HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 23 & May 14, 2001
City COr'-'lndiE/ City Slajff
Work Sessiion
1 Review of 2001 City Manager Goals & Objectives
2 Questions and Clarification
3 Other Business1
1 Please note that the City Council reserves the right to add or delete items from the agenda based
upon time availability,
16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245
1\Ab~\Y. '\\...leq .
(Performance Evaluation Criteria as Proposed for fmal Counci approval on April 2,2001 )
To assure that the City Manager is focusing energy and resour es on priorities that
respond directly to those concerns regularly and frequently ex ressed by the majority of
our residents, and by the City Council. '
ce will be evaluated.
To establish 2001 criteria by which the City Manager's perfo
PRIORITIES AND OBJECTIVES (Priorities are listed numer ally and Objectives are
listed alphabetically.)
Citizen feedback in Prior Lake as well as nationwide, ften indicates that
taxpayers' number on.e concern. is Jack of fiscal respon ibility in government.
Citizens expect to pay taxes, but they also expect gave nent to use the dollars
wisely and efficiently. Fiscally responsible manage me t ofta..'<payer dollars has
been established by the City Council as its number 1. p iority,
..... '?--A'l\- _ A. Budget and Tax Levy for Year 2002: IT_axes/to r in at or below year 2001
level. City supplied services to remain at or above urrent level.
S v..k. ~tO-- B. Prior Lake Transit Service: Plan to be in place by ear-end, 2001 to allow .~l)"'#o..~~ ,J..+
sealnless transition from MVT A provided service, City provided service. K\~ \ ~ '
.Tb~ c:iryprovided service will equal or exceed T A service at a CC?st less
than-'would have been incurred by the City if it re ined a member of ~T A.
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10 b \-\./,-c.' Library Problems: Agreement by July 1,2001 ,"vi Architect and/or
S\r--I- 0. Contractor for resolution. L ~ ,f y~ fh""J"" r F a,( i vw f,.q,Jo'h"a~.",di)"(tJ(,,,~ ..
\'ZCA-If'v-- - __ D. Property Tax Disparities: Initiate a City/County di log to address concerns
~~~: ~~s;~~l~~~:~n~ist~~~~o~V:~~ property v ues.
_ (/11- - E. Competitive Procurement of Equipment and Servi es. Continue the policy
and practice of competitive procurement of needed equipment and services, as
defined in. the year 2000 City M.an. ager's objective r / _ ~ ' ptl..::/<"t. .-
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Economic Development can provide four benefits to a mmunity, when
responsibly ma~aged: (1) a stronger tax base; (2) jobs ror local residents; (3)
goods and servIces that can be purchased by local residents from local businesses;
and (4) potential clean up of blighted areas. When miSE' naged, the bill for
economic development fulls on. the shoulders of curren t3.xwayers.
The City Council has made economic development a p iority, with a condition
that the property ta'(. burden for current residents will n t in.crease.
A. Ring Road Behind Priordale Mall: All commit ents in place by year-end,
2001 to allow construction to begin not later t year 2002.
B. Purchase of Property for Redevelopment: Co 'nue to purchase land for
redevelopment purposes as approved by the Ci . Co~cil
c. Business Advisory Council: To be organized b end of April, 2001.
D. Design/zoning Standards for Downtown Redev lopment: To be
completed by July 31, 2001, or earlier ifrequir d to support a specific
E. Incentive Plan for Downtown Businesses to U
Properties: Plan to be developed by year-end,
include a provision for the CitY_I
a period not exceeding 10 years.
There are many senior citizens in Prior Lake who ve lived here much of
their lives, and who connibuted much to the devel ment of the communit)'
that we enjoy today_ Many of them have expresse their desire to continue to
live in Prior Lake even. after they no longer wish to maintain their current
The City Council has made it a priority to encourag development of senior
housing that would provide for both independent assisted living.
A, Continue effort to achieve new senior housing for both independent living
and assisted living, with at least one project under construction prior to
year-end, 2001.
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it: is a common theme that government is often mor interested in developin.g
new projects and programs, than. it is in solving c . t problems.
The City Council has made it a continuing priority t address current problems
without regard to who caused them and why.
