HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/22/20022. 3. 4. e REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA MONDAY, APRIL 22, 2002 Fire Station - City Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. Call Meeting to Order: Roll Call: Approval of Minutes: Consent Agenda: Public Hearings: Case File g02-013 Tom Holme Construction, Inc. is requesting eonsideratinn of a preliminary plat named Red Cedar Heights consisting of 4.34 acres to be subdivided into 7 lots for single family residential development. The property is located on the northeast side of Mushtown Road, west of Toronto Avenue and Overlook Drive. Case File #02-032 Wensmann Realty, Inc. is requesting approval of a Registered Land Survey for the lots originally described as Lots 22-24, Block 4, Regal Crest. Case File #02-030 Mark Toohey is requesting a variance to the front yard setback and bluff setback on the property located at 5584 Candy Cove Trail. Case File #02-029 Steven & Palricia Mosey are requesting variances to permit a garage and room addition to be setback less than 25 feet to front lot line; less than 5 feet to side lot line; a sum of side yards less than 15 feet; cave encroachment less than 5 feet to front and side lot line; a 63.8 foot building wall setback to side lot line less than required; and a driveway setback less than 5 feet to side lot line for the property located at 14620 Oakland Beach Avenue SE. Old Business: Case #02-021 (Continued) Donald B. Scherer is requesting a variance to structure setback to the ordinary high water mark to allow an existing deck to remain on the property at 3894 Green Heights Trail. 7. New Business: A. Case File #02-041 Petition to vacate drainage and utility easement located over the common area added to the lots in Deerfield 6th Addition. Announcements and Correspondence: Adjournment: 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, APRIL 8, 2002 1. Call to Order: Chairman Stamson called the April 8, 2002, Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Criego, Lemke, Ringstad and Stamson, Zoning Administrator Steve Horsman and Recording Secretary Connie Carlson. 2. Roll Call: Atwood Absent Criego Present Lemke Present Ringstad Present Stamson Present 3. Approval of Minutes: Correction on page 5: Erase "Stamson" from the vote. The Minutes from the March 25, 2002, Planning Commission meeting were approved as corrected. 4. Consent: A. Ellman/Opien Variance Resolution. Zoning Administrator Steve Horsman presented the Planning Report dated April 8, 2002, on file in the office of the Planning Department. Criego asked to see the corrected survey. Horsman explained the proposed addition. Commissioners recommended adding the condition the addition does not extend beyond the existing structure. MOTION BY CRIEGO, SECOND BY TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 02-004PC APPROVING A 3.91 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A STRUCTURE SETBACK OF 21.09 FEET FROM A BLUFF RATHER THAN THE REQUIRED 25 FEET WITH THE ADDED CONDITION THAT THE PROPOSED ADDITION DOES NOT EXTEND BEYOND THE EXISITNG STRUCTURE. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. Commissioner Stamson read the Public Heating Statement and opened the hearing. L:~02FILESX02planning commX02pcminutes~040802.doc I Planning Commission Meeting April 8, 2002 5. Public Hearings: A. Case #02-021 (Continued) Donald B. Scherer is requesting a variance to structure setback to the ordinary high water mark to allow an existing deck to remain on the property at 3894 Green Heights Trail. On April $, 2002, staffreceived a phone call from the applicants requesting a continuance of this variance scheduled April 8, 2002, to the next scheduled meeting date of April 22, 2002, so their attorney could be present. MOTION BY CRIEGO, SECOND BY LEMKE. TO CONTINUE THE HEARING ON 3894 GREEN HEIGHTS TRAIL TO APRIL 22, 2002. Vote taken indicated ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. 6. Old Business: 7. New Business: 8. Announcements and Correspondence: 9. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 6:41 p.m. Recording Secretary Connie Carlson L:\02FILES\02planning comm\02pcminutes~mn040802.doc 2 PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: INTRODUCTION: 5A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR A PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS RED CEDAR HEIGHTS JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR X YES NO-N/A APRIL 22, 2002 Tom Holme Construction, Inc. has applied for a preliminary plat for the property located n the north side of Mnshtown Road, directly west of Toronto Avenue and Overlook Drive. The preliminary plat consists of 4.34 acres to be subdivided into 7 lots for single family residential development. SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The total site area consists of 4.34 acres. Topography: This site has a rolling terrain with elevations ranging fi.om 1004' MSL at the southeast comer of the site to 964' MSL at the north comer of the site. Vegetation: This site included a single family home and outbuildings, which were recently removed. There are a number of significant trees on the site. Development on this site is subject to the Tree Preservation requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Wetlands: There is a wetland, approximately 35,971 square feet in area, located along the eastern side of this site. The northern tip of the site is also located within a larger wetland to the north. The developer is proposing to disturb 5,116 square feet of the wetland in order to accommodate a street and storm water ponding. Mitigation of this area will take place on site. The Subdivision Ordinance requires a buffer strip, a minimum of 20' wide and with an average width of 30' be maintained around the perimeter of the delineated wetland. This buffer strip must remain undisturbed, or if approval for grading is given, the buffer strip must be planted with native wetland vegetation. In addition to a buffer strip, the Subdivision Ordinance also requires that all structures be setback at least 30' fi.om the 100-year flood elevation of any wetland or pond. This setback must be identified on the grading plan. 16200 1:\02filcs\02subdivisions~02prelim plat~h'ed cedar heights\pc report.doc Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952)447-4230 / Fax (952)447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Page I Access: Access to the site will be from Overlook Drive on the east and Mushtown Road on the southwest. Zoning and Land Use Plan Designation of Adjacent Property: The property to the north, east and west of this site is zoned R-1 and is developed with single family homes. The property to the south is presently outside of the Prior Lake City limits and is designated as an Urban Growth Expansion Area. This area is zoned UER and RR-2. PROPOSED PLAN 2020 Comprehensive Plan Designation: This property is designated for R-L/MD uses on the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Zoning: The property is zoned R-I, which is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation. Lots: The preliminary plat consists of 4.34 acres to be subdivided into 7 lots for single family residential development. The proposed lot areas range from 12,356 square feet to over 27,000 square feet. The minimum lot area requirements for this site are 12,000 square feet, and the minimum lot width is 86' at the front building line. Only lot area above the 100 year flood elevation of a pond or wetland is included. Comer lots require a minimum lot area of 14,400 square feet, and a minimum lot width of 103.2' at the front building line. The Zoning Ordinance defines a comer lot as "a lot situated at the junction of, and abutting on 2 or more intersecting streets, or a lot at apoint of deflection in alignment of a continuous street, the interior angle of which does not exceed 135 degrees ". Lot 1, Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 2 are comer lots by definition. All of the lots are consistent with these requirements. The Zoning Ordinance requires a 25' setback from the fight-of-way line on both streets on a comer lot. These setbacks must be shown on the grading plan. Streets: This plan proposes one new public street. Overlook Drive is extended 490' from the east boundary of the plat to Mushtown Road. The street is designed with a 50' wide right-of-way and a 28' wide surface. The Subdivision Ordinance allows the street width to be reduced to 28' in areas the City determines to be environmentally sensitive due to topography, forestation or wetlands. In this case, to minimize the disturbance to the wetland, the City has determined a 28' wide street is appropriate. l:\02files\02subdivisions\02prelim platsXred cedar heights\pc report.doc Page 2 Sidewalks/Trails: There are no sidewalks or trails proposed within this development. Sidewalks are not required along local streets. Parks: There is no parkland located within this plat. Parkland dedication requirements will be satisfied by a cash dedication of $1,685 per unit. Sanitary. Sewer/Water Main: Sanitary sewer and water main will be extended from the existing lines located in Overlook Drive to the boundaries of the plat. Storm Sewer: This site generally drains south and east to the wetland at the east side of the site, and north to the wetland located just north of this plat. The plat is designed so runoff drains to a series of catch basins and storm sewers which then direct water to storm water ponds located on Lot 4, Block 1, just north of the mad, and to a storm water pond on the north end of Lots 3 and 4, Block 1. Tree Replacement: The developer has submitted a Tree Inventory that identifies several significant trees on the site. However, the inventory does not identify the total number of caliper inches on the site. Based on the information submitted, we cannot determine whether or not tree replacement will be required. In general, the Zoning Ordinance allows a total Of 25% of the caliper inches of significant trees to be removed for the development of roads, utilities and drainageways, and the removal of an additional 25% of the significant caliper inches for building pads and driveways. The number of significant inches removed over and above these percentages must be replaced at a rate of ~" for each inch removed. Landscape Plan: The Subdivision Ordinance requires two front yard subdivision trees per lot. Comer lots require at least 4 trees. A landscape plan has not been submitted. Finance/Assessment Fee Review: This development is subject to a collector street fee, a storm water management fee, a trunk sewer and water charge, and parkland dedication. These fees are outlined in the attached memorandum from the Finance Director. ANALYSIS: Staff has identified three issues that must be addressed. The first is the storm water nmoff management ponds. The Engineering Deparmaent has reviewed the storm water runoff plan and has determined the second pond, located on the north end of Lots 3 and 4 may be acceptable, but is not the most desirable plan. The staff and the developer are reviewing 6ther options to manage some of this runoff. This solution will not be available before City Council review of the preliminary plat, so the developer has agreed to a condition that would not allow a grading permit on the site until final plat approval. Other potential options would not substantially affect the other design parameters of this plat. l:~02files~O2subdivision$~O2prclim plats~red cedar heights\pc ~flon.doc Page 3 The second issue is the required buffer strip around the wetlands. The plan does not identify the proper buffer strip, and must be revised to include this area. The plan must also be revised to identify the required 30' setback. Finally, the tree inventory and preservation plan must be revised to identify the trees in terms of caliper inches. This information is required in order to determine whether or not tree replacement is necessary. There are other engineering issues pertaining to the development of this site. These issues are outlined in the attached memorandum from the City Engineer, dated March 28, 2002. These issues must be addressed as part of the final plat application. