye furnished information on this application which is to the best of my knowledge true and correCI. I also certify that I am the owner or authorized agent for t e 11)' and that aU construction will conform to aU existing state and local laws and will proceed in accordance with submitted plans. I am aware that the building ermit for just cause Furthermore, I hereby agree that the city official or a designee may enter upon the property to perform needed illspcctions. x Signature Permit Valuation Permit Fee Plan Check Fee State Surcharif Penalty Plumbing Permit Fee Mechanical Permit Fee Sewer & Water Permit Fee Gas Fireplace Permi Fee $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ I Contractor's License No. o V:soft .? Date .' . - Park Support Pee # $ I SAC # $ Water Meter Size 5/8"; 1 "; $ . Pressure Reducer $ Sewer/Water Connection Fee # $ Water Tower Fee # $ , Builder's Deposit $ , Other $ . TOTAL DUE i c}[ck il '/ I L . t Ir" $ 3,Za 18 3 y~; !~ - . ; .. If . , Receipt No.1 (/ ? {I U'..; By :- -, ::A Paid Date ThiS IS to certify that the request in the above application and accompanying documents is in accordance with the City Zoning Ordinance and may proceed as requested. This document when signed by the City Planner constitutes a temporary Certificate of Zoning compliance and allows construction to commence. Before occupancy, a Certificate of OccupanCj' must be issued Planning Director Special Conditions, if any Date 24 hour notice for all Inspections (952) 447-9850, fax (952) 447.4245 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue Prior Lake, MN 55372 lease or rint and" at bottom ADDRESS s.3'fo CITY OF PRIOR LAKE HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING/FIREPLACE PERMIT p,~6 ,N 04-. tJ(,9+- i ~ ~i=' I PERMIT NO. CJ4 -' 7~ Date Rec'd ZONING (o_use) C-/ WGf/ 11" () () 0 o,e.. -5.6. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (office use only) LOT BLOCK ADDITION PID Z5. 9~. ()(I/.O I OWNER (Name) (Address) (phone) APPUCANT. , (l J (Name) :rn~ ~ .,JOfl"l & M :::rivt (Address) I '?.,SUA:u,)(,)l/'"' 4-Jof ~ddress) (Contact Person) ::5b( O' <!-If-Ie^, APPUCANT SIGNATURE (phone) 95n7- 4C);)-~3d1 _-y)rJ+^1 S53Sa (City) (Zip Code) (Phone) (,,1A.- ?J9fJ>- 34'17 DATE i-J:;I.-n4- DNEW CONSTR~ION o REPLACEMENT ~LTERATIONS FURNACE MAKE AND MODEL 17e.2. 11 t9i\l'::' FUEL FLUE SIZE RETURN OPENINGS INPUT OUTPUT TYPE OF SYSTEM HEATING OR POWER PLANT OWann Air Plants o Steam PLEASE NOTE: OOravity o Hot Water Air Conditioner Units o Mechanical o Radiation Cannot Encroach into ~Air Conditioning o Special Devices Required Side Yard OVent. System o Other Devices Setbacks FIREPLACE MAKE AND MODEL APPLICANT PLEASE COMPLETE BELOW FEE SCHEDULE Industrial, Commercial & Multi-Family 1 % of job cost Residential, Gas Fireplace 539.50 minimum Residential, Heating & A/C (New Construction) $99.50 Residential, Additions & Alterations Residential, Heating Only (New Construction) $64.50 Residential, AC Only Estimated Cost $/ ~ I 40D -f!E..,. Building Permit # $39.50 $39.50 $39.50 HEATING PERMIT FEE STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL PERMIT FEE $ $ $ ...... 24 hour notic for aU inspections (952) 447-9850, fax (952) 447-4245 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue, Prior Lake, MN 55372 ReceiV~'I.G By PRIOR LAKE ,'DEPARTMENTOF . . BUILDING AND INSPECTION INSPECTION RECORD SITE ADDRESS 5 0 NATURE OF WORK I A ~ USE OF BUILDING /"1'. PERMIT NO. 0 t-, 0 (p q4- . DATE ISSUED 1. 12-. 0 CONTRACTOR ~E;J. GOAl PHONE NOTE: THIS IS NOT A PERMIT FOR ANY OF THE INSPECTIONS BELOW THE PERMIT IS BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT INSPECTOR DATE ~ I '-"rlor to Backfill) I I PLACE NO CONCRETE UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED ROUGH - INS SEPTIC FRAMING INSULATION ELECTRICAL PLUMBING HEATING If re uired) COVER NO WORK UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED 5fJtZ-(;v(~ I I FINALS ~ rior to Soddln ) 1 BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING HEATING DO NOT OCCUpy UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED NOTICE This card must be posted near an electrical service cabinet prior to rough-in Inspections and maintained until ail inspections have been approved. On buildings and additions where no service cabinet is available, card shail be placed near main entrance. FOR ALL INSPECTIONS (952) 447-9850 I' I I I INSPECTOR I ~TE 14 ~ACCEPT D o ACCEPTED o NOT ACCEPTElD I These commentllr~ f your InformI1ton. AU .. in full compliance wlt III IJlPIlcable bulldl Qu;rements includinG i ms not : ~,':PI_ mON UNIT HEATER I TO REMAIN , . "- ;, ~ .;. -' - . ~. IJ E T .\ ] L 0 F C 0 ;\ 5 T R l' C T ] 0 :\ ~to'f'.:l~ca.4'i3'6lLai>t\'S ST.P<lUL,MN ElGIN, IL TaoY,Ml MINNESOTA OPFlCE WOLD AaCHITICTS AND IlNGINII&S ~<>5 ST. PIlTIIIl STUET ST. PAUL, MINNIsoTA 55102 T.u.: 651.22707773 Fox: 651.22305646 REMOVE EXISTING THERM05TA T AND HIRING REMOVE EXIST. THERMOSTAT REMOVE EXIST. AND GAP PNEUMATIc. WNTRC PNEUMATIG PANB... AND GAP l1J6ING ABOVE l1J6ING GElLING ,....... ., Raoc.ATE EXISJ;;_....rif': REMOVE EXISTING SPRINKLER HE~ i AIR WOLED GOOD. '\; Hi, UNIT ON ROOF AND , . '''' ; ALL REFRIGERANT f....................._.................................................-............... ...........- .......~ j REMOVE EXISTING "LINES TO AC UNIT . RADIATION AND AND PATGH ROOF HOT HATER 5UPPL Y AND RETURN PIPING BACK TO MAINS AND GAP welD . CITY OF BUILDI. NOTES, 1. REMOVE EXIST. ROOF c.uR65 AND PREPARE FOR INST ALLA nON OF IQR · A~K AND ROOFING. . ~_....~...ND.. REPAIR ALL REIiIIW. .' ) ,LOORS TO ....,M4: .... H-lERE HANIGAL '~BEEN m-702- DENvD, co REMOVE EXIST. THERMOSTAT I =:~G l1J6ING ABOVE I GEllING I I I I I I I I _._.......................M..................................~...............:....... ATE EXIST. LER HEAD R . l ~ 1"'............ .."...............,-..............., ! I " I REMOVE EXIST. <]:: :: ISPRINKLER <'" HEAD AND GAP ....e., I . . ~ ! ! (................................................,..., , ...=~~;:..........:i HEAD AND GAP-;>/:. EXIST. GRILLE '" ""l~===~___l\ L ..... ...... .:......................................., ! REMOVE EXISTING AIR GONDITIONER AND ALL DUc.TI'lORK EXIST. GABN'T UNIT flEA TER TO REMAIN . REMOVE EXIST. SPRINKLER PIPING SI-IOt'lN HATGHED REMOVE EXIST. SPRINKLER HEAD AND GAP REMOVE EXISTING HOT HATER 5WPL.,.. AND RETURN PIPING BAc.K TO MAINS IN TlMNEL AND GAP REMOVE EXIST. GRAVITY HOOD AND DUc.TI'lORK REMOVE EXIST. WNDENSA TE DRAIN TO llJNNEL SUBJECT: I^lESTHOOD SPEC.IAL EDlJC,A nON - MEGHANIC,AL DEMO PLAN DATE: 5/17/04 COMMISSION NO: 032124 REVISIONS D REV. DATE S.\1!iO"/'t'NSj6TH:X1tJ1032~-o.Dt'l$. PA1Ro5A1~oa.Q,<tOol'tlIo D$>_ 96 ~ ~ I . . . . . . . I I , I . . . . . . . ]JETA1L OF CO'\STRl'CT10"\ .=~o~o<<~go~~o~~ fI.4l3'l~~s;t.l~'t;; W9LD ST. PAUL,XN EJ.GIN, n. TROY, MI DI!IlVU, CO . NOTE, LOGA TE RTU-l 50 THAT PENETRATION 0Gc.lJRS IN THE ROOF PANa THAT HAS USED FOR THE EXHA1J5T FAN-FIB..D VERIFY EXAC. T LOGA nON . MINNEsoTA OFFICII WOW AaClllTllC'l'S AND 1lNG_ !05 ST. PBTU. Snmrr ST.PAUL,MlNNEsoTA 55102 Tn: 65I.227-7n3 FAll:: 651.223.5646 . F: 5HlJT -OFF VALVES FLOI^l MEASURING DEVIGE 4.1 GPM TUNNEL BELOW SMOKE DETEC-TOR RJRNI5I-ED BY B..EG TR. CONTR. AND IN5T ALLED BY MEGH. GONTR. TYP. OF THREE :_::t I ! A 10'cP ! Ii 8x6 : 120 f- ! offl~e II 11081 ; ...._...........................~......._.. .0. I ................~....._......~.:~.....l 8x6 ,..' ~ ..................~~~.......~==!. NEW FIRE PROTEG nON 5PRINKlERS "HI^l5 & R DN TO TUNNB... WNN. INTO EXIST MAIN~ I^lI BOTTOM GONNEG TIONS k: 18 8" :>110 .,6 12 b e ! 6'cP I 80 ! I ! 18x6 I I 00;::::::::::;;;::;;;;;1;;:;;:::::::::::;1 I A I ! I I i 8x4 I me~h! ! 45) I 1104 I! B 16 &p. ElOOG. 120 11061 A 12x6 160 ROOFTOP UNIT II RT-l CONTROL PANB.. BEAM -, .. 2x6 I / Ie I<: {116"cP J 115 A I 12x6 I ._Y')T' . EXIST ~'l [:,1 i 5PRINKL 'I I i f . -ffiT"' i.... J~~~~:..;~;.;;;~~~~''''.'.oo.."...".'''~oo..oo,..,.""...... "J''''\/ SPRINKLER SYSTEM. MODIFY AS SHOI^lN SUBJECT: WE5THOOD SPECIAL ED\JC.ATION - MECHANIC.AL FLOOR PLAN DATE: 5/11/04 COMMISSION NO: 032124 REVISIONS D REV. DATE ft,\t501'I9\!S_toES~-,~ Q1=D ~ PAm 0 smf2004 0 &6,20 0 i't<<I 0 05 . 96 I' I I . I I NOTE. 1. INSTALL IN AGGORDANCE JI'lITH MANJFAGllJRERS i'RITTEN INSTRUCTIONS. 2. UNIT SHAlL BE A TRANE MODa Tc:.c.042 SERlES. I I I I I I . .'" ..... . ,., ]) [T A; L 0 Fro ~:""1 P. \," C T] 0 :\ l;"-IoN4":l!N\W:;Il'.:EO'.CIOOM1ta-4 ~'05I\~ welD ST. PAUL,MN 1lLGIN, IL TaoY,M1 i>ENvIa, co MINNESOTA OPPICE WOLD AaauTicTs AND ENolNBlllS 305 ST. PIlTU STUIT ST. PAUL, MINNPOTA 55102 Tn: 651.227.7773 FAX: 651.223.5/46 . . . PACKAGED ROOFTOP HEATING 1 GOOLING UNIT SC,HEDULE . T C.FM MIN. A 45.5 270 10 206160/1 31 HEA TING COIL SCHEDULE - HOT ~A TER C.OIL SERVING C.FM EAT LAT &IT LJI'IT MElH GPM SIZE LxJIII MAX. FAc.E AIR PD. REMARKS NO. vaoc.I1Y Hc.-l RMSIOO 101107 & 108 730 54.0 85.0 190 170 24.4 2.45 18 .xt21l 490 .2'1"U:. Hc.- 2 RM5102-106 670 54rJ 85.0 190 170 22.4 2.24 18.xt211 450 211rt::, NOTE,!. INSTALL IN Ac.c.oRDANc.E JIIIITH MANUFAc.TlJRER5 JIIIRITTEN INSTRUC.TI0N5. GRILLES, REGISTERS AND DIffUSERS T'l"PE DESc.RIPTION A SUPPLY REGISTER STEEL DOUBLE ~LEc.TION'5l.f'P!;- Y AIR REGISTER ~H TITUS MODEL 300RL B RETURN GRILLE STEEL 5~LE DEFLEGTION ~N / RELIEF GRILLE JIIIITH TITUS MODEL :35ORL 5TEEL 24'x24' :3 GONE LOUVERED 5UPPL YAIR DIFFU5ER W ROUND INLET NECK, FIXED PATTERN, 0.6. DAMPER AND BORDER TO FIT LAY-IN AGc.OIJSTIC.AL TILE C.EILING 5Y5TEM. NOTE. 1. INSTALL IN Ac.c.ORDANc.E JlllITH MANUFAc.TURER5 JlllRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS. SERVIc.E MANUFAc.1lJRER C. 5UPPL YAIR DIFFlJ5ER TITUS MODEL TM5 FRAME TYPE :3 MECHANICAL NOTES: 4. BEFORE GONSTR\JC.TION. VERIFY 5IZE, GUANITY AND Loc.ATION OF ALL EXI5TING 5ERVIc.E5 TO I"*lIc.H NEI'l SERVIC.E5 ARE TO BE c.oNNEGTED TO ENSURE ADEGUATE C.APAGITY. GUANTITY AND ALIGNMENT. 5. MEc.HANIc.AL C.ONTRAc.TOR SHALL BE RE5PONSI6LE FOR c.lJTTING AND PATC.HING OF EXISTING c.oN5TR\JC.TION UNLESS OTHERJlllISE NOTED ON PLAN. NO c.lJTTING OF STRlJC,nJRAL MEM!3I:R5 OR S TR\JC. TtJRE VolHIC.H HILL DETERIORATE THE INTEGRITY AND STRENGTH OF THE BUILDING JlllILL BE ALLOJIIIED JlllITHOlIT JlllRmEN APPROVAL FROM THE STRlJC,TlRAL ENGINEER. SUBJECT: WESTHOOD SPECIAL EDUGA nON - MECHANICAL SCHEDULES DATE: 5/17/04 COMMISSION NO: 032124 REVISIONS D REV. DATE ~. ~ PATR 0 "'-712004 0 5,14,-4 0 I4IJ 0 PS ~ 96 2-1"lA'" MODULATING GONTROI.. VALVE I 0 riA TER HEA TIN6 COIL DETAIL I \..:...J NO sc,ALE I I I I I I I I I I ~\lSD7lN5.""""""""",,_',,",, I' I I I I I I 96 ~ sa 0 >>to4 0 i'i't1'9 0 KlOtIM o'&'I'cI 9Io4Cf~trZ:ll:~Qol 906Iw;l\~ DrT;IL or CO'\STRL'C'TIO'\ MINNEsoTA OffICE Wow AaClllTllCTll AND ilNGooIns 30' ST. PI!TU STUET ST. PAUL,llINmsoTA "102 T.I.: 6'1.227.7773 FAI: 6SI.223-S646 UJeLD ST. PAUL, MN ELGIN, IL TallY, MI DBNVD, co . . . BALL V2' MANJAL VALVE '\ AIR VENT " E' ~ II FLOH 7' ~~ ooo~ " ~ · I~ c*:H1 !'>TRAINER HlBLOt'l DOI'+I BALL VALVE .-/1- & HOSE c.oNNEGTION \2' MIN. F'ROVIDE AIR TIGHT GASKET AROUND ENTIRE PERIMETER OF AGGES!'> PANEL IIII I"lATER COIL dll HEATING WILl I' 12' DUGT OPENING AIR FLOW ,-----"1 I, " , " I '" '" I " , I" 'I " , GAM LATGH K-V2' DRAIN VALVE - I'l/HOSE FITTING 2' 1!QIf;. 1. AGGES!'> PANEL SHALL BE A!'> DIMENSIONED ABOVE I'll \2' MIN. PROVIDE 4 LA TGHES ON DIMENSIONS LARGER THAN \2 INGHES. 2. PIWVIDE AGGES!'> PANEL!'> AT ALL IN-DUG T IlEA TING WILS. ROOFTOP UNIT HITH INTERIOR IN5l.tA TION -) c.ouNTER FlA5HING NAILOR 6'" MEGH. GONTR. o ACCESS PANEL DETAIL NO sc,ALE IN5U..A TED CURB SEE DTL V3-5 FOR ROOFING AND FLASHING ROOF DEC.K o ROOFTOP UNIT GUR6 DETAIL NO sc,ALE SUBJECT: ~THOOD SPECIAL EDUGATION - MECHANICAL DETAILS ~ \@37 DATE: 5/17/04 REVISIONS 6 COMMISSION NO: 032124 REV. DATE PAm o!5ll7/2004 0 8.14.5& 0 I'M 0 P5 '" 96 -- : rnglD -- ~ n F TAl lOr Co" S T R l' C T I 0 :\' MINNESOTA OFFICE WOLD AICH1TICTS AHIlIlNGINEIIS 305 ST. Pnn STIEIlT ST. PAUL, MINNIsoTA 55'02 TEL: 651.227.nn FAI: 6s1.223-5C46 Sr. PAUL, MN _,IL TRoY,MI DINvn, CO . . . [1................J::.........,..........................U........,..........................U...... ..................,........I::l........l......l.l.....! ~::~ STORE ,... . .", EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURES I =::,=Ef~:i~:f~:i;~~F:Jri8111 ~~~~ ...... ...,. ......,.................. , ~ too.... .t...I02..,I..........i REPAIR ANY BROKEN OR ! NOT WORKING PARTS. I (3) EXISTING AIR CONDITIONER UNIT ON ROOF TO BE REMOVED. REMOVE ALL CONDUIT AND HIRE 6Ac.K I"')! !! I TO PANELI3OARO AND ~im=""'i""ih:iIi! PROVIDE NEW TYPED r ~:: PANELBOARO DIRECTORY. I " ! ! 10 EXISTING FlJRNANGE TO BE lF~:::L..::~~~;l~~ I ~A~~ ~K . I 'I . . . . TO PANELBOARO AND I'll J.=~ ill pPROVIANELBODEANEWRO D~~TORY. 1.,:'1r'::..1:1 .L~I' . ..If \' :3:: ~J,': . jl 0 ................................... I 4 PROVIDE bOA 3P 250V :':.: }.>~1 ~~PAc.KAGED ! ''';: "'r 105! ""'] GRO. TO NEW c.6 IN '~M 1 ..~i:~.!r::: ~'-]~~~'~:j-1 ~~~~~~~. . , ".. ..1 t'''' '~"'~4 ..... TO THE HEST OF ROOFTOP 1 l r "l! i ;,~ I ; 1 i UNIT LOCATION. SEE . . 1", , .1 .' ..,..................... ....... '----.... .\ ' h . ,," DVAt.o. PROVIDE NEW '. TYPED PANELBOARD DIREc.TORY. l"T......r....'r.....T...Lr.. '"'. . I. . . . . .,. , , ! ' , 'I' , '! "I' : ! I . ! :! I' '11";'81 ' ...1... j : : 'I' . 1"1/ ::1 f. . < . . .. ::! : l : : :: I I' , , , , " I , , , , , I ...' I I ' , ! ' , , ! . ! j . ; 1 . . . , -L-; 1 1 j I j ! , , . , /~. i i ! I ""';;' I' " " , i ~j]J".1 . I . . . . I I : ! I . . I..........;.. __ e: : . ; ..J .'/ I ."" SUBJECT: ISD 719 - WESTWOOD SPEGIAL EDUGATION - ELEGTRIGAL PLAN@ DATE: 5117/04 COMMISSION NO: 032124 E-1 REVISIONS D REV. DATE 11-1 s.\JS07l9lfS-"IS~'\E.,D1't6 ~ 0 ""/2l:;IQ4 0 a,!M,3:; 0 DI\\I s~~ White - Building Canary . Engineering Pink - Planning The- ("f'nlr. of Ihp I..kt <-'ounlry NAME OF APPLICANT BUILDING eERMIT APPLICATION DEPARTMENT CHECKLIST (jEN'(YJt-! GOAfSTlU/c:nON {po 30. 04- APPLICATION RECEIVED The Building, Engineering, and Planning Departments have reviewed the building permit application for construction activity which is proposed at: 53f10 WESTWOOD DK./V6 5.&. Accepted Accepted With Corrections Denied Reviewed By: Date: Comments: J~ I/~ ~ At/b $P/<'/N/(Lt5fZ. (&z.,-yt l r5 ,4/L.6~ "The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the jurisdiction. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid." ., , . DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION TABLE OF CONTENTS For: Commission No: WestWood Elementary Special Ed. IN AC Upgrades 032124 May 17, 2004 Date: , . The Contract Documents for this project include details and schedules printed on 8 112" x I I" sheets and bound in this manual. The delaiIs and schedules are organized into broad categories of clements or systems of the Project The details and schedules arc located in the categol)' that best fits the intent of the detail. This system in no way tries to or implies to divide up details or schedules by construction trades or suppliers. Contractors and bidders bear the respoIISlbility to review all details and schedules to detcnninc their scope of work. \ 11. ELECIRICAL Nnm: Division: Sheets: I-I ABBREVIATIONS, MATERIAL SYMBOLS I through 4 1-4 MATERIAL FINISH! COLOR SCHEDULE 1 3.5 ROOF 1 4.1 ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE 1 and 2 4-3 FLOORS, WALLS 1 4-4 CEILINGS 1 and2 10-1 MECHANICAL PLANS o through 3 11-1 liGHTING AND POWER I Category: I. GENERAL 3. EXTERIOR 4. INTERIOR 10. MECHANICAL r ! . WglD [) E T .\ I L 0 F C 0 :'\ S T Rue r I 0 :'i WOWARClIITECTS AND ENGINEERS 305 ST. ntEIl S1'REET ST. PA~ MN 55ID FAX: SI.%23.5U6 TEL: 651.227.'7773 () E I ,\ I L 0 F C 0 :\ S T R l C r I 0 :'I I' Irnglol WOLD AJtCHITiCTS AND INGlNItERS 3I5ST. PETDl STIlUT ST. PAUL, NN 55tOJ F~ 65U13.5iH TJ:L: 651.tt7.7773 . ABBREVIATIONS . . ELEV Elevation (Bldg,) Elevator OST Olazed S_I Tile ENAM IinameI OYP BO Gypsum Boord EN! En1mIee EQ EquaJ H EQUIP Equipmeot ErC E! Celer.o H - EW EaohWay He _Cabinet EWC Electric W_ Cooler HCAP fhnrll...~ EXH Exhaust IIDBO _ani EXIST Existinc IIDW - EXP Exposed IIDWD IIanIwood EXT Exterior HM Honow Metal HORIZ 1Iorizom1 F HP High PoiJll HR llaadrail or Hour FA Fresh Air HS IIandset FB FlICe Brick Hf 1Ieight PO Floor Drain IIYD Hydwll PON Foundation FE roo Extinauisbcr I FFAS Floor Finish As SeheduJed FFE Finished Floor El....tion I Inside Diameter PHS Flat Head Screw IF Inside Fac:<: FIN Finish IH _ !Iood FIXT Fixture IN Inch FL F100r Or F\oot INSUL lllSUlation FLRG Flooring \NT bOerior FR Frame or Fire Rated INV Invert FRMG Framing FRP FibeJgIass Reinfon:ed Panel J FS Full Size JAN laDitor FT Foot.. Feet JST Joist FTO Footing IT Joint F\JRR Furring G K KPL Kkk Plate 0 Gas KD Knoek Down OBIK Glazed CoDcme Block KO Knock 0.. OA Gauge OALV Oalvauized L OB Grab Bar OC 0eneraI Contractor LAB LaboralOly 091 0eneraI LAM Laminated 01 Galvauized lro.o LAV LavalOly OL Oloss or GIazin& LB Pound OL BIK Glass Block UI Left IIand OLlJ.LAM Glue Laminated LUI ~ Leg IIorizoDraI OPM Gallons Per Minute LLV Loog Leg Vertical OR Grade LOC Locate GRV Gravity RoofVenlilator LP Low Point PriJledSlIIl2OO4 SUBJECT: GENERAL - ABBREVIATIONS EB DAlE: 5/17/2004 COMMISSION NO: 032124 REVISIONS: REV DATE: D E r .\ I L 0 F C 0 "\ SIR U C T I 0 :\i IUlglOI WOLD ARCRITECTSAND ENGINEERS j05 ST. PETEIl S'IRBIT ST. PAUL. MN 55lh FAX: 6S1..%23.564' nL: 651.1%7.7773 ABBREVIATIONS . . . LWCB lightweight ConclOtc Block PBD Peg Board PLAM Plastic Lamimtc M P. TILE Porcelain Tile PART Partition MBD IdaricerboanI PC Putty Coat MIS Minor with Shelf PERF Perf_cd MACH Machine PL Plate MAS Masonry PLGL Plate Glass MAlL Material PUS Plaster MAX Maximum PLBCl PIlDDbing MECH Meebanical PLYW'D Plywood MED CAB Medieine Cabinet PNL Pane1 or PaneIlinc MEMB Membrane POL Polished MET Metal PORTC Portland Cement MEZZ Mczz.anine PR01 Projection MFR MaoDacturer PROP Property MH Manbole PROT Protective MIN MiDimum PRY Power RoofVcotilmor MIR Minor PT(D) Paint(ed) MISC Miscdlaneous PTD Paper Towd Dispenser MLOO Moulding l'TM\ Paper Towd Dispensor &: Re:c:epIor MM Misedlanoous Metal PVMr Pav~ MO Masonry ()peninc MTG Mounting Q MUL Mullion QT Quany Tile N R N North NJC Not in ConInIcI R Riser or Rndius NO Nwnber RA . Return Air NOM Nominal RAD Radintion, Radiator NSF Non-Slip Flooring RCP ReinfOJCcd Concn:tc Pipe or RcIl_ Ceiling Plan NrS Not to Scale RD Roof drain RDWD Redwood 0 REC Rcccssc:d REF IWHgcrator OA Ovcndl REIN OONC Rcinf. Conerdc OBS Obscnre RElNF Itcinf=ed(ing) OC On Center REQD Required OD 0uIside Dinmctcr RES Resilient OF Outside Face REV Reversc(d) OH 0ved1end RFT Rubber FIoorTilc OHM 0ved1end Motorized RH Right Haod or Relief 1Iood OPG Opening RM Room OPP Opposite RO Rough Opening OS Ovedlow Scupper RS Rough Slab OZ Ounce RT RubberTileorTr<ad RUB Rubber P RV Roof Vent RWL Rain Water Leader PriltcdSlIIJ2OO4 SUBJECT: DATE: REVISIONS: GENERAL - ABBREVIATIONS 5/1712004 COMMISSION NO: 032124 REV DATE: @ DEr\IL OF CONSrRL:crION lUglO . ABBREVIATIONS TYP S " U , S South or Sink SBLK Sound Block UH ssr SIain1ess Sled UNFlN SA Supply air UNO SCHED Schedule UR SO Soap DispeIlser UR SCR SECI' Seetion W SF Sand Float SH Sheet or Sprinkler Head V SHLVG Sbdving SIM Similar V PLAS SillS Solid Surfilcing VAC SLNT SealaD< VAT SLR Sealer vcr SNO Stuxiary Napkin DisperlSCr VENT SNR Sanilllly Napkin Receptor VERM SOO Slab on Gnlde VERT 50 Square VEST SRF Seamless Resilient Floor VI' SS 5eMce Sink VIR S'I: SIeeI VWC SID S1andanI VWF STOR Stolage STRucr Structural W SUSP Suspended W SW Switch SYM SynunetJy or SymmetrieaI WI WIO T WC WO T Tread WOW TANOB Top and Bottom WF TANDG Tongue and Groove WG TBD Tack Boord WH 1'8 Towel Bar WI IDE Top of Deck Elcvoti... WP TEL TelephoDe WR TBMP Temp=d, Tempol3ry wscr '!'ERR Tenazzo WSP TF Trowelcd Finish WT TFE Top oIFooting E10Y11ti0n WWF m Test Hole THRES Tbroshold Y TLT PTN Toild Partition YO TO MAS Top of Masonry TOS Top oISIed TFH Toild Paper Holder TV Television PriIlIed 51111201W WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENCIlfEEItS JIS ST..rEtU STREEI' ST. rAlIL, MPI 55102 FAX: 651.n3.564i 'lEI.: SU27.7773 . . Typical Unit Heater Unfinished Unless Noted Otherwise Urinal Urinal Screea Unit Ventilator Vmniculite Plaster or V..- Plaster VlIOUllI1l Vinyl Abestos 1iIe Vinyl Composition Tile Ventilator Vermiculite Vertieal Vcstibule Vinyl Tile Vent Through Roo! Vinyl Woll Covering Vinyl Woll Fabrie West or Wire With Without Water Closet Wood Window Wall Fabric:, Wide Flange (Steel) or Wash Fouatain Wite GJass Water Heater or Weep Hole Wrought Irnn WatelplDOfing Water Resislant Wainscot Weathenlrip Weight or Wall Tile Welded Wite Fabrie Yard SUBJECT: DATE: REVISIONS: GENERAL - ABBREVIATIONS 5/1712004 COMMISSION NO: 032124 REV DATE: eiJ D E T .\ I L 0 F C 0 :\ S r R lJ C r I 0 '\i , . lll~lD WOLD ARCIDTECTSAND INGINEERS 30S ST. PETD S1'ItEET ST. PA.... MN 55JU FAX:: ~1.n3.564' TEL: iSU27.n73 . - , MATERIAL FINISH! COLOR SCHEDULE Specification Section Item Prodnct Specified FInisllI Color 07230 Exterior Insulation and Finish System I Sealant As specified 2 Finish coat As specified Color: To match finish coat Color: As selected by Architect manufacturer's standard colors Texture: Sand float 07600 Sheet Metal Flashing and Coping I Sheet metal Kynar SOO FIuoro- carbon coating 20 year fmish Silver metalic 07900 Joint Sealants & Caulking 1 Sealant Tremco Color: As selected by Architect from Fastpak color line 09900 Paint I Paint As specified 10651 Operable Wall Panels I Operable Wall--PIastic As specified lamms.tfl! PT-I: Offwhitc to match existing wall color As selected by Architect 2 Operable Wall-Vertical As specified no aconstical C8lpet As selected from mA11uf.r.tuIers standard colon PriDtedSlIIl2OO4 SUBJECT: DATE: REVISIONS: MATERIAL FINISH! COLOR SCHEDULE 5/1712004 COMMISSION NO: 032124 REV DATE: @ ll.. ~ ~ ~ ~ u.. Co ~ <( tl) ..... ~~ 2 . 2 . W~lD . DETAIL OF CONSTRUCTION wa.o AIllJn'J'I!Cl'S ANIlI!NGINEEIS 30S sr. PEI1ll S'I1Err sr. PAlJ,.... 55102 PAX: 6S1m.s646 TIlL: 651:127.7773 25SOt1l1lGIlOVIlAVllNtlE,stm'II500 I!LGIN, P. 601211 PAl[, 847.608.2654 TIll: ~7.601.26oO . , GAL V. EGl)IPMENT ANCHOR P IlY MEc.H., LAG 60L T TO C.URB HI GASKETED l'oIASHER. l'oIATERSTOP MASTIc. SHEET METAL C.AP, SEAL 0 ENDS. ROOFING - C.ARRY OVER THE TOP OF THE c.uRB. SEAL ALL SIDES. TREATED HOOD c.uRB. VERIFY REG'D HEIGHT BASED ON IN5lJL. THIC.KNESS. ROOFING SYSTEM. ~ATION 41/2" MIN. BLOCKING AS REG'D. SEGURE TO DECK. o ~~~I~~~T ~URB ( MEc.H. EGUIP. 8. C.OVER BY MEGH. OR BY EGl)IP. 5lJPPLIER. c.oLJNTER FLASHING 6'1' EGl)IP. 5IJPPLIER. I \l\ >-< .Zu.. ~ u= a L W () , > It 00 2 <( ROOFING - C.ARRY OVER TOP OF CURB AS 5I-IOI-"tI. , ROOFING SYSTEM. J o ;1~~E~:ION~UR6 - X TREATED HD. CURB 8. BOTTOM PLATE SEc.LJRE TO METAL DECK. " ill' .... It ~ 2 . r ,r r, r SUBJECT: ROOF DETAILS DATE: 5~7nOO4 REVISIONS D COMMISSION NO: 032124 REV. DATE @ S.\J5D7t9'0f5.JE5~I,tlfTNL5\3XlOl~ LJtt:; () 5r'W2OO4 0 t>.:2',28 <> p~ D E r \ I L 0 F C 0 1\ S T R 11 C T I 0 'I I , 'IUJQlol WOLD ARCIDTECTS AND ENGINEERS 3e5 ST. PETER S11tEET ST. PAUL, MN 55111 FAX: 651.213,"" TEL: 651.1:7.7773 . . ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE GENERAL NOTES I. If all walls in room are the same finish, the "N WALL- TYP" column will be used. 2. At discrepancies between the room finish schedule and drawings, the Architect will determine the finish. 3. Refer to material fInish schedule for specific finish types. 4. For ceiling material when more than one ceiling material occun the ceiling finish is indicated thus: "/". ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE REMARKS I See specification section 1045 "CUTIlNG AND PATCHING" for additional finishing requirements. PtiDlcd5l11l2OO4 . SUBJECT: ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE DATE: 5/1712004 COMMISSION NO: 032124 REVISIONS: REV DATE: EB UFr\IL OF CO\STRCCIIO\ IlIglD WOLD ARCHITECTS AND INGJNEBItS 305 ST. PETER S'I"REBT ST. PAUL, MN 55101 FAXI '51.nJ.56U TEL:: f5LU1.7173 . . . NWALL-TVP EWALL SWALL WWALL MAT FIN MAT FIN MAT FIN MAT FIN REMARKS eSP) - 100 CE EXIST EXIST ~IC EXIST ACT EXISTiPT-I PAINT SOFFIT IlLK 101 WORKROOM EXIST EXIST GYPIC EXIST ACT EXlSTiPT-I PAINT SOFFIT Due 102 (OFFICE EXIST EXIST ~BLK. EXISTIP GYP EXlSTIP GYP EXIST GYP EXIST ACT EX1STiPT.1 PAINT NEW CHASE T-I T-I 103 OFFICE EXIST EXIST ~YPIC EXIST ACT EXIST PAINT SOFFIT Due 104 MEeH EXIST EXIST GYP PT-t CBLK PT-I CBLK PT-I ICBLK PT-I MET EXIST . 105 I<>rnCE EXIST EXIST CBLK PT-I /dEJ' EXIST/PT-I PAINT SOFFIT 106 SPECIAL ED EXIST EXIST GYPIC EXIST MET EXIST BLK 107 OrnCE EXIST EXIST GYPIC EXIST MET EXIST BLK 108 OrnCE EXIST EXIST GYPIC EXIST MET EXlSTiPT-1 PAINT SOFFIT Due 1'rinIed5l11l2OO4 SUBJECT: ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE DATE: 5/17/2004 COMMISSION NO: 032124 REVISIONS: REV DATE: ffi DETAIL OF CONSTRUCTION UJQlD ST. PAUL, MN ELGIN, IL TIOY,MI DENvn, CO . -- '/. '/. /. 'l'/-~ ~ ~ fi" -- / '~ .... /-\ I Co '-" \ I '_/ , ~ I-~\/ L . MINNESOTA OFFICE WOLD ABCHlTICfS AND ENGINDBS 305 ST. PITD STBIIlT ST. P AUr., MJNNEsoI'A 5510. Tn: 651.227.7773 FAX: 651.22305646 . SAC-KER ROD AND 5EALANT EXI5TING C; BLK AND GYP HAl..L MEc.HANIGAL PIPING, SEE MEc.H 3 1/2" METAL 511JD, TYP BAC-KER ROD AND SEALANT 5/8" GYP 6D, TYP - 1 1/2"=1'-0" DETAIL AT NE~ C.HASE SUBJECT: HALLS / FLOORS DATE: 5/1712004 REVISIONS 6 ~~'fl'tXlOID32124IDfTAIL~:lOOlDH6 COMMISSION NO: 032124 REV. DATE ,_......"..........,,""'.""",...~D." w \Fj) DETAIL OF CONSTRUCTION ST. PAUL, MN l!I.GIN, It TROY, MI DENvn, CO WgLD . . SEE PLAN, TYP MINNESOTA OFFICE WOLD A.CHlTIlCTS AND ENGINEUS 3D' ST. PETII. STUI!T ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 5510. T...: 6,l.22Hn3 FAX: 6'1.223.'646 . DIJC, THOORK, SEE MECoH EXISTING ROOF DEGK EXISTING BOND BEAM, TYP BACKER ROD & SEALANT, BOTTOM OF DEC.K 8'-8" FIELD VERIFY 5/8" GYP BD BACKER ROD & SEALANT, EXPOSED DlJC,THORK, SEE MEC.H BACKER ROD & SEALANT, 5/8" GYP BD 3 5/8" MET SlUD, TYP ~ BOTTOM OF SOFFIT SEE PLAN BACKER ROD & SEALANT, TYP EXISTING CEILING, cur TO MATCH NEW SOFFIT TYPICAL EXISTING HALL DETAIL AT SOFFIT 1 1/2"=1'-0" Y ARIES FIELD VERIFY SUBJECT: GElLING DETAILS DATE: 511712CX)4 REVISIONS D COMMISSION NO: 032124 REV. DATE So~~~AJLS'MOOI:orl6 G0 DETAIL OF CO:.iSTRCCTION llJ g LO . SEE PLAN WOlD AllClIlI1I:lS AND ENGINEEIlS 305 ST. PEml STUBI' sT. PAUL. MN 5510% Fa, l\51J25.S646 'I'IILo 65I.2Z1.1T13 2S SOl1l'H GIOVI! AVIlNUIl, stm1! 500 ELGIN, IL 60120 Fa, 817_ 'I'IILo 817_ . . EXISTING C.EILING, C.UT TO FIT NEW SOFFIT PROVIDE NEW EDGE TO MATC.H EXISTING 5/8" GYP. BD. ON 3 5/8" METAL STIJD5 " It>" OL. TO STRIJC,11JRE. BAc.KER ROD & SEALANT, TYPIC.AL EXISTING l"IALL, SEE PLANS GYP BOARD SOFFIT 1 112"=1'-0" SUBJECT: GElLING DETAILS DATE: 5~7f.2004 REVISIONS D S,\I5D'I9\E5J'tf5~'DeTAlLS\44002L'r'1& COMMISSION NO: 032124 REV. DATE C~~ UJ<<;. 0 5tW2OO4 0 tl:),23t5e 0 PH) rugLD . EXIST. GABN'T lINIT HEATER TO REMAIN REMOVE EXIST. THERMOSTAT AND GAP PNBJMATIG 1\!B!N6 AOOYE GE!L!N6 . . .~ ... ~ .... '" . --. DETAIL OF CONSTRUCTION ST. PAUL, MN ELGIN, IL TIoY,MI DENVBIl, CO " , I r............. ...L..........L..............1I ! ~ i i REMOVE EXIST'g:' " i 1 SPRINKLER <'" ! I HEAD AND GAP'e., ! I.....................................................n EXIST. GABN~i ....................................................1. lINIT HEATER 1 REMOVE EXIST. :'j TO REMAIN 'SPRINKLER : i j HEAD AND GAP~. . . j I EXIST. GRILLE ". ."'-j I ABOVE DOOR : I TO REMAIN 11 --" :....t.._...................................s............:..:<;; o-H\H?3Iol\totIC~g.( ~06l\'<; MINNESOTA OFFICE WOLD A_CHITECTS ANI> ENGlNEEIls 305 ST. PrnlIt S.....T ST. PAUL,MINN':ISOTA 55102 Tn: 6sI.22H773 FAX: 651.223-5646 REMOVE EXISTING AIR WNDmONER AND ALL I:JlK.THORK . REMOVE EXIST. !i~:~~ i i HA TGHED ~ : Ii REMOVE EXIST. SPRINKLER HEAD AND GAP REMOVE EXISTING HOT I^lA TER SUPPLY AND RETtJRN PIPING BAc.K TO MAINS IN TUNNEL AND GAP REMOVE EXIST. GRAVITY HOOD ! ! AND DUe. TJt;ORK j i REMOVE EXIST. WNDENSA TE DRAIN TO ruNNEL REMOVE EXIST. PNBJMA TIc. WNTRC PANEL AND GAP 1\!B!N6 NOTES, 1. REMOVE EXIST. ROOF CURBS AND PREPARE FOR INSTALLATION OF NEW DEC-K AND ROOfING. . 2. PATGH AND REPAIR AlL JrlALLS AND FLOORS TO MATGH EXISTING, HHERE PIPING OR MEGHANIGAl i II EGUIPMENT HAS BEEN i 1 i '''CoA^''t::D t " ! ",,-nvyL. . i .' i r.... L.................................................................................-...............................................................................;.....~ j ! i j : ~.... REMOVE EXISTING THERMOST AT AND I"IIRING REMOVE EXIST. THERM05T AT AND GAP PNBJMA 11(, iUB!N6 ABOVE GEllING (....... ., t RELoc.ATE EXIST-,',.."m .; i , REMOVE EXISTING SPRINKLER HE~'. ! i ! AIR C,OOLED WND. ,; i i i lINIT ON ROOF AND . ,; j: .~ - l ALL REFRIGERANT ~....................................................................................... ..................." i "'tINES TO Ac. lINIT ,.... REMOVE EXISTING AND PAT(.H ROOF RADIATION AND HOT JrlA TER SUPPLY AND RETURN PIP!N6 BAc.K TO MAINS AND CAP SUBJECT: I^lESTrIOOD SPECIAL EDUCATION - MEGHANIGAL DEMO PLAN DATE: 5/17/04 COMMISSION NO: 032124 REVISIONS D REV. DATE 5,\JS01t9\E5J'ESfi"tXlO'l)32~~ ~ \@j7 18 6 " :>110 " .,t> 12 l1JNNEL I b c.: BELOH / 6~j 'b ,80; !f --' i 18x61 :1 ! I A 10'4> SP'=' ~20 ,,1;; :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::11 ll'i f;; f- 1t0t> I ~xt> 8X4: mec.h! ! I ,&..,., 45) I 11041.:, ~ office uv I! 11081 ROOFTOP I I ;;;;;;::;;:::::::::::::;;:;;;;;;:;;;;:::::::::: ::: ~~-I 2x6 : I 8'4> f' PANEl f~' / I': 7\ ~'4> I ! I I I I A II " ~ 115 II 8xt> .,...ld ~X6 I 1 , I 120 offlc' I A . 100 "rr" ~ ! /" I office : EXl5T. ,,~. il ~ ! ! 107 : ! SPRINKL it I: i. --~.' ~ ~ ~ r- . ~...-..-.-.-.-1... AS 5I-IOI'iN r .- melD . NEW FIRE PROTEG TlON SPRINKLERS 9& a l;(] 0 Dt4OO!'EVS 0 'IOOlILIIt;. Olil.Vd Q.fa'1.~llliO\ClOOM.1.;a..l~OGI\'S DETAIL OF CO;\)STRUCTION ST. PAUL, JoIN ELGIN, IL TROY, MJ DENvn, CO MINNESOTA OFFICE WOLD A.CHITICTS AND IlNGINEUS 105 ST. PETEI. STUIT ST. PAUL, MINNEsoTA 55102 Tn: 651.22Hn3 FAX: 651.223'5~6 NOTE. LOGATE RTU-' 50 THAT PENETRATION OGGURS IN THE ROOf PANEL THAT HAS USED FOR THE EXHAUST FAN-FIaD VERIFY EXAGT LOGATION . . r I I I I l... I ! \ SMOKE DETECTOR FURNISHED BY REG TR. GONTR. AND INSTALLED BY MEGH. GONTR. TYP. OF THREE confereoce 11001 SHUT-OFF VALVES FLOH MEA5lJRING DEVIC.E 4.7 GPM G 8"4> 210 SUBJECT: Ji'olES TJi'olOOD SPECIAL EDt.JGA nON - MECHANICAL FLOOR PLAN DATE: 5/17/04 REVISIONS 6 ~\I5D7l9\E5J1'ES~2l24\I-IEGHII'l.',pw;. COMMISSION NO: 032124 REV. DATE ~ \@37 . . . ~. .. . . DETAIL OF COl\STRUCTION Z.~I>tIZ'~SiI4~OiI\'S ST. P AUt, MN ELGIN, IL T..oy t:MI DJNVn, CO WOLD . MINNESOTA OFFICE WOLD AICHITECTS AND ENGINIEIS 30S ST. PITII STBI!ET ST. PAUl., MINNISOTA SSlO:Z Tn.: 6S1.22H173 FAX: 6S'.223.S646 . . UNIT C,FM '( RlU-1 1400 PACKAGED ROOFTOP HEATING 1 COOLING UNIT SCHEDULE HAT C,FM MIN. T A A T A 80.12 66.7 270 10 206/60/1 31 NOTE, l. INSTAlL IN ACCORDANCE I'lITH MANJFAc.11.tRER5 l'RITTEN INSTRl)(:;TIONS. 2. l,t.IIT SHAlL BE A TRANE MODEL Tc.c.042 5ERlE5. HEA TING COIL SCHEDULE - HOT HATER CoOIL SERVING CoFM EAT LAT Em LI'IT M6H GPM SIZE Lxl'l MAX. FAC,E AIR PD. REMARKS NO. VELoc.rr( HC.-l RMS100101107 & 108 730 54.r: 85.0 190 170 ?4.4 2.45 1S.x12" 490 .2"1"ICo HC.- 2 RM5102-t06 670 54.C 85.0 190 170 22.4 2.24 18'x12' 450 2"1ft::. NOTE, l. INSTALL IN Ac.C,ORDANc.E I'IITH MANUFAC,TURER5 I'IRITTEN INSTRlJC,TIONS. GRILLES, REGISTERS AND DIFFUSERS TYPE SERVIC,E DE5(,RIPTION A 5UPPL'( REGISTER STEEL DOUBLE DEFLEc.TION'5lA"PL '( AIR REGISTER HITH R F 4' A . AM 6 RETURN GRILLE S~ S~LEFDEFtirEc.TION ~ / RELIEF GRILLE I^lITH STEEL 24'x24' 3 CoONE LOlNERED 5UPPI... YAIR DIFF\.I5ER C, 5UPPL '( AIR I'll ROUND INLET NEc.K, FIXED PATTERN, O.B. DAMPER DIFFUSER AND BORDER TO FIT LAY-IN AU:OU5TICoAL TILE C,EILING SYSTEM. NOTE, l. INSTALL IN AC,CoORDANc.E MTH MANUFAc.TURERS HRITTEN INSTRUc.TIONS. MECHANICAL NOTES: . 1. THE MEGHANIC,AL CONTRAc.TOR 5HALL PREFORM A SITE OBSERVATION SURVEY TO DETERMINE LIMITATIONS AND/OR WNFLIc.TS RELATIVE TO THE EXfC.lJTION OF HIS WORK. VERIFY EXAC. T DETAIL OF INSTALLATION REGKJIRED TO PROVIDE SYSTEMS SHOI"N ruTHIN SPAC,E INTENDED. 2. ALL RISES AND DROPS IN PIPING AND DUGTl^I?RK NOT NEc.ESSARIL Y SHOWN. LAYOUT ROUTING AND COOROINA TE WORK HITH OTHER TRADES BEFORE CONS TRlJC, TION.. 3. ALL EXISTING SERVICES SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES UNLESS OTHERrlISE INDICA TED ON PLANS. MANJFAc. TURER TITUS MODEl.. 300RL TITUS MODEL 350RL TITUS MODEL TM5 FRAME TYPE 3 4. BEFORE WNSTRlJC,TION. VERIFY SIZE, GlUANIN' AND LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING 5ERYIc.ES TO I'HICH NEW SERVICES ARE TO BE CONNEC.TED TO ENSURE ADEGUATE CAPAC.IT'r'. GlUANTlT'r' AND ALIGNMENT. 5. MEc.HANIc.AL CONTRAc.TOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR c.tJTTING AND PATCHING OF EXISTING WNSTRUe. TION UNLESS OTHERI^lI5E NOTED ON PLAN. NO CUTTING OF STRUc.TURAL MEMBERS OR S TRUe. lURE I'4HICH HILL DETERIORATE THE INTEGRITY AND STRENGTH Of THE BUILDING HILL BE ALLOHED ruTHOUT HRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE STRUc.TURAL ENGINEER. SUBJECT: I"lESTHOOD SPEC,IAL EDlJGATION - MEC,HANIC,AL SC,HEDULES DATE: 5/17104 COMMISSION NO: 032124 REVISIONS D REV. DATE S,\1S071'11ESJ'6~212<f~2J:lt'16 ~. ~ PAm 0 "iII7nt'll'Uo ~u,. ^ _Tn n<:.. Q#. 96. 'iO 0>>+4 () 8!>'t1'E1 () toOO!ILll!iio iliUVd 9toIae.~t>Zl~EO\CIOOMJ.~ '9aLO$I\'iO DETAIL OF CO"STRUCTION lUQLD ST. PAUl, MN EI.GJN,IL Twy, HI ~CO MINNESOTA OfFICE Wow AaCHlTECTS AND ENGINEIIlS 305 ST. Prrn STurr ST. PAUL,Moomo1'A 55"0' TEL: 651.2'7-7773 FAX: 651.223.5646 r' . BALL 1/2' MANJAL VALVE '\ AIR VENT \ ... . tJ II FLOH ~ MEASURING DEVIC.E UNIO~ \" . I').~I STRAINER WBLOI'l DOl'+! BALL VALVE .-/I- I HOSE WNNEGTlON . . 1\\1 I'lATER WIL IIII PROVIDE AIR TIGHT GASKET AROUND ENTIRE PERIMETER OF Ac.GESS PANB.. HEATING GOILl " 12' "'--1/2' DRAIN VALVE - I'lIHOSE FITTING 2-HAY MODlA..ATING c.oNTROL VALVE 2' CoAM LATGH CD rv\ TER HEA TIN6 COIl DETAIL NO SCALE \2' MIN. ~ 1. Ac.GESS PANEL SHALL Elf AS DIMENSIONED ABOVE 'fV \2' MIN. PROVIDE 4 LA Toe; ON DIMENSIONS LARGER THAN 12 INC.HES. 2. PROVIDE Ac.CoESS PANELS AT ALL IN-Df,.IC.T HEATING WILS. ROOFTOP UNIT I'lITH INTERIOR IN5l.lA TION ~ GCUITER FLASHING NAILOR BY MfC,H. GONlR. IN5lJLA TED aJRB SEE DTL 113-5 FOR ROOFING AND FLASHING o ACCESS PANEL DETAIl.. NO SCALE ROOF DECK o ROOFTOP UNIT ~ DETAIL NO SCALE SUBJECT: I^IESTV'IOOD SPEC,IAL EDUCATION - MEC,HANIC,AL DETAILS DATE: 5/11/04 COMMISSION NO: 032124 REVISIONS D REV. DATE ~ ~ S.~Je~\l-EGH\M-3J>>o1S . . DETAIL OF CONSTRUCTION ST.PAUL,MN ELGJN,IL TROY, MI DENVn, CO W~lD . . f I 11 1 i'ml : ! 1 1"'1 1 ! ! i'''']L I 1 1""1 : Ii 1 . I" . i . 1. ~ . . 1 .' j! . ; III ~ ~ 1 1 ~ 1$ 1 ! I ; 4 j 1 l! j , '" , '''' , , , ~'" , , ',". "''',' I' , t..j~"':;:':;:..:'::::;:::;':"'":""''''''''''''''''''''''..............~:::.;.......-:....._....-......,.....................................:...................::......::.:.:.:..:~':'::~:i 1 " , "_' ~ ,................+.................+..............;1,". t.,..:~:'_,~..:-r '-!-.-:"'::"''';''_ ::-.,...... ,.)...........X ~ ..r................+....[Eg ~ : . : .:('",1. . T. . . ',,~ ..0 .. t -.... ~r! I :: "V'~ "I" 103' Ir:fi::,::ijf:; i]~1:1'::1~:f:i-:-!.~:m~ i i! i~ ! /,+'1 '1! i ! ,,1"11 .!".-+tlhA II i i Ii' i i "\ III 11101 611 I ','1' . ': j;~:T:;;': I :~.: .: \[.1 II. "-1 \~., Iii' 'i ri I 'I i ! i ;.=~~~~'''''''':_mJ~ il' ",L , ,,'!;.q~, 1_' , :::oil' , ',:., ....j'----c!, i : : i i ~.-.. ;.t.;?,:;::;"';:,::;!...........~ . l H ! ',' j ! r;~. t_. ."._j ! l i i I i Iii ~.~:. '''l''---=~i l I ..Ui! i Ir..,---L~~j f: '-/::l! : ;~.....!~ ! '::JLl I I ilo;' ;'\I'i I .J; 1,,, ..~fk::i ~;: n,i[::,:::;:h.l II Lt.... . I I tt,,'nr I .c.~J\\tlkJ rf~~ J..,:..~.I , Ie::. l~ ., , ! ~ . ... ; MINNESOTA OFFICE WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEUS 305 ST. PlI'r.. STUIlT ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Tn: 65I.227.n73 FAX: 651.223.5646 . NUMBER NOTES, o REMOVE AND STORE EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURES TO ALLOl^l FOR THE IN5T ALLA TION OF NEW ,--.. SOFFITS. REINSTALL LIGHT FIXTURES AFTER SOFFIT I'iORK IS COMPLETE, REPAIR ANY BROKEN OR I NOT HORKING PARTS. , k~ EXISTING AIR CONDITIONER I UNIT ON ROOF TO BE REMOVED. REMOVE ALL I (,ONDUIT AND l^IIRE BACK TO PANELBOARD AND I PROVIDE NEW TYPED PANEL BOARD DIRECTORY. l 10 EXISTING RJRNANGE TO BE I REMOVED. REMOVE ALL c.oNDUIT AND l^lIRE BACK TO PANELBOARD AND PROVIDE NEW TYPED PANELBOARD DIRECTORY. ! i 0 PROVIDE bOA 3P 250V , l^IEA THERPROOF DISGONNEc.T AT PACKAGED ROOFTOP HEATING/COOLING UNIT. l^lIRE YiITH 1'(,-3#8 & 1#10 GRD. TO NEl^I ('B IN 120/208V PANEL IN MEGH. ROOM APPROXIHA TEL Y 90' TO THE l^IE5T OF ROOFTOP UNIT LOC,A TION. SEE " DVAl.O. PROVIDE NEW TYPED PANB.BOARD DIRECTORY. SUBJECT: ISD 719 - WESTWOOD SPECIAL ED\JC,ATION - ELEGTRIGAL PLAN@ DATE: 5/17/04 COMMISSION NO: 032124 E-l REVISIONS D REV. DATE 11-1 s.\I5D11'N3J6~l:M\EL~\l.I~ r.ryy::, ~ ~7nnt'l1. C> "".'Wo." C> OAV u u welD [ [ r L WOLD ARCHlTBCTS AND ENGINEBItS Jf5 ST.I'J:'I'BR STREET ST. PAUL, MN 55101 FAX: fi51.2Z3.5646 TEL: '51.221.7713 c [ [ [ c c [ [ [ [ [ [ [ Prior Lake, Minnesota Independent School District 1719 PROJECT MANUAL/ DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION BOOK 1 OF 1 May 17,2004 Set No. Project No. 032124 "OI.D ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS PROJECT MANUAL PROffiCT IDENTIFICATION BIDDING REQUIREMENTS CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR: ~ WESTWOOD ELEMENTARY SPECIAL ED HV AC 5370 WESTWOOD DRIVE SE PRlORLAKE,MINNESOTA 55372 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #719 PRIOR LAKE-SA V AGE AREA SCHOOLS PRIOR LAKE, MN 55372 ~ r- Bid Time: 2:00 D.m Bid Date: June 1. 2004 Bid1., SD #719 D' trict Service Center ~ Westwood Drive SE Prior Lake. MN 55372 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION PAGE No, 032124 r- TITLE PAGE PROJECT TITLE AND LOCATION WESTWOOD ELEMENTARY SPECIAL ED HV AC 5370 WESTWOOD DRIVE SE PRiOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 r- OWNER: INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #719 PRiOR LAKE-SAVAGE AREA SCHOOLS ARCHITECI'S: Wold Architects and Engineers 305 St. Peter Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 TeL (651) 227-7773 r- r- STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: BKBM Engineers 5930 Brooklyn Blvd. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55429-2518 Tel. (763) 843-0420 MECHANICAL ENGINEER: Wold Architects and Engineers 305 51. Peter Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 TeL (651) 227-7773 r- ELECI'RlCAL ENGINEER: Wold Architects and Engineers 305 SI. Peter Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55 I 02 TeL (651) 227-7773 DATE: May 17,2004 r- r- r- TITLE PAGE No. 032124 Wold Architects and Engineers Wold Architects and Engineers Mechanical Engineer ~ Wold Architects and Engineers Electrical Engineer ~ ~ ~ - PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONS WESTWOOD ELEMENTARY SPECIAL ED HV AC INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #719 PRIOR LAKE-SAVAGE AREA SCHOOLS I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ciiication or report was prepared hy ision, and that I am a duly Licensed the laws of the State of Minnesota. i Registration I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. _~ A. 1L...-- Signature Mav 17.2004 Date 2''''2. t. Registration PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONS No. 032124 PROJECT MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Section No. Title Project Identification Page Title Page Professional Certifications Table of Contents - Biddiu Reouirements 00010 Advertisement for Bids 00100 inslruCtions to Bidders AlA A 701 - 00110 Supplementary instructioDS to Bidders 00310 Bid Form CondItions of the Contract 00700 General Conditions AlA 20 I 00710 Supplementary Conditions - Division One 01010 S\DDlI1lI1'Y of the Work 01025 Change Orders 01045 Cutting and Patching 01200 Project Meetings 01300 Submittals 01320 Construction Scheduling 01420 Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing 01500 Temporary Facilities 01560 Construction Dust Control 01630 Substitutions and Product Options 01700 Project Closeout 01710 Cleaning 01720 Project Record Docwnents - 01730 Operating, Maintenance and Warranty Data 01820 Demonstration and Training Division Two 02070 Selective Demolition Division Three - Four Not Used Division Five 5500 Metal Fabrications Division Six Not Used Division Seven 07530 Ballasted Membrane Roofing Division Ei2bt Not Used - Division Nine 09250 Gypswn Board 09510 Acoustical Ceilings 09900 Painting - TABLE OF CONTENTS - I No. 032124 SECTION 00010 ADVERTISEMENT FORBIDS WESTWOOD ELEMENTARY SPECIAL ED HV AC 5370 WESTWOOD DRIVE SE. PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 ~ ~ Independent School District #719 Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools will receive single prime sealed bids for Westwood Elementary Special Ed HV AC until 2:00 p.m. local time on June 2, 2004 at the Independent School District #719 District Service Cenler, 5300 Westwood Drive SE, Prior Lake, Minnesota, 55372, at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. ~ Bidding documents, including the Proposal Form, Drawings and Specifications, will be on file at the Offices of the Architect, Wold Arehi\ects and Engineers, 305 Sl Peter Street, Sl Paul, Minnesota 55102. (651) 227-7773; at the Minneapolis Builders Exchange; Sl Paul Builders Exchange; Dodge Plan Room (Edina); Reed Construction Data (Brooklyn Park); online from PlanWell at www.minnblue.com. This project includes: HV AC equipment, ductwork, and associated connections. ~ MinnBlue Digital Imaging, 2001 E. 24" Street, Minneapolis, MN 55404 (612) 722-2303, facsimile (612) 722-3745, will provide complete aets of the Bidding Documents to prospective bidders and subcontractors. Both a deposit check in the amount of $25.00 and a non-refundable postage and handling check in the amount of $25.00 made out to "MinnBlue Digital Imaging" for each set ordered are required or Bidding Documenta may be ordered via the internet at www.minnbIne.com and clicking on the PlanWen icon, theo.the Public Plan Room icon, select Westwood Elementary Special Ed HV AC. The following information must accompany the deposit: Company name, mailing address, street address, phone and facsimile numbers and type of bidder (i.e. General, Mechanical or Electrical Subcontractor to General, or other). A refund of $25.00 will be sent to prime contractors who submit a bid to the Owner and subcontractors for each set (including addenda) returned to MinnBlue Digital Imaging in good condition within ten (10) calendar days of the award date, subject to the conditions of AlA Document A 70 I. Returns will not be given if the plans are returned to the Arebitect's Office. r- Make proposals on the bid forms supplied in the Project Manual. No oral, telegraphic or telephonic proposals or modifications will be considered. Submit with each bid, a certified check or acceptable bidder's bond payable to Independent School District #719 Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the total bid. The successful bidder will be required to furnish satisfactory Labor and Material Payment Bond, and Performance Bond. Bids may not be withdrawn within thirty (30) days after the scheduled time of opening bids, without the consent of the Owner. The Owner reserves the right to accept any bid or to reject any or all bids, or parts of such bids, and waive informalities or irregularities in bidding. The Owner requires Substantial Completion of the project on or before August 20,2004. Board of Education INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #719 PRIOR LAKE-SA V AGE AREA SCHOOLS ~ 00010-1 No. 032124 ..... ..... - SECTION 00100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS The Instructions to Bidders, AlA Document A701, Fourth Edition, 1987 is attached hereto. Each Bidder is responsible for fulfilling the requirements of this document, as modified by Section 00 I 10 - Supplementary Instructions to Bidders. END OF SECTION 00100 00100-1 No. 032124 SECTION 00110 SUPPLEMENTARY INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS - The following supplements modify the "Instructions to Bidders", AlA Document A701, Fourth Edition, 1987. Where a portion of the Instructions to Bidders is modified or deleted by these Supplementary Instructions, the unaltered portions of the Instructions to Bidders shall remain in effect. I. ARTICLE I: DEFINITIONS - No modifications. 2. ARTICLE 2: BIDDERS REPRESENTATIONS - No modifications, 3. ARTICLE 3: BIDDING DOCUMENTS a. Paragraph 3.3 - Substitutions: Add the following Subparagraph: "3.3.5 Where the Contractor chooses to use an item approved by request but other than one shown on the details or specified, he shall be responsible for the coordination of any necessary changes in other work, and shall belli' the cost of such changes." 4. ARTICLE 4: BIDDING PROCEDURES - a. Paragraph 4.2 - Bid Security: Make the following modifications: Delete Paragraph 4.2.1 in its entirety and substitute the following: "4.2. I No bid will be considered, unless it is accompanied by a certified check or acceptable Bid Bond payable without condition 10 the Owner, in an amount equal 10 five percent (5%) of the Iota! bid. . The certified check or Bid Bond which must accompany each bid is required as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract with the Owner for the work described in the proposal and furnish a perfonnance and payment bond and certificates of insurance as specified after notice by the Owner or Architect that contracts bave been awarded to him and llI'e ready for execution." Add the following sentence to Subparagraph 4.2.3: "The Bid Security of the three lowest bidders will be retained until the contract has been awarded and executed, but not longer than thirty (30) days. The Bid Security of other bidders will be returned within a reasonable time after the opening of bids." b. Paragraph 4.4 - Modification or Withdrawal of Bid: From Subparagraph 4.4.1 delete the words ", . . during the stipulated time period, . ." and substitute the words". . . for a period of thirty (30) clays. . ." 5. ARTICLE 5: CONSIDERATION OF BIDS - No modifications. 6. ARTICLE 6: POST-BID INFORMATION - No modifications. 7, ARTICLE 7: PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND a. Article 7: Delete this Article in its entirety. Refer to Section 00710 - Supplementary Conditions, Paragraph I 1.4 for bond requirements. 8, ARTICLE 8: FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR - No modifications. END OF SECTION 00110 00110-1 No. 032124 - SECTION 00700 GENERAL CONDITIONS The "Genel'lll Conditions of the Contract for Construction", AlA Document A201, Fourteenth Edition, 1987 is attached hereto. This document, together with the modifications in Section 0071 0 - Supplementary Conditions, forms the Conditions of the Contract. END OF SECTION 00700 - - 00700-1 No.032I24 SECTION 00710 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDmONS The following supplements modify Section 00700, the "General Conditions of the Contract for Construction", AlA Document A201, Fourteenth Edition, 1987. Where a portion of the General Conditions is modified or deleted by these Supplementary Conditions, the unaltered portions of the General Conditions shall remain in effect. 1. ARTICLE 1: GENERAL PROVISIONS ,.... 1.2 Execution, Correlation and Intent ,.... 1.2.3 (No modification is usually required.) 1.2.3 In the event of conflicts or discrepancies among the Contract Documents, interpretations will be based on the following priorities. \. The Agreement. 2. Change Orders and Supplemenlal instructions. ,.... 3. Addenda, with those oflater date having precedence over those of earlier date. ,.... 4. The Supplementary Conditions. 5. The General Conditions of the Contract for Construction. 6. Drawings and Specifications. In the case of an inconsistency between Drawings and Specifications or within either Docwnent not c1arified by addendum, the better quality or greater quantity of Work shall be provided in accordance with the Architecfs interpretation. 2. ARTICLE 2: OWNER a. 2.2 Infonnation and Services Required of the Owner: Add the following sentence to Subparagraph 2.2.5: "Following the initial issue of Drawings and Project Manuals, additional copies requested by the Contractor will be furnished at the cost of reproduction, poslage and handling." 3. ARTICLE 3: CONTRACTOR a. 3.4 Labor and Materials: Add the following Subparagraph: "3.4.3 After the Contract has been executed, the owner and the Architect will consider a formal request for the substitution of products in place of those specified only under the conditions set forth in Section 01630 - Substitutions and Product Options. ' ,.... b. 3.7 Permits, Fees and Notices: Add the following sentence to Subparagraph 3.7.1: "The Contractor is responsible to pay any plan review fees, the building pennit and surcharge fee to the local jurisdiction. .. ,.... c. 3.13 Use of Site: Add the following subparagraph: "3.13.2 The Contractor shall accept the site as it exists. The care, custody and control of the project site shall be vested in the Contractor, subject to the rights of the Owner." ,.... 00710-1 No. 032124 4. ARTICLE 4: ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT. a. Revise paragraph 4.3.4 Continuing Contract Performance as follows: "Pending final resolution ofa Claim including arbitration or litigation, as provided for herein, tmless..... b. Revise paragraph 4.4.4 as follows: .....but subject to arbitration or litigation, as provided for herein. Upon expiration..... c. Add the following after Article 4.5 ARBITRATION: "NOTE: All references to "Arbitration" in Section 4.5 shall be considered permissive and not mandatory. The Owner shall, in its sole discretion, have the right and option to enforce any claim it may have against the Contractor, or against any of the Subcontractors, Sub-subcontractors, Suppliers or Vendors of Contractor, through litigation. The Owner shall, in its sole discretion, also have the right and option to refuse to arbitrate any claim brought against Owner by the Contraclor, either on Contractor's own behalf, or on behalf of any of the Subcontractors, Sub-subcontractors, Suppliers or Vendors of Contractor, and demand that such claim be pursued through litigation. In the event the Owner exercises its right and option to refuse to arbitrate a claim brought against the Owner, written notice of such refusal shall be given by Owner to the party making the claim and to any tribunal administering the claim at any time up to and including the date when Owner is required by any applicable statute, rule, or order to respond to such claim." 5. ARTICLE 5: SUBCONTRACTORS - No modifications. 6. ARTICLE 6: CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR BY SEPARATE CONTRACTORS - No modifications. 7. ARTICLE 7: CHANGES IN THE WORK Add the following paragraph to Article 7: "7.5 Changes in Contract Sum: 7.5.1 For any adjuslments to the Contract Sum based on other than the unit prices method, the Contractor agrees to cbarge and accept payment for his overhead, bond, insurance, office project management, estimating time, field supervision, as-built modification and profit at the following percentages of the cost attributable to the change in the Work: 1. Ten percent (10%) for Work (labor, labor insurance and materials) by the Contractor not involving subcontractors; 2. Five percent (5%) for Work (labor, labor insurance and materials) by subcontractors; 3. When both additions and credits are involved in anyone proposal request, the allowance for overhead, bond, insurance, office project management, estimating time, field supervision, as- built modification and profit shall be figured on the basis of the net increase, if any; 4. For additional Work ordered as described above which will be executed by Subcontractors of the Contractor, it is agreed Subcontractors will be permitted to charge ten percent (10%) for work not involving sub-subcontractors and five percent (5%) for Work hy sub-subcontractors. To the net subcontract amount the Contractor may add five percent (5%). 7.5.2 A breakdown of material and an hourly breakdown oflabor nrost be submitted with each request for additional compensation." 0071 0-2 No. 032124 8. ARTICLE 8: TIME Revise paragraph 8.3.1 as follows: .....pending arbitration or litigation, as provided for herein, or by other causes..... 9. ARTICLE 9: PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION ,... a. 9.2 Schedule of Values: Add the following paragraphs: ,... "9.2.2 with multiple sites or multiple phased projects, provide separate schedule of values for each building phase or site. "9.2.3 The schedule of values shall include the following line items with values calculated as follows: Operations and maintenance manuals .125% of contract value As.built drawings .0625% of contract value Training .125% of contract value ,... Attic stock materials .0625% of contract value "9.2.4 The schedule of values shall be broken down with separate line items for labor and materials corresponding to each specification section." b. 9.3 Applications for Payment: Add the following sentence to Subparagraph 9.3.1: ,... "The form of application for payment shall be a notarized AlA Document 0702, Application and Certificate for Payment, supported by AlA Document 0703, Continuation Sheet submitted in quadruplicate." c. 9.3 Applications for Payment: Add the following clause to Subparagraph 9.3.1: " Until Substantial Completion, the Owner shall make progress payments in the amount of ninety-five per cent (95%) of the amount due the CoDtractor." d. 9.8 Substantial Completion: 2. Revise Subparagraph 9.8.2 to read: ". . . and shall fIx the time within the Contractor shall complete all items on the list' accompanying the Certificate to sixty (60) calendar days. The Contractor will submit a punchlist completion schedule within ten (10) days of receipt of Certificate of Substantial Completion. Any cost incurred by the Architect or Architect's consultants (after 60 calendar days of substantial completion) to close out the project will be deducted from the Contractor's contract by change order. Warranties required. . ." ,... 3. Addthe following sentence to Subparagraph 9.8.3: "The payment shall be sufficient to increase the total payments to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Sum, less such amounts as the Owner and Architect shall determine for incomplete work and unsettled claims." d. 9.10 Final Completion and Payment: After Subparagraph 9.10.4, add the following subparagraph: "9.10.5 Before final payment is made, a certification of satisfaction, Minnesota Tax Form 134, from the State Commissioner of Taxation nmst be finnished in accordance with Minnesota State Law (re: certification of satisfaction of state withholding taxes paid). 10. ARTICLE 10: PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY - No modifications. 00710-3 No. 032124 11. ARTICLE 11: INSURANCE AND BONDS a. 11.1 Contractor's Liability Insurance: Make the following modifications: I. Add the following to subparagraph 11.1.1: ".8 Liability Insurance shall include all major divisions of coverage and be on a comprehensive basis including: a) Premises Operations (including X, C and U coverages as applicable). b) Independent Contractors' Protective. c) Products and Completed Operations. d) Personal Injury Liability with Employment Exclusion deleted, or Employment Practices Liability. e) Contractual- including specified provision for Contractor's obligations under Paragraph 3.18. f) Owned, nou-owned and hired motor vehicles. g) Broad Form Property Damage including Completed Operations. h) Umbrella Excess Liability. .9 A General Liability or Umbrella Liability Policy on a claims-made basis will not be accepted." 2. 11.1 Contractor's Liability Insurance: Add the following to Subparagraph 11.1.2: " The insurance required by Subparagraph 11.1.1 shall be written for not less than the following limits, or greater if required by law. a) Workers' Compensation: I) Minnesota Statutory 2) Employer's Liability: $100,000 per accident $500,000 disease, policy limit $100,000 disease, each employee b) Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability (including Premises- Operations; Independent Coutractors' Protective; Products and Completed Operations; Broad Form Property Damage): I) Bodily Injury: $500,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 aggregate 2) Property Damage: $500,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 aggregate 3) Products and Completed Operations to be maintained for 2 years after fmal payment: $1,000,000 aggregate 4) Property Damage Liability Insurance shall provide X, C and U coverage. 5) Broad Form Property Damage Coverage shall include Completed Operations. c) Contractual Liability: I) Bodily Injury: $500,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 aggregate 2) Property Damage: $500,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 aggregate 0071 0-4 No. 032124 l- d) Persona! Injury, with Employment Exclusion deleted: $1,000,000 aggregate ~ Employment Practices Liability $1,000,000 aggregate ,.... e) Business Auto Liability (including owned, non-owned and hired vehicles): I) Bodily Injury: $1,000,000 each person $1,000,000 each occurrence ,.... 2) Property Damage: $1,000,000 each occurrence f) If the General Liability coverages are provided by a Commercial Liability policy, the: I) General Aggregate shall be not less than $2,000,000 and it shal1 apply, in total, to this Project only. ~ 2) Fire Damage Limit shall be not less than $100,000 on anyone fire. 3) Medical Expense Limit shall be not less than $5,000 on anyone person. ~ g) Umbrella Excess Liability: $3,000,000 over prinwy insurance. $10,000 retention for self-insUl"ed hazards, each occurrence." 3. Add the following sentence to Subparagraph 11.1.3: "If this insurance is written on the Comprehensive General Liability policy form, the Certificates shall be AIA Document G705, Certificate of Insurance. If this insurance is written on a Counnercial General Liability policy form, ACORD form 25S will be acceptable. In addition to the required certificates, copies of policy endorsements indicating the Owner as Additional Insured and providing 30 day notice of cancellation shall be provided to the Owner. 4. Add the following subparagraph: ~ I. "11.1.4 The insurance required by subparagraph 11.1.1 shall include an Indemnification clause as respect to General Liability and Worker's Compensation coverages." b. 11.2 Owner's Liability Insurance: Delete the last two sentences of Subparagraph I I .2.1 and substitute the following: "The Contractor shal1 purchase and maintain an Owner and Contractor's Protective Liability policy with the Owner as Named Insured covering the Owner's contingent liability for claims which may arise from operations under the Contract. The policy limits shall be not less than $1,000,000. The Architect, Engineers and Architect's consultant shall be name Additional Insured under this policy." c. 11.3 Property Insurance: Make the following modifications. 1. 11.3. I Add the following to subparagraph 11.3. I: "11.3. I The Owner shall purchase and maintain, in a company or companies lawfully authorized to do business in the jurisdiction in which the Project is located, property insurance (Special Form) in the amount of the initial Contract Swn as well as subsequent modifications thereto for the entire work at the site on a replacement cost basis. Such property insurance shall be maintained, unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents or otherwise agreed in writing by all persons and 00710-5 No. 032124 entities who are beneficiaries of such insurance, until all phases are substantially complete or until no person or entity other than the Owner has an insurable interest in the property required by this Paragraph 11.3 to be covered, whichever is earlier. This insurance shall include interests of the Owner, Architects, Engineers, Architect's Consultants, Contractor, Subcontractors and Sub-subcontractors in the Work. The form of policy for this coverage shall be Completed Value." 2. Delete clause and substitute the following: " The deductible on the policy shall be $5,000 and the Contractor shall pay all cost uot covered because of such deductible." 3. Add the following to subparagraph 1\.3.2: "The testing exclusion shall be removed from this policy." 