HomeMy WebLinkAbout8A-Official Fee Schedule 2015 o� P ti U 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: JANUARY 12, 2015 AGENDA#: 8A PREPARED BY: CATHY ERICKSON, ACCOUNTING MANAGER PRESENTED BY: JERILYN ERICKSON, FINANCE DIRECTOR AGENDA ITEM: PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED 2015 OFFICIAL FEE SCHEDULE AND CONSIDER AMENDMENTS TO THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE, SUBSECTION 106.600 (ADOPTION OF OFFICIAL FEE SCHEDULE) AND A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SUMMARY ORDI- NANCE FOR PUBLICATION DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this agenda item is threefold; 1) to hold a public hearing for the proposed 2015 Official Fee Schedule and 2) to consider approval of an Ordi- nance amending Section 106 of the Prior Lake City Code to include the Official Fee Schedule as required pursuant to Minnesota Statute 462.353 and 3) a reso- lution approving a summary ordinance and publication thereof. History Cities typically charge user fees for services for which a specific person or group benefit. User fees are a significant revenue source constituting almost 20% of the City's annual General Fund income. Annually, staff reviews the fee schedule as part of the budget process and makes recommendations to the City Council for changes or additions as needed. The Council was required to announce the time and place of the council meeting at which the 2015 official fee schedule would be discussed and which would allow for citizen input. A notice was published in the Prior Lake American confirming that a public hearing, as required by State Statute 462.353, was scheduled to be held on December 22, 2014. Because of time considerations the Council contin- ued the public hearing to the January 12, 2015 City Council meeting. Based on additional information received from the City Attorney and City staff, the agenda report has been updated for the fees noted below: • 1. Repetitive Plan Review is an existing fee that staff changed in accord- ance with the State Building Code. • 7b. Recurring auto payments/AC H completed through online service pro- vider is a new fee that staff recommends be paid by the customer. • 16 -17. Park Facility Reservation Change Fees. Staff recommends that the fee is a flat amount, and is not broken out between resident/non- resident, so the fees were adjusted accordingly. • 21-22. Club Prior membership and nonmembership charges. The word- ing on these fees was clarified. • 42-54. The description of the fee changes was inadvertently omitted from the 12/22/14 agenda report, so the descriptions are included with this agenda report. Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245/www.cityofpriorlake.com The requirements to adopt a fee schedule set out in Minnesota Statute 462.353, subd. 4 will be met at the January 12, 2015 Council meeting so this item has been included on the City Council agenda. Current Circumstances A public hearing is required by State Statute 462.353. The hearing will allow citi- zens and other interested parties to voice their opinions regarding the fees and charges. The input received from the public hearing and City Council on January 12 will be incorporated into the 2015 Official Fee Schedule. We are asking the Council to approve an amendment to Ordinance subsection 106.600. The amended Ordi- nance will incorporate the 2015 Official Fee Schedule. The amended ordinance is attached. Conclusion The input received from City Council on January 12, 2015 will be incorporated in the proposed changes. The 2015 Official Fee Schedule will be incorporated into the City Code with an effective date of January 17, 2015 (publication date). New fees (including fees that have historically been charged but haven't been reflected on the fee schedule) and proposed changes are indicated in the table below alongside their present amount (Please see the description of the changes following the table): PROPOSED CHANGES Fee Description 2014 Amount ' 2015 Amount Permits: _ 1. Repetitive Plan Review 32.5% Building 25% Building Permit Fee Permit Fee Utility Billin � _ 2a. Water Rate- 1st 25,000 gal- $3.65/1,000 $4.15/1,000 Ions gallons gallons 2b. Water Rate-Over 25,000 $5.03/1,000 $5.72/1,000 allonsgallons gallons 3. i Sewer Rate (City) $1.96/1,000 $2.02/1,000 - gallons gallons --- -.._........