HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 26 2015 3 Work session report sat PRI%
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake,MN 55372
MEETING DATE: May 26, 2015
3. 2014 AUDIT
DISCUSSION: Introduction
The purpose of this report is to provide an outline to the City Council of the
work session.
Meet and Greet
As the City Council is aware, staff is in the process of filling the presently
vacant Finance Director position. We received 16 applications and
conducted interviews this week with five candidates. Two groups of three
individuals administered the interviews.
After completing the interviews, both panels concurred that Ellen Paulseth
from the City of Forest Lake would be a good candidate for this position. A
copy of Ellen's application and resume is included with this report for City
Council information.
The selection process is ongoing. Earlier this afternoon, Ellie met with
department heads. Tonight is the meet and greet with the Council. Later
this week there will be additional activities.
Twenty minutes of tonight's work session have been designated for the
meet and greet. Ellie will start by introducing herself followed by any
questions councilmembers may wish to ask.
State Aid
Larry Poppler and Dan Erickson, MnDOT, will review a PowerPoint
presentation with the Council and ask for direction with respect to this
important funding source. A report and map on this subject is included in
Dropbox. Councilors may wish to review prior to the work session.
2014 Audit
Jim Eichten with MMKR will review the 2014 Audit and Management Letter
with the City Council. Copies of both documents were placed in Dropbox
last week with the agenda package. Mr. Eichten will have a PowerPoint as
well for the work session. Given the size and detail of these documents,
this session is a good opportunity for the City Council to ask any questions
they may have.
Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245/www.cityofpriorlake.com
p� �, City of Prior Lake
; 4646 Dakota Street SE,Prior Lake,MN 55372
F'"(', Phone: 952.447.9800
U r tri Fax: 952.447.4245
f w� Web: www.cityofpriorlake.com
4�NNESo �`. Em • Io ment A • . Iication
All;.persons:are welcome to apply with the jt of priorApt4duf app icatibri will be considered iri competition with others for the position in which
you are interested `Please furnish complete}nformation s outlined�n this application"Ipcomplete applicattidns will notbe conside'red. Read the
instructions carefully t'All information contained or con,ected with�l s application wlIl,b?eonslder0d for use only In copjunction with your possible
employment with the City of Prior Cake.,You n1 attach\anyadditionaI,Informatlon'w ich you believe'qual Pies you for the position for which you are
applying Attached materials must supplement the application and note in lieu ofthis form and the requested data
Position Sought Annual Salary Desired
Finance Director Published Range
Regular ►�� Full Time Date Available
❑ Temporary ❑ Part Time 30 days —J
Last Name First Middle
Paulseth Ellen Jeanne
Street Address I City (State ZIP
Phone Number(Day/Work) Phone Number(Home/Cell) Email Address
r �
Are you under 18? Are you a US citizen OR,IF NOT,are you eligible to Are you willing to work overtime
® No work in this Country? ❑No if necessary?
❑ No
❑Yes E Yes ® Yes
Why are you interested in employment with the City of Prior Lake?
I am interested in a more challenging opportunity with a progressive,fiscally responsible community that demonstrates thoughtful vision
and exceptional strategic planning capabilities.
Years of education completed High School Under Graduate Graduate
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20+
• • • • lit • • • ►a • • •
Name and Address of High School Degree,Diploma or Certificate Received Major and Minor Subjects
Metropolitan State University Masters in Public Administration pending Public Administration
Name and Address of Technical College or University Degree,Diploma or Certificate Received Major and Minor Subjects
Metropolitan State University Bachelor of Arts Psychology
Name and Address of Technical College or University Degree,Diploma or Certificate Received Major and Minor Subjects
Bemidji State University Liberal Arts Accounting and General Studies
Page 1
Beginninghwith your present,or rpost�re cent efnploymert�o�"occupatl�n;filease list all of your employers for at least the last five years. Provide
complete fni''ormatlon Resumes and additional:supporting aterialsmay be submitted In support of,but not in lieu of,i the following. Additional
sheets maybe used:`f�x k z sj ,
Present or Last Employer Supervisor Name and Title Phone
City of Forest Lake Aaron Parrish,City Administrator (651)209-9750
Position Held Current Salary
Finance Director $118,205
Specific Responsibilities(Please describe using six lines or less. Abbreviations permitted.) Dates Worked
Investment portfolio and cash management$14-$35M;annual budget of$20-.$35M prepared to GFOA From To
award standards;General Fund budget$9M,audit preparation and comprehensive annual financial
report(CAFR)prepared to GFOA award standards,Capital Improvemer{tPlan(Cil)$40M,long-term July 2004 Present
(10-year and 20-year)financial management plan;debt issuance ant(*nagen1ent,TIF reporting and
regulations,taxes and assessments,risk management,member of leadership team,and human May we contact?