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: At this time, the Planning Commission should make a recommendation on the proposed Preliminary Plat. If the preliminary plat is to proceed, it should be subject to the following conditions: 1. There will be no grading permit issued until the final plat has been approved by the City Council. 2. Identify the required buffer strip around the delineated wetland and the required 30' setback from the lO0-year flood elevation of the wetlands and ponds on the grading plan. 3. Revise the tree inventory to identify the caliper inches of the significant trees. Provide the calculations indicating the number of caliper inches to be removed for development of roads, utilities and drainageways, and the number of caliper inches to be removed for building pads and driveways. 4. Raise the garage floor elevations where possible at least 1' above the curb elevations to provide positive drainage away from the house. 5. All improvements, including utilities, roads, storm water ponds and so on, must be constructed in conformance with the Public Works Design Manual All plans must also be prepared in conformance with the Public Works Design Manual ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat subject to the above conditions of approval and forward this recommendation to the City Council. 2. Recommend denial of the request. 3. Defer action on this preliminary plat to a date specific to allow the developer to submit the required information. [:\02files\02subdivisions\02prelim plats~red cedar heights\pc report.doc Page 4 RECOMMENDATION: The Planning staff recommends Alternative #I. ACTION REQUIRED: A motion and second recommending approval of the preYnuinary plat subject to the listed conditions is required. REPORT ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2. Prelim'mary Plat of Red Cedar Heights 3. Memo from City Finance Director 4. Memorandum from City Engineer l:\02fi l~\02subdivisions\02pr~lim plats~r~d cedar heights\pc r~port.doc Page 5 Location Map Location of Red Cedar Heights I ' 0 40 Feet Fl¸ DATE: March 28, 2002 TO: Jane Kansier, Planning Coordinat,or /, FROM: Sue McDermott, City Engineer~'~%'Jl RE: Red Cedar Heights (Project #02-32) The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject preliminary plat and has the following comments: GRADING 1. Provide an erosion control plan. SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN 2. Sanitary manholes are to be located on the centerline of the roadway. All City utilities are to be located within the street section (between the curb and gutter on either side of the street). Additional manholes will be necessary. Label manholes in plan view. 3. Provide a note for typical water and sewer service on the plan sheets. 4. Show all utility crossings in the profile view. 5. Maintain 10' separation of sanitary sewer and watermain. 6. Manhole 1 is too shallow. Can street grade be raised? '7.Add to note at connection to existing sanitary sewer "...with Engineer approval- Field verified. STREET AND STORM SEWER g. Revise CB #2, #3, #4, #5 to CBMH. 9. Show profiles of all catch basin leads on the plans. ]0. Add structures as needed to maintain the storm sewer beneath the curb and gutter. ] 1. Label structures, pipe length, class, size and grade in profile view. ]2. Provide sump structure at CBMH ¢f-4 per Public Works Design Manual. ]3. Provide typical street section. Include pavement design or use minimum typical detail in Public Works Design Manual. ]4. Add City Project # 02-32 to all plan sheets. G:\PROJECTSX2002\32redcedar\REVIEW2.DOC In addition, I have attached a memo from WSB with comments on the WCA review and hydrology. Please call me at 447-9831 if you have any questions. & X~soeiates, Inc. Memorandum Date: Sue McDermott, P.E., City Engineer CiO~ of Prior Lake Andi Moffatt; Biologist WSB & Associates, [nc March 27, 2002 Review of Red Cedar Development Plans WSB Project No. 1430-07 As requested, we have completed our water resource review of the Red Cedar Development Plans dated January 14, 2002. Based on our review, we offer the following comments: Wetland Conservation Act Review Comments 1. A WCA permit application has been submitted with the development plan. The application indicates that the project will fill 5,1 I6 sf(0.12 acres) ora Type 3 wetland. Mitigation is required at a 2:1 ratio and this is noted in the application. The application states that 8,476 sf of NWC is proposed on-site by expanding the existing wetland and 6,357 sf of PVC will be created through wetland buffers. This is in conformance with the WCA. However, the plans also show excavation of the wetland in the northern portion for this mitigation. Th/s will also require mitigation at a 2:1 ratio since this is a Type 3 wetland. This needs to be addressed in the permit application. It is unclear fi/om the' plans if the 12" RCP between the Pond 1 and Pond 2 will fill the wetland. Ifth/s pipe will fill the wetlands, it should be clearly noted on the plans and addressed in the permit application. The wetland mitigation sites and impact areas need to be clearly labeled on the plans. While they are shown in the Wetland Replacement Plan application, they must also be included with the plan set submitted to the City. 4. A 16.5' buffer is shown around the wetland. This buffer needs to be increased to 30 f~ (with a 20 i5 average) according to the City's standards. March 27, 2002 Page 2 of 3 5. The wetland delineation needs to be verified by the City. This delineation can be reviewed as soon as weather conditions allow. 6. The application states that the applicant will monitor the wetlands in conformance with the WCA. Therefore, the City should anticipate receiving an annual monitoring report. 7. The application contains the WCA deed forms for the replacement site. Once the application is complete, these forms will need to be executed by the City. 8.' The Wetland Replacement Plan application states that the project is within 1000 ft of a lake. This project may be subject to the City's shoreland zoning ordinance. Hydrologic/Hydraulic, Water Qualit3'~ and Grading Comments 1. All existing and proposed grades need to be shown on the plan. Existing contours should be shown as dashed and proposed as solid. The contour elevatio .ns should be legible. 2. More detailed erosion control plans should be identified for the project and shown on the plans. This should include slope stabilization and turf establishment.' 3. The developer needs to provide existing 2' contour lines a minimum of 200' beyond the property boundary or more as need to accurately depict the existing drainage patterns. 4. The wetland boundaries should be clearly shown on the grading plan. 5. Details of all emergency overflow structures and pond outlets need to be shown on the plans. 6. A 10:1 maintenance bench must be included for the NURP pond. 7. The treatment calculation did not take into account the runofffi.om Sub-catchment 5. While it appears that enough treatment will be available in the proposed pond, these calculations need to be provided for review. 8. The culvert entering Pond 1 fi.om the east is outside the easement. Either an additional easement needs to be acquired or the culvert should be moved. 9. The culvert under Overlook Drive only has 1.55 ft of cover on top of it. This may require the road deck to be raised. 10. Wetlands are currently modeled with a Curve Number of 58. These areas must be modeled with a Curve number of 78 or 85 depending on the amount of open water. 11. The emergency overflow of Pond 1 should be directed north into Pond 2 instead of on to Mushtown Road. F:IWPtVIN~I430-O71032702RC~m. doc March 27, 2002 Page 3 of 3 12. The lowest floor elevations do not meet the City's requirement that there be 2' o£ freeboard between the 100-year storm HWL and the lowest exposed structure elevation, The floor elevations should also be 2' above the emergency overflow. The plans need to be revised to reflect this requ'ured freeboard. Further, proposed contours are not shown immediately adjacent to the some of the house pads. A more detailed grad'rog plan needs to be included to evaluate the flood risk to the homes located around Pond 1. Tkis concludes our review of the Red Cedar Development plan. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to call me at (763)287-7196. c. Dave HuRon, P.E., WSB F:IWPWIT~I 450-OT~O32702RC~m.dac INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: DATE: PLANNING/ENGINEERING Ralph Teschner, Finance Director RED CEDAR HEIGHTS- Preliminary (assessment/fee review) March 13, 2002 A 4.34 acre parcel comprising PIN #11 911 043 0 is proposed to be annexed and developed as Red Cedar Heights. This area has received no prior assessments for City municipal utilities. Since utilities are available to the property site, the cost for the extension of services internally 'aa'Il be the respons~ility of the developer. In addition to these improvement costs, the subdivision will be subject to the following City charges: Park Dedication Collector Street Fee Stormwater Management Fee Trunk Sewer & Water Fee $1685.00/unit $1500.0Wacre $2943.00/acre $3500.0Wacre The application of applicable City development charges would generate the following costs to the developer based upon a net lot area calculation of 2.96 acres of single fan-fily units as provided within the site data su,.