-----------------------.........---...--.-..-___........... --- -- — - - 4. Storm Water Charge $13.25 (residen- $13.38 (residen- tial) /j39.75/acre tial) /$40_14/acre 5. Met Council Sewer Rate $2.11/1,000 $2.16/1,000 MCES __ gallons gallons 6. Meter Testing Costs --- Actual Cost -._..._... --- -�_.._-_ ---.--....._....._..._-.-...-...-.--.___....-.-..-----_.......................----�_.--.__.._.._... -- ---- Service Char es: _ 7a. Merchant Fees for Deb- Paid by Customer Paid by Customer it/Credit Card Payments-All This applied to This will apply to Services Utility Payments all services. .......—.-._....ons............_._...... __. ----...------ -_.-. 7b. Recurring autopayments/ACH --- Paid by Customer completed through online service provider 2 8. Erosion Cleanup (gravel --- $150.00/Hr. driveways, private property (Min. $150.00) erosion, etc.) Police, Fire & Rescue Service Char es: 9. Police Contracted Overtime $82/hour $84/hour Park FacilityRentals: _—_.-- ------_._--__--.- ____...-.---------___-.- Boat slip rental: 10. Resident/non-resident- $60.00/$80.00 $70.00/$90.00 weekday (Monday noon through Frida 10:00 a.m. 11. Resident/non-resident- $75.00/$105.00 $85.00/$115.00 weekend (Friday noon throuu h Monday 10:00 a.m. 13. Picnic Shelter/Band Shell - $50.00 - $75.00 - Community Parks $100.00/day $125.00/day __ Resident/non-resident --- Club Prior Rental: 14. Resident $25.00/hour, $50.00/hour, $200.00 damage $200.00 damage deposit _ deposit 15. Non-Resident $45.00/hr., $75.00/hr., $200.00 damage $200.00 damage deposit deposit 16. Park Facility Reservation 20% of the rental $50.00 Change Fee (Lakefront Park fee pavilion only) Resident/ non-resident 17. Park Facility Reservation - $25 Change Fee (All other shel- ters, Club Prior, Boat Slips, Canoe/Kayak Rack 18 Canoe rental (Watzl'sj $3.00/hour Eliminated Recreation and Club Prior Programs: 18.1 Registration late fee (registra- --- $10.00/registration tions received after the dead- line) ead- line) 19. Playground/Tot Lot Summer $10-$30/week $15-$30/week ---- ......._P rocs ra m.._..._..--- -- 20. Youth Camps (including Ad- $10- $10-$130/ venture Campy _ _ $125/week/camp week/camp Club Prior VoluntaryMember- shi : __ 21. Annual Voluntary Member- - — --- $20.00/$50.00 ship per Person Resident/Non-resident 22. Non-Member per Person per --- $3.00/$6.00 Event charge for Exercise (Resident/ non-resident) 3 Adult Softball Team Fee: - 23. Men's/Women's/Church --- $725/team Summer Program: 24. Co-Rec Summer Program - $425/team 25. Men'sMomen's/Church/ Co- --- $305/team Rec Fall Proq.ram - 26. Adult Volleyball Team Fee: --- 27. Co-Rec Summer Program --- $105/team 28. Co-Rec Fall Program --- $85/team Park Permits: 29. Picnic Table Moves (minimum $15.00/table $18.00/table _.__.._.... 4 tables) ...................... 30. Barricades (minimum 2 barri- $10.00/ barricade $13.00/ barricade cades) 31. Garbage Barrels (minimum 2 $10.00/ barrel $13.00/ barrel barrels) _.- _.. ....-....-...._.._._.........._........___ Zonin /Subdivision Fees: 32. Conditional Use Fee $350.00 $400.00 33. Conditional Use Major $200.00 $250.00 Amendment 34. P.U.D. Minor Amendment $200.00 $250.00 35. P.U.D. Major Amendment $500.00 $600.00 35. Vacation Fee $200.00 $250.00 37. Variance Fee Other $200.00 $250.00 38. Variance Fee (Single Family $150.00 $200.00 Residential 39. Variance Fee (Subdivision $200.00 $250.00 Ordinance _________ _ 40. Zoning Appeal (Administrative $75.00 $150.00 & Planning Commission) 41. Interim Use Permit --- $400.00 Municipal Financing Applica- tion Fees: 42. Preliminary TIF Application $,2500.00 Eliminated Fee (plus city expenses) _ 43. TIF Application Fee Escrow $12,000.00 Eliminated Deposit(based upon expens- es incurred) 44. TIF Application Fee (plus ad- --- $5,000.00 ditional city expenses in- curred) 45. Conduit bond financing origi- $50,000.00 $50,000.00 nation fee and annual report- ...............-- _....-...... ----- -------- __--_..........