resources. ®Yes El No DAfter I'm a finalist
Reason for Leaving
Still employed
Second Last Employer Supervisor Name and Title Phone
City of Centerville Kim Moore-Sykes (507)237-4392
Position Held Salary
Finance Director $63,000
Specific Responsibilities • Dates Worked
From To
Investment portfolio and cash management;annual budget;annual audit and financial statement; April 2002 July 2004
debt issuance and management;TIF reporting and regulations,Capital Improvement Plan(CIP),risk
management,taxes and assessments,human resources. May we contact?
®Yes I:No [After I'm a finalist
Reason for Leaving
More challenging opportunity
Third Last Employer Supervisor Name and Title Phone
Lake of the Woods County Electorate (218)634-2836
Position Held Salary
County Auditor $50,000
Specific Responsibilities Dates Worked
From To
Elected Chief Financial and Budget Officer: Annual budget$10M,annual audit and financial
statements,property tax and assessment calculation and administration,chief election official of the Sept 1981 April 2002
County,debt issuance and management,clerk of County Board and department head liaison,human
resources,information technology,risk management,deputy registrar,Board of Equalization member, May we contact?
EYes D No DAfter I'm a finalist
Reason for Leaving
Moved to twin cities area
Page 2
Minnesota Driver's License Number Expiration Date
N474174655915 4-18-2019
Driver's License Classification List any endorsements
❑ ❑ ❑
Trade/professional licenses or certificates: Please include date issued and expiration.
Certified Public Finance Officer(CPFO),active since 2010
Psi Chi National Honor Society,active since 2009
Skilled Trade Experience:Please list the machinery and equipment you have operated and the number of years of experience you have
with them.
Office Equipment/Computer Software Programs: Please list the office equipment and computer software that you operate proficiently
and the number of years of experience you have with them.
Proficient with all standard office equipment and software. Experience with financial software includes Springbrook,Civic Systems,
Banyon,Integrated Financial Systems(ACS),Plan-It CIP software. I have been using Springbrook and Plan-it for the past 10 years.
Proficient with all Microsoft Office Products,particularly Excel.
Continuing Education/Training: Please list any pertinent coursework and training related to the position for which you are applying.
Include the title and date.
I complete 30 continuing education units annually to maintain my CPFO designation. This includes professional development in the
areas of accounting,budget preparation,financial statement preparation,investment and portfolio management,debt issuance,capital
improvement planning,long-term financial planning,performance measurement,and leadership. I completed the GFOA's Accounting
Academy(40 CPE's)in August of 2008.
Military:If you served in the U.S.Armed Forces,please describe duties and special training. Branch of Service
if you have this experience,you may be eligible for veteran's preference points.Complete and submit the
Veteran's Preference.Points Application Form if you wish to be considered for preference points.
Length of Duty Rank at Discharge
Civic:Please describe your volunteer,civic,professional organization or any other unsalaried activities. Include offices held,length of
participation and value you believe it offers to this position.
Member,Minnesota Government Finance Officers Association(MN GFOA)
Member,GFOA Education Committee
Member,Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada(GFOA)
Budget Reviewer for national GFOA
CPFO exam coordinator for national GFOA
Supplemental Questions—Finance Director
1. Describe your experience in the financial management of an organization's capital
improvement plan.
I am responsible for preparing the City's five-year capital improvement plan (CIP) and
ten-year financial management plan. I also coordinate the preparation of the ten-year
infrastructure (streets,water mains, sewer mains) CIP with the City Engineer. The
foundation for the CIP consists of the equipment life cycle policy established by the City
Council,the comprehensive plan,the parks and trails master plan, the strategic plan,the
street improvement plan and the utility infrastructure improvement plan. The plans are
aligned with the City budget and CIP on an annual basis. The completed CIP forms the
basis for the capital component of the ten-year financial plan,which is also updated on
an annual basis. The long-term (ten-year) financial plan also includes budget projections
and property tax impacts based on various economic and demographic assumptions.