4. Delete subparagraph 11.3.11 and substitute the following: "I \.3.11 In the event of partial occupancy or use in accordance with Paragraph 9.9, the Owner shall notify the insurance company and obtain a "Use and Occupancy Waiver" such that the policy will not be invalidated by occupancy." 5. Add the following subparagraphs: "I \.3.12 All insurance policies shall contain a provision stating that coverages afforded under any of the aforesaid insurance policies shall not be canceled or materially changed without at least thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Contractor. On all Certificate forms, the words "endeavor to" and the remaining words beginning with "but failure to" shall be stricken from the cancellation notice provision." "I \.3.13 All insurance policies shall be underwritten with responsible insurance carriers with Best's Rating of not less than A and X and licensed to provide insurance in the state in which the project is located." d. Revise paragraph I \.3.9 as follows: .....an arbitration award, if applicable, in which case the procedure shall be as provided in Paragraph 4.5, or in accordance with a court order, in the event oflitigation. Ifafter such..." e. Revise paragraph I \.3.10 as follows: "...In Paragraph 4.5, unless the Owner exercises its right and option to refuse to arbitrate, in which case, the matter shall be submitted to a court of competent jurisdiction for further detennination. The Owner as fiduciary shall, in such case, make...of such arbitrators or in accordance with directions of the court. If distribution of insurance proceeds by arbitration or court order is required, the arbitrators or the court will direct such distribution." f. I\.4 Perfonnance Bond and Payment Bond: Delete Subparagraph I \.4.1 and substitute the following: "1\.4.1 The Contractor shall furnish bond or bonds as described below, covering the faithful performance of the Contract and the payments of all obligations arising thereunder. The Contract will not be signed until the Owner has received the proper bond specified under this Article, issued by a bonding company licensed to do business in the State where the conslrnction will take place, and on the current list of Company's Holding Certificates of Authority as acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as acceptable reinsuring companies as published in Circular 570 (Amended) by the Audit Staff Bureau of Accounts, U.S. Treasury Department. All bonds signed by an agent must be accompanied by a certified copy of the authority to act. 0071 0-6 No. 032124 0- Furnish both AlA A312 Per!onnance Bond and AlA A312 Payment Bond in the amount of 100% of the Contract Price. The Perfonnance Bond and Payment Bond shall be submitted in the exact form specified in Section 11.4.\.1, above, and with the certificates specified in Section, below, and no other modifications or addendum whatsoever shall be allowed. Duly executed, notarized and updated Acknowledgments of both the Principal and Surety and the Surety's Power of Attorney nmst be attached to each of the two required bonds. Bond amounts shaII not exceed the single bond limit fOl" the Conttactor's bonding company as set forth in the Federal Register current as of the bid date." ~ 12. ARTICLE 12: UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION OF WORK - No modifications. 13. ARTICLE 13: MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS a. Add the following P8l"lIgraph 13.8 to Article 13. 13.8. Equal Opportunity: The Contractor shall maintain policies of employment as follows: ~ 13.8.\.1 The Contractor and the Contractor's Subcontractors shaII not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, colOl", sex or national origin. The Contractor shall take affirmative action to insute that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated dming employment without regard to their race, religion, color, sex or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limi1ed to, the following: employment, \lPgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment 01" recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of payor other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the policies of non-discrimination. The Contractor and the Contractor's Subcontractors shall, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by them or on their behalf, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, religion, color, sex or national origin." b. Add the following P8l"lIgraph 13.9 to Article 13: "13.9 Out-of-State Contractor: Out-of-State Contractors for contracts that exceed or can reasonably be expected to exceed $100,000 shall comply with the following Minnesota Department of Revenue Requirements: 13.9.1 File form SD-E (Exemption from Surety Deposits for Out-of-State Contractors) with the Department of Revenue, Mail Station 4450, St. Paul, Minnesota 55I4~450. An exemption will be granted if: .1 The Contractor provides a cash surety or bond, secured by an Insurance Company licensed in Minnesota, which guarantees compliance with all provisions of Minnesota withholding, sales and cOl'pOrate income tax laws, or: .2 The Contractor provides evideuce of full compliance with such laws on previous consiIUction work in Minnesota during the last three years. ,.... 13.9.2 Submit a copy offonn SD-E, certified by the Depamnent of Revenue, with the Contractor's initial Application for Payment. 00710-7 No. 032124 13.9.3 If an exemption is not granted, 8 percent of each Application for Payment will be withheld as surety and deposited with the Department of Revenue, to be refunded with interest after the Contractor's State tax obligations are fulfilled. 14. ARTICLE 14: TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE CONTRACT Add the following Paragraph 14.4 to Article 14: "14.4 Tennination by the Owner for Convenience 14.4.1 The Owner may, at any time, terminate the Contract for the Owner's convenience and without cause. 14.4.2 Upon receipt of written notice from the Owner of such termination for the Owner's convenience, the Contractor shall: .1 Cease operations as directed by the Owner in the notice; .2 Take actions necessary, or that the Owner may direct, for the protection and preservation of the work. END OF SECTION 00710 00710-8 No. 032124 ~ SECTION 01010 SUMMARY OF THE WORK PART 1: GENERAL - 1.01 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS A. Bidding Requirements, Conditions of the Contract and pertinent Sections in Division One apply to the work of this Section. 1.02 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION ~ A. Project Name: Westwood Elementary Special Ed HV AC B. Owner: Independent School District #719 Prior LaIre-Savage Area Schools 5300 Westwood Drive SE Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 ~ C. Architect: Wold Architects and Engineers 305 St. Peter Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 D. Structural Engineer: BKBM Engineers 5930 Brooklyn Blvd. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55429-2518 ~ E. Mechanical Engineer: Wold Architects and Engineers 305 St. Peter Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 F. Electrical Engineer: Wold Architects and Engineers 305 St. Peter Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 1.03 SUMMARY OF THE WORK r- Briefly and without fOl'Ce and effect upon the Contract Documents, the Work of the Contract can be summarized as follows: A. Work under this Contract I. Mechanical work, including plumbing, central heating, central air distribution, temperature control. 2. Interior finishes as required for cutting and patching, including gypsum dI:ywall, acoustic ceiling tiles, and grids. 3. Electrical work including power distribution, lighting, communications, public address system and fire alann as related to mechanical work. r- 1.04 CONTRACTOR USE OF SITE A. Contractor is to visit site and be familiar with existing conditions. Contractor will be required to accept existing conditions on site prior to mobilizing. 01010-1 No. 032124 C. Maintain adjacent public stree\s clear of automobile parking, equipment or material storage. Provide on-site locations for such parking and storage. D. Lock automotive type vehicles, such as passenger cars and trucks and other mechanized or motorized construction equipment, when parked and unattended, so as to prevent unau\horized use. Do not leave such vehicles or equipmeut unattended wi\h \he motor running or \he ignition key in place. E. Do not allow construction waste and debris to accumulate; remove debris as it accumulates and, unless specified o\herwise, dispose of legally off-site. F. Conform to City's noise control regulations, including limited hours of construction operations. 1.05 LAYING OUT WORK A. Locate all general reference points. Where dimensions or observed scope of work differ substantially from Drawings, notify Architect for decision. B. Layout Work from \he reference points furnished and be responsible for aU lines, elevations, and measurements . inside workspace. Exercise proper precaution to verify figures shown on Drawings before laying out work and will be held responsible fOT any error resulting from his failure to exercise such precaution. 1.06 JOB COORDINATION/SCHEDULING A. Start work immediately upon contract award by \he Board of Education. Achieve Substantial Completion on or before August 20, 2004. B. The Contractor's access to and use of \he site for completion of work shall be subject to \he following: I. The Owner requires use of \he existing bnilding during construction. a. The Contractor may perform work within \he building during summer break scheduled for June 7, 2004 to August 20, 2004 under \he following circumstances: I) The Owner's designated representative has approved the areas and type of work to be performed. 2) The noise levels crea1ed by \he proposed construction are acceptable to \he Owner and \he Conlractor is willing to cease work \hat becomes disruptive to \he occupants of \he building. 3) Appropriate construction dust control measures are maintained during \he time work is performed in \hose areas. 4) If other areas of the building remain occupied, circulation areas and exit pa\hs are maintained free of construction equipment, materials and debris. 5) Power, lighting and ventilation remains functioning in spaces adjacent to construction areas. 6) Uuless otherwise called out in \he contract docnments, move and/or cover furniture and equipment to protect it from damage and construction dust infiltration. 01010-2 No. 032124 - , b. The Owner requires full use of the facility on August 21, 2004. In the event that all work, including punchlist work, is not completed by August 20, 2004, the Contractor may perform work in occupied areas before 7:00 a.m. and after 6:00 p.m. under the following circumstances: - i I) The Owner's designaIed representativilli8S ajlproved the areas and type of work to be performed 2) Appropriate construction dust control measures are maintained during the time work is performed in those areas. 3) If other areas of the building remain occupied, circulation areas and exit paths are maintained free of construction equipment, materials and debris. 4) Unless otherwise called out in the contract documents, move and/or COVer furniture and equipment to protect it from damage and construction inf1ltration. 5) Areas that need to be re-occupied the following day must be thoroughly cleaned of all coostruction debris/dust and set-up to pre-existing condition. - c. When work is approved to proceed within the existing building, coordinate access/storage of equipment and scheduling with the Owner's designated representative. I) Provide a safe environment for building occupants. C. Keep Architect fully informed about progress of the work, performance of the work and po1ential problems. END OF SECTION 01010 - r , - , i - - 01010-3 No. 032124 SECTION 01025 CHANGE ORDERS 1.01 CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES ..... A. Changes in the Project scope of work affecting the project cost can be made only through AlA Document 6701 - Change Order. B. The procedures for processing changes in the scope of Work are listed as folIows: 1. The Arcbitect prepares one of the folIowing documents to modi/}' the scope of work. ..... a. Supplemental Iustructions (SI) wbich are used for no cost changes. ..... b. Proposal Request (PR) to be used for proposed changes that need written approval On cost prior to proceeding. c. Construction Change Directive AlA Document 6714 (CCD) which is used when the work must proceed immediately and lime and material cost submitted as soon as possible for review by the Arcbitect. 2. The Contractor reviews and responds as follows: ..... a. Supplemental Iustructions (SI): This nO cost change is to be carried out in accordance with the folIowing modifications to the contract docwnenls described herein. If this change elfecls cost, do not proceed with this change. Noti/}' the Arcbitect in writing within 10 days of receipt that an itemized (labor and material) quotation wilI be submitted within 21 days of initial receipt of this Supplemental Iustruction. If a cost is not submitted within 21 days, this Supplemental Iustruction will be accepted at nO additional cost. b. Proposal Request (PR): Submit an itemized (labor and material) quotation for the proposed modifications to the contract documenls as descnbed herein within 21 days of receipt. If a cost is not submitted within 21 days, this Proposal Request can be accepted at no additional cost. Written approval is required prior to proceeding with this change. c. Coustruction Change Directive AlA Document 6714 (CCD): Proceed immediately to cany out this change in the contract documents as described herein. If this revision effects cost, submit an itemized (labor and material) quotation within 21 days of receipt. If a cost is not submitted within 21 days this Change Directive wilI be accepted at no additional cost. 3. The Arcbitect will review the Contractor's labor and.materialitemized quotation and respond in writing whether it is acceptable or needs revision. When all pricing is accepted by the Arcbitect and Owner, a Change Order will be processed. Change Orders wilI be processed at increments detennined by the Arcbitect throughout the construction schedule. C. See General Conditions and Supplementary Conditious of the Work for methods of detennining cost or credit, mark-up and schedule on submitting claims. END OF SECTION 01025 01025-1 No. 032124 SECTION 01045 CUTTING AND PATCHING - PART1: GENERAL - 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Execute cutting, fitting or patching of Work, required to: 1. Make severn parts fit properly. r- 2. Uncover Work to provide for installation of ill-timed Work. 3. Remove and replace defective Work. - 4. Remove and replace Work not confonning to requirements of Contract Documents. 5. Install specified Work in existing construction. - 6. Provide finished surfaces (to match adjacent existing surfaces) to fill in voids caused by removal or replacement of materials. r- B. Pay for costs caused by iII-timed or defective Work, or Work not conforming to Contract Documents, including costs for additional services of ArchitectlEngineer. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Replacement of Work Removed: Comply with specifications for type of Work to be done. - B. Placement of Work to fill Voids caused by Removal: Comply with latest industry standards for type of Work to be done. - PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Inspect existing conditions of Work, including elements subject to movement or damage during: 1. Cutting and patching. B. After uncovering Work, inspect conditions affecting installation of new products. r- 3.02 PREPARATION PRIOR TO CUTTING A. Provide shoring, bracing and support as required to maintain structural integrity of Project. B. Provide protection for other portions of Project. C. Provide protection from elements. 01045-1 No. 032124 3.03 PERFORMANCE A. Neatly cut or demolish along straight, true, square lines. B. Execute cutting aud demolition by methods which will prevent damage to other Work, and will provide proper surfaces to receive installation of repairs and new Work. C. Restore Work which has been cut or removed; install new products to provide complete Work in accord with requirements of Contract Documents. D. Refmish entire surfaces as necessary to provide an even fmish. I. Continuous Surfaces: To nearest intersections. 2. Assembly: Entire refmishing. END OF SECTION 01045 01045-2 No. 032124 SECTION 01200 PROJECT MEETINGS PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION ~ A. Schedule and administer pre-construction meeting, periodic progress meetings, and specially called meetings throughout the progress of the work. 1. NotifY Architect in advance. 2. Prepare agenda for meetings. 3. Make physical arrangements for meetings. ~ 4. Preside at meetings. B. Representatives of contraclors, subcontractors and suppliers attending the meetings sbaII be qualified and authorized to act on behalf of the entity each represents. C. Architect may attend meetings to ascertain that Wark is expedited consistent with Contract Documents and the construction schedules. 1.02 PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING A. Schedule within 15 days after date of Notice to Proceed. B. Location: A central site, convenient for all parties, designated by Contraclor. C. Attendance: 1. Owner's representative 2. Architect and his professional consultants 3. Resident Project representative 4. Contraclor's superintendent 5. Major subcontractors 6. Major suppliers 7. Others as appropriate r- D. Suggested Agenda: I. Distribution and discussion of: ;- a. List of major subcontractors and suppliers b. Projected construction schedules r- 01200-1 No. 032124 2. Critical work sequencing. 3. Major equipment deliveries and priorities. 4. Project coordination: Designation of responsible personnel. 5. Procedures and processing of: a. Field decisions b. Proposal Requests/Supplemental Instructions c. Submittals I) Mechanical Electrical Coordination drawings d. 21 day time limit on claims e. Change orders f. Applications for payment 6. Adequacy of distribution of Contract Documents. 7. Procedures for maintaining Record Documents. 8. Use of premises: a. Office, work and storage areas b. Owner's requirements 9. Construction facilities, controls and construction aids. a. Construction Dust Control. 10. Temporary utilities. I I. Safety and first-aid procedures 12. Security procedures 13. Housekeeping procedures 1.03 PROGRESS MEETINGS A. Schedule regular periodic meetings, as required. B. Hold called meetings as required by progress of the work. C. Location of tile meetings: The project field office of tile Contractor. 01200-2 No. 032124 ~ D. Attendance: I. Architect and his professional consultants may attend as needed. 2. Subcontractors as appropriate to the agenda. 3. Suppliers as appropriate to the agenda. 4. Others E. Suggested Agenda: I. Review, approval of minutes of previous meeting. 2. Review of work progress since previous meeting. 3. Field observations, problems, conflicts. . 4. Problems which impede Construction Schedule. 5. Review of off-site fabrication, delivery schedules. 6. Corrective measures and procedures to regain projected schedule. 7. Revisions to Construction Schedule. 8. Plan progress, schedule, during succeeding work period. 9. Coordination of schedules. 10. Review submittal schedules; expedite as required 11. Maintenance of quality standards. 12. Review proposed changes for: a. Effect on Construction Schedule and on completion date. b. Effect on other contracts of the Project. 13. Other business ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ END OF SECTION 01200 - 01200-3 No. 032124 - SECTION 01300 SUBMITTALS PART 1: GENERAL - 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. This Section defmes procedures for the following submittals required by the Contract Docmnents. B. Provide submittals as noted in each Section. C. Allow for two weeks review of submittals to avoid delay of W orlc. D. Include with submittal preparation, field verifications of measurements, field construction criteria, verification of catalog nwnbers and similar data, and coordination of Work requirements and Contract Documents. E. Submit all color samples within 45 days of contract award for Architecrs use in color selections. The Architect will not start the color schedule until all samples are received. - r- PART 2: REQUIRED SUBMITTALS 2.01 SHOP DRAWINGS AND SAMPLES A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Article 3 of the General Conditions and the following. B. Prepare clearly identified shop drawings or schedules to this specific project, containing only data applicable. Include with the shop drawings or schedules a letter of transmittal listing and dating the submitted drawings in sets. - C. Contractor to review all submittals prior to submittal to Architect, and indicate such review with a stamp and signature. Review submittals for conformance to Drawings, Specifications, coordination with other trades and adjacent construction and verification of field dimensioDS. Failure of Contractor to adequately review submittals sha1I be cause for rejection. D. Prepare and furnish to Architect for review, all shop drawings and manufacturers catalog sheets showing illustrated cuts of items to be furnished, scale details, sizes, dimensions, perfonnance characteristics, capacities, wiring diagrams, weights and arrangements. I. The Contractor will provide submitta1s in the appropriate quantities for: a) Distnbution to sub-contractors. b) 10bsite office. c) Owner's maintenance manuals. d) Four copies to be kept by Architects and Architect's consultants. 2. Provide each shop drawing with a clear space of approximately twenty square inches for stamps on the right hand side. E. The Architect wil1 take one of the fol1owing actions on submitta1s: 1. "Reviewed": Contractor shall proceed with ordering and/or fabrication. 2. "Review Comments": Contractor shal1 proceed with ordering and/or fabrication after taking into account noted comments. 01300-1 No. 032124 3. "Rejected": Contractor shall provide a submittal that meets the intent of the specifications. 4. "Revise and Resubmit": Contractor shall modify submittal to address comments and resubmit. F. If equipment other than that used in the design of this project is proposed to be used, the Contractor andlor supplier shall verify electrical differences, dimension variations and weight increases. The Contractor shall be responsible for any extra costs incurred as a result of equipment substitutions. G. Infonnation submittals and submittals that are not required shall be for Architects' and Engineers' use and be available for the design team's review at the jobsite. Quantity of submittals will be the same for Architect as noted under shop drawings. These submittals will not be reviewed, stamped or returned to the Contractor. H. Unless otherwise specified, submit to the Architect's office samples of size, and nature representing typical qualities. Where required, submit a sufficient nwnber of samples to demonstrate the complete range of variations of the material or quality. Written acceptance of the Architect is required prior to ordering any item for which samples are required. I. Submit samples to Architeces office, securely packaged, with the name of the Project clearly indicated on !he package exterior. Each physical sample shall have a label or tag, fmnly attached 10 the sample, bearing the following information: (a) Name of Project, (b) Name of Supplier, (c) Name of Contractor, and (d) Product infonnation such as manufacturer's designation, fmish, type, class, grade, etc. as is appropriate. The Architect will retain one copy of each sample. 2.02 LIST OF MATERIALS A. Within 7 days after the award of the Contract (notice to proceed or letter of intent), submit 4 copies of a complete list of all material, products, and equipment proposed to be used in construction to the Architect for acceptance. Do not order materials until the proposed listed materials, products and equipment to be used in construction are accepted by the Architect. B. Where two or more makes or kinds of items are named in the specifications (or additional names are called for in addenda), !he Contractor shall state which particular make or kind of each item he proposes to provide. If the Contractor fails to slate a preference, the Owner shall have the right to select any of !he makes or kinds named wi!hout change in price. C. This list shall be arranged generally in order of specification sections. The items listed shall fully conform to project requirements and specifications. All materials are subject to !he Architect's acceptance. After acceptance, changes or substitutions will not be pennitted. D. Clearly identify or list the material, product or equipment by manufacturer and brand by listing the names for all items, including !hose where only one material or product is specified. Each and every material, product and equipment shall be specifically named, not listed "as specified". 2.03 LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS A. Refer to the General Conditions. B. Propose use of subcontractors or sub-subcontractors who are established, reputable finns of recognized standing with a record of successful and satisfactory past perfonnance. Include the following infonnation: specification section, item of work, subcontractor or supplier, material/manufacturer (as specified will not be allowed), project manager, phone and facsimile numbers. List major suh-subcontractors for mechauical and electrical work. Use only those subcontractors (and sub-sub-contractors, when appropriate) who are acceptable to the Architect and Owner on !he Work. 01300-2 No. 032124 '"" 2.04 SCHEDULE OF VALVES A. Requirements '"" 1. Submit separate Schedule of Values for each building or phase to Architect ten (10) days prior to first Application For Payment (AlA Fonn G702, G702a). 2. Use Schedule of Values only as basis for Contractor's Application For Payment. B. FonnofSubmittal , I. Base fonnal on Sections listed in Table of Contents and break down labor and material separately. 2. Round off amounts to nearest ten dollars. 2.0S PROGRESS SCHEDULE '"" A. Refer to the General Conditions for submittal requirements. 2.06 SUBMITTAL LIST A. The following submittal list is a guide for submittals required for specification divisions 2-14 on the project. Inconsis\encies or omissions from the list does not relieve the contractor from required submittals delineated in each specification section. '"" ~u> I: I: aiu> 0 0 8 ai. E .191: ~ "" -0(0 0- .<::1: a> ~ .!!ll: 1II 2 6> 0> u> m .2J <'>,8 u u> ~10 0_ 1II o..!: .!I! ::::l- OU> 55 fll I: -a> , a> !nlll 02 Section .!!l~ - 0'- o ~ 0- .><1: a> ~ u>.! "cO .<::e E " 1II 6,0 ~- ~~ Dll~ I: I: ::J - c> !no III Oel. .- )( 8.~ ~ '0 '8 - I: !n :; u>.- l!!u '- jij.- ell:; II: ..; Q. U; .!::: 0 eIlU I: a. .5== II: 'iij ::< - I END OF SECflON 01300 , '"" 01300-3 No. 032124 SECTION 01320 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULING PART 1: GENERAL ~ 1.01 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ~ A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and 01her Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.02 SUMMARY ~ A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for docwnenting the progress of construction during performance of the Work, including the following: ~ I. Contractor's Construction (CPM) Schedule. 2. Shop Drawing Submittals Schedule 3. CPM Reports 1.03 DEFINITIONS ~ A. Activity: A discrete part of a project that can be identified for planning, scheduling, monitoring, and controlling the construction project. Activities included in a construction schedule consume time and resources. I. Critical activities are activities on the critical path. They must start and finish on the planned early start and finish times. 2. Predecessor activity is an activity that must be completed before a given activity can be started. B. CPM: Critical path method, which is a method of planning and scheduling a construction project where activities are arranged based on activity relationships. Network calculations determine when activities can be perfonned and the critical path o(Project. C. Critical Path: The longest continuous chain of activities through the network schedule that establishes the minimum overall Project duration and contains no float. D. Event: The starting or ending point of an activity. E. Float: The measure ofleeway in starting and completing an activity. I. Float time is for the exclusive use or benefit of the Contractor to meet schedule milestones llDd Contract completion date. 2. Free float is the amount of time an activity can be delayed without adversely affecting the early start of the following activity. 3. Total float is the measure ofleeway in starting or completing an activity without adversely affecting the planned Project completion date. F. Fragnet: A partial or fragmentary network that breaks down activities into smaller activities for greater detail. G. Major Area: A story of construction, a separate building, or a similar significant construction element. H. Milestone: A key or critical point in time for reference or measurement. I. Network Diagram: A graphic diagram of a network schedule, showing activities and activity relationships. 01320-1 No. 032124 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals Schedule: Submit six copies of schedule. Arrange the following information in a tabular format: I. Scheduled date for fIrst submittal. 2. SpecifIcation Section number and title. 3. Submittal category (action or infonnational). 4. Name of subcontractor. 5. Description of the Work covered. 6. Scheduled date for Architect's fmal release or approval. (Asswne 15 working day turnaround.) 7. Identify submittals that effect critical path. B. Contractor's Construction (CPM) Schedule: Submit two printed copies of initial schedule large enough to show entire schedule for entire construction period. C. CPM Reports: Concurrent with CPM schedule, submit three printed copies of the following computer-generated reports. Format for each activity in reports shall contain activity nwnber, activity description, original duration, early start date, early fInish date, late start date, late fmish date, and total float. 1. Activity Report: List of all activities sorted by activity numbeiand then early start date, or actual start date if known. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Prescheduling Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to review methods and procedures related to the Contractor's Construction (CPM) Schedule, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Discuss constraints, including phasing, work stages, area separations, interim milestones and partial Owner occupancy. 2. Review delivery dates for Owner-furnished products. 3. Review schedule for work of Owner's separate contracts. 4. Review time required for review of submittals and resubmittals. 5. Review requirements for tests and inspections by independent testing and inspecting agencies. 6. Review time required for completion and startup procedures. 7. Review and fmalize list of construction activities to be included in schedule. 8. Review submittal requirements and procedures. 9. Review procedures for updating schedule. 1.06 COORDINATION A. Coordinate requirements in this Article with "Submittals Schedule" Article in Part 2. If a submittal review sequence policy governs, revise this Article to comply with requirements. See Evaluations for discussion on submittal review sequence policies. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 SUBMITTALS SCHEDULE A. Preparation: Submit a schedule of submittals, arranged in chronological order by dates required by construction schedule. Include time required for review, resubmittal, ordering, manufacturing, fabrication, and delivery when establishing dates. Identify items that affect critical path. 01320-2 No. 032124 2.02 CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE (CPM SCHEDULE) A. General: Prepare network diagrams using CPM (critical path method) fonnat. B. Preliminary Network Diagram: Submit diagram within 14 days from the Notice to Proceed. Outline significant construction activities. Include a cash requirement prediction based on indicated activities. C. CPM Schedule: Prepare Contractor's Construction Schedule using a CPM network analysis diagram. I. Develop network diagram in sufficient time 10 submit CPM schedule so it can be accepted prior to first pay request. 2. Establish procedures for moniloring monthly and updating CPM schedule if work is not on schedule and for reporting progress. Coordinate procedures with progress meeting and payment request dates. 3. Use "one workday" as the unit of time. Activities should not be shorter than 2 work days or longer than 5 work days. D. CPM Schedule Preparation: Prepare a list of all activities required to complete the Work. Using the preliminary network diagram, prepare a skelelon network 10 identify probable critical paths. I. Activities: indicate the estimated time duration, sequence requirements, and relationship of each activity in relation to other activities. Include estimated time frames for the following activities: a. Preparation and processing of submittals. b. Purchase of materials. c. Delivery. d. Fabrication. e. Installation. 2. Processing: Process data to produce output data or a compnter-drawn, logic network diagram. Revise data, reorganize activity sequences, and reproduce as often as necessary to produce the CPM schedule within the limitations of the Contract Time. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE A. Contraclor's Construction Schedule Updating: At monthly intervals, update schedule 10 reflect actual construction progress and activities. Issue schedule one week before each payment request submittal. I. Revise schedule immediately after each meeting or other activity where revisions have been recognized or made. Issue updated schedule concurrently with the report of each such meeting. B. Distribution: Distribute copies of approved schedule to Architec~ Owner, separate contractors, testing and inspecting agencies, and other parties identified by Contractor with a need-to-know schedule responsibility. I. Post copies in Project meeting rooms and temporary field offices. 2. When revisions are made, distribute updated schedules to the same parties and post in the same locations. Delete parties from distribution when they have completed their assigned portion of the Work and are no longer involved in performance of construction activities. END OF SECTION 01320 01320-3 No, 032124 SECTION 01420 TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING PARTl: GENERAL r- 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS ~ A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification sections, apply to work of this section. B. Related Sections: ~ 1. Other Division 15 Sections specifY balancing devices and their instaIIatioD, and materials and installations of mechanical systems. 2. Individual Division 15 system sections specify leak testing requirements and procedures. 1.02 SUMMARY ~ A. The Owner will select, hire, and pay for services of a testing, adjusting, and balancing contractor as defined under this section. ~ B. This Section specifies the requirements and procedures total mechanical systems testing, adjusting, and baIancing and functional performance testing of the energy management system. Requirements include measurement and establishment of the fluid quantities of the mechanical systems as required to meet design specifications, recording and reporting the results. ~ C. Test, adjust, and balance the following mechanical systems: ~ 1. Supply air systems, all pressure ranges; including variable volume systems. 2. Return air systems. 3. Exhaust air systems. 4. Hydronic systems. D. Test the functional perfonnance of all control systems as defined in specification section 15970. ~ E. Test systems for proper sound and vibration levels. F. This Section does not include: r- I. Testing boilers and pressure vessels for compliance with safety codes; 2. Specifications for materials for patching mechanical systems; ~ 3. Specifications for materials and installation of adjusting and balancing devices. If devices must be added to achieve proper adjusting and balancing, refer to the respective system sections for materials and installation requirements. 4. Requirements and procedures for piping and ductwork systems leakage tests. ~ ~ 01428-1 No. 032124 1.03 DEFlNITlONS A. Systems testing, adjusting, and balancing is the process of cbecking and adjusting all the building environmental systems to produce the design objectives. It includes: I. the balance of air and water distribution; 2. adjustment oftola! system to provide design quantities; 3. electrical measurement; 4. sound and vibration measurement. B. Functional Performance Testing is the process of verification and certification that the building controls systems and each component is operating and calibrated to accomplish the control intent as specified in the Division 15 controls specification sections. C. Test: To determine quantitative performance of equipment. D. Adjust: To regulate the specified fluid flow rate and air patterns at the terminal equipment (e.g., reduce fan speed, throttling). E. Balance: To proportion flows within the distribution system (submains, branches, and terminals) according to specified design quantities. F. Procedure: Slandardized approach and execution of sequence of work operations to yield reproducible results. G. Report forms: Test data sheets arranged for collecting test data in logical order for submission and review. These data should also form the permanent record to be used as the basis for required future testing, adjusting, and balancing. H. Terminal: The point where the coutrolled fluid enters or leaves the distribntion system. There are supply inlets on water terminals, supply outlets on air terminals, return outlets on water terminals, and exhaust or return inlets on air terminals such as registers, grilles, diffusers, louvers, and hoods. 1. Main: Duct or pipe containing the system's major or entire fluid flow. J. Submain: Duct or pipe containing part of the systems' capacity and serving two or more branch mains. K. Branch main: Duct or pipe serving two or more terminals. L. Branch: Duct or pipe serving a single terminal. M. Construction Tests: Tests specified in other sections. Includes leak testing of piping and duct systems. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Agency Data: I. Snbmit proof that the proposed testing, adjusting, and balancing agency meets the qualifications specified below. B. Engineer and Technicians Data: 1. Submit proof that the Test and Balance Engineer assigned to supervise the procedures, and the technicians proposed to perform the procedures meet the qualifications specified below. C. Procedures and Agenda: Submit a synopsis of the testing, adjusting, and balancing procedures and agenda proposed to be used for this project. 01420-2 No. 032124 ~ D. Mainlenance Data: Submit maintenance and operating data that include how to test, adjust, and balance the building systems. Include this information in maintenance data specified in Division I and Section 15010. E. Test and Balance Reports: r I. Sample Forms: Submit sample forms, if other than those standard fonns prepared by the AABC or NEBB are proposed. 2. Sample Forms: Submit sample forms, if other than those standard fonns prepared by the NEBB are proposed. r- 3. Certified Reports: Submit testing, adjusting, and balancing reports bearing the seal and signature of the Test and Balance Engineer. The reports sball be certified proof that the systems have been tested, adjusted, and balanced in accordance with the referenced standards; are an accurate representation of how the systems have been installed; are a true representation of how the systems are operating at the completion of the testing, adjusting, and balancing procedures; and are an accurate record of all fmal quantities measured, to establish normal operating values of the systems. Follow the procedures and format specified below: a. Draft reports: Upon completion of testing, adjusting, and balancing procedures, prepare draft reports on the approved forms. Draft reports may be hand written, but nmst be complete, factual, accurate, and legible. Organize and format draft reports in the same manner specified for the final reports. Submit 2 complete sets of draft reports. Only I complete set of draft reports will be returned. ~ b. Final Report: Upon verification and approval of draft reports, prepare final reports, type written, and organized and formatted as specified below. Submit 2 complete sets of final reports. c. Report Format Report forms sball be those standard fonns prepared by the referenced standard for each respective item and system to be tested, adjusted, and balanced. Bind report forms complete with schematic systems diagrams and other data in reinforced, vinyl, three-ring binden. Provide binding edge labels with the project identification and a title descriptive of the contents. Divide the contents of the binder into the below listed divisions, separated by divider tabs: ~ I) General Information and Sunnnary 2) Air Systems 3) Hydronic Systems 4) Temperature Control Systems 5) Special Systems 6) Sound and Vibration Systems 7). Domestic Hot Waler Recirculation Loop d. Report Conten1S: Provide the following rnininun information, forms and data: ~ I) General Information and Sunnnary: Inside cover sheet to identitY testing, adjusting, and balancing agency, Contractor, Owner, Arohitect, Engineer, and Project. Include addresses, and contact names and telephone numbers. Also include a certification sheet containing the seal and name address, telephone nwnber, and signature of the Certified Test and Ba1ance Engineer. Include in this division a listing of the instrumentations used for the procedures along with the proof of calibration. 2) The remainder of the report sha1l contain the appropriate foons containing as a minimum, the information indicated on the standard report fonns prepared by the AABC and NEBB, for each respective item and system. Prepare a schematic diagram for each item of equipment and system to accompany each respective report fonn. 4. Calibration Reports: Submit proof that all required instrumentation has been calibrated to tolerances specified in the referenced standards, within a period of six months prior to starting the project. 01420-3 No. 032124 F. Functional Performance Test Report: 1. Procedures and Agenda: Submit a synopsis of the functional performauce testing procedures and schedule, and all checklist forms to be used by Field Technicians. The checklist forms must be approved by the Engineer prior to proceeding with any fieldwork. 2. Forms: Submit forms, that include checklists for verifying proper functiou, calibration and operation of all temperature control system 110 points individually. All control system input and output points for each control sequence indicated in Section 15970 shall be included on the checklists. The checklists of all points shall be organized by systems deImed in Section 15970. 3. Certified Reports: Submit functional perfonnance test reports bearing the seal and signature of the Test and Balance Engineer. The reports shall be certified proof that the systems have been tested, are an accurate representation of how the systems have been inslalled; are a true represenlation of how the systems are operating at the completion of the testing. Follow the procedures and format specified below: a. Draft reports: Upon completion of functional performance testing procedures, prepare draft reports on the approved fonns. Draft reports may not be hand written, and must be complete, factual, accurate, and legible. Organize and format draft reports in the same manner specified for the final reports. Submit 6 complete sets of draft reports. Three sets shall be submitted to Wold Architects and Engineers and 3 sets shall be forwarded directly to Dakota County. b. Final Report: Upon verification and approval of draft reports, prepare final reports, type written, and organized and formatted as specified below. Submit 4 complete sets of final reports. c. Report Format: Report fonns shall be those forms pre-approved by Wold Architects and Engineers. Bind report fonns complete in reinforced, vinyl, three-ring binders. Provide binding edge labels with the project identification and a title descriptive of the contents. Divide the contents of the binder into the below listed divisions, separated by divider tabs: I) Air Systems 2) Hydronic Systems 3) Special Systems d. Report Contents: Provide the following minimum information, forms and data: I) General Information and Summary: Inside cover sheet to identify testing, adjusting, and balancing agency, Contractor, Owner, Architect, Engineer, and Project. include addresses, and contact names and telephone numbers. Also include a certification sheet containing the seal and name address, telephone number, and signature of the Certified Test and Balance Engineer. include in this division a listing of the instrumenlations used for the procedures along with the proof of calibration. 2) The remainder of the report shall contain the appropriate forms containing as a mmnTI\Un, checklists for verifying proper function, calibration and operation of all temperature control system I/O points individually. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Test and Balance Engineer's Qualifications: A Professional Engineer (either on the installer's staff or an independent consuliant), registered in the State in which the services are to be performed, and having at least 3-years of successful testing, adjusting, and balancing experience on projects with testing and balancing requirements similar to those required for this project. 01420-4 No. 032124 B. Agency Qualifications: The testing, adjusting and balancing teclmicians staffed to perform work on site shall be certified by the National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB) in the following disciplines: ~ 1. Testing, adjusting, and balancing. r- a. Air b. Hydonrics 2. Building Connnissioning a. INAC C. Codes and Standards: ~ 1. NEBB: "Procedural Slandards for Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing of Environmental Systems". 2. ASHRAE: ASHRAE Handbook, 1984 Systems Volume, Chapter 37. Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing. ~ D. Pre-Balancing Conference: Prior to beginning of the testing, adjusting. and balancing procedures, schedule and conduct a conference with the Architect and representatives of installers of the mechanical systems. The objective of the conference is fina1 coordination and verification of system operation and readiness for testing, adjusting, and balancing. r 1.06 PROJECT CONDITIONS , , A. Systems Operation: Systems shall be fully operational prior to beginning procedures. 1.07 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING ~ A. Coordinate all onsite inspections with the prime contractor. ~ B. Develop detailed work plan with the prime contractor, HV AC subcontractors, and Building Automation System contractor such that testing work will proceed in areas as systems are started and available. ~ PART 2: PRODUCTS A. Not Used. ~ PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 PRELIMINARY PROCEDURES FOR AIR SYSTEM BALANCING A. Before operating the system, perform these steps: I. Obtain design drawings and specifications and become thoroughly acquainted with the design intent. 2. Obtain copies of approved shop drawings of all air handling eqnipment, outlets (supply, return, and exhaust) and temperature control diagrams. 3. Compare design to installed equipment and field insta11ations. 4. Walk the system from the system air b~l't1Hng equipment to terminal units to determine variations of installation from design. 5. Check filters for cleanliness. 01428-5 No. 032124 6. Check dampers (both volwne and fIre) for correct and locked position, and temperature control for completeness of installation before starting fans. 7. Prepare report test sheets for both fans and outlets. Obtain manufacturer's outlet factors and recommended procedures for testing. Prepare a summation ofrequired outlet volwnes to pennit a crosscheck with required fan volwnes. 8. Determine best locations in main and branch ductwork for most accurate duct traverses. 9. Place outlet dampers in the full open position. 10. Prepare schematic diagrams of system "as-built" ductwork and piping layouts to facilitate reporting. 11. Lubricate all motors and bearings. 12. Check fan belt tension. 13. Check fan rotation. 3.02 PRELIMINARY PROCEDURES FOR HYDRONIC SYSTEM BALANCING A. Before operating the system perform these steps: I. Open valves to full open position. Close coil bypass valves. 2. Remove and clean all strainers. 3. Examine hydronic systems and detennine if water has been treated and cleaned. 4. Check pump rotation. 5. Clean and set automatic ftIl valve for required system pressure. 6. Check expansion tanks to detennine that they are not air bound and that the system is completely full of water. 7. Check air vents at high points of systems and detennine if all are installed and operating freely (automatic type) or to bleed air completely (manual type). 8. Set temperature controls so all coils are calling for full flow. 9. Check operation of automatic bypass valves. 10. Check and set operating temperatures of chillers to design requirements. II. Lubricate all motors and hearings. 3.03 MEASUREMENTS A. Provide all required instrumentation to obtain proper measurements, calibrated to the tolerances specifIed in the referenced standards. Instruments shall be properly maintained and protected against damage. B. Provide instruments meeting the specifIcations of the referenced standards. C. Use only those inslnnnents which have the maximwn fIeld measuring accuracy and are best suited to the function being measured. 01420-6 No. 032124 D. Apply instrument as recommended by \he manufacturer. ~ E. Use instruments with mininnun scale and maximum subdivisions and with scale ranges proper for the value being measured. F. When averaging values, take a sufficient quantity of readings which will result in a repeatability error of less than 5 percent. When measuring a single point, repeat readings until 2 consecutive identical values are obtained. G. Take all readings with the eye at the level of the indicated value to prevent parallax. H. Use pulsation dampeners where necessary to eliminate error involved in estimating average of rapidly fluctuation readings. r- I. Take measurements in the system where best suited to the task. 3.04 PERFORMING TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING A. Perform testing and balancing procedures on each system identified, in accordance with the detailed procedures outlined in the referenced standards. ' B. Cut insulation, ductwork, and piping for installation of test probes to the minimum extent necessary to allow adequate perfonnance of procedures. r- C. Patch insulation, ductwork, and housings, using materials identical to those removed. D. Seal ducts and piping, and test for and repair leaks. E. Seal insulation to re-establish integrity of the vapor barrier. ~ F. Mark equipment settings, including damper control positions, valve indicators, fan speed control levers, and similar controls and devices, to show final settings. Mark with paint or other suitable, permanent identification materials. G. Retest, adjust, and balance systems subsequent to significant system modifications, and resubmit test results. ~ 3.05 PERFORMING FUNCTIONAL PERFORMANCE TESTING A. Functional perfonnance testing shall progress from tests of individual components of \he central equipment and systems, including chillers, cooling towers, boilers, and pumping systems, to tests of the systems that distribute the HV AC selVices throughout \he building. B. In each of the individual spaces to be tested, the contractor performing the functional perfonnancetests may"be required to make temporary modifications to control functions or provide supplementary internal loads, such as electric heaters, etc., to simuIate desired load conditions up to design load conditions. C. As each individual check or test is accomplished; physical responses of the systems shall be observed and compared to the specified requirements in order to verify the test results. The ac1nal physical responses of system components must be observed. Reliance on control signals or other indirect indicators is not adequate. The input and output signals for each control component also need to be observed to confirm that they are correct for each physical condition. 01420-7 No. 03Z124 D. During functional performance testing of the HVAC system, a failure in performance ofa part of the system or of a component may be revealed. Any performance deficiencies must be evaluated to determine the cause. Communicate required corrective work directly to subcontractor on site such that work progresses to meet established deadline. If subcontractors are not responding in a timely manner, provide a written list of system deficiencies requiring corrective work to Wold Architects and Engineers. After necessary corrective measures are completed by the controls contractor, repeat the necessary functional performance tests until each item has passed. E. Install the measuring instrwnents and logging devices to record the test data for the required test period. The instrumentation shall meter and record all operating conditions to allow for complete evaluation of the test results. F. If any test cannot be completed because of a deficiency outside the scope of the HV AC system, the deficiency shall be documented and reported to the owner. The deficiencies should be resolved and corrected by the appropriate parties and functional performance test rescheduled. G. Verify all temperalure control system I/O points individually for proper function, calibration and operation. H. Verify all safely shut-offs in area or closely simulated condition of failure. I. Verify control system point assignments are accurately represented on central workstation graphics. J. Check modes and sequences of operation, interlocks, and conditional control responses, and specified responses under abnormal emergency conditions. 3.06 TESTING FOR SOUND AND VIBRATION A. Testing, adjusting, and balancing work shall include an allowance of 16 hours to perform sound and vibration testing at the direction of the Engineer. The goal of the testing will be to identify corrective work such that all areas perform within the design sound levels. All teaching and office areas are designed for a sound level of NC 35 or less. Sound testing shall be conducted in accordance with the referenced standards. 3.07 SYSTEMS DEMONSTRATION A. Purpose: To demonstrate functioning of controls systems for HV AC systems concurrent with related instruction of Owner's personnel. B. Staffmg Requirements: Determined by Contractor. I. Instructors: Qualified to instruct Owner's personnel. 2. Technicians: To operate systems for demonstration and recording of data. C. Schedule: I. After completion of functional perfonnance testing and systems balancing. 2. Prior to occupancy. 3. Coordinated with related demonstrations and testing specified in Division 16. D. Demonstration Objectives: \. Verification of functional perfonnance of controls systems for all systems as defmed in Division 15 Control Specifications. 2. Complete verification of sequences of operation, including emergency power operating modes for all equipmenl specified to operate when utilily electric power is interrupted. 01420-8 No. 032124 3. Collection of data from DDC control system to document proper functioning of control systems for all demonstrated modes. ~ 3.08 RECORD AND REPORT DATA A. Record all data obtained during testing, adjusting, and balancing in accordance with, and on the forms recommended by the referenced standards, and as approved on the sample report forms. B. Prepare report ofrecommendations for correcting unsatisfactory mechanical perfonnances when system cannot he successfully balanced. 3.09 DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING A. Training: ~ I. Train the Owner's maintenance personnel on troubleshooting procedures and testing, adjusting, and ba1ancing procedures (,.,,;nimllm of 8 hours) in accordance with the requirements of specification section 01820, uDemonstration and Training." 2. Schedule training with Owner through the Architect/Engineer with at least 7 days prior notice. END OF SECTION 01420 r- ~ ~ ~ r- 01420-9 No. 032124 SECTION 01500 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and SupplementaIy Conditions and other Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.02 SUMMARY ,... A. This Section includes requirements for temporary facilities and controls, including temporary utilities, support facilities, and security and protection facilities. ,... B. Support facilities include, but are not limited to, the following: ,... I. Project identification and temporary signs. 2. Waste disposal facilities. 3. Field offices. 4. Storage and fabrication sheds. 5. Lifts and hoists. 6. Construction aids and miscellaneous services and facilities. 7. Temporary heating, cooling, and ventilation. C. Security and protection facilities include, but are not limited to, the following: ,... ,... I. Environmental protection. 2. Pest control. 3. Security enclosure and lockup. 4. Barricades, warning signs, and lights. 5. Temporary enclosures. 6. Temporary partitions. 7. Fire protection. D. Related Sections include the following: 1. Division I Section "Submittal Procedures" for procedures for submitting copies of implementation and termination schedule and utility reports. 2. Division I Section "Execution Requirements" for progress cleaning requirements.. . 3. Division I Section "Construction Dust Control" for partitions and procedures for control of construction dust. ,... 4. Divisions 2 through 16 for temporary heat, ventilation, and humidity requirements for products in those Sections. 5. Division 16 Temporary Power and Lighting. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Pennanent Enclosure: As determined by Architect, permanent or temporary roofing is complete, insulated, and weather-tight; exterior walls are insulated and weather-tight; and aU openings are closed with permanent construction or substantial temporary closures. ,... ,... 01508-1 No. 032124 1.04 USE CHARGES A. General: Cost or use charges for temporary facilities are not chargeable to Owner or Architect and shall be included in the Contract Sum. Allow other entities to use temporary services and facilities without cost, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Owner's construction forces. 2. Occupants of Project. 3. Architect. 4. Testing agencies. 5. Personnel ofauthorities having jurisdiction. B. Water Service: Use water from Owner's existing water system without metering and without payment of use charges. I. Pay for pwnps, pipe, hoses, and backflow preventors as required to distribute water. C. Electric Power Service: Use electric power from Owner's existing system without metering and without payment of use charges. PART2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. General: Provide new materials Or undamaged, previously used materials in serviceable condition. Provide materials suitable for use intended. B. Lumber and Plywood: New lumber as appropriate to application. fire treated as required for building type. C. Gypsum Board: Minimum 1/2 inch thick by 48 inches wide by maximum available lengths; regular-type panels with tapered edges. Comply with ASTM C 36. D. Insulation: Unfaced mineral-fiber blanket, manufactured from glass, slag wool, or rock wool; with maximum flame-spread and smoke-developed indices of25 and 50, respectively. E. Paint: Comply with requirements in Division 9 Section "Painting." F. Tarpaulins: Fire-resistive labeled with flame-spread rating of 15 or less. G. Water: Potable. H. Wood Walkways: 0/." Plywood, framed with 2x_ joists (size-as required to support span), with wood rails to contain occupants. I. Poly Film Guard: 3 mil. self adhering clear poly film utilizing tack water-based adhesive. 