HomeMy WebLinkAbout5A - Berens Woods16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E.
Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714
# EP05-111
MARCH 28, 2005
Arcon Development has applied for approval of a development to be known as Berens
Woods on the property located north of 165th Street and CSAH 12, east of Marschall
Road and Howard Lake, and directly west of the Stemmer Ridge development. The
applications include the following requests:
· An amendment to the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan Map to add the 7.53
acres and to designate this property as R-L/MD (Low to Medium Density
· A preliminary plat consisting of 7.53 acres to be subdivided into 8 lots for single
family dwellings.
Total Site Area: The total site consists of 7.53 acres.
Tooograohv: This site has fairly level topography, with elevations ranging from 980'
MSL at its highest point to 960' MSL at the lowest point.
Vegetation: There are also several significant trees on this site. The project is subject to
the Tree Preservation requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.
Wetlands: Howard Lake abuts the west boundary of this property. There is also a
wetland located along the south side of the property. The plans propose to fill a small
area of the wetland, approximately 2,750 square feet. This area is a finger of the existing
wetland that extends into the lots. The plan also proposes to disturb a portion of the
wetland on the west side of the site. This area will be used for stormwater ponding and
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Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245
infiltration. The developer must submit a wetland mitigation application and receive
approval for this proposal prior to any grading on this site.
The subdivision ordinance requires the maintenance of a buffer strip, measured from the
delineated edge of the wetland. The buffer strip may be a minimum of 20 feet in depth,
but must average 30 feet. The plan indicates a 30 foot buffer strip measured from the
edge of the delineation. There will be some grading in the wetland buffer, in order to
create the ponding area. The ordinance permits the placement, maintenance, repair or
replacement of utility and drainage systems so long as adverse impacts on the buffer strip
have been avoided or minimized to the extent possible. However, areas graded in the
buffer strip shall be seeded or planted with native wetland vegetation, where possible or
in accordance with the standards' for buffer strip vegetation in the Public Works Design
The subdivision ordinance also requires a 30 foot building setback from the 100 year
flood elevation of the wetland. The proposed building pads are well beyond the required
Access: Access to the site is from Street B in the Stemmer Ridge development.
2020 Comprehensive Plan Designation: This property is currently outside of the City's
Comprehensive Land Use Map boundaries, because it was annexed very recently. The
applicant has submitted an application to amend the Land Use Plan to include this
property and to designate it for Low to Medium Density Residential uses. This
amendment will be discussed later in this report.
Zoning: The site presently zoned R-1 (Low Density Residential). The R-1 district is
consistent with the proposed R-L/MD designation. This district permits a maximum
density of 3.6 units per acre.
Shoreland: The site is also located within the Howard Lake Shoreland District. Howard
Lake is designated as a Natural Environment Lake; the minimum lot area and lot width
requirements in this district are 20,000 square feet and 100 feet, respectively.
Lots: The preliminary plat consists of 8 lots for single family dwellings and 1 outlot.
The lots range in size from 24,543 square feet to over 46,000 square feet. Outlot A is
1.11 acres in area, and is primarily wetland. This outlot will be dedicated to the City.
Lots 7 and 8, as shown on the preliminary plat, do not meet the minimum lot width,
which is defined as "the horizontal distance between the side lot lines measured at the
required front yard setback." Lots 7 and 8 are 70' to 95' wide at the 25' setback line.
These lots must be revised to meet this minimum standard.
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The alignment of the new street also makes Lot 1, Block 1, and Lot 2, Block 2, in the
Stemmer Ridge development, comer lots. The minimum lot area and frontage for comer
lots is 120% of the normal minimums, in this case 24,000 square feet and 120' wide.
These two lots will need to be adjusted to meet these minimums. This can be done at the
final plat stage.
Streets: This plan proposes one new public street. Street A is a cul-de-sac located off of
Street B shown in the Stemmer Ridge development. The street extends approximately
175' north of Street B to the north boundary of the plat, and 400' south of Street B, where
is ends in a cul-de-sac. The street is designed as a local street with a 50' wide right-of-
way and a 32' wide surface.
The proposed street provides access to the property to the north. There is no access to the
west or the south, due to the lake and the wetland.
Sidewalks/Trails: The plan does not include any sidewalks or trails.
Parks: There is no parkland included within this plat. A neighborhood park is located
adjacent to this property within the Stemmer Ridge development to the east. The
parkland dedication requirements for this plat will be satisfied by a cash dedication in lieu
of land.
Sanitary Sewer/Water Mains: Sanitary sewer and water mains will be extended from
the utilities to be located within the Stemmer Ridge development.