2. Describe your role in preparing and presenting information for a City Council or
governing board.
I present information to the City Council on a monthly basis, more often during the
budget cycle. Financial reports are prepared and distributed on a monthly basis;
however, I generally present a staff report or power point on a variety of finance related
issues at least once per month. Presentations are prepared more frequently for budget
workshops, and a final budget presentation is given at the annual Truth in Taxation
meeting. The final budget presentation is probably the most comprehensive
presentation that I give all year. However, it is not unusual for me to prepare a
presentation on water rates,financial policies, or year-end budget performance metrics.
Staff reports and presentations are prepared in advance and provided to the clerk,who
distributes them in packet format to the City Council. The information is presented on
large,flat monitor video screens and presentations are televised. Samples of staff
reports are included in my application materials.
3. What are some strategies you have used in encouraging and maintaining
collaboration,teamwork and effective communication with supervisors, peers and
I pride myself on maintaining an excellent working relationship with supervisors, peers,
and staff members. I maintain communications on a daily basis through email or
personal conversations with all of the above. I contribute to the City's weekly report as
often as possible to keep staff members, council members, and interested members of
the public updated on what is happening in the department. Staff performance reviews
are completed on an annual basis and goals and objectives are discussed in person. I
coordinate a staff meeting with the finance department at least once or twice per year.
Typically,this is done after the annual audit and before the adoption of the annual
budget. I am a member of the leadership team and the management team,where I
share department information on a weekly basis.
4. Describe your experience with preparation and review of audited financial
I have prepared a GFOA award-winning CAFR for the City of Forest Lake every year since
2005. While the audit firm produces the final document, my role in the preparation of
the final presentation and review is significant. It includes preparation of the statistical
section, management discussion and analysis (MD&A),government-wide conversion
information, and covers and binders. Prior to that, I prepared annual financial reports
for the City of Forest Lake, City of Centerville, and Lake of the Woods County every year
since 1991. I played a major role in financial statements prepared for the county prior
to 1991.
5. Please explain your experience in preparing a city budget. Include your experience in
the following areas: a.estimating projected revenues; b. reviewing budget submittals
from other departments; preparing narrative sections, budget messages and summary
charts;d. identifying and prioritizing items and programs for budget cutbacks.
I have prepared a GFOA award-winning budget document for the City of Forest Lake
every year since 2006. I also prepared budget documents for Centerville and Lake of the
Woods County. My role in the budget process is significant,guiding department heads,
performing extensive research, and preparing written reports for administration and
Council to assist with the process. On an annual basis, I prepare a number of
comparative studies with peer groups to monitor the City's performance in various
My experience in the above-mentioned areas is as follows:
a. It has been my responsibility to estimate projected revenues for all departments.
Methods used are trend analysis and reviews of planned projects and demographic
b. I review all budgets submitted from department head for accuracy and
completeness. Items of concern are discussed with the responsible department
head. Wage and benefit estimates are prepared by the Finance Department, as
personnel costs are the largest component of the budget.
c. An extensive amount of narrative is required for the GFOA submission. Charts are
strongly encouraged and a budget message is required. I prepare every page of the
City's budget document, including the transmittal letter. Writing skills and
communication are areas of strength for me. My goal is to provide information that
is clear,concise, and to the point.
d. I have been involved in a number of budget cutbacks, either mid-year or before the
final budget is adopted. I have played the primary role in identifying and prioritizing
items for cutbacks. My philosophy is to look for low-hanging fruit first, including
items that are overestimated or are not a necessary part of doing business. I also
update projections on revenue streams that may provide additional relief, if
modified. Beyond that I look for direction from the Administrator and Council for
cutbacks of a policy nature, such as programs or FTE's. I will offer suggestions in
these areas when necessary.
6. Describe your experience with implementing new modules for a financial system and
new online applications.
Over the years, I have implemented many new financial systems, including conversions
from mainframe systems to PC's. Most recently,we converted all modules of the
financial system from Civic Systems to Springbrook. I have also worked with a couple of
different online payment systems for utility billing over the past ten years. I assisted
other departments in implementing the Springbrook building permits program and the
online licensing and permits program,which integrated with the City's financial system.
We are currently testing the electronic timesheet module. On occasion, I have tested
modules and decided against implementation. Having the proper control framework in
place before the conversion is the key to a successful implementation.