__ _-- Publications: 46. Audit Booklet - $10.00 Electronic ...... _ ------- _ . _ ----------- 47. Bud et Booklet $15.00 _ Electronic 48. CIP Booklet $15.00 Electronic 49. City Code Book (purchase/update)- Electronic $100.00/$25.00 4 50. Comprehensive Plan _ $50.00 _ Electronic 51. Subdivision/Zoning Ordinance $25.00 Electronic Booklet -- _ Maps: 52. City Maps $1.00/ $5.00/ $2.50/ $5.00 / (small/regular/lar a $10.00 $10.00 Miscellaneous: 53. Copy charge per page in ac- $.25 page $.25 page cordance with MN Govern- Specified page ment Data Practices Act. size of 8 '/2 x 11 54. Charge for compiling data in Actual Cost accordance with MN Gov- ernment Data Practices Act Explanation of Changes 1. Repetitive Plan Review is an existing fee that has been changed in the State Building Code and we are changing our fee to be identical just as we have histor- ically done for building permit related fees.. 2-4. Water Rates, City Portion of Sewer Rate, and Storm Water Charge in- creases are based on Staff recommendations made in conjunction with the ap- proval of the Capital Improvement Program (2015-2019). These rates are charged each billing cycle and intended to reimburse the City for operating costs for each utility and a portion of the capital costs. We surveyed several neighbor- ing cities for rate comparison purposes. 5. Met Council Portion of Sewer Rate (MCES) The Metropolitan Council adopted a Metropolitan Wastewater Charge for 2015 of $190.71 million. This is an increase of 3.5% from the 2014 budget of$184.19 mil- lion. Prior Lake's portion of the 2015 Metropolitan Wastewater Charge is $1,228,533. 6. Meter Testing Costs is a new fee. If a meter test is requested by a utility cus- tomer, and the meter is found to be operating correctly and within the acceptable guidelines of the American Waterworks Association (AWWA), staff recommends that the testing cost is passed on to the customer. We estimate the cost per test at $300 which is comparable to private testing companies. 7a. Merchant Fees for Debit/Credit Card Payments —All Services is a modifi- cation to an existing fee. In 2013, the Council had authorized that the transaction costs incurred for debit/credit card utility payments be added to the City Official Fee Schedule. Staff recommends that as we upgrade our software applications (permitting, licensing, etc.) and provide online payment options, that any mer- chant fees for debit/credit card payments are passed on to the customer. 7b. Recurring autopayments/ACH completed through online service pro- vider is a new fee. There is a cost associated with online setup of recurring auto payments. For example, PSN, the City's vendor for online utility payments, charges a fee of $.50/payment. Staff recommends that such fees are passed on to the customer, if they choose to setup their ACH payment through the online 5 vendor. Residents still have the option to enroll in the ACH program offered through the City's bank (at no charge), where the payment always comes out on the due date. 8. Erosion Cleanup (gravel driveways, private property erosion, etc.) is a new fee as directed by the city council. On November 10th, the City Council dis- cussed the erosion from gravel driveways onto public streets and sidewalks. The City Council directed staff to incorporate a fee into the fee schedule for cleanup of the erosion. City Staff has researched other communities. While erosion of gravel driveways contribute sediment onto streets, sidewalks, storm sewer catchbasins, ponds, and other water bodies, no other City charges a straight fee to be incorporated onto every property that has a gravel driveway. Furthermore it is difficult to quantify the impact that gravel driveways have on the overall system and each driveway can be different in the amount of sediment that is transported from the driveway into the storm sewer system. It is easier to justify and track specific cleanup efforts. Therefore City Staff is proposing a fee be added for "Erosion Cleanup" in the amount of $150/hr. (Min. $150). The term "erosion cleanup" allows the City to use this fee for other types of erosion not just gravel driveways. For example, if a garden or other erosion occurs unto the public right of way or easements, this fee could be used for cleanup. The amount of $150/hr. includes the cost of a sweeper or other machinery and personnel as well as ad- ministrative costs to document and deal with the erosion issue. This fee is the same as the fee charged to developers in conjunction with cleanup on develop- ment projects and is incorporated into the City's "Street Sweeping Policy". 