HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 2, 2001 ~, ;/ .1t- J IV N E S 0 ~ ~ Ci,.i'~II"~ ;~." 'if.' (t.:....?' '."i' ..". .;.: ."I~" "~'..~;.".;.,. :1~lj.I... A..if Pi ...t; i.il" 'I; ',"!Ii .I'~'I: r 'g' " i( (i' k1i,{ '.i ; i ~.:' "* "", fl'~'SSr." ""Il~.liw ~I'" '. i! "" .".... ,. ....,....'1.. "."..' ..,'.' ,...., W' , ". ;,. ,...",., ., ~, . .' " ,.,. . . '.'<' ... ;" '.................:::.;, _.:.;:~'., :::::_:::~, )~,. - 'n, ....( ::::.,...:i:::::..-:--~:~. ":1 Jt\ ':~:., y'_,;. ,l tj:~rr .:~.,:t;:;,::" J. .:.::::......L _.f.; 1. :~~ '::. ft. 4 ..~;. ;:;~1~;' -::::_ ___.:ib '\ ..:::L .::.. t.- i. ::*. :~ .t {: _.-./.::"_..:{~:, :~~ ::::~._.:;:/~ i :~~ .' --.. ';'h-.. t/ -.,._'t n._'." .,.... A<;' ~ ..-, ,,~;.:-,- ""n_ No'--- --- ':<",' w,_ ,., .,.... >>.-. ~.". 't..-,-, ,...<. .". ' /.'.:::' .,<_:.;:<." <<:.,_::- ~.- ""'," -_."' .'<, '..- <..,. ;::..-. ~.,..~:." .._,.,.,.., ~., v""':.w ""'" . #t ::::::.:.:~::#:~ ..~ ;' P n; m Sit . .~r ',' i ' hl"t.l1\ it' iiv .1A~t.ri~ "'Iii[ Ii ,J1Ji,di g';, :\1.i!Ii~~.';'4t <~ ,Ii Downtown District Zonin~ Ordinance 1 Downtown District Zoning Ordinance · Purpose and Objectives of "C-3" Specialty Business District · Design Criteria 2 Discussion of Uses Currently Authorized by Ordinance · Permitted · Permitted with Conditions · Conditional Uses 3 Financing Issues · Public Assistance Policy · Application and Expense Issues 4 Other Business1 1 Please note that the City Council reserves the right to add or delete items from the agenda based upon time availability. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MEMORANDUM April 2, 2001 To: The Mayor and City Council members From: Frank Boyles and Don Rye Subject: Downtown Zoning District Work Session Following is the methodology used in developing the draft of the downtown zoning district. Our understanding was the Council wanted a district that spelled out design standards and criteria to be applied to development or redevelopment in the Downtown. We started with the existing C-3 district that is the current downtown zoning district. The bullet points on the first page were added in order to spell out more clearly the objectives to be achieved in the district. The other significant modification to the district was the addition of section 1102.1105 on page 11 of the draft. This section states that development or redevelopment in the Downtown shall be consistent with the lake theme discussed in the Downtown Development Guide that was completed last year. It also adopts a number of the design guidelines in the Guide as ordinance provisions that are enforceable. The land uses in the district are those that are currently allowed. Attached is a copy of the report entitled Section II Land Uses that was done for the Downtown Redevelopment Committee to indicate the process we followed in arriving at these uses. The list of uses was based on the discussions of the Committee at that time. The Council should indicate whether they wish to have staff and the Planning Commission reconsider some of these uses or to add uses not currently allowed. We had a discussion with Suesan about the relationship of the Development Guide to the zoning ordinance and she felt there were 3 options available to us. The first option is to leave the ordinance as it is with its' reference to the Development Guide and not do anything to formally tie it to the ordinance, other than the existing language. The second option would be to adopt all or portions of the Development Guide as part of the Comprehensive Plan. This would give more weight to the provisions of the Guide if there were a legal challenge. The third option would be 162<{q~!mk6ff~~&i1\WO~~6p~6~lO~~~tr~E~esota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER -"- lr SECTION II LAND USES The land uses allowed in an area generally dictate the character of the area. There are a wide variety of existing uses in the downtown area. These uses include offices, service uses (barber shops, beauty shops, etc.), retail, restaurants and bars, motor fuel stations, motor vehicle sales lots and motor vehicle repair lots. Also included within the downtown are City Hall, the library, and a day care center. A list of the existing land uses in the downtown area is included in Appendix B of this report. In order to determine the types of land uses which should be allowed in the downtown area, the following questions should be asked: · 'What type of traffic do the uses attract to the downtown area? · 'What type of storefront or curb appeal do these uses have? · How do these usesfit into your IIvision" of the downtown area? The Task Force identified a vision for the downtown area as an identifiable town center. Through the design guidelines, they hope to establish a sense of place, and to personify a traditional small town "Main Street". The land uses which will promote this vision include those which encourage pedestrian activity, and which utilize open storefronts. Land uses are generally determined by the Zoning provisions. The Task Force reviewed a list of land uses and determined which uses should be permitted, which should be permitted with specific conditions, which should be permitted only after public review through the conditional use permit process, and which uses should not be permitted at all. The following table identifies the uses the Task Force believes are appropriate to the downtown area. Uses are identified by an "X" in the appropriate column. Multiple Family Dwellings X ot on Main Av. X (Not on street level X (N ot on street level X X Elderly Housing Adult Day Care Group Day CarefNursery School MedicallDental Office Community Centers X x 6 1: \econdev\eda\steercom\taskrpt.doc July 16. 1998 --_.---~--_.._--~--,,--,--_._------ .,....,-,.----+-------.... --------T - ,,-- --.,.,,---.. .--. -- ,.,,, ------------ ,. -------. -----.,--,-.-,-'--------------.-..--.--..--.- -'---'----.