2.02 EQillPMENT A. General: Provide equipment suitable for use intended. B. Fire Extinguishers: Hand carried, portable, UL rated. Provide class and extinguishing agent as indicated or a combination of extinguishers of NFP A -recommended classes for exposures. 1. Comply with NFP A 10 and NFP A 24 I for classification. extinguishing agent, and size required by location and class of fire exposure. 01500-2 No. 032124 ,... C. Drinking-Water Fixtures: Containerized, tap-dispenser, bottled-water drinking-water units, including paper cup supply. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Locate facilities where they will serve Project adequately and result in minimum interference with perfonnance of the Work. Relocate and modify facilities as required. B. Provide each facility ready for use when needed to avoid delay. Maintain and modify as required. Do not remove until facilities are no longer needed or are replaced by authorized use of completed pennonent facilities. 3.02 TEMPORARYUTIUTYINSTALLATION A. General: Engage appropriate local utility company to install temporary service or connect to existing service. Where utility company provides only part of the service, provide the remainder with matching, compatible materials and equipment. Comply with utility company recommendations. I. Arrange with utility company, Owner, and existing users for time when service can be interrupted, if necessary, to make connections for temporary services. B. Water Service: Use of Owner's existing water service facilities will be pennitted, as long as facilities are cleaned and maintained in a condition acceptable to Owner. At Substantial Completion, restore these facilities to condition existing before initial use. I. Provide rubber hoses as necessary to serve Project site. 2. Where installations below an outlet might be damaged by spillage or leakage, provide a drip pan of suitable size to minimize water damage. Drain accumula1ed water promptly from pans. 3. Provide pwnps if required due to low static pressure on site. Equip pumps with surge and storage tanks and automatic controls to supply water uniformly at reasonable pressures. ~ 4. Provide backflow prevention devices to protect Owner's water system. - C. Sanitary Facilities: Provide temporary toilets, wash facilities, and drinking-water fixtures. Comply with regulations and health codes for type, number, location, operation, and maintenance of fixtures and facilities. I. Disposable Supplies: Provide toilet tissue, paper towels, paper cups, and similar disposable materials for each facility. Maintain adequate supply. Provide covered waste containers for disposal of used material. .~ 2. Provide safety showers, eyewash fountains, and similal' facilities for convenience, safety, and sanitation of personnel as required by government jurisdictions. 3. Toilets: Use of Owner's existing toilet facilities (as designated by Owner's representative) will be pennitted, as long as facilities are cleaned and maintained in a condition acceptable to Owner. At Substantial Completion, restore these facilities to condition existing before initial use. D. Ventilation and Humidity Control: Provide temporary ventilation required by construction activities for protecting installed and existing building components and contents from adverse effects of high humidity. Select equipment from that specified that will not have a harmful effect on completed installations or elements being installed. Coordinate ventilation requirements to produce ambierd condition required and minimize energy consumption. E. Power is available on site. 01500-3 No. 032124 F. Telephone Service: Provide temporary telephone service throughout construction period for common-use facilities used by all personnel engaged in construction activities. Install separate telephone line for each field office and frrst-aid station. I. Provide additional telephone lines for the following: a. Provide a dedicated telephone line for each facsimile machine and computer with modem in each field office. 2. Provide an answering machine or voice-mail service on superintendent's telephone. 3. Provide a portable cellular telephone for superintendent's use in making and receiving telephone calls when away from field office. 3.03 SUPPORT FACILITIES INSTALLATION A. General: Comply with the following: I. Locate field offices, storage sheds, sanitary facilities, and other temporary construction and support facilities for easy access. 2. Provide incombustible construction for offices, shops, and sheds located within construction area or within 30 feet of building lines. Comply with NFPA 241. 3. Maintain support facilities nntil near Substantial Completion. Remove before Substantial Completion. Personnel remaining after Substantial Completion will be pernritted to use permanent facilities, under conditions acceptable to Owner. B. Project Identification and Temporary Signs: Prepare Project identification and other signs as required. Do not permit installation of unauthorized signs. 1. Prepare temporary signs to provide directional information to construction personnel and visitors. C. Waste Disposal Facilities: Provide waste-collection containers in sizes adequate to handle waste from construction operations. Containerize and clearly label hazardous, dangerous, or unsanitary waste materials separately from other waste. Comply with Division I Section for progress cleaning requirements. I. If required by authorities having jurisdiction, provide separate containers, clearly labeled, for each type of waste material to be deposited. 2. Develop a waste management plan for Work performed on Project. Indicate types of waste materials Project will produce and estimate quantities of each type. Provide detailed information for on-site waste storage and separation of recyclable materials. Provide information on destination of each type of waste ,material and means to be used to dispose of all waste materials. D. Housekeeping I. Do not allow debris to accumulate on site or within the building work areas. Tbe contractor shall implement and provide the following cleaning services: a. Debris shall be removed from the construction site and police exterior project site area on a weekly basis at a minimum to clean-up any wind-blown or excess construction materials or debris and dispose of in construction dumpsters to maintain a clean project site. b. Debris shall be removed from interior of the buildings on a daily basis and dispose of in construction dumpsters. 01500-4 No. 032124 c. Once floor slabs are in place, walk.off mats shall be provided at all exterior entrances that are utilized by the workers. Mats shall be cleaned on a daily basis and change out mats on a monthly basis. d. Areas without final floor finish in place shall be cleaned of debris and swept on a daily basis. e. Areas that workers have access to with final floor fmish in place shall be vacuumed on a daily basis. CllIpeted major circulation paths sha11 be covered with poly film guard. Replace poly film guard when it develops holes or tears as they occur. Poly film guard to be replaced if left in place over 45 days. Horizontal and vertical surfaces shall be wiped down as construction dust has accwnulated. E. Common-Use Field Office: Provide a location at the job site for use as a common facility by all personnel engaged in construction activities; of sufficient size to accommodate required office personnel and meetings of 6 persons at Project site. Keep office clean and orderly. I. Furnish and equip offices as follows: a. File cabinets in quantities to file shop drawings, supplemental instructions, proposal requests, and change orders, a plan table. b. Provide a room for project meetings with conference table and folding chairs. F. Storage and Fabrication Sheds: Provide sheds sized, furnished, and equipped to accommodate materials and equipment involved, including temporary utility services. Sheds may be open shelters or fully enclosed spaces within building or elsewbere on-sileo G. Lifts and Hoists: Provide facilities for hoisting materials and personnel. Truck cranes and similar devices used for hoisting materials are considered "tools and equipment" and not temporary facilities. 3.04 SECURITY AND PROTECTION FACILITIES INSTALLATION - A. Environmental Protection: Provide protection, operate temporary facilities, and conduct construction in ways and by methods that comply with environmental regulations and that minimize possible air, waterway, and subsoil contamination or pollution or other undesirable effects. Avoid using tools and equipment that produce hannful noise. Restrict use of noisemaking tools and equipment to hours that will minimize complaints from persons or f1ll11S near Project sileo B. Security Enclosure and Lockup: Install substantial temporary enclosure around partially completed areas of construction. Provide lockable entrances to prevent unauthorized entrance, vandalism, theft, and sirni1ar violations of security. Maintain security by limiting number of keys and restricting distnbution to authorized personnel. C. Barricades, Waming Signs, and Lights: Comply with standards and code requirements for erecting structurally adequate barricades. Paint with appropriate colors, graphics, and warning signs to inform personnel and public of possible hazard. Where appropriate and needed, provide lighting, including flashing red or amber lights. I. For safety barriers, sidewalk bridges, and similar uses, provide minimum 'I.-inch thick exterior plywood and appropriate 2x _ framing for support. D. Food Consumption: Limit food and soft drink consumption to within the Contractor's trailer or out oflbe building. E. Building Environmental Protection: I. When operating equipment adjacent to occupied areas of the building: - a. Coordinate in advance temporary shutdown of building air supply systems. b. Close all windows and cover other openings with poly securely taped whenever equipment or vehicle exhaust fumes are present. c. Reactivate air supply systems when exhaust emitting activities have been completed. 01500-5 No. 032124 F. Temporary Enclosures: Provide temporary enclosures for protection of construction, in progress and completed, from exposure, foul weather, other construction operations, and similar activities. Provide temporary weather-tight enclosure for building exterior. 1. Where heating or cooling is needed and permanent enclosure is not complete, provide insulated temporary enclosures. Coordinate enclosure with ventilating and material drying or curing requirements to avoid dangerous conditions and effects. G. Temporary Dust Control Partitions: Refer to Construction Dust Control Section 01560. H. Temporary Fire Protection: Until frre-protection needs are supplied by permanent facilities, install and maintain temporary fire-protection facilities of types needed to protect against reasonably predictable and controllable frre losses as reqnired by the local fire marshal. 3.05 OPERATION, TERMINATION, AND REMOVAL A. Supervision: Enforce strict discipline in use of temporary facilities. To minimize waste and abuse, limit availabilily oftemporary facilities to essential and intended uses. B. Maintenance: Maintain facilities in good operating condition until removal. Protect from damage caused by freezing temperatures and similar elements. 1. Maintain operation of temporary enclosures, heating, cooling, humidily control, ventilation, and similar facilities on a 24-hour basis where required to achieve indicated results and to avoid possibilily of damage. 2. Prevent water-filled piping from freezing. Maintain markers for underground lines. Protect from damage during excavation operations. C. Temporary Facilily Changeover: Except for using permanent frre protection as soon as availahle, do not change over from using temporary securily and protection facilities to permanent facilities until Substantial Completion. D. Termination and Removal: Remove each temporary faciIily when need for its service has ended, when it has been replaced by authorized use of a permanent facilily, or no later than Substantial Completion. Complete or, if necessary, restore permanent construction that may have been delayed because of interference with temporary faciIily. Repair damaged Work, clean exposed surfaces, and replace construction that cannot be satisfaclorily repaired. 1. Materials and facilities that constitute temporary facilities are the property of Contractor. Owner reserves right to take possessiou of Project identification signs. 2. At Substantial Completion, clean and renovate permanent facilities used during construction period. Comply with fmal cleaning requirements in Division 1 Section "Closeout Procedures. II END OF SECTION 01500 01500-6 No. 032124 SECTION 01560 CONSTRUCTION DUST CONTROL PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS ~ A. The Drawings, the provisious of the Contract including the General and Supplementary Conditions and the General Requirements apply to the Work of this Section. 1.02 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: I. Airborne construction dust/containment control in: a. Buildings occupied during remodeling. b. Existing buildings temporarily unoccupied (i.e. sunnner breaks for schools) c. Finished spaces that are unoccupied and construction dust/airborne containments are still being generated (i.e. pWlchlist completion). B. Related Sections: 1. Section OI04S-Cutting and Patching: Removal of debris. 2. Section 01300-Submittals: Work and procedures for containment of coustruction dust/airborne contaminants. 3. Section OISOO-Temporary Facilities: Temporary barriers/chutes. 4. Section 0171 O-Cleaning: Cleaning methods. S. Section 02070-Selective Demolition 1.03 POLICY ~ A. Airborne contaminants control is critical in aU areas noted in Paragraph I.OZA. Contractor shall limit dissemination of airborne contaminants produced by coustruction-related activities, including dust, chalk, powders, aerosols, fumes, fibers and other similar materials, in order to provide protection of persous and equipment. 1. Construction activities causing disturbance of existing dust, or. creating new. dust,. or . other airborne contaminants, must be conducted in tight enclosures cutting off any flow of particles into occupied areas. 2. Ceilings, walls in Project area ptUSt be secure at all times. 1.04 SUBMITTALS ~ A. Progress Schedules: Submit work areas and procedure schedules for containment of construction dust/airborne contaminants. ~ B. Work Plan: Drawings and details of extent of enclosures, construction of necessary temporary barriers and exhaust fans, and description of procedures to be used to achieve and maintain control of construction-related airborne contaminants. ~ 01560-1 No. 032124 1.05 GENERAL ACCESS PROCEDURES A. Contractor shall notify Architect each time that work requiring access to occupied areas within two weeks of when work is aboul to begin. B. Dust Control Preconstruction Meeting: Before any construction on site begins, Contractor and workers are required to attend a mandatory dust control preconstruction orientation session held by Owner's Representative/Architect for training and instruction on precautions to be taken. 1. Conditions in construction area may be preswned to be in a condition similar to other existing surfaces or a survey of work area to record pre-existing damage may occur at this time. C. Notification: Contractor shall notify Architect a minimwn of 48 hours prior to starting construction activity which might be expected to produce excessive construction dust and airborne contaminants in occupied areas so that additional precautions may be taken. 1.06 TESTING A. The Owner will provide the following tests and observations: I. Air Samples: Baseline particle counts and conduct periodic air sampling of Project Areas during construction to monitor effectiveness of containment procedures. 2. Air Pressure: Using visual indicators, the maintenance of negative air pressure in Containment Area relative to Project Areas will be verified on a daily basis. 1.07 DEFINITIONS A. Containment producing activities include, but are not limited to: I. Demolition and removal of walls, floors, ceilings, and other finish materials. 2. Demolition of plumbing, mechanical and electrical systems and equipment. 3. Finish operations such as sawcutting, shotblastingigrinding, sanding, painting, and application of special surface coatings. B. Containment Areas: As detennined by Architect and Owner's Representative and shown within entire construction limits of project area. Includes area of construction, adjacent staging and storage areas, and passage areas for workers, supplies, and waste; includes ceiling spaces above and adjacent to construction, if shown. C. Project Areas: As determined by Architect and Owner's Representative and shown within entire construction limits of project area. Includes occupied areas adjacent to Project Area, either occupied or used for passage, as well as areas connected to construction area by mechanical system air intake, exhaust and ductwork. PART2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Carpet or Mats: Provide carpets or mats at containment entrances, vacuwned or changed as often as necessary (minimum daily) to prevent accumulation of dust. All vacuuming outside areas not under negative pressure shall be with a certified HEP A-filtered vacuum. B. Dust Caps: Block off all existing ventilation ducts within the construction area. Method of capping ducts shall be dust tight, withstand airflow and potential damage from construction activities. 01560-2 No. 032124 C. Portable Enclosures: Whenever work is done outside existing barricaded work areas, provide 4 mil portable polyethylene enclosure capable of sealing off opening fitted tight to ceiling, or provide prefabricated writ. D. Polyethylene: Polyethylene shall be fire retardant type listed by Fire Underwriter's Laboratories, Griffolyn #T55R with Griffolyn fife retardant tape, or equal, no known equal. E. Exhaust fans: Maintain continuous uninterrupted operation. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Before any demolition or construction begins, a complete field review of all Project Areas (airborne contaminant control areas) and policies will be conducted and work plan revised if required Initial work plan shall be presented at dust control preconstruction meeting. 3.02 CONTAINMENT, ENCLOSURES AND BARRIERS A. Air Quality Contaminant Control: Fasten windows shut, ventilate barricaded construction areas by use of fans to the outside of building. 1. Maintain a minimum negative airflow of 100 +/- 10 FPM with door fully open at barricade entrance openings and during window replacement by use offans vented to outside of building. ~ 2. Secure operable exterior windows and doors/windows not required for construction access as required to maintain negative airflow. 3. Provide additionalloca1 exhaust during welding. ~ B. Contractor shall install dustproof enclosures for work as submitted on work plan and when required to protect areas occupied by the Owner from dust, debris and damage. I. Construction must be conducted in tight enclosure1 cutting off any flow of dust particles into occupied areas. 2. The Contractor shall provide additional dustproof enclosures as requested by the Owner when enclosure locations are not adequately containing the dust. 3. Provide all barricades, warning signs and warning lights to protect the public, the existing building, storage areas and materials or equipment. C. Enclosure Barricades: Full height, noncombustible COllJtruction, with minimum \(i inch gypsum. board both sides with 3-1/2 inch R-II insulation baits to reduce noise. Use 3-inch wide masking tape to tightly seal top, bottom, and all seams to prevent spread of dust to occupied areas, including above ceiling. 1. Barricade Doors: 3'-0" minimum width (pair 00'-0" wide doors as required by plans), solid core wood with metal frame and hardware, including closer, tightly weather-slripped to prevent flow of dust. Locate as directed and swing out of construction area (unless directed otherwise by fire marshal). Keep barriers locked omside ofwodcing hours. Provide signage at each door "Keep Door Closed." Three keys for emergency access shall be furnished to the Owner. ~ 2. Seal all ductwork, piping, conduit, structure and miscellaneous penetrations in enclosure barricades. 3. Materials for barricade shall be precut in unoccupied areas. 01560-3 No. 031124 D. Enclosure outside of work area (including spaces above ceilings): Whenever work is necessary outside of the construction barricades the space where work is being done, including ladders, shall be contained within full height enclosure. Contractor may use prefabricated unit. I. All work performed outside the construction barricade shown on drawings including all work in corridors and lobbies shall be scheduled in advance with Owner except where specified otherwise. 2. At no time shall any construction equipment or material he stored outside the construction barricade. 3.03 PROCEDURES A. General: Contractor shall provide and maintain all barriers, filters, ventilation, walk-off mats and cleaning and removal procedures as detailed in work plan. 1. Traffic between barricaded areas and open areas shall be kept to a minimum. Instruct workers to refrain from tracking dust into adjacent occupied areas or opening windows or doors allowing construction dust'airborne contaminants into adjacent occupied or finished areas. Any dust tracked outside of construction area shall be cleaned up immediately. Contractor shall have the necessary manpower and equipment (HEP A vacuum cleaners, dusl and wet mops, brooms, buckets and clean wiping rags) to keep adjacent occupied areas clean at all times. Keep door to such areas closed at all times. Transport materials and refuse into an area from an external site without violating occupied areas by transporting in covered containers. 2. Provide negative pressure in construction area by use of fans to the outside of the building. Block supply and return ventilation as to not recirculate air from construction area to air handlers supplying occupied areas. Rebalance air handling equipment to maintain correct airflow to occupied areas. a. Provide adequate forced ventilation of enclosed areas to cure installed materials, to prevent excessive humidity, and to prevent hazardous accumulations of dust, fumes, vapors, or gases in the building. b. Direct exhaust from equipment away from building air intakes and operable windows; assure that filters on building air intakes are operational and protected from excessive amounts of airborne contaminants. Cover intakes of air handling equipment not in operation in proximity to exhaust locations. B. Sealing of Openings: Use tape or other impenetrable sealant to seal barrier wall seams, cracks around window and door frames, exhaust system ductwork, pipes, floor penetrations, joints and ducts. Seal or filter all open return and exhaust ductwork. C. Dust Control: The Contractor shall take appropriate steps throughout the term of the Project to prevent airborne dust due to work under this contract. Water shall be applied wherever practical to settle and hold dust to a minimwn, particularly during demolition and moving of materials. No chemical palliatives shall be used without pennission of the Owner's Representative. I. Spray surfaces with water mist during dust-producing interior demolition activities. Hard surface floors in work area, adjacent hallways and passage areas require vacuuming with HEP A-filtered vacuwn cleaners and frequent wet-mopping during demolition and construction; protect adjacent carpeted areas with plastic and plywood and vacuum with HEP A-filtered vacuum cleaners. 2. Execute work by methods to minimize raising dust from construction operations. Provide positive means to prevent airborne dust from dispersing into atmosphere. D. Whenever access panels are opened in occupied areas, for work above ceilings, provide portable enclosure ladder and sealing off opening, fitted tight to ceiling. E. Provide thorough cleaning of existing surfaces which become exposed to dust, before start of Owner's occupancy. 01560-4 No. 032124 3.04 FINAL CLEANING '" A. Removal of construction barriers shall be done carefully, and when necessary, outside of nonna] work hours. Remove all tape residue from existing/new surfaces. HEP A vacuum and clean all surfaces free of dust after \he removal prior to Owner's occupancy. B. Rebalance existing HV AC systems to restore modified systems back to the original design intent. 3.05 ENFORCEMENT B. Failure to maintain containment areas will result in issuance of written warning: if situation is not corrected within eight (8) hours of receipt of warning, Owner will have cause to stop the work as provided in Article 2.3 of A20 I General Conditions of the Contract for Construction. All costs associated wi\h Owner's written order to stop \he Work and rernobilization shall be borne by the Contractor. END OF SECTION 01560 01560-5 No. 032124 ~ SECTION 01630 SUBSTITUTIONS AND PRODUCT OPTIONS PART 1: GENERAL ~ 1.01 DESCRIPTION r A. lbis Section defines procedures to be followed to gain acceptance of products in the W OI'k which are not listed in the individual specification sections. A two step process is required. r- ! B. Requests for acceptance for bidding purposes of alternative manufacturers is encouraged except where specifically prohibited by this Project Manual. 1.02 PRODUCT OPTIONS NOT REQUIRING PRE-BID SUBMITTAL r A. Where products are specified by reference standards, any product established by a material testing agency to meet these standards is acceptable. ~ B. Where multiple manufacturers and associated models are specified, select anyone named. C. Where manufacturer(s) alone are specified, select any manufacturer and !he product reconnnended in writing by !he manufacturer as most suited to the application shown on !he Drawings and Specifications. D. Where !he phrase "or equal" follows !he name of a manufaclo1'er, any product which meets the performance and appearance standards established by !he specified manufacturer may be selected, subject to !he Architect's acceptance. 1.03 PRODUCT SUBSTITUTIONS REQUIRING PRE-BID SUBMITTALS A. Step One - Manufacturers Acceptance I. Individual specification sections may be amended by the Architect during !he bid period to include additional names of manufacturers determined to be capable of providing acceptable materials. 2. To propose !he names of specific manufacturers, submi~ or arrange for suppliers to submit, written requests to Architect or appropriate Architect's Consultant. Requests received ten (10) calendar days prior to bid date will be considered. a. Provide sufficient review data. Include specified manufacturer's model numbers and proposed manufacturer's product literature, noting product numbers for proposed substitutions, and where appropriate, samples and data relating to construction details. If!he product is not identical to specified product, submit letter stating proposed manufacturer will custom make products to meet specified product. b. Architect's acceptance is based upon his determination that a manufacturer is capable of supplying acceptable materials. Approval is not assured or implied for a specific material, item of equipmen~ color or fmish. ~ c. Official notification will be by addendum to the Contract Documents. However, in addition, if letters of request are delivered in duplicate with accompanying stamped self addressed envelopes, copies may be returned wi!h Architect's decision in advance. 01630-1 No. 032124 B. Step Two - Product Acceptance 1. Upon award of a construction contract, accepted manufacturers may submit for review to the Architect through the General Contractor, specific products,'materials or equipment items as substitutes for those specified. General contractor to provide letter stating they will reimburse Architect to review substitutions. 2. Architect will review substitute products for performance, appearance, color, finish, size and suitabilily for inclusion in the work. If a substitute product is not accepted, submil another product by the same or other accepted manufacturer or provide the specified product. 3. Match specified colors and dimensions exactly, whether or not they are standard with the substitute product, unless a minor variation is accepted by the Architect. 4. If a substitute product is accepted, coordinate any necessary changes in other related work and pay for these changes. Pay cost of architectural or engineering services, if any, required to incorporate substitute products in the Work. 1.04 SUBSTITUTIONS BY CHANGE ORDER A. A substitution for a specified product may be permitted by "change order" at no additional cost to the Owner if product proposed is determined to be equivalent in perfonnance and suitabilily, and if at least one of the following conditions apply: I. Owner is given a credit for the work. 2. Product is of superior qualily than product specified. 3. Product color or fInish selection is preferable. 4. Products specified and upon which building is designed have been discontinued by manufacturer. B. Provide Architect, through Owner, reasonable compensation for product evaluation. END OF SECTION 01630 01630-2 No. 032124 SECTION 01700 PROJECT CLOSEOUT 1.01 GENERAL A. Comply with requirements stated in Conditions of the Contract and in Specifications for administrative procedures in closing out the Work. B. Related requirements in other parts of the Project Manual I. Fiscal provisions, legal submittals and additional administrative requirements: Conditions of the Contract. C. Related requirements specified in other sections I. Closeout Submittals Required: The respective sections of specifications. 1.02 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION ~ A. Refer to the General Conditions of the Contract for Construction. B. When the Project is determined by the Architect to be sufficiently complete to pennit utilization for the intended use, the Architect will issue a Certificate of Substantial Completion. ~ C. To receive the Certificate of Substantial Completion, perform the following: ~ I. Submit to the Architect a notice declaring that work is believed to be substantially complete. 2. Submit a list of work items that remain to be completed or corrected and the date this work will be accomplished. 3. Obtain Occupancy certificate when required from governing municipality. ""' D. Architect will visit the project to evaluate the request for issuance of a Certificate of Substantial Completion. I. If the Architect concurs that the Project is substantially complete, the Architect will deliver a Certificate of Substantial Completion and a list of work items necessary for completion or correction prior to request for inspection for final completion. 2. If the Architect determines that the work is not substantially complete. the Architect will deliver to the Contractor a writtep statement including reasons. 3. Complete work on the items required by the Architect for achieving substantial completion and make additional written requests for issuance of a Certificate of Substantial Completion until the Architect determines that sufficient Work has been perfonned. 1.03 FINAL INSPECTION A. When the Work is considered complete, submit written certification that: 1. Contract DoclU1leDts have been reviewed. 2. Work has been completed and inspected by the Contractor for compliance with Contract Documents and is ready for final inspection. ~ 01700-1 No. 032124 B. Architect will make an inspection to verify the status of completion with reasonable promplness after receipt of such certification. C. Should Architect consider that the Work is incomplete or defective: I. Architect will notify the Contractor in writing, listing the incomplete or defective work. 2. Take innnediate steps to remedy the stated deficiencies, and send a second written certification to Architect that the Work is complete. 3. Architect will reinspect the Work. D. When the Architect fmds that the Work is acceptable under the Contract Documents, he will request preparation of closeout submittals. 1.04 REINSPECTION FEES A. Should Architect perform reinspections due to failure of the Work to comply with the claims of stains of completion made by the Contractor: 1. Owner will compensate Architect for such additional services. 2. Owner will deduct the amount of such compensation from the fmal payment. 1.05 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS TO ARCIDTECT A. When the Architect has determined that the Construction Work is acceptable under the Contract Documents and the Contract fully performed, prepare and submit final Application for Payment to the Architect together with the following: I. A letter recommending acceptance of the Project and indicating all punch list items are complete. 2. Contractor's Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Claims, AlA Document G706, with bonds for any exceptions. 3. Tax Administration Form 134, indicating compliance with M.S.A. 290.92 relative to tax withholding. 4. Consent of surety to final payment on Consent of Surety Company to Final Payment, AlA Document G707. 5. Contractors Affidavit of Release of Liens, AlA Document G706A. 6. Project Record Docwnents, if required. 7. Warranties and Bonds. B. Suhmit one original and one copy for Items A I through A 7. 1.06 FINAL ADJUSTMENT OF ACCOUNTS A. Submit a fmal statement of accounting to Architect. B. Statement shall reflect all adjuslments to the Contract Sum: I. The original Contract Swn. 01700-2 No. 032124 2. Additions and deductions resulting from: a. Previous Change Orders b. Allowances c. Unit Prices d. Deductions for uncorrected Work e. Penalties and Bonuses f. Deductions for liquidated damages g. Deductions for reinspection payments and costs incurred by Architect or Architecfs Consultants if project is not closed out wi1hin sixty (60) days of Substantial Completion. h. Other adjustments 3. Total Contract Sum, as adjusted. ~ 4. Previous payments. 5. Sum remaining due. .... C. Architect will prepare a final Change Order, reflecting approved adjustments to the Contract Sums which were not previously made by Change Orders. 1.07 FINAL APPUCATION FOR PAYMENT A. Submit the final Application for Payment in accordance with procedures and requirements stated in the Conditions of the Contract. END OF SECTION 01700 ~ 01700-3 No. 032124 .... .... .... - .... .... I l A. ..- B. C. D. E. F. G. H. - A. B. - c. SECTION 01710 CLEANING PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Cleaning required for specified work is specified in sections pertaining to that work. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 CLEANING MATERIALS A. Use only cleaning materials recommended by manufacturer of surface to be cleaned. B. Use cleaning materials only on surfaces reconnnended by cleaning material manufacturer. PART3: EXECUTION 3.01 DURING CONSTRUCTION Oversee cleaning and ensure that project area is maintained free from aCCWlDllations of waste materials and rubbish. At weekly intervals during progress of work, clean up site and access and dispose of waste materials, rubbish and debris resulting from their work. Do not allow waste material, rubbish and debris to accwnu1ate and become an unsightly or hazardous condition. Remove waste materials, rubbish and debris form the site and legally dispose of at public or private dumping areas off the Owner's property. Lower waste materials in a conlrolled manner with as few handlings as possible; do not drop or throw materials from heights. Schedule cleaning operations so that dust and other contaminants resulting from cleaning process will not fall on wet, newly painted surfaces. Where Contractor has periodic access to ancillary spaces occupied by Owner, thoroughly c1eanafter each use, .so as to not disrupt Owner's ongoing operations. Failure to maintain a clean construction area will result in the Owner cleaning the site and back-charging the Contractor. 3.02 FINAL CLEANING Employ experienced workers or professional cleaners for final cleaning. At completion of construction and just prior to acceptance or occupancy, conduct a final inspection of exposed interior and exterior surfaces. Remove grease, dust, dirt, stains, labels, fingerprints, and other foreign materials from interior and exterior surfaces. 01710-1 No. 032124 D. Repair, patch and touch up marred surfaces to match adjacent fInishes. E. Broom clean paved surfaces; rake clean other surfaces of grounds. F. Maintain cleaning until the Building or portion thereof, is occupied by the Owner. END OF SECTION 01710 01710-2 No. 032124 SECTION 01720 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS 1.01 GENERAL ~ A. Fully cooperate with the Architect to accomplish the following. B. These requirements supplement the requirements set forth in the General Conditions. C. Maintain at each site one record copy, as applicable, of: 1. Drawings and Details with addenda marked in. 2. Specifications with addenda marked in. 3. Addenda. 4. Change Orders and other modifications to the Contract. ~ 5. Architect/Engineer Supplemental instructions, Proposal Requests or written instructions. 6. Approved shop drawings, product data and samples. 7. Field test records. r- 8. Shop drawings, product data and samples: Section 01300. 1.02 MAINTENANCE OF RECORD DOCUMENTS AND SAMPLES A. Store record documents and samples in Contractor's field office in files and racks. Provide locked cabinet or secure storage space for storage of samples. ~ B. File documents and samples in accordance with the Construction Specifications Institute MASTERFORMAT. C. Maintain record documents in a clean, dry, legible condition and in good order. Do not use record documents for construction purposes. D. Make record documents and samples available at all times for inspection by Architect or Owner. 1.03 RECORDING A. Label each document "PROJECT RECORD" in neat large printed letters. B. Continuously record information and changes. . c. Drawings: Legibly mark to record actual construction. I. Location of internal utilities and appurtenances concealed in the construction, referenced to visible and accessible features of the structure. 2. Field changes of dimension and detail. 3. Changes made by Field Order or by Change Order. 4. Details not on original contract drawings. 01720-1 No. 032124 D. Specifications and Addenda - Legibly mark each Section to record: 1. Manufaclurer, trade name, catalog number, and Supplier of each Product and item of equipment actually installed. 2. Changes made by Field Order or by Change Order. 1.04 SUBMITTAL A. Deliver Record Documents to !he Owner at contract close-out. B. Accompany submittal wi!h transmittal letter in duplicate, containing: 1. Date 2. Project title 3. Title and number of each Record Document END OF SECTION 01720 01720-2 No. 032124 \J -- ---- - SECTION 01730 OPERATING, MAINTENANCE AND WARRANTY DATA 1.01 GENERAL - A. Compile product data aud related information appropriate for Owner's maintenance and operation of products fumished under the Contract. B. Prepare operating, maintenance and warranty data as specified in this Section and as referenced in other pertinent section of Project Manual. C. Instruct Owner's personnel in the maintenance of products and in the operation of equipment and sys\ems. D. Related requirements specified in other sections: I. Shop drawings, product data and samples: Section 01300. 2. Project Closeout: Section 01700. 3. Project Record Documents: Section 01720. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE - A. Preparation of data shall be done by personnel with the following qualifications: - I. Trained and experienced in maintenance and operation of the described products. 2. Completely familiar with requirements of this Section. 3. Skilled as a technical writer to the extent required to communicate essential data. 4. Skilled as a draftsman competent to prepare required drawinga. - 1.03 FORM OF SUBMItTALS A. Prepare data in the fonn of an instructional manual for use by the Owner's personnel. B. Format shall confonn to the following: 1. Size: 8~" xlI". 2. Paper: 20 pound mininmrn, white, for typed pages. 3. Text: Manufacturer's printed data, or neatly typewritten. 4. Drawings - a. Provide reinforced punched binder tab, bind in with text. - b. Fold larger drawings to the size of the text pages. 01730-1 No. 032124 5. Provide fly-leaf for each separate product, or each piece of operating equipment. a. Provide typed description of product, and major component parts of equipment. b. Provide indexed tabs. 6. Cover: Identify each volume with typed or printed title "OPERATING, MAINTENANCE AND WARRANTY INSTRUCTIONS". List: a. Title of Project b. Identity of separate structure as applicable. c. Identity of general subject matter covered in the manual. C. Binders I. Commercial quality three-ring binders with durable and cleanable plastic cover. 2. Maximum ring size: 2 inch. 3. When multiple binders are used, correlate the data into related consistent groupings. 1.04 CONTENT OF MANUAL A. Arrange neatly typewritten table of contents for each volume, in the following systematic order. I. Contractor, name of responsible principal, address and telephone number. 2. A list of each product required to be included, indexed to the content of volume. 3. List, with each product, the name, address and telephone number of: a. Contractor or installer. b. Maintenance contractor, as appropriate. c. Identify the area ofresponsibility of each. d. Local source of supply for parts and replacement. e. Include warranty infonnation as specified. 4. Identify each product by product name and other identifying symbols such as set in Contract Documents. B. Product Data I. Include only those sheets which are pertinent to the specific product. 2. Annotate each sheet to: a. Clearly identify the specific product or part installed. 01730-2 No. 032124 C. Content, for moisture-protection and weather-exposed products: I. Manufacturer's data, giving full infonnation on products. a. Applicable standards b. Chemical composition c. Details of installation 2. Instmctions for inspection, maintenance and repair. D. Additional requirements for maintenance data: The respective section of the Project Manual. 1.05 SUBMIITAL SCHEDULE A. Submit one copy of completed data in fmal fonn within thirty days of substantial completion. Copy will be returned with comments. B. Submit two copies of approved data in fina1 fonn ten (10) days after comments are received. END OF SECTION 01730 """ """ """ - 01730-3 No. 032124 SECTION 01820 DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING ~ PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS ~ A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.02 SUMMARY ~ A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for instructing Owner's personnel, including the following: ,... I. Demonstration of operation of systems, subsystems, and equipment. 2. Training in operation and maintenance of systems, subsystems, and equipment. ~ B. Related Sections: 1. Division 1-14 -Individual sections with training requirements. 2. Division 15 - Mechanical sections with training requirements. 3. Division 16 - Electrical sections with training requirements. 1.03 SUBMITTALS ,... A. Instruction Program: Submit two copies of outline of instructional program for demonstration and training, including a schedule of proposed dates, times, length of instruction time, and instructors' IllIJIIeS for each training module. Include learning objective and outline for each training module. I. At completion of training, submit one complete training manual for Owner's use. B. Qualification Data: For firms and persons specified in "Quality Assurance" Article to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, names and addresses of architects and owners, and other information specified. C. Attendance Record: For each training module, submit list of participants and length of instruction time. D. Evaluations: For each participant and for each training module, submit results and docwnentation of performance- based test. E. Demonstration and Training Videotape: Submit one copy at end of each training module. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Facilitator Qualifications: A firm or individual experienced in training or educating maintenance personnel in a training program similar in content and extent to that indicated for this Project, and whose work has resulted in training or education with a record of successfulleaming performance. B. Instructor Qualifications: A factory-authorized service representative, complying with requirements in Division I Section "Quality Requirements," experienced in operation and maintenance procedures and training. 01820-1 No. [COMM.] 1.05 COORDINATION A. Coordinate instruction schedule with Owner's operations. Adjust schedule as required to minimize disrupting Owner's operations. B. Coordinate instructors, including providing notification of dates, times, length of instruction time, and course content. C. Coordinate content of training modules with content of approved emergency, operation, and mainlenance manuals. Do not submit instruction program until operation arid maintenance data has been reviewed and approved by Architect. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 INSTRUCTION PROGRAM A. Program Structure: Develop an instruction program that includes individual training modules for each system and equipment not part of a system, as required by individual Specification Sections. B. Training Modules: Develop a learning objective and teaching outline for each module. Include a description of specific skills and knowledge that participant is expected to master. For each module, include instruction for the following as applicable: I. Basis of System Design, Operational Requirements, and Criteria: Include the following: a. System, subsystem, and equipment descriptions. b. Performance and design criteria if Contractor is delegated design responsibility. c. Operating standards. d. Regnlatory requirements. e. Equipment function. f. Operating characteristics. g. Limiting conditions. h. Performance curves. 2. Documentation: Review the following items in detail: a. Emergency manuals. b. Operations manuals. c. Maintenance manuals. d. Project Record Docwnents. e. Identification systems. f. Warranties and bonds. g. Maintenance service agreements and similar continuing connnitments. 3. Emergencies: Include the following, as applicable: a. Instructions on meaning of warnings, trouble indications, and error messages. b. instructions on stopping. c. Shutdown instructions for each type of emergency. d. Operating instructions for conditions outside of nonnal operating limits. e. Sequences for electric or electronic systems. f. Special operating instructions and procedures. 01820-2 No. [COMM.] 4. Ope1'lltions: Include the following, as applicable: a. Startup procedures. b. Equipment or system break-in procedUl"es. c. Routine and normal ope1'llting instructions. d. Regulation and control procedures. e. Control sequences. f. Safety procedures. g. Instructions on Slopping. h. Normal shutdown instructions. i. Operating procedures for emergencies. j. Ope1'llting procedures for system, subsystem, or equipment failure. k. Seasonal and weekend ope1'llting instructions. I. Required sequences for electric or electrouic systems. m. Special ope1'llting instructi~ and procedures. 5. Adjustments: Include the following: a. Aligmnents. b. Checking adjustments. c. Noise and vibration adjusttnents. d. Economy and efficiency adjustments. 6. Troubleshooting: Include the following: a. Diagnostic instructions. b. Test and inspection procedures. 7. Maintenance: Include the following: a. Inspection procedures. b. Types of cleaning agents to be used and methods of cleaning. c. List of cleaning agents and methods of cleaning detrimental to product. d. Procedures for routine cleaning e. Procedures for preventive maintenance. f. Procedures for routine maintenance. g. Instruction on use of special tools. 8. Repairs: Include the following: a. b. c. d. ~ e. Diagnosis instructions. Repair instructions. Disassembly; component removal, repair, and replacement; and reassembly instructions. Instructions for identifying parts and components. Review of spare parts needed for operation and maintenance. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION ~ A. Assemble educational materials necessary for instruction, including documentation and training module. Assemble training modules into a combined training manual. B. Set up instructional equipment at instruction location. 01820-3 No. [COMM.) 3.02 INSTRUCTION A. Facilitator: Engage a qualified facilitator to prepare instruction program and training modules, to coordinate instructors, and to coordinate between Contractor and Owner for number of participants, instruction times, and location. B. Engage qualified instructors to instruct Owner's personnel to adjust, operate, and maintain systems, subsystems, and equipment not part of a system. I. Owner will furnish Contractor with names and positions of participants. C. Scheduling: Provide instruction al mutually agreed on times. For equipment that requires seasonal operation, provide similar instruction at start of each season. I. Schedule training through Architect with at least seven days' advance notice. D. Evaluation: At conclusion of each training module, assess and document each participanl's Dulstery of module by use of a demonstration performance-based test. E. Demonstration and Training Videotape: Record each training module separately. Include classroom instructions and demonstrations, board diagrams, and other visual aids, but not student practice. I . At beginning of each training module, record each chart containing learning objective and lesson outline. F. Cleanup: Collect used and leftover educational materials and give to Owner. Remove instructional equipment. Restore systems and equipment to condition existing before initial training use. 3,03 REQUIRED DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING A. The following is a list of demonstration and training requirements listed in individual specification sections. Inconsistencies or omissions from the list does not relieve the Contractor from providing required demonstration and training delineated in each specification section. Specification Section 01420 Item Testing, Adjusting and Balancing Minimum Time* 8 hours Specification Section 15300 15510 15520 15530 15782 15830 15970 Item Minimum Time* As required As required As required 2 hours 4 hours 4 hours 2 hours Fire Protection Hydronic Piping Steam and Condensate Piping Refrigerant Piping Rooftop Heating and Cooling Units Heating Tenninal Units Energy Management and Control Systems Specification Section DN 16 Electrical . Includes factory start-up. Item Minimum Time* As required END OF SECTION 01820 01820-4 No.ICOMM.] SECTION 02070 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS ~ A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply 10 this Section. 1.02 SUMMARY A. This Section requires the removal of the following: I. Indicated on drawings and as required, to be removed and disposed of off site, to accommodate new construction. B. Related work by others: I. Removal of movable furnishings and equipment is by Owner. 1.03 SUBMITTALS ~ A. General: Submit the following in accordance with Conditions of Contract and Division I Specification Sections. ~ B. Schedule indicating proposed sequence of operations for selective demolition work to Owner's Representative for review prior to start of work. Include coordination for shutoff, capping, and continuation of utility services as required, together with details for dust and noise control. I. Provide detailed sequence of demolition and removal work to ensure unintelIUpted progress of Owner's on- site operations. ~ C. Product data and Material Safety Data Sheets for any hazardous, highly odoriferous, or high volatile materia1s to be used, along with procedure and safeguards to be followed during the use of each. 1.04 JOB CONDITIONS A. Condition of Structures: Owner asswnes no responsibility for actual condition of items or structures to be demolished. I. - Conditions existing at time of inspection for bidding purposes will be maintained by Owner insofar .as practicable. However, minor variations within structure may occur by Owner's removal and salvage opeIlltions prior to start of selective demolition work. B. Protection: Provide temporary barricades and other forms of protection to protect general public from injury due to selective demolition work. ~ I. Coordinate protective measures with those to be perfonned or constructed for asbestos abatement work. A void duplication of work where practical. ~ 2. Erect temporllI)' covered passageways as required by authorities having jurisdiction. 3. Provide interior and exterior shoring, bracing, or support to prevent movement, sett1ement, or collapse of structure or element to be demolished and adjacent facilities or work to remain. 02070-1 No. 032124 4. Construct temporary insulated dustproof partitions where required to separate areas where noisy, dirty or dusty operations are performed. Construct partitions out of metal stud, poly and gypsum board and provide dustproof doors and security locks. 5. Provide temporary weather protection during interval between demolition and removal of existing construction on exterior surfaces and installation of new construction to ensure that no water leakage or damage occurs to structure or interior areas of existing building. C. Traffic: Conduct selective demolition operations and debris removal to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, and other adjacent occupied or used facilities. 1. Do not close, block, or otherwise obstruct streets, walks, or other occupied or used facilities without written pennission from authorities having jurisdiction. Provide alternate routes around closed or obstructed traffic ways if required by governing regulations. D. Flame Cutting: Do not use cutting torches for removal until work area is cleared of flammable materials. At concealed spaces, flame cutting will not be allowed. Maintain portable ftre suppression devices during flame- cutting operations. E. Utility Services: Maintain existing utilities indicated to remain in service and protect them against damage during demolition operations. 1. Do not interrupt utilities serving occupied or used facilities or spaces, except when authorized in writing by authorities having jurisdiction. Provide temporary services during interruptions to existing utilities, as acceptable to Owner. 2. Maintain ftre protection services during selective demolition operations F. Environmental Controls: Use temporary enclosures, and other methods to limit dust and dirt migration. Comply with governing regulations pertaining to environmental protection. 1. Do not use water when it may create hazardous or objectionable conditions such as ice, flooding, and pollution, or damage to fmishes or occupied spaces. G. Do not use highly odoriferous, hazardous or highly volatile chemicals during demolition without the approval of the Owner. Provide appropriate safeguards during the use of such approved materials. H. Lead Containing Materials: The existing building may contain lead-containing materials, including lead paint. It is the Contractor's responsibility to meet all govenunental regulations when dealing with and disposing of lead containing materials. PART 2:.PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART3: EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. General: Provide interior and exterior shoring, bracing, or support to prevent movement, settlement, or collapse of areas to be demolished and adjacent facilities to remain. I. Cease operations and notify Architect immediately if safety of structure appears to be endangered. Take precautions to support structure until detennination is made for continuing operations. 02070-2 No. 032124 - 2. Erect and maintain dust-proof partitions and closUl'es as required to prevent spread of dust or fumes to occupied portions of the building. a. Where selective demolition occurs immediately adjacent to occupied portions of the building, conslruct dust-proof partitions of minimum 3-5/8" metal studs inch studs, 5/8-inch drywall (joints taped) on occupied side, 112-inch fire-retardant plywood on demolition side. Fill partition cavity with insulation. Provide lockable dustproof doors. b. Provide similar weatherproof closUl'es for exterior openings resulting from or immediately adjacent to demolition work. 3. Locate, identify, stub off, and disconnect utility services that are not indicated to remain. a. Provide bypass connections as necessary to maintain continuity of service to occupied areas of building. Provide minimum of 72 hours advance notice to Owner if shutdown of service is necessary during changeover. - 3.02 DEMOLITION A. General: Perform selective demolition work in a systematic manner. Use such methods as required to complete work indicated on Drawings in accordance with demolition schedule and governing regulations. 1. Completely fill below-grade areas and voids resulting from demolition work. Use compacted backfill as specified in Section 02200. - 2. Provide for effective air and water pollution controls as required by local authorities having jurisdiction. 3.03 DISPOSAL OF DEMOLISHED MATERIALS A. Remove from building site debris, rubbish, and other materials resulting from demolition operations. Transport and legally dispose of off site. I. If hazardous materials are encountered during demolition operations, comply with applicable regulations, laws, and ordinances concerning removal, handling, and protection against exposure or environmental pollution. - 2. Burning of removed materials is not permitted on project site. 3.04 CLEANUP AND REPAIR A. General: Upon completion of demolition work, remove tools, equipment, and demolished materials from site. Leave interior areas broom clean. 1. Repair demolition performed in excess of that required. Return elements of construction and SUl'faces to remain to condition existing prior to start operations. Repair adjacent construction or surfaces soiled or damaged by selective demolition work. 2. Remove protection when no longer required by demolition and remodeling work. ,.... END OF SECTION 02070 - 02070-3 No. 032124 SECTION 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS A. Bidding Requirements, Conditions of the Contract and pertinent portions of Sections in Division One of these Specifications apply to the Work of this Section. 1.02 SUMMARY A. Section includes: All labor, material necessary to complete all items of miscellaneous metal as listed on the schedule in Part 2 and shown on the Drawings. 1. The design, fabrication, transportation to the project site, and associated operations required to complete miscellaneous metals, including all the various metal items manufactured to more or less standard details in sizes conforming to specific requirements of the project. ~ 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS .~ A. The following specifications and standards are incorporated by reference. Materials and operations sha11 comply with requirements of the specified issue of published reference. Where provisions of these Project Specifications are at variance with those reference specifications, the maximum criteria or requirements shall govern. ~ 1. ASTM A36-97a, "Carbon Structural Steel" 2. ASTM A53-99b, "Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless" 3. ASTM A123-97a, "Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coating on Iron and Steel Products 4. ASTM A307-97, "Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 PSI Tensile Strength 5. ASTM A325-97, "Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105 KSI M;ninm"1 Tensile Strength" 6. ASTM A500-99, "Cold-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes" 7. ASTM A563-97, "Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts" 8. ASTM A666-99, "Annealed or Cold-Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel Sheet,Strip, Plate, and Flat Bar" 9. ASTM F1554-99, "Anchor Bolts, Steel, 36, 55, and 105-ksi Yield Strength" 10. A WS D 1.