HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 10, 2005 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 PARK A.DVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING -.............................................................................................................................................- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PRIOR LAKE MAINTENANCE CENTER 17073 Adelmann Street 6:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Meetina Minutes a. Approval of December 13, 2004 Meeting Minutes 1. Old Business a. Park Development Update b. Ponds Park & Sand Point Beach Concession Stand Renovation Projects c. Boat Slips Policy 1. New Business a. Election of Officers b. 2005 CIP Projects c. Personnel Update 5. Other Business 6. Future Meetina Dates a. City Council Presentation - 2005 PAC Objectives: January 18, 2005 b. Regular PAC - February 14, 2005 7. Adiournment www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 ~'-~,-....x...... ($.~.'.'.m'.O~. fRJO..~. ~....: ~. I '" .. I :..,. . ,",. ,$' .'. 4,.(JVNE$O~;""" ~"",,-"'" The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm, on Monday, December 13, 2004, at the Maintenance Facility. Members present were Todd Loose, Dick Carlson, Pat McFadden, Tom Borger, and Mike Feriancek. Ruth Harris was absent. Also in attendance were Youth Organization Liaisons, Scott Martini, PLSHA and Mark Schroeder, P.L.A.Y., Park Supervisor, AI Friedges and Recreation Supervisor Chris Esser and Recreation Secretary, Nancy McGill. PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES FOR DECEMBER 13, 2004 AoDroval of the November 8. 2004 Meetina Minutes: Motion by Loose to approve the November 8, 2004 Meeting Minutes. Second by McFadden. Ayes: 5. Nays: O. Recreation SUDervisor Resianation: Recreation Supervisor, Chris Esser has given his resignation to the City effective December 21. He will be pursuing a career as Director of Parks and Recreation with the City of South St. Paul. The PAC committee congratulated him and wished him well on his new position. New Youth Oraanization Liaison members: Chair Feriancek welcomed and introduced the new Youth Organization Liaison members Mark Schroeder, Prior Lake Athletics for Youth (P.L.A.Y.) and Scott Martini, Prior Lake-Savage Hockey Association (PLSHA). Todd Loose will be representing the Prior Lake/Savage Soccer organization. Items added to December Aaenda: 1) Draft copy of Parks Comprehensive Plan, 2) CIP Report and 3) Draft of 2005 Goals. Thomas Rvan Memorial Park Field Liahtina: The C.1. P. report was reviewed regarding funds allocated for the purchase of land for athletic fields versus the need for the cost of field lighting at Thomas Ryan Memorial Park. At the November 8 PAC meeting the PAC members had agreed that land acquisition expenditures would be a better alternative to spend the estimated amount on rather than expending that amount on lights. Feriancek had contacted Mark Schroeder to summarize the PAC's discussion and it was decided to look at the overall picture again. The cost estimated by staff would be approximately $520,000 for lighting of the four baseball fields at Thomas Ryan Memorial Park. If land is purchased, the earliest date that fields would be ready for use would be 2'12-3 years from start to finish. If lighting were installed at Ryan Memorial Park, the earliest date of completion would be April 2006. Friedges did indicate that PLAY has contributed a number of improvements to the softball/baseball facilities throughout the years. After much discussion, it was agreed that Feriancek would discuss with Frank Boyles how close we are to land acquisition and Mark Schroeder would meet with the PLAY Board and discuss user fees and what type of funding commitment they could make. Advertisina Policv: After some research, Esser has drafted a policy for signage on field fences and dasher boards. Funding and financing still needs to be established. Frank Boyles is currently reviewing the draft. The policy will be reviewed by the PAC for recommendations before policy is finalized. Mark Schroeder will address the PLAY Board. Sand Point Beach & Ponds Concession/Restroom Facilities Imorovements: Parks Supervisor, Friedges updated the committee on the restroom and concession facilities progress at Sand Point Beach and the Ponds. After his presentation at the City Council meeting, followed by much discussion, the Council felt that the project at Sand Point Beach should be put on hold until further research by the architects could be done with added amenities to the structure. Projected start date would be Fall, 2005. The Ponds Concession project was approved by the Council and will proceed as planned. At this time, Friedges reviewed the plan for the Ponds Concession. The existing concession area will remain in tact housing all the electrical panels and the new concession area will be added on with two window openings. An