-...,....-- to adopt the Guide in whole or in part by itself without tying it to the Comprehensive Plan. She felt that any of the options were sufficient. Two additional items that are not addressed in the draft are parking and the theme to be followed. We assumed the lake theme would be the approach to use but if another theme is chosen, The Council needs to confirm that fact. Once a theme is confirmed, more specific language can be added to address the theme. The second issue is parking. Land uses in the Downtown are not currently required to provide off-street parking. The reasoning behind this is to avoid typical suburban development with individual building surrounded by large parking lots that reduce the density of development and discourage pedestrian traffic. As indicated in the draft, this has implications for the provision of municipal parking. This draft ordinance is a beginning point. Weare soliciting Council input so we can revise the document as needed and return it to you in the near future for further refinement. Our goal is to have the ordinance completed and adopted by July 1 st of this year. Library X Museums/Art Galleries X Parks/Open Space X (Passive parks permitted with limitations on SIze PolicelFire Stations X Public Service Structures ( water X ~ X (Small animals only, no outdoor activi Appliance, Small Engine and Bicycle X Repair (Limitations on outdoor use Banks X (No drive-up facilities ~ Restaurants (with and without liquor) X Bed & Breakfast Establishments X Businessrrrade Schools X Business Services X ClubslLodges X fDD b\ C,: /' ~ Convention & Exhibition Centers X Dry CleaninglLaundering X (Drop off and pick u facilities onl Food Service X Home Occupations X (Accessory to residential uses Hotel/Motel X Motor Fuel Stations X Offices X Printing Process/Supply X Private Entertainment Retail X Service Uses X Studios X Wholesale Uses Showrooms X 7 l:\econdev\eda\steercom\taskrpt.doc July 16, 1998 ""'-~""-'''''--'-~''-' ~-l-"""-""'--""'-"'-"""'-''''.''-'---'---''-'-''...--.--........-..--......." DRAFT 1102.1100: '!. .I /' 1lJ o:p~~- ~ I. j,vJ~~ ':: . ireg/dtll~-:pl/' ~ e ~ "c( k~\~ :, ~BtU \f) \ 1 A '"-\-~ '"1'\.A.A I.-cl-e j., V'~'^\ ~...c ~ u.f)0;'--~, ~ ~ J~~\ -iL.Jtl'l .~. ." l,' \ ~ ~-OCV~ L D IrC D ~I\-- 3-29-01 w-.e,,6 " 7/1 AI A nice. phbC- f-t5 f'2J #, "C-3" Specialty Business Use District. The purpose of the "C-3" Specialty Business Use District is to provide for a variety of commercial and residential uses within the framework of a traditional downtown area. The district also contemplates and provides for pedestrian circulation, urban and civic design and the creative reuse of existing buildings. The C-3 Specialty Business District is designed to express the City's commitment to maintain and enhance the vitality of the Downtown area by establishing minimum criteria for the development and redevelopment of commercial, residential and public buildings while promoting amenities intended to attract business, residents and visitors. Specific objectives include: · To improve the visual quality of Downtown. · To reinforce the physical character of Downtown by focusing on the design context. . To expand the employment base and residential population of Downtown. · To preserve and reuse older buildings as appropriate while establishing standards for the construction of new ones. · To reinforce and enhance a compact development pattern. · To accommodate and promote commercial, residential, educational, cultural and governmental uses within the Downtown. . To establish clear development and redevelopment guidelines in order to provide effective responses to typical development issues. · To achieve development consistent with the lake theme and design criteria contained in the Downtown Development Guide dated June 2000. 16200 E1g1Q t9!~R\R!,&.r~~epRc\feRImp~'hWe~&)f~~~9iWtf~. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 1102.1101 Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted in the "C-3" Specialty Business Use District if the use complies with the Commercial Restrictions and Performance Standards of subsection 1102.1300. (1) MedicallDental Offices (2) Retail (3) Showrooms ( 4) Offices (5) Services (6) Libraries (7) Police and Fire Stations (8) Business/Trade Schools (9) Business Services (10) HotellMotel (11) Printing Process/Supplies (12) Studios (13) Museums/Art Galleries 1102.1102 Uses Permitted With Conditions. A structure or land in a "C-3" Specialty Business Use District may be used for one or more of the following uses if its use complies with conditions stated in subsection 1102.1300 and those specified for the use in this subsection. (1) Adult Day Care. Conditions: a. A minimum of 150 square feet of outdoor seating or exercise area shall be provided for each person under care. (2) Dry Cleaning, Laundering. Conditions: a. The use shall not exceed 5,000 square feet in area. b. The use is limited to drop-off and pick-up facilities only. c. Outside storage and parking of trucks involved in the operation of the business is limited to trucks and vans with a manufacturer's rated cargo capacity of 1 ton or less. d. Outside vehicle storage shall be screened from any "R" Use District by a bufferyard, as determined by subsection 1107.2003. e. Access shall be located so that access can be provided without conducting significant traffic on local residential streets. (3) Group Day Care/Nursery School. Conditions: L: \01 files\O 1 ordarnend\Zoning\new downtowndistrict.doc 2 ~_~.."""_""'__;""'__'~"'"_'~_'_"""'~~'^"_"';~_____'~~"""""'~" '~_H__~"~_^__"'~""""'_'_';'.~"'^~; ,_,.,,,",._,~~.^..._,-,,,,,,,,.~=,,.,.~;.,.""",",,,,_,,,,,,,=,,___,,_.,~~,,~~_,,_,'_";""~-_".""""--"~-~,-",,,,;---~,,,-'~~~'~.'_._,",,,"'._...,--,_"......