~c~ sheet of the final plat des~Liption: Cash Park Dedication: 7 units ~ $1685.00/unit = $11.795.00 Collector Street Fee: 2.96 acres ~ $1500.00/ac = $4,440.00 Storm Water Management Fee: 2.96 acres ~ $2943/ac = $8,711.00 Trunk Sewer & Water Charge: 2.96 acres ~ $3500.00/ac = $10,360.00 These charges represent an approximate cost of $5,044.00 per lot for the 7 proposed single family units within Red Cedar Heights. Assuming the initial net lot area of the final plat does not change, the above referenced park dedication, storm water, collector street and trunk charges would be det~,,~ned and collected within the context of a developer's agreement for the construction of utility improvements at the time of final plat approval. There are no other outstanding special assessments currently certified against the property. Also, the tax status of the property is current with no outstanding delinquencies. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 03/i4/2002 i6:33 9522263758 INTEGRA TELECOM PL PAGE 0i/0i I have reviewed the attached proposed request ~Red Cedar Haiqhts R.evis.ed Pr_eliminary Plat) for the following: Water City Code Grading Sewer Storm Water .. Signs Zoning Flood Plain Count~/Road Access Parks Natural Features L,e, gal Issues Assessment Electric Roads/Access Policy Septic System Gas Building Code Erosion Control X Other '~.LE.., Recommendation: X Approval Denial Conditional Approval Comments: /t ntegra Don Rarlage 0.S.P. Engineering & Dealgn ~ La~, ~N 5~72 ~lmct Dial: (~2) 22~7~ Fax: ~$~ ~6-37~ Please return any comments by Thursday, March 28, 2002, to Jane Kansier, DRC Coordinator City of Prior Lake 16200 EagLe Creek Avenue SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Phone: (952) 4~7-9812 Fax: (952) 447-4245 1:\02files~02s~bdlvlslons\02prelim plats\red cedar helghts\referral2,doc ./ I have reviewed the attached proposed request (Red Cedar Heights Preliminary Plat) for the following: Water City Code Grading Sewer Storm Water Signs Zoning Flood Plain County Road Access Parks Natural Features Legal issues Assessment Electric Roads/Access Policy Septic System Gas ~ Building Code Erosion Control Other Recommendation: __ Approval ._~ Denial __ Conditional Approval Comments: Signed: ~~ Date: ~.- Please return any comments by Thursday, February 7, 2002, to Jane Kansier, DRC Coordinator City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Phone: (952) 447-9812 Fax: (952) 447-4245 1:\02files\02subdivisions~02prelim piats~-ed cedar heights~referraLdoc Page 2 AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: PLANNING REPORT 5B PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A REGISTERED LAND SURVEY FOR LOTS 22-24, BLOCK 4, REGAL CREST JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR X YES NO-N/A APRIL 22, 2002 INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this public hearing is to consider an application for a Registered Land Survey (RLS) of the lots originally platted as Lots 22-24, Block 4, Regal Crest. The RLS formalizes an administrative Itt line adjustment on these lots. ANALYSIS: Applicant: Wensmann Realty, Inc. Project Engineer: Piopeer Engineering Location of Property: This property is located on the south side of Fairway Heights Road and west of Jeffers Pass. Existing Site Conditions:. There are 3 townhouses located on this site. Zoning and Land Use Designation: The property is zoned R-1 (Low Density Residential) and is a part of the Regal Crest Conditional Use Permit. The 2020 Comprehensive Plan identifies this property as R-L/MD (Low to Medium Density Residential). Proposed Development: The proposed RLS does not change the lot area or decrease the common area. The purpose of the RLS is to formalize an administrative lot line adjustment. Streets/Access/Circulation: There are no new streets located within this plat. l:\02files\02subdivisions~02flnal plats\regalfls~regalrls pc.doc Page 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Grading/Erosion Control: There will be no additional grading on this site. Sanitary Sewer and Watermain: Sanitary sewer service and water service are located in the existing private street. No additional utilities are required. Landscaping: The landscaping requirements for this development were approved as a part of the overall CUP plan. This RLS does not affect the landscaping. Parkland Dedication: This property has been previously platted. Park dedication requirements for this subdivision do not apply. Finance/Assessment Fee Review: This subdivision is not subject to any additional fees. The property has previously been assessed for street ant utility improvements. There are no outstanding special assessments. Tax status is current. ANALYSIS: When the units on these lots were constructed earlier this year, they were placed on the lots so that they encroached over the original lot lines. The staff approved an administrative lot line readjustment in January, 2002 to correct this situation. When the applicant brought the deeds to Scott County for recording, the County determined a Registered Land Survey was required. The purpose of an RLS is generally to simplify the description and recording for Torrens Land. The County is responsible for determining whether an RLS is required, under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes §508.47. A registered land survey is processed in the same manner as a combined preliminary and final plat. This process requires a public heating before the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council, The difference is that the Planning Commission and the City Council are simultaneously reviewing both the preliminary and final pat. The proposed RLS meets the standards of the Subdivision Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance. The Planning staff recommends approval of this RLS. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend the Council approve the RLS as presented, or with specific changes directed by the Planning Commission. l:\02files\O2subdivisions\O2final plats\regalrls\regalrls pc.doc Page 2 2. Table or continue the public hearing to a date and tune certain and provide the developer with a detailed list of items or information to be provided for future Planning Commission review. 3. Recommend deniai of the application based upon specific findings of fact. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative //1 ACTION REQUIRED: A motion recommending approval of the Registered Land Survey is required. REPORT ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2. Copy of Proposed RLS 1:\02files\O2subdivisions\O2final plats\regalrls~regalrls pc.doc Page 3 Location Map 20 0 20 40 60 Feet 1'4 1 Inch = .30 Feet SECTION 34, TWP. 115, RG£. 22 LOCA~ON MAP REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. SCOTT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: SITE: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 5C CONSIDER A VARIANCE TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION ON A LOT NOT MEETING THE MINIMUM LOT WIDTH AT THE OHW, VARIANCES TO ALLOW A STRUCTURE TO BE LOCATED WITHIN THE REQUIRED FRONT YARD SETBACK AND THE BLUFF IMPACT ZONE, AND A VARIANCE TO THE MAXIMUM DRIVEWAY WIDTH AT THE RIGHT-OF- WAY LINE, Case File #02-030 5584 CANDY COVE TRAIL JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR X YES NO APRIL 22, 2002 INTRODUCTION: The Planning Department received a variance application for the construction of a single family dwelling with an attached garage, as shown on the attached survey, on the property located at 5584 Candy Cove Trail, and legally described as Lot 31, Candy Cove Park. The following variances are being requested: 1. A 23.86' variance from the minimum 75' lot width at the Ordinary High Water Elevation (OHW); 2. A 25' vadance to the front yard setback requirement to allow the structure to be setback 0' from the front property line rather than the minimum requirement of 25 feet; 3. A variance to allow a structure to be located within the Bluff Impact Zone; 4. A 4' variance to allow a 28' wide driveway at the right-of-way line rather than the maximum 24 feet. DISCUSSION: Lot 31, Candy Cove Park was platted in 1921. The property is located within the R-lSD (Low Density Residential Shoreland) district, and is a riparian lot. The applicant does not own either of the adjacent parcels. According to the survey submitted by the applicant, Lot 31, Candy Cove Park is 21,856 square feet in area. The lot is 81.47' wide at the front lot line, 51.14' wide at the OHW, and L:\02FILES\02vadances\02-030~pc report. DOC Page 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FjvIPLOYER approximately 274 feet deep on the shortest side. The front lot line of this lot is located 90+ feet from the curb of Candy Cove Trail. There is an excess right-of- way at this location that was originally part of the TH 13 right-of-way, but has since been turned back to the City. The property to the west has an easement for landscaping and access across this excess right-of-way; the City expects to provide the same easements to this property. This excess right-of-way also provides access to the lots to the east of this site. The lot is considered a nonconforming lot of record because it does not have the minimum required lot width of 90' at the front building line. The lot also does not meet the minimum lot width of 75' at the OHW. The high point of this property is 986' MSL at the north side of the lot, and descends to 904' MSL at the lake. The lot is considered a bluff under the Shoreland provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. The top of bluff and the 25' bluff setback are shown on Exhibit A. Using the required setbacks, including the front yard, side yard, and top of bluff, this lot contains a building envelope approximately 100 square feet in area. The applicant is requesting variances to construct a single family dwelling on this lot, as shown on Exhibit B. The proposed dwelling is a 1 ½ story structure with a 20' by 22' attached garage. The footprint of the house and garage includes 1,796 square feet. The applicant is also proposing a 22' by 16' deck and a 19' by 18' deck, both located on the lakeside of the house. The proposed impervious surface on the site is 23%, which is within the allowed limits of the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant is proposing to place the structure on the lot so it is located 0' from the front property line, 8.7' from the west side lot line, 11.3' from the east side lot line, and approximately 210' from the OHW. Although the proposed structure would be located at the front property line, it would be at least 90' from the curb of the existing street. The applicant is proposing this setback in order