9. Police Contracted increase of$2 from $82 to $84 reflects increases to Police wages and benefits. This is the rate which we charge to the Rotary, for example, when officers are required to be present at the Music Fest for public safety pur- poses. This fee does not include the use of a squad car. 10-15. Park Facility Rentals are existing fees that Staff recommends be in- creased to cover a greater portion of City expenditures. 16. Park Facility Reservation Change Fee (Lakefront Park pavilion only) is an existing fee. It is currently set at 20% of the rental fee to partially offset our lost reservation rental income due to reservation changes and cancellations. Staff recommends that it is set at a flat amount of $50 as it is easier for the resi- dents to understand. 17. Park Facility Reservation Change Fee (All other shelters, Club Prior, Boat Slips, Canoe/Kayak Rack) is a new fee. Staff recommends adding this fee to partially offset our lost reservation rental income due to reservation changes and cancellations. 18. Canoe rental (Watzl's) is a fee that should be eliminated as the City is no longer offering canoe rentals at Watzl's beach. 18.1 Registration late fee (registrations received after the deadline) is a new fee that Staff recommends adding for registrations received after the deadline. 6 19-20. Playground/Tot Lot Summer Program and Youth Camps are existing fees that Staff recommends be increased to move toward offsetting City expendi- tures. 21-22. Club Prior Voluntary Membership is a new fee. Per Council direction, Staff was asked to establish the fee to cover a portion of City expenditures. An- nual and per event fees are proposed. Voluntary Annual Membership includes: 1) Free exercise class (Zumba Gold & Move It), 2) Priority registration for trips and 3) One free ticket to the May senior lunch at the VFW, if membership is paid by 4/1. Non-members would be required to pay $3/$6 for exercise classes men- tioned above. We have received calls from some objecting to such fees even as voluntary. 23-28. Adult Softball and Volleyball Team fees are existing fees which were not part of our schedule and should be added to the Fee Schedule. Staff recom- mends streamlining the rates so there is not a separate resident and nonresident fee. Currently, softball teams with Prior Lake residents receive a $50 refund in the team fee. Since the teams have been primarily Prior Lake residents, staff recommends adjusting the 2015 fee downward, so the $50 does not have to be refunded separately. The Volleyball team rates are currently set at a resident and nonresident rate. Staff recommends charging one rate of $105/team for the summer program and one rate of$85/team for the Fall program. 29-31. Park Permit fees for Picnic Table Moves, Barricades, and Garbage Barrels are existing fees that Staff recommends be increased to cover a greater portion of City expenditures. 32-40. Zoning/Subdivision fees are existing fees which Staff recommends modifying to include the Scott County recording fee of$50. 41. Interim Use Permit is not listed in the 2014 Fee Schedule but it follows the same procedure as Conditional Use Permit so Staff recommends that it should be added to the Fee Schedule. 42-44. TIF Application fee and Escrow Deposit are existing fees which Staff recommends eliminating, and replacing with a single TIF Application Fee (plus additional city expenses incurred). The bottom line is the City recovers its costs. 45. Conduit bond financing origination fee and annual reporting fee name was changed to include annual reporting. 46-51. Audit Booklet through Subdivision/Zoning Ordinance Booklet are existing fees that will be removed from the fee schedule since an electronic ver- sion is available on the City website. 52. City Maps. The charge for a small city map has been increased to $2.50 to reflect the cost for color printing. 53. Copy charge per page in accordance with MN Government Data Prac- tices Act is an existing fee that has been modified to reflect the current charge in accordance with the MN Government Data Practices Act and specified the page size of 8 '/2 x 11. 