-- a. A minimum of 40 square feet of outside play space per pupil must be provided and such space shall be screened with a bufferyard Type C as defined in subsection 1107.2005. b. An off-street pedestrian loading area shall be provided in order to maintain vehicular and pedestrian safety. c. Outdoor play areas shall be located a minimum of 200 feet from any roadway designated to the Comprehensive Plan as a principal arterial. (4) Park/Open Space. Conditions: a. The principal structure shall be located a minimum of 50 feet from a lot in an "R" Use District. b. Areas designated for group activities shall be located a minimum of 25 feet from a lot in an "R" Use District. c. The entire site other than that taken up by structures, required buffer yards, or other landscaped areas shall be surfaced with a material to control dust and drainage. (5) Public Service Structures. Conditions: a. All exterior building faces shall comply with subsection 1107.2200. b. All structures shall be located a minimum of 10 feet from any abutting property located in an "R" Use District. c. All service drives shall be paved. (6) Animal Handling. Conditions: a. No animals shall be kept outside the building, or be otherwise located, which cause offensive odor or noise discernible at the property line of the lot on which the activity is conducted. b. Where animals are boarded, the facility shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from abutting properties in an "R" Use District. (7) Clubs And Lodges With and Without Liquor Licenses. Conditions: L: \01 files\O 1 ordamend\Zoning\new downtowndistrict.doc 3 a. Access shall be located so that access can be provided without conducting significant traffic on local residential streets. b. A bufferyard, as determined by subsection 1107.2003, shall be installed and maintained along all property lines which abut property in an "R" District. (8) Convention / Exhibition Halls. Conditions: a. All buildings, structures, and truck maneuvering areas shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from any lot lines abutting property in an "R" Use District. b. All loading shall be done within a structure or in an area screened from view with a wall of the same material as the building. Truck maneuvering areas shall be completely screened as required by subsection 1107.309(6). c. A bufferyard, as determined by subsection 1107.2003, shall be provided along all lot lines abutting property in an "R" Use District. (9) Food Service. Conditions: a. A bufferyard, as determined by subsection 1107.2003, shall be provided along all property lines which abut property in an "R" Use District. (10) Private Entertainment (Indoor). Conditions: a. The structure in wmch the use is conducted shall be located a minimum of60 feet from any "R-l ", "R-2" or "R-3" Use District. b. A bufferyard, as determined by subsection 1107.2003, shall be provided along all property located within an "R" Use District. (11) Restaurants With and Without Liquor Licenses. Conditions: a. Access shall be located so that access can be provided without generating significant traffic on local residential streets. b. A bufferyard, as determined by subsection 1107.2003, shall be installed and maintained along all property lines wmch abut property in an "R" Use District. (12) Cluster Housing. Conditions: L:\O 1 files\O 1 ordamend\Zoningmew downtowndistrict.doc 4 CCC_'~-"'--'C'l _ cc --- ,H-,," a. Cluster housing shall meet the following minimum requirements: ~ Not more than 4 dwelling units shall be incorporated in a single building; ~ The density of development shall not exceed 10 units per acre; ~ The site shall not have less than 5 acres; ~ This subsection shall not be applied to conversion of existing dwelling units but may be applied to site clearance and redevelopment. Existing units may be incorporated into new development plans when such units are not converted or added to; ~ There shall be 600 square feet of usable open space for each dwelling unit. b. The applicant shall clearly demonstrate through the application and site plan that a superior development would result by clustering. The presence of a "superior development" shall be determined by reference to the following criteria: ~ The presence and preservation of topographic features, woods and trees, water bodies and streams, and other physical and ecological conditions; ~ Suitable provisions for permanently retaining and maintaining the amenities and open space; ~ Building location, building groupings, landscaping, views to and from the units, building forms and materials, recognition of existing development and public facilities, and city goals and plans for the area. c. The site shall not be located with frontage or access on Main Avenue. (13) Multiple Family Dwellings. Conditions: a. Multiple family dwellings must be part of another development permitted within the C-3 Use District. b. The residential use shall not be located on the ground level or street level of the development if the development fronts on Main Avenue. c. Access to open space, plazas and pedestrian ways shall be provided. (14) Elderly Housing. Conditions: L:\O 1 files\O 1 ordamend\Zoning\new downtowndistrict.doc 5 a. The building design and placement provide a desirable residential environment. b. Access to open space, plazas and pedestrian ways shall be provided. c. Site access shall be located so that access can be provided without generating significant traffic on local residential streets. d. The site shall contain a minimum of 400 square feet of usable open space per dwelling unit, and no more than half of the usable open space shall be located in the front yard. e. A minimum of 25% of the usable open space shall be developed as outdoor recreation or garden areas. f. A minimum of 900 square feet of lot area is provided for each dwelling unit. g. The minimum spacing between buildings shall be at least equal to the average heights of the buildings except where dwellings shall common walls. h. Buildings shall be located a minimum of 15 