C. Highway 13 Access to Boudin and Commerce:
by year-end for temporary or permanent traffic
c..C- I e~ kd? - -r;/k fo loeel /~J'f/C~ .
A. Private Encroachment on 'Public Right-of-ways: Develop and .
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B. Tratl from Dovvntown to Lakefront Park: TraIl io be .redesIgned and/or fr()f~-~ .
relocated to remove steepness. Plan for recons ction to be 11-- flcu..,~lt;r;.~ I-l'~
approved by 2001 year end for implementation in 2002. r1;-:/:. ~~~~,,~'. - ~~;;,
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btain state conunitment
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Govermnent is often guilty of resisting change~ of be in coritent \vith the status
quo, or of refusing to manage government like a busin 55. Last year, the City
Staff and City Council made some fundamental chang s that were both
productive and cost effective. The Council wants to e courage the City Manager
and Staff to continue to exercise initiative to make org nizational improvements.
A. Supervisory Development Program: lnitiate and. pl.ement a program to
expand Supervisors~ participation in citywide goal setting, achievement, and
reward. :s t-c {f .Jt, tL;"L I dtL [Y Dh.-ve ;. I rt--t9 {I ()),vy r' ID. + (~ ,- 'k .5 h Ff'.
B. Organizational Refinements: Make additional org "zartional refmements to
further increase efficiency and productivity of St . Staff additions can be
made within budget guidelines, or outside ofbudg t guidelines when justified
and approved by City Council. ~. _ s.\-r... H' ~~. L. . r (J l'.:~- ~. ;) It; , t~ d!JI{ i.dfi!..
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6. COMMUNICATION \VITH RESIDENTS cn'{. c.-f.: I- i'''- -h.. ~(
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While the public news media is often accused of foc:us g on negative news, with
some disregard for accuracy, government is often accu eel of exaggerating
accomplishments and hiding failures.
Last year's objectives placed high emphasis on the im ort3.13ce of the COl.Ulcil
receiving accurate and factual information from the Ci y Staff. The City
Manager effectively expanded this objective to includ improved communications
with residents, by using Cable TV, and by expanding t e use of the City's
Wavelength publication.
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Based upon considerable and positive feedback from 0 rresidents, the Council is
asking for continued emphasis on accurate factual tepo ingto Prior Lake citizens.
The standard for accuracy will be ~'ifyou can't prove i don't report it'~.
, ,
A. Cable TV: Continue to improve and expan.d (qual y and quantity) the use of
Cable TV to communicate important City informat on to residents. This
should include at least rno~~hJYJ~.P-9rtil . 0 cil matters, and at least
]!!Onthl)'jepoT'tS OlL~..staffJi_~ivities. 8..}QJ!~~. te r~~~_.2!l.__~_~.~&.~ar
week Iy sc hedu~:_,~?':':~~_~_~~~,~.~~E!!:.:._._
B. Wavelength: Continue to improve and expand the use of the Wavelength to
get accurate and factual information to our resident . At a minimum, the
Wavelength should be published at least every oth month.
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~ {v( c.. C C fMlL~' A. Subdivision Ordinance: Complete revised subdivi ion ordinance by
VI. r
September 30, 2001,
B. Engineering Design/Standards Manual: Complete evised Design/Standards
Manual by year-end, 2001.
c. Litigation: Manage the following litigations in a
timely conclusion. (It is recognized that courts co
-Vierling -Markley Lake -Boderman
er that achieves a
01 conclusion dates.)
D. General Functions of City Management: To admi ister the functions of City
Management in a professiona~ efficient, and citize friendly manner, and to
achieve additional goals or objectives as may be as igned by the City Council
throughout the year.
Quarterly Performance Reviews: The City Council may at its iscretion, conduct
. quarterly performance reviews with the City .Manager, and the City. Manager may request
an appraisal of his performance periodically.
Year-end Performance Evaluation: The City Council will con
appraisal and salary review during the first week in December
meeting will be used by the City Manager Evaluation Subcorn
recommendation for consideration by the Council at the last
uct a perfo1'TJlance
Inf0nnation from this
ittee to formulate a salary
eting in December.
City Manager Evaluation Subcommittee
Wes Mader and Jim Peterson
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