Storm Sewer: The plan proposes direct surface runoff to the NURP ponds, located in the
development to the south of this site. These ponds will accommodate the runoff from
Stemmer Ridge, Berens Woods, and Belmont Estates (the property to the south). Arcon
Development will be developing all three subdivisions. The City and the Prior
Lake/Spring Lake Watershed District are currently reviewing this plan.
Densi ,ty: The development proposes 8 single family units. Density is based on 6.42
buildable acres (net acres), which excludes the existing wetlands. The overall density in
this plan is 1.25 units per acre. The proposed density is consistent with the 3.63 units per
acre permitted in the R-1 Use District.
Landsca~}ine: Single family developments require at least 2 front yard trees per lot. The
developer has provided a plan showing 16 trees; however, 2 of these trees must be located
on each lot, rather then around the cul-de-sac.
Tree Replacement: The applicant has submitted an inventory identifying 7,685 caliper
inches of significant trees on the site. The Zoning Ordinance allows up to 25% of the
significant caliper inches to be removed for road and utility purposes, and up to 25% for
building pads and driveways. According to the proposed plan, a total of 23.3% of the
caliper inches will be removed for road and utility purposes. The proposed lots are
intended to be custom graded, so no tree removal has been identified for building pads.
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The plan will need to be revised to reflect the potential removal of existing trees located
within the potential building pads.
Fees and Assessment: This development will be subject to the standard development
fees. In addition, the development will be subject to a lateral assessment for the
extension of sewer to the site.
Comprehensive Plan Amendment:
The applicant is proposing to develop this site with single family residences. The R-
L/MD designation is consistent with this development.
The Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives that are applicable to this request are as
OBJECTIVE No. 1: Provide opportunities for a variety of affordable high quality
OBJECTIVE No. 2: Maintain a choice of and encourage development of quality
residential developments.
OBJECTIVE No. 3: Provide suitable passive open space for the preservation of the
natural environment and enjoyment of residents.
The City of Prior Lake 2020 Vision and Strategic Plan includes a vision element entitled
Housing Quality and Diversity. The primary policy under this element is to "Adopt a
policy to provide housing for persons of all ages."
When considering a Comprehensive Plan amendment, the applicant generally has the
burden of establishing that the amendment is necessary because of mistakes in the
original designation or significant changes in conditions affecting the subject property. In
this case, these rules do not apply because there is no guiding of the property. The
objective here is to establish what the proper designation of the property should be. While
annexation could be considered a significant change in conditions, in this case it signals
the need to designate the property under the City's Comprehensive Plan and not the
Prelimina~, Plat:
The applicant proposes to subdivide the property into 8 lots for single family dwellings.
With the exception of Lots 7 and 8, all of the lots meet the minimum lot area and lot
width requirements. Lots 7 and 8 must be adjusted to meet these requirements.
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The overall layout of the plat appears appropriate, given the constraints of sites grades
and the existing wetland area. However, there are remaining issues with the proposal:
Street A should be shifted further to the west to provide a block length greater than
two lots on the properties to the east. This will also permit additional area for the lots
in Stemmer Ridge, so they meet the minimum lot area and frontage requirements for
comer lots.
Potential building pads must be identified on the tree removal plan in order to clarify
whether or not more than 25% of the significant caliper inches will be removed for
building pads and driveways. If this results in more than 25% removal, the developer
must provide a tree replacement plan.
An 8' wide bituminous trail must be provided along the back of Lots 1-7. This trail
should mn on the east end of the 30' wide buffer, although it may be possible to use
the buffer in some areas to avoid tree impacts. This trail will then connect to the
south across the wetland. The trail should be included in Outlot A.
4. Lots 7 and 8 must be adjusted to meet the minimum lot width of 100' at the required
25' front setback.
Designation of the property for Low to Medium Density Residential (R-L/MD) would
seem to be the appropriate designation for this property, given the nature of existing and
proposed developments in contact with, or in close proximity to, the subject property.
Access and visibility issues would preclude designations of commercial use and industrial
uses here which would likely result in land use conflicts with adjacent properties. The
Planning staff recommends approval of the proposed amendment.
The preliminary plat application will comply with relevant ordinance provisions and City
standards, provided all the conditions of approval are met. The Planning staff
recommends approval of the preliminary plat subject to the following conditions:
Street A should be shifted further to the west to provide a block length greater than
two lots on the properties to the east.
Lot 1, Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 2, as shown on the preliminary plat of Stemmer Ridge
must be revised to meet the minimum lot area and frontage requirements for corner
lots. This adjustment can be done at the final plat stage.