feet from the back of the curb line of internal private roadways or parking lots. 1. Covenants running with the land in a form approved by the City Attorney shall be recorded against the property that restricts the use of the property for occupancy by the elderly. J. The development shall provide a lounge or other inside community rooms amounting to a minimum of 15 square feet for each unit. (15) Community Centers. Conditions: a. The building shall not be located within 50 feet of any lot line of a lot in an "R" Use District. b. An off-street passenger loading area shall be provided in order to maintain vehicular and pedestrian safety. c. Outdoor areas intended for group activities shall be located at least 25 feet from any lot in an "R" Use District and shall be buffered from such residential lot with a bufferyard Type C as defined in subsection 1107.2005. L:\O 1 files\O 1 ordamend\Zoning\new downtowndistrict.doc 6 .-.----........-,.. ". ."" -~. .. .. ... . . .." ....._"._._.__...".._..._-~'_._----_.- (16) Bed and Breakfast Establishments. Conditions: a. The facility shall be owner-occupied. b. The required parking shall be screened with a bufferyard. c. The total number of guests shall be limited to 6. d. Not more than 50% of the gross floor area of the residence shall be used for the guesthouse operation. e. Only exterior alterations, which do not alter the exterior appearance from its single-family character, will be allowed. f. Accommodations may be provided to a guest for a period not exceeding 14 days. g. Food service shall be limited to breakfast and afternoon tea. h. Rented rooms shall not contain cooking facilities. 1. Rooms used for sleeping shall be part of the primary residential structure and shall not have been constructed specifically for rental purposes. J. No more than 50% of the rear yard may be paved or used for parking. (17) Appliance, Small Engine and Bicycle Repair. Conditions: a. Engines shall not be operated outside of a structure. (18) Banks. Conditions: a. The use shall not include any drive-through or drive-up windows or facilities. (19) Private Entertainment (Indoor). Conditions: a. The structure in which the use is conducted shall be located a minimum of60 feet from any "R-l", "R-2" or "R-3" Use District. b. A bufferyard, as determined by subsection 1107.2003 shall be provided along all property located within an "R" Use District. L:\O 1 files\O 1 ordamend\Zoning\new downtowndistrict.doc 7 (20) Wholesale. Conditions: a. The use shall be limited to 50% of the floor area of the structure. 1102.1103 Uses Permitted By Conditional Use Permit. No structure or land in a "C- 3" Specialty Business Use District shall be used for the following uses except by Conditional Use Permit. These uses shall comply with the Commercial Performance Standards of subsection 1102.1300, the requirements of all the general conditions provided in subsections 1108.202 through 1108.204, with the specific conditions imposed in this subsection and with any other conditions the City Council may impose. (1) Motor Fuel Station. Conditions: a. Hours of operation shall be between 6:00 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. b. The gasoline pump islands, dispenser type and location shall be designed so that no more than 8 vehicles can be refueled at any given time. c. The number of service stalls shall not exceed 2. d. A bufferyard, as determined by subsection 1107.2003, shall be constructed along all lot lines abutting property that is located in an "R" Use District. Application of this provision shall not require a wall within the required front yard. e. All pump islands, air dispensers and other service devices shall be installed at least 12 feet off and toward the interior of the lot from the required yard line, and no display, servicing of vehicles, parking or dispensing of gasoline shall take place within the required yard. On sites where pump islands have been constructed at the required yard line, a landscaped area of 8 feet shall be installed in the required yard. f. The entire site other than building, required yard, bufferyard, and other landscaped areas shall be paved. g. All parking and paved areas shall be graded, designed and landscaped in accordance with subsection 1107.200. h. All on-site utility installations shall be placed underground. 1. No outside sale or display shall be permitted except gasoline and other goods consumed in the normal operation of a car. Outside L: \01 files\O 1 ordamend\Zoning\new downtowndistrict.doc 8 M"~".._......__..~..~.._.. _..._....._...... ......... ......_..__M._...~.'"._.__I.............. ...,......._....~............. ._............._........~__..__......................._........__.........._............_........__._._._.___~_. sales are limited to the following products: oil, gasoline and oil additives, windshield cleaner, windshield wipers, tires and batteries. No products shall be sold or displayed in any required yard nor shall the total display area occupy more than 150 square feet in area or be more than 5 feet in height. No other vehicular parts and non- automobile oriented goods shall be displayed or sold outside. J. Modification of the requirement of this Section may be made for service stations in existence on the effective date of this Ordinance, if the City Council finds that, because of the shape of the lot, size of the lot, the location of the principal building on the lot or similar circumstances, it would be impossible to satisfy the strict terms of this Section or that they could be satisfied only by imposing exceptional or undue hardship upon the owner of the lot. k. No public address system shall be audible from any property located within an "R" Use District. 1. Canopy and canopy support systems shall be constructed using architectural design and materials which are compatible with the principal structure. 