\-2000, "Structural Steel Welding Code" 1.04 SUBMITI'ALS ~ ~ A. Shop drawings required for aU items. Show ail work to be fabricated with all construction details shown in appropriate scale, methods of attachment to other materials, finished dimensions, shop welds and grinding of welds, field assembly joints, etc. Indicate welded connections, including net weld lengths, using standard A WS welding symbols. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 01300. 05500-1 No. 032124 B. Calculations: Accompany shop drawings with a complete structural design and analysis prepared and certified by a Professional Engineer (P .E.) licensed in the State in which the project is located. The design and analysis shan show all design loads, reactions, forces or stresses, and structural characteristics of members and connections for the items listed in section 2.01.B. Include a certified letter stating that shop drawings as submitted conform to the requirements on the design calculations. C. Coordinate work with other suppliers and subcontractors; obtain their approved shop drawing where necessary, or obtain any necessary additional detail infonnation regarding mounting conditions or other aspects of related work. 1.05 PRODUCT PROTECTION A. Package, handle, deliver and store at the job site in a manner that win avoid damage or deformation. Damaged material will be rejected. 1.06 JOB CONDITIONS A. Verify dimensions in field, as required, for pre-cut or prefabricated items. B. Examine job conditions and adjoining construction which may affect the acceptability of the work. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 DESIGN A. An materials shall be free from defects impairing strength, durability, appearance, and shall be of the best commercial quality for the purposes indicated. Struclural properties shan be such to withstand safely an strains and stresses to which they will be normally subjected. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Structural Steel: ASTM A36. B. Fastenings: Bolls, welds, rivets or other fastenings as required. C. Roof Deck: I \1," deep, 20 gage, intermediate rib (IR) or wide rib (WR). D. Shop Paint Primer: Manufacturer's standard rust inhibiting primer. 2.03 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR FABRICATION A. Weld permanent connections wherever possible. . B. Perform welding in accordance with A WS D 1. I. C. Perform shop cuning, drilling, fining and assembly wherever possible. Take field measurements before fabrication when required. D. Provide ail supporting members, fasteners, framing, hangers, bracing, brackets, straps, bolts, angles, etc. required to set, connect the work rigidly and properly to other construction. 2.04 SHOP COATS PROTECTIVE TREATMENT A. Clean free of all mill scale, rust and foreign matter by wire brushing, scraping, sandblasting or flame cleaning. Remove grease, oil with solvent. Dust, dirt: Remove with air blast or brush. 05500-2 No. 032124 B. Apply one shop coat of specified primer to all products. Provide primer for field touch up. Be responsible for quality and adhesion of shop prime finish. 2.05 SCHEDULE OF MISCELLANEOUS METAL ITEMS ~ A. Items listed in this Section are intended only as a guide, but do not relieve responsibility for verifying quantities and inclusion of all similar items. Thoroughly examine aU Drawings for items of miscellaneous metal fabrications. I. Miscellaneous angles and metal deck for roof deck patch. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 FIELD WELDS A. perfonn field welding in accordance with A WS D 1.1. B. Welders shall be certified by A WS. C. Continuously weld field splices and grind smooth where exposed to view. r D. Touch-up joints, welds with specified primer. END OF SECTION 05500 r ~ ~ 05500-3 No. 032124 SECTION 07530 BALLASTED MEMBRANE ROOFING PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS A. Bidding Requirements, Conditions of the Contract and pertinent portions of sections in Division One of these Specifications apply to the Work of this Section. 1.02 SUMMARY A. Section includes: I. Patching of existing roof at new and demolished equipment. 2. Vapor barrier, roof insulation, EPDM elastic sheet roofing, ballast, membrane flashing, splicing cement, lap sealant and aU accessories and labor necessary for a complete insulated elastic sheet roofing system. 3. Selected removal of existing coping, wood curbing as shown on drawings, cants, built-up roofing system and insnlation down to existing deck. ~ B. Related work specified elsewhere: 1. Wood curbs, nailers - Section 06100. 2. Prefabricated roof curbs for mechanical equipment - Division 15. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer: Currently approved, in writing, by manufacturer of system prior to awarding of roofing contract. 1.04 PRE-ROOFING CONFERENCE A. Hold roofing pre-construction conference at project site not more than one week prior to beginning roofing. B. Attendance is mandatory for roofing contractor, roofmg foreman, roofing manufacturer's representative, Architect's representative, Owner's representative, sheet metal subcontractor, and anyone else responsible for items penetrating or in contact with the roof. C. Agenda: I. Review in detail Architect's specifications, roof plans and all roof and flashing details. 2. If a manufacturer's specification is used, review and resolve all deviations or differences from Architect's specifications. ~ 3. If Factory Mutual or Underwriters Laboratories requirements are part of specification, review and understand these requirements, and resolve aU conflicts between the FM or UL specifications and Architect's1manufacturer's specifications. 4. Review roof plans; for slope, deck type, drainage, membrane attachment, expansion joints flashing and details. Resolve all conflicts between what is considered good roofing practice and specifications. 07530-1 No. 032124 5. Review proposed roofmg system and recommended work practices for its installation. 6. Study all plans to determine whether different roof areas have different requirements. 7. Designate which areas on site will be available for use as storage and working areas. 8. Review procedure to be followed to provide proper protection of roof system during and after construction of roof. 9. On occupied structures, review means and methods to be utilized to maintain structure weathertight during reroof mg. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300, indicating roof size, location and type of penetrations, perimeter and penetration details, roof insulation make-up and layout. B. Samples: Submit samples of stone ballast and insulation together with manufacturer's written acceptance. C. Warranty: Submit two copies of manufacturer's warranty for EPDM elastomeric sheet roofing. D. Deviation to Details: If deviations or modifications to indicated details are desired, submit proposed detail changes for approval by Architect. 1.06 PRODUCT HANDLING, STORAGE AND DELIVERY A. Deliver elastic sheet roofmg material, insulation in manufacturer's protective containers, and comply with manufacturer's instructions for storage and handling. B. Deliver materials requiring flIe resistance classification and/or flame spread rating with labels intact. C. Handle rolled goods to prevent damage. D. Store all materials on clean raised platforms with weather protective covering. E. Remove wet materials from site. F. Protect materials from storage traffic. G. Do not store concentrated loads on roof deck. 1.07 JOB CONDITIONS A. Weather conditions: Proceed with elastic sheet roofmg work only when weather conditions comply with manufacturer's recommendations, and will pennit materials to be applied and cured in accordance with those recommendations. Do not exceed temperature limitations recommended by roofmg manufacturer. 1.08 WARRANTY A. Manufacturer's warranty includes materials and workmanship to maintain roof in watertight condition. B. Provide single source, single responsibility warranty including membrane, insulation, bituminous flashing, walkways, and expansion joint covers. 07530-2 No. 032124 C. Provide 15 year No Dollar Limit total roofing system Warranty, from manufacturer; warranty to roD from date of substantial completion. D. Submit in accordance to Section 01730. 1.09 SITE CONDITIONS A. Building space directly under roof area covered by this specification will be utilized by on-going operations. 1. Do not interrupt Owner operations. B. Access to roof from exterior only. PART2: PRODUCTS 2.01 INSULATION A. Base Insnlation: Polyisocyanurate with conditioned R-value of 6.0 per inca At areas not covered by tapered insulation, supply with perlite bonded to the face. Manufacturer as acceptable to roof manufacturer to maintain warranty. B. Tapered Insnlation I. Polyisocyanurate or 1.5 PCF expanded polystyrene ASTM CS78 Type II. Manufacturer as acceptable to roof manufacturer to maintain warranty. Provide gypsum thermal barrier if required by manufacturer to meet FM or UL requirements. C. Receive roofmg msterial manufacturer's written approval of proposed insnlation materials. Z.02 ELASTOMERIC SHEET ROOFING SYSTEM A. Type and manufacturer: Carlisle Syn Tee Systems Sure-Seal Design B loose laid elastic sheet roofing system is specified. Comparable systems are acceptable as manufactured by Firestone Building Products Co., Versico Incorporated, Gen Flex, Johns Manville. B. Elastomeric sheet membrane: Sure-Seal 0.045" thick EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) compounded elastomer membrane, largest sheet size possible as determined by membrane manufacturer. C. Elastomeric flashing: Sure-Seal 0.060" thick Elastoform Flashing. Provide longest pieces of flashing practicable. D. Bonding adhesive, splicing cement, lap sealant, water cut-off mastic, prefabricated pipe seals, nite .seal and pourable sealer: Aa recommended by sheet roofing manufacturer. E. Nailer strip: Carlisle Sure Seal R.F.S. #3 solid rubber nailer, with manufactorer's recornrneuded fasteners. F. Stone Ballast - 1. Washed, rounded and smooth stone ranging in size from 3/4" to 1-112" in diameter, acceptable to membrane manufacturer and Architect. ~ 2. Crushed stone conforming to ASTM 57 is acceptable provided a protective mat, equal to Carlisle HP protective mat, is installed between the membrane and ballast. Install mat strictly according to manufacturer's written instructions. ~ 07530-3 No. 032124 3. Contractor may relocate ballast between cut and patch areas. If quantity of ballast available is not sufficient to meet spec. Contractor to provide new material complying with the specifications. G. Expansion Joint Backer: Neoprene Sponge Tubing. H. Roofmg System to carry a B fire rating. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 SUBSTRATE PREPARATION A. Comply with sheet membrane manufacturer's instructions for preparation of substrate to receive elastomeric sheet roofing. Clean substrate of dust, debris and other substances detrimental to elastic sheet roofmg work. B. Do not begin the Work of this Section until all existing conditions have been accepted. Report unsatisfactory conditions to Contractor, Architect in writing. C. VerifY proper placement of roof drainage systems, back-up overflow systems in relationship to fInished roof elevations; this includes: I. Proper placement of roof drains, roof drain clamps. Finished roof surface elevation shall not be lower than lowest inlet point on drain. 2. Proper placement of overflow roof drains and/or overflow scuppers. 3.02 ROOF INSULATION A. Loosely lay each layer of roof insulation with end joints staggered. Stagger joints between layers. Insulation joints shall be 1/4" or less in width. Neatly cut and fit insulation around roof penetrations, projections and electrical conduit. B. Mininuun thickness offrrst insulation layer shall be 1 ". C. Overlay base layer of insulation with prefabricated tapered insulation. D. Provide saddles between drains and crickets, as needed, to insure no ponded water. 3.03 ELASTOMERIC SHEET ROOFING A. Install elastomeric sheet roofmg in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. Ifrequired by manufacturer place approved slip sheet over insnlation to separate membrane. B. Loosely lay sheet membrane over roof insnlation and allow the membrane to relax before fastening or splicing. Apply adjoining sheets by lapping the edges and splicing. Mechanically fasten the membrane and around penetrations using continuous nailer strip and recommended fasteners. C. Complete splice between flashing and sheet roofIng before bonding the flashing to vertical surface. Adhesively apply flashing and nail at top of flashing. Flash all penetrations passing through the sheet membrane. D. Where elastomeric flashing laps under flexible wall flashing, insure proper lap and seal watertight with manufacturer's recommended adhesive. E. Secure and seal flash at reglets, copings and scuppers as shown on Drawings. 07530-4 No. 032124 F. Place manufacturer approved protection sheet over membrane to underlay walkway pads. G. Ballast: Apply a uniform coarse of stone ballast as recommended by membrane manufacturer with not less than 10 lbs. per square foot average over the gross area of the roof. Exercise care not to damage the membrane. Keep ballast away from area to receive walkway system. 3.04 MISCELLANEOUS A. Install splash blocks and walkway pads as shown on Drawings, over protective mat or directly adhere manufacturer supplied walkway pads. r B. Install grease protection over roof membrane at kitchen exhaust fan and as shown on Drawings, strictly according to manufacturer's instructions. ~ 3.05 CLEANING A. During course of work, inspect surrounding grounds for debris and trash. Remove at the end of each day's work. ~ B. Upon completion, leave roof areas and surrounding grounds clean of debris and trash. END OF SECTION 07530 ~ r I"'" ~ ~ 07530-5 No. 032124 SECTION 09250 GYPSUM BOARD PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ~ A. Bidding Requirements, Conditions <!f the Contract and pertinent portions of Sections in Division One of these Specifications, apply to the Work of this Section. 1.02 SUMMARY A. Section includes: I. Non load bearing metal stud framing for lath and plaster and drywall. 2. Gypsum wallboard and joint system. B. Related work specified in other sections: I. Painting Section 09900. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Referenced Specifications: "Using Gypsum Board for Walls aod Ceilings" as published by The Gypsum Association (GA-201-77). 1.04 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Delivery and Handling I. Deliver materials to the project site with manufacturer's labels intact and legible. 2. Handle materials with care to prevent damage. 3. Deliver fire-rated materials bearing testing agency label and required fire classification numbers. B. Storage I. Store materials inside under cover, stack flat, off floor. 2. Stack wallboard so that long lengths are not over short lengths. 3. Avoid overloading floor system 4. Store adhesives in dry area; provide protection against freezing at all times. ~ 1.05 JOB CONDITIONS A. Environmental Conditions I. Ventilation a Provide ventilation during and following adhesives and joint treatment applications. 09250-1 No. 032124 b Use temporary air circulators in enclosed areas lacking natural ventilation. c Under slow drying conditions, allow additional drying rime between coats of joint treatment. d Protect installed materials from drafts during hot, dry weather. B. Protect adjacent surfaces against damage and stains. 1.06 JOB COORDINATION A. Coordinate Work with installation of metal framing and electrical work. B. Coordinate framing and blocking for wall mounted accessories with Section 06100. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. All Materials: Materials by United States Gypsum Company are specified. Similar material systems by Natioual Gypsum Gold Bond, Georgia Pacific and Genstar are acceptable. Use materials from one manufacturer. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Gypsum Board: ASTM C36, long edges tapered; in lengths as long as practical to keep number of end joints to absolute minimum. I. Regnlar Gypsum Wallboard: Thickness shown on Drawings, tapered edges. Use where gypsum wallboard is indicated. B. Accessories I. Metal Trim: USG No. 200 A or B. Use at edges of wallboard abutting other fmish surfaces, materials. 2. Control Joints: USG No. 093. 3. Drywall Screws for Metal Framing: I" Type S-12 or Type S bugle head. 4. Outside Comer Reinforcement: USG No. (101-1" x I"), (103-1-1/2" x 1-1/2"), (104-1 1/8" x I 1/8") comer beads. 5. Adhesives: USG Durabond 500; for laminating gypsum wallboard to gypsum backing board, for laminating gypsum wallboard to masonry backing. 6. Furring Channels on Masonry: USG metal furring channels. C. Metal Studs, Track I. Use 25 gauge for partitions up to 12"-0" high. Use 20 gauge for partitions over 12'-0" high, and where shown on Drawings. 2. Use double 20 gauge studs at each door and borrowed light jamb, head. D. Drywall Finishing Accessories I. Joint Compound: Ready mixed type. 2. Joint Reinforcement for Drywall: USG Perf-A- Tape. 09250-2 No. 032124 ~ PART3: EXECUTION 3.01 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials in their original unopened packages. 3.02 GENERAL A. Cut wallboards by scoring and breaking, or sawing, scribe neatly at projections surfaces. B. Locate wallboard joints at openings so that no end joint aligns with edge of opening. C. Fasteners: Set with heads slightly below surface of wallboard. Take care to avoid breaking offace paper. D. Follow Gypsum Association's recommendations for installation procedures, fastening patterns. 3.03 METAL STUDS A. Attach metal runners at floor, ceiling to structural elements with suitable fasteners located 2" from each end, spaced 24" a.c. . B. Position studs vertically, engaging floor, ceiling runners, spaced 16 inches o.c. when necessary, splice studs with 8" nested lap, one positive attachment per stud flange. Place studs in direct contact with all doorfrarne jambs, abutting partitions, partition corners, existing construction elements. ~ 3.04 CONTROL JOINTS A. At Ceilings: 50'-0" o.c. each way maximum, or where shown on Drawings. B. At Walls: 30'-0" o.c. maximum, or where shown on Drawings. 3.05 GYPSUM WALLBOARD ERECTION A. Position all ends, edges over nailing members, except when edge joints are at right angles to framing members, or when end joints are back-blocked. Apply wallboard vertically on walls. ~ B. Attach wallboard to metal framing supports by power driven screws. For vertical application space screws 12" O.c. in field of board, 8" O.c. staggered along vertical abutting edges. For horizontal application space screws 12" O.c. in field, along abutting end joints. 3.06 JOINT TREATMENT APPLICATION A. Mix joint compound in accordance with manufacturer's reconunendations. B. Apply compound in thin uniform layer to all joints, angles to be reinforced. Apply reinforcing tape centered over joint, seated into compound. Follow immediately with thin skim coat to embed tape. Fold, embed tape in interior angles to provide true angle. ~ C. When embedding coat is thoroughly dry, apply second coat of compound, filling board taper flush with surface; cover tape, feather out slightly beyond tape. On joints with no taper, cover tape, feather out at least 4" on either side of tape. No second coat is required on interior angles. D. When second coat is thoroughly dry, spread finish coat evenly over, extend slightly beyond second coat; feather to smooth, uniform finish. Over tapered edges, do not allow finish coat to protrude beyond plane of surface. Apply fmish coat to cover tape, taping compound at taped angles to provide true angle. When necessary, sand between coats and following final coat to provide smooth surface ready for decoration. 09250-3 No. 032124 3.07 FINISHING FASTENERS A. Apply compound to fastener depressions at first coat. Follow with minimum of two additional coats; leaving depressions level with plane of surface. 3.08 FINISHING BEAD AND TRIM A. Apply first coat to beads, trim; properly feather out from ground to plane of surface. Embed flanges of comer reinforcement with compound. B. When embedding coat is thorougbly dry, apply second coat in same manner as first coat, extending compound slightly beyond into face of board. C. When second coat is tborougbly dry apply fmisb coat to bead, trim, extending compound slightly beyond second coat, properly feathering from ground to plane of surface. Sand finish coat as necessary to provide flat smooth surface, ready for decoration. 3.09 ADJUST AND CLEAN A. Screw Pop I. Repair nail pop by driving new screw approximately 1-1/2 incbes away and reseat screw. 2. When face paper is punctured drive new screw approximately 1-1/2 inches from defective fastening and remove defective fastening. 3. Fill damaged surface with compound. B. Ridging I. Sand ridges to reinforcing tape without cutting through tape. 2. Fill concave areas on both sides of ridge with topping compound. 3. After fill is dry, blend in topping compound over repaired area. C. Fill cracks with compound and fmish smooth and flush. END OF SECTION 09250 09250-4 No. 032124 SECTION 09510 ACOUSTICAL CEII,.INGS PART 1: GENERAL ~ 1.01 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS A. Bidding Requirements, Conditions of the Contract and pertinent portions of Sections in Division One of these Specifications apply to the Work of this Section. 1.02 SUMMARY ~ A. Section includes: 1. Lay-in acoustic ceilings as needed to restore finishes disturbed during work. ~ B. Related work specified in other sections: I. Gypsum board ceilings - Section 09250. 2. Mechanical penetration of ceilings - Division 15. ~ 3. Electrical penetration of ceilings - Division 16. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit Shop Drawings indicating installation layouts in accordance with Section 01300. B. Submit samples of all acoustical and suspension materials to Architect for approval. 1.04 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials in original, unopened, protective packaging, with manufacturer's labels indicating brand name, pattern, size, thickness and fife rating as applicable, legible and intact. B. Store materials in original protective packaging to prevent soiling, physical damage or wetting. C. Store cartons open at each end to stabilize moisture content and temperature. ~ D. Do not begin installation until sufficient materials to complete a room are received. 1.05 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Complete installation of dampening materials before beginning work. ~ B. Maintain humidity of 65% - 75% in area where acoustical materials are to be installed, 25 hours before, during, and after installation. ~ C. Maintain a uniform temperature in the range of 55 F. to 70 F. prior to, during, and after installation of materials. 09510-1 No. 032114 PART2: PRODUCTS 2.01 ACOUSTICAL MATERIALS A. Products by Armstrong and USG are specified. Equivalent products by either manufacturer must be approved by Architect prior to bidding. B. Type 1: 24" X 48" X 5/8" square edge lay-in. Armstrong "Tundra Hwniguard" #302, USG "Touchstone Climaplus" #5894. C. Furnish extra materials equal to 1 % of each type of acoustical material supplied. Provide materials in new, unopened cartons labeled as to contents. 2.02 SUSPENSION SYSTEMS A. Systems specified are by Chicago Metallic. Equivalent systems by USG or Armstrong are acceptable. B. Suspension System for Non-Rated Lay-In Panels (except locations listed below): 200 Intennediate Duty Snap-Grid System, standard white fmish. C. Perimeter treatment components for all systems to be 0.020 inch thick hot dipped galvanized steel, 15/16" wide x 'j.," high. Edges to be hemmed. Finished identical to main runners and cross tees. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 CONDITION OF SURFACES A. Examine surfaces scheduled to receive suspended or directly attached acoustical units for unevenness, irregnlarities, and dampness that would affect quality and execution of work. B. Mark access provisions as to size and location before beginning installation. 3.02 REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL MECHANICAL SUSPENSION SYSTEMS A. Grid layout in each space, area located symmetrically in room, space. Coordinste work with other trades so that lighting fixtures, grilles, other ceiling fixtures work to grid layout. B. Do not use universal splices or other types whose use would obstruct passage of recessed lighting fixtures through grid openings, or make untenable their reposition upon flanges ofbearns. C. Support suspension system from stmclure above, not from ductwork, equipment or piping. D. Space hangers not more than 6" from ends, not more than 4'-0" D.C. Between ends of main runners, provide extra hangers as required to support other work resting in or on ceiling. E. Provide additional tee supports, hangers and cut tiles to support and fit to all sides oflight fixtures, linear diffusers and other ceiling penetrations. Coordinate with mechanical and electrical drawings. 3.03 ACOUSTICAL MATERIALS A. Install ceiling panels and tiles using clean gloves, to avoid soiling materials. B. Install lay-in panels snugly against support system without damaging panels. C. Field rabbit edges of panels where field-cut to match shadow-line profile. 09510-2 No. 032124 -~..-""""""'\._.- D. Adjust any sags or twists which develop in the ceiling systems and replace any part which is damaged or faulty. E. Clean exposed surfaces of acoustical ceilings, including trim, edge moldings and suspension members; comply with manufacturer's instructions for cleaning and touch up of minor finish damsge. Remove and replace work which cannot be successfully cleaned and repaired to permanently eliminate evidence of damage. F. Replace any sagging tile just prior to substantial completion. G. Install impaction clips at abuse resistive ceilings. H. Install sound attenuation insulation over ceiling where shown, butt joints tight. Fit tightly around light fIXtures and mechanical penetrations. END OF SECTION 09510 ~ ~ ~ r- ~ ~ ~ ~ 09510-3 No. 032124 SECTION 09900 PAINTING PART 1: GENERAL ~ 1.01 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS A. Bidding Requirements, Conditions of the Contract and pertinent portions of Sections in Division One of these Specifications, apply to the Work of this Section. 1.02 SUMMARY A. Section includes: I. Field finish all materials scheduled and/or specified for paint, trim, stain or seal. 2. Field finishing at locations patched or damaged as a result of work. B. Related work specified in other sections: I. Shup finishing - Applicable Sections. 1.03 SUBMITTALS ~ A. Provide three (3) copies of a schednle detailing each substrate in the same order as the schedules used in Part 3 of this section. Include the following: 1. The specific products to be used for each coat. 2. Documentation that the manufacturer has reviewed and approved each painting system 3. Data pages for all products listed. ~ 4. On one set of data pages, highlight the following: a. Type of resin. b. Dry Film Thickness. c. V olurne Solids. d. Units of Sheen. e. Other performance or descriptive data required by Part 2 of this section. f. If this information is not on the data page provide the information in a letter of certification from the manufacturer. Attach the letter to the appropriate data page. B. Submit three (3) drswdowns of each product and color combination. Drawdowns shall be applied using a 4 mil WFT drswdown bar on Leneta form WD plain white coated cards size 3-7/8" x 6". I. Label each card with the following: ~ a. Job name. b. Date. c. Product name. d. Product number. e. Color number as stated in the material finish/color schedule. f. Name, address. and phone number of the supplying facility. ~ 09900-1 No. 032124 C. Do not deliver material to site until having received written approval of submitted information and samples. D. Complete sample area on project as selected by Architect on each type surface and with each type of paint specified. Do not proceed further with application until receiving acceptance of each sample area by Architect. Accepted areas will serve as standard of quality for entire project. 1.04 EXAMINATION OF DOCUMENTS A. Examine the specifications for the work of other trade contractors and to become familiar with their work. All surfaces that are left unfinished by the requirements of other specifications to be finished by this section. 1.05 JOB CONDITIONS A. The existing building may contain lead-containing materials, including paint. It is the Contractor's responsibility to meet all governmental regulations when dealing with and disposing of lead containing materials. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 PAINTING SYSTEMS A. Painting systems for normal applications are specified using the products of Sherwin-Williams Co. (S-W) and ICI Paints (reI) to establish standards of quality, except as noted. Comparable systems which are compliant with stated descriptive and performance requirements of lClIFuller O'Brien, Benjamin Moore & Co., Pratt and Lambert Co., PPG Industries, and ICI/Devoe Coatings are acceptable. B. Painting systems for specialty applications are specified using the products of Sonneborn, Aquarius Coatings, Genesis Coatings, Carboline, Seal-Krete. C. Use the materials of the same manufacturer for each system. D. For color selection see Material Finish/Color Schedule, Section 1-4 of Details of Construction. 2.02 PRIMERS A. Heavy Metal Free, Rust Inhibitive, Universal, Alkyd Metal Primer: I. Minimum Volume Solids: 51%. a. S- W Kern Bond HS B50NZ3 or B50WZ4. b. ICI 4160 Devguard Multi-purpose Primer. B. 100% Acrylic Interior Pigmented Primer: I. Shall be certifiable for use on gypsum drywall or wood, and to receive wallcovering or paint. 2. Minimum Volume Solids: 39%. a. SoW PrepRite Classic Interior Latex Primer B28WI01. b. leI 3210 Aquacrylic Gripper Primer Sealer. C. Rust-inhibitive Waterbome Acrylic Primer: I. Minimum Volume Solids: 44%. a. SoW DTM Acrylic PrirnerIFinish B66WI. b. ICI 4020 Devflex DTM Waterborne Primer Finish. 09900-2 No. 032124 ~ z.o3 EXTERIOR FINISH PAINTS A. 100% Acrylic Exterior Satin Coating: ~ 1. Minimum Volume Solids: 32%. 2. Sheen: 10-20 units at 60 degrees. a. SOW A-I 00 Exterior Latex Satin House & TrimA82 series. b. ICI 2412 Durus Exterior Acrylic Satin. ,.... B. Non-blocking, 100% Acrylic Exterior Gloss Coating: 1. Minimum Volume Solids: 31 %. 2. Sheen: 70-90 units at 60 degrees. a. S- W Super Paint Exterior High Gloss Door & Trim Enamel A85 Series. b. ICI 3028 Decra-Shield Interior Exterior Acrylic Gloss Enamel. C. Two-component Aliphatic Acrylic Modified Polyurethane: ~ 1. J.I,l';nnnnm Volume Solids: 58%. 2. Sheen: 20-30 units at 60 degrees. a. S- W Corothane II Low VOC, Satin Finish Polyurethane B65W200 SeriesIB6OV2. b. ICI 378 Devthane Aliphatic Urethane (Semigloss). D. Vinyl Acrylic Interior Eggshell Finish: 1. Minimum V olurne Solids: 36%. a. S. W ProMar 200 Latex Eg-shel B20W200 Series. b. ICI 1412 llitraHide Latex Eggshell E. Vinyl Acrylic Interior Flat Finish: 1. Minimum Volume Solids: 27%. 2. Sheen: 0-5 units at 85 degrees. a. S- W ProMar 400 Latex Flat B30W 400 Series. b. ICI 1230 Ultra-Wall Latex Flat. ,~ ~ F. 100010, Acrylic, Interior Gloss Coating: 1. Blocking Resistant 2. Abrasion Resistance (ASTM 04060): 110 MG maximum. 3. Minimum Volume Solids: 36%. 4. Sheen: 60-80 units at 60 degrees. a. S-W DTM Acrylic Gloss B66WIOO Series. b. ICI 4208 Devflex Interior/Exterior Waterbome Acrylic Gloss Ensmel. G. 100% Acrylic, Waterborne Flat Dryfall: 1. Minimum Volume Solids: 40%. 2. Sheen: 0-8 units at 85 degrees. a. SoW Waterborne Acrylic Dryfall B42W1. b. ICI1280 Spraymaster Pro Uni-Grip-WB Aquacrylic Flat PrimerlFinish :%.04 FLOOR AND WALL SEALERS ~ A. Concrete Floor Sealer: I. Primer: Sonneborn "High-build primer" (100% solids epoxy) with Sonofloor color additive. 2. Polyurethane Concrete Floor Sealer and Finish: Sonneborn "SonogIaze VOC". 3. Colors: As selected from manufacturer's standard colors. 4. Aggregate: Washed and dried, rounded 70-90 mesh silica sand. ~ 09900-3 No. 032124 2.05 EXTRA STOCK A. Provide left over paint with Owner for touch-up purposes. At completion of project, provide one complete set of drawdowns in each maintenance manual with a schedule noting the locations each paint color was used. Refer to Section 01720. PART 3; EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION OF SURFACES A. General I. Do not start work until preparation specified in surface Section is completed. 2. Ensure surfaces are dry and adequately protected from dampness. 3. Thoroughly clean surfaces free of loose, rough and foreign substances which will affect adhesion or appearance of applied coats. 4. Remove mildew and neutralize surface. 5. Remove and protect hardware, accessories, device plates, lighting fixtures, factory finished items, etc. or provide ample in-place protection. Upon completion of each space, carefully replace all removed items and protection. 6. Complete repainting or refmishing will be required if coats are applied over improperly prepared surfaces. B. Wood I. Hand sandpaper to smooth surface. Sand direction of grain, taking care not to mar character of details and sharp edges. Remove sanding dust. 2. After first coat is dry, thoroughly coat, with shellac (suitably reduced with alcohol for flowing consistency) or known sealer, knots, pitch pockets and resinous sapwood areas. 3. After fIrst coat is dry, fill nail holes, cracks and defects with colored putty tinted to match stain or paint. 4. Previously painted surfaces must be free of dirt, mildew, loose paint. etc. Excessive chalking or dirt must be removed by washing with water. Hard glossy surfaces are to be lightly sanded or dulled with deglosser/cleaner. Openings pennitting entrance of water should be caulked prior to painting. Surfaces in poor condition must be prepared for repainting by removing loose paint and blisters by scraping, sanding or burning. Paint in these areas is to be removed at least 12 inches beyond the failing area. Prime before applying fmish coats. C. Gypsum Board: I. Fill minor irregularities with patching material and sand to smooth level surfaces taking care not to raise nap of paper. 2. Previously painted gypsum wallboards must be completely dry, smooth-sanded, clean and free of dust, dirt, powdery residue, grease, oil, wax or any other contaminants such as flaking or peeling paint before paint application is started. Treat or remove all contaminants and correct defects. Dull glossy old paint by light sanding or with a commercial deglosser/cleaner to assure maximum adhesion of the new coating. Patch holes and cracks with a latex patching compound, sand smooth and spot prime with the paint or enamel to be used as the fmal coat. 09900-4 No. 032124 D. Ferrous or Galvanized Metal I. Remove dirt and grease with mineral spirits or solvent recommended by paint manufacturer and clean cloths. 2. Ifprime coat is not smooth, sand to bare metal, reprime. Touch up scratched or abraided primer. 3. Previously painted metal must be dry, clean and free of contaminants. Hard and glossy surfaces are to be sanded lightly or dnIled with deglosser/cleaner. Remove peeling, loose, chipped, and blistered paint and rust by scraping and sanding. Prime all sanded areas aud areas devoid of paint with an all-purpose metal primer. E. Aluminum: I. Remove dirt and grease with mineral spirits or solvent recommended by paint manufacturer and clean cloths. 2. All chipped, peeling or blistered paint must be removed by hand or power tool cleaning. Remove all oil, grease, dirt or other foreign materials. Remove excessive chalking or sanding. Remove any mildew present by scrubbing with detergent and bleach. Thoroughly clean surface with water prior to repainting. ~ F. Concrete Floors: I. To receive sealer or non-slip sealer: Shotblast floor to resemble 100 grit sandpaper. 3.02 APPLICATION ~ A. Conditions I. Do no interior work until building is properly enclosed. 2. Do no exterior work when surface, coating product, or air temperature is below 500 F., while surfaces are damp or during cold, rainy or frosty weather. Temperature must be at least 50 F above the dewpoint. Avoid application to surfaces which are exposed to hot sun. 3. Do work under adequate illumination and dust-free conditions. B. Methods: Paint may be applied by brush, roller or spray methods except where particnlar method will produce unsatisfactory results. Where spray method is used on concrete block, follow with roller to work paint imo voids. C. Materials: Do not open containers until required for use. Stir materials thoroughly and keep at uniform consistency during application. D. Coats I: Number specified is minimum. Provide sufficient number of coats to provide even, consistent, opaque coverage of substrate. 2. Touch up suction spots between coats. 3. Refmish surfaces affected by refitting work. 4. Tint prime and under coats of paint approximately 1/2 to 3/4 depth offinal color. 5. Touch up suction and "hot" spots in plaster and concrete after application or first coat and before second coat. 6. Do not apply next coat until previous is thoroughly dry. 09900-5 No. 032124 7. Provide final coat which is solid and even in color; free from runs, laps, sags, brush marks, air bubbles and excessive roller stipple and worked into crevices. joint and similar areas. 8. Paint fmish in food service areas to have an "orange peel" finish. 3.03 SCHEDULE OF EXTERIOR WORK A. General: Do not paint brick, stucco, precast concrete, preflnished aluminum (unless scheduled to receive paint). I. New Work: Paint or finish all other new, unfmished and primed surfaces. 2. Existing Work: Prepare and paint all surfaces as noted on the drawings. B. Ferrous Metal (except surfaces scheduled to receive polyurethane): 1. Touch-up: Rust-inhibitive Waterborne Acrylic Primer. a. DFT: 2.5-5.0 mils. 2. 2nd Coat: Non-blocking, 100% Acrylic Exterior Gloss Coating. 3. 3rd Coat: Non-blocking, 100% Acrylic Exterior Gloss Coating. a. Minimum DFT: 1.3 mils per coat. C. Ferrous Metal - All exposed structural, surfaces subject to light foot traffic (i.e. dock ladders, and grated walkways or balconies), plus columns and handrails: 1. 1st Coat: Heavy Metal Free, Rust Inhibitive, Universal, Alkyd Metal Primer. a. DFT: 2.0-5.0 mils. 2. 2nd Coat: Two-component Aliphatic Acrylic Modified Polyurethane. 3. 3rd Coat: Two-component Aliphatic Acrylic Modified Polyurethane. a. DFT: 2.5-5.0 mils. D. Zinc-coated Metal - Flashing, Decking, and Exposed Mechanical Including Rooftop Mechanical: 1. Touch-up: Rust-inhibitive Waterborne Acrylic Primer. a. DFT: 2.5-5.0 mils. 2. 2nd Coat: 100% Acrylic Exterior Satin Coating. 3. 3rd Coat: 100% Acrylic Exterior Satin Coating. a. Minimum DFT: 1.3 mils per coat. E. Zinc-coated Metal - Doors, Frames and Handrails: 1. Touch-up: Rust-inhibitive Waterborne Acrylic Primer. a. DFT: 2.5-5.0 mils. 2. 2nd Coat: Non-blocking, 100% Acrylic Exterior Gloss Coating. 3. 3rd Coat: Non-blocking, 100% Acrylic Exterior Gloss Coating. a. Minimum DFT: 1.3 mils per coal. F. Aluminum - Mill Finish (scheduled to be painted): 1. 1st Coat: Rust-inhibitive Waterbome Acrylic Primer. a. DFT: 2.5-5.0 mils. 2. 2nd Coat: Non-blocking, 100% Acrylic Exterior Gloss Coating. 3. 3rd Coat: Non-blocking, 100% Acrylic Exterior Gloss Coating. a. Minimum DFT: 1.3 mils per coat. 09900-6 No. 032124 ~ 3.04 SCHEDULE OF INTERIOR WORK A. General I. Paint complete all surfaces noted with a "PT" on Room Finish Schedule and areas or damaged or patched by the work. a. New Work: In unscheduled areas, use paint type to match adjacent areas. In rooms with surfaces not scheduled for paint on Room Finish Schedule, paint hollow metal doors and frames, metal stairs and railings as occur. b. Existing Areas: In unscheduled areas, paint all walls comer to comer in areas where patching has occurred. ~ 2. Provide specified finish on exposed surfaces including, but not limited to the following: a. Prime coated mechanical units, piping, pipe covering, sprinkler piping, interior duct surfaces visible behind grilles, radiation covers, cabinet unit heaters, exposed ductwork, louvers and grilles. b. Electrical panel box covers and surface raceways (over factory finish), conduits and boxes. c. Hollow metal doors and frames, steel stairs, ladders and railings, catwalks and safety mesh grilles, fire extinguisher cabinets, access panels, prime painted hardware, coiling grilles and doors (unless factory finished), metal supports for counters and exposed miscellaneous metals. B. Gypswn Drywall- Wall (not scheduled for epoxy): 1. 1st Coat: 100% Acrylic Interior Pigmented Primer. a. Minimum DFT: 1.6 mils. 2. 2nd Coat: Vinyl Acrylic Interior Eggshell Finish. 3. 3rd Coat: Vinyl Acrylic Interior Eggshell Finish. a. Minimum DFT: 1.6 per coat. C. Gypswn Drywall- Ceilings (not scheduled for epoxy): I. I st Coat: 100010 Acrylic Interior Pigmented Primer. a. Minimum DFT: 1.6 mils. 2. 2nd Coat: Vinyl Acrylic Interior Flat Finish. 3. 3rd Coat: Vinyl Acrylic Interior Flat Finish. a. Minimum DFT: 1.2 per coat. D. Wood - Painted: 1. 1st Coat: 100% Acrylic Interior Pigmented Primer. a. Minimum DFT: 1.6 mils. 2. 2nd Coat: 100% Acrylic Interior Gloss Coating. 3. 3rd Coat: 100% Acrylic Interior Gloss Coating. a. Minimum DFT: 2.5 mils per coat. E. Ferrous Metal (not scheduled for epoxy): ~ I. Touch-up: Rust-inhibitive Waterborne Acrylic Primer. a. DFT: 2.5-5.0 mils. 2. 2nd Coat: 100% Acrylic Interior Gloss Coating. 3. 3rd Coat: 100% Acrylic Interior Gloss Coating. a. Minimum DFT: 2.5 mils per coat. 09900-7 No. 032124 F. Zinc-coated Metal: I. Touch-up: Rust-inhibitive Waterbome Acrylic Primer. a. DFT: 2.5-5.0 mils. 2. 2nd Coat: 100% Acrylic Interior Gloss Coating. 3. 3rd Coat: 100% Acrylic Interior Gloss Coating. a. Minimum DFT: 2.5 mils per coat. G. Aluminum ~ Mill Finish: I. 1st Coat: 100% Acrylic Interior Gloss Coating. 2. 2nd Coat: 100% Acrylic Interior Gloss Coating. a. Minimum DFT: 2.5 mils per coat. H. Wall Surfaces Scheduled to Receive Vinyl Wallcovering or Wall Fabric: I. I st Coat: 100% Acrylic Interior Pigmented Primer. a. Minimum DFT: 1.4 mils. I. Exposed Overhead Work: I. Touch-up: Rust-inhibitive Waterbome Acrylic Primer. a. DFT: 2.5-5.0 mils. 2. 2nd Coat: 100% Acrylic, Waterbome Flat Dryfall. a. DFT: 3.0-5.0 mils. J. Concrete Floors (scheduled to receive sealer): I. 1st Coat: Primer with color additive. a. Minimum DFT: 10 mils. 2. 2nd Coat: Polyurethane Concrete Floor Sealer and Finish. a. Minimum DFT: 5 mils. END OF SECTION 09900 09900-8 No. 032124 MECHANICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Section No. Title Division Fifteen ~. 15010 15025 15030 15050 151 00 15140 15190 15250 15300 15510 15782 15830 15891 15910 15932 15970 15995 Basic Mechanical Requirements Reference Standards and Definitions Electrical Requirements for Mechanical Equipment Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods Valves Supports and Anchors Mechanical Identification Mechanical Insulation Fire Protection Hydronic Piping Rooftop Heating and Cooling Units Heating Terminal Units Ductwork Ductwork Accessories Grilles, Registers and Diffusers Energy Management and Control Systems Project Closeout MECHANICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS No. 032124 SECTION 15010 BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification sections, apply to this and all other sections of Division 15. 1.02 SCOPE A. All work shall conform in all respects with the requirements of these contract documents. All labor shall be performed by laborers skilled in their respective trades. B. It is the intent of these contract documents to form a guide for a complete installation. Everything necessary for a complete and successful installation of work shall be provided. C. This Section includes general administrative and procedural requirements for mechanical installations. The following administrative and procedural requirements are included in this Section to expand the requirements specified in Division I: I. Description of work 2. Interpretation of plans 3. Submittals 4. Coordination drawings 5. Record documents 6. Maintenance manuals 7. Delivery, storage and handling 8. Fire safety precautions 9. Personal safety requirements 10. Demolition PART2: PRODUCTS (Not applicable> PART3: EXECUTION 3.01 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work included under Division 15 shall consist of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary for the complete installation of all mechanical work shown on drawings and specified within. In general, this includes all plumbing, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, fire protection and building temperature control/automation systems. B. Include all minor items which are necessary to complete the installation even though not specifically mentioned in the Contract Documents. Such items include anchors, brackets, sleeves, piping drains, air vents, and valves. 15010-1 No. 032124 C. Some equipment and materials provided under Division 15 will require composite work crews because of trade jurisdiction. Where this occurs, the Contractor shall include in his price his portion of the composite crew labor costs. It is the Contractor's responsibility to review Division 15 Contract Documents to detennine where these composite crews are required. D. Before submitting a proposal on work contemplated, each bidder shall examine the site and thorougWy familiarize himself with all existing conditions and limitations affecting the performance of his work. No extra compensation will be allowed because of the Contractor's misunderstanding as to the amount of work involved or his lack of knowledge of any existing conditions. E. Staging and phasing of all mechanical work shall be coordinated with the prime Contractor. In areas where work involved may interfere with existing building functions, the Owner and Engineer shall be consulted so schedules can be set up acceptable to all concerned. F. All installations will conform to all local, state and national codes pertaining to work involved. G. All permits, licenses, fees and service charges, both temporary and permanent, necessary for the work specified will be secured and paid for by this contractor. H. Contract figures shall include State and Local Sales Taxes. Keep accurate records of these taxes and furnish such records to the Owner upon demand. I. The contractor will assume responsibility for and guarantee all work, materials and equipment for a period of one year from date of acceptance, except where a longer period of time is specified elsewhere, without cost to the Owner. 3.02 INTERPRETATION OF PLANS A. In general, the Drawings of mechanical systems and equipment are to scale. However, to determine exact locations of walls and partitions, the Contractor shall consult the architectural and/or structural Drawings which are dimensioned. Drawings shall not take precedence over field measurements. B. Plans of piping and ductwork although shown on scale Drawings are diagrammatic only. They are intended to indicate size and/or capacity where stipulated, approximate location and/or direction, and approximate general arrangement of one phase of work to another, but not the exact detail of construction. All ductwork will be constructed from field measurements taken by the mechanical contractor at the site. This shall include all rises, drops and offsets necessary to avoid structural members or equipment and materials installed by other trades. The mechanical contractor shall coordinate the ductwork and piping layout before construction. No additional costs will be allowed for piping and ductwork fabrications without field verification of available space. If it is found, before installation, that a more convenient, suitable or workable arrangement of any or all phases of construction would result by altering the arrangement indicated on the Drawings, the architect/engineer may require the contractor to change the arrangement of his work without additional cost to the owner. C. The drawings and specifications are intended to supplement each other. Any items shown on the drawings and not mentioned in the specifications, or vice versa, shall be executed the same as if mentioned and shown. The greatest quantity or more expensive work shall govem when there is a conflict between the drawings and specifications. 3.03 SUBMITTALS A. General: Follow the procedures specified in Division I Specification Section 01300, "Submittals." 15010-2 No. 032124 3.04 COST BREAKDOWN A. Submit a cost breakdown for each claim according to General Conditions of the Contract. Include project name, location, Architect/Engineer, Contractor and date. I. List the cost breakdown for labor and material separately and include a total. 2. Breakout and detail the cost according to specification sections. 3.05 RECORD DOCUMENTS A. Prepare record documents in accordance with the requirements in Division I Section "Project Record Documents." In addition to the requirements specified in Division 1, refer to specific sections for additional record documentation. 3.06 MAINTENANCE MANUALS A. Prepare maintenance manuals in accordance with Division I Section "Operating, Maintenance, and Warranty Data". Submit copies for review by ArchitectlEngineer. In addition to the requirements specified in Division I, include the following information: I. Descriptive summary of function, normal system operating characteristics and limitations, performance curves, engineering data and tests, and complete nomenclature and commercial numbers of replacement parts. 2. Manufacturer's printed operating procedures to include start-up, break-in, and routine and normal operating instructions; regnlation, control, stopping, shutdown, and emergency instructions; and summer and winter operating instructions. 3. Maintenance procedures for routine preventative maintenance and troubleshooting; disassembly, repair, and reassembly; aligning and adjusting instructions. 4. Servicing instructions and Inbrication charts and schedules. 5. Warranty infonnation for all mechanical items shall be included in one tabbed section. 3.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. General: Follow procedures specified in Division I Section "Temporary Facilities". I. Deliver products to the project properly identified with names, model numbers, types, grades, compliance labels, and other information needed for identification. 2. Storage of materials and equipment shall not impede the work of other contracts. 3. Protect all components of the mechanical installation from becoming fouled or otherwise damaged in storage. 4. Handling of equipment and products shall be according to manufacturers instructions and in compliance with the articles of their warranty. 5. Protect products from weather, unless product is slated for exterior installation. If outdoor storage is necessary, support products off the ground or pavement in watertight enclosures. 15010-3 No. 032124 3.08 FIRE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS A. The Contractors shall exercise extreme care to maintain and exercise adequate flre safety precautions throughout the work. This shall include providing sufficient fIre fighting devices, watchmen, standhy helpers or other precautions during construction, in use of temporary heat, welding, brazing, sweating, testing or other phases of work. B. At all times, access shall be maintained for fIre department trucks to the building. C. All welding brazing, cutting and sweating operations performed in vicinity of or accessible to combustible materials shall be adequately protected to make certain that sparks or hot slag does not reach the combustible material and start a fIre. D. All glass, glazed materials 'and other fInish, in the vicinity of welding, brazing and cutting, shall be masked by the Contractor performing the welding work. E. When necessary to do cutting, welding, brazing, sweating and similar work in vicinity of wood, in shafts, or vicinity of any combustible material (and the combustible material carmot be removed), the materials shall be adequately protected with fIre resistant blankets or similar approved coverings. In addition, a helper shall be stationed nearby with proper fIre extingnishers (provided by the Contractor performing the work) to guard against sparks and fIre. F. Whenever combustible materials have been exposed to sparks, molten metal, hot slag or splatter, a person shall be kept at the place of work to make sure the smoldering fIres have not been started. Whenever cutting or welding operations are carried on in a vertical pipe shaft, a person to act as a fife guard shall be employed to examine all floors below the point of cutting or welding. This frregnard shall be kept on duty after completion of work to guard against fifes and shall examine each level after this time, prior to leaving. There shall be no exceptions to this requirement and failure to comply will be construed as negligence. 3.09 PERSONAL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS A. The Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions required in connection with his work, including regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and other governing agencies. 3.10 DEMOLITION A. Provide all labor and materials necessary for the proper completion of all items for demolition work as shown on the project Drawings and as specified within. B. All materials and equipment, including sheet metal and piping which is noted to be removed and not reused, shall become the property of the Contractor unless otherwise noted. Disposition of such equipment shall be under the direction of the Contractor. C. Demolition work shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, removal of equipment, ductwork, piping and related accessories as shown on the Drawings. Items that become a dead service or existing equipment not required or essential to the successful completion and operation of the building under the terms established by the accompanying Specifications and Drawings shall be removed. Material and equipment must be noted on the plans "To be Abandoned" in order to leave in place. D. Salvable materials designated to remain the property of the Owner shall be carefully removed by the applicable trades, protected from damage, and stored as directed on the site until removed by the Owner. Such items to remain the property of the Owner shall be noted on the Drawings and/or properly identified by the Owner with red tags at least seven (7) days prior to receipt of bids. All other salvable materials shall be the property of the Contractor. Such materials shall not be stored on the site. E. Any disruption or damage to existing condition of equipment not designated to be removed during demolition or remodeling phases shall be repaired or replaced at this Contractor's expense. END OF SECTION 15010 15010-4 No. 032124 SECTION 15025 REFERENCE STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS PART I: GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. General: Basic Contract defmitions are included in the General Conditions. B. Indicated: The term "indicated" refers to grsphic representations, notes, or schedules on the Drawings, other paragraphs or schednles in the Specifications, and similar requirements in the Contract Documents. Where terms such as "shown, n "noted," "scheduled, II and "specified" are used, it is to help the reader locate the reference; no limitation on location is intended. C. Directed: Tenns such as "directed," "requested," "selected," "required, II and "permitted" mean "directed by the Architect," "requested by the Arcltitect," and similar phrsses. D. Regnlation: The term "Regulations" includes laws, ordinances, statutes, and lawful orders issued by authorities having jurisdiction, as well as rules, conventions, and agreements within the construction industry that control performance of the Work. E. Furnish: The term "furnish" is used to mean "supply and deliver to the Project site, ready for unloading, unpacking, assembly, installation, and similar operations." F. Install: The term "install" is used to descnbe operations at project site including the actual "unloading, unpacking, assembly, erection, placing, anchoring, applying, working to dimension, finishing, curing, protecting, cleaning, and similar operations." G. Provide: The term "provide" means "to furnish and install, complete and ready for the intended use." H. Installer: An "Installer" is the Contractor or an entity engaged by the Contractor, either as an employee, subcontractor, or sub-subcontractor, for performance of a particnlar construction activity, including installation, erection, application, and similar operations. Installers are required to be experienced in the operations they are engaged to perform. 1. The term "experienced" when used with the term "Installer" means having previous Projects similar in size and scope to this Project, being familiar with the precautions required, and having complied with requirements of the authority having jurisdiction. I. Project Site is the space available to the Contractor for performance of construction activities, either exclusively or in conjunction with others performing other work as part of the Project. The extent of the Project Site is shown on the Drawings and mayor may not be identical with the description of the land upon which the Project is to be built. J. Testing Laboratories: A "testing laboratory" is an independent entity engaged to perform specific inspections or tests, either at the Project Site or elsewhere, and to report on and, if required, to interpret results of those inspections or tests. 15025-1 No. 032124 1.03 SPECIFICATION CONTENT EXPLANATION A. Specification Content: This Specification uses certain conventions in the use of language and the intended meaning of certain terms, words, and phrases when used in particular situations or circumstances. These conventions are explained as follows: 1. Abbreviated Language: Language used in Specifications and other Contract Documents is the abbreviated type. Implied words and meanings will be appropriately interpreted. Singular words will be interpreted as plural and plural words interpreted as singular where applicable and the full context of the Contract Docwnents so indicates. 2. Imperative and streamlined langnage is used generally in the Specifications. Requirements expressed in the imperative mood are to be performed by the Contractor. At certain locations in the text, for clarity, subjective langnage is used to describe responsibilities that must be fulfilled indirectly by the Contractor, or by others when so noted. a. The words "shall be" shall be included by inference wherever a colon (:) is used within a sentence or phrase. 1.04 INDUSTRY STANDARDS A. Applicability of Standards: Except where the Contract Documents include more stringent requirements, applicable construction industry standards have the same force and effect as if bound or copied directly into the Contract Documents. Such standards are made a part of the Contract Documents by reference. B. Publication Dates: Where the date of issue of a referenced standard is not specified. comply with the standard in effect as of date of Contract Documents. C. Conflicting Requirements: Where compliance with two or more standards is specified, and the standards establish different or conflicting requirements for minimwn quantities or quality levels, refer requirements that are different, but apparently equal, and uncertainties to the Architect for a decision before proceeding. 1. Minimum Quantity or Quality Levels: Thc quantity or quality level shown or specified shall be the minimum provided or performed. The actual installation may comply exactly with the minimum quantity or quality specified, or it may exceed the minimum within reasonable limits. In complying with these requirements, indicated numeric values are minimum or maximum, as appropriate for the context of the requirements. Refer uncertainties to the Architect for a decision before proceeding. D. Copies of Standards: Each entity engaged in construction on the Project is required to be familiar with industry standards applicable to that entity's construction activity. Copies of applicable standards are not bound with the Contract Documents. 