Potential building pads must be identified on the tree removal plan in order to clarify
whether or not more than 25% of the significant caliper inches will be removed for
building pads and driveways. If this results in more than 25% removal, the developer
must provide a tree replacement plan.
An 8' wide bituminous trail must be provided along the back of Lots 1-7. This trail
should run on the east end of the 30' wide buffer, although it may be possible to use
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the buffer in some areas to avoid tree impacts. This trail will then connect to the
south across the wetland. The trail should be included in Outlot A. Provide a trail
easement for future boardwalk location to be determined by City.
5. Lots 7 and 8 must be adjusted to meet the minimum lot width of l O0' at the required
25 'front setback.
6. The landscaping plan must be revised to meet the minimum front yard tree
requirements as listed in Section 1005.1000 of the Subdivision Ordinance.
7. All wetland areas shall be shown in drainage and utility easements if they are not
contained in outlots to be dedicated to the City.
8. All buffers shall be shown in drainage and utility easements or have conservation
easement documents filed concurrently with final plat approval.
9. Buffer monumentation should be shown on plans.
10. The Grading Plan must be revised as follows:
11. Show 100-year HWL elevation for all wetlands and ponds.
a. Even though the lots are custom and will not be graded the grading plan must
show that the proposed pad grades can be achieved. The builders may submit
revised a revised grading plan with the building permit.
b. All park areas eligible for land credit should be graded at 2%. Needed elevation
break should occur at wetland or western edge.
c. Lot 8 should be graded with development to ensure drainage and matching of
grades with park.
d. Grade park to drain towards wetland to eliminate catch basins in park.
e. Indicate the apparent emergency overflow elevation for Howard Lake.
f. Submit wetland mitigation plan for all proposed impacts.
g. No grading shall be permittedprior to preliminary plat or grading permit
h. Submit a copy of soil borings to City.
12. NPDES permit and SWPPP will be required prior to grading.
13. Final utility plans will be reviewed upon submittal of plans and profile sheets with
final plat.
! 4. Submitfinal storm sewer calculations with finalplat.
15. Storm sewer segments running through wetland areas may need special pipe class to
prevent draining of wetland.
16. Utilities cutting across parkland are not permitted unless approved by City Engineer.
a. Storm sewer across the park will be permitted to allow for minimization of ponds.
However, the east west storm sewer leg across park shall be moved to north edge
of park to allow for future park development.
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Sanitary sewer will be permitted along western park boundary, as sewer would
need to be 30+feet deep in portions of Street B ROl/Vand 40+feet deep in
portions south of Street B in Stemmer Ridge Road. Show overall plan with
connection to Belmont Estates sanitary sewer.
1. Recommend approval of the amendment to the Comprehensive Plan as proposed, and
approval of the Preliminary Plat subject to the listed conditions.
2. Table this item to a date specific, and provide the developer with direction on the
issues that have been discussed.
3. Recommend denial of the Preliminary Plat request.
The Planning staff recommends Altemative #1.
Alternative #1 requires the following actions:
A motion and second to recommend approval of the Comprehensive Plan
Amendment to the R-L/MD (Low to Medium Density Residential)
Approval of a Preliminary Plat to subdivide 7.53 acres into 8 single family
lots, subject to the listed conditions.
1. Location Map
2. Preliminary Plat Plans
3. Engineering Department Comments
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Location Map
Berens Woods Preliminary Plat
Belmont Estates
Preliminary Plat
Be tens Woods
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7625 METRO BLVD. · SUITE 350 · EDINA, MINNESOTA 55439 · PHONE 952/835o4981 · FAX 952/835-0069
E-mail: arcon@arcondevelopment.com · www.arcondevelopment.corn
BERENS WOODS is a proposed single-family residential development proposed on the
easterly 7.534 acres of the Steve & Mary Berens property in the City of Prior Lake. The
property lies directly west of and adjacent to the Stemmer Ridge development located on
the north side of Spring Lake and west of the County Park. Howard Lake also borders
the property to the west. The site consists of extensive woodlands that will be preserved
to the extent possible as the only tree removal will be required for utility/street
construction and the construction of future building pads. Each lot will be specifically
reviewed in the future prior to building permits to ensure that trees are saved to the extent
possible. In addition to Howard Lake, there is a small wetland located at the southwest
comer of the site.