1102.1104 Accessory Uses. The following uses shall be permitted accessory uses in a "C-3" Specialty Business Use District: (1 )Parking Lots (2)Incidental repair or processing which is necessary to conduct a permitted principal use shall not exceed 25% of the gross floor area or 25% of the labor hours required to conduct the principal permitted use. (3)Food Service (4) Motor Vehicle Service, Repair shall be a permitted accessory use under the following conditions: a. Shall be permitted only if accessory to a motor fuel station; b. The number of service bays shall not exceed 2; c. No public address system shall be permitted; d. All repair, assembly, disassembly, and maintenance of vehicles shall be inside a closed building except tire inflation, changing wipers or adding oil. L: \01 files\O 1 ordamend\Zoning\new downtowndistrict.doc 9 e. Test driving shall be prohibited on any street in an "R" Use District. (5) Outdoor seating and service of food and beverages by a restaurant is permitted as an accessory use to a restaurant if: a. The use is separated from any adj acent residential use by a building wall or fence. This provision will not apply if the residential use is located in an upper story above a restaurant. b. No speakers or other electronic devices, which emit sound are permitted outside of the principal structure if the use is located within 500 feet of a residential use. c. Hours of operation shall be limited to 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. if located within 500 feet of a residential use. d. Additional parking will not be required if the outdoor seating area does not exceed 500 square feet or 10% of the gross floor area of the restaurant, whichever is less. Parking will be required at the same rate as the principal use for that portion of outdoor seating area in excess of 500 square feet or 10% of the gross building area, whichever is less. (6) Outdoor seating and service of food and alcoholic beverages is permitted as an accessory use if: a. All the requirements of subsection 2a-d listed above are met. b. Access to and from the outdoor area shall be through the indoor seating area. There shall be no direct access to the outdoor seating area from the parking lot or street. c. Food service to the outdoor area shall be provided during all hours of operation. d. No bar shall be located in the outdoor area, except a service bar for the exclusive use of the employees. (7) Awnings and signs extending over the public right-of-way may be permitted subject to approval of a "Private Use of Public Property" agreement in a form authorized by the City Attorney, and the provisions of subsection 1107.801. (8) Outdoor Sales is permitted as an accessory use with the following conditions: L:\O 1 files\O 1 ordamend\Zoning\new downtowndistrict.doc 10 -_.,-"~-".."""-"_._--"'-'-~~-'~._'''._.''''-'''-''''''",,,,,,,,,,,-,,-,-,-,,-~,._,,,,,--,-,,--,,,-,,--,-,,_._,-,- ~ The items displayed must be related to the principal use. ~ The area allowed for outdoor sales is limited to 30% of the gross floor area of the principal use. ~ The area must be landscaped and fenced or screened with a Bufferyard Type D from view of neighboring residential uses or abutting any "R" district. ~ All lighting must be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right-of-way or from neighboring residential properties and compliant with subsection 1107.1800. ~ Areas must be hardsurfaced with asphalt, concrete, decorative concrete interlocking pavers, or other equivalent material approved by the City. 1102.1105 Design Criteria The purpose of this section is to provide guidance and direction in the development and redevelopment of the Downtown business district. It is the intent to implement a design vision consistent with the lake theme contained in the Downtown Development Guide dated June 2000. Development and redevelopment in the C-3 District shall be consistent with the following design standards. These standards are intended to provide guidance and flexibility to persons undertaking development and redevelopment activities in the Downtown District. These standards are not intended to restrict imagination, innovation or variety. Their purpose is to focus on design principles that will result in creative solutions that will develop an appealing visual appearance within the District, preserve property values and establish a unique character for the Downtown area. I.Building renovation and remodeling Inappropriate fa9ade treatments shall be removed. Such treatments include, but are not limited to, wood or plastic shake mansard roofs, plastic or oddly shaped awnings, window opening infills or surrounds designed to reduce the size of window openings, wood siding cover-ups and light fixtures inconsistent with the lake theme. New windows at street level shall be transparent and shall cover at least 40% of the first floor wall area. Window trim colors shall be muted and may include colors such as warm gray, gray/green, light brown or similar colors. White trim is not permitted. L:\O 1 files\O 1 ordamend\Zoning\new downtowndistrict.doc 11 \ I\.