1. Where copies of standards are needed for performance of a required construction activity, the Contractor shall obtain copies directly from the publication source. 2. Although copies of standards needed for enforcement of requirements may be included as part of required submittals, the Architect reserves the right to require the Contractor to submit additional copies as necessary for enforcement of requirements. E. Abbreviations and Names: Trade association names and titles of general standards are frequently abbreviated. Where such acronyms or abbreviations are used in the Specifications or other Contract Documents, they mean the recognized name of the trade association, standards generating organization, authority having jurisdiction, or other entity applicable to the context of the text provision. Refer to the "Encyclopedia of Associations," published by Gale Research Co., available in most libraries. 15025-2 No. 032124 F. Abbreviations and Names: Trade association names and titles of general standards are frequently abbreviated. The following acronyms or abbreviations as referenced in Contract Documents are defined to mean the associated names. Names and addresses are subject to change and are believed to be but are not assured to be accurate and up to date as of date of Contract Documents. AABC Associated Air Balance Council 1518 K St., NW, Suite 503 Washington, DC 20005 (202) 737-0202 ACl American Concrete Institute P.O. Box 19150 Detroit, MI 48219 (313) 532-2600 ACIL American Council of Independent Laboratories 1725 K St., NW Washington, DC 20006 (202) 887-5872 ADC Air Diffusion Council 230 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1200 Chicago, IL 6060 I (312) 372-9800 AFBMA Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association 1101 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 700 Washington, DC 20036 (202) 429-5155 AGA American Gas Association ISIS Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA 22209 (703) 841-8400 AlA American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Ave., NW Washington, DC 20006 (202) 626-7300 AIHA American Industrial Hygiene Association 475 Wolf Ledges Parkway Akron, OH 44311 (216) 762-7294 AISC American Institute of Steel Construction 400 N. Michigan Ave., 8th Floor Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 670-2400 ~ AISI American Iron and Steel Institute 1133 Fifteenth St., NW Washington, DC 20005 (202) 452-7100 AMCA Air Movement and Control Association 30 W. University Drive Arlington Heights, IL 60004 (312) 394-0150 ANSI American National Standards Institute 1430 Broadway New York, NY 10018 (212) 354-3300 API American Petroleum Institute 1220 L St., NW Washington, DC 20005 (202) 682-8000 15025-3 No. 032124 ARI ASA ASC ASHRAE ASME ASPE ASSE ASTM AWPA AWS AWWA CAGI CDA Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute 1501 Wilson Blvd., 6th Floor Arlington, VA 22209 (703) 524-8800 Acoustical Society of America 500 Sunnyside Blvd. Woodbury, NY 11797 (516) 349-7800 Adhesive and Sealant Council 1627 K Street, NW., Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20006 (202) 452-1500 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers 1791 TulJie Circle, NE Atlanta, GA 30329 (404) 636-8400 American Society of Mechanical Engineers 345 East 47th St. New York, NY 10017 (212) 705-7722 American Society ofPlurnbing Engineers 3617 Thousand Oaks Blvd., Suite 210 Westlake, CA 91362 (805) 495-7120 American Society of Sanitary Engineering P.O. Box 40362 Bay Village, OH 44140 (216) 835-3040 American Society for Testing and Materials 1916 Race St. Philadelphia, PA 19103 (215) 299-5400 American Wood Preservers Association P.O. Box 849 Stevensville, MD 21666 (301) 643-4163 American Welding Society P.O. Box 351040 550 LeJeune Road. NW Miami, FL 33135 (305) 443-9353 American Water Works Association 6666 W. Qnincy Ave. Denver, CO 80235 (303)794-7711 Compressed Air and Gas Institute c/o Thomas Associates, Inc. 1230 Keith Building Cleveland, OH 44115 (216) 241-7333 Copper Development Association Box 1840, Greenwich Office Park 2 Greenwich, CT 06836 (203) 625-8210 15025-4 No. 032124 ~ CGA Compressed Gas Association Crystal Gateway #1, Suite 501 1235 Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington, VA 22202 (703) 979-0900 CISPI Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute 5959 Shallowford Road, Suite 419 Chattanooga, TN 37421 (615) 892-0137 EIA Electronic Industries Association 1722 Eye Street, NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006 (202) 457-4900 EJMA Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association 25 N. Broadway Tarrytown, NY 10591 (914) 332-0040 FCI Fluid Controls Institute P.O. Box 9036 Morristown, NJ 07960 (20 I) 829-0990 FM Factory Mutual Engineering and Research Organization 1151 Boston - Providence Turnpike Norwood, MA 02062 (617) 762-4300 HEI Heat Exchange Institute c/o Thomas Associates, Inc. 1230 Keith Building Cleveland, OH 44115 (216) 241-7333 HI Hydronics Institute P.O. Box218 35 Russo Place Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922 (201) 464-8200 H.I. Hydraulic Institute 712 Lakewood Center North 14600 Detroit Avenue Cleveland, OH 44107 (216) 226-7700 IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 345 E. 47th St. New York, NY 10017 (212) 705-7900 IRI Industrial Risk Insurers 85 Woodland St. Hartford, CT 06102 (203) 520-7300 ISA Instrument Society of America 67 Alexander Drive P.O. Box 12277 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 (919) 549-8411 LIA Lead Industries Association, Inc. 292 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10017 (212) 578- 4750 15025-5 No. 032124 MCAA MSS NEC NECA NEMA NFPA NPCA NSF NSSEA POI SJI SMACNA SPIB Mechanical Contractors Association of America 5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 120 Bethesda, MD 20814 Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry 127 Park St., NE Vienna, VA 22180 National Electric Code (Now NFP A) National Electrical Contractors Association 7315 W isconsin Ave. Bethesda, MD 20814 National Electrical Manufacturers Association 2101 L St., NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20037 National Fire Protection Association Batterymarch Park Quincy, MA 02169 National Paint and Coatings Association 1500 Rhode Island Ave., NW Washington, DC 20005 National Sanitation Foundation P.O. Box 1468 3475 Plymouth Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48106 National School Supply and Equipment Association 2020 Fourteenth St. North, Suite 400 Arlington, VA 22201 Plumbing and Drainage Institute (c/o Saul Baker) 1106 W. 77th St., South Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46260 Steel Joist Institute 1205 48th Street North, Suite A Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association P.O. Box 70 Merrifield, VA 22116 Southern Pine Inspection Bureau 4709 Sceuic Highway Pensacola, FL 32504 15025-6 (301) 897-0770 (703) 281-6613 (301) 657-3110 (202) 457-8400 (617) 770-3000 (202) 462-6272 (313) 769-8010 (703) 524-8819 (317)251-6970 (803) 449-0487 (703) 790-9890 (904) 434-2611 No. 032124 SSPC Steel Structures Painting Council 4400 Fifth Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (412) 268-3327 SSPMA Sump and Sewage Pump Manufacturers Association 560 W. Washington Street, Suite 30 I Chicago, IL 60606 (312) 332-4146 SWPA Submersible Wastewater Pump Association 600 S. Federal Street, Suite 400 Chicago, IL 60605 (312) 922-6222 TIMA Thermal Insulation Manufacturers Association 29 Bank Street Stamford, CT 06901 (203) 324-7533 UL Underwriters Laboratories 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 (312) 272-8800 WCLffi West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau P.O. Box 23145 Portlaud, OR 97223 (503) 639-0651 WSC Water Systems Council 600 S. Federal St., Suite 400 Chicago, IL 60605 (312) 922-6222 G. Federal Government Agencies: Names and titles of federal government standard- or Specification-producing agencies are often abbreviated. The following acronyms or abbreviations referenced in the Contract Documents indicate names of standard- or Specification-producing agencies of the federal government. Names and addresses are subject to change; they are believed to be but are not assured to be accurate and up to date as of the date of the Contract Documents. CS Commercial Standard (U.S. Department of Commerce) Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 (202) 377-2000 DOT Department of Transportation 400 Seventh St., SW Washington, DC 20590 (202) 366-4000 EPA Environmental Protection Agency 401 M St., SW Washington, DC 20460 (202) 382-2090 FCC Federal Communications Commission 1919 M St., NW Washington, DC 20554 (202) 632-7000 NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology (U.S. Department of Commerce) Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2000 15025-7 No. 032124 OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration (U.S. Department of Labor) Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 (202) 523-6091 H. State of Minnesota Government Agencies: Names and titles of federal government standard- or Specification- producing agencies are often abbreviated. The following acronyms or abbreviations referenced in the Contract Documents indicate names of standard- or Specification-producing agencies of the state government. Names and addresses are subject to change; they are believed to be but are not assured to be accurate and up to date as of the date of the Contract Documents. DLI Department of Labor and Industry 4th and 5th Floor Space Center Building 444 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55101 (651) 296-2342 DPS Minnesota Department of Public Safety 211 Transportation Building St. Paul, MN 55155 (651) 296-6642 DOA Department of Administration 50 Sherburne Avenue 200 Administration Building SI. Paul, MN 55155 (651) 296-3862 MDH Department of Health 717 Delaware Street S.E. Box 9441 Minneapolis, MN 55440 (651) 623-5000 MPCA Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 520 Lafayette Road North St. Paul, MN 55135 (651) 296-6300 1.05 GOVERNING REGULATIONS/AUTHORITIES A. The Architect/Engineer has contacted authorities having jurisdiction where necessary to obtain information for preparation of Contract Docwnents; that information mayor may not be of significance to the Contractor. Contact authorities having jurisdiction directly for infonnation and decisions having a bearing on the Work. 1.06 SUBMITTALS A. Pennits, Licenses, and Certificates: For the Ownerrs records, submit copies of pennits, licenses, certifications, inspection reports, releases, jurisdictional settlements, notices, receipts for fee payments, judgments, and similar documents, correspondence, and records establi'shed in conjunction with compliance with standards and regulations bearing upon performance of the Work. PART 2: PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3: EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 15025 15025-8 No. 032124 SECTION 15030 ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Related Sections: Separate electrical components and materials required for field installation and electrical connections are specified in Division 16. 1.02 SUMMARY A. This section specifies the basic requirements for electrical components which are an integral part of packaged mechanical equipment. These components include, but are not limited to factory installed motors, starters, and disconnect switches furnished as an integral part of packaged mechanical equipment. B. Specific electrical requirements (i.e. horsepower and electrical characteristics) for mechanical equipment are scheduled on the Drawings. 1.03 REFERENCES A. NEMA Standards MG I: Motors and Generators B. NEMA Standard ICS 2: Industrial Control Devices, Controllers, and Assemblies. C. NEMA Standard 250: Enclosures for Electrical Equipment D. NEMA Standard KS I: Enclosed Switches E. Comply with National Electrical Code (NFP A 70). 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. No separate submittal is required. Submit product data for motors, starters, and other electrical components with submittal data required for the equipment for which it serves, as required by the individual equipment specification sections. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Electrical components and materials shall be UL labeled. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MOTORS A. The following are basic requirements for simple or common motors. For special motors, more detailed and specific requirements are specified in the individual equipment specifications. I. Torque characteristics shall be sufficient to satisfactorily accelerate the driven loads. 2. Motor sizes shall be large enough so that the driven load will not require the motor to operate in the service factor range. 15030-1 No. 032124 3. 2-speed motors shall have 2 separate windings on poly-phase motors. 4. Temperature Rating: Rated for 40 deg. C environment with maximum 50 deg. C temperature rise for continuous duty at full load (Class A Insulation). 5. Starting capability: frequency of starts as indicated by automatic control system, and not less than 5 evenly time spaced starts per hour for manually controlled motors. 6. Service Factor: 1.15 for poly-phase motors and 1.35 for single phase motors. 7. Motor construction: NEMA Standard MG 1, general purpose, continuous duty, Design "BII, except "C" where required for high starting torque. a. Frames: NEMA Standard No. 48 or 54; use driven equipment manufacturer's standards to suit specific application. b. Bearings: I) ball or roller bearings with inner and outer shaft seals; 2) re-greasable, except permanently sealed where motor is normally inaccessible for regular maintenance~ 3) designed to resist thrust loading where belt drives or other drives produce lateral or axial thrust in motor; 4) for fractional horsepower, light duty motors, sleeve type bearings are pennitted. c. Enclosure Type: I) open drip-proof motors for indoor use where satisfactorily housed or remotely located during operation; 2) guarded drip-proof motors where exposed to contact by employees or building occupants; 3) weather protected Type I for outdoor use, Type II where not housed; d. Overload protection: built-in thermal overload protection and, where indicated, internal sensing device suitable for signaling and stopping motor at starter. e. Noise rating: "Quiet" f. Nameplate: Indicate the full identification of manufacturer, ratings, characteristics, construction, special features and similar information. g. Efficiency: Motor efficiency shall meet or exceed efficiency requirements for as listed below. Motors shall be tested in accordance with IEEE Standard 112, test method B. Motor efficiencies are based upon the NEMA MGI-1987, Table 12-6B (as referenced in the State Energy Code) plus 2.5% 15030-2 No. 032124 MINIMUM MOTOR EFFICIENCY TABLE Open Motor Closed Motor Premium Premium Efficiency Efficiency Number of Poles 3600 1800 1200 900 3600 1800 1200 900 Motor Horsepower I 85.0 79.5 74.5 83.0 78.0 74.5 1.5 82.5 85.0 85.0 78.0 81.0 84.0 85.0 78.0 2 85.0 85.0 86.5 88.0 84.0 85.0 85.0 85.0 3 85.0 89.0 88.0 89.0 85.0 86.5 86.5 84.0 5 88.0 89.0 89.0 90.0 88.0 88.0 88.0 86.5 7.5 88.0 91.0 91.0 91.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 10 90.0 91.0 92.7 92.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 15 92.0 92.7 92.0 92.0 91.0 92.7 92.0 92.0 20 92.7 93.5 92.7 92.7 91.0 92.7 92.0 92.0 25 93.5 94.2 93.5 92.7 92.0 93.5 92.7 92.0 30 93.5 94.2 94.2 93.5 92.0 93.5 93.5 92.7 40 94.2 94.9 94.2 92.7 92.7 94.2 94.2 92.7 50 94.2 94.9 94.2 94.2 92.7 94.9 94.2 93.5 60 95.5 95.5 94.9 94.9 94.2 95.5 94.2 94.2 75 95.5 96.1 95.5 96.1 94.9 95.5 95.5 95.5 100 95.5 96.1 96.1 96.1 95.5 96.1 95.5 95.5 125 95.5 96.1 96.1 96.1 95.5 96.1 95.5 96.1 150 96.1 96.6 96.1 96.1 95.5 96.6 96.6 96.1 200 96.1 96.6 96.6 96.1 96.6 97.0 96.6 96.6 B. Manufacturer: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products from one of the manufacturers listed below: 1. General Electric 2. Century 3. Baldor 4. Marathon 5. Reliance 6. Emerson 7. Siemens 2.02 STARTERS, ELECTRICAL lJEVICES, AND WIRING: A. General: Packaged equipment furnished by the Mechanical Contractor that includes electrical components shall conform to all requirements as specified in Division 16 and as indicated herein. B. Motor Starter Characteristics: 1. Enclosures: NEMA I, general purpose enclosures with padlock ears, except in wet locations shall be NEMA 3R with conduit hubs, or units in hazardous locations which shall have NEC proper class and division. 2. Type and size of starter shall be as reconnnended by motor manufacturer and the driven equipment manufacturer for applicable protection and start-up condition. 15030-3 No. 032124 C. Manual switches shall have: I. Pilot lights and extra positions for multi-speed motors. 2. Overload protection: melting alloy type thennal overload relays. D. Magnetic Starters: I. Maintained contact push buttons and pilot lights, properly arranged for single speed or multi-speed operation as indicated. 2. Trip-free thennal overload relays, each phase. 3. Interlocks, pneumatic switches and similar devices as required for coordination with control requirements of Division 15 Controls sections. 4. Built-in 120 volts control circuit transformer, fused from line side, where service exceeds 240 volts. 5. Externally operated manual reset. 6. Under-voltage release or protectiou. E. Disconnect Switches: I. Fusible switches: fused, each phase; general duty; horsepower rated; non-teasible quick-make, quick-break mechanisrn; dead front line side shield; solderless lugs suitable for copper or aluminum conductors; spring reinforced fuse clips; electro silver plated current carrying parts; hinged doors; operating lever arranged for locking in the "OPEN" position; arc quenchers; capacity and characteristics as indicated. 2. Non-fusible switches: for equipment 2 horsepower and smaller, shall be horsepower rated; toggle switch type; quantity of poles and voltage rating as indicated. For equipment larger than 2 horsepower, switches shall be the same as fusible type. F. Motor connections: I. Flexible conduit, except where plug-in electrical cords are specifically indicated. 2.03 CAPACITORS A. Features: I. Individual unit cells 2. all welded steel housing 3. each capacitor intemally fused, external blown fuse indicator 4. non-flanunable (non-PCB) synthetic liquid impregnant 5. craft tissue insulation 6. aluminum foil electrodes 15030-4 No. 032124 PART3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Install motor and equipment associated with the mechartical installation, including items furnished by others. B. Provide electrical requirements for equipment installation, connection, and control. Refer to Division 16 for exceptions. C. Provide power factor correction capacitors on motors as required to correct power factor of the motor to 90 percent or better on all motors I horsepower and larger. Turn capacitors over to the Electrical Contractor for installation. The power factors of motors shall be measured at rated loads. Do not provide power factor correction for motors installed with variable frequency drives. END OF SECTION 15030 ~ ~ 15030-5 No. 032124 SECTION 15050 BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS PART1: GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Requirements of the following Division 15 Section apply to this Section. 1. Section 15010 Basic Mechanical Requirements. 1.02 SUMMARY A. This Section includes limited scope general construction materials and methods for application with mechanical installations as follows: I. Mechanical equipment nameplate data. 2. Miscellaneous metals for support of mechanical materials and equipment. 3. Joint sealers for sealing around mechanical materials and equipment; and for sealing penetrations in fJI'C and smoke harriers, floors, and foundation walls. 4. Pipe sleeves through walls and floors. B. Related sections: 1. Division 5 Section "Metal Fabrications" for materials for anchoring piping systems to building structure. 2. Division 6 for wood grounds, nailers, blocking, fasteners, and anchorage for support of mechanical materials and equipment. 3. Division 7 for roof equipment supports. 4. Division 9 Section "Painting" for field-applied painting requirements. 5. Division 15 Section 15250 "Mechanical Insulation" for insulation of equipment and systems. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. General: Submit the following in accordance with Conditions of Contract and Division I Specification Sections. B. Shop drawings detailing fabrication and installation for metal fabrications, and supports and anchorage for mechanical materials and equipment. C. Welder certificates, signed by Contractor, certifying that welders comply with requirements specified under "Quality Assurance" article of this Section. D. Sehedules indicating proposed methods and sequence of operations for selective demolition prior to commencement of Work. Include coordination for dust and noise control. I. Coordinate sequencing with construction phasing and Owner occupancy specified in Division I Section "Sununary of Work." ~ 15050-1 No. 032124 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with the requirements of current editions of the following: I. The Minnesota State Building Code, known as the "State Building Code", including the following documents or codes pertaining to the construction and/or use of buildings. a. Minnesota State Building code regulations known and identified as Chapters 1300, 1301, 1302, 1305, 1310,1315,1330,1335,1346,1350,1355,1360 and 1365. b. The Minnesota State Building Code adopts by reference the following codes: 1.) The Intemational Building Code, identified as "IDC": 2.) National Electrical Code, identified as "NEe": 3.) American National Standard Safety Code for Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators. and Moving Walls, identified as ANSI-A 17.1, including supplement ANSI-A 17.la and ANSI-A 17.3. c. Minnesota State Building Code chapter 1346 known as the "Minnesota Uniform Mechanical Code"-- adopts by reference the Uniform Mechanical Code as promulgated by the International Conference of Building Officials, Whittier California, and is amended by Rules 1346.0050 through 1346.2600. d. Department of Public Service Minnesota State Energy Code. e. Minnesota State Building Code Rules Chapter 4715 known as the "Minnesota Plumbing Code" promulgated by the Minnesota Department of Health and the Minnesota Department of Administration. 2. Applicable section of the Minnesota Rules as compiled by the Reviser of Statutes for the Minnesota Legislature and appearing in the State Register. a. Chapter 5230, Minnesota State Code for Power Piping Systems, promulgated by the Minnesota Dept. of Labor and Industry and the Minnesota Depl. of Administration. b. Chapter 5225, Minnesota State Standards for Boiler and Pressure Vessels, promulgated by the Minnesota Dept. of Labor and Industry and the Minnesota Dept. of Administration. c. Chapter 7510 known as the "Minnesota Uniform Fire Code", promulgated by the Minnesota Dept. of Public Safety, adopts by reference: 1.) The Uniform Fire Code as promulgated by the International Conference of Building Officials, and the Western Fire Chiefs Association (Whittier, California), and, where applicable, 2.) The National Fire Codes Standard Number 101 issued by the National Fire Protection Association (Quincey, Massachusetts). B. Qualify welding processes and welding operators in accordance withAWS DI.l "Structural Welding Code - Stee1." 1. Certify that each welder has satisfactorily passed A WS qualification tests for welding processes involved and, if pertinent, has undergone recertification. 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Conditions Affecting Excavations: The following project conditions apply: I. Site Information: Subsurface conditions were investigated during the design of the Project. Reports of these investigations are available for information only; data in the reports are not intended as representations or warranties of accuracy of continuity of conditions. The Owner will not be responsible for interpretations or conclusions drawn from this information. 15050-2 No. 032124 1.06 SEQUENCE AND SCHEDULING A. Coordinate the installation of pipe sleeves for floor and wall penetrations. B. Coordinate the size and location of structural steel support members with ductwork, HV AC equipment, heating, cooling and plumbing piping. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MISCELLANEOUS METALS A. Steel plates, shapes, bars, and bar grating: ASTM A 36. B. Cold-Formed Steel Tubing: ASTM A 500. C. Hot-Rolled Steel Tubing: ASTM A 501. D. Steel Pipe: ASTM A 53, Schednle 40, welded. E. Nonshrink, Nonmetallic Grout: Premixed, factory-packaged, nonstaining, noncorrosive, nongaseous grout, recommended for interior and exterior applications. F. Fasteners: Zinc-coated, type, grade, and class as required. PART3: EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting installation. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.02 ERECTION OF METAL SUPPORTS AND ANCHORAGE A. Cut, fit, and place miscellaneous metal fabrications accurately in location, alignment, and elevation to support and anchor mechanical materials and equipment. B. Field Welding: Comply with A WS "Structural Welding Code." 3.03 ERECTION OF WOOD SUPPORTS AND ANCHORAGE A. Cut, fit, and place wood grounds, nailers, blocking, and anchorage accurately in location, alignment, and elevation to support and anchor mechanical matetia1s and equipment. B. Select fastener sizes that will not penetrate members where opposite side will be exposed to view or will receive finish matetials. Make tight connections between members. Install fasteners without splitting wood members. C. Attach to substrates as required to support applied loads. D. Wood shall be fire treated and pressure treated to prevent absorption of moisture. 15050-3 No. 032124 3.04 PIPING INSTALLATION A. All pipes shall be required size, round and straight and shall be cut, reamed, threaded, beveled for welding and/or otherwise prepared for joining with proper tools. All piping shall be properly enclosed, supported, guided, anchored, sway braced, connected, tested, cleaned and flushed out, properly insulated and protected where required, and run in a neat and orderly manner to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Lines required to be enclosed in ceilings, chaseways or similar spaces shall be installed to permit such enclosure as intended. This contractor must layout his work, properly locate the apparatus and add necessary pipe, sleeve, etc., and take his oWIi measurements at the building. B. All pipes shall be run with proper grade to provide for easy draining and in group runs where applicable. Pipe sizes shown on the drawings are nominal pipe sizes and not outside diameters. Pipes shall be run substantially as indicated on the drawings. C. All piping shall be installed with ample provisions for expansion and contraction to prevent damage to same or to building structure. Such provisions shall be made by means of piping offsets, changes in directions, expansion loops and/or suitable expansion joints. Suitable anchors and guides shall be provided to permit proper deflection and compression of offsets, loops and/or expansion joints. Expansion joints shall oot be used in lieu of offsets, changes in direction or loops, except where specified and/or indicated on the drawings. D. In general, pipe lines requiring drainage shall be laid out at the site, first the large pipe mains, then space for air ducts, then electrical conduit. The Mechartical Contractor shall provide extra stub risers, air vents, rises and drops in forced hot water mains as may be required; and extra lengths and fittings in all phases as may be required to install all systems in the space available and as necessary to avoid interference's. E. All piping systems shall conform with all applicable requirements of the ASA Code for Pressure Piping and with all applicable State and local codes, except where type and quality of materials, weights, thicknesses, design, pressures or fabrication techniques are called for in these specifications which exceed or upgrade such code requirements, these specifications shall govern. F. Permissible assemblies for welded pipelines. Following specification covers permissible assemblies for welded pipelines for all services operating at 150 psig or less. I. The use of mitered elbows in welded lines will not be permitted. 2. Mitered tees will not be permitted in welded lines. Connections shall be made with welding tees. The use of weldolets will be permitted in lieu of welding tees in welded lines provided they are installed in prefabricated assemblies and the pipe interior is cleaned of slag. 3. Mitered reducers will not be permitted in welded lines. 4. Pipe caps in welded lines may be fabricated from flat steel plate cut round and inserted into the pipe of sufficient depth to permit a fillet weld equal the plate thickness. 5. The pipe ends in all tees, laterals and reducers shall be carefully prepared to provide for proper weld penetration in accordance with ASA Standards. G. Equipment piping shall also include wastes and drains which are safewasted without a direct connection. This shall include drains from drain pans, plenum drains, backflow preventers and automatic air vents, etc. H. Service piping to fixtures and equipment shall be installed concealed wherever possible. Conceal piping within the wall adjacent to the equipment or in the enclosures provided by the equipment supplier, as indicated on the drawings. For size of enclosures and exact locations, see equipment shop drawings. 1. Exposed piping shall be installed in a sanitary marmer for ease in cleaning. 15050-4 No. 032124 3.05 CONNECTIONS TO MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT A Due to the fact that the manufacturer of the equipment purchased may vary slightly from that specified and, therefore, requires some rearranging of equipment different from that indicated on the drawings, the Contractor shall make connections to such rearranged equipment without additional cost to the Owner. That is for initial installation arrangement other than that indicated on the drawings. B. The Mechanical Contractor shall coordinate work between the various trades to ensure proper installation and operation of all systems. Do not install ductwork so as to cover electrical junction boxes unless this contractor provides approved access panels in both layers of duct. 3.06 FOUNDATIONS AND SUPPORTS A. Foundations, supports, anchors, anchor bolts, sleeves, shims, etc., required for properly placing mechanical equipment furnished under this contract shall be provided by this Contractor, unless specifically stated otherwise. Housekeeping pads, four (4) inches thick, of 140-pcf dense concrete, shall be furnished for all mechanical equipment located on floor slabs. See architectural and structural drawings for concrete work to be furnished by General Contractor. Coordinate exact locations of concrete pads with General Contractor. 3.07 TESTS A. General. Tests shall be performed on all systems. Tests shall be repeated until each system is proven acceptable. I. All work shall be inspected, tested and approved as required by the State of Mirmesota and local regulations. Tests shall be made in the presence of proper inspectors and the Architect/Engineer or their dnly authorized representatives. All tests shall be made by the Contractor at his own expense, and he shall furnish three (3) test certificates to the Architect/Engineer for approval. 2. All work shall prove absolutely tight under required tests. All tests of piping systems, except f'mal tests of completed systems shall be made before pipe is covered or connected to fixtures and equipment. 3. All gauges, tools, pumps, air compressor or other equipment required for testing and irtitial adjusting of piping systems shall be purchased and provided by this Contractor. 4. See respective Division 15 sections for tests required under that specific section of the specification. B. Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems. I. All ventilating systems will be balanced by an independent test and balance agency contracted directly by the Owner. The scope of the testing and balancing work includes functional performance testing of all mechanical systems. Deficiency reports will be distributed directly to the contractor on an ongoing basis. Exceptions taken to specific direction issued by the testing agency. shall be. brought to the attention of the engineer by the installing contractor. 2. The Contractor shall be certain that all systems are ready for proper operation prior to balancing and adjusting with clean filters and other system elements, e.g., coils. Temperature control calibration, electrical interface, etc., shall also be complete prior to balancing and adjusting. All equipment shall be freshly oiled. The Contractor shall instruct his employees and subcontractors to leave all balancing devices in a wide open position and free all operating arms and adjustments so that they can be easily operated. The contractor shall write a letter to the testing agency indicating that each of the areas defined by the General Contractor schedule to be completed is complete and ready for balancing. 15050-5 No. 032124 C. Hydronic water systems. I. Hydronic water systems will be balanced and pump performance will be certified by an independent test and balance agency contracted directly by the Owner. The scope of the testing and balancing work includes fimctional performance testing of all mechanical systems. Deficiency reports will be distributed directly to the contractor on an ongoing basis. Exceptions taken to specific direction issued by the testing agency shall be brought to the attention of the engineer by the installing contractor. 2. The Contractor shall be certain that all systems are ready for proper operation prior to balancing and adjusting with clean filters and other system elements, e.g., coils. Temperature control calibration, electrical interface, etc., shall also be complete prior to balancing and adjusting. All equipment shall be freshly oiled. The Contractor shall instruct his employees and subcontractors to leave all balancing devices in a wide open position and free all operating arms and adjustments so that they can be easily operated. The contractor shall write a letter to the testing agency indicating that each of the areas defmed by the General Contractor schedule to be completed is complete and ready for balancing. 3.08 CLEANING A. The Contractor and subcontractors for the various phases of the work of this Division shall clear away all construction debris, surplus materials, etc., resulting from their work, including all duct/pipe shafts, leaving the job and equipment furnished in a clean, frrst-class condition. B. Air surfaces of all coils, fan housings, fan wheels, fan motors, air unit plenums and all air filters shall be wiped clean or washed leaving the installation in a frrst-class condition prior to being turned over to the Owner. C. All plumbing fixtures shall be thoroughly cleaned of all plaster, stickers, rust stains, and other foreign matter of discoloration, leaving every part in an acceptable condition and ready for use. The surface of all floor drains, cleanouts and other equipment shall be cleaned and each item shall be left in a frrst-class condition. Thoroughly clean all items of equipment furnished such as traps, strainers, pumps, motors, etc., leaving each item in a clean, frrst-class condition. 3.09 PAINTING A. This Contractor shall refmish and restore to the original conditions and appearance, all mechanical equipment which has sustained damage to the manufacturer's prime and finish coats of enamel or paint. Materials and workmanship shall be equal to the requirements described in the painting section of the architectural specifications. 3.10 IDENTIFICATION A. All mechanical equipment furnished under these specifications shall be identified with black-and-white laminated 1/8" plastic plates. Plates shall be attached with self-tapping screws. 3.11 CORE DRILLING, CUTTING AND PATCHING A. All core drilling, cutting and patching required for the installation of mechanical equipment as shown on the drawings and/or specified in Division 15, shall be the responsibility of this Contractor except where specifically stated otherwise. No cutting shall iropair the structure without the written approval of the Architect/Engineer. Should structural repairs be required, they shall be made under the direction of the Architect/Engineer. B. All patching, including painting (where required) shall be perfonned by the Mechanical Contractor, unless otherwise noted. 15050-6 No. 032124 3.12 EQUIPMENT ACCESSmILITY A. The Mechanical Contractor shall locate all mechanical equipment, valves, cleanouts, fire dampers, combination fire/smoke dampers, etc. as required to allow access for servicing. The accessibility of all equipment shall be noted on the coordination drawings. Provide additional duct or pipe transitions, angles, and offsets as required. The addition of access panels in ceilings or wall required for servicing mechanical equipment because a reasonable attempt was not made to locate equipment in an accessible location, shall be the responsibility of the Mechanical Contractor. 3.13 PIPE SLEEVES A. Interior Miscellaneous Penetration. Provide schedule 40 pipe sleeves through walls, floors, partitions or ceilings. Seal sleeves with special sealers and materials as prescribed in Division 7. B. Provide 20 gauge galvanized sheetrnetal sleeves at all non-rated duct penetrations of walls and ceilings. Seal with special sealers and materials as prescribed in Division 7. C. Extend pipe sleeves in floors 2" above finished floors in unfinished areas and 1/4" above finished floors in finished areas. 3.14 FIRESTOPPING A. Provide flrestopping material for penetrations and sleeves that pass through walls and floors. Provide the firestopping material that matches the fire rating of the wall or floor. B. Conform to the requirements of Section 07240 "Firestopping". END OF SECTION 15050 15050-7 No. 032124 SECTION 15100 VALVES PART 1: GENERAL 1~IRELATEDDOCUMENTS A. Requirements of the following Division 15 Sections apply to this section: 1. Section 15010 Basic Mechanical Requirements. 2. Section 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods. 1.02 SUMMARY A. This Section includes general duty valves common to most mechanical piping systems. I. Special purpose valves are specified in individual piping system specifications. B. Valve tags and charts are specified in Division 15 Section 15190 "Mechanical Identification." 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. General: Submit the following in accordance with Conditions of Contract and Division I Specification Sections. B. Product data, including body material, valve design, pressure and temperature classification, end connection details, seating materials, trim material and arrangement, dimensions and required clearances, and instaUation instructions. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Single Source Responsibility: Comply with the requirements specified in Division I Section "Substitutions and Product Options". B. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Compliance: Comply with ASME B31.9 for building services piping and ASME B31.1 for power piping. ~ C. Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry (MSS) Compliance: Comply with the various MSS Standard Practices referenced. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Prepare valves for shipping as follows: 1. Ensure valves are dry and internally protected against rusting and corrosion. 2. Protect valve ends against damage to threads, flange faces, and weld ends preps. ~ 3. Set valves in best position for handling. Set globe and gate valves closed to prevent rattling; set ball and plug valves open to minimize exposure of functional surfaces; set butterfly valves closed or slightly open; and block swing check valves in either closed or open position. 15100-1 No. 032124 B. Storage: Use the following precautions during storage: I. Do not remove valve end protectors unless necessary for inspection; then reinstall for storage. 2. Protect valves from weather. Store valves indoors. Maintain valve temperature higher than the ambient dew point temperature. If outdoor storage is necessary, support valves off the ground or pavement in watertight enclosures. C. Handling: Use a sling to handle valves whose size requires handling by crane or lift. Rig valves to avoid damage to exposed valve parts. Do not use handwheels and stems as lifting or rigging points. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Subject to compliance with requirements, but are not limited to, those listed in valve schedule. 2.02 VALVE FEATURES, GENERAL A. Valve Design: Rising stem or rising outside screw and yoke stems. I. Non-rising stem, indicating type valves may be used where headroom prevents full extension of rising stems. B. Pressure and Temperature Ratings: As scheduled and required to suit system pressures and temperatures. C. Sizes: Same sizes as upstream pipe, unless otherwise indicated. D. Operators: Provide the following special operator features: I. Handwheels, fastened to valve stem, for valves other than quarter turn. 2. Lever handles, on quarter-turn valves 6-inch and smaller, except for plug valves. Provide plug valves with square heads; provide one wrench for every 10 plug valves. E. Extended Stems: Where insulation is indicated or specified, provide extended stems arranged to receive insulation. F. Bypass and Drain Connections: Comply with MSS SP-45 bypass and drain connections. G. End Connections: As indicated in the valve specifications. 1. Threads: Comply with ANSI B1.20.1. 2. Flanges: Comply with ANSI B16.1 for cast iron, ANSI B16.5 for steel, and ANSI B16.24 for bronze valves. 3. Solder-Joint: Comply with ANSI BI6.18. a. Caution: Where soldered end connections are used, use solder having a melting point below 8400F for gate, globe, and check valves; below 421 OF for ball valves. 2.03 GATE VALVES A. Gate Valves, 2-lnch and Smaller: MSS SP-80; Class 125 psi WSP/200 psi WOG, body and bonnet of ASTM B 62 cast bronze; with threaded or solder ends, solid disc, copper-silicon alloy stem, brass packing gland, "Teflon" impregnated packing. Provide Class 150 valves meeting the above where system pressure requires. Do not use solder end valves for hot water heating or steam piping applications. 15100-2 No. 032124 B. Gate Valves, 2-1I2-Inch and Larger: MSS SP-70; Class ISO psi WSP/300 psi @QG iron body, bronze mounted, with body and bonnet conforming to ASTM A 126 Class B; with flanged ends, and "Teflon" impregnated packing and two-piece packing gland assembly. C. Manufacturers: I. Crane 2. Milwaukee 3. Nibco 4. Grinnell 5. Hammond 6. Stockham 2.04 BALL VALVES A. Ball Valves, I-Inch and Smaller: Rated for 150 psi WSP/600 psi WOO pressure; two-piece construction, with bronze body conforming to ASTM B-584, full port, stainless steel (T-316) ball and stem "Teflon" or "TFE" seats and seals, blowout proof stem design, and vinyl-covered steel handle with stem extension for insulation application. Provide balancing stops as required by application. Provide solder ends on all services except stearn where threaded ends are required. B. Ball Valves, I Yo-Inch to 2-Inch: Rated for ISO psi WSP/6QO psi saturated stearn pressure, 600 psi WOG pressure; 2-piece construction, bronze body conforming to ASTM B-584, full port, nickel and chrome-plated brass ball, replaceable "Teflon" or "TFE" seats and seals, blowout proof stem design, and vinyl-covered steel handle with stem extension for insulation application. Provide balancing stops as required by spplication. C. Manufacturer: I. Conbraco (Apollo) 2. Grinnell 3. Hammond 4. Milwaukee 5. Nibco 6. Walls PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine valve interior through the end ports, for cleanliness, freedom from foreign matter and corrosion. Remove special packing materials, such as blocks used to prevent disc movement during shipping and handling. . B. Actuate valve through an open-close and close-open cycle. Examine functionally significant features, such as guides and seats made accessible by such actuation. Following examination, return the valve closure member to the shipping position. C. Examine threads on both the valve and the mating pipe for form (i.e., out-of-round or local indentation) and cleanliness. D. Examine mating flange faces for conditions which might cause leakage. Check bolting for proper size, length, and material. Check gasket material for proper size, material composition suitable for service, and freedom from defects and damage. 15100-3 No. 032124 E. Prior to valve installation, examine the piping for cleanliness, freedom from foreign materials, and proper alignment. F. Replace defective valves with new valves. 3.02 VALVE ENDS SELECTION A. Select valves with the following ends or types of pipe/tube connections: 1. Copper Tube Size, 2-Inch and Smaller: Solder ends, except provide threaded ends for heating service. 2. Steel Pipes Sizes, 2-Inch and Smaller: threaded. 3. Steel Pipe Sizes 2-1/2-Inch and Larger: flanged. 3.03 VALVE INSTALLATIONS A. General Application: Use gate, ball, and butterfly valves for shut-off duty; globe, ball, and butterfly for throttling duty. Refer to piping system specification sections for specific valve applications and arrangements. B. Locate valves for easy access and provide separate support where necessary. C. Install valves and unions for each fixture and item of equipment arranged to allow equipment removal without system shut down. Unions are not required on flanged devices. D. Install three-valve bypass around each pressure reducing valve using throttling-type valves. E. Install valves in horizontal piping with stem at or above the center of the pipe. F. Install valves in a position to allow full stem movement. Install indicating valves with lever handles pointing in the direction of flow in the open position. 3.04 SOLDER CONNECTIONS A. Cut tube square and to exact lengths. B. Clean end of tube of depth of valve socket with steel wool, sand cloth, or a steel wire brush to a bright fmish. Clean valve socket in same manner. C. Apply proper soldering flux in an even coat to inside of valve socket and outside of tube. D. Open gate and globe valves to full open position. E. Remove the cap and disc holder of swing check valves having composition discs. F. Insert tube into valve socket making sure the end rests against the shoulder inside valve. Rotate tube or valve slightly to ensure even distribution of the flux. G. Apply heat evenly to outside of valve around joint until solder will melt upon contact. Feed solder until it completely fills the joint around tube. Point torch away from valve seat and Avoid hot spots or overheating the valve. Once the solder starts cooling, remove excess amounts around the joint with a cloth or brush. 15100-4 No. 032124 3.05 THREADED CONNECTIONS A. Note the internal length of threads in valve ends, and proximity of valve internal seat or wall, to determine how far pipe should be threaded into valve. B. Align threads at point of assembly. C. Apply appropriate tape or thread compound to the external pipe threads (except where dry seal threading is specified). D. Assemble joint, wrench tight. Wrench on valve shall be on the valve end into which the pipe is being threaded. 3.06 FLANGED CONNECTIONS A. Align flange surfaces parallel. B., Assemble joints by sequencing bolt tightening to make initial contact of flanges and gaskets as flat and parallel as possible. Use suitable lubricants' on bolt threads. Tighten bolts gradually and unifonnly using a torque wrench. C. For dead-end service, butterfly valves require flanges both upstream and downstream for proper shutoff and retention. 3.07 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Tests: After piping systems have been tested and put into service, but before final adjusting and balancing, inspect each valve for leaks. Adjust or replace packing to stop leaks; replace valves ifleak persists. 3.08 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Cleaning: Clean mill scale, grease, and protective coatings from exterior of valves and prepare valves to receive finish painting or insulation. END OF SECTION 15100 15100-5 No. 032124 SECTION 15140 SUPPORTS AND ANCHORS PART!: GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Requirements of the following Division 15 Sections apply to this section: l. Section 15010 Basic Mechanical Requirements. 2. Section 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods. 1.02 SUMMARY A. This section includes the following: I. Horizontal-piping hangers and supports. 2. Vertical-piping clamps. 3. Hanger-rod attachments. 4. Building attachments. 5. Saddles and shields. 6. Spring hangers and supports. 7. Miscellaneous materials. 8. Pipe alignment guides. 9. Anchors. 10. Equipment supports. B. Related sections: The following sections contain requirements that relate to this section: I. Division 5 Section "Metal Fabrications" for materials for anchoring piping systems to building structure. 2. Division 7 for roof equipment supports. 3. Division 9 Section "Painting" for field-applied painting requirements. 4. Division 15 Section 15250 "Mechanical Insulation" for pipe insulation. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Terminology used in this section is defmed in MSS SP.90. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. General: Submit the following in accordance with couditions of contract and Division I specification sections. I. Product data, including instal1ation instructions for each type of support and anchor. Submit pipe hanger and support schedule showing Manufacturer's figure number, size, location, and features for each required pipe hanger and support. 2. Product certificates signed by the manufacturer of hangers and supports certifying that their products meet the specified requirements. 3. Welder certificates signed by Contractor certifying that welders comply with requirements specified under "Quality Assurance" Article. 4. Assembly-type shop drawings for each type of support and anchor, indicating dimensions, weights, required clearances, and methods of assembly of components. 15140-1 No. 032124 5. Maintenance data for supports and anchors for inclusion in Operating and Maintenance Manual specified in Division 1 and Division 15 Section 15010 "Basic Mechanical Requirements". 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualify welding processes and welding operators in accordance with A WS DI.I "Structural Welding Code - Steel". B. Qualify welding processes and welding operators in accordance with ASME "Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code," Section IX, "Welding and Brazing Qualifications". C. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with applicable codes pertaining to product materials and installation of supports and anchors. D. NFPA Compliance: Hangers and snpports shall comply with NFPA standard No. 13 when used as a component ofa fire protection piping systems. E.. UL and FM Compliance: Hangers, supports, and components shall be listed and labeled by UL and FM where used for fIre protection piping systems. F. Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory and NEMA Compliance (NRTL): Hangers, supports, and components shall be listed and labeled by a NRTL where used for fIre protection piping systems. The term "NRTL" shall be as defmed in OSHA Regnlation 1910.7. PART2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURED UNITS A. Hangers and support components shall be factory fabricated of materials, design, and manufacturer complying with MSS SP-58. 1. Components shall have galvanized coatings where installed for piping and equipment that will not have field- applied fmish. 2. Pipe attachments shall have nOIUnetallic coating for electrolytic protection where attachments are in direct contact with copper tubing. 3. Use of C-clamp type beam clamps, MSS Types 19 and 23, for attaching to structural members, are to be used only when installed with restraining straps designed by the hanger manufacturer for the purpose of restraining c-clamp hangers. B. Thermal Hanger Shield Inserts: IOO-psi average compressive strength, waterproofed calcium silicate, encased with a sheet metal shield. Insert and shield shall cover entire circumference of the pipe and shall he of length indicated by manufacturer for pipe size and thickness of insulation. 2.02 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Steel Plates, Shapes, and Bars: ASTM A 36. B. Pipe Alignment Guides: Factory fabricated, of cast semi-steel or heavy fabricated steel, consisting of bolted two- section outer cylinder and base with two-section guiding spider that bolts tightly to pipe. Length of guides shall be as recommended by manufacturer to allow indicated travel.s 15140-2 No. 032124 PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates and conditions under which supports and anchors are to be installed. Do not proceed with installing until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.02 INST ALLA TION OF HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. General: Install hangers, supports, clamps and attachments to support piping properly from building structure; comply with MSS SP-69 and SP-89. Arrange for grouping of parallel runs of horizontal piping supported together on field-fabricated, heavy-duty trapeze hangers where possible. Install supports with maximum spacings complying with MSS SP-69. Where piping of varions sizes is supported together by trapeze hangers, space hangers for smallest pipe size or install intennediate supports for smaller diameter pipe as specified above for individual pipe hangers. B. Install building attachments within concrete or to structural steel. Space attachments within maximum piping span length indicated in MSS SP-69. Install additional attachments at concentrated loads, including valves, flanges, guides, strainers, expansion joints and at changes in direction of piping. Install concrete inserts before concrete is placed; fasten insert to forms. Where concrete with compressive strength less than 2,500 psi is indicated, install reinforcing bars through openings at top of inserts. C. Install hangers and supports complete with necessary inserts, bolts, rods, nuts, washers, and other accessories. D. Field-Fabricated, Heavy-Duty Steel Trapezes: Fabricate from steel shapes selected for loads required; weld steel in accordance with A WS D-l.l. E. Support fire protection systems piping independently from other piping systems. F. Install hangers and supports to allow controlled movement of piping systems, to perntit freedom of movement between pipe anchors, and to facilitate action of expansion joints, expansion loops, expansion bends and similar units. G. Load Distribution: Install hangers and supports so that piping live and dead loading and stresses from movement will not be transmitted to connected equipment. H. Pipe Slopes: Install hangers and supports to provide indicated pipe slopes, and so that maximum pipe deflections allowed by ASME B31.9 Building Services Piping Code is not exceeded. I. Insulated Piping: Comply with the following installation requirements. .1. Clamps: Attach clamps, including spacers (if any), to piping with clamps projecting through insnlation; do not exceed pipe stresses allowed by ASME B31.9. 2. Saddles: Install protection saddles MSS Type 39 where insulation without vapor barrier is indicated. Fill interior voids with segments of insulation that match adjoining pipe insulation. 3. Shields: Install protective shields MSS Type 40 on cold and hydronic water piping that has vapor barrier. Shields shall span an arc of 180 degrees and shall have dimensions in inches not less than the following: NPS 1/4 THROUGH 3-1/2 4 5&6 8 THROUGH 14 LENGTH 12 12 18 24 THICKNESS 0.048 0.060 0.060 0.Q75 15140-3 No. 032124 4. Insert material shall be at least as long as the protective shield. 5. Thermal Hanger Shields: Install where indicated, with insulation of same thickness as piping. J. Locate hangers at maximum 10'-0" on center at 8" dia. and larger pipes supported from steel joints. Locate hangers at joist panel points. 3.03 INSTALLATION OF ANCHORS A. Install anchors at proper locations to prevent stresses from exceeding those permitted by ASME B31.9 and to prevent transfer of loading and stresses to connected equipment. B. Fabricate and install anchors by welding steel shapes, pleats, and bars to piping and to structure. Comply with ASMEB31.9 and withAWS Standards DU. C. Where expansion compensators are indicated, install anchors in accordance with expansion unit manufacturer's written instructions to control movement to compensators. D. Anchor Spacings: Where not otherwise indicated, install anchors at ends of principal pipe runs, at intermediate points in pipe runs between expansion loops and bends. Make provisions for preset of anchors as required to accommodate both expansion and contraction of piping. 3.04 INSTALLATION OF PIPE ALIGNMENT GUIDES A. Install pipe alignment gnides on piping that adjoins expansion joints and elsewhere as indicated. B. Anchor to building substrate. 3.05 EQUIPMENT SUPPORTS A. Fabricate structural steel stands to suspend equipment from structure above or support equipment above floor. B. Grouting: Place grout under supports for piping and equipment. 3.06 METAL FABRICATION A. Cut, drill, and fit miscellaneous metal fabrications for pipe anchors and equipment supports. Install and align fabricated anchors in indicated locations. B. Fit exposed connections together to form hairline joints. Field weld connections that cannot be shop welded because of shipping size limitations. C. Field Welding: Comply with AWS Dl.l for procedures of manual shielded metal-arc welding, appearance and quality of welds made, methods used in correcting welding work, and the following: 1. Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion resistance of base metals. 2. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap. 3. Remove welding flux immediately. 4. Finish welds at exposed connections so that no roughness shows after fmishing, and so that contours welded surfaces to match adjacent contours. 15140-4 No. 032124 3.07 AD.ruSTING A. Hanger Adjustment: Adjust hangers to distribute loads equally on attachments and to achieve indicated slope of pipe. B. Touch-Up Painting: Cleaning and touch-up painting of field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas of the shop paint on miscellaneous metal is specified in Division 9 section "Painting" of these specifications. C. For galvanized surfaces clean welds bolted connections and abraded areas and apply galvanizing repair paint to comply with ASTM A 780. END OF SECTION 15140 15140-5 No. 032124 SECTION 15190 MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION PARTI: GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. This section is a part of Division-l 5 Section 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods, and is part of each Division-IS section making reference to identification devices specified herein. 1.02 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Extent of mechanical identification work required by this section is indicated on drawings and/or specified in other Division-IS sections. B. Type ofidentificatiim devices specified in this section include the following: ~ ~ I. Painted Identification Materials. 2. Plastic Pipe Markers. 3. Plastic Tape. 4. Plastic Duct Markers. 5. Engraved Plastic-Laminate Signs. 6. Plastic Equipment Markers. c. Mechanical identification furnished as part of factory-fabricated equipment, is specified as part of equipment assembly in other Division-IS sections. D. Refer to other Division-I 5 sections for identification requirements at central-station mechanical control center; not work of this section. E. Refer to Division-I 6 sections for identification requirements of electrical work; not work of this section. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer's Qualifications: Firms regularly engaged in manufacturer of identification devices of types and sizes required, whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not less than 5 years. B. Codes and Standards: I. ANSI Standards: Comply with ANSI A 13.1 for lettering size, length of color field, colors, and viewing angles of identification devices. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's technical product data and installation instructions for each identification material and device required. B. Samples: Submit samples of each color, lettering style and other graphic representation required for each identification material or system. C. Maintenance Data: Include product data and schedules in maintenance manuals; in accordance with requirements of Division I. 15190-1 No. 032124 PART2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering mechanical identification materials which may be incorporated in the work include; but are not limited to, the following: I. Allen Systems, Inc. 2. Brady (W.H.) Co.; Sigurnark Div. 3. Industrial Safety Supply Co., Inc. 4. Seton Name Plate Corp_ 2.02 MECHANICAL IDENTIFICA nON MATERIAL A. General: Provide manufacturer's standard products of categories and types required for each application as referenced in other Division-IS sections. Where more than single type is specified for application, selection is Installer's option, but provide single selection for each product category. 2.03 PAINTED IDENTIFICATION MATERIALS A. Stencils: Standard fiberboard stencils, prepared for required applications with leller sizes generally complying with recommendations of ANSI A13.1 for piping and similar applications, but not less than 1-114" high letters for ductwork, and not less than 3/4" high letters for access door signs and similar operational instructions. B. Stencil Paint: Standard exterior type stenciling enamel; color coded as indicated herein either brushing grade or pressurized spray-can form and grade. C. Identification Paint: Standard identification enamel of colors. 2.04 PLASTIC PIPE MARKERS A. Snap-On Type: Provide manufacturer's standard pre-printed, semi-rigid snap-on, color-coded pipe markers, complying with ANSI A13.l. B. Pressure-Sensitive Type: Provide manufacturer's standard pre-printed, permanent adhesive, color-coded, pressure- sensitive vinyl pipe markers, complying withANS1 AI3.1. C. Insulation: Furnish I" thick molded fiberglass insulation with jacket for each plastic pipe marker to be installed on uninsulated pipes subjected to fluid temperatures of l250F or greater. Cut length to extend 2" beyond each end of plastic pipe marker. D. Small Pipes: For external diameters less than .6" (including insulation if any), provide full-band pipe markers, extending 360 degrees around pipe at each location, fastened by one of the following methods: I. Snap-on application of pre-tensioned semi-rigid plastic pipe marker. 2. Adhesive lap joint in pipe marker overlap. 3. Laminated or bonded application of pipe marker to pipe (or insulation). 4. Taped to pipe (or insulation) with color-coded plastic adhesive tape, not less than 3/4" wide; full circle at both ends of pipe marker, tape lapped 1-1/2". E. Large Pipes: For external diameters of 6" and larger (including insulation if any), provide either full-band or strip- type pipe markers, but not narrower than 3 times letter height (and of required length), fastened by one of the following methods: I. Laminated or bonded application of pipe marker to pipe (or insulation). 15190-2 No. 032124 2. Taped to pipe (or insulation) with color-coded plastic adhesive tape, not less than 1.112" wide, full circle at both ends of pipe marker, tape lapped 3". 3. Strapped-to-pipe (or insulation) application of semi-rigid type, with manufacturer's standard stainless steel bands. F. Lettering: Manufacturer's standard pre-printed nomenclature which best describes piping system in each instance, as selected by ArchitectlEngineer in cases of variance with names as shown or specified. 2.05 PLASTIC DUCT MARKERS A. General: Provide manufacturer's standard laminated plastic, color coded duct markers. Conform to the following color code: 1. Green: Cold air. 2. Yellow: Hot air. 3. Yellow/Green: Supply air. 4. Blue: Exhaust, outside, return, and mixed air. S. For hazardous exhausts, use colors and designs recommended by ANSI A 13.1. B. Nomenclature: Include the following: 1. Direction of air flow. 2. Duct service (supply, return, exhaust, etc.). 3. Duct origin (from). 4. Duct destination (to). 5. Design cfm. 2.06 PLASTIC TAPE A. General: Provide mannfacturer's standard color-coded pressure-sensitive (self-adhesive) vinyl tape, not less than 3 mils thick. B. Width: Provide 1-1/2" wide tape markers on pipes with outside diameters (including insulation, if any) ofless than 6", 2- 1/2" wide tape for larger pipes. C. Color: Comply with ANSI A13.1, except where another color selection is indicated. 2.07 ENGRAVED PLASTIC-LAMINATE SIGNS A. General: Provide engraving stock melamine plastic laminate, complying with FS L-P-387, in the sizes and thicknesses indicated, engraved with engraver's standard letter style of the sizes and wording indicated, black with . white core (letter color) except as otherwise indicated,. .punched for mechanical fastening. except where adhesive. mounting is necessary because of substrate. B. Thickness: 1/16" for units up to 20 sq. in. or 8" length; 1/8" for larger units. C. Fasteners: Self-tapping stainless steel screws, except contact-type permanent adhesive where screws carmot or shonld not penetrate the substrate. 2.08 PLASTIC EQUIPMENT MARKERS ~ A. General: Provide manufacturer's standard laminated plastic, color coded equipment markers. Conform to the following color code: I. Green: Cooling equipment and components. 2. Yellow: Heating equipment and components. 15190-3 No. 032124 3. Yellow/Green: Combination cooling and heating equipment and components. 4. Brown: Energy reclamation equipment and components. 5. Blue: Equipment and components that do not meet any of the above criteria. 6. For hazardous equipment, use colors and designs recommended by ANSI AI3.1. B. Nomenclature: Include the following, matching terminology on schedules as closely as possible: I. Name and plan number. 2. Equipment service. 3. Design capacity. 4. Other design parameters such as pressure drop, entering and leaving conditions, rpm, etc. C. Size: Provide approximate 2-112" x 4" markers for control devices, dampers, and valves; and 4_11211 x 6" for equipment. 2.09 PLASTICIZED TAGS A. General: Manufacturer's standard pre-printed or partially pre-printed accident-prevention tags, of plasticized card stock with matt fmish suitable for writing, approximately 3-1/4" x 5-5/8", with brass grommets and wire fasteners, and with approximate pre-printed wording including large-size primary wording (as examples; DANGER, CAUTION, DO NOT OPERATE). 2.10 LETTERING AND GRAPIDCS A. General: Coordinate names, abbreviations and other designations used in mechanical identification work, with corresponding designations shown, specified or scheduled. Provide numbers, lettering and wording as indicated or, if not otherwise indicated, as recommended by manufacturers or as required for proper identification and operation/maintenance of mechanical systems and equipment. I. Multiple Systems: Where multiple systems of same generic name are shown and specified, provide identification which indicates individual system number as well as service (as examples; Boiler No.3, Air Supply No. IH, Standpipe FI2). 2.11 EXTRA STOCK A. Furnish minimum of 5% extra stock of each mechauical identification material required, including additional numbered valve tags (not less than 3) for each piping system, additional piping system identification markers, and additional plastic laminate engraving blanks of assorted sizes. I. Where stenciled markers are provided, clean and retain stencils after completion of stenciling and include used stencils in extra stock, along with required stock of stenciling paints and applicators. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS A. Coordination: Where identification is to be applied to surfaces which require insulation, painting or other covering or fmish, including valve tags in finished mechanical spaces, install identification after completion of covering and painting. Install identification prior to installation of acoustical ceilings and similar removable concealment. 3.02 DUCTWORK IDENTIFlCA TION A. Access Doors: Provide duct markers or stenciled signs on each access door in ductwork and housings, indicating purpose of access (to what equipment) and other maintenance and operating instructions, and appropriate safety and procedural information. 15190-4 No. 032124 3.03 PIPING SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION A. General: Install pipe markers of one of the following types on each system indicated to receive identification, and include arrows to show normal direction of flow: 1. Stenciled markers, including color-coded background band or rectangle, and contrasting lettering of black or white. Extend color band or rectangle 2" beyond ends oflettering. 2. Stenciled markers, with lettering color complying with ANSI AI3.1. 3. Plastic pipe markers, with application system as indicated under "Materials" in this section. Install on pipe insulation segment where required for hot non-insulated pipes. 4. Stenciled markers, black or white for best contrast, wherever continuous color-coded painting of piping is provided. B. , Locate pipe markers and color bands as follows wherever piping is exposed to view in occupied spaces, machine rooms, accessible maintenance spaces (shafts, tunnels, plenums) and exterior non-concealed locations. I. Near each valve and control device. 2. Near each branch, excluding short take-oft's for fixtures and terminal units; mark each pipe at branch, where there could be question of flow pattern. 3. Near locations where pipes pass through walls or floors/ceilings, or enter non-accessible enclosures. 4. At access doors, manholes and similar access points which permit view of concealed piping. 5. Near major equipment items and other points of origination and termination. 6. Spaced intermediately at maximum spacing of 50' along each piping run, except reduce spacing to 25' in congested areas of piping and equipment. 7. On piping above removable acoustical ceilings, except omit intermediately spaced markers. C. Pipe Insulation Schedule: Verify schedule with Owner prior to ordering labels. Service Hot Water Supply Hot Water Return Flow Direction Arrows Lettering Line Svmbol HWS HWR Color Dark Red Dark Red Black White 3.04 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION A. General: Install engraved plastic laminate sign or plastic equipment marker on or near each major item of mechanical equipment and each operational device, as specified herein if not otherwise specified for each item or device. Provide signs for the following general categories of equipment and operational devices. I. Main control and operating valves, including safety devices and hazardous units such as gas outlets. 2. Fuel-burning units including make-up air units and boilers. 4. Pumps, compressors, condensate return systems and similar motor-driven units. 5. Heat exchangers, coils, heat recovery units and similar equipment. 6. Fans, blowers and primary balancing dampers. 7. Central station air handling systems and fan coil units. 8. Each motorized damper and firelsmoke damper related to the control of the smoke management system. 9. Tanks and pressure vessels. 10. Humidifiers, water treatment systems and sin)ilar equipment. B. Optional Sign Types: Where lettering larger than I" height is needed for proper identification, because of distance from normal location of required identification, stenciled signs may be provided in lieu of engraved plastic, at Installer's option. 15190-5 No. 032124 C. Lettering Size: Minimum 1/4" high lettering for name of unit where viewing distance is less than 2'-0", 1/2" high for distances up to 6'-0", and proportionately larger lettering for greater distances. Provide secondary lettering 2/3 to 3/4 of size of principal lettering. D. Text of Signs: In addition to name of identified unit, provide lettering to distinguish between multiple units, inform operator of operational requirements, indicate safety and emergency precautions, and warn of hazards and improper operations. 3.05 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Adjusting: Relocate any mechanical identification device which has become visually blocked by work of this division or other divisions. B. Cleaning: Clean face of identification devices, and glass frames of valve charts. END OF SECTION 15190 15190-6 No. 032124 SECTION 15250 MECHANICAL INSULATION PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Division 15 Section 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods applies to work of this section. 1.02 SUMMARY A. Extent of mechanical insulation required by this section is indicated on drawings and schednles, and by requirements of this section. B. Types of mechanical insnlation specified in this section include the following: I. Piping System Insulation: a. Fiberglass (preformed) b. Flexible Cellular Elastomeric (preformed) c. Engineered Polymer Foam (preformed) 2. Ductwork System Insnlation: a. Fiberglass C. Refer to Division 15 Section 15140 "Supports and Anchors" for protection saddles, protection shields, and thermal hanger shields; not work of this section. D. Refer to Division 15 Section 15891 "Metal Ductwork" for duct linings; not work of this section. E. Refer to Division 15 Section 15190 "Mechanical Identification" for installation of identification devices for piping, ductwork, and equipment; not work of this section. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer's Qualifications: Firms regularly engaged in manufacture of mechanical insnlation products, of types and sizes required, whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not less than 3 years. B. Installer's Qualifications: Firm with at least 5 years successful installation experience on projects with mechanical insulation's similar to that required for this project. C. Flame/Smoke Ratings: Provide composite mechanical insulation (insulation, jackets, coverings, sealers, mastics and adhesives) with flame-spread index of 25 or less, and smoke-developed index of 50 or less, as tested by ASTM E 84 (NFPA 255) method. I. Exception: Outdoor mechanical insulation may have flarne spread index of 75 and smoke developed index of 150 provided insulation is not installed within 10 feet of an outside air intake. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's technical product data and installation instructions for each type of mechanical insulation. Submit schedule showing manufacturer's product number, k-value, thickness, and furnished accessories for each mechanical system requiring insulation. 15250-1 No. 032124 B. Maintenance Data: Submit maintenance data and replacement material lists for each type of mechanical insulation. Include this data and product data in maintenance manual. C. Samples: Submit manufacturer's sample of each insulation type required and clearly note its application. Affix label to sample completely describing product. Include method for joining seams, insulating elbows, and specific insulation jacketing. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver insulation, coverings, cements, adhesives, and coatings to site in containers with manufacturer's stamp or label, affixed showing fire hazard indexes of products. B. Protect insulation against dirt, water, and chemical and mechanical damage. Do not install damaged or wet insulation; remove from project site. PART2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products which may be incorporated in the work include the following: 1. Armstrong Wodd Industries, Inc. 2. Certainteed Corp. 3. Knauf Fiber Glass GmbH. 4. Schuler International (formerly Manville Products). 5. Owens-Coming Fiberglas Corp. 6. Pittsburgh Corning Corp. 7. Rubatex Corp. 8. IMCOA. 9. Unifrax. 2.02 PIPING INSULATION MATERIALS A. Preformed Fiberglass Piping Insulation (PFG): ASTM C 547, Class I unless otherwise indicated; thermal conductivity (avg) of 0.25 Btu/br_ft2_oF or lower at mean temperature of75 OF. B. Flexible EIastomeric Cellular Piping Insulation (FEC): ASTM C 534, Type I; thennal conductivity (avg) of 0.27 BtuJhr_ft2_oF or lower at mean temperature of75 Of; 3.0 lbs./ft' density (ASTM D/622); 0.08 perm-in permeability (ASTM E96); 0.2% water absorption (ASTM C209). C. Engineered Polymer Foam Insulation (EPF): ASTM C534 (with the exception of density) Type I; thermal conductivity (avg.) of 0.25 BtuIhr - ft'-OF or lower at mean temperature of 750F; 1.5 lbs./ft' density (ASTM 01622); 0.0 perm-in permeability (ASTM E96); 0.0% water absorption (ASTM C209). D. Jackets for Piping Insulation: ASTM C 921, Type I for piping with temperatures below ambient, Type II for piping with temperatures above ambient. Type I may be used for all piping at Installers option. 1. Encase pipe fittings insulation with one-piece premolded PVC fitting covers, fastened as per rnanufacturer's reconnnendations. 2. Encase exterior piping insulation with aluminum jacket with weather-proof construction. E. Staples, Bands, Wires, and Cement: As recommended by insulation manufacturer for applications indicated. F. Adhesives, Sealers, and Protective Finishes: As recommended by insulation manufacturer for applications indicated. 15250-2 No. 032124 2.03 DUCTWORK INSULATION MATERIALS A. Rigid Fiberglass Ductwork Insulation: ASTM C 612, Class I. B. Flexible Fiberglass Ductwork Insnlation: ASTM C 553, Type I, Class B-3. C. Jackets for Ductwork Insulation: ASTM C 921, Type I for ductwork with temperatures below ambient; Type II for ductwork with temperatures above ambient. D. Ductwork Insulation Accessories: Provide staples, bands, wires, tape, anchors, comer angles and similar accessories as reconnneuded by insulation manufacturer for applications indicated E. Ductwork Insulation Compounds: Provide cements, adhesives, coatings, sealers, protective finishes and similar compounds as recommended by insulation manufacturer for applications indicated. PART3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Examine areas and conditions under which mechanical insnlation is to be installed. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in manner acceptable to Installer. 3.02 HV AC PIPING SYSTEM INSULATION A. Application Requirements: Insnlate the following HV AC piping systems with insulation types and thickness as listed in Table No. 15250-2 below. TABLE NO. 15250-2: MINIMUM PIPE INSULATION Insulation Thickness In Inches for Pipe Sizes Fluid Runout Piping System Types Temp s 2"1 Type of I" and -114" 2%" to 5" to 8" and Ranp, OF anllless Insulation smaller to 2" 4" 6" lar2er Heatinl! Svstems Low temperature 120-200 yt PFG I" I" 1!4." 1!4" lW' 1 Runouts not exceeding 12 feet in length and 2: size to individual terminal units. NOTES: I. Provide hardwood blocks at all pipe hanger locations for 3" pipe and larger. D. Insnlation Omitted: Omit insnlation for the following. I. Hot low pressure piping within radiation enclosures or unit cahinets. 2. Cold piping within unit cabinets provided piping is located over drain pan. 3.04 DUCTWORK SYSTEM INSULATION A. Ductwork: I. Application Requirements: It is the intent of this specification that all ductwork requiring insulation be externally insulated except where noted on drawings. All passive transfer ducts shall be internally lined with I" fiberglass for sound attenuation. Insulate the following ductwork: a. HV AC supply ductwork between fan discharge, or HV AC unit discharge, and room terminal outlet. Do not insulate ductwork exposed within a conditioned space. Refer to drawings. 15250-3 No. 032124 b. Insulate return ductwork where exposed to non-conditioned areas of the building. Omit insulation on retum ductwork in ceilings and chases within the conditioned perimeter of the building. 2. Insulate each ductwork system specified above with one of the following types and thicknesses of insulation: a. Rigid Fiberglass: I \1," thick, increase thickness to 2" in machine, fan and equipment rooms. b. Flexible Fiberglass: I \1," thick, application limited to concealed locations. 3.05 INSTALLATION OF PIPING INSULATION A. General: Install insulation products in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions, and in accordance with recognized industry practices to ensure that insulation serves its intended purpose. B. Install insulation on pipe systems subsequent to installation of heat tracing, painting, testing and acceptance of tests. C. Install insulation materials with smooth and even surfaces. Insulate each continuous run of piping with full-length units of insulation, with single cut piece to complete run. Do not use cut pieces or scraps abutting each other. D. Clean and dry pipe surfaces prior to insulating. Butt insulation joints fmnly together to ensure complete and tight fit over surfaces to be covered. E. Maintain integrity of vapor-barrier jackets on pipe insulation, and protect to prevent puncture or other damage. F. Cover valves, fittings and similar items in each piping system with equivalent thickness and composition of insulation as applied to adjoining pipe run. Install factory molded, precut or job fabricated units (at Installer's option) except where specific form or type is indicated. G. Extend piping insulation without interruption through walls, floors and similar piping penetrations, except where otherwise indicated. H. Butt pipe insulation against pipe hanger insulation inserts. For hot pipes, apply 3" wide vapor barrier tape or band over the butt joints. For cold piping apply wet coat of vapor barrier lap cement on butt joints and seal joints with 3" wide vapor barrier tape or band. I. Equipment Exposed to Weather: Protect outdoor insulation from weather by installation of weather-barrier, alurninumjacket, applied as recommended by manufacturer. 3.06 INSTALLATION OF DUCTWORK INSULATION A. General: Install insulation products in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions, and in accordance with recognized industry practices to ensure that insulation serves its intended purpose. B. Install insulation materials with smooth and even surfaces. C. Clean and dry ductwork prior to insulating. Butt insulation joints firmly together to ensure complete and tight fit over surfaces to be covered. D. Maintain integrity of vapor-barrier on ductwork insulation, and protect it to prevent puncture and other damage. E. Extend ductwork insulation without interruption through walls, floors and similar ductwork penetrations, except where otherwise indicated. F. Lined Ductwork: Except as otherwise indicated, omit insulation on ductwork where internal insulation or sound absorbing linings have been installed. G. Comer Angles: Except for oven and hood exhaust duct insulation, install comer angles on external corners of insulation on ductwork in exposed fmished spaces before covering with jacketing. END OF SECTION 15250 15250-4 No. 032124 SECTION 15300 FIRE PROTECTION PARTI: GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification sections, apply to this section. B. The requirements of the following Division 15 Sections apply to this Section: I. Section 150 I 0 Basic Mechanical Requirements. 2. Section 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials and Metliods. 3. Section 15140 Supports and Anchors. 1.02 SUMMARY A. This Section specifies automatic sprinkler systems for buildings and structures. Materials and equipment specified in this Section include: ~ I. Pipe, fittings, valves, and specialties. 2. Sprinklers. B. Products furnished but not installed include sprinkler head cabinet with spare sprink1er heads. Furnish to the Owner's maintenance personnel. C. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: I. Division 7 Section "Sealants and Canlking", for materials and methods for sealing pipe penetrations through basement walls and fire/smoke barriers. 2. Division 15 Section 15190 "Mechanical Identification" for labeling and identification offrre protection piping system and components. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Pipe sizes used in this Specification are Nominal Pipe Size (NPS). B. Other definitions for fire protection systems are listed in NFP A Standards 13, \4,20 and 24. C. Working Plans as used in this Section means those documents (including drawings and calculations) prepared pursuant to the requirements contained in the Uniform Fire Code, NFP A 13 and 14 for obtaining approval of the authority having jurisdiction. 1.04 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Fire protection system is predominately a "Wet-Pipe" system employing automatic sprink1ers attached to a piping system containing water and connected to a water sopply system so that water discharges immedistely from sprinklers opened by fire. 15300-1 No. 032124 1.05 WORK SCOPE A. Reconfigure existing fIre protection areas as indicated on the drawings. Field verifY the exact layout and pipe sizes of the existing system prior to submitting bid. All new systems shall be hydraulically calculated to the existing riser location. 1.06 SUBMITTALS A. Upon substantial completion of the system layout and hydraulic calculations, submit a reproducible drawing and one set of prints and calculations to the Engineer for review prior to completing the submittal. The Engineer will review the system layout and return a print marked to show changes required before .the fmal submittal is made. B. The fmal shop drawing submittal shall be in accordance with the UBC and UFC and shall include full size drawings of the complete piping and head layout indicating sprinkler zones, area hazard ratings, piping material, head types and method of hanging, hydraulic calculations for each zone, all product data, and welders certificates. The hydraulic calculations must prove the remote area for each zone. Submit supplemental calculations for all non- typical areas. C. Upon completion of the shop drawings, submit to the reviewing agencies for approval. The reviewing authorities may include the following: I. State Fire Marshal 2. City/Local Fire Marshal 3. Health and Building Department D. Submit seven (7) copies of the shop drawing submittal to the Engineer. Two (2) of the seven (7) copies submitted shall be stamped "approved" by each of the reviewing agencies. "Approved" copies submitted shall include copies of the agencies reviewer comments. E. Upon substantial completion of the project, submit contract closeout submittals to include two sets of as-builts drawings. operating and maintenance manuals, as-built hydraulic calculations, and "Material and Test Certificates II for above and below ground piping. F. As built hydraulic calculations must be submitted to prove remote area criteria is met with all included field modifications. 1.07 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Installation and alterations of fire protection piping, equipment, specialties, and accessories, and repair and servicing of equipment shall be performed only by a qualified installer. The term qualified means experienced in such work (experienced shall mean having a minimum of 5 previous projects similar in size and scope of this project), familiar with all precautions required, and has complied with all the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction. Upon request, submit evidence of such qualifications to the Architect. Refer to Division 15 Section: "Reference Standards and Defmitions" for defmitions for "Installers". B. Qualifications for Welding Processes and Operators: Comply with the requirements of A WS DIO.9, "Specifications for Qualifications of Welding Procedures and Welders for Piping and Tubing, Level AR-3." C. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with the requirements of the following codes: I. State Uniform Fire Code 2. NFP A 13 - Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems. 3. UL and FM Compliance: Fire protection system materials and components shall be Underwriter's Laboratories listed and labeled, and Factory Mutual approved for the application anticipated. 4. UuiformBuilding Code with the State of Minnesota amendments. 5. NFPA 14 - Standpipe Systems 15300-2 No. 032124 1.08 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Schedule rough-in installations with installations of other building components. PART2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering fife protection system products which may be incorporated in the work include the following: I. Grooved Mechanical Couplings: a. Victaulic Company of America b. Gmvlok c. Star Fittings d. Central Grooved Piping Products 2. Sprinkler Heads: a. Automatic Sprinkler Corp of America. b. Central Sprinkler Corp. c. Globe Fire Equipment Co. d. Guardian Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. e. Gem f. Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. g. Star Sprinkler Corp. h. Viking Corp. 2.02 PIPE AND TUBING MATERIALS A. General: Refer to Part 3Article "PIPE APPLICATIONS" for identification of systems where the below specified pipe and fitting materials are used. B. Steel Pipe: ASTM A 135, Schedule 40, searuless, black steel pipe, plain ends. C. Steel Pipe: ASTM A 135, ASTM-A568, Schedule 10, seamless, black steel pipe, plain ends. 2.03 FITTINGS A. Cast-Iron Threaded Fittings: ANSI BI6.4, Class 250, standard pattern, for threaded joints. .Threads shall conform toANSIB1.20.1. B. Malleable-Iron Threaded Fittings: ANSI BI6.3, Class 300, standard pattern, for threaded joints. Threads shall confonn to ANSI B 1.20.1. C. Steel Fittings: ASTM A 234, searuless or welded, for welded joints. D. Grooved Mechanical Fittings: ASTM A 536, Grade 65-45-12 ductile iron; ASTM A 47 Grade 32510 malleable iron; or ASTM A53, Type F or Types E or S, Grade B fabricated steel fittings with grooves or shonlders designed to accept grooved end couplings. 15300-3 No. 032124 E. Grooved Mechanical Couplings: consist of ductile or malleable iron housing, a synthetic rubber gasket of a central cavity pressure-responsive design; with nuts, bolts, locking pin, locking toggle. or lugs to secure roll-grooved pipe and fittings. Grooved mechanical couplings including gaskets used on dry-pipe systems shall be listed for dry-pipe service. F. Cast-Iron Threaded Flanges: ANSI BI6.1, Class 250; raised ground face, holt holes spot faced. G. Cast Bronze Flanges: ANSI B 16.24, Class 300; raised ground face, bolt holes spot faced. 2.04 JOINING MATERIALS A. Gasket Materials: thickness, material, and type suitable for fluid or gas to be handled, and design temperatures and pressures. 2.05 GENERAL DUTY VALVES A. Gate Valves - 2 Inch and Smaller: body and bonnet of cast bronze, 175 pound cold water working pressure - non- shock, threaded ends, solid wedge, outside screw and yoke, rising stem, screw-in bonnet, and malleable iron handwheel. Valves shall be capable of being repacked under pressure, with valve wide open. B. Gate Valves - 2-1/2 Inch and Larger: iron body; bronze mounted, 175-pound cold water working pressure - non- shock. Valves shall have solid taper wedge; outside screw and yoke, rising stem; flanged bonnet, with body and bonnet conforming to ASTM A 126 Class B; replaceable bronze wedge facing rings; flanged ends; and a packing assembly consisting of a cast iron gland flange, brass gland, packing, bonnet, and bronze bonnet bushing. Valves shall be capable of being repacked under pressure, with valve wide open. C. Swing Check Valves: MSS SP-71; Class 175, cast iron body and bolted cap conforming to ASTM A 126, Class B; horizontal swing, with a bronze disc or cast iron disc with bronze disc ring, and flanged ends. Valve shall be capable of being refitted while the valve remains in the line. 2.06 SPECIALTY VALVES A. Detector Check Valves: Galvanized cast iron body, with a bolted cover with air bleed device for access to internal parts; 175 psig working pressure. One piece bronze disc with bronze bushings, pivot and replaceable seats. Provide threaded bypass taps in the inlet and outlet for bypass meter connection. Valve shall he set to allow minimal water flow through the bypass meter; when major water flow is required, the water pressure will fully open the clapper. Provide shut-off valves on both sides of bypass meter. 1. Metered bypass comprised of an inlet shut-off valve, 3/4" disc meter with cubic feet registration and an outlet swing check valve. 2.07 AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS A. Sprinkler Heads: Glass bulb type, and style as indicated or required by the application. Provide quick response heads where required by code. B. Sprinkler Head Finishes: Provide heads to match existing. Field verifY prior to installation and notify the Engineer of any discrepancies. 1. Upright, Pendant, and Sidewall Styles: chrome plated in fmish spaces, exposed to view; rough bronze finish for heads in unfmished spaces and not exposed to view. Heads shall be Teflon or PVC-coated where installed exposed to excessive moisture, acids, chemicals, or other corrosive fumes. Heads shall be equipped with guards where exposed in Gyms and other similar areas and at all heads installed below 7'-0". 15300-4 No. 032124 2. Semi-recessed Pendant Style: bright chrome, with bright chrome escutcheon plate; for use in all finished ceiling applications. Heads shall be Teflon or PVC-coated where installed exposed to excessive moisture, acids, chemicals, or other corrosive fumes. C. SprinkIer Head Cabinet and Wrench: finished steel cabinet, suitable for wall mounting, with hinged cover and space for 6 spare sprinkler heads plus sprinkIer head wrench. Provide a separate cabinet for each style sprinkIer head on the project, and as indicated on the drawings. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine rough-in for fire equipment to verify actual locations of piping cotmections prior to installing. B. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. C. Flow Test: Contractor to provide an updated flow test prior to design. 3.02 PIPE APPLICATIONS A. Install Schedule 40 steel pipe or equal with threaded joints and fittings for 1 Yo inch and smaller. B. Install Schedule IO steel pipe with roll-grooved ends and grooved mechanical couplings for 2 inch and larger. 3.03 PIPING INSTALLATIONS A. Locations and Arrangements: Drawings (plans, schematics, and diagrams) indicate the general location and arrangement of piping systems. So far as practical, install piping as indicated. I. Deviations from approved "Working Plans" for sprinkler piping, require written approval of the authority having jurisdiction. Written approval shall be on file with the Architect prior to deviating for the approved "Working Plans. " B. Install sprinkIer piping to provide for system drainage in accordance with NFPA 13. C. Use approved fittings to make all changes in direction, branch takeoffs from mains, and reductions in pipe sizes. D. Install unions in pipes 2 inch and smaller, adjacent to each valve. Unions are not required on flanged devices or in piping installations using grooved mechanical couplings. E. Install flanges or flange adapters on valves, apparatus, and equipment having 2-1/2 inch and larger connections.. F. Hangers and Supports: Comply with the requirements ofNFPA 13 and NFPA 14. Hanger and support spacing and locations for piping joined with grooved mechanical couplings shall be in accordance with the grooved mechanical coupling manufacturer's written instructions, for rigid systems. Provide protection from damage and where subject to earthquake in accordance with NFP A 13. G. Make connections between underground and aboveground piping using an approved transition piece strapped or fastened to prevent separation. H. Install mechanical sleeve seal at pipe penetrations in basement and foundation walls. Refer to Section 15050 "Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods." I. Install test connections sized and located in accordance with NFP A 13 and local Authority with jurisdiction complete with shutoff valve. Test connections may also serve as drainpipes. 15300-5 No. 032124 J. Install pressure gauge on the riser or feed main at or near each test connection. Provide gauge with a connection not less than 1/4 inch and baving a soft metal seated globe valve, arranged for draining pipe between gauge and valve. Install gages to permit removal, and where they will not be subj ect to freezing. K. Obstructions to sprinkIer distribution pattern by pennanent building components such as electric fixtures, ducts, pipes, unit heaters, partitions, enclosed spaces and small niches, etc. and which require additional heads to provide required coverage shall be the design and installation responsibility of this contractor, at no additional expense to the project. L. Piping shall be installed parallel to building components wherever possible and shall be concealed in walls and above ceilings unless indicated otherwise on the plans. M. Pipes passing through masonry or concrete walls/floors and smokelfIre rated wallslfloors shall be provided with pipe sleeves set in place at the lime of construction. Where core drilling is required, coordinate with structural engineer so as not to reduce the load carrying capacity of the structure. N. All piping shall be fuestopped when penetrating any fire or smoke rated wall. Firestopping shall be placed in steel sleeves which surround the pipe and are at least the length of the thickness of the wall. Firestopping materials may be any putty, tape, or pre-manufactured sleeve application that meets prevailing codes. Refer to Division 7: Firestopping. O. Where exposed piping passes through walls or ceilings, provide chrome escutcheons which completely cover the penetration. 3.04 PIPE JOINT CONSTRUCTION A. Welded Joints: A WS DIO.9, Level AR-3. B. Threaded Joints: conform to ANSI B1.20.1, tapered pipe threads for field cut threads. Join pipe, fittings, and valves as follows: I. Note the intemallength of threads il) fittings or valve ends, and proximity of internal seat or wall, to determine how far pipe should be threaded into joint. 2. Align threads at point of assembly. 3. Apply appropriate tape or thread compound to the external pipe threads. 4. Assemble joint to appropriate thread depth. When using a wrench on valves place the wrench on the valve end into which the pipe is being threaded. 5. Damaged Threads: Do not use pipe with threads which are corroded or damaged. If a weld opens during cutting or threading operations, that portion of pipe shall not be used. C. Flanged Joints: Align flanges surfaces parallel. Assemble joints by sequencing bolt tightening to make initial contact of flanges and gaskets as flat and parallel as possible. Use suitable lubricants on bolt threads. Tighten bolts gradually and uniformly to appropriate torque specified by the bolt manufacturer. D. Mechanical Grooved Joints: cut or roll grooves on pipe ends dimensionally compatible with the couplings. E. End Treatment: After cutting pipe lengths, remove burrs and fms from pipe ends. 3.05 SPRINKLER HEAD INSTALLATIONS A. Use proper tools to prevent damage during installations. B. Install sprinklers centered or at Y. points on ceiling tiles in lay-in acoustic ceilings. 15300-6 No. 032124 3.06 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Flush, test, and inspect sprinkler piping systems in accordance with NFP A 13. Provide written wi1nessed documentation with four (4) copies sent to the engineer. B. Replace piping system components which do not pass the test procedures specified, and re-test repaired portion of the system. C. The sprinkler contractor shall be responsible for all associated damages due to failure of the piping system for required tests. 3.07 TESTING A. Pressure test sprinkler mains and lines with water in accordance with NFP A standards and this specification. Hydrostatic test shall comply with NFP A requirements (200 psi for 2 hours or 50 psi in excess of normal working pressures that exceed 150 psi) for all new and remodeled piping. B. Carry out any additional tests required by the authorities hsving jurisdiction. C. If additional tests are required by an authority having jurisdiction, tests shall be made in the presence of each goveming authorities authorized inspector, and certified by him. D. Perform tests before piping is concealed. 3.08 DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING A. Provide demonstration and training for the Owner's representatives in accordance with Division I Specification Section 01820. END OF SECTION 15300 15300-7 No. 032124 SECTION 15510 HYDRONIC PIPING PART I: GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The following Division-I 5 Sections apply to this Section: 1. Section 15010 Basic Mechanical Requirements. 2. Section 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods. 3. Section 151 00 Valves 4. Section 15135 Meter and Gages 5. Section 15140 Support and Anchors. 6. Section 15190 Mechanical Identification 7. Section 15250 Mechanical Insulation 1.02 SUMMARY A. This Section includes piping systems for hot water heating, make-up water, blow-down drain lines, and condensate drain piping. Piping materials and equipment specified in this Section include: I. Pipes, fittings, and specialties. B. Related Sections: The following sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: 1. Division 2 Section "Earthwork" for trenching and backfilling materials and methods for underground piping installations. 2. Division 7 for materials and methods for sealing pipe penetrations through hasement walls, and fire and smoke barriers. 3. Division 15 Section 15100 "Valves" for gate, globe, ball, butterf1y, and check valves. 4. Division 15 Section 15190 "Mechanical Identification" for labeling and identification of hydronic piping system. 5. Division 15 Section 15250 "Mechanical Insulation" for pipe insulation. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Pipe sizes used in this Specification are Nominal Pipe Size (NPS). 1.04 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. General: The hydronic piping systems are the "water-side" of an air-and-water or all-water heating and air condition system. Hydronic piping systems specified in this Section include 2-pipe, hot water piping system. This system is classified by ASHRAE as Low Water Temperature, Forced, Recircnlating systems. B. System Configuration: The system includes water supply and return piping mains in a closed loop, connecting the primary heating equipment to the terminal heat transfer units. Circnlation is accomplished by primary pumps and constant volume secondary pumps. Design flow rates and water temperatures are specified in the various equipment specifications and schednles. Control sequences and temperature reset schedules are specified in the temperature control specifications. 15510-1 No. 032124 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data, including rated capacities of selected models, weights (shipping, installed, and operating), furnished specialties and accessories, and installation instructions for each hydronic specialty valve specified. B. Maintenance Data for hydronic specialties and special duty valves, for inclusion in operating and maintenance manual specified in Division 1 and Division 15 Section 15010 "Basic Mechanical Requirements." C. Welders' certificates certifying that welders comply meet the quality requirements specified in Quality Assurance below. D. Certification of compliance with ASTM and ANSI manufacturing requirements for pipe, fittings, and specialties. E. Reports specified in Part 3 of this Section. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirements: comply with the provisions of the following: I. ASME B 31.9 "Building Services Piping" for materials, products, and installation. Safety valves and pressure vessels shall bear the appropriate ASME label. 2. Fabricate and stamp air separators and compression tanks to comply with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division I. 3. ASME "Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code", Section IX, "Welding and Brazing Qualification" for qualifications for welding processes and operators. 4. State Building Codes. 5. Chemical Standards: Provide only chemical products which are acceptable under state and local pollution control regnlations. B. Manufacturer's Qualifications I. Water Treatment Supplier: Chemical and service supplier who has been active in the field of industrial water treatment for not less than 5 years, and who has full-time service personnel located within trading area of job site. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering hydronic piping system products which may be incorporated in the work include the following: I. Air Vents (manual): a. Armstrong Machine Works. b. Bell & Gossett ITT; Fluid Handling Div. c. Hoflinan Specialty ITT; Fluid Handling Div. d. Spirax Sarco. 15510-2 No. 032124 2. Dielectric Unions: a. Perfection Corp. b. Walls Regulator Co. 3. V-Pattern Strainers: a. Armstrong Machine Works. b. Hoflinan Specialty lIT; Fluid Handling Div. c. Mueller Stearn Specialty Co. d. Metraflex Co. e. Spirax Sarco. f. Trane Co. g. Victaulic Co. of America. h. Walls Regulator Co. 2.02 PIPE AND TUBING MATERIALS A. General: Refer to Part 3 Article "Pipe Applications" for identification of where the below materials are used. 1. ASTM number, manufacturer's name and the Country in which it was made shall be clearly stamped on the piping. B. Drawn Temper Copper Tubing: ASTM B 88, Type L. C. Steel Pipe: ASTM A 53, Schedule 40, seamless, black steel pipe, plane ends. D. Steel Pipe: ASTM AS3B/A406B/120, black steel pipe, grooved ends. 2.03 FIITINGS A. Cast-Iron Threaded Fittings: ANSI B 16.4, Class 125, standard pattern, for threaded joints. Threads shall conform to ANSI B1.20.1. B. Malleable-Iron Threaded Fittings: ANSI BI6.3, Class 150, standard pattern, for threaded joints. Threads shall conform to ANSI BI.20.1. C. Steel Fittings: ASTM A 234, seamless or welded, for welded joints. D. Wrought-Copper Fittings: ANSI BI6.22, streamlined pattern. E. Unions: ANSI B16.39 malleable-iron, Class ISO, hexagonal stock, with ball-and-socket joints, metal-to-metal bronze seating surfaces; female threaded ends. Threads shall conform to ANSI B 1.20.1. F. Dielectric Unions: Threaded or soldered eud connections for the pipe materials in which installed; constructed to isolate dissimilar metals, prevent galvanic action, and prevent corrosion. 2.04 JOINING MATERIALS A. Solder Filler Metals: ASTM B 32, 95-5 Tin-Antimony, for low-pressure piping. B. Brazing Filler Metals: A WS AS.8, Classification BAg I (Silver). 1. WARNING: Some filler metals contain compounds which produce highly toxic fumes when heated. Avoid breathing fumes. Provide adequate ventilation. 15510-3 No. 032124 C. Welding Materials: Comply, with Section II, Part C. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for welding materials appropriate for the wall thickness and chemical analysis of the pipe being welded. D. Gasket Material: thickness, material, and type suitable for fluid to be handled, and design temperatures and pressures. 2.05 VALVES A. General duty valves (i.e., gate and ball valves) are specified in Section 15100 "Valves." Special duty valves are specified below by their generic name; refer to Part 3 Article "VALVE APPLlCA nON" for specific uses and applications for each valve specified. 2.06 HYDRONIC SPECIALTIES A. Manual Air Vent: bronze body and nouferrous intemal parts; 150 psig working pressure, 225 deg F operating temperature; manually operated with screwdriver or thumbscrew; and having 1/8 inch discharge connection and 1/2 inch inlet connection. B. V-Pattern Strainers: 125 psig working pressure, cast iron body (ASTM A 126, Class B), flanged ends for 2-1/2 inch and larger, tlueaded connections for 2 inch and smaller, bolted cover. perforated Type 304 stainless steel basket, and bottom drain connection. 2.07 EXTRA STOCK A. Maintenance Stock: Furnish a sufficient quantity of chemical for initial system start-up and for preventative maintenance for one year from Substantial Completion. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 PIPE APPLICATIONS A. Install Type L, drawn copper tubing with wrought copper fittings and grooved or solder joints for 2 y," and smaller. B. Install steel pipe with welded or grooved joints for I y," and larger. 3.02 PIPING INSTALLATIONS A. Locations and Arrangements: Drawings (plans, schematics, and diagrams) indicate the general location and arrangement of piping systems. Locations and arrangements of piping take into consideration pipe sizing and friction loss, expansion, pump sizing, and other design considerations. So far as practical, install piping as indicated. B. Use fittings for all changes in direction and all branch connections. C. Install exposed piping at right angles or parallel to building walls. Diagonal runs are not permitted, unless expressly indicated. D. Conceal all pipe installations in walls, pipe chases, utility spaces, above ceilings, below grade or floors, unless indicated to be exposed to view. E. Install piping tight to slabs, beams, joists, columns, walls, and other permanent elements of the building. Provide space to permit insulation applications, with I" clearance outside the insulation. Allow sufficient space above removable ceiling panels to allow for panel removal. F. Locate groups of pipes parallel to each other, spaced to permit applying insulation and servicing of valves. G. Install drains at low points to mains, risers, and branch lines consisting of a tee fitting, 3/4" ball valve, and short 3/4" threaded nipple and cap. 15510-4 No. 032124 H. Interior Miscellaneous Penetration: Where pipes pass through interior walls, partitions, ceilings, or floors, the acoustic and airflow resisting characteristics shall be maintained. Seal pipe penetrations using sleeves and special sealers and material as prescn'bed in Division 7. 1. Fire Barrier Penetrations: Where pipes pass through fire rated waUs, partitions, ceilings, and floors, maintain the fire rated integtity. Refer to Division 7 for special sealers and materials. J. Install piping at a uniform grsde of I inch in 40 feet upward in the direction of flow. K. Make reductions in pipe sizes using eccentric reducer fitting installed with the level side up. L. Install branch connections to mains using Tee fittings in main with take-off out the bottom of the main, except for up-feed risers which shall have take-off out the top of the main line. . M. Install unions in pipes 2 inch and smaller, adjacent to each valve, at final connections to each piece of equipment, and elsewhere as indicated. Unions are not required on flanged devices. N. Install dielectric unions to join dissimilar metals. O. Install strainers on the supply side of each control valve, and elsewhere as indicated. Install nipple and ball valve in blow down connection of strainers 2 inch and larger. P. Install temperature sensor wells and flow switches as required for control systems work. Coordinate installation with control systems contractor. 3.03 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. General: Hanger, supports, and anchor devices are specified in Division 15 Section 15140 .Supports and Anchors." Conform to the table below for maxinnma spacing of supports: B. Install the following pipe attachmenta: I. Adjustable steel clevis hangers for individual horizontal runs less than 20 feet in length. 2. Adjustable roller hangers and spring hangers for individual horizontal runs 20 feet or longer. 3. Pipe roller complete - MSS Type 44 for multiple horizontal runs, 20 feet or longer, supported on a trapeze. 4. Spring hangers to support vertical runs. C. Install hangers with the following minimum rod sizes and maximum spacing: Nom. Pipe Size - Inches Up to 3/4 I 1-114 1-112 2 2-112 3 3-1/2 4 5 6 8 10 12 Steel Pipe Max. Span - Ft. 7 7 7 9 10 II 12 13 14 16 17 19 22 23 Copper Tube Max. Span - Ft. 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 16 18 19 Min. Rod Dia. - Inches. 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 7/8 7/8 D. Support vertical oms at each floor. 15510-5 No. 032124 3.04 PIPE JOINT CONSTRUCTION A. Soldered Joints: Comply with the procedures contained in the A WS "Soldering Manual." B. Brazed Joints: Comply with the procedures contained in the A WS "Brazing Manual." 1. CAUTION: Remove stems, seats, and packing of valves and accessible internal parts at piping specialties before brazing. 2. Fill the pipe and fittings during brazing, with an inert gas (i.e., nitrogen or carbon dioxide) to prevent formation of scale. 3. Heat joints using oxy-acetylene torch. Heat to proper and uniform temperature. C. Threaded Joints: Conform to ANSI BI.20.1, tapered pipe threads for field cut threads. Join pipefittings and valves as follows: I. Note the internal length of threads in fittings or valve ends, and proximity of internal seat or wall, to determine how far pipe should be threaded into joint. 2. Align threads at point of assembly. 3. Apply appropriate tape or thread compound to the external pipe threads (except where dry seal threading is specified). 4. Assemble joint wrench tight. Wrench on valve shall be on the valve end into which the pipe is being threaded. a. Damaged Threads: Do not use pipe with threads which are corroded or damaged. If a weld opens during cutting or threading operations, that portion of pipe shall not be used. D. Welded Joints: Comply with the requirement in ASME Code B31.9-"Building Services Piping." E. Flanged Joints: Align flanges surfaces parallel. Assemble joints by sequencing bolt tightening to make initial contact of flanges and gaskets as flat and parallel as possible. Use suitable lubricants on bolt threads. Tighten bolts gradually and uniformly using torque wrench. 3.05 VALVE APPLICATIONS A. The Drawings indicate valve types to be used. Where specific valve types are not indicated the following requirements apply: 1. Shut -off duty: Use gate and ball valves 2. Throttling duty: use globe valves 3. Install shut-off valves at each branch CODnection to supply mains, at supply connection to each piece of equipment, and elsewhere as indicated. 4. Install throttling valves at each branch connection to return mains, at return connections to each piece of equipment, elsewhere as indicated. B. Install calibrated plug valves on the outlet of each heating or cooling element and elsewhere as indicated or otherwise required to facilitate system balancing. C. Install drain valves at low points in mains, risers, branch lines, and elsewhere as required for system drainage. 15510-6 No. 032124 3.06 HYDRONIC SPECIALTIES INSTALLATION A. Install manual air vents at high points in the system, at heat transfer coils, and elsewhere as required for system air venting. Extend vent piping to 6 inches above ceiling and mark for access. 3.07 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Preparation for testing: Prepare hydronic piping in accordance with ASME B 31.9 and as follows: I. Leave joints including welds uninsnlated and exposed for examination during the test. 2. Provide temporary restraints for expansion joints which cannot sustain the reactions due to test pressure. If temporary restraints are not practical, isolate expansion joints from testing. 3. Flush system with clear water. Clean strainers. 4. Isolate equipment that is not to be subjected to the test pressure from the piping. If a valve is used to isolate the equipment, its closure shall be capable of sealing against the test pressure without damage to the valve. Flanged joints at which blinds are inserted to isolate equipment need not be tested. B. Testing: Test bydronic piping as follows: I. Use ambient temperature water as the testing medium, except where there is a risk of damage due to freezing. Another liquid may be used if it is safe for workmen and compal1ble with the piping system components. 2. Use vents installed at high points in the system to release trapped air while filling the system. Use drains installed at low points for complete removal of that liquid. 3. Examine system to see that equipment and parts that cannot withstand test pressures are properly isolated. Examine test equipment to ensure that it is tight and that low pressure filling lines are disconnected. 4. Subject piping system to a hydrostatic test pressure which at every point in the system is not less than 1.5 times the design pressure. The test pressure shall not exceed the maximum pressure for any vessel, pump, valve, or other component in the system under test. Make a check to verify that the stress due to pressure at the bottom of vertical runs does not exceed either 90 percent of specified minirnumyield strength, or 1.7 times the "SE" value in Appendix A of ASME B31.9, Code for Pressure Piping, Building Services Piping. 5. After the hydrostatic test pressure has been applied for at least 10 minutes, examine piping, joints, and connections for leakage. Eliminate leaks by tightening, repairing, or replacing components as appropriate, and repeat hydrostatic test until there are no leaks. 3.08 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Clean and flush hydronic piping systems. Remove, clean, and replace strainer screens. After cleaning and flushing hydronic piping system, but before balancing, remove disposable fine mesh strainers in pump suction diffusers. Contact Owner and ArchitectlEngineer to arrange for their presence upon beginning of fluShing operations. B. Mark calibrated nameplates of pump discharge valves after hydronic system balancing has been completed, to permanently indicate final balanced position. C. Chemical Treatment: 1. Flush system using Ferrosol - 345 chemical designed to remove construction deposits such as pipe dope, oils, loose mill scale, and other extraneous materials. Add recommended dosages and recircnlate for 6 to 8 hours. Drain and flush until total alkalinity of rinse water is equal to makeup water. Ref111 with treated clean water. 15510-7 No. 032124 2. Provide a water analysis prepared by the chemical treattnent supplier to determine the type and level of chemicals required for prevention of scale and corrosion. Perform initial treatment after completion of system clean up and testing. D. Service Period: Provide water treatment chemicals and service program for period of one year from start-up date of boilers, including the following: I. Initial water analysis and recommendations. 2. Systems start-up assistance. 3. Training of operating personoel. 4. Periodic field service and consultation. 5. Customer report charts and log sheets. 6. Laboratory technical assistance. 3.09 SYSTEM START-UP A. Fill system and perform initial chemical treattnent. B. Check heating coils to determine that they are not air bound and that the system is completely full of water. C. Before operating the system perfonn these steps: I. Open valves to full open position. Close coil bypass valve. 2. Remove and clean strainers. 3. Check air vents at high points of systems, examine system to determine if all required vents are installed, and bleed air completely. 4. Set temperature controls so all coils are calling for full flow. 3.10 DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING A. Provide demonstration and training for Owner's representative in accordance with Division 1 specification section 01820. END OF SECTION 15510 15510-8 No. 032124 SECTION 15782 ROOFTOP HEATING AND COOLING UNITS PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division-I Specification sections, apply to work of this section. B. Division 15 - Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods sections apply to work of this section. 1.02 SUMMARY A. Section includes package rooftop heating and cooling units. B. Related Sections: I. Section 15030 - Electrical Requirements for Mechanical Work. 2. Section 15891 - Ductwork 3. Section 15971 - Electric Control Systems for automatic controls, hot factory-installed, required in conjunction with roof l0p units. 