to pull the house as far out of the bluff as possible. The structure is also located within the bluff impact zone. The applicant has submitted a geotechnical report, prepared by a licensed engineer, which states that slope stability is not a concern at this location. Engineer's reports are required by the Zoning Ordinance for any lots with a bluff, and are usually submitted with a building permit. This report was prepared prior to submittal of the variance application to answer any questions about the stability of the bluff. A copy of this report is attached for your information. The DNR did not comment on this request. The City Engineering Department comments are attached. The Engineering Department comments note that the L:\02FILES\02variances\02-030\pc reporLDOC Page 2 City will grant an easement for landscaping and access across the right-of-way. In addition, the City will be responsible for providing sewer service at the time the building permit is issued. VARIANCE HARDSHIP STANDARDS 1. Where by reason of narrowness, shallowness, or shape of a lot, or where by reason of exceptional topographical or water conditions or other extraordinary and exceptional conditions of such lot, the strict application of the terms of this Ordinance would result in peculiar and practical difficulties or exceptional or undue hardship upon the owner of such lot in developing or using such lot in a manner customary and legally permissible within the Use District in which said lot is located. The lot was platted in 1921, pdor to the existence of any Shoreland Management requirements. The applicant has no control over the existing width of the lot at the OHW. In addition, the bluff on this lot extends nearly to the front property line, resulting in a building envelope of approximately 100 square feet. This is an exceptional or extraordinary condition on this lot resulting in an undue hardship. There is no building envelope without variances. 2. Conditions applying to the structure or land in question are peculiar to the property or immediately adjoining property, and do not apply, generally, to other land or structures in the Use District in which the land is located. The conditions applying to this lot are peculiar to this lot and to a few other lots in the immediate area, The lot is a nonconforming lot of record. 3. The granting of the proposed Variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the owner. Granting this variance is necessary for the preservation of a substantial property right. The lot does not contain a building envelope without variances. 4. The granting of the proposed Variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to the adjacent property, unreasonably increase the congestion in the public streets, increase the danger of fire, or endanger the public safety. In staff's opinion, the granting of the variances would not impair light and air, increase congestion in the streets or endanger public safety. The applicant has submitted a geotechnical report prepared by a registered engineer that L:\02FILES\02vadances\02-030~pc report. DOC Page 3 addresses the bluff stability at this site. The house also is set back as far out of the bluff as possible, without going over the front property line. 5. The granting of the Variance will not unreasonably impact on the character and development of the neighborhood, unreasonably diminish or impair established property values in the surrounding area, or in any other way impair the health safety, and comfort of the area. The granting of the requested variances would not unreasonably impact the character of the neighborhood. 6. The granting of the proposed Variance will not be contrary to the intent of this Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. This is a nonconforming lot of record that does not include a legal building envelope without the granting of variances. The applicant has submitted a geotechnical report to address bluff stability. 7. The granting of the Variance will not merely serve as a convenience to the applicant but is necessary to alleviate a demonstrable undue hardship or difficulty. The granting of the variances is necessary to allow a reasonable use of this property, and to alleviate a demonstrable hardship. 8. The hardship results from the application of the provisions of this Ordinance to the affected property and does not result from actions of the owners of the property. The hardship is not a result of the owner's action, but rather as a result of the application of the ordinance. 9. Increased development or construction costs or economic hardship alone shall not be grounds for granting a Variance. The applicant has not stated a need for the variance based on increased costs or economic hardship. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, the staff finds that this request meets the nine hardship criteria. There is no legal alternative for the construction of a house on this lot. The staff therefore recommends approval of the requested variances. L:\02 FI LES\02varian ces\02-030\pc report. DOC Page 4 ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the variances requested by the applicant, or approve any variances the Planning Commission deems appropriate in the circumstances. 2. Table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose. 3. Deny the application because the Planning Commission finds a lack of demonstrated hardship under the Zoning Ordinance criteria. In this case, the Planning Commission should direct staff to prepare a resolution with findings denying the variance requests. ACTION REQUIRED: The staff recommends Alternative #1. This action required the follOwing motion: Motion and second adopting Resolution 02-007PC approving the requested variances to the lot width at the OHW, the front yard setback, the bluff setback and the driveway width. L:\02FILES\02vadances\02-030~pc report. DOC Page 5 RESOLUTION 02-007PC A RESOLUTION APPROVING A VARIANCE TO THE MINIMUM LOT WIDTH AT THE OHW, A VARIANCE TO THE REQUIRED FRONT YARD SETBACK, A VARIANCE TO THE BLUFF SETBACK~ AND A VARIANCE TO THE MAXIMUM DRIVEWAY WIDTH AT THE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota; FINDINGS 1. Mark Toohey has applied for variances from the Zoning Ordinance to allow a single family home to be constructed on property zoned R-lSD (Low Density Residential Shoreland District), located at 5584 Candy Cove Trail, and legally described as follows: Lot 31, Candy Cove Park, Scott County, Minnesota The Board of Adjustment reviewed the application for variances to the minimum lot width at the Ordinary High Water Elevation (OHW), the required front yard setback, to the bluff setback, and to the maximum driveway width as contained in Case #0-030 and held hearings thereon on April 22, 2002. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variance on the Comprehensive Plan. Because of conditions on the subject property and on the surrounding property, the proposed variance will not result in the impairment of an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent properties, unreasonably increase congestion in the public streets, increase the danger of fire, and danger to the public safety, unreasonably diminish or impair health, safety, comfort, morals or in any other respect be contrary to the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. There is a justifiable hardship caused by the width of the existing lot, and by the topography of the lot, so reasonable use of the property is not possible without the granting of the variance. 1:\02 files\02variances\02-030\pcres 02-007pc.doc l 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Pr. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 6. The granting of the variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. 7. The variance will not serve merely as a convenience to the applicant, and is necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship. 8. The contents of Planning Case File #02-030 are hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of decision for this case. CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Board of Adjustment hereby approves the following requested variance: 1. A 23.86' variance from the minimum 75' lot width at the Ordinary High Water Elevation (OHW); 2. A 25' variance to the front yard setback requirement to allow the structure to be setback 0' from the front property line rather than the minimum requirement of 25 feet; 3. A variance to allow a structure to be located within the Blufflmpact Zone; 4. A 4' variance to allow a 28' wide driveway at the right-of-way line rather than the maximum 24 feet. Adopted by the Board of Adjustment on April 22, 2002. ATTEST: Anthony Stamson, Commission Chair Donald R. Rye, Community Development Director l:\02files\O2variances\02-030\pcres 02-O07pc.doc 2 Location Map 200 0 200 400 Feet , I EXHIBIT A 978.0-~ /LOW FLOOR 970.3 / L°^~^c~ F~-°°~ ~.5 J EXHIBIT B BRYCE D. HUEMOELLER JAMES D. BATES ALLISON J. GONTAREK HUEMOELLER & BATES ATTORNEYS AT LAW 16670 FRANKLIN TRAIL, #210 POST OFFICE BOX 67 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 Telephone: 952.447.2131 Facsimile: 952.447.5628 E-mail: huemoellerbate~aol.com OF COUNSEL: CHARLES C. HALBERG March 13, 2002 Prior Lake Planning Commission 16220 Eagle Creek Avenue Prior Lake MN 55372 Via Hand Delivery Re: Request for variances to allow a building permit for property located at 5584 Candy Cove Trail, Prior Lake, Minnesota Dear Planning Commission Members: Our client, Mr. Mark Toohey, purchased a non-conforming platted lot of record, legally described as: Lot 31, Candy Cove Park with a street address of 5584 Candy Cove Trail, Prior Lake, Minnesota. He purchased the lot on August 18, 1995 from Esther A. Stankovich with the intention to build a home on it, a dream of his since childhood. The lot is steep, sloping to the shore of Candy Cove on Prior Lake. After conferring with the Prior Lake City Engineering and Planning Departments, Mr. Toohey's request involves three variances to the Ordinances currently in effect: (A) a variance from the bluff set back requirement (Ord. 1104.308(2)); (B) a variance from the width requirement at the ordinary high water mark and width requirement at the front of the lot (Ord. 1104.302(3)); (C) a variance from the standard front yard set back (Ord. 1102.405(3)). Prior Lake Planning Commission Page 2 March 13, 2002 At the suggestion 0f Planning staff, the house Was moved forward on the lot to minimize the impact on the bluff impact zone. Mr. Toohey has, as required by the City, performed borings to establish the stability of the soil and the engineer's report is enclosed with this application. To promote the most appropriate and orderly development within the community, the Minnesota statutes