additional open air picnic shelter is proposed for construction in 2005 to provide more picnic area at the Ponds. At this time there was some discussion about the upgrades to be proposed at the Sand Point Beach concession building (installing showers and other amenities) compared to the need for lighting at the ball fields and what would be more beneficial based upon usage demand. Friedges indicated that he should have new plans and estimated cost for the Sand Point Beach concession building by February, 2005. Schroeder would like an ice machine installed at the Ponds to help with injuries, etc. PLSHA Qoeration at Lakefront Park. Winter 2004-05 Uodate: Parks Supervisor, Friedges indicated that the reconstruction of the building on the former Kop property for the PLSHA Zamboni storage is complete. Martini complimented the Parks Maintenance on the project. Recreation Supervisor, Esser stated that Katie Manders will be in charge of staffing the warming house and the training of warming house attendants is complete. Lakefront Restoration Proiect: Parks Supervisor, Friedges indicated that an assessment has been done for Lakefront Park by Applied Ecological Services and Spring Lake Restoration Nurseries for $10,500.00. A grant has paid for 500/0 of the cost. This is a program to clean out invasive plants throughout the park over a period of time. Friedges was excited to inform the Committee that this program could be applied to all parks. He gave the assessment to the PAC to review to better understand the project. Boat SliD Policv: Committee discussed the boat slips at Lakefront Park, Watzl's Beach. This will be part of the agenda at the joint meeting on Monday, December 20th with the Lake Advisory Committee. The LAC recommendations were reviewed. Issues that will need to be addressed are signage, reservation policy, liability, enforcement, etc. McFadden would like the installation of a floating (diving) docks in the swim area addressed at the joint meeting. Jeffers Pond Trail Develooment: Friedges showed the committee a map outlining the proposed five mile trail system at Jeffers Pond. The trail system will interlock with other trails in the area. McFadden asked what the definition is of a pond vs a lake. This would be a good question to be addressed to the DNR or the LAC. McFadden asked if it was necessary for the PAC to be part of the design process. Friedges said he welcomed and felt that it was important for input from the PAC. 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" 5~ 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. ~ ~: t. ;.. t ~ r ~ i ~ ! i r' r 1 ~ ~ i' f t- '! ~ ~ { , f. t t t I. t- t I 'f t i: 1 ; t 1 f ~~~: ? u.f. I- t ! ~ ! CAPSULE PROJECT SUMMARY 5/4/04 2005 CIP PROJECTS Project Description 1. Fire Department (Buildinas & Plant) Satellite Fire Station/11 0' L<adder Platform Fire Truck 2. Transit Park & Ride Lot Acquisition Park Department (Deve/ooment) .. Park Entrance Signs Sand Point Beach Curb Pleasure Rink Lights Tree Planting Program Softball Backstops Pari< AppurtenantEquipment Basketball Courts - Sand Point, Wilds North, Hawk Ridge Sand Point Beach Boat Slips Ponds Concession Stand Addition/Bathroom Upgrade Gazebo - Woods at the Wilds, Meadow View Picnic Shelters (4)- CarclinaVNorthwood/PondslHawkRdg Playground Equipment - Sand Point Beach, Hawk Ridge (Trails) 15. Hawk Ridge & Jeffers.Ponel. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Public Works (Buildinas & Plant) Lift Station Telemetry Uft Station Renovation Lift Station - Stemmer Development Lift Station - Meadow View Development Municipal Weir Omorovements) , Centennial Street Reconstruction Sanitary Sewer Replacement (Franklin Trail) Street Overlay (Willows area) Trunk Watermain (CSAH 42 from CSAH 83 to W. Limit) Fountain Hills Drive to McKenna thru Jeffers Develop. Trunk Watermain (CSAH 18) Prior Lake Outlet Channel Repairs Trunk Sanitary Sewer Replacement (Duluth area N. ofTH1 CSAH 82 Reconstruction .'l.. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Fish Point Rd/Fairlawn West Reconstruction 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Water Resources (lmDrovements) Undesirable Fish Containment Program Pondweed Removal Program Pleasant Street Drainage Improvements Lake Bank Stabilization Storm Water Pond Dredging Storm Drainage Improvements Totals ... Financing Source Summary s.w. c.p. lr. c.s. m.s. s.a. i.g. b.b. Project Tax Levy Operating Budget Grant Contribution Sewer & Water Utility Fund Storm Water Utility Fund Capital Park Fund Trunk Reserve Fund Collector Street Fund MuniciDal State Aid Special Assessments IntergDvem mental G.O. Building Bonds Totals ... Project Amount 2,000.000.00 250,000.00 Financing 1,500,000.00 500,000.00 250,000.00 City Cost Tax Impact Dollar Percentaoe b.b. g.r. I.g. 5,000.00 5,000.00 c.p. 5,000.00 5,000.00 c.p. 10,000.00 (.;t ') 10,000.00 c.p. 10.000.00 10.000.00 c.p. ' 10,000.00 10,000.00 c.p. 15,000.00 15,000.00 c.p. 20,000.00 20,000.00 c.p. 30,000.00 30,000.00 c.p. 35,000.00 35,000.00 c.p. 40,000.00 40.000.00 c.p. 80;000.00 80,000.00 c.p. 11.5,000.00 115,000.00 c.p. 95,000.00 95,000.00 c.p. 25,000.00 345,.000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 500,000.00 75,000.00 95,000.00 100,000.00. 