7. What challenges do you foresee for the City of Prior Lake?
Some of the challenges I see for Prior Lake are the same challenges that many local
governments are facing today: doing more with less, navigating a slow economic
recovery, maintaining an appropriate balance with advances in technology and the cost
to implement them, and attracting qualified employees to replace retiring Baby
Boomers. Prior Lake will have additional challenges managing expected growth,
maintaining the existing 100 miles of roads to acceptable standards, maintaining its
extensive water and sewer infrastructure system, improving water quality, developing
new commercial properties, and keeping its 55 parks and recreational facilities in a safe
and inviting condition. This can be especially challenging with current citizens wanting
to maintain a small town environment. Prior Lake is comprised of a fairly large
geographic area,which provides additional challenges for police and fire protection.
Ellen Paulseth,Certified Public Finance Officer
April 16, 2015
Human Resources
City of Prior Lake
Re: Finance Director Position
To Whom It May Concern:
Please accept my application and resume for the position of Finance Director for the City of
Prior Lake.
I have over thirty years of experience in local government, mostly in management-level finance
positions—including extensive experience as a County Auditor. I have been a municipal finance
director for over 12 years and am experienced in managing all aspects of the finance director
duties described in the position description. My skills include accounting, budgeting, risk
management, debt management, maintaining an investment portfolio, and human resources. I
am a Certified Public Finance Officer(CPFO)through the Government Finance Officers
Association (GFOA),which requires 30 continuing education credits annually. On behalf of the
City of Forest Lake, I have received the GFOA Distinguished Budget Award and the Certificate of
Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting since 2005.
I am currently enrolled in the Masters of Public and Nonprofit Administration (MPNA) Program
at Metropolitan State University. I have completed about half of the program and plan to
complete the remainder of the program this year. I began the program with an interest in
increasing my knowledge in contemporary issues affecting local government finance and
management, and an ultimate goal of working for a larger municipality.
I am confident that a position with Prior Lake is a good fit for my skills and experience, and I
would embrace the opportunity to join the team. Please consider my application and resume'
for the position of Finance Director. I look forward to hearing from you!
Ellen Paulseth,
Ellen Paulseth, CPFO
Position Objective:
My goal is to work in the field of local government finance in a management or
advisory role for a progressive, fiscally responsible organization.
Finance Director, City of Forest Lake July 2004 Present
Salary: $118,205
> Responsible for cash management, forecasting, reportir tia, and
investment portfolio ranging from $10M to $35M.
> Responsible for preparation and administration of annul udget,
including monthly budget reports. Total budget approximat
$20M, General Fund budget$9M. Recipient of nationa,l GFO
budget award the past eight years.
> Responsible for preparation for the annual audit.
> Responsible for preparation of the annual CAFR. Prepared CAFR
and received national GFOA CAFR award the past nine years.
> Responsible for preparation of 5-year Capital Improvement Plan,
using Plan-It software and spreadsheet software.
> Responsible for coordinating debt issuance and monitoring debt
regulations. Total debt portfolio ranging from $14M to $35M.
> Responsible for coordination of OPEB actuarial study and financial
> Responsible for completion of annual TIF reports and accounting.
➢ Responsible for risk management activities, including insurance
administration and accounting.
> Responsible for coordination of the Information Technology
function, including negotiating a joint powers agreement with the
City of Roseville for IT services.
➢ Responsible for tax settlement and special assessment
> Responsible for accounting for capital projects, developer accounts,
and contributed capitaL
> Partially responsible for the Human Resources function for up to
135 employees, including coordination of pay equity and reporting
and coordination of performance review and measurement.
Ellen Paulseth,page 2
Finance Director, City of Centerville April 2002—July 2004
Salary: $63,000
> Cash management and investment portfolio.
> Preparation of annual budget and monthly reports.
> Preparation for annual audit and financial statement.
> Coordination of debt issuance and reporting.
> Preparation of annual TIF reports.
> Audited capital project accounts in the first year and collected
nearly $300,000 in overdue accounts receivable.
> Responsible for risk management activities.
> Responsible for tax settlement and special assessments.
> Partially responsible for human resources for 10 FT employees,
including pay equity and policy development.
> Agreed to work for Centerville as their first Finance Director for at
least two years to set up accounting procedures and resolve
existing financial problems.
County Auditor, Lake of the Woods County Sept 1981 —April 2002
Salary: $50,000
> Chief financial and budget officer for the County. Prepared annual
audit and financial statement. Governmental funds budget $10M,
plus agency and enterprise funds.