authorizes zoning ordinances and allows for the Board of Adjustment: To hear requests for variances from the literal provisions of the ordinance in instances where their strict enforcement would cause undue hardship because of circumstances unique to the individual property under consideration, and to grant such variances only when it is demonstrated that such actions will be in keeping with the spirit and intent of the ordinance. Minn. Stat. §462.357, Subd. 6(2) (emphasis added). Case law states that "[t]he statute is clearly intended to allow cities the flexibility to grant variances where.., the property owner would like to use the property in a reasonable manner that is prohibited by the ordinance." Rowell v. Board of Adjustment of the Ci_ty of Moorhead, 446 N.W.2d 917, 922 (Minn. Ct. App. 1989). Based on the nine hardship criteria used by the Planning Commission to evaluate variance requests, Mr. Toohey has significant obstacles to overcome under a strict application of the Ordinances. It is only reasonable to grant him the ability to build his modest, strategically placed dwelling as shown on the submitted drawings. Under the first criteria, Mr. Toohey's lot is a non-conforming, steep and oddly shaped platted lot of record. When Mr. Toohey originally purchased his property, access existed across adjacent public property. Mr. Toohey has now been arbitrarily excluded from the use of this original access. Based on this exclusion, Mr. Toohey has been assured by the City that he will be granted access over and across a public right of way ("Tract C") for ingress and egress purposes. In order to smooth this process, we have enclosed a proposed Agreement for Private Improvement of Public Property between Mr. Toohey and the City granting Mr. Toohey access and allowing a driveway improvement. As part of this variance request, we respectfully ask that this Agreement be approved. Prior Lake Planning Commission Page 3 March 13, 2002 To ovemome the practical difficulties and undue hardships associated with his property, Mr: Toohey has developed a modest home plan which he proposes to place as far up on his property as possible. Although the adjustment to minimize the bluff impact created a need for a front setback variance, the buffer of Tract C was considered a mitigation to the front setback deviation. Mr. Toohey has valiantly complied with all requests of the City in locating his home site and his sole objective is to build a modest house and enjoy the property he purchased. Second, the lot and area surrounding it are steeply sloped, a condition that does not apply generally to other land in the Use District. Soil testing has been performed at the City's request to verify the stability of the soil (see enclosed engineer's report) and Mr. Toohey's proposed plan places his house significantly farther back on the bluff than the existing house to the west. Mr. Toohey has mitigated the peculiar challenges of his lot as much as possible, possibly more than his proposed neighbors. Third, the need for the variances is conclusive. Simply stated, without the requested variances, Mr. Toohey is unable to build on his property. This significantly devalues the lot. Mr. Toohey purchased a lot he was assured was "buildable." Denial of his ability to build is a removal of a substantial property right. Fourth, allowing Mr. Toohey to build in no way impairs the supply of light and air to any adjacent property. As previously mentioned, Mr. Toohey is substantially back from any neighboring houses. His proposed plan is a modest structure, placed as far back on the property as possible. No additional congestion will result from allowing Mr. Toohey to build his house, no additional danger of fire or to the public safety will be created. Fifth, while Mr. Toohey's proposed plan is modest, it is well within the neighborhood standards. Allowing him to build in no way diminishes or impairs established property values and will actually increase the overall presence of the neighborhood. Tract C, over which Mr. Toohey's access will run, is unsightly and overgrown. His proposal allows for landscaping and creating a driveway, significantly improving the curb side appearance of the property and the entrance to the neighborhood. Sixth, the granting of the variance request will preserve the spirit and intent of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinances by contravening the undue hardship created by conditions unique to the property due to its shape and size and proximity to the lakeshore. Prior Lake Planning Commission Page 4 March 13, 2002 Seventh, this request for variances is not a convenience but a necessity. Mr. Toohey has worked very hard with the City Engineering and Planning Departments to bring the house as far forward as possible and made other adjustments to bring the proposed building within Ordinance standards. The granting of variances is necessary in order for Mr. Toohey to build on his property. Eighth, the strict application of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinances to Mr. Toohey property would provide for no buildable area. However, it was platted as a buildable lot. Mr. Toohey had no part in the platting and purchased the property in good faith and in reliance on the fact he could build a house on Candy Cove, his long held dream. Finally, while the house will be expensive to build, Mr. Toohey is willing to assume the cost and brings no argument regarding economic hardship, with the exception that if variances are denied, the direct result is an unbuildable platted lot of record. Based on the principles set forth under Minnesota statutes and the Rowell decision, we believe the Planning Commission should find as follows: 1. Strict application of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinances will result in undue hardship with respect to Mark Toohey's property because it will preclude the preservation and enjoyment of Mr. Toohey's property rights, by denying him the ability to build on a platted lot of record. 2. The undue hardship results from the circumstances unique to the property because of the shape, size and grade of the lot. 3. The undue hardship is caused by the provisions of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinances and is not the result of the actions of the owner, because the owner's proposed use of the land is reasonable and the strict application of the ordinances would preclude such reasonable use. 4. A variance preserves the spirit and intent of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinances, produces substantial justice and is not contrary to the public interest, because the reasonable use is consistent in all respects with the existing and proposed land use in the neighborhood, and provides an enhancement to the neighborhood as a whole. Prior Lake Planning Commission Page 5 March 13, 2002 On behalf of Mr. Toohey, we respectfully request that the Planning Commission approve: (1) the requested variance from the bluff set back ordinance, (2) the requested variance from lot width requirements at the ordinary high water mark and at the front of the lot, (3) the requested variance fi'om minimum set back from the front of the lot, and (4) the Agreement for Private Improvement of Public Property. This has been a protracted effort and Mr. Toohey has had many obstacles to overcome before this request could be submitted. He has unfailingly attempted to move within the channels provided for citizens and has communicated his plans Openly with City staff. We appreciate your consideration. V . yyour Allison J. Gontarek Enclosures cc: Mark Toohey I have reviewed the attached proposed request (Foohey Variance, #02-030) for the following: Water .X City Code ~ Grading Sewer × Storm Water Signs Zoning Flood Plain 24 County Road Access Parks Natural Features Legal Issues Assessment Electric Roads/Access Policy Septic System Gas Building Code Erosion Control z% Other Recommendation: Approval Denial Conditional Approval Signed: ...._.~ L,,..~ ~'~ C~~ Date: Please return any comments by Thursday, April 4, 2002, to Jane Kansier, Planning Coordinator City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Phone: (612) 447-9812 Fax: (612) 447-4245 h\02files\02varia nces\02-030\referral.doc Page 2 EXPLOR.ATORY BORINGS FOR MARK TOOHEY Job Number 010594 5300 S. County Road 101 Minnetonka, iVlN 55345 Phone: (612) 474 7964 .AD VA /¥CE SUR V£YI? 'G & ENGINEERI:¥G CO. 3URVEYEYG / E)v'GINEERI:¥'G / GEOTECHi¥ICAL 5500 Soud~ Count? Road 101 Minnetonka. MN ~;; ~ Phone 9~> 474 7964 Fax 9__ 474 8267 November 20. 2001 *ir. Mm'k Toohey 5663 136th Street Court S,:vage. Minnesota. kin 55378 ?hone: 9~2 447 4860 DearMark: At your request, we have conducted a preliminary investigation of soil conditions on your site at the locations you specified. Tlne following is a tabulation of data about your site: Site Address: 5584 Candy Cove Trail SI~ City. Prior Lake, Minnesota Leg~j_De~sc~ri?tio.n: Lot 31. Candy Cove Trail Benchmark: Top of manhole = 971.26 Datum: the North American Datum METHODS: The investigation consisted of exploratory soil borings to aid in identif,ving soil and water conditions. We have indicated the approximate locations of the borings on an attached site plan sketch. Elevations are very approximate. Borings were taken with a truck mounted CME 45 drill fig using solid stem continuous-flight augers. Soils encountered in the borings were visually and manually examined in the field by the soils en~neer. The soils are classified on the basis of texture and plasticity in accordance with ASTM D2487 "Unified Soil Classification System" and a chart explaining that system is attached. RECOMMENDATIONS: I SB# j TOP I WATER FIRM DESCPJPT~O.X OF FIRST FiRM SOIL ENCOUNTERED [ 1 { 974 I DRY 974 Firm . brown sandy clay'(CL), some rocks, dr2,' 2 969 I DRY 969 Firm, brown sandy clay (CL). some gravel 3 976 DRY 976 Firm, brown sandy clay' ICL) The above table is a summary, of the soil boring results. The "SB#" column indicates the soil boring number which corresponds to the attached site plan. The "TOP" column indicates the assumed elevation at the top of the soil boring. The "WATER" column lists the elevation at which water was encountered in the borings iwmaediately after the completion of the boring or if no water table was encountered, "DRY". The "FIRM" column indicates the elevation at which suitable soils were first encountered in the boring and the "DESCRIPTION" column describes these suitable soils. On this site, the firm brown sandy clay encountered at the surface is suitable for the support of your proposed dwelling. It is our opinion that these suitable soils are capable of supporting footings proportioned to exert a bearing pressure of no more than 2000 pounds per square foot. It is