125,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 300,000.00 400,000.00 3,625,000.00 3,535.000.00 5,000,00 5,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 80 000.00 12.795.000.00 Project Amount .. 1,300,000.00 100,000.00 500,000.00 2,300,000.00 200.000.00 470,000.00 4,100,000.00 200.000.00 1.000,000.00 875.000.00 250,000.00 1.500.000.00 12.795,000.00 25,000.00 345.000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 SOO,OOO.OO 75,000.00 95,000.00 100,000.00 125,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 300.000.00 400,000.00. 50,000.00 1,000,000.00 2,575,000.00 1,300,000.00 800,000.00 1,435,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 .. 20,000.00 80000,00 12~795.000.00 u.f. u.f. t.r.. t.r. t.r. s.a; uJ. o.b; t.r. c.s. t.e t.r. uJ. s.w. m.s. t.r. 21.40 s.a . u.f 2.92% s.w. S.w. s.w. S.w. S.w. S.w. . Tax Impact Dollar Percentaqe $21.40 2.92% 8 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2005 GOALS 1. Capital Improvement Program Updates. ~ Identify and recommend projects for 2005-2009 CIP. 2. Public Boat Slips. ~ Recommend rules and regulations. ~ Periodically review usage, policies, procedures, and any supervision issues. 3. Jeffers Pond development. ~ Monitor trail and park development during Jeffers Pond development. 4. Park Comprehensive Plan Update. ~ Work with Ingraham and Associates to recommend updates and changes to the Park Comprehensive Plan. 5. Skate Park evaluation. ~ Monitor Skate Park during 2005 season. ~ Evaluate success of new free admission policy, equipment reconfiguration, and additional equipment purchase. 6. Lakefront Park rental equipment. ~ Monitor success of Wheel Fun Rental bike and non-motorized watercraft rental operation based in Lakefront Park for the 2005 season. 7. Spring Lake Park property purchase. ~ Potential for the purch~se of 40 acres of the Spring Lake Park property from Scott County in 2005. 8. Park building updates. ~ Review and make recommendations regarding the addition/renovation of the concession facilities at Sand Point Beach and The Ponds. 9. 2020 Strategic Plan update. ~ Appoint PAC representative to serve on the committee updating the 2020 vision and strategic plan early 2005. 1 O. Youth athletic organization partnerships. ~ Work with youth athletic organizations more closely on improvement projects, funding, and scheduling. ~ Invite each organization to appoint a liaison to attend regular PAC meetings. www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 ..,---" --....-.- --.-. ....--.-....1." ..._- -..... . City of Prior Lake Park Advisory Committee Draft 2005 Presented by Mike F Chairperson Goal #1: C Ual Improvement Program Updates. . Identify and recommend proje 2009 CIP. . Proposed draft created at the Dece Parks Advisory Committee (PAC) me . Goals will be presented for approval by t at their next regular meeting on January 10, . Approved 2005 Goals will later be presented Chair Feriancek at a future City Council meetin: Goal #2: Pu 1C Boat Slips. . Recommend rules and regulati . Periodically review usage, policies, procedures, and any supervision issu 1 __.~.,-..'~""ft'M'~""__'_'4'_'''-'''_>'' '_.'-.............~'i"""'-.". ~.>~_......~""'._~"_. --"~..-~, ".,'~-,......,.,.~,.."..~~.-_.. .,.~.~____m..~>__.~.."".._~.........~._,".,.,~._"__"...,,,.....-....'""'....,.........._--"........,--.........~~.~....".......~.-.-.-'--".... . Monitor trail and park develop Jeffers Pond development. . Monitor Skate Park during 20 . Evaluate success of new free adml policy, equipment reconfiguration, a additional equipment purchase. ~---_._-'"'"-.-'-I'-"-'.""" Goa '#~: Park Comprehensi~~an Update. . Work with Ingraham and Asso recommend updates and changes Comprehensive Plan. ~ Goal #6: ~efront Park rental equipment. . Monitor success of Wheel Fun and non-motorized watercraft ren operation based in Lakefront Park fo 2005 season. 2 Goal #7: r~ Lake Park property PUf"G ase. . Continue to monitor the potent or the purchase of 40 acres of the Spring Park property from Scott County in Goal #9: :Q20 Vision and Strategic plan'-lJ date. . Appoint PAC representative to committee updating the 2020 visi strategic plan early 2005. . Review and make recommenda:' s regarding the addition/renovation concession facilities at Sand Point B and The Ponds. Goal #1. outh athletic organization Partnerships. . Work with youth athletic organ more closely on improvement pro funding, and scheduling. . Invite each organization to appoint a li to attend regular PAC meetings. "'----~_.-----.r--...-.........".-'-..--~......,-.............,....-..".,-.--...--......-..---.""-.........- 3