7 54. Charge for compiling data in accordance with MN Government Data Practices Act is a new fee to reflect the City's actual cost for compiling data in accordance with the MN Government Data Practices Act. ISSUES: This public meeting for the proposed fee schedule is the primary opportunity for the public to comment or ask questions about the proposed 2015 Official Fee Schedule. It is suggested that the City Council solicit and record resident questions during the public portion of the meeting. Once everyone wishing to speak has had a chance to, then the staff can respond to the questions and council members can ask additional questions or append onto responses already made. This format will provide council members and staff to have a reasonable and informative dis- cussion which should enhance the public's understanding of the proposed 2015 Official Fee Schedule. FINANCIAL The fee schedule identifies those types of service charges and license fees IMPACT: charged on a user basis to recover City-associated costs. Charges for services, licenses and permits are a significant part of the revenue stream supporting the City's budgets. For example the General Fund budget receives about 20% of its support from charges for services, licenses and permits. ALTERNATIVES: 1. If all questions have been answered: 1) close the public official fee schedule portion of the meeting and 2) Approve an Ordinance amending subsection 106.600 (Adoption of Official Fee Schedule) as proposed or with changes as specified, and 3) Approve a resolution approving the Summary of the Ordi- nance and ordering the publication of said summary so the new fees will be effective on January 17 (publication date) and so affected persons can be- come familiar with the revisions. 2. Delay action if the Council requires additional information. RECOMMENDED 1. Alternative #1 MOTION: 8 Uu 4646 Dakota Street SE `�'jnnvsso��` Prior Lake,MN 55372 RESOLUTION 15-xxx A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE 115-xx AND ORDERING THE PUBLICATION OF SAID SUMMARY Motion By: Second By: WHEREAS, In accordance with Minnesota Statute 462.353, the City Council held a public hearing regarding amendments to Subsections 106.600 of the Prior Lake City Code on January 12,2015;and WHEREAS, On January 12, 2015 the City Council adopted Ordinance 115-xx amending Subsection 106.600 of the Prior Lake City Code;and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes requires publication of the Ordinance Amendment in the official newspaper before it becomes effective; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes also allows the publication of a summary of an ordinance if the City Council finds that the summary is an accurate representation of the Ordinance; and WHEREAS, The City Council desires to publish a summary of the amendments to Subsections 106.600 of the Prior Lake City Code and has determined the publication of a summary of this ordinance will meet the intent of the statute. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA as follows: 1. The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein. 2. That the City Council approves the attached summary of the amendments to Subsections 106.600 of the Prior Lake City Code adopted by Ordinance 115-xx, and authorizes publication of the same. 3. A complete text of the newly adopted city code can be found at City Hall or in the Document Center on the City of Prior Lake Website after January 12, 2015. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 12th day of January, 2015. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Nay ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Abstain ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Absent ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Frank Boyles, City Manager SUMMARY ORDINANCE NO. 115-xx CITY OF PRIOR LAKE SCOTT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA, ESTABLISHING THE CITY FEES AND CHARGES FOR 2015 By the enactment of this Ordinance, the City Council establishes fees and charges required by the City Code for the year 2015 and to comply with Minnesota Statutes 462.353, subd. 4. A complete text of the newly adopted city code can be found at City Hall during regular office hours or in the Document Center on the City of Prior Lake Website after January 12, 2015. Approved for publication by the City Council for the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota this 12th day of January, 2015. ATTEST: Frank Boyles, City Manager Kenneth Hedberg, Mayor Published in the Prior Lake American on the 17th day of January, 2015. 