also our opinion that these soils are stable on slopes up to 1:1 and the grading and drainage plan which shows proposed contours and the existing topographic map, which shows the slope of the existing site, shows slopes that are much flatter, and it is therefore our opinion that slope stability is not a concern for the proposal to place a home on the site as shown by our grading and drainage plan. STANDARD CAUTIONS & LIMITATIONS: We measure the depth of any ~ound water that may have accumulated in the borings immediately at completion of the borings. We do not monitor the borings over a period of time. Borings left open are a hazard to pedestrians, leave an opening ~br pollutants, and quickly cave in rendering any measurements oflirtle value. The water levels x~e observe are thus only an indication of an immediate and rapid flow of water into the borings indicating that drain rile system might be over tmxed in such soils. Slow inflows may not be detected and variations in rainfhtI can affect ~ound water levels. While it is our opinion that a properly designed and installed drain tile system and submersible sump pump will keep most below ~ade spaces do'. and should be a standard part of all new construction, we make no guarantees in this regard. Of necessity, the area of the borin~ in relation to the area of the site and the depth of the borings are limited. Suggestions and recommendations of this report are opinions based on data obtained fi'om the borings. If upon excavation, conditions that are not consistent with the borings are revealed, it is a~eed that you will notify, us so that we may gather iimher information and modi~ our opinion or indicate that no modification is necessary in a written addendum to this report; or hiling to engage our services to prepare such written addendum it is a~eed that you proceed at your own peril. I hereby certif.v that is report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Re~stered Professional En~neer under the Laws of the State of Minnesota. ADVANCE SLrR. VEYING & ENGINEERING CO. James H. Parker P.E. & P.S., No. 9235, President UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Inorganic clu.xs To plasticity, gravely cla.x s. sandy clays, silt?' clays, lean clays (CL) iow medium < SW) graded gravely or no tines Well and little SP) Poorly graded and gravely sands, or no fines little (GW) Well ~q'aded gra,.e!s and gn'avel-sand mixtures, little or no fines (SC) Cia>e? sands, sand-clay mixtures (GC) Clayey gravels, gn'avel-sand-clay mixtures (SM) Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures (OL) Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity (OH) Organic clays of medium to high plasticity (Pt) Peat. muck. and other highly organic soils (ML) Inorganic silts, rock flour, silty or clayey fine sand (CH) Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays (MH) Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous silts, elastic silts (GP) Poorly graded gravels and ~avel-sand mixtures, little or no fines (GM) Silty gravels. ~avel-sand-silt mixtures LOK',TORY SOIL BORING LOC- I~)~ ~az POJ ' i l)~,:001¥ir. Mark Tooi~ex ?'ior Lake. Minnesota ] I J~ i3x, O BY DxTE c'LiENT CITY t ::'. ~r;vx 974 973 1 972 971 3 970 4 969 5 Firm, brown sandy clay (CL), some rocks, dry 968 6 967 7 966 8 965 9 964 10 963 11 962 12 961 13 Compact, brown poorly graded fine sand (SP), gravel layers 960 14 959 15 958 16 continued next page *W - DENOTES WATER LEVEL DETECTED AT COMPLETION OF BORING. MAY RISE ! (D=DRY) *N - STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BLOW' COUNT ADVANCE SURVEYING / ENGINEERING / GEOTECHNICAL . ~00 HIGHWAY 101 SO. MINNETONKA. MINNESOTA 55345 PHONE: 474 7964 IEXPLOR. ATOR¥ SOIL BOR,NG LOG # ]0i~;51>-t POJ I b08_0~; Mr. ~lark i [ .,t) BNO BY DATE ( k,~-, T Prior Lake. Minnesota CiTY 11 957 17 Compact, brown pooriy zraded,,fine sand ISP), gravel layers 956 18 ,Compact, brown well ~raded sand (SW) 19 I "W. DENOTES WATER LEVEL DETECTED AT Ct)ivlPLETION OF BORING. MAY PriSE ! ID--DRY) 'N - STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BLOW COUNT ADV.4~N'CE SURVEYING / ENGINEERING / GEOTECHNICAL 5300 HIGHWAY I01 SO. MI:~ETONKA. MINNESOTA 55345 PHONE: 47g 7t}64 ] EXPLOILA. TORY SOIL BORING LOG~ = ~' ] ~;, ~;<a POi , /)8 _)l)~ 3/Ir. Mark ,roohe? Prior Lake. Minnesota ' 'E.'xO BY DA 7E CLIENT CITY i~', ~i,I'H DESCRIPTION 969 0 968 1 967 2 Firm, brown sandy clay (CL), some grave! 966 3 965 4 964 5 963 6 962 7 961 8 960 9 959 10 Compact, brown well graded sand (SW) 958 11 957 12 956 13 955 14 954 15 953 16 Compact ~ brown poorl~v ~raded fine sand (SP) continued next page *W - DENOTES WATER LEVEL DETECTED AT COMPLETION OF BORING. MAY RISE ! (D;DRY) *N - STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BLt~)W COUNT ADVANCE SURVEYING / ENGINEERING / GEOTECHNICAL 53 )0 HIGHWAY 0 SO. MINNETONKA. MINNESOTA 55345 PHONE: 474 7064 ] E~XPLORATORY SOIL BORING LOG # 2 ] ! il! 05~)4 PO.I I 1~08,'2001 Mr. Mark Toohe,, Pr or Lake. ¥1inne.';ota ] JOBNO BY DATE L,_I_N CITY 952 i? 951 18 Compact, brown poorly graded fine sand (SP) 950 19 -D- *w. DENOTES WATER LEVEL DETECTED AT COivlPLETION OF BOFd'NG. MAY rdSE ! (D=DRY) 'N - STANDARD PENETILA. TION TEST BLOW COb~T ADVA.NCE SURVEYLN'G / ENGI_N'EERING / GEOTECHNICAL 5300 HIGHWAY 101 SO. MINNETONKA. MINNESOTA 55345 PHONE: 474 7964 I EXPLOP,.ATORY SOiL :BORING LOG # 31 ,]~/5~:.a POJ i ] 08,2'~0i bi!'. ',,lark Toohev Prior Lake. ¥[innesota Ol;'~.O BY DA, :: CLIE: :T CITY { :;' ,:~¢', 9,76 0 975 9'74 2 973 3 972 4 Firm, brown sandy clay (CL) 971 5 970 6 969 7 968 8 967 9 966 101 965 11 Compact, brown poorly graded sand (SP), some gravel 964 12 963 13 962 14 961 15 Compact, brown well graded sand (SW) 960 16 continued next page %v- DENOTES WATER LEVEL DETECTED AT CONIPLETION OF BORING. MAY RISE ! {D--DRY) 'N - STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BLOW COL~'NT ADVANCE SURVEYING / ENGINEERING / GEOTECHNICAL 5300 HIGHWAY 101 SO. MINN£TONKA. MINNESOTA 55345 PHONE: 474 7964 I EXPLORATORY SOIL BORING LOG '= i :'":-:~).a POJ t 1/08,_001 5/ir. Mark ~ oone,. Prior Lake. Minnesota :a ~x :~l~,'!'~.i DESCRIPTt(Y< V*'* 959 17 Compact, brown well .*raded sand (SW) 958 18 957 19 956 20 955 21 Cgmpact, brown poorly ~raded fine sand (SP) 954 22 953 23 952 24 -D- DENOTES WATER LEVEL DETECTED AT COMPLETION OF BORiNG. MAY RISE ! (D=DRY) STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BLOW COUNT ' ADV.A.NCE SURVEYING / ENGINEERING / GEOTECHNICAL 5300 HIGHWAY I01 $O. MrNNETONKA. MINNESOTA 55345 PHONE: 474 7964 24,0 '~ zo.o ~ NOTE: EXTRA REQLJIRi "~AC, T O, AS OESORIBED E SURVEYING ¢O. FOR I'~E C PRIOR LAKE.. PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: SITE: PRESENTER: REVIEWED BY: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 5D CONSIDER VARIANCES TO ALLOW A STRUCTURE SETBACK OF 1' TO A FRONT LOT LINE; A 1.3' SlDEYARD SETBACK;A BUILDING SEPARATION LESS THAN 15'; A SUM OF SIDE YARDS LESS THAN 15 FEET; AN LAVE ENCROACHMENT INTO A SIDE & FRONT YARD; A 63.8' BUILDING WALL SETBACK TO SIDE YARD; AND A DRIVEWAY SETBACK TO THE SIDE YARD ( Case file ~02-029PC) STEVEN & PATRIClA MOSEY 14620 OAKLAND BEACH AVENUE SE STEVEN HORSMAN, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR JANE KANSlER, PLANNING COORDINATOR _X_YES NO APRIL 22, 2002 INTRODUCTION: The Planning Department received a variance application from the property owners for the construction of an attached garage and second story addition to an existing single-family dwelling on a nonconforming platted lot of record located at 14620 Oakland Beach Avenue. The applicant is requesting the following Variances: 1. A 24-foot variance to permit a 1-foot structure setback to a front property line, rather than 25-feet as required for front yard setbacks [Ordinance Section 1102.405 Dimensional Standards (3)]. 2. A 3.58-foot variance to permit a sum of side yards of 11.42-feet on a nonconforming lot of record rather than the minimum required 15-feet [Ordinance Section 1101.502 Required Yards/Open Space (8)]. 3. A 5.9-foot variance to permit a building separation of 9.1-feet between all structures on the nonconforming lot and on the adjoining lot, rather than the minimum required 15-feet [Ordinance Section 1101.502 Required Yards/Open Space (8)]. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER A 4.7-foot variance to permit an eave and gutter encroachment to within .3-feet from a side lot line rather than the minimum required 5-feet setback [Ordinance Section 1101.503 Yard encroachments (1)]. A 5-foot variance to permit an eave and gutter encroachment to within 0' of the front lot line rather than the minimum required 5-feet setback [Ordinance Section 1101.503 Yard encroachments (1)]. A 6-foot variance to permit a building wall 63.8-feet in length to be setback 1.3-feet from a side lot line rather than the minimum required 7.3-feet for building walls over 50-feet [Ordinance Section 1102.405 Dimensional Standards (6)]. A 2.18-foot variance to permit a 63.8-foot building wall to be setback 10.12-foot to a side lot line rather than the required minimum 12.3-feet for building walls over 50-feet [Ordinance Section 1102.405 Dimensional Standards (6)]. 8. A 3.7-foot variance to permit a driveway setback of 1.3-feet, rather than the minimum required setback of 5-feet; and, A 4' variance to permit a 28' wide driveway at the right-of-way line rather than the maximum allowed 24' [Ordinance Section 1107.205 Driveways (1)]. DISCUSSION: Lot 14, Oakland Beach, was platted in 1926. The subject property is a legal nonconforming platted lot of record. The property is located within the R-1 District (Low Density Residential) and Shoreland District (SD). The subject lot has dimensions of 40' front & rear lot lines, by 100' side lot lines, for a total lot area of 4,000 square feet. According to Scott County land records, the applicant does not own the adjoining properties (Attachment 1 - Certificate of Survey). City records indicate in 1976 a previous owner was granted an 8' variance to construct a room addition within 2' of the south lot line. In 1981, the same owner was issued a building permit for an addition to the garage on Lot 10. At the same time, both Lots 10 and 14 were owned by the same person. Lot 14 was purchased by the applicants in 1996. The current owner and applicant received a building permit in 1996 to remodel the interior of the existing house, and for a gas fireplace. In 1997 the applicant was issued a permit for the deck addition. The applicant now proposes to build a 28' by 19' garage with second story addition attached to the existing dwelling. The proposed front setback of 1' requires a 24' variance. Setback averaging will allow a 20' setback (16.8' L:\02 FI LES\02vadances\02~029War02-029PC.doc Page 2 average). The existing house is currently