4. Section 15985 - Sequence of Operation 5. Section 16142 - Electrical Connections. for Equipment 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's technical product data, including rated capacities of selected model clearly indicated, dimensions, required clearances, weights, furnished specialties and accessories; and installation and start- up instructions. B. Shop Drawings: I. Submit shop drawings detailing the manufacturer's electrical requirements for power supply wiring for rooftop heating and cooling units. Submit manufacturer's ladder-type wiring diagrams for interlock and control wiring. Clearly differentiate between portions of wiring that are factory-installed and portions to be field-installed. 2. Submit shop drawings detailing the mounting, securing, and flashing of the roof curb to the roof structure. Indicate coordinating requirements with roof membrane system. C. Operation and Maintenance Data: Submit maintenance data and parts list for each rooftop units, including "trouble- shooting" maintenance guide, servicing guide and preventative maintenance schedule aud procedures. Include this data in maintenance manual; in accordance with requirements of Division I. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer's Qualifications: Finns regularly engaged in manufacture of rooftop heating and cooling units, of types and capacities required, whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not less than 5 years. B. Codes and Standards:g I. Testing and rating of rooftop units under 135,000 BtuIhr capacity shall be in accordance with ARI 210 "Standard for Unitary Air-Conditioning Equipment", and provide Certified Rating Seal. Sound testing and rating of units shall be in accordance with ARI 270 "Standard for Sound Rating of Outdoor Unitary Equipment". Units shall bear Certified Rating Seal. 15782-1 No. 1132124 2. Refrigerating system construction ofrooftop units shall be in accordance with ASHRAE 15 "Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration." 3. Energy Efficiency Ration (EER) of rooftop units shall be equal to or greater than prescribed by ASHRAE 90A "Energy Conservation in New Building Design." 4. Rooftop units shall be listed by UL and have UL label as a unit. 5. Rooftop units shall be designed, manufactured, and tested in accordance with UL requirements. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Handle rooftop units and components carefully to prevent damage. Replace damaged rooftop units or components with new. . B. Store rooftop units and components in clean dry place, off the ground and protect from weather, water, and physical damage. C. Rig rooftop units to comply with manufacturer's rigging and installation instructions for unloading rooftop units, and moving them to fmallocation. 1.06 SCHEDULING AND SEQUENCING A. Coordinate installation of roof mounting curb with roof structure. B. Coordinate roof opening locations and for mechanical and electrical connections. 1.07 SPECIAL WARRANTY A. Warranty on Compressor and Heat Exchanger: Provide written warranty, signed by manufacturer. agreeing to replace/repair, within warranty period, compressors and heat exchangers with inadequate and defective materials and workmanship, including leakage, breakage. improper assembly, or failure to perform as required; provided manufacturer's instructions for handling, installing, protecting, and maintaining units have been adhered to during warranty period. Replacement is limited to component replacement only, and does not include labor for removal and reinstallation. 1. Warranty Period: 5 years from date of substantial completion. 1.08 MAINTENANCE A. Extra Materials: Furnish to Owner, with receipt, the following spare parts for each rooftop heating and cooling unit: 1. One set of matched fan belts for each belt-driven fan. 2. One set of filters for each unit. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 ROOFTOP UNITS LESS THAN 20 TONS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide rooftop units of one of the following: 1. Carrier Air Conditioning; Div. of Carrier Corp. 2. Lennox Industries, Inc. 3. McQuay Air Conditioning Group; McQuay Inc. 4. Trane (The) Co; Div of American Standard Inc. 5. York; Div. of York International. 15782-2 No. 032124 B. General Description: Units shall be factory-assembled and tested, designed for roof or slab installation, and consisting of compressors, condensers, evaporator coils, condenser and evaporator fans, refrigeration and temperature controls, filters, and dampers. Capacities and electrical characteristics are scheduled on the drawings. C. Casing: Manufacturer's standard casing construction, having corrosion protection coating, and exterior finish. Casings shall have removable panels or access doors for inspection and access to internal parts, a minimum of 1/2" thick thermal insulation, knockouts for electrical and piping connections and an exterior condensate drain connection and lifting lugs. D. Roof Curbs: Manufacturer's standard construction, insulated and having corrosive protective coating, complete with factory-installed wood nailer and drain nipple. Construction shall be in accordance with NRCA Standards. E. Evaporator Fans: Forward-curved, centrifugal, belt-driven fans with adjustable sheaves or direct-driven fans; and permanently lubricated motor bearings. F. Condenser Fans: Propeller-type, direct-drlven fans with permanently lubricated bearings. G. Coils: I. General: Aluminum plate fin and seamless copper tube type. Fins shall have collars drawn, belled and finnly bonded to the tubes by means of mechanical expansion of the tubes. No soldering or tinning shall be used in the bonding process. Coils shall have a galvanized steel casing. Coils shall be mounted in the coil casing with same end connections accessible for service. Coils shall be removable from the unit through the roof or through the piping enclosure. Coil section sha11 be completely insnlated. 2. Refrigerant Cooling Coils: Have an equalizing type vertical distributor to ensure each coil circuit receives the same amount of refrigerant. Coils sha11 be proof (450 psig) and leak (300 psigl tested with air pressure under water, then cleaned, dehydrated, and sealed with a holding charge of nitrogen. H. Compressors: Serviceable, semi-hermetic, or fully hermetic compressors, complete with integral vibration isolators and crankcase heaters. Provide with the following features where indicated on the drawings. I. Cylinder unIoaders for capacity control, with minimum steps as scheduled. 2. Hot-gas bypass valve and piping on first stage for variable air volume systems. I. Safety Controls: Manual reset type for: I. Low pressure cutout. 2. High pressure cutout. 3. Compressor motor overload protection. J. Economizer Control: Return and outside air dampers, outside air filter, fully modulating electric control system with enthalpy control, and adjustable mixed-air thermostat. System shall have 100 percent outside air capability. Provide automatic changeover through adjustable enthalpy control device. K. Power Exhaust: Provide power exhaust capable of 100% relief interlocked with economizer control. Provide with grsvity backdraft damper. L. Provide remote contacts for start/stop operation and a 4-20 mA space input connection for space temperature sensor. Refer to Section 15970 Building Automation System for requirements. 15782-3 No. 032124 PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine areas and conditions under which rooftop units are to be installed. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in manner acceptable to Installer. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. General: Install rooftop units in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. Install units plumb and level, fIrmly anchored in locations indicated, and maintain manufacturer's recommended clearances. B. Support: Install and secure roof curb to roof structure, in accordance with National Roofmg Contractor's Association (NRCA) installation recommendations and shop drawings. Install and secure rooftop units on curbs and coordinate roof penetrations and flashing. C. Electrical Connections: Refer to Section 16142 - Electrical Connections for Equipment for fmal connections to equipment and installation of loose shipped electrical components. D. Control Wiring: The mechanical contractor shall install and wire the 24-volt remote-mounted thermostat. 3.03 SYSTEM START-UP A. Start-Up Services: 1. Provide the services of a factory-authorized service representative to start-up rooftop units, in accordance with manufacturer's written start-up instructions. Test controls and demonstrate compliance with requirements. Replace damaged or malfunctioning controls and equipment. 3.04 DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING A. Provide demonstration and training for Owner's representative in accordance with Division 1 specification section 01820. END OF SECTION 15782 15782-4 No. 032124 SECTION 15830 HEATING TERMINAL UNITS PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The requirements of the following Division 15 sections apply to this section: I. Section 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods. 2. Section 15100 Valves. 3. Section 15510 Hydronic Piping. 4. Section 15891 Ductwork. 5. Section 15990 Testing and Balancing. 1.02 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Extent of terminal unit work is indicated by drawings and schedules, and by requirements of this section. B. Types of terminal units required for project include the following: 1. Water duct coils. C. Refer to Division 16 sections for the following work; not work of this section. I. Power supply wiring from power source to power connection on terminal unit. Include starters, disconnects, and required electrical devices, except where specified as fiunished, or factory-installed, by manufacturer. 2. Interlock wiring specified as factory-installed is work of this section. D. Provide the following electrical work as work of this section, complying with requirements of Division 16 sections: 1. Control wiring between field-installed controls, indicating devices, and terminal unit control panels. a. Control wiring and interlocks specified as work of Division 15 Section 15970 "Energy Management and Control System". 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Codes and Standards: 1. I=B=R Compliance: Test and rate baseboard and finned tube radiation in accordance wilb I=B=R, provide published ratings bearing emblem ofI=B=R 2. AR1 Compliance: Provide coil ratings in accordance with ARI Standard 410 "Forced-Circulation Air-Cooling and Air-Heating Coils". 3. ASHRAE Compliance: Test coils in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 33 "Methods of Testing Forced Circulation Air Cooling and Heating Coils". 4. AR1 Compliance: Test and rate fan-coil units in accordance with AR1 Standard 440 "Room Fan-Coil Air- Conditioners" . 15830-1 No. 032124 5. UL Compliance: Construct and install fan-coil units in compliance with UL 883 "Safety Standards for Fan Coil Units and Room Fan Heater Units. 6. ARI Compliance: Test and rate unit ventilators in accordance with ARI Standard 330 "Uuit Ventilators". 7. UL Compliance: Provide electrical components for terminal units, which have been listed and labeled by UL. 8. State Building Code Compliance: Construct and install terminal units in accordance with applicable requirements of State Building Codes. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A Product Data: Submit manufacturer's specifications for terminal units showing dimensions, capacities, ratings, performance characteristics, gages and fInishes of materials, and installation instructions. B. Shop Drawings: Submit assembly-type shop drawings showing unit dimensions, construction details, and field connection details. C. Wiring Diagrams submit manufacturer's electrical requirements for power supply wiring to terminal units. Submit manufacturer's ladder-type wiring diagrams for interlock and control wiring. Clearly differentiate between portions of wiring that are factory-installed and portions to be field-installed. D. Maintenance Data: Submit maintenance instructions, including lubrication instructions, filter replacement, motor and drive replacement, and spare parts lists. Include this data, product data, and shop drawings in maintenance manuals in accordance with requirements of Division 1. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Handle terminal units and components carefully to prevent damage, breaking, denting and scoring. Do not install damaged terminal units or components; replace with new. B. Store terminal units aud components in clean dry place. Protect from weather, dirt, fumes, water, construction debris, and physical damage. C. Comply with Manufacturer's rigging and installation instructions for unloading terminal units, and moving them to fmallocation. D. Deliver terminal units to job site tagged with label indicating project name, model number, unit nmnber, and details of installation (i.e. room number orientation, etc.). PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 WATER COILS A. General: Provide coils of size and in location indicated, and of capacities and having performance data as scheduled. Certify coil capacities, pressure drops, and selection procedures in accordance with ARI 410. B. Heating Coils: I. Fins: Construct of continuous aluminum or copper configurated plate-fm type with full fm collars for accurate spacing and maximum fm-tube contact. 2. Tubes: Construct of copper tubing, expanded into fm collars for permanent fm-tube bond and expanded into header for permanent leaktight joint. 15830-2 No. 032124 3. Headers: Construct of round seamless copper tube. Hydrostatically test to 400 psi before assembly. 4. Casings: Construct of 16-ga continuous coated galvanized steel with fillS recessed into channels to minimize air bypass. 5. Testing: Proof test coils at 300 psi, leak test at 200 psi under water. 6. Coil Types: Provide the following coil types as indicated, and as scheduled. ~ a. Hot Water to 200 psi, 22()QF: Provide I or 2-row, 5/8" tubes, same-end cormection coil. Provide brazed tube-to-header joints. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Examine areas and conditions under which terminsl units are to be installed Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in manner acceptable to Installer. 3.02 INSTALLATION OF WATER COILS A. General: Insta\1 coils as indicated, and in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. B. Mount coils on steel supports to form banks or stacks as indicated, brace, secure to air intake chanober. Place in location to permit installation of. bypass damper if required, provide steel baffles where required to prevent bypassing of air. C. Pitch coil casings for drainsge, not less than 1/8" toward return connections, except where drainage feature is included in coil design. D. Provide for each hot water coil unit: Water supply, return connection, strainer, gate valves, automatic temperature regnlating valve, balancing cocks, as indicated. 3.03 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. General: After construction is completed, including painting, clean unit exposed surfaces, vacuum clean terminal coils and inside of cabinets. B. Retouch any marred or scratched surfaces of factory-finished cabinets, using finish materials furnished by manufacturer. C. Insta\1 new filter units for terminals requiring it. 3.04 DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING A. Provide demonstration and training for Owner's representative in accordance with Division I specification section 01820. END OF SECTION 15830 15830-3 No. 032124 SECTION 15891 DUCTWORK PARTl: GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Requirements of the following Division 15 Sections apply to this section: I. Section 150 I 0 Basic Mechanical Requirements. 2. Section 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods. 1.02 SUMMARY A. This Section includes rectangular, round, and flat-oval metal ducts and plemnns for heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems in pressure classes from minus 2 inches to plus 10 inches water gsge. B. Related Sections: The following sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: I. Division 7 for fire-resistant sealants for use around duct penetrations and fire damper installations in fire rated floors, partitions, and walls. 2. Division 8 for wall- and ceiling-mounted access panels and doors for access to concealed ducts. 3. Division 10 for intake and relieflouvers and vents connected to duct systems and installed in exterior walls. 4. Section 15250 "Mechanical Insulation" for exterior duct and plenWD insulation. 5. Section 15910 "Duct Accessories" for flexible duct materials, dampers, duct-mounted access panels and doors, and turning vanes. 6. Section 15932 "GriUes Registers and Diffusers". 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Sealing Requirements Definitions: For the purposes of duct systems sealing requirements specified in this Section, the following definitions apply: I. Seams: A seam is defined as joining of two longitudinally (in the direction of airflow) oriented edges of duct surface material occurring between two joints. All other duct surface connections made on the perimeter are deemed to be joints. 2. Joints: Joints include girth joints; branch and sub-branch intersections; so-called duct collar tap-ins; fitting subsections; louver and air terminal connections to ducts; access door and access panel frames and jambs; duct, plenum, and casing abutments to building structures. 1.04 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. The duct system design, as indicated, has been used to select and size air moving and distribution equipment and other components of the air system. Changes or alterations to the layout or configuration of the duct system must be specifically approved in writing. Accompany requests for layout modifications with calculations showing that the proposed layout will provide the original design resnlts without increasing the system total pressure. 15891-1 No. 032124 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. General: Submit the following in accordance with Conditions of Contract and Division I Specification Sections. B. Product data including details of construction relative to materials, dimensions of individual components, profiles, and fmishes for the following items: I. Sealing Materials. 2. Fire-Stopping Materials. C. Duct materials, fabricating methods, and typical construction details. Note for each duct application the material used and specific fabrication methods and construction details apply. D. Welding certificates including welding procedures specifications, welding procedures qualifications test records, and welders' qualifications test records complying with requirements specified in "Quality Assurance" below. E. Maintenance data for volume control devices, fire dampers, and smoke dampers, in accordance with Section 15010 "Basic Mechanical Requirements" and Division 1. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualify welding processes and welding operators in accordance with A WS Dl.1 "Structural Welding Code - Steel" for hangers and supports and AWS D9.1 "Sheet Metal Welding Code." B. Qualify each welder in accordance with A WS qualification tests for welding processes involved. Certify that their qualification is current. C. NFP A Compliance: Comply with the following NFP A Standards: 1. NFPA 90A, "Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems," except as indicated otherwise. 2. NFPA 96, "Standard for the Installation of Equipment for the Removal of Smoke and Grease-Laden Vapors for Commercial Cooking Equipment," Chapter 3, "Duct System," for kitchen hood duct systems, except as indicated otherwise. D. State Building Code Compliance: Comply with applicable provisions of State Building Codes including mechanical and plumbing sections. 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver sealant and fife-stopping materials to site in original unopened containers or bundles with labels informing about manufacturer, product name and designation, color, expiration period for use, pot life, cwing time, and mixing instructions for multi- component materials. B. Store and handle sealant fife-stopping materials in compliance with manufacturers' recommendations to prevent their deterioration or damage due to moisture, high or low temperatures, contaminants, or other causes. C. Deliver and store stainless steel sheets with mill-applied adhesive protective paper, maintained through fabrication and installation. ' PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 SHEET METAL MATERIALS A. Sheet Metal, General: Provide sheet metal in thicknesses indicated, packaged and marked as specified in ASTM A 700. B. Galvanized Sheet Steel: Lock-forming quality, ASTM A 527, Coating Designation G 90. Provide mill phosphatized fmish for exposed surfaces of ducts exposed to view. 15891-2 No. 032124 C. Reinforcement Shapes and Plates: Unless otherwise indicated, provide galvanized steel reinforcing where installed on galvanized sheet metal ducts. For stainless steel ducts provide reinforcing of compatible materials. D. Tie Rods: Galvanized steel, 1/4-inch m;n;mnm diameter for 36- inch length or less; 3/8-inch minimum diameter for lengths longer than 36 inches. E. Flexible Ducts: Spiral-wound spring steel with flameproof vinyl sheathing, or corrugated aluminwn; complying with VI 181. Class I. 1. Where installed in unconditioned spaces other than return air plenums, provide I" thick continuous flexible fiberglass sheath with vinyl vapor barrier jacket. 2. Ducts in air return plenums must comply with Code flame and smoke requirements. 3. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide flexible ductwork of one of the following: Wiremold 86A Wiremold 57LF Wiremold 57LFK Wiremold WC Wiremold WCK Thermaflex S.LP.IO Thermaflex M-K 2.02 SEALING MATERIALS A. General: The term sealant used here is not limited to materials of adhesive or mastic nature, but also includes tapes and combinations of open weave fabric strips and mastics. B. Joint and Seam Tape: 2 inches wide, glass-fiber-fabric reinforced. C. Tape Sealing System: Woven-fiber tape impregnated with a gypsum mineral compound and a modified acrylic/silicone activator to react exothermically with the tape to form a hard, durable, airtight seal. D. Joint and Seam Sealant: One-part, non-sag, solvent-release-curing, polymerized butyl sealant complying with FS TT-S-001657, Type I; formulated with a minimum of75 percent solids. E. Flanged Joint Mastics: One-part, acid-curing, silicone elastomeric joint sealants, complying with ASTM C 920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 25, Use O. 2.03 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. Building Attachments: Concrete inserts, powder actuated fasteners, or structural steel fasteners appropriate for building materials. Do not use powder actuated. concrete fasteners for lightweight aggregate concretes or for slabs less than 4 inches thick. B. Hangers: Galvanized sheet steel, or round, uncoated steel, threaded rod. I. Hangers Installed In Corrosive Atmospheres: Electro-galvanized, all-thread rod or hot-dipped-galvanized rods with threads painted after installation. 2. Straps and Rod Sizes: Conform with Table 4-1 in SMACNA HV AC Duct Construction Standards, 1985 Edition, for sheet steel width and gage and steel rod diameters. C. Duct Attachments: Sheet metal screws, blind rivets, or self- tapping metal screws; compatible with duct materials. 15891-3 No. 032124 D. Trapeze and Riser Supports: Steel shapes conforming to ASTM A 36. I. Where galvanized steel ducts are installed, provide hot-dipped- galvanized steel shapes and plates. 2. For stainless steel ducts, provide stainless steel support materials. 2.04 DUCT FABRICATION A. General: Except as otherwise indicated, fabricate rectangular ducts with galvanized sheet steel, in accordance with SMACNA "HV AC Duct Construction Standards," Tables 1-3 through 1-19, including their associated details. Conform to the requirements in the referenced standard for metal thickness, reinforcing types and intervals, tie rod applications, and joint types and intervals. I. Fabricate rectangular ducts in lengths appropriate to reinforcement and rigidity class required for pressure classification. 2. Provide materials that are free from visual imperfections such as pitting, seam marks, roller marks, stains, and discolorations. B. Static Pressure Classifications: Except where otherwise indicated, construct duct systems to the following pressure classifications: I. Supply Ducts: 3 inches water gage; I inch of water gage downstream of V A V boxes. 2. Return Ducts: 3 inches water gage, negative pressure. 3. Exhaust Ducts: I Y, inch water gage, negative pressure. C. Crossbreaking or Cross Beading: Crossbreak or bead duct sides that are 19 inches and larger and are 20 gage or less, with more than 10 sq. ft. of unbraced panel area, as indicated in SMACNA "HV AC Duct Construction Standard," Figure 1-4, unless they are lined or are externally insulated. 2.05 RECTANGULAR DUCT FITTINGS A. Fabricate elbows, transitions, offsets, branch connections, and other duct construction in accordance with SMACNA "HV AC Metal Duct Construction Standard," 1985 Edition, Figures 2-1 through 2-10. B. Ductrnate or TDCfTDS. The contractor may, at his option, use slip and drive connections for ducts equal to or less than 24" wide but not more than IS" deep. All duct mains upstream of VA V boxes shall have Duc_te or TDCfTDS fittings. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 DUCT INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Duct System Pressure Class: Construct and install each duct system for the specific duct pressure classification indicated. B. Install ducts with the fewest possible joints. C. Use fabricated fittings for all changes in directions, changes in size and shape, and cOIUlections. D. Install couplings tight to duct wall surface with projections into duct at connections kept to a minimum. E. Locate ducts, except as otherwise indicated, vertically and horizontally, parallel and perpendicular to building lines; avoid diagonal runs. Install duct systems in shortest route that does not obstruct usable space or block access for servicing building and its equipment. 15891-4 No. 032124 F. Install ducts close to walls, overhead construction, columns, and other structural and permanent enclosure elements of building. G. Provide clearance of I inch where furring is shown for enclosure or concealment of ducts, plus allowance for insulation thickness, if any. H. Install insulated ducts with I-inch clearance outside of insulation. I. Conceal ducts from view in finished and occupied spaces by locating in mechanical shafts, hollow wall construction, or above suspended ceilings. Do not encase horizontal runs in solid partitions, except as specifically shown. J. Coordinate layout with suspended ceiling and lighting layouts and similar fmished work. K. Electrical Equipment Spaces: Route ductwork to avoid passing through transformer vaults and electrical equipment spaces and enclosures. L. Non-Fire-Rated Partition Penetrations: Where docts penetrate interior partitions and exterior walls, and are exposed to view, conceal space between construction opening and duct or duct insulation with sheet metal flanges of same gage as duct. Overlap opening on 4 sides by at least 1-112 inches. M. Fire-Rated Walls: Where ducts penetrate fire-rated walls, provide fJreStopping material as required to maintain wall fire rating. Comply with all frrestopping manufacturer's installation instructions and guidelines. N. Protect all ductwork and duct construction materials from damage, construction dust, moisture, and other sources of contamination when stored on the site awaiting fabrication or installation. Provide clean plugs to seal openings in installed ductwork which might allow contaminants to enter. ~ O. Install all duct mounted control and alarm devices furnished as work of other Division 15 sections. Work to include temperature sensors, dampers, thermostats, smoke detectors, safety switches and pressure sensors. P. Install actuators for all dampers and control devices for work of other Division 15 sections. Q. Install flexible duct with maximum length of 4'-0" and as detailed. 3.02 SEAM AND JOINT SEALING A. General: Seal duct seams and joints as follows: ~ B. Pressure Classifications Greater Than 4 Inches Water Gage: All transverse joints, longitodinsl seams, and wall penetrations. C. Pressure Classification 3 and Greater Water Gage: All transverse joints and longitudinal seams. I. Pressure Classification Less than 2 Inches Water Gage: Transverse joints only. D. Seal extemally insulated ducts prior to insulation installation. 3.03 HANGING AND SUPPORTING A. Install rigid round, rectangular, and flat oval metal duct with support systems indicated in SMACNA "HV AC Duct Construction Standards," Tables 4-1 through 4-3 and Figures 4-1 through 4-8. B. Support horizontal ducts within 2 feet of each elbow and within 4 feet of each branch intersection. C. Support vertical ducts at a maximum interval of 16 feet and at each floor. 15891-5 No. 032124 D. Upper attachments to structures shall have an allowable load not exceeding 1/4 of the failure (proof test) load but are not limited to the specific methods indicated. E. Install concrete insert prior to placing concrete. 3.04 CONNECTIONS A Equipment Connections: Connect equipment with flexible connectors in accordance with Division 15 Section 15910 "Duct Accessories." B. Branch Connections: Comply with SMACNA "HV AC Duct Construction Standards," Figures 2-7 and 2-8. C. Outlet and Inlet Connections: Comply with SMACNA "HVAC Duct Construction Standards," Figures 2-16 through 2-18. . D. Terminal Units Connections: Comply with SMACNA "HV AC Duct Construction Standards," Figure 2-19. 3.05 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Adjust volume control devices as required by the testing and balancing procedures to achieve required air flow. Refer to Division 15 Section 15990 Testing, Adjusting, And Balancing for requirements and procedures for adjusting and balancing air systems. B. Vacuum ducts systems prior to fmal acceptance to remove dust and debris. END OF SECTION 15891 15891-6 No. 032124 SECTION 15910 DUCTWORK ACCESSORIES PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The requirements of the following Division 15 section applies to this section: 1. Section 15010 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods. 1.02 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Extent of ductwork accessories work is indicated on drawings and in schedules, and by requirements of this section. B. Types of ductwork accessories required for project include the following: I. Dampers. a. Low pressure manual dampers. b. Counterbalanced relief dampers. 2. Turning vanes. 3. Duct hardware. 4. Duct access doors. 5. Duct smoke detectors. C. Refer to Division 15 Section .15990 for testing, adjusting, and balancing of ductwork accessories; not work of this section. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer's Qualifications: Firms regularly engaged in manufacture of ductwork accessories, or types and sizes required, whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not Iess than 3 years. B. Codes and Standards: I. State Building Code Compliance: Comply with provisions of state mechanical codes. 2. SMACNA Compliance: Comply with applicable portions of SMACNA "HV AC Duct Construction Standards, Metal and Flexible". 3. Industry Standards: Comply with ASHRAE recommendations pertaining to construction of ductwork accessories, except as otherwise indicated. 4. UL Compliance: Construct, test, and label fire dampers in accordance with UL Standard 555 "Fire Dampers and Ceiling Dampers" . 5. NFPA Compliance: Comply with applicable provisions of NFPA 90A "Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems", pertaining to installation of ductwork accessories. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's technical product data for each type of ductwork accessory, including dimensions, capacities, and materials of construction; and installation instructions. 15910-1 No. 032124 B. Shop Drawings: Submit manufacturer's assembly-type shop drawings for each type of ductwork accessory showing interfacing requirements with ductwork, method of fastening or support, and methods of assembly of components. C. Maintenance Data: Submit manufacturer's maintenance data including parts lists for each type of duct accessory. Include this data, product data, and shop drawings in maintenance manual; in accordance with requirements of Division 1. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 DAMPERS A. Low Pressure Manual Dampers: Provide daropers of single blade type or multi-blade type, constructed in accordance with SMACNA "HV AC Duct Construction Standards". B. Counterbalanced Relief Dampers: Provide dampers with parallel blades, counterbalanced and factory-set to relieve at indicated static pressure. Construct blades of 16-ga. aluminum, provide 1/2" diameter ball bearings, 1/2" diameter steel axles spaced on 9" centers. Construct frame of 2" x 1/2" x 1/8" steel channel for face areas 25 sq. ft. and under; 4" x 1-1/4" x l6-ga. channel for face area over 25 sq. ft. Provide galvanized steel finish on frame with aluminum touch-up. C. Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering dampers which may be incorporated in the work include the following: 1. Air Balance, Inc. 2. Airguide Corp. 3. American Warming & Ventilating, Inc. 4. Arrow Louver and Damper; Div. of Arrow United Industries, Inc. 5. Louvers & Daropers, Inc. 6. Nailor Hart 7. Penn Ventilator Co. 8. Prefco 9. Ruskin Mfg. Co. 10. Cesco Products 11. United Air 2.02 TURNING VANES A. Fabricated Turning Vanes: Provide fabricated turning vanes and vane runners, constructed in accordance with SMACNA "HV AC Duct Construction Standards". B. Manufactured Turning Vanes: Provide turning vanes constructed of 1-1/2" wide curved blades set at 3/4" o.c.. supported with bars perpendicular to blades set at 2" o.c.. and set into side strips suitable for mounting in ductwork. C. Acoustic Turoing Vanes: Provide acoustic turning vanes constructed of airfoil shaped aluminum extrusions with perforated faces and fiberglass fill. D. Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering turning vanes which may be incorporated in the work include the following: 1. Aero Dyne Co. 2. Airsan Corp. 3. Anemostat Products Div.; Dynamics Corp. of America 4. Barber-Colman Co. 5. Duro Dyne Corp. 6. Environmental Elements Corp.; Subs. Koppers Co., Inc. 15910-2 No. 032124 7. Hart & Cooley Mfg. Co. 8. Register & Grille Mfg. Co., Inc. 9. Souther, Inc. 2.03 DUCT HARDWARE A. General: Provide duct hardware, manufactured by one manufacturer for all items on. project, for the following: I. Test Holes: Provide in ductwork at fan inlet and outlet, and elsewhere as indicated, duct test holes, consisting of slot and cover, for instrument tests. 2. Quadrant Locks: Provide for each damper, quadrant lock device on one end of shaft; and end bearing plate on other end for damper lengths over 12". Provide extended quadrant locks and end extended bearing plates for externally insulated ductwork. B. Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering duct hardware which may be incorporated in the work include the following: I. Ventfabrics, Inc. 2. Young Regnlator Co. ~ 2.04 DUCT ACCESS DOORS A. General: Provide where indicated, duct access doors of size indicted. B. Construction: Construct of same or greater gage as ductwork served, provide insnlated doors for insulated ductwork. Provide flush frames for uninsulated ductwork, exteuded frames for externally insnlated duct. Provide one size hinged, other side with one handle-type latch for doors 12" high and smaller, 2 handle-type latches for larger doors. C. Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering duct access doors which may be incorporated in the work include the following: I. Air Balance Inc. 2. Duro Dyne Corp. 3. Register & Grille Mfg. Co., Inc. 4. Ruskin Mfg. Co. 5. Ventfabrics, Inc. 6. Zurn Industries, Inc.; Air Systems Div. 7. Cesco Products. 8. Nailor. 2.05 DUCT SMOKE DETECTORS A. Duct smoke detectors supplied under Division 16 and installed by this contractor. PART3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Examine areas and conditions under which ductwork accessories will be installed. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in manner acceptable to Installer. 15910-3 No. 032124 3.02 INSTALLATION OF DUCTWORK ACCESSORIES A. Install ductwork accessories in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions, with applicable portions of details of construction as shown in SMACNA standards, and in accordance with recognized industry practices to ensure that products serve intended function. B. Install turning vanes in square or rectangnlar 900 elbows in supply and exhaust air systems, and elsewhere as indicated. C. Install access doors to open against system air pressure, with latches operable from either side, except outside only where duct is too small for person to enter. D. Coordinate with other work, including ductwork, as necessary to interface installation of ductwork accessories properly with other work. 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Operate installed ductwork accessories to demonstrate compliance with requirements. Test for air leakage while system is operating. Repair or replace faulty accessories, as required to obtain proper operation and leakproof performance. 3.04 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Adjusting: Adjust ductwork accessories for proper settings, install fusible links in fIre dampers and adjust for proper action. I. Label access doors in accordance with Division 15 Section 15190 Mechauicalldentification. 2. Final positioning of manual dampers is specifIed in Division 15 Section 15990 Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing. B. Cleaning: Clean factory-fmished surfaces. Repair any marred or scratched surfaces with manufacturer's touch-up paint. END OF SECTION 15910 15910-4 No. 032124 SECTION 15932 GRILLES, REGISTERS AND DIFFUSERS PART I: GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The requirements of the following Division 15 sections apply to this section: 1. Section 15010 Basic Mechanical Requirements 2. Section 15891 Ductwork 3. Section 15910 Ductwork Accessories 4. Section 15990 Testing, Adjusting and Balancing 1.02 DESCRIPTION OF WORK " A. Extent of air outlets and inlets work is indicated by drawings and schedules, and by requirements of this section. B. Types of air outlets and inlets required for project include the following: 1. Wall registers and grilles. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer's Qualifications: Firms regularly engaged in manufacture of air outlets and inlets of types and capacities required, whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not less than 5 years. B. Codes and Standards: 1. ARI Compliance: Test and rate air outlets and inlets in accordance with ARI 650 "Standard for Air Outlets and Wets". 2. ASHRAE Compliance: Test and rate air outlets and inlets in accordance with ASHRAE 70 "Method of Testing for Rating the Air Flow Performance of Outlets and Wets". 3. ADC Compliance: Test and rate air outlets and inlets in certified laboratories under requirements of ADC 1062 "Certification, Rating and Test Manual". 4. ADC Seal: Provide air outlets and inlets bearing ADC Certified Rating Seal. 5. AMCA Compliance: Test and rate louvers in accordance with AMCA 500 "Test Method for Louvers, Dampers and Shutters". 6. AMCA Seal: Provide louvers bearing AMCA Certified Rating Seal. 7. NFPA Compliance: Install air outlets and inlets in accordance with NFPA 90A "Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems". 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's technical product data for air outlets and inlets including the following: 1. Schedule of air outlets and inlets indicating drawing designation, room location, number furnished, model number, size, and accessories furnished. 15932-1 No. 032124 2. Data sheet for each type of air outlet and inlet, and accessory furnished; indicating construction, fInish, and mounting details. 3. Perfonnance data for each type of air outlet and inlet furnished, including aspiration ability, temperature and velocity traverses, throw and drop, and noise criteria ratings. Indicate selections on data. B. Samples: Submit 3 samples of each type offmish furnished. C. Shop Drawings: Submit manufacturer's assembly-type shop drawing for each type of air outlet and inlet, indicating materials and methods of assembly of components. D. Maintenance Data: Submit maintenance data, including cleaning instructions for finishes, and spare parts lists. Include this data, product data, and shop drawings in maintenance manuals; in accordance with requirements of Division 1. 1.05 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver air outlets and inlets wrapped in factory-fabricated fiber- board type containers. Identify on outside of container type of outlet or inlet and location to be installed. Avoid crushing or bending and prevent dirt and debris from enteriog and settling in devices. B. Store air outlets and inlets in original cartons and protect from weather and construction work traffic. Where possible, store indoors; when necessary to store outdoors, store above grade and enclose with waterproof wrapping. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 WALL REGISTERS AND GRILLES A. General: Except as otherwise indicated, provide manufacturer's standard wall registers and grilles where shown; of size, shape, capacity and type indicated; constructed of materials and components as indicated, and as required for complete installation. B. Performance: Provide wall registers and grilles that have, as minimwn, temperature and velocity traverses, throw and drop, and noise criteria ratings for each size device as listed in manufacturer's current data. C. Wall Compatibility: Provide registers and grilles with border styles that are compatible with adjacent wan systems, and that are specifically manufactured to fit into wall construction with accnrate fit and adequate support. Refer to general construction drawings and specifications for types of wall construction which will contain each type of wall register and grille. D. Types: Provide wall registers and grilles of type, capacity, and with accessories and finishes as listed on register and grille schedule. The following requirements shall apply to nomenclature indicated on schedule: I. Register and Grille Materials: a. Steel Construction (ST): Manufacturer's standard stamped sheet steel frame and adjustable blades. b. Alwninum Construction (AL): Manufacturer's standard extruded aluminum frame and adjustable blades. 2. Register and Grille Faces: a. Horizontal Straight Blades: Horizontal blades, individually adjustable, at manufacturer's standard spacing. b. Vertical Straight Blades: Vertical blades, individually adjustable, at manufacturer's standard spacing. c. Horizontal 450 Fixed Blades: Horizontal blades, fixed at 450, at manufacturer's standard spacing. 15932-2 No. 032124 3. Register and Grille Patterns: .. Single Deflection: I set of blades in face. b. Double Deflection: 2 sets of blades in face, rear set at 900 to face set. 4. Register and Grille Dampers: a. Opposed Blade: Adjustable opposed blade damper assembly, key operated from face of register. 5. Register and Grille Accessories: .. Operating Keys: Tools designed to fit through register or grille face and operate volume control device and/or pattern adjustment. 6. Register and Grille Finishes: a. White Enamel: Semi-gloss white enamel prime fmish. E. Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering registers and grilles which may be incorporated in the work include the following: I. Anernostat Products Div.; Dynamics Corp. of America 2. Carnes Co.; Div. of Wehr Corp. 3. Krueger Mfg. Co. 4. Titus Products Div.; Philips Industries, Inc. 5. Tuttle & Bailey; Div. ofInterpace Corp. 6. J & J Register 7. E.H. Price 8. Nailor 9. Metal Air 2.02 SP ARE PARTS A. Furnish to Owner, with receipt; 3 operating keys for each type of air outlet and inlet that require them PART3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Examine areas and conditions under which air outlets and inlets are to be installed. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. General: Install air outlets and inlets in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions and in accordance with . recognized industry practices to insnre that products serve intended functions. B. Coordinate with other work, including ductwork and duct accessories, as necessary to interface installation of air outlets and inlets with other work. C. Locate ceiling air diffusers, registers, and grilles, as indicated on general construction "Reflected Ceiling Plans". Unless otherwise indicated, locate units in center of acoustical ceiling modules. END OF SECTION 15932 15932-3 No. 032124 SECTION 15970 ENERGY MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL SYSTEMS PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. The requirements of the following Division 15 section applies to this section: I. Section 15050 Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods B. Refer to other Division 15 sections for installation of instrument wells, valve bodies, sensors, flow switches, smoke detectors and dampers in mechanical systems; not work of Ibis section. C. Refer to Division 16 sections for the following work; not work of this section. I. Power supply wiring from power sonrce to power connections on electrically operated equipment. This work includes wiring of starters, disconnects, and required electrical devices, except where specified as liunished, or factory-installed, by manufacturer. 2. Installation ofline voltage thermostats and aqua-stats furnished by Ibis contract. D. Provide the following electrical work as work of this section, complying with requirements of Division 16 sections: I. Power supply wiring from power source to power connections on controls and/or control modules. Provide all 24 V AC transfonners as required for all control operations. Coordinate with the electrical contractor for the locations and quantities of available spare breakers. Review the Electrical Drawings prior to bid to determine power source locations and voltage. The Building Automation System Contractor is required to provide all transformer installations as required for the available power voltage. 2. Control wiring between field-installed controls, indicating devices, thermostats and sensors unit control panels. 3. Raceways, and Electrical Boxes and Fittings: Provide raceways, and electrical boxes and fittings complying with Division 16 Basic Materials and Methods sections, "Raceways" and "Electrical Boxes and Fittings". 4. Conduit and junction boxes for all control devices (temperature sensor, thermostats, wall switches, etc.) shall be provided by the Building Automation System Contractor. Route conduit from control device junction boxes in wall up to ceiling/plenum spaces. AU wiring in mechanical rooms and electrical rooms shall be completely in conduit. 5. The Temperature Control Contractor shall provide relays as required for starters of aU 120/1-volt equipment not fumiahed with factory starters, or if starters are not furnished by the Electrical Contractor. Control relays shall be provided in NEMA I enclosnre. 6. All conduit in spaces other than mechanical rooms, boiler rooms, and electrical rooms that is not routed above the ceiling shall be concealed in walls. It is the responsibility of the Building Automation System Contractor to coordinate conduit required to be installed in poured concrete walls prior to construction. 15970-1 No. 032124 1.02 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. General Description: The new control systems specified here-in are an extension of the existing Building Automation System as manufactured by Siemens Building Technologies. Furnish a fully integrated energy management and control system (EMCS) utilizing intelligent distributed control modules for equipment monitoring and controL EMCS is hereby defmed to include, but not limited to, central computer workstation, input/output (I/O) devices, I/O interfaces, modems, housings, interconnect cabling, valves, sensors, thermostats, dampers, controllers, actuators, and control modules and other panels associated with eqnipment and required to provide system control functions as indicated on drawings and schedules, and by requirements of this section. I. The system shall be modular in nature and shall permit expansion of both capacity and function through the addition of sensors, actuators, modular control units, application specific controllers and operator devices. 2. The system shall be capable of communication. B. Work of this section includes electrical raceways, boxes, fittings and power type wires/cables, as specified in Division 16 sections, required in connection with energy management and control systems. C. Sequence of operation is hereby defined as the manner and method by which controls function. Requirements for each type of control system operation are specified in this section. D. Operating equipment, devices, and system components required for control systems are specified in other Division 15 sections of these specifIcations. E. Provide assistance and technical support as required to the building commissioning authority to accomplish all functional performance testing and system validation testing. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. NEC Compliance: Comply with applicable requirements of NEC pertaining to installation of energy management and control systems, including, but not limited to, remote-control, signaling and power-limited circuits. B. UL Compliance: Provide energy management and control system components and ancillary equipment which are listed and labeled in accordance with UL 864 and UL 916. C. NEMA Compliance: Comply with NEMA'S Pub No. 250, and Stds ICS I, 2, 3 and 6 pertaining to enclosnres and controls for energy management and control systems. D. FCC Compliance: Comply with Subpart J of Part 15, Federal Connnunications Commission Rules, pertaining to Class A radiation and computing devices and low power commwrication equipment operating in commercial type environment. Comply with Part 68, Federal Communication Commission Rules, pertaining to labeling of telephone equipment, including data sets and modems, indicating FCC registration and numbering. E. EIA Compliance: Comply with Electronic Industries Association's Std RS-232 pertaining to interfacing requirements for connecting data temrinals and communication equipment. F. IEEE Compliance: Comply with IEEE Std 488, "Standard Digital Interface for Programmable Instrumentation", for interfacing instrumentation into system. G. ANSI Compliance: Comply with ANSI X3.4, "Code for Information Interchange", requirements for interfacing computer data processing with communication temrinal equipment. H. NFP A Compliance: Comply with NFP A 90A "Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems" where applicable to electronic controls and control sequences. 15970-2 No. 032124 1.04 RELATED WORK A. Verify with transducer manufacturer operating ratings of electrical transducers connected to system equipment and EMCS to ensure compatibility between equipment and central console. Verify transducer ratings and characteristics including, but not limited to, interfacing voltages, resistances, and amperages required to be compatible with colllll1llllication terminals for proper system operation. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's technical product data for each control device furnished, dampers, valves, sensors, thermostats, etc. Indicate dimensions, capacities, performance characteristics, electrical characteristics, finishes of materials, and including installation instructions and start-up instructions. Indicate system power connections to electrical power feeders. B. Shop Drawings I. Provide system architecture layout showing field panels, terminal (V A V) box controllers, central computer tenninal, tie-in to existing systems, power panels (see system layout for system requirements). 2. Provide panel nurnberiog sequence and (V A V) box controner submittal showing specific units controlled by each piece ofDDC hardware. 3. Provide point address, set points, alarm limits, wire types, conduit knock out diagrams and wiring diagrams for aU points of interface. 4. Provide power panel layouts showing nwnber and type of transformers and temrination strips. Panels must meet UL listing requirements. 5. Provide technical cut sheets for DDC hardware and sensors. 6. Submit drawings for each system automatically controlled, containing the following information: a. Schematic flow diagram of system showing fans, pumps, coils, dampers, valves, sensors and control devices. List aU equipment associated with each system, no general references will be accepted. Include damper and valve failure positions. b. Label each control device with setting or adjustable range of control. c. Indicate factory and field wiring. d. Indicate each control panel required, with internal and external piping and wiring clearly indicated. Provide detail of panel face, including controls, instruments, and labeling. Include verbal description of sequence of operation. C. Wiring Diagrams: Submit power, signal and control wiring diagrams, breaker location and identification, transformer locations, and communication link locations indicating panel-to-panel connections, for energy management and control systems. Clearly differentiate between portions of wiring that are manufacturer- installed and portions that are fleld-instaUed. D. Maintenance Data: Submit maintenance instructions and spare parts lists. Include product data and shop drawings in maintenance manual in accordance with requirements of Division I. Include copy of shop drawings in each maintenance manual in accordance with requirements of Division 1. E. Samples: Submit samples of each type of thermostat/temperature sensor, in accordance with requirements of Division 1. 15970-3 No. 032124 F. Agreement to Maintain: Prior to lime of final acceptance, installer shall submit 4 copies of agreement for continued service and maintenance of energy management and control systems, for Owner's possible acceptance. Offer terms and conditions for furnishing parts and providing continued testing and servicing, including replacement of materials and equipment, and software maintenance for one-year period commencing one-year after fmal acceptance with option for renewal of Agreement by Owner. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Provide factory shipping cartons for each piece of equipment, and control device. Maintain cartons through shipping, storage and handling as required to prevent equipment damage, and to eliminate dirt and moisture from equipment. Store equipment and materials inside and protected from weather. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering energy management and control systems which may be incorporated in the work include the following: I. Siemens, Siemens Building Technologies, Inc. 2.02 ENERGY MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL SYSTEMS - HARDWARE A. General: Provide energy management and control systems including ancillary components and peripherals of types, ratings, and performance, with adequate capacity for processing number of system points indicated. Comply with manufacturer's standard design, materials, and components; construct in accordance with published product information, as required for complete installation, and as herein specified. I. Overview: This specification defines the requirements for a distributed Direct Digital Control (DDC) system that interfaces with a PC based Central work station and is capable of handling both analog and binary inputs/outputs on a "stand-alone" basis. The objective of this control concept is to provide a control system with a maxinuun level of flexibility and reliability by distributing control requirements over a network (LAN) of microprocessor-based control modules. The system shall also perform enhanced control operations to minimize energy consumption. 2. The system shall be compromised of a Global Communications Module (GCM), a number of Local Control Modules (LCM) and Application Specific Controller (ASC). This combination of Control modules shall make up the LAN. 3. Central workstation shall be able to interrogate any modules in addition to being able to download program changes to individual modules. 4. Each Control Module shall be able to initiate all alarm reporting and selective data uploading. All Control modules shall communicate with each other. 5. Control modules shall be capable of proper operation in an ambient environment of 320F to 1200F and 10% to 90% relative hurnidity--non-condensing. B. Central Computer Workstation: The central workstation is existing. Modify frontend user graphics to incorporate new systems specified here-in. 15970-4 No. 032124 C. Control Networks I. Local Area Network (LAN): a. Provide a microprocessor-based communications data path which shall act as a "peer-to-peer" network allowing all control modules to communicate with equal authority. b. The LAN shall be responsible for routing global information from the various control module networks. The LAN shall be configured as RS485 implemented over fiber optic, twisted pair, or coaxial cable. c. LAN shall provide full arbitration between multiple users, whether they are connnunicating through the workstation or a network interface device. 2. Application Specific Controller (ASC) Network a. ASC Controllers shall be used for direct digital control of selected single zone equipment. They shall be microprocessor based. In the event of loss of communication with the network, the controller shall function in a stand-alone mode, with all control sequences and scbedules performed. Provide user- defmed default algorithms (values) for global points affecting the operation of the ASC, such as outside lights levels, outside temperatures, status of heating system, etc. b. The network shall allow the connection of up to 32 terminal controllers. D. Global Connnunication Module I. Provide a Global Communications Module (GCM) which shall contain a connnunication package to allow transfer of data to and from all Control modules within the local network. Each GCM shall receive alarms and reports from the modules in the local network, and shall initiate calls to the Central workstation. In the event the Central workstation is powered down, the alarrns shall be stored in the modules until the Central workstation is restored. The GCM software shall include self-test diagnostics which shall run automatically and allow the GCM to report malfunctions to the network. 2. GCM shall support a modem with RS-232C connection and automatic answer/originate functions. Each GCM shall also be able to connect directly to the Central workstation, or portable terminal, via hardwired Direct Connect. E. Local Control Modules I. Each control module shall be capable of stood-alone direct digital operation utilizing its own processor, non- volatile memory, inputIoutput; A to D conversion, clock/calendar and voltage transient protection. All volatile memory shall have a battery backup. 2. All point data, algorithms and application software within a local network shall be modifiable from the Central workstation. It shall not be necessary to enter parameters at the LCM for control and programs to operate. 3. Each LCM shall execute application programs, calculations, and commands via a microcomputer resident in the LCM. The database and all application programs for each LCM shall be stored in read/write non-volatile memory within the LCM and shall be able to upload/download to or from the Central Site. 4. Each LCM shall be connected to a local network corrnnunicating to/from other Control modules. Each LCM shall include self-test diagnostics which allow the LCM to. automatically relay any malfunctions of alarm conditions that exceed desired parameters as determined by programming input to the network. 15970-5 No. 032124 5. Each LCM shall contain both software and hardware to perform full DDCIPID control loops. 