2 o� PR,(2 ti U 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake.MN 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 115-xx AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA, REVISING SECTION 106.600 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE AND ESTABLISHING A FEE SCHEDULE FOR ALL CITY LICENSE FEES, USER CHARGES AND PERMIT CHARGES PURSUANT TO MINN. STAT. § 462.351 TO 462.364 The City Council of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain that Subsection 106.600 Official Fee Schedule is amended with the following changes: . ..v ...", x �'*s&���a �..aM €.. ��...•�eFd tg ziq ��u�t "t�-,- ��.��"'t'M+„-����+ < s'.'�'! < ,'^°§"V`s � ,.,_. Repetitive Plan Review 25%Building Permit Fee <." Water Rate $4.15/1000 gals. 1st 25,000" gals. $5.72/1000 gals. above 25,000 gals. Sewer Rate(City) $2.02/1000 gals. Met Council Sewer Rate(MCES) $2.16/1000 gals. Storm Water Charge $13.38 (residential)/ $40.14 acre Meter Testing Costs Actual cost r ` 48"M ft-1,16 r rl Merchant Fees for Debit/Credit Card Payments-All Services Paid by Customer Recurring autopayments/ACH completed through online service provider Paid by Customer Erosion Cleanup(gravel driveways, private property erosion,etc.) $150.00/Hr(Min. $150.00) x PoliceContracted Overtime $84/hour Boat slip rental Resident/non-resident-weekday(Monday noon through Friday 10:00 a.m.) $70.00/$90.00 Resident/non-resident-weekend(Friday noon through Monday 10:00 a.m.) $85.00/$115.00 Canoe rental(Watzl's) Eliminated Picnic Shelter/Band Shell(Community Parks) Resident/non-resident $75.00-$125.00/day Club Prior Rental: Resident $50.00/hour, $200.00 damage deposit (Mon-Fri,2 hr.min./Sat, Sun, City Holidays 4 hr. min) Non-Resident $75.00/hr, $200.00 damage deposit (Mon-Fri,2 hr. min./Sat, Sun, City Holidays 4 hr.min) Park Facility Reservation Change Fee(Lakefront Park pavilion only) $50.00 (Resident/non-resident) Park Facility Reservation Change Fee(All other shelters,Club Prior,Boat $25.00 Slips, Canoe/Kayak Rack) ,...,. s. _ r... R 11m,Roffas g '21 c _ .» . p, Not Registration late fee(registrations received after the deadline) $10.00/registration Playground/Tot Lot Summer Program $15-$30/week Youth Camps $10-$130/week/camp Club Prior Membership: Voluntary Annual Membership per Person(Resident/Nonresident) $20.00/$50.00 Non-Member per Person per Event charge for Exercise(Resident/Nonresident) $3.00/$6.00 Adult Softball Team Fee: Mens/Womens/Church Summer Program $725/team Co-Rec Summer Program $425/team Co-Rec Fall Program $305/team Adult Volleyball Team Fee: Co-Rec Summer Program $105/team Co-Rec Fall Program $85/team Picnic Table Moves(minimum 4 tables) $18.00/table Barricades(minimum 2 barricades) $13.00/barricade Garbage Barrels(minimum 2 barrels) $13.00/barrel OPINION 111 i,..., i- in +�` '.sa Conditional Use Fee $400.00 Conditional Use Major Amendment $250.00 Interim Use Permit $400.00 P.U.D. Minor Amendment $250.00 P.U.D. Major Amendment $600.00 Vacation Fee $250.00 Variance Fee(Other) $250.00 Variance Fee(Single Family Residential) $200.00 Variance Fee(Subdivision Ordinance) $250.00 Zoning Appeal(Administrative&Planning Commission) $150.00 MOO 10"11111,01".11t OO ....._.. ��'�s._s aC°m. Preliminary TIF Application Fee(plus city expenses) Eliminated TIF Application Fee Escrow Deposit(based upon expenses incurred) Eliminated 2 TIF Application Fee(plus additional city expenses incurred) $5,000.00 Conduit bond financing origination fee and annual reporting $50,000.00 N31 Audit Booklet Eliminated Budget Booklet Eliminated CIP Booklet Eliminated City Code Book Eliminated Comprehensive Plan Eliminated Subdivision/Zoning Ordinance Booklet Eliminated Hi City Maps (small/regular/large) $2.50/$5.00/$10.00 _ ,�. ,.,.,at..._ .;P.,. .� ._ ,. 'n. ��Copy charge per 8 1/2 x 11 page in accordance with MN Government Data $.25 ea. Practices Act Charge for compiling data in accordance with MN Government Data Practices Actual Cost Act This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication or on January 12, 2015 whichever is later. Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this 12th Day of January, 2015. ATTEST: City Manager Mayor Summary Ordinance to be published in the Prior Lake American on the 17th day of January, 2015. 3