> Prepared the annual budget for the County Board, including
coordination with all major departments of the County.
> Administration of property taxes and special assessments for all
taxing authorities in the County.
➢ Chief election official in the County. Responsible for training
election judges, preparation of ballots, reporting, and serving on the
Canvassing Board.
> Coordination of debt issuance and activities for the County.
Prepared auditor's certificates for municipalities in the County.
> Served as Clerk and administrative liaison to the County Board.
Conducted department head and staff meetings.
> Responsible for Human Resources function, including
administration of pay equity and overall policy development.
➢ Responsible for Information Technology function, including
supervising IT employees and purchasing equipment.
> Responsible for risk management and insurance administration.
> Acting member of numerous boards, committees, and
organizations, including Board of Equalization.
> Testified before the State House of Representatives and Senate
Committee on Local Government. Also testified as a witness for
the County in several court cases.
➢ Served as MN DPS Deputy Registrar responsible for issuance and
administration of motor vehicle and driver's licenses. Also served
as DNR license agent for game and fish licenses.
Ellen Paulseth,page 3
Metropolitan State University
➢ M.P.N.A. currently enrolled in graduate program. G.P.A. 4.00.
(I am half way through the Master's in Public Administration
program, estimated completion December 2015.)
Metropolitan State University
> B.A. in Psychology, Honors Graduate, G.P.A. 3.95.
Additional courses in Management/HR.
Inducted into Psi Chi National;Honor Society.
Bemidji State University
> A.A. Liberal Arts Degree, G.P.A. 3.92.
Rainy River Community College
> Accounting and General Courses (transferred to BSU).
Northland Community College and University of MN, Crookston
> Accounting Courses (transferred to BSU).
Mesabi Technical College
> Certificate in Optical Technology.
Certified Public Finance Officer(CPFO), 2010.
Currently applying for Certified Government Finance Manager (CGFM).
Other Relevant Education and Training:
National Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)
➢ I completed the Certified Public Finance Officer (CPFO) certification
program in 2010 and obtained the CPFO designation. I was the
449th candidate in the nation to receive the designation.
➢ I am a budget reviewer for the national GFOA, which involves
reviewing several budgets per year from local governments across
the nation and making recommendations for the GFOA budget
> I proctor the CPFO exam for the national GFOA once per semester
at my worksite location for candidates from Minnesota and other
Ellen Paulseth,page 4
> I complete at least 30 CEU's per year to maintain CPFO status.
CEU's. Continuing education credits and other training too
numerous to mention, but some of the more recent and significant
training includes:
• Certificate of Professional Development 16 CPE's
Best Practices Budget Presentation—August, 2013
• Certificate of Professional Development 16 CPE's
Long Term Financial Planning —August, 2012
• Certificate of Professional Development 16 CPE's
Investing Public Funds —July, 2009
• Certificate of Professional Development 16 CPE's
Advanced Governmental Budgeting & Strategic Planning -
August, 2008
• Certificate of Professional Development 40 CPE's
Accounting Academy—July 2008
• Certificate of Professional Development 8 CPE's
Preparing a CAFR —August, 2006
Minnesota Government Finance Officers Association
> Certificate of Completion 8 CPE Credits
Advanced Governmental Accounting — October, 2007.
Federal Emergency Management Institute
➢ Certificate of Achievement IS-00100, 00200, 00700
Incident Command System —September, 2006.
Minnesota Rural Water Association 6 CPE Credits
> User Charge Analysis Water&Sewer Rates Workshop
May, 2007.
I enjoy outdoor activities, traveling and the arts. I have been involved in
numerous community and civic organizations over the years. In Lake of the
Woods County, I served on the City of Baudette Planning Commission, City of
Baudette Park and Recreation Committee, Lakewood Health Center Finance
Committee, County Extension Committee, Jaycees and Women of Today,
Sacred Heart Church Finance Committee, Rotary International, Sunday school
teacher, and many other activities. In Centerville, I was active in community
activities, Sunday school, and the Centennial Blue Line Club. I have also been a
member of Single Volunteers of the Twin Cities, volunteering many hours to
needy causes in the metropolitan area. I am an active member of the Minnesota
Government Finance Officers Association, where I coordinate CPFO testing. I
am also a budget reviewer for the national GFOA.