\ ~~\~ ~ \) );{v Q\,~"~~." \ 0~ New masonry work shall match the colors and materials of the original structure unless in consistent with these design st dar Wherever practicable, fa9ade renovatio s original details on a building. Brick an covered with artificial siding or panels. should not be Wherever practicable, original window and door openings maintained. New window and door openings should mainta horizontal and vertical relationship as the original. Awnings Awnings are permitted where appropriate and complementary to the building style. Awnings shall be made of canvas or a suitable synthetic material. Wood and shake awnings are not permitted. The form of the awning shall be a shed form. Signage is permitted on awnings, provided the area of such signage is proportionate to the size of the awning. Awnings shall be continuous only across storefronts occupied by a single tenant. Awnings shall not extend continuously across the front of more than one building. ~ One sign shall be allowed for each usable public entry to a building. Signs on awnings are not counted in determining the number of signs allowed. Signs shall be incorporated into the building fa9ade, windows or awnings with a maximum sign area of 1 square foot of sign area per linear foot of street fa9ade at the front yard. Signs projecting over a public sidewalk or right-of-way must maintain a minimum ground clearance of 9 feet and may project no more than 4 feet from the building face. The total area of a proj ecting sign shall not exceed < ,r 12 square feet. No projecting sign shall be within 25 feet of another )rvv ~"~ projecting sign. _ V \\ ~~ \,~, ir0,,\,~ ~y Buildings The upper floors of a building shall match the ground floor in~ M~.J ~ 1'\\ \\ \. n\(' r:.!f terms of materials, color, texture and form. The building shall also be ill/) ~ t'D ' "\.::,',~,\ "0 Jv \X,'\~,'~\ ",'\,,.J c mp atible with existing development in the district in terms of similar ft.cpri~" ,~ ~ \ " ~ ,,' , ti" .t scale, massing, bulk and detail. \1 r'( ~ \ \) \.. ,)\\ ~\~ 1" ..."'\" ./ I fY [, ~~~.~ ef C(~\:;J ~r/ b~ "l~ ,~ A.. \f ti · ~' \~~. ~~ t~'" L:\Olfiles\Olbrdamend\Zoning\new downtowndistrict.doc 12 ~. ~' "':~S' \ ~ ,,:s:r '<, 'Vi "':\;-l \~ -,-_.--~",.,-"' '-'---I-"""-"'--""-~""---""-""-'.~-'-'~'-"."'."""""'"''''''''-''''''-''''''''''''''''-''''' '-"-~---"--r--' Entryways to buildin detailing that highlig aXIS of the building Buildings shall be 0 perpendicular to the treet. Franchise and corporate architecture and franchise patterns and buildings that are designed as signs are prohibited in this zoning district. A minimum of 60% of the first floor fac;ade of buildings fronting on Main Avenue, Dakota Street and Pleasant Avenue shall consist of clear or lightly tinted glass. A minimum of 400/0 of the street level fac;ade on all other sides of a building facing public right-of-way (except alleys) or urban plazas shall be transparent. These requirements shall not apply to ~ . t/ portions of structures in residential use nor to the assembly area of t-. ~\'( theaters, churches or similar uses, provided that architectural detailing, ~~ 'y ,rork, landscaping or similar features enhance the building fayade. ,\'V~ ~r Brick, stone, wood, and EIFS (exterior insulating finish system) are ) tu {o-u} p:e,ferred exterior materials: High q,uality, n:att~ finis~ metal or synthetic \~\ ~ . SIdIng may be acceptable If used In combInatIon WIth other acceptable );~ . ~ G.,~ materials. \( ~~~~\J...J\f Parking NOTE: THIS SECTION WAS INTENDED TO PROVIDE Cl \ GUIDELINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF PARKING LOTS IN THE \.~/ \.;DOWNTOWN. HOWEVER, THE CURRENT ORDINANCE EXEMPTS l.,,\}Jr,:'X/ . \~DOWNTOWN BUSINESSES FROM PROVIDING OFF-STREEET \0'~.Y Y\ \\o~ PARKING, THE REASON FOR THIS IS TO ENCOURAGE HIGH- . (,\',\ \ DENSITY DEVELOPMENT HOWEVER, THE DOWN SIDE CAN BE A \. "C \ SHORTAGE OF PARKING. MANY CITIES ADDRESS THIS THROUGH . ~VJ'" THE DEVELOPMENT OF MUNICIPAL PARKING FACILITIES. ONE ", ,....~ \ fj>PROACH HERE MIGHT BE TO REQUIRE A PERCENTAGE OF THE o 0 ~\j\;\; \ '\f,t!::,QUIRED PARKING ON-SITE WITH A LONG-TERM GOAL OF &~ ,~!L ,.\J PROVIDING SOME ADDITIONAL MUNICIPAL PARKING. \~>v \~\~\ll ~~ ~ . \ ~ *"LJ \, D ( ,\ \1 '''V\ /. \'1Jr ~~~t'\VG~flV'~5'j '........'......(....~.~t\,~,~}, f~ V ~t>> ~ Ol XvY'; \ (\! \fI' \, ~ \ h ~V" o ~ ,,~. \; l) . ".". ~V....' VJJ'\)J \. ~\. vl~.l:,tt~y\ ~v~ ~\\~. l, \V V~ ~ '.' ..... JY V'W\ '. \:' .~j'l;" .J.:JJ'". ". "'tJlv.\ \ \! . J .... Q'.Jj t'~ "V\f\.lj~., t(\~~ \, l r \ \}.xl\J - \ \J t" ~ ,\ ,~~ " \ ) L: \01 files\O 1 ord'amend\Zoning\new downtowndistrict.doc 13 Streetscape NOTE~ DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT GUIDE CONTAINS 1: i ALT: 'ATIVE THEMES FOR THE DOWNTOWN, NAMELY A AKE THEM, AN HISTORICAL THEME AND A PARK THEME. 1', E 'APE COMPONENTS OF EACH DIFFER IN SIGNIFICANT DEGREE. THE QUESTION HERE IS WHETHER THE COUNCIL WISHES TO PURSUE A PARTICULAR THEME AND, IF SO, WHICH ONE. THIS DRAFT HAS ASSUMED A LAKE THEME TO THIS POINT BUT MORE DETAILED CRITERIA FOR STREETSCAPE TREATMENTS WILL REQUIRE A DECISION AS TO WHICH THEME WILL BE PURSUED. 1102.1106 Dimensional Standards ? Minimum lot area - 5,000 square feet. ? Minimum lot width - 50 feet. ? Required Yards are as follows: Front yard - no minimum setback - maximum setback-IO feet Side yard -no minimum setback-maximum setback- 10 feet Rear yard - 10 feet Maximum floor area ratio - 3.0. Minimum floor area ratio- 0.5 Maximum height - 35 feet or three stories, whichever is greater. Multiple-use structures with residential uses on the upper floors may be a maximum of 45 feet. L: \01 files\O 1 ordamend\Zoning\new downtowndistrict.doc 14 -- o,.__"',"_~,_,_.__."',_ _"n"',,_,, '"." "",- +,."",-",,, ,.--.--'1"--""''''..-'''''''''''' ", " "". L:\O 1 files\O 1 ordamend\Zoning\new downtowndistrict.doc 15 -=:t>~ ~ T~ s t..u..A ". @j)~.,,\,,,, 1~~""" lv-e"'i..~ ~--)--~ I'-~ 1>rA.~ ~ \....oL ~r~ · S-L..e......\! ~ ~ "I f <;;"\) ~ ,^~l~. ~) (0 l~\~ oJ l-J-t-s - 4-(/) S ~ + b 0...-1 - ~ ~t) ~-L c:\u. t~"'- h.V"~ ~,hJWl. .\.C)t...~1 ~ e~~Wj f~ ~1~~~. - ~oh~t-~\\.\).l srv-~- Ctv-..-a;L tv (hSJJ{ {\V'S1- 00( (It fark) 0V1 M-a/~ s'+-4 SHEET NDEX ~ 1. COVER SHEET 5 2. EXISTING CONDITIONS =1= 3. PRELIMINARY PLAT I- 4. PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN t3 5. PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN (3 6. PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN b: 7. PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN 8. PRELIMiNARY TREE PRESERVATION PLAN ~ ~ :> (. \I (IA. ..to p~i> u 1> r~ tL6J1,~/~ ~ _ "~b~ I?P. ~"') ~~ (!.u~ ~ _ t) e "I;/I-hw.r- JfJOf---fc.u - S.