6. An asynchronous serial port shall be provided for the interface of maintenance personnel's portable computer. All network interrogation shall be possible through this port. F. Application Specific Control Modules (ASC) I. ASC Modules sball be capable of providing the Direct Digital Control of Single Zone Terminal HV AC Units; Variable Air Volume Terminal Box and Packaged AC Unit, etc. 2. All control applications shall be field-selectable such that a single controller may be used in conjunction with any of the above types of terminal units. 3. Each ASC shall communicate with equal authority on a "peer-to-peer" basis. 4. Each ASC shall execute application programs, calculations, and conunands via a microcomputer resident in the ASC. The database and all application programs for each ASC shall be stored in read/writable non- volatile memory. All volatile memory shall have a battery backup. 5. Each ASC sball contain both software and bardware to perform full DDC/PID control loops. ASC shall be able to provide analog output, in addition to normal binary type output. 6. Control modules shall include all point inputs and outputs necessary to perform the specified control sequences. As a minimnrn, 50% of the point outputs shall be of the Universal type. Analog outputs shall be industry standard signals (e.g. 24V floating control) allowing for interface to a variety of modulating actuators. 7. The control modules shall be powered from a 24 V AC source and shall function normally nnder an operating range of 18 to 28 V AC(-25% to + 17%), allowing for power source fluctuations and voltage drops. Provide each module with a suitable cover or enclosnre to protect the intelligence board assembly. 8. Each ASC shall have LED indication for visual status of communication, power, and all outputs. 9. Each controller shall include provisions for manual and automatic calibration of associated transducers in order to maintain stability and control drift over time. 10. The module shall interface to a variety of matching electronic room temperature sensors of the RID or thermistor type with the following characteristics: a. Independent setpoint modes for heating, cooling, and Night Setback. b. Tamperprooflocking cover. c. Allow installation up to 100 ft from controller. II. Controller points and set points shall be accessible from the central workstation and from a plug in jack at the base of each controller's sensor. 12. Contractor shall field verify operation of all controllers to insure correct field wiring, test actuator stroke, and correlate with controller submittal. 13. Contractor shall provide a POT and instructions to the balancer to read and adjust system perimeters for the balancing report. G. Fault-Tolerance: Select components to operate over a wide range of supply voltage and frequency, with static, transient and short-circuit protection on all inputs and outputs. Protect connnunication lines against incorrect wiring, static transients and induced magnetic interference. Provide AC coupled devices for connection to corrununication network to limit device time-outs. 15970-6 No. 032124 2.03 ENERGY MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL SYSTEMS - SOFTWARE A. General: The frontend user graphics are existing. Modify the frontend graphics as required to incorporate new systems specified here-in. The new graphics shall be similar to existing. Coordinate exact requirements with the Engineer. 2.04 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT A. General Description: Furnish direct digital electronic control products in sizes and capacities indicated, including valves, dampers, thermostats, clocks, sensors, controllers, and other components required for complete installation. Except as otherwise indicated, provide manufacturer's standard control system components as indicated by published product information, designed and constructed as recommended by manufacturer. Provide direct digital electronic control systems with the following functional and construction features, as indicated. B. Control Valves: Provide factory-fabricated electronic control valves of type, body material and pressure class indicated Where type or body material is not indicated, provide selection as determined by manufacturer for installation requirements and pressure class, based on maximum pressure and temperature rating of piping system. Except as otherwise indicated, provide valves which mate and match material of connecting piping. Equip control valves with control valve motors, and with proper shutoff ratings for each individual application. 1. Water Service Valves: Globe screwed, equal percentage characteristics with rangeability of 50 to 1, and maximum full flow pressnre drop of 5 psig. Motorized ball valves will be acceptable. Motorized butterfly valves will not be acceptable. 2. Single-Seated Valves: Cage type trim, providing seating and guiding surfaces for plug on "top and bottom" guided plugs. 3. Double.Seated Valves: Balanced plug-type, with cage type trim providing seating and guiding surfaces for plugs on "top and bottom" guided plugs. 4. Valve Trim and Stems: Polished stainless steel. 5. Packing: \1,"-3/4" double O-riog; I ".and above spring-loaded Teflon, self-adjusting. 6. TerrninaI Unit Control Valves: Provide control valves for control of terminal units including, but not necessarily limited to, convectors, finned tube radiation, and HW coils that are of integral motor type. Provide modulating type valves, electrically actuated by line voltage of 120 V. C. Electric Actuators: Size each motor to operate dampers or valves with sufficient reserve power to provide smooth modulating action or 2-position action as specified. Provide multiple operators to match torque requirements. I. Electronic actuators shall be direct coupled with a manual override feature and.spriog return. 2. The actuator shall be direct-coupled over the damper shaft, enabling it to mount directly to the damper assembly without the need for connecting linkage. The fastening clamp assembly shall be a toothed "V" bolt design with associated toothed cradle, creating a "cold-weld" attachment to the damper shaft for maximum strength and eliminating slippage. Spriog return actuators shall have a "V" clamp assembly of sufficient size to be directed to a damper jackshaft up to 1.05 inches in diameter when the damper is constructed in this manner. Single holt or setscrew type fasteners are not acceptable. 3. The actuator shall have an electronic overload or digital rotation sensing circuitry to prevent damage to the actuator through the entire rotation of the actuator. Mechanical end switches or magnetic clutches used to deactivate the actuator at the end of rotation are not acceptable. 15970-7 No. 032124 4. For power-failnre and/or safety applications, and internal mechanical spring return mechanism shall be built into the actuator housing. Non-mechanical fmlUs of fail-safe operation are not acceptable. All spriog return actuators shall be capable of both clockwise and counter-clockwise spring return operation by simply changing the actuator mounting orientation. Spriog-return actuators shall deliver full torque capacity ratings of the actuator when operating in the fail-safe mode. 5. Proportional (modulating) actuators shall accept a 0 to 10 VDC or 0 to 20 mA control input and provide a 2 to 10 VDC or 4 to 20 mA control operating range. Actuators utilizing Pulse Width Modulating or Tri-State control signals and providing full proportional control of the damper shall also be acceptable. All modulating actuators shall provide 2 to 10 VDC position feedback signal. 6. All 24 V ACNDC actuators shall operate on Class 2 wiring and shall not require more than 10 V A for AC power or more than 8 watts for DC applications. Actuators operating on 120 V AC shall not require more than I 0 VA. Actuators operating on 230 V AC shall not require more than II VA. 7. All non-spriog return actuators shall have an external manual gear release to allow manual positioning of the damper when the actuator is not powered. Spring return actuators with more thau 60 in-Ib torque capacity shall have an external, manual crank for this purpose. 8. All modulating actuators shall have an external, built-in switch to allow the reversing of the direction of rotation. 9. All actuators shall be provided with a conduit fitting and pre-terminated three-foot (minimum) cable, with wires color and/or number coded. Where installation does not require conduit, external terminal strips may be used. At no time shall it be necessary to open the actuator housing to make electrical connections, change direction ofrotation, provide damper position indication or manual overrides. 10. All actuators shall be listed under UL Standard 873 and CSA Class 4813-02 certified as required to meet recognized industry standards and local safety and electrical codes. II. Actuators shall be designed to deliver a minimum of 60,000 full stroke cycles at the actuators rated torque. Actuators shall have a full manufacturers warranty of 2 years from the lime of installation. D. Low-Temperature Protection Thermostats: Provide low-temperature protection thermostats of manual-reset type, with sensing elements 8'_on or 20'-011 in length. Provide thermostat designed to operate in response to coldest 11-0" length of sensing element, regardless of temperature at other parts of element. Support element properly to cover entire cross sectional area at duct. Provide separate thermostats for each 25 sq. ft. of coil face area or fraction thereof. E. Electronic Temperature Sensors: Provide electronic temperature sensors of supersensitive resistance type (RTD) or therrnister, which are vibration and corrosion-resistant, and of wall mounted, immersion, duct mounting, averaging or bulb type as required for application. F. Wall Mounted Space Temperature Sensor: Provide electronic temperature sensors of supersensitive resistance type (RID) or therrnister which are vibration and corrosion resistant. The sensing element shall be adhered to a flat stainless steel plate and be vandal resistant. G. Pressnre Transducers and Transmitters: Provide electronic pressnre transmitters of variable capacitance type with stainless steel diaphragm and sensor body, vibration and corrosion-resistant, and weather-resistant for outdoor installations. Suitable for measurement of static or differential pressnre with conversion to proportional electrical output. H. Current Sensors: Provide analog type current sensors to provide actual current draw for each motor. The high/low alarm limits, setpoint, etc. shall be user defmed and adjustable. 15970-8 No. 032124 1. System Accuracy: I. The system shall maintain an end-to-end accuracy for one year from sensor to diagnostic display the following applications. a. Space temperature in range of 50-850F: within plus or minus O.5OF. b. Duct temperature in range of 40-140oF: within plus or minus O.5OF. c. Outside air (OA) temperature in range of minus 40-130oF: within plus or minus 1.0oF. d. Water temperature in range of 30-loooF: plus or minus 0.50F; in range of lOO-300oF: within plus or minus 1.0oF. e. Pressure: Within plus or minus 2.0 percent of range. J. Environmental Conditions: Furnish equipment designed to operate U1\der ambient environmental conditions of 35- 1200F dry bulb and 10 to 95 percent relative humidity. Furnish sensors and control elements designed to operate under the ambient environmental temperature, pressure, hurnidity, and vibration conditions specified or normally encountered for the installed location. K. Power Line Surge Protection: Protect equipment power supplies from power line snrges. L. Grounding Protection: Protect equipment from any ground fault by providing special grounding. as required to prevent equipment failure under any kind of ground fault. M. Control Relays: Control relay contacts shall be rated for 150"10 of the loading application, with self-wiping, snap- acting Form C contracts, enclosed in dustproof enclosure. Relays shall have silver cadmium contacts with a mininnun life span rating of one million operations. Relays shall be equipped with coil transient suppression devices. Provide control relays for all 120/I-volt motors not provided with a motor starter with auxiliary contacts. N. Control Panels: Provide control panels with suitable brackets for wall or floor mounting, for each supply fan and miscellaneous control systems. Locate panehdjacent to systems served. I. Provide steel cabinets as required to contain temperature controllers, relays, switches, and similar devices, except limit controllers and other devices excluded in sequence of operations. Fabricate panels of 14-ga. furniture-quality stee~ or 6063- T5 extruded aluminum alloy, totally enclosed, with hinged doors and keyed lock, with manufacturer's standard shop-painted fmish and color. Provide UL-listed cabinets for use with line voltage devices. 2. Panel Mounted Equipment: Include temperature controllers, relays and automatic switches, except exclude low-temperature protection thermostats and other devices exclnded in sequence of operation. Fasten devices with adjustments accessible through front of panels. 3. Door-Mounted Equipment: Flush-mount (on hinged door) rnanua1 switches, including damper "minimum-oft" positioning switches, "manual-automatic" switches, and dial thermometers. O. Fault-Tolerance: Select components to operate over a wide range of supply voltage and frequency, with static, transient and short-circuit protection on all inputs and outputs. Protect comnnmication lines against incorrect wiriog, static transients and induced magnetic interference. Provide AC coupled devices for connection to communication network to limit time-outs. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Examine areas and conditions under which control systems are to be installed. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the Installer. 15970-9 No. 032124 3.02 INSTALLATION OF ENERGY MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL SYSTEMS A. Install energy management and control systems as indicated, in accordance with system manufacturer's written instructions, and with recognized industry practices, to ensnre that energy management and control equipment complies with requirements. Comply with requirements of NEC, and applicable portions of NECA's "Standard of Installation" pertaining to general electrical installation practices. Mount controllers at convenient locations and heights. B. Coordinate with other electrical work, including power distribution and equipment, as necessary to interface installation of energy management and control equipment work with other work. C. Control Wiring: The term "control wiring" is defmed to include providing EMCS manufacturer-approved wiring, condnit and miscellaneous materials as required for mounting and connecting control devices. Conceal wiring, except in mechanical rooms and areas where other conduit and piping are exposed. Provide plenum rated multi- conductor instrument harness (bundle) in place of single conductors where number of conductors can be run along common path. Fasten flexible conductors bridging cabinets and doors, neatly along hinge side, and protect against abrasion. Tie and support conductors neatly. Control wiring shall be plenum rated. Tees or wye taps in the conununication network are not permitted. D. Nomber-code and color-code conductors, excluding those used for local individual room controls, appropriately for future identification and servicing of control system. Label ends of all conductors in control cabinets with 3M tape indicating control device. E. Install electrical terminations in UL approved, vented panel enclosnres. Locate panels in spaces designated for use as electrical or mechanical equipment rooms. Panels shall be located to provide adequate access and clearance for servicing. F. All control transformers shall be located in mechanical rooms, janitor closets, or electrical rooms exposed to view. All transformers shall be clearly labeled with the systems it serves. G. Reset Limit Controls: Install manual-reset limit controls to be independent of power controllers. H. Unit-Mounted Equipment: Where control devices are indicated to be unit-mounted, ship relays, switches, etc. to unit manufacturer for mounting and wiring at factory. I. Graphics: Provide color-coded graphic laminated plastic displays on wall at local control modules, to schematically show system being controlled. Provide protective sheet of clear plastic bonded to entire door to prevent damage to symbols. J. Grounding: Provide tight equipment grounding connections, sufficiently tight to assure permanent and effective ground, for energy management and control systems as indicated. 3.03 QUALITY CONTROL A. Upon completion of installation of system hardware and software and after circuitry has been energized, demonstrate capability and compliance of system with requirements. Where possible, correct malfunctioning units at site. then re-test to demonstrate compliance; otherwise remove and replace with new units, and proceed with re- testing. I. Field Tests: When installation of the system is complete, calibrate equipment and verify transmission media operation before the system is place on-line. All testing, calibrating, adjusting and fmal field tests shall be completed by the installer. Provide a detailed crosscheck of each sensor within the system by making a comparison between the reading at the sensor and a standard traceable to the National Bnreau of Standards. Provide a crosscheck of each control point within the system by making a comparison between the command and the field-controlled device. Verify that all systems are operable from local controls in the specified failnre mode upon panel failnre or loss of power. Submit the results of functional and diagnostic tests and calibrations to the engineer for fmal system acceptance. 15970-10 No. 032124 2. Functional performance tests of each control device and each intended control sequence shall be performed by the installing contractor. Document the assigned tester and pass date for each control device and operations. Provide testing schedules of areas to match the General Contractors intended phased completion of testing in each area, notify the engineer and commissioning agent in writing and include the documentation of the pass date for each control device and operation. 3. Provide assistance and technical support as required to the building commissioning authority to accomplish all functional performance testing and system validation testing. Assistance shall include provide trend logs of all space temperature control points to ensure adequate response times to targeted se!points. 3.04 DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING A. Provide demonstration and training for Owner's representative in accordance with Division I specification section 01820. B. Building Operating Personnel Training: Train Owner's building personnel in procedures for starting-up, testing and operating energy management and control system equipment. In addition, train building personnel to maintain software, that they are capable of initiatlltg changes to computer programs including addition and deletion of points. C. Provide competent instructors to give full instruction to designated personnel in the adjustment; operation and maintenance of the system installed rather than a general training course. Instructors shall be thoroughly familiar with all aspects of the subject matter they are to teach. All training shall be held during normal work hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m weekdays as follows: I. Provide 16 hours of on-site training for owner's operating personnel. Training shall include: a. Explanation of drawings, operations and maintenance manuals. b. Walk-thru of the job to locate control components. c. Operator workstation and peripherals and operation/functions. d. Operator control functions, including graphic generation and field panel programming e. Operation of portable operator's terminal. f. Explanation of adjustment; calibration and replacement procedures. 2. Technical support staff must be made available to discuss problems as they arise, at no additional cost to the Owner. 3. If additional such training is required by the Owner, it will be contracted at a later date. Provide description of available local and factory customer training. 3.05 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Start-Up: Start-up, test; and adjust direct digital electronic control systems in presence of manufacturer's authorized representative. Demonstrate compliance with requirements. Replace damaged or malfunctioning controls and equipment. B. Cleaning: Clean factory-finished surfaces. Repair any marred or scratched surfaces with manufacturer's touch-up paint. C. Final Adjustment: After completion of installation, adjust controllers, sensors and similar equipment provided as work of this section. I. Final adjustment shall be performed by specially trained personnel in direct employ of manufacturer of primary temperature control system. 15970-11 No. 032124 3.06 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES CONTROL SEQUENCES AND POINTS SCHEDULES A. Every connected analog output (AO), analog input (AI), digital output (DO), and digital input (DI) represents a "point" where referred to in this specification. Refer to the attached data sheets for specifIc control sequences and for complete listing of these points. Each analog output shall have its own distinct control loop. All analog points shall be adjustable through the EMCS B. Each air handling unit, exhaust fau, unit heater, or other equipment indicated to be controlled by a lime clock schedule through the EMCS shall be capable of being individually programmed for its own schedule of operation. 15970-12 No. 032124 CONTROL SEQUENCE AND POINTS SCHEDULE FOR: Packaged Constant Volume RoofTop Units 1. GENERAL A. Air Handling Systems: All equipment indicated shall he controlled by the same software defined occupied/unoccupied schedule through the Building Automation System I. AREA SERVED: Special Education Room Rooftop Unit RTIJ-I Heating Coils He-I and HC-2 B. The packaged rooftop unit is a constant volume cooling only and is supplied with control dampers, and internal economizer controls. C. Duct Heating Coils HC-I and HC-2 are located below the roofline. Provide heating control valves with electric actuators. Valve installation by another Division 15 section. D. Install and wire a space temperature sensor to control the rooftop unit and each heating coil in accordance with these specifications. E. Provide and wire all electrical interlocks to other equipment associated with this system, as indicated or otherwise necessary for proper system operation. 2. CONTROL SEQUENCE A. Occupied Mode I. The system shall be indexed to the occupied mode by a timeclock schedule determined through the Building Automation System software. 2. The package rooftop unit will operate on its internal discharge temperature controls. 3. Average the input signal from each of the duct heating coil space temperature sensors and provide PID loop to control the rooftop unit through mechanical and economizer cooling modes to mainlliin a space temperature of72.0 degrees. 4. Modulate each heating coil control valve to maintain its space temperature control point. B. Unoccupied Mode I. Cooling a. The packaged rooftop unit shall be off. b. The outside air dampers shall he in the closed position. C. Safeties 1. Freezestat - Provide low temperature type (manual reset) freezestat serpentined across leaving side of each of the two water coils. De-energize unit fans, close outside air damper, and transmit a1arrn to EMCS when either temperature falls below the freezestat selpoint (350F). 2. Smoke - Transmit alarm to EMCS when smoke is detected in duct system Installation by another Division 15 section - Refer to drawings for quantity. 15970-13 No. 032124 3. ALARMS A. Generate an alarm when the supply fan control is on but the status of either supply fan is off. B. Generate an alarm when the supply air temperature is 450F or below for more than 5 minutes dnration (all variables operator adjustable). C. Generate an alarm when the space temperature is 5 degrees above or below the space temperature setpoint for a period greater than 5 minutes. D. Generate an alarm when one of the following devices trips. 1. Freezestat (typ. of2). 2. Duct Smoke (Refer to drawings for quantity). 4. POINTS SCHEDULE Provide at a minimum the following control points for each system and as required to accomplish the indicated control sequences. (DO) Rooftop Unit Control (OJ) Rooftop Status (Current Sensor) (AI) Discharge Air Temperature (AI) Space Temperature HC-I (AI) Space Temperature HC-2 (AO) Heating Coil Valve Modulation (HC-I) (AO) Heating Coil Valve Modulatiou (HC-2) END OF SECTION 15970 15970-14 No. 032124 SECTION 15995 PROJECT CLOSEOUT PART1: GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provision of contract; including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I specification sections, apply to this and all other sections of Division 15. B. This Section is Supplemental to Section 01700 (Project Closeout) of this Project Manual. 1.02 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS OF TlUS SECTION A. In addition to requirements of Section 01700 of this Project Manual, this Contractor(s) shall complete, sign and date the following. I. Preliminary check list of inspection, test and start-up certifications prior to request for fmal inspection. Item Witnessed Date 'Heating Water Piping System Flush & Clean 'Heating Water Piping System Pressure Test 'Ductwork Leak Pressure Test · Air Handling Unit Start-up 2. Pre1iminary check list of items of required completion. Provide eqnipment submittals not received. Provide maintenance manuals. Patch and caulk all wall and floor penetrations at piping and ductwork sleeves. Seal between sleeve and piping or ductwork as required by specifications. Provide sleeves at all piping and ductwork wall and floor penetrations. Clean up debris caused by mechanical work. Provide nameplates on all mechanical equipment listing manufacturer, model number, capacity, static pressnre, head, rpm and motor horsepower. Provide all valves as shown on plans, detailed and where called for within the specifications. Provide saddles and sleeves on all insulated piping as called for in the specifications. Provide anchors and aligrnnent guides as detailed and where shown on plans. Adjust hangers to distribute weights evenly. Provide touch-up paint to match original on all equipment scratched during installation. Provide piping and ductwork identification, as directed in specification, on all piping and ductwork systems. Provide vibration isolation on all equipment; piping and ductwork systems connected to rotating or moving equipment as described in the specifications. Align fan and motor shafts to result in equipment operation with the least Vibration possible. Provide insulation on all hot snrfitced or cold surfaced equipment as descnbed in specifications. Clean and flush piping systems and provide certification this has been performed. 15995-1 No. 032124 Pressure test piping systems and provide certification this has been performed. Clean all strainer screens after cleaning and flushing of systems is completed. All control wiring shall be provided by the Mechanical Contractor and or his Subcontractor. Coordinate with all subcontractors to insnre all control wiring is provided. Provide extended oilers and grease fitting for motors and beariog not readily accessible to maintenance. Provide extra set filters for all filter housings. Provide complete extra set of belts for rooftop air handling unit. All duct joints shall be sealed. Provide access panels for all fire, smoke, control dampers and heating coils. Provide guards on all thermostats. Clean ductwork of construction debris, dust and dirt. Furnish Owner training for all mechanical systems as described in specifications. Provide Owner with thermostat keys and setting tools. Provide system diagrams adhered to face of each temperature control panel as described in specification. Calibrate all thermostats. Clean all coil faces of construction dust and dirt. Provide all grilles, registers and diffusers for all supply, return, exhaust and relief duct openings. Provide all flow control fittings on plumbing fixtures as described in the specification and required by local and state code. Provide male hose thread connection on all strainer/trap test blow-off connections. All valves shall be installed in accessible locations. Signature Date END OF SECTION 15995 15995-2 No. 032124 ELECTRICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Section No. Title DivIsion Sixteen 16010 16050 16060 16110 16120 16135 16140 16170 16190 16452 16470 16475 16477 16515 16995 Basic Electrical Requirements Basic Electrical Materials aod Methods Demolition Raceways Wires and Cables Cabinets, Boxes and Fittings Wiring Devices Circuit and Motor Disconnects Supporting Devices Grounding Branch Circuit Panelboards Overcnrrent Protective Devices Fuses Lighting Fixtures and Lamps Project Closeout - ELECTRICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS No. 032124 SECTION 16010 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS A. The General Conditions of the Architectural Specifications, the Instructions to Bidders, Proposal Form and the Supplemental Mechanical and Electrical General Conditions are hereby incorporated in this division of the Specifications. B. Obtain all permits, licenses and certificates, engage utilities and pay all fees required. C. Provide all work included under this specification consisting of furnishing all labor and materials for a complete electrical installation. Work specified includes the following: I. Branch Circuits. 2. Wiring Devices and Coverplates. 3. Light Fixtures. 4. Final Connections to Equipment. D. Comply with the following where applicable for all materials used and work performed: ~ NEC ANSI ASTM EEl IEEE IES IPCEA NEMA NFPA UL ADA National Electrical Code American National Standards Institute American Society for Testing Materials Edison Electric Institute Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Illuminating Engineering Society Inaulated Power Cable Engineers Association National Electtical Manufacturers Association National Fire Protection Association Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. American with Disabilities Act E. Comply with applicable state and local codes or ordinances for all materials and work performed. F. This docnrnent takes precedence over particular code requirements where the specifications call for construction in excess of JIlln;Tn11111. code requirements. G. Provide all minor items which are obviously and reasonably necessary to complete the installation. The term "provide" means to "furnish and install" complete. H. Visit the site duriog bidding and become familiar with all conditions surrounding the work. No additional cost will be allowed for items that could have been verified by a visit to the site. 1. Provide office, shop and storage space as is required for this operation. Make sure these facilities do not interfere with construction or constitute a hazard. Provide power to all contractors' trade construction trailers on this project as required. J. Perform final tests and adjustments on all equipment by this Contractor. Perform tests in such a manner as are required by industry standards and notify the Engineer in writing as to the results of these tests. K. This Contractor is referred to the Architectural, Structural and Mechanical plans and specifications. These plans and specifications are part of the Contract Documents, including the General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, which apply to this and other Sections of Division 16. Division 16010 is applicable to all Division 16 sections. 16010-1 No. 032124 L. Do not perform electrical work which interferes with clearances required for general and mechanical construction. Should electrical work be installed which interferes with the work of other trades, this contractor will be required to change such work at no additional cost to the Owner. M. Carefully remove and handle with care to minimize damage to all existing materials and equipment noted or specified to be reused or relocated and stored on the site. Prior to reinstalling, thoroughly clean the existing equipment and replace any defective components. N. Offer to the Owner, fixtures and equipment not reused for his maintenance stock. Fixtures and equipment not retained by the Owner shall become the property of the Contractor; legally dispose of this equipment: I. All other existing materials or debris resulting from demolition operations shall become the property of the Contractor and legally removed from the site. O. Provide a written guarantee to the Owner for materials and labor for a period of one (I) year after fmal completion of the work as evidenced by a fmal certifIcate of completion as issued from the Architect/Engineer. END OF SECTION 16010 16010-2 No. 032124 - SECTION 16050 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METIlODS A. The Electrical Contractor shall he responsible for the cutting and patching required for electrical work. Cutting may be performed by this Contractor, however, all patching and painting (where required) shall be performed by the General Contractor at the expense of the Electrical Contractor. Keep cutting and patching to a minimum which will allow proper placement of materials. Perform no such cutting that impairs the strength of any part of the building. Employ workmen who are skilled tradesmen to do patch work in the particular trade(s) involved. Quality of workmanship must be of the best, and restore structure and surfaces to a new condition or to match existing adjoining work, using materials and methods consistent with general construction requirements of the specification. B. Provide specification Grade electrical equipment unless noted otherwise. C. Identify all items of electrical equipment as indicated; in unfinished areas, by painted stencil; in finished areas, provide engraved plates. Provide 1aminsted plastic nameplates for disconnect and main switches, panelboards, terminal cabinets, motor starting/control equipment; etc. Word nameplates to describe equipment by function, name and nwnber. D. Equip each outlet with a 4" minimum square sectional type galvanized steel outlet box. E. Provide galvanized cast ferrous alloy boxes for outdoor and damp areas with gaskets and threaded hubs. - F. Outlet heights indicated on drawings are to center of box unless noted otherwise. G. Provide and maintain a temporary light and power system for use by all trades in existing areas affected by remodeling. Comply with NBC, OSHA, NFP A, UL and all state and local codes and regulations for all work. Energy charges will be paid by the Owner. - H. This Contractor is responsible for maintaining the integrity of all fire rated barriers (walls, floors, etc.) penetrated by conduit; boxes, etc., installed under Division 16000 to the satisfaction of the Architect/Engineer. I. The following procedures shall be used as dictated by project conditions: - 1. Conduit penetration of floor slabs or concrete walls (poured of block) - Sleeve or core drill floor or wall, install conduit and seal penetration with UL rated sealing system capable of passing a test of the same duration of the wall being penetrated (refer to Code Plan) or as noted in the Architectural sections of the specifications. 2. Conduit penetration of sheet rock walls - Cut opening in wall, install conduit and plaster opening closed. 3. Wireway penetration of walls - Same materials as for conduit penetration of concrete wails and floors. J. Confirm exact rough-in locations and dimensions for connection to electrical items furnished by others. Secure shop drawings from those furnishing equipment. K. Verify exact location and/or mounting height of device openings on: I. Above or adjacent to casework. 2. Similar locations. - 16050-1 No. 032124 L. Provide black-white-black, laminated 118" thick plastic identifIcation plates attached with self-tapping screws or suitable adhesive. Provide characters \1," high (cut through the black to show the white ofthe plate) and centered synunetrically on plates. Provide labels for new mechanical equipment and controls. 1. Manufacturers: Equal to Seton Nameplate Corporation, New Haven, Connecticut, or Trophy House, Minneapolis, Minnesota. M. When the electrical work is complete, thorougWy clean all affected existing panels, fIxtures, switches, plates, receptacles, equipment, etc., installed as part of the contract. Clean up and remove from the job site, all dirt and debris due to his operations. Remove all construction tools and equipment from the job site. Provide an updated branch circuit directory (typed) for all affected existing panelboards. END OF SECTION 16050 16050-2 No. 032124 SECTION 16060 DEMOLITION A. Bidding contractor is to field visit the site during Bidding. Examine areas and existing conditions and verify that field measnrements and circuiting arrangements are as shown on Drawings. B. Demolition Drawings are based on casual field observation and existing record documents. Report discrepancies to Architect/Engineer before disturbing existing installation. - C. Perform all electrical work required in existing areas to modify the existing electrical installation as indicated on the Drawings and as required by the specification. D. Existing outlets (lighting fixtures, receptacles, switcbes, signal system devices, etc.) shall remain installed and operational unless otherwise indicated. Fire alarm and security systems shall remain in operation at all times except for switchover work. Provide necessary temporary connections as required to retain operation of such systems. E. Where existing condnits terminate at an existing outlet in a wall, ceiling, or floor or other item to be removed, disconnect and remove device and wire from conduit and cap abandOned conduit. Provide blank cover plates or as noted on the drawings. - F. Where existing circuits extend beyond the outlet in the existing wall, ceiling, or floor to be removed, provide new conduits and wire to either. Re-route the circuit or feed the remaining outlet(s) from another electrical sonrce to maintain continuity but in such a manner as not to modify the original circuit function. Conceal all conduit unless noted otherwise. (Conceal in walls, ceilings, etc.). Where concealed conduit cannot be used, use surface wirernold painted to match color of adjacent wall surface. G. Where existing boxes and/or raceways are removed walls shall be repaired and refinished 10 match adjacent surfaces. - H. The Contractor shall be responsible for disposing of the existing ballast and lamps slated for demolition. Ballasts and lamps removed under this contract for demolition shall he kept intact; boxed and delivered to a certified hazardous waste disposal services and 1amps to a certified hazardous lamp recycle service. Provide Owner with proper documentation for this work. I. Thoroughly inspect before reinstallation, all used equipment that is to be reinstalled. Report any defects to the Engineer/Architect in writing. Instructions for corrective measures will be given at the time. If no defects are reported, the equipment and materials shall be included under the Contractor's one year guarantee as outlined in Section 16010. J. Luminaries: Clean existing luminaries on all exterior .and interior surfaces and replace all lamps, ballasts, and . broken electrical parts, in areas of remodeling. K. The Electrical Contractor sha11 review the electrical equipment in areas in which demolition work is to be perfonned. The Electrical Contractor shall ~ubmit a written list of items not working or broken 10 the architect/engineer. Upon completion of work, any electrical items not working or broken shall be the Electrical Contractor's responsibility to repair, unless previously noted on list prior to the start of demolition. If no list is submitted 10 the architect/engineer prior to the start of demolition, the Electrical Contractor shall be made responsible to provide all equipment in working order at the end of the remodeling. L. The Electrical Contractor shall remove existing low voltage cables in areas effected by the demolition works. When remodeling is complete, the Electrical Contractor shall reinatalllow voltage cables and confirm all electrical devices are restored to original working conditions. END OF SECTION 16060 16068-1 No. 032124 ~ SECTION 16110 RACEWAYS A. Provide 1/2" minirnnrn size conduit; provide %" minimum conduit for all home runs. B. Provide E.M.T. (Electrical Metallic Tubing) conduit on 2" conduit size runs or smaller, unless noted. C. Provide galvanized (inside and outside) steel conduit (rigid, IMC, and EMT). ~ D. Employ flexible metal conduit of spinally wound galvanized steel for dry locations, and use liquid-tight spirally wound galvanized steel with an oil and sunlight resistant plastic jacket for wet locations. E. Employ steel, set screw type couplings and fittings for all E.M.T. F. Use electrical metallic tubing in dry interior locations. G. Use flexible metallic electrical conduit in accordance with the National Electrical Code. ~ H. Securely fasten aU raceways in position with rust-proofed steel straps, clamps, hangers, and trapeze as applicable. Use raceway supports of the type designed for electrical raceway. Perforated iron strap and/or iron wire is not approved; do not use anywhere on the project. ~ I I. Conceal all conduit in walls unless noted otherwise. J. Run exposed conduit and raceway parallel and straight and true with the building lines. K. Use watertight fittings where conduit is to be embedded in concrete and in damp locations. ~ L. Use wiremold at interior surface locations painted to match color of adjacent wa11s where new conduit cannot be installed concealed. END OF SECTION 16110 ~ ~ 16110-1 No. 032124 ,... SECTION 16120 WIRES AND CABLES A. Provide all wires and cables unless noted. B. Building Wire: Copper, type THHN or XHHW with 600 volt insulation. Wire sized No.6 A WG and larger may be TIIW. Provide mininwm size No. 12 AWG lighting and power circuit wire and minimum size No. 14 AWG control circuits wire. Provide special system cable of the type approved for the application and as indicated on the drawings. Provide wires and cables manufactured by Anaconda, Beldon, Cyprus, King, Phelps Dodge, Southwire, Standard, or approved equal. ,... C. Install all wire and cable in raceway except as Doted. Use wire pulling lubricant for No.4 A WG and larger wires. Color code conductors as required. ,... D. Make all splice joints for #10 A WG wire and smaller by use ofU.L. approved pressure connectors; 3M "Scotchlok. Ideal "Wing Nut", or approved equal. Make all taps and terminations for wire #8 AWG and larger with solderless connectors and solderless lugs. Wrap any splice requiring tape with a minimum of two half-lapped layers of 3M "Scotch" electrical tape #33 or #88. E. Provide aU conductors including grounding condoctors as copper. ,... F. Do not draw wires into conduit until the conduit system is complete and has been thoroughly swabbed out. Draw wires into conduit in such a manner as to avoid injury to insulation or conductor. END OF SECTION 16120 ,... 16120-1 No. 032124 SECTION 16135 CABINETS, BOXES AND FITTINGS A. Pull and Junction Boxes: Provide metal construction conforming to the requirements of the National Electrical Code (NEC), relative to the nnrnber and size of conduits entering the box with screw-on or hinged cover: I. Manufacturers: Hoffinan, Appleton, Crouse Hinds, or approved equal. B. Locate Pull and junction boxes above removable ceilings, or in electrical rooms, utility rooms or storage areas. Provide all boxes accessible and secnrely attached to building construction. Do not support boxes by conduit used to carry conductors. END OF SECTION 16135 ~ ~ ~ 16135-1 No. 032124 SECTION 16140 WIRING DEVICES A. Provide switches that meet the latest applicable Federal Specification W -S-896 and rated 20 amperes, 120-277 volts: 1. Manufacturers: Pass and Seymonr Series 1220, Hubbell Series 1220, Leviton Series 1220, or approved equal by Arrow-Hart or General Electric. B. Provide receptacles that meet the latest applicable Federal Specification W -C-596, NEMA 5-20R, and rated 20 amperes at 125 volts: I. Manufacturers: Pass and Seymonr Series 5362A or approved equal by Arrow-Hart, General Electric, Hubbell or Leviton. C. Provide GFI receptacles where indicated: 1. Manufacturers: Pass and Seymour #209I-GRY or equal hy Hubbell, Arrow-Hart or Leviton. - 2. Where indicated to be weatherproof with WP, provide a Pass and Seymonr #WP-26L-20 weatherproof coverplate. D. Provide coverplates with No. 302 stainless steel with a smooth finish. E. Provide special purpose receptacles as required. Provide with matching coverplates. F. Provide receptacles and switches of a color to match existing. G. Install switches and receptacles straight and true with the building lines. Mount receptacles 16 inches to center above the floor in finished areas unless detailed otherwise. Mount switches 46 inches to center above the floor, unless detailed otherwise. Mount receptacles in unfinished areas 46 inches to center above the floor unless detailed otherwise. - H. Engrave coverplates where indicated. Employ craftsman for engraving skilled in the trade. Make characters a minimum of \4" high and filled in with black enamel paint. END OF SECTION 16140 16140-1 No. 032124 SECTION 16170 CIRCUIT AND MOTOR DISCONNECTS A. Safety Switches: Provide heavy duty type with quick-make, quick-break operating mechanism, rejection type fuse clips, lockable full cover interlock and indicator handle. Rate switches as shown and as suitable for use as service equipment as required. Provide NEMA type enclosures for !be area it is located in: I. Manufacturers: General Electric, Square D, Westinghouse, or approved equal. B. Disconnects: Install as shown on the drawings and as recommended by the manufacturer. Label disconnects to indicate equipment served. C. Provide all switches of one make and manufacturer. D. Submit shop drawings. END OF SECTION 16170 ~ ~ ~ , 16170-1 No. 032124 SECTION 16190 SUPPORTING DEVICES A. Raceway Supports: Provide clevis hangers, riser clamps, conduit straps, threaded C-clamps with retainers, ceiling trapeze hangers, wall brackets, and spring steel clamps. B. Fasteners: Provide types, materials, and construction features as follows: I. Expansion Anchors: Carbon steel wedge or sleeve type. 2. Toggle Bolts: All steel sprioghead type. 3. Power-Driven Threaded Studs: Heat-treated steel, designed specifically for the intended service. C. Conduit Sealing Bushings: Provide factory-fabricated watertight conduit sealing bushing assemblies suitable for sealing around conduit; or tubing passing through concrete floors and walls. Construct seals with steel sleeve, malleable iron body, neoprene sealing grommets or rings, metal pressure rings, pressure clamps, and cap screws. D. Cable Supports for Vertical Conduit: Provide factory-fabricated assembly consisting of threaded body and insulating wedging plug for non-armored electrical cables in riser cOnduits. Provide plugs with number and size of conductor gripping holes as required to suit individual risers. Construct body of malleable-iron casting with hot-dip galvanized finish. E. V-Channel Systems: Provide 14 gauge steel channels, with 9/16-inch-diameter holes, at a mininnnn of 8 inches on center, in top surface. Provide fittings and accessories that mate and match with U-channel and are of the same manufacture. F. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by the following: I. Slotted Metal Angle and V-Channel Systems: a. Allied Tube & Conduit b. B-Line Systems, Inc.. c. Unistrut Diversified Products - 2. Conduit Sealing Bushings: a. Cooper Industries, Inc. b. KilIark Electric Mfg. Co. c. General Signal/O-Z/Gedney. d. Raco, Inc. e. Thomas & Betts Corp. G Fabricated Supporting Devices: I. General: Shop- or field-fabricated supports or manufactured supports assembled from U-channel components. 2. Steel Brackets: Fabricated of angles, channels, and other standard structural shapes. Connect with welds and machine bolts to forrn rigid supports. 3. Pipe Sleeves: Provide pipe sleeves of one of the following: a. Steel Pipe: Fabricate from Schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe. H Provide supporting devices that fasten to electric components secnrely and permanently in accordance with NEC requirements. 16190-1 No. 032124 I Coordinate with the building structural system and with other electrical installations. J Raceway Supports: Comply with the NEC and the following requirements: I. Conform to manufacturer's recommendations for selection and installation of supports. 2. Strength of each support shall be adequate to carry present and future load multiplied by a safety factor of at least four. Where this determination results in a safety allowance of less than 200 Ibs, provide additional strength until there is a minimum of 200 lbs safety allowance in the strength of each support. 3. Provide individual and multiple (trapeze) raceway hangers and riser clamps as necessary to support raceways. Provide V-bolts, clamps, attachments, and other hardware necessary for hanger assembly and for securing hanger rods and conduits. 4. Space supports for raceways in accordance with NEe. K Miscellaneous Supports: Support miscellaneous electrical componeuts as required to produce the same structural safety factors as specified for raceway supports. Install metal channel racks for mounting cabinets, panelboards, disconnects, control enclosures, pull boxes, junction boxes, transfonners, and other devices. L Fastening: Vuless otherwise indicated, fasten electrical items and their supporting hardware securely to the building structure, including but not limited to conduits, raceways, cables, cable trays, busways, cabinets, panelboards, transformers, boxes, disconnect switches, and control components. M Low Voltage Wiring Supports: Where low voltage communication and data wiring is not installed in conduit or raceway, do not support from ceiling system supports; support per NEe. END OF SECTION 16190 16190-2 No. 032124 SECTION 16452 GROUNDING A. Grounding and Equipment Grounding: In compliance with National Electrical Code (NEC). B. Conductor Materials: Copper. C. Connectors: Listed and labeled for the materials used. END OF SECTION 16452 ~ ~ '"" 16452-1 No. 032124 - SECTION 16470 BRANCH CIRCUIT PANELBOARDS A. Provide panelboards with lockahle hinged steel door and adjustable trim clamps: 1. Manufacturers: Square D type NQOB, Cutler-Hammer, General Electric, Siemens-ITE or approved equal. B. Provide quick-make, qnick-break, thermal-magnetic type circuit breakers for panelboards with a minirnum short circuit rating of 10,000 RMS amperes, or as indicated. C. Provide all multi-pole breakers with common trip; handle ties are not acceptable. D. Provide GFI type circuit breakers where required by code and indicated. E. Install plwnb with top of panel board 6'-2" above the finished floor. F. Provide typed circuit directory listing circuit numbers, description of circuit and area of equipment served: I. Label each new or remodeled panelboard with name, voltage, number of wires, and number of phases. G. Submit shop drawings. END OF SECTION 16470 16470-1 No. 032124 SECTION 16475 OVERCURRENT PROTECTION DEVICES A. General: Provide overcnrrent protective devices of types indicated. B. Molded-Case Circuit Breakers: Provide molded-case circuit breakers of bolt-on type, of indicated frame type and trip rating and nnrnher of poles, RMS symmetrical amperes rating shall be equal to the rating of the existing [and/or new] panelboard the device is being installed in, quick-make and quick-break, switch duty rated (15 and 20 ampere units and 30,000 ArC for elevator shunt-trip circuit breakers) and with instantaneous and inverse-time delay protection for each pole. Provide for panelboard or individual mounting as indicated. Provide ground-fault and shunt-trip type where indicated: I. Manufacturers: Square D, Cutler-Hammer General Electric, Siemens or approved equal. C. . Submit Shop Drawings. ~ END OF SECTION 16475 ~ ~ 16475-1 No. 032124 A. Fuses: 1. - 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. SECTION 16477 FUSES Provide 1110 ampere to 600 ampere general purpose fuses that are UL Class RKllabeled. Include design for 10 second time delay at 500% ampere rating. Provide 601-1,200 ampere motor or transformer circuit fuses that are Class L, time-delay. Provide 601-1,200 ampere noninductive circuit fuses that are Class L, fast acting. Provide bolted-pressnre switch fuses that are Class L, time-delay. Provide fusible switch panelboard fuses that are Class RKI, tirne-delay. Provide combinstion starter fuses that are Claas RK5, time delay and dual-element. Provide combination starter fuses in motor control centers that are Class RK5, time-delay and dual-element. Provide switchboard fuses 60-600 amperes that are Class RKI, time-delay and 601 amperes and above that are Class L, time-delay. Provide for interrupting rating of 200,000 amperes RMS symmetrical. Acceptable manufacturers are Bussmann, Gould Shawmut Inc., or approved equal. Provide a minimum of three spare fuses for each new type and size used. B. Install fuses in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and as indicated on drawings. - - END OF SECTION 16477 16477-1 No. 032124 - SECTION 16515 LIGHTING FIXTURES AND LAMPS A. Provide light fixtures of the types scheduled at each light fixture location shown on plan. Provide light fixtures complete with lamps, hallasts, all necessary accessories and mounting hardware, and compatible with ceiling or wall system they are installed on. Provide samples where indicated on the drawings. Provide 3-1arnp and 4-lamp fluorescent factory wired for inner and, outer lamp ballast switching. Share ballasts between adjacent light fixtures if within 10'-0" of each other when applicable. B. Provide ballasts for fluorescent lights with a "A" sound rating, high power factor and C.B.M. certified by E.T.L. Provide rapid start ballasts for 40 watt fluorescent lamps. Equip ballasts with an internal thermal protection system that carries the Class P identification on the lahel. Provide electronic, high frequency, full output type ballasts suitable for lamps specified for individual fixture type. Provide emergency ballast where noted. C,. Provide energy savings type fluorescent lamps as noted in fixture schedule. D. Provide HID ballasts with high power factor and with a -20 degree F starting temperature. - E. Provide all acrylic prismatic lenses as a nominal minimum of 0.125 incbes thick. F. Lamp Manufactnrers: - I. Provide lamps rnanufactnred by General Electric, Philips, Osram Sylvania or Venture. 2. Provide 130 volt rated incandescent lamps inside frosted unless otherwise noted. 3. Provide T8 octron 350K fluorescent 1arnps unless noted otherwise. - G. Ballast Manufacturers: 1. Provide haUasts as manufactured by General Electric, Advance, Magnetek, Motorola, Osram Sylvania or approved equal. H. Submit shop drawings consisting of catalog cuts, including lamps and ballasts. - 1. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to verify ceiling type and light fixture mounting accessories are compatible. J. Finn1y support fixtures from structural members of the building such as joists, beams, purlins, etc; the meta1 deck is not a structnral member. K. Fluorescent fixtures shall be supported independently of the suspended ceiling grid. L. Coordinate fixture hanging with other crafts to avoid interferences and to provide symmetry with ceiling tile and structnral members. END OF SECTION 16515 - - 16515-1 No. 032124 SECTION 16995 PROJECT CLOSEOUT ~ A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract apply to this and all other Sections of Division 16. B. Provide a checklist of project completion including but not limited to the following: 1. Shop drawings for all equipment. 2. Testing ofreqnired installations. 3. Touch-up painting. ~ 4. Record drawings. C. Turn over Maintenance, Operating and Warranty Data Manuals to Owner in 3-riog binders. D. In addition to requirements of Section 01700 of this Project Manual, complete, sign and date the following. I. Preliminary checklist of items required for project completion: a. Provide As-built Drawings in reproducible form as per Section 16010. ~ b. Provide Shop Drawings for new equipment. ~ c. Provide gnarantees/warranties as specified. d. Provide typed PaneIboard Schedules. e. Provide labeling and nameplates of equipment as specified. f. Provide touch-up painting to match original on all equipment scratched during installation. ~ g. h. Clean all lighting fixtures and equipment and remove all stickers. Clean-up debris caused by electrical work. ~ , ~ ~ r- 16995-1 No. 032124 Wold Architects and Engineers Project: Commission No.: Date: Wold Architects and Engineers 6 West Fifth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Name Contractor Company Contractor Street Address City, State, Zip Code Contractor's Signatrue Date END OF SECTION 16995 16995-2 No. 032124 ADDRESS 52l1J DATE nilE SCHEDULED ~i /2.--:1>0 ~~ CITY OF PRIOR LAKE INSPECTION NOTICE OWNER PHONE NO. CONTR. PERMIT NO. &'1 - U~'f ~. CI PLUMBING RI CI EXIGRADlFI uw.(}blS'2- CI MECH RJ CI COMPLAINT o WATER HOOKUP 0 FIREPLACE RJ o SEWER HOOKUP 0 FIREPLACE FINAL o PLUMBING FINAL CI GASLINE AIR TST CI MECH FINAL 0 CI FOOTING CI FOUNDATION o FRAMING o INSULATION 11 FINAL /tJ SITE INSPECTION COMMENTiJ];~ ~ rPOi . cR.. ~ t-ttJ:J 4,':1-#00. J - crL., CI WORK SATISFACTORY. PROCEED ,J! CORRECT ACTION AND PROCEED o CORRECT WORK, CALL FOR REINSPECTION BEFORE COVERING Inspector. ~ < Owner/Contr: CALL 447-1l:10R THE NEXT INSPECTION 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE. CODE REQUIREMENTS ARE FOR YOUR PERSONAl. HEM.TH 4 SAFETY/ uaNO" CITY OF PRIOR LAKE INSPECTION NOTICE SCHEDULED ADDRESS l.J~\'. -..,,Q. OWNER CONTR. PHONE NO. PERMIT NO. o FOOTING o FOUNDATION o FRAMING o INSULATION o FINAL o SITE INSPECTION ~ ~MBING Rl ~.~~H Rl o WATER HOOKUP o SEWER HOOKUP o PLUMBING FINAL o MECH FINAL COMMENTS: I>. \c- ~ l?A. 9-( DATE nME 9-~-c>'( 4::J. - - ~ /- 71)2- , o EXlGRADlFILUNG o COMPLAINT o FIREPLACE Rl o FIREPLACE FINAL o GASLINE AIR TST o ~RK SATISFACTORY, PROCEED o CORRECT A ON AND PROCEED o CORRECt LL FOR REINSPECTION BEFORE COVERING Inspector: Owner/Contr. E NEXT INSPECTION 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE. 1N8NO" ENTS ARE FOR YOUR PERSONAL HEALTH & SAFETYI DATE nME ~t1tf ~ /5J)~ tJ~ " . - ,~~' CONTR. y....,.,.,....., S PERMIT NO. D,/- ()(Q62- t (J/-cGlr sp- .....L, , [] PLUMBING RI []- EXIGRADlFILUNG [] MECH RI [] COMPLAINT [] WATER HOOKUP [] FIREPLACE RI [] SEWER HOOKUP [] FIREPLACE FINAL [] PLUMBING FINAL [] GASLlNE AIR TST [] MECH FINAL [] SCHEDULED CITY OF PRIOR LAKE INSPECTION NOTICE ADDRESS OWNER PHONE NO. [] FOOTING o FOUNDATION [] FRAMING [] INSULATION III FINAL fi SITE INSPECTION COMMENTS: ttL 10 ~.~ :#- _{JQJt>) g:t~t;~ t~~~~~. IQ#woRKSATISFACTORV, PROCEED d CORRECT ACTION AND PROCEED ., [] CORRECT WOR CALL FOR REINSPECTION BEFORE COVERING Inspector. OWner/Contr. CALL 447.8850 F R THE NEXT INSPECTION 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE. CODE REQUIREMENTS ARE FOR YOUR PERSONAL HEALTH & SAFETY! INSNOT' CITY OF PRIOR LAKE INSPECTION NOTICE SCHEDULED ADDRESS ~d~ -4f,O",-,. CONTR. OWNER PHONE NO. PERMIT NO. o FOOTING o FOUNDATION o FRAMING o INSULATION o FINAL o SITE INSPECTION o PLUMBING RI o MECH RI o WATER HOOKUP o SEWER HOOKUP o PLUMBING FINAL o MECH FINAL COMMENTS: DATE TIllE 7 -z:t~i 4-~L o EXlGRADlFILUNG o COMPLAINT o FIREPLACE RI o FIREPLACE FINAL ~ ~~NE~p~.L-. ~Q~,,~L..\. 1+ ~b. Qr>L """~. \.-0 '" ~,_...l.J). J o WORK SATISFACTORY, PROCEED ~RRECT ACTION AND PROCEED o CORR WORK, CALL FOR REINSPECTION BEFORE COVERING Inspecto Owner/Contr: 9850 FOR THE NEXT INSPECTION 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE. CA """"'" CODE REQUlREMENT$ ARE FOR YOUR PERSONAL HEALTH 01 SAFETY/