setback 1.3', but the addition is considered an expansion which is not permitted under City Code. The existing structure does not have a garage, only a paved driveway/parking area in the location of the proposed addition. In addition, the applicant is proposing to remove a portion of the existing driveway in order to reduce the impervious surface area. (Attachment 2 - Building Plans). As proposed, the sum of side yards on the subject lot total 11.42'. This requires an 3.58' variance, as the minimum sum of side yards allowed is 15' on nonconforming lots. This variance request could be eliminated by reducing the garage width by 6', and provide for a sum of side yards of 17.42' [Ordinance Section 1101.502: Required Yards/Open Space (8) Nonconforming Lots]. When the proposed addition setback of 1.3' is combined with the setback of 7.8' for the existing structure on Lot 15, the building separation of 9.1' is less than the required minimum separation of 15' between all structures on the subject nonconforming lot and on the adjoining lot. This requires a variance of 5.9' for the garage/room addition [Ordinance Section 1101.502: Required Yards/Open Space (8)]. The eave and gutter encroachments will require two variances: a 4.7' variance to allow the eave/gutter to encroach within .3' of the side lot line, and a 5' variance to permit an eave/gutter to encroach within 0' of the front property line. The existing house eaves currently encroach into the same side yard; however, this addition is considered an expansion of a nonconforming structure and not permitted by code. The side yard encroachment variance could be eliminated again by reducing the garage size 6' in width. The proposed addition will add 19' to both side yard exterior building walls of 44.8' for a total wall length of 63.8'. The Zoning Ordinance requires that two inches per foot be added to the side yard setback for walls over 50' long (63.8' - 50' = 13.8' x 2" = 27.6" or 2.3'+ 5'= 7.3', & 2.3'+ 10'= 12.3'). This requires a 6' variance to permit a 1.3' side yard setback on the south line, and a 2.18' variance for a 10.12' setback on the north line. The existing driveway area is approximately 22' deep by 39' wide for 858 square feet of coverage area. The applicant is proposing to eliminate an area along the north lot line of approximately 10' x 20' for 200 square feet. As proposed, the driveway would extend out from the addition at 1.3' from the south lot line, and requires a variance of 3.7' because this does not meet the minimum 5' side yard setback for driveways. In addition, the proposed driveway is 28' wide at the private R-O-W line (right-of-way) which requires a 4' variance to exceed the allowable width of 24' [Ordinance Section 1107.205 Driveways]. L:\02FILES\02varlances\02-029\Var02-029PC.doc Page 3 The applicant submitted an impervious surface worksheet which identifies an existing 2,789 square foot of impervious surface for 41.8% of the total lot area, including the common area between the rear lot line and the 904' OHWM. The proposed garage/room addition would be built over existing driveway and would not add to the impervious surface area. In addition, the applicant is proposing to remove 200 square feet of existing driveway for a proposed impervious surface coverage area of 2,589 square feet or 38.8% of total area. The proposed reduction of impervious surface area is allowed under the City code, as an existing site that is being altered, remodeled or expanded without expanding the existing impervious surface (Attachment 3 - Existing Impervious surface Area). The applicant submitted a narrative describing their reasons for the requested variances (Attachment 4 - Applicant Narrative). In addition, staff received a letter from the adjoining Lot 13 property owner expressing support for the applicant's variance request (Attachment 5 - Letter Dated 3-21-02). The City Engineering Department noted the existing gravel road is on the property east of the platted R-O-W, along with the sanitary and water utifities. If the road were to be moved to its platted location as depicted on the survey, the R-O-W would be 1' from the proposed structure. The Department of Natural Resources responded that as long as the impervious surface area is OK, the DNR is not opposed to the side and front yard setbacks. They alone will not have measurable negative impact to the lake. Staff's recommendation is to reduce the garage width from 28' to 22'. This would add 6' to the south side setback, and would eliminate four of the variance requests (3, 4, 6, 8). The proposed garage/room addition will only allow a 1' driveway depth from the 20' platted private road access, and staff has concerns regarding vehicle parking in the right-of-way, should the existing road be moved to the platted R-O-W. However, under the current conditions, with some of the existing garages built in the platted R-O-W, the road may not be moved. In addition, staff suggests redesigning the garage/room to 22' x 19' to reduce the impervious surface area by an additional 114 square feet, and remove the existing paved driveway in this area for reduction of an additional 132 square feet of impervious surface area (6' x 22'). This variance request could be reduced or possibly eliminated by resizing the garage width to 22', and recessing the garage wall 6' away from the south lot for a 7.3' setback. If Lots 10 and 14 were under single ownership, the garage on Lot 10 would be a permitted use under Zoning Ordinance 1101.501 Lot Provisions (3, d), Two or L:\02FILE S\02varia nces\02-029\Var02-029PC.doc Page 4 more nonconforming lots of record under single ownership separated by a privete road or driveway may be combined and used as a single buildable lot underthe following conditions (reads in part). However, Lot 10 is owned by the applicants father, and therefore this condition does not apply VARIANCE HARDSHIP STANDARDS 1, Where by reason of narrowness, shallowness, or shape of a lot, or where by reason of exceptional topographical or water conditions or other extraordinary and exceptional conditions of such lot, the strict application of the terms of this Ordinance would result in peculiar and practical difficulties or exceptional or undue hardship upon the owner of such lot in developing or using such lot in a manner customary and legally permissible within the Use District in which said lot is located. The subject property is a nonconforming lot of record and an existing condition over which the applicant has no control. Some variances will be needed to build a garage addition. However, the applicant can control the design and size of the proposed additions and eliminate the need for half of the variances requested. = Conditions applying to the structure or land in question are peculiar to the property or immediately adjoining property, and do not apply, generally, to other land or structures in the Use DistriCt in which the land is located. The lot is a legal nonconforming lot of record and has an existing nonconforming structure without a garage. Plats of this era (1926) subdivided lots with smaller dimensions (50 ' wide) and are peculiar to the lot and adjoining properties of the Oakland Beach subdivision..In addition, because of the structure's location and proximity to the front lot line, this precludes the ability to build a garage without some form of front setback variance. However, four of the requested variances can be eliminated or reduced with a redesign of the proposed addition. 3. The granting of the proposed Variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the owner. A front setback variance appears necessary for a garage addition of reasonable size and to preserve a substantial property right of the owner. However, the variances requested for the setbacks to the side, sum of side yards, eave encroachment, driveway and building wall, may be reduced or eliminated with a revised building plan. L:\O2FILES~02va~iances\02-029~VarO2-029PC.doc Page 5 4. The granting of the proposed Variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to the adjacent property, unreasonably increase the congestion in the public streets, increase the danger of fire, or endanger the public safety. The granting of the variances should not impair these stated values, unless the road were moved to the platted right of way, and within 1' of the proposed garage. The granting of the Variance will not unreasonably impact on the character and development of the neighborhood, unreasonably diminish or impair established property values in the surrounding area, or in any other way impair the health safety, and comfort of the area. The granting of the requested variances to permit a garage and 2nd stoW addition will not unreasonably impact the character of the neighborhood, or diminish property values or impair health, safety and comfort of the area. 6. The granting of the proposed Variance will not be contrary to the intent of this Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. Since this is a platted lot of record, and no garage exists, the granting of 4 of the requested variances is not contrary to the intent of the Ordinances or the Comprehensive plan. However, Variance #'s 3, 4, 6, 8 & 9, can be reduced or eliminated with a redesigned garage/room addition plan, and therefore, they are contrary to the intent of these Ordinances and the Comprehensive Plan. The granting of the Variance will not merely serve as a convenience to the applicant but is necessary to alleviate a demonstrable undue hardship or difficulty. With respect to variance requests 1,2, 5, & 7, a hardship exists and a variance is required to alleviate a demonstrable undue hardship or difficulty to build a smaller garage and second stow room addition to the existing structure. However, no hardship exists pertaining to all variances as requested. 8. The hardship results from the application of the provisions of this Ordinance to the affected property and does not result from actions of the owners of the property. A hardship results from the provisions of the Ordinance with regards to four variances to construct a garage and second stow addition to the existing structure. However, the applicant can reduce the size of the proposed L:\02 FILES\02vadances\02-029\Var02-029PC.doc Page 6 garage and room additions to reduce or eliminate all eight requested vadances. 