~~ 0.. ~ Co · )~). z :J ::c c..? ::::> o -I b NOUNTABLE CURB tic GUTTER LOCATION MAP CITY PROJECT # 01-32 OJ LOUGHLIN PARCEL PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLANS AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT PRIOR LAKE) MINNESOTA I SHEETS 8 00 1~')') <"/>.. "Q", ,. / ../' ,/ / / MYSTIC LAKE / DNR WElLAND 70-79W : OHW 960.0 ! ___..1.._.._... \ ~ I'SE OWNER ./ ./ ./. ./ ..,,, D CENTEX 2 z ~ :::0 o ~ e 2 COVER SHEET 21 SHEET TITLE n I. REIIlSED LAYOUT PER WENT - Reviolons I. 3-28-01 [P ,. ,. _Oale N...... Rev, No. PAUL A THOMAS REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL CIVIL ENGINEER 1Bm REG. NO. DEVELOPER STEVE ACH CENTEX HOMES 12400 WHITEWATER DRIVE SUITE 120 MINNETONKA. MN 55343-9466 (952) 936-7833 LEGEND PROPOSED DISTIHO -l. .2t. H'l'DRANT - -I -.-A- -I-H-. GATE VALVE ~ -<-0-. CATCH BASIN -<- -<-0- . STORM MANHOLE -<+-4 -<<-0- . SANITARY NANHOLE - ::::: . ROADWAYS / ~ALKS ... e ~ . TREES / TREE UN[ * (x - UGHT POLE .,.... . POv.E:R POLE . . TELEPHONE BOX '!he 11I_._ Md/. -.... ..d _ --- -. - - - Md let _lion. _....... ..... .........., ..d ~ .. of IIle _ _ of cIoplctlnt . ........ .... of .... ,,-,,-, Md .. ..)oat to ~ no .."._to_ . _I, _ to ....... __I -.hip _ ..... _ of _ ,,-,lee Ie _, ...... Md ....~ ......... nol ..d .. nol roI, .. .... In_at.... Md/_ _10.. Md ....... - _ __ _ III -.. to ........- ..,,,.,...ny, ..... ~ Eng-..... P.A.. m.... no .......... _ ._1._ of ..., - . ell_I.. __ . irntllMd. _ .-- to .... ....11ere ......tad - .-- 10, the ........... ...... _ .- 10_ ......... F... dat.ls of eodItlllg -.,pad ..... .... to l/Ie ........ - plot. 1he __ of tho ".-ty _ Md 1"* __ ..,d ...... ...... .... r\tIIt to maIce lonlng. _........... __ Md/_ Md _ -... for .." ...I(e) of l/Ie ,.....1.... 1he -....... ..- the r\tIIt 10 all..... the ..... wIlheoIl furlhor nelIoo. -JICl 10 CIty Md .. _I .....-. .** : PIO"'-EER _ ,. 11I1....... PA I ~~"::::.... I.......' c.llf, lIlat thie pi.., _ "epared 10, rne ... under m, direct * * << _ _. __ (012) "'-,", ,......-- eupenOslon ..,d thol I am . dul, reglatered P.ofeeolonol E~ - .. _..-._- =~:.__ Ihel... of the Slole of ..in......lo i eo 100 800 l !ii ~ GRAPIUC SCALE IN FEET 100522-EXCOND.DWC - 8 SHEETS LEGEN D 2' CONTOUR 10' CONTOUR ) 2' CONTOUR 10' CONTOUR YEllAND \ \ . . . . . . . . ElOSl1NG TREES I TREEUNE · · · . · · · · · · . EROSION CONTROL . . . · · · . . HEAVY DUTY EROSION CONTROL -------- TREE FENCE ROADWAY Blru~INOUS PATH I~PROVE~ENTS CURB UNE -=- - -:~STOIW SEWER ,..- CONCRETE WALK - - - -SETBACK UNE I::::::::::::::::j - SLOPES EXCEEDING 20" MAR L 9200\ ElOSl1NG ElOSl1NG PROPOs[[ PROPOSED ElOSl1NG EUERGENCY OVERFLOW - '-- --- -.. ....--.....- - ------ ...----- ... I I , I f I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I f / f I I I I f I f I f I I I ~i __, / .....) /' / / .I' ,( I' / ./ /' ..........-'", _.._.._.._..~.:::=..::-.._. , \ \ , , "- ...., .......... .... , ..... " ..... "', \ , ......... ",' \ \ ..... ,\ \ \ ........ \' I \ '-- -, \ I , ' \ \ 1.,..... \ \ \ \ ) \ \ \ I '._, I I , I \ I O'LOUGHLlN PARCEL PROJECT CENTEX HOMES O~ER SHEET TITLE EXISTING CONDITIONS ........ _ Date Home RlI9. No. I h....y ~lfy !hot this plon .... pnporecl by .... or unci.. my direct ~ ond thot I om 0 duly r.terecl Profealonal Eneln- under the 10.. 0' the State of __to I ._-.--1 200\ 2.9 22 West MAR .40.4271 ACRES .6.3942 ACRES ACRES _ 23.6918 ACRES _ 1.3998 ACRES _ 8.9413 ACRES _118 _130,878 son. 152 SO.FT. 748 SOoFT. 115 North, Range PREPARED BY PIONEER ENGINEERING, PA. JOHN C. LARSON REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR 19828 ~ BEING 5 FEET IN WlDlli, AND ADJOINING LOT LINES UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. AND 10 FEET IN WlDlli AND ADJOINING STREET LINES AND REAR LOT LINES UNLESS OlliERWlSE INDICATED ON lliE PLAT. DRAINAGE AND UTlUTY EASEMENTS FOR BLOCK 3 ARE SHOWN THUS: II D-l II o ~ 0 - II - _____l____JL____i_____ 28. Townllhlp 110 GRAPHIC SCALE IN PEZT Section of ~ I 10 the Northwest Quart.. The Southeast Quort.. 0 Scott County, "'lnn_to. TOTAL AREA TOTAL R.O.W, AREA TOTAL LOT AREA _ TOTAL OUTLOT AREA __ TOTAL PARI( AREA TOTAL PARKS _ NUMBER Of' LOTS LARGEST LOT , SIotALLEST LOT AVERAGE LOT 40 i.-;j' :. Ci C) loJ yo :s o ~: r~ '-' ~ - I') CO d a:: d \0 ~ I ~ l!s ~ III ~ l!s ~ ... ,......, ~ C2 o L.IJ ~ < -I U F ~ ~ '-' " " " t") CX) ci 0::: d u 2 B"~.&r &WaFOf' " , ~'( ,n 21 IJO,I7I S.F. 1/4 NW Of' 1HE ., . 1/4 1322 . - ,....<~ '.,J' PAIl( 3IlI,48lI S.f'. , ~'( ",I - UIlE Of' 1HE I[ 1/4 Of' 1HE NW 10,.77 .... tL ClU'ILOT A -;;; It) tit :! ~ I ~ l!s ~ III * l!s ! . I SHEETS 8 O-LOUGHLlN PARCEL PROJECT CEN TEX HOMES OWNER SHEET TITLE PRELIMINARY PLAT _I _ Dotl - R8\l' No. by m. 01' undll' my dInocl Profualanal En9n_ undll' I IMrlby oertHy that this plan WOI pr~ IUper"'oIcn ...d that I am a duly r.tlflCl the 10Wl of thl Stale of 1Ilnnesota ! ,.; ; ,-\ ....- ~- (\"'\ * (=':0 'c.") vI) -~) \.~-\ "')7 c.1 c.1 ::--\ ~~ /.' ./ / ./..",. ",. .",., ./. /' ./ i i \ " i ,; ./ .",' .",' / .",., ""'llC LAKE DMR 70-71. OHW HO.O I=- e ~ e~ ~ :a ~ 1~ i 1 i 2 . o ",..", .' ",. ,.'" i' . ... .. .. - - .. .. .. IWIC .. 464 MPERVlOUS SURFACE CALCULATIONS EXISTING ZONING -A. AGRICUL ruRAL PROPOSED ZONING - -R-2- LOW DENSITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT 6 UNITS AREA - SLOPES>20") UNIT (DRIVEWAY)) - 8.94 ACRES - 1.40 ACRES PARK AREA CALCULATION NET AREA.. 3.26 ACRES (GROSS AREA - POND AREA - WETLAND + 2 PER UPLAND PARK AREA 2.34 ACRES 1.60 ACRES 4.55 ACRES 8.49 ACRES 232 PROOF. OF PARKING AREA - 4.26 AC TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA - IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE .. 22.27" (IMPERVIOUS AREA/NET AREA) WE'n.AND COVERAGE .. 11.17" (WETLAND AREA/NET AREA) POND COVERAGE .. 