The proposed site plan incorporates a total of 8 home sites that will all be custom graded
lots. Because the site is within the Howard Lake Shoreland Overlay District, all homes
will be subject to a 150' setback from the ordinary high water mark of Howard Lake. In
addition to the 8 home sites, an Outlot along the westerly edge of the property will be
dedicated to the City that may accommodate a future trail. In addition to the Outlot,
parkland for Berens Woods will be shared amongst the residents of the Stemmer Ridge
and Belmont Estates development in the park located just east and south of the property.
It is our intention to develop Berens Woods in conjunction with the Stemmer Ridge
The main access into Berens Woods will be from the east through the Stemmer Ridge
development. As development occurs to the north of the site, an additional road
connection will be made.
Arcon Development, Inc. is pleased to submit the following applications for Berens
· Comprehensive Plan Amendment (R- L/MD Urban Low/Medium Density)
· Preliminary Plat
Thank you for your consideration.
Arcon Development, Inc.
we DO MOR~ TH~N D~LO~ ~D ....
DATE: March 11,2005
Danette Moore, Planning Coordinator
FROM: Steve Albrecht, City Engineer
Bud Osmundson, Public Works Director
Jane Kansier, Planning Director
Larry Poppler, Assistant City Engineer
RE: Berens Woods Preliminary Plat (#05-111)
The Engineering Department has reviewed the preliminary plat for the above referenced
project and we have the following comments:
General Comments:
1) The developer must submit a final park plan with calculations for all proposed
parkland on the Stemmer Ridge, Berens Woods and Belmont Estates Plats prior
to preliminary plat approval. Include current pond design and final proposed
grades for park.
2) The City will need to confirm the wetland boundary this spring as it was
delineated in November 2004. Please submit additional copies of the delineation
report to the City. No final plat or wetland mitigation approvals can be
recommended until wetland delineation is verified. The delineation could impact
lots 7 and 8 and wetland mitigation requirements.
Preliminary Plat
1) The north end of Street A should be shifted to the west to provide a block length
of greater than two lots on the properties to the north.
2) It appears that lot 1 block 2 of the Stemmer Ridge Plat no longer meets
minimum width or area as it is now a corner lot as proposed. Comment 1 could
be addressed by shifting street A south to meet the minimum dimension for
corner lots. This would result in about a 35-foot shift of the road without moving
the cul-de-sac.
3) Provide an 8-foot bituminous trail along the back of lots 1-7 block 1. This trail
should run on the east edge of the wetland buffer. The trail may enter the buffer
to avoid tree impacts. A future boardwalk(to be built by City) will connect the trail
across the wetland south of lot 7. Provide necessary trail easement to
accommodate trail maintenance. Minimum width of 15 feet in areas where trail is
completely outside Outlot A. Provide trail easement for future boardwalk location
to be determined by City.
G:~PROJECTSX2005\000 Berens WoodsXReview 1 030905.DOC
4) All wetland areas shall be shown in drainage and utility easements if they are not
contained in outlots to be dedicated to the City.
5) All buffers shall be shown in drainage and utility easements or have conservation
easement documents filed concurrently with final plat approval.
6) Buffer monumentation should be shown on plans.
GradinR Plan
1) Show 100-year HWL elevation for all wetlands and ponds.
2) Even though the lots are custom and will not be graded the grading plan must
show that the proposed pad grades can be achieved. The builders may submit
revised a revised grading plan with the building permit.
3) All park areas eligible for land credit should be graded at 2%. Needed elevation
break should occur at wetland or western edge.
4) Lot 8 should be graded with development to ensure drainage and matching of
grades with park.
5) Grade park to drain towards wetland to eliminate catch basins in park.
6) Please indicate the apparent emergency overflow elevation for Howard Lake. I
don't not believe it will impact the basements but please verify using County 2-ft
contour info.
7) Submit wetland mitigation plan for all proposed impacts.
8) No grading shall be permitted prior to preliminary plat or grading permit approval.
9) Submit a copy of soil borings to City.
Erosion Control Plan
1) NPDES permit and SWPPP will be required prior to grading.
Final utility plans will be reviewed upon submittal of plans and profile sheets with
final plat.
Submit final storm sewer calculations with final plat.
Storm sewer segments running through wetland areas may need special pipe
class to prevent draining of wetland.
Utilities cutting across parkland are not permitted unless approved by City
a. Storm sewer across the park will be permitted to allow for minimization of
ponds. However, the east west storm sewer leg across park shall be
moved to north edge of park to allow for future park development.
b. Sanitary sewer will be permitted along western park boundary, as sewer
would need to be 30+ feet deep in portions of Street B ROW and 40+
feet deep in portions south of Street B in Stemmer Ridge Road. Show
overall plan with connection to Belmont Estates sanitary sewer.
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