9. Increased development or construction costs or economic hardship alone shall not be grounds for granting a Variance. Financial considerations alone are not grounds for the granting of variances. in this case financial considerations are in addition to the other 8 hardship criteda half of the variances requested. RECOMMENDATION: The staff believes that all of the Variance hardship cdteria have been met with respect to variance requests 1, 2, 5, & 7, but the criteria is not met for requests 3, 4, 6, 8 & 9. A legal alternative building site does not appear to exist on the lot to allow for a garage addition because of the location of the existing structure on the nonconforming platted lot of record. In addition, staff feels the garage and room additions may be redesigned and reduced in size to eliminate Vadance requests 3, 4, 6, 8 & 9. Therefore, the variance hardship criteria have not been met with respect to 4 of the variances as proposed by the applicant and staff recommends denial of these requested vadances. Staff recommends the following conditions be included with approval of any variances deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission. The Resolutions adopted by the Planning Commission shall be recorded at Scott County within 60 days of adoption, and proof of recording along with the acknowledged City Assent Form shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. The applicant shall submit a revised certificate of survey depicting the approved additions location, and the subject site shall be developed as shown on the survey to ensure additional variances are not required. 3. The building permit is subject to all other city ordinances and applicable county and state agency regulations. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the variances requested by the applicant, or approve any variances the Planning Commission deems appropriate in the circumstances, in this case, the Planning Commission should direct staff to prepare a resolution with findings approving the variance requests. L:~02FILES\02vadances~02-029\VarO2-029PC.doc Page 7 2. Approve variances #1,2, 5 & 7, with findings and deny variances 3, 4, 6, 8 & 9. This action will require the applicant to submit a revised survey and plan. 3. Table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose. 4. Deny the application because the Planning Commission finds a Iack of demonstrated hardship under the zoning code criteria. ACTION REQUIRED: The staff recommends alternative # 2: 1. Motion and second adopting Resolution 02-005PC approving variances 1, 2,5&7. 2. Motion and second adopting Resolution 02-006PC denying the variances 3, 4, 6, 8 & 9, as requested by the applicant. L:\02FI LES\02variances\02-029~Var02-029PC.doc Page 8 RESOLUTION 02-005PC A RESOLUTION APPROVING A 24-FOOT VARIANCE TO FRONT SETBACK; A 3.5-FOOT VARIANCE TO SUM OF SIDE YARDS; A 5-FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT AN EAVE/GUTTER ENCROACHMENT IN THE FRONT YARD; A 2.1g-FOOT VARIANCE FOR A BUILDING WALL OVER SO-FEET LONG. BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota; FINDINGS Steven W. & Patricia J. Mosey (applicant/owner) have applied for variances from the Zoning Ordinance in order to permit the construction of a garage and room addition to a single family residence on property located in the R-1 (Low Density Residential) District and the SD (Shoreland Overlay) District at the following location, 14620 Oakland Beach Avenue SE, and legally described as follows; Lot 14, Oakland Beach, Scott County, Minnesota. 2. The Board of Adjustment has reviewed the application for variances as contained in Case #02-029PC and held hearings thereon on April 22, 2002. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variance on the Comprehensive Plan. Because of conditions on the subject property and on the surrounding property, the proposed variance will not result in the impairment of an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent properties, unreasonably increase congestion in the public streets, increase the danger of fire, and danger to the public safety, unreasonably diminish or impair health, safety, comfort, morals or in any other respect be contrary to the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. A legal building envelope does not exist on the subject lot that eliminates the need for the requested variances for setbacks to front yard, sum of side yards, cave encroachment, and driveway location. The applicant has no control over the existing structures location, such that the hardship has not been created by the applicant. l:\02files\02variances\02-029~aprvres.doc l 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 6. There is justifiable hardship caused by the required setbacks and existing structure location, as reasonable use of the property does not exist without the granting of the variances requested. 7. The granting of the variance, as originally requested, is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. The variance will not serve merely as a convenience to the applicant, and is necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship. 8. The contents of Planning Case 02-029PC are hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of decision for this case. CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth alSove, the Board of Adjustment hereby approves with conditions the following variances for a future garage and room addition attached to a single-family dwelling as shown in the attached Exhibit 1 - Revised Certificate of Survey; A 24-foot variance to permit a 1-foot structure setback to a front property line, rather than 25-feet as required for front yard setbacks [Ordinance Section 1102.405 Dimensional Standards (3)]. A 3.58-foot variance to permit a sum of side yards of 11.42-feet on a nonconforming lot of record rather than the minimum required I5-feet [Ordinance Section 1101.502 Required Yards/Open Space (8)]. A 5-foot variance to permit an eave and gutter encroachment to within 0' of the front lot line rather than the minimum required 5-feet setback [Ordinance Section 1101.503 Yard encroachments (1)]. A 2.18-foot variance to permit a 63.8-foot building wall to be setback 10.12-foot to a side lot line rather than the required minimum 12.3-feet for building walls over 50- feet [Ordinance Section 1102.405 Dimensional Standards (6)]. The following conditions shall be adhered to and subject to the issuance of a building permit for the proposed garage/room addition: The Resolution adopted by the Planning Commission shall be recorded at Scott County within 60 days of adoption, and proof of recording along with the acknowledged City Assent form shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. l:\02files\02variances\02-029\aprvres.doc 2 2. The applicant shall subrnit a revised certificate of survey depicting the approved addition location, and the subject site shall be developed as shown on the survey to ensure additional variances are not required. 3. The building permit is subject to all other city ordinances and applicable county and state agency regulations. Adopted by the Board of Adjustment on April 22, 2002. ATTEST: Anthony J. Stamson, Commission Chair Donald R. Rye, Community Development Director l:\02files\O2variances\O2-O29~aprwes.doc 3 RESOLUTION 02-006PC A RESOLUTION DENYING A 5.9-FOOT VARIANCE TO BUILDING SEPARATION; A 4.7-FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT AN EAVE/GUTTER ENCROACHMENT IN FRONT AND SIDE LOT LINES; A 6-FOOT VARIANCE FOR BUILDING WALLS OVER 50-FEET LONG; A 3.7-FOOT AND 4-FOOT VARIANCES TO PERMIT A DRIVEWAY WIDTH AND SETBACK TO A FRONT AND SIDE LOT LINES BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota; FINDINGS Steven W. & Patricia J. Mosey (applicant/owner) have applied for variances from the Zoning Ordinance in order to permit the construction of a garage and room addition to a single family residence on property located in the R-1 (Low Density Residential) District and the SD (Shoreland Overlay) District at the following location, 14620 Oakland Beach Avenue SE, and legally described as follows; Lot 14, Oakland Beach, Scott County, Minnesota. 2. The Board of Adjustment has reviewed the application for variances as contained in Case #02-029PC and held hearings thereon on April 22, 2002. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variance on the Comprehensive Plan. Because of conditions on the subject property and on the surrounding property, the proposed variance will result in the impairment of an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent properties, unreasonably increase congestion in the public streets, increase the danger of fire, and danger to the public safety, unreasonably diminish or impair health, safety, comfort, morals or in any other respect be contrary to the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. A legal building envelope exists on the subject lot that meets or reduces the requested variances for setbacks to side yard, sum of side yards, eave encroachment, and driveway location. The applicant has control over the house design and shape, such that the hardship has been created by the applicant. Reasonable use of the property exists with a smaller building footprint. 6. There is no justifiable hardship caused by the required setbacks and impervious surface coverage area as reasonable use of the property exists without the granting of the variance. l:\02files\02varian ces\02-029\dnyres.doc 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER The granting of the variance, as originally requested, is not necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. The variance will serve merely as a convenience to the applicant, and is not necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship. The factors above allow for an alternative structure to be permitted with a reduced variance or none at all. 8. The contents of Planning Case 02-029PC are hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of decision for this case. CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Board of Adjustment hereby denies the following variances for a future garage and room additions to a single-family dwelling as shown m attached Attachment 1 - Certificate of Survey; 1. A 5.9-foot variance to permit a building separation of 9.1-feet between all structures on the nonconforming lot and on the adjoining lot, rather than the minimum required 15-feet [Ordinance Section 1101.502 Required Yards/Open Space (8)]. A 4.7-foot variance to permit an cave and gutter encroachment to within .3-feet from a side lot line rather than the minimum required 5-feet setback [Ordinance Section 1101.503 Yard encroachments (1)]. A 6-foot variance to permit a building wall 63.8-feet in length to be setback 1.3-feet from a side lot line rather than the minimum required 7.3-feet for building walls over 50-feet [Ordinance Section 1102.405 Dimensional Standards (6)]. A 3.7-foot variance to permit a driveway setback of 1.3-feet, rather than the minimum required setback of 5-feet; and a 4' variance to permit a 28' wide driveway at the right-of- way line rather than the maximum allowed 24' [ordinance