2.99" (POND AREA/NET AREA) OPEN SPACE COVERAGE - 63.57" (NET AREA-IMPERVlOUS- WETLANDS-PONDS/NET AREA) 6 UNITS .. REQUIRED PARKING 2 PER UNIT · PROVIDED PARKING (2 PER UNIT (GARAGE) .. - GROSS PARK AREA GROSS OUTLOT A AREA ABEAS R/W STREETS DRlVEWA YSjSlDEWALK BUILDINGS WETLANDS TOTAL WETLAND ~ ZONING AREA CALCULATIONS GROSS AREA - 40.43 ACRES NET AREA - 40.43-2.30 - 38.13 ACRES (GROSS AREA-CO. RD. 83 R/'II) B::2 116 UNITS / 38.13 ACRES - 3.04 UNITS/ACRE AVERAGE AREA PER UNIT AREA - '''',318 SF OPEN SPACE - 1,055,89'" SF 138.13 AC-(1.14 AC (PONDS)-4.26 AC (WETLANDS) -8....9 AC (IMPERVIOUS SURFACE)l/116 UNITS - 9,102 SF OPEN SPACE/UNIT B.::2 MUlL 11 FAMILY (4900 SF /UNIT SINGLE FAUlL Y (2500 SF /UNIT (2000 SF /UNIT GROUND FLOOR AREA RATIO 73,500 SF 57,500 SF ~Sf w.ggg SF ,660,9"'2 SF - 0.119 GFAR DENSITY CALCULATIONS 25' FRONT SETBACK FROM R/W OR B.O.C. ON PRIVATE STREETS 25' REAR SETBACK 50' SETBACK TO CO. RD. 83 30' WETLAND/POND SETBACK 20' FOUNDATION TO FOUNDATION ABtAS. CO.RD 83 R/W - 2.30 ACRES ON SITE R/W - 4.09 ACRES WETLANDS - 4.26 ACRES PONDS 0 HWl. - 1.1'" ACRES PARKS - 8.21 ACRES OUTLOT - 1.40 ACRES 23 UNITS) 33 UNITS) 5 UNITS) TOTAL UNIT AREA NET AREA SETBACKS ?. 9 200\ MM I l!OO SHEETS GRAPHIC SCAlE IN FEET 100522-PRE-SlTE.DWG lClO 8 110 O'LOUGHLlN PARCEL PROJECl CENTEX HOMES OWNER PLAN SHEET TITlE PRELIMINARY SITE 1. REVISED LAYOUT PER aJENT - Reotalona 1. 3-28-01 _Dot. N_ RI9. No. I h_y ~Ify that thlo plan _ pr~ by me or under my direct ............ and thot I am 0 duly ..t....d Profwoional Envlnwr under the IaWl of the Stat. of WIn......to ~ '~~). MYSTIC LAKE DNR f7o-711W OHW 860.0 '.. ..#~ -<:01"'\ ,I ). " , "'-t'" (jj) ~ , ,/ ,,/' 1EYPQRARY SANITARY SEWER un STATION RE: 945.2 iNV:'92ii - , ,....------.-..... \tr--~ ) \ , ' " i .. : 'II / i ) I ,I , ), I! />";'/ ~! ... ,I,' :rv:~ /j/ POND i I " I ( ~W1. 1111.0: ; '.l. ~ ~Wf. 1113'j : "~,~ : I ~~ .. .. ~ '. rr ~--l . '. \) " \ , , \ ' ~~ { ( : I \ \') , __.. .) I ""\~~./'~,I/,' I // : ( ;___..J -.-..-......- ^ D .. ,/ ,,/' .. ,/ ..:' ,/ _---' ____---1 ... .. .. ... /----.., '~---~~~~-,/-- '\~~ LEGEND PROPOSED EXISTING --!.. -ii - HYDRANT _-* -I-H- - GAlt: VALVE ~ -<--0- - CATCH BASIN -+-4 -<--0- - STORM MANHOLE -<+-e -<<~ - SANITARY MANHOLE - ;.:::.,; _ ROADWAYS / WALKS ._. e ~ - TREES / TREE UNE _ RETAININC WAU. * Q: - UGHT POLE _",. - POWER POlE . - TELEPHONE BOX I, ~OO 100 I GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET ~[ MOUNTAa.E_ WRiL.-GUTTER I SHEE1S 8 t\t~R 2 9 2001 O'LOUGHLlN PARCEL PROJECT CENTEX HOMES OWNER PLAN SHEET TITLE PRELIMINARY UllLlTY . REVISED LA 'I'OUT PER a.IENT - R..-..ns . J- 211-01 Dota Nome Rev. No._ I hereby _Uly that I~ ploft _ proporod by me Of ...cIor my direct ...,.."......, and that I am 0 duly ,.1_ Praf....... Envn- under tho I.... of tho Stat. of .._to t ~ 9 ::,:~,~~"~':'~..~:~:: 0.5 ~ 9 ~ 9 ~~;.:>:..:.:. "j" ::;~.~;~~ 0.5' ~ 9 POND DA fA TABLE POND 1 NWf.-Wl2.0 H"-Wl4.a v -2.86 AC-FT (;j.20 AC-FT LEGEN D _ _.at - - EXISTING 2' CONTOUR ,,--.....-_ EXISTING 10' CONTOUR -_____ PROPOSEO 2' CONTOUR _____-- PROPOSED 10' CONTOUR - - - _ _ _ _ EXlSTlNC WETLANO !ELECT IIAQIFIU .....1ERIAL CCWACTED IACICFI.L NQN-SEU:CT IACICFILL .....1EIIIAI. CCWACTED IIAaCfII.l. - ......., ......., '- 9 200\ MAR LOT 8FNr.wINt: nFTAlL NO IICAI.f I I I I I , I I I I , I J I I I I I I I I I I I / I ... I I I I - .... ... ./ .. *"." /'-......_----- ~ - .. ... .. .., 91B.l5 "..,----....., / '\\ I / ~ ,. .AND 7G-7lIW o -- \ \ . '-..... '-, "... " t . . . . . . . . , EXISTING lREES / TREEUNE ... . ... .... HEAVY OUTY EROSION CONTROL -------- TREE FENCE ~~?fO~ENTS /B1TUMINOUS PATH CURB LINE -=- ,..:~STORM SEWER CONCRETE WALK - - - -SETBACK UNE f~~*~~:~:~~~t~~~~~*~:~l - EXISTING SLOPES EXCEEDING 20 l& -: - RETAINING WALl (DESIGNED BY OTHERS) El.tERGENCY O\IERFLOW DITCH CHECK TEMPORARY CONS1RUC1ICII ENlRY /r.r_.._ / ~ --~-- ::---==~ :=1~ ~ 1"::"'..:-..-..-:..- /" ............... ~- .W....~II ':.'. ':'. .:.:;:-:- -1 t - $'..-=r_ ==:t'..,:- a,PIJIC[ _1lIllY -.-..- -= .........-.. 7......."Mk"Zt..- =m:=~=='r- ==--.wr.::.... ~~.:- 100 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET ; 100 110 ... ............ I SHEETS 8 O'LOUGHLlN PARCEL CENTEX HOMES OWNER SHEET TITLE PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN 1. REVISED LA'I'OUT PER CLIENT - Re........ 1. 3-28-01 _Dot. Nome Rev. Mo. I hereby _tlfy lhot _ ploft _ propOfod by me Of u.- my _t ..ponloion and thol I om 0 duly f09lot.od Ptof....ol Env.... ..- tho Iowto of the State of "Inn_to .... : PIO"-EER )f. .ng~ P. 1=.:'=."::.... * "* .,. __. -. _ [I$t) _-,'" FAIt:_-" .. __.___~IIL =>'~teIO 'a~_ I ~_' ""- .... \. . I I ' / I I J I , I I . I I I I , \ I ' I ' I I I I ' __, . . _ . . _ '. //'/_ '\. ", / I I ! .I I ~ .i ~ , I I I I , I \ i \ \ \ \ , I if! -" ___~, _------ . ',\ " / ' // 1 " ~ tr flII11 l I I I,' I '--H-=l~ { l. ::;;::;;;0- -"""'-x X-- __ \ , ' / I ~ "-,...... ~~ ~~_ _ ~ -"'i'''~'"'' ' 2~~J II T. b. >-...,~ ~';ii ~~~t \ ~ ~~,,-__ \ ....... ~ /!J~~ 'i 1/ ~.' """ I ) ~~ ~\~ ~ ,~ ~", ... '._ Ih!/'/'?l<: ~ / i- · (' r, I I " ,~"t ~f!W'60_-~~- ~'Y-~~'~\~~ ~/I~: I ~ r (~.;.' J~} ~1HI,..~~tli ~ 'L~~/'r--- ,J ~~" -"'-......-~~~::...'..:::., " '/' '/"z~~H-1\-r'4J\lifj ~"'.( lfi,~ll ~/ ,_Y1111t:::'--\ L. ............................."",~ ~ \ 11,1 ~7 'J (JJC\; " I ITr -:-N ';~5;l:7-~,,;::<~..-""'~~ ~~I.l[ I \ ~ \ K"""" -.. X21- I ,I I !., tit/. _ .- ~~~~"- ..... I I r ....1. ~ , ~t' ~''''1;j~:~.a:~~<=~~~'''~~;S: I 'J1.~~\~~~\irl/!..~I\%,m, I ~~'~' I 'IifJ.J J // .......... ..........". "Ll'J~~~::::;:: ~'-.'" Ii -.J ,j,.f \' r.-' \f. ~ ....L/ IT ~ I If ~~ 'i!1fIJV ", yo./. ,""l ..............J_\f~ ' , ~ ',..i L-~ V \:JI~ J. L"-l~~"' I J~~ l /: .-1 _--- 1........._ ~ " ~ ...." \ ~I ~, I ~:-.-i. r \ :>;;,...-.....- __ ~,~'-" ~ \ \I.:!iI!J\ \ I .... i Jerr=-I ,/1 / I -__ -_ - t~""""''")Q~",'" . I I \ I 'I ljiU1 I I/I~I ~ ~.~~'t~~~S~ ~~~ I ~ t ~fW' ~II -W~fli -T~'I Vi ~,/ Z I ~ ~_'t" -~=:..~~~ ~"" x~ ' ~ ~ rVl \~ J ~~. I I .. ~ V*~-~- _.,.~ ~v~~~~ '-, "i ~::-" I \ \ ~ lL' \ iJ \, \ \ \ I \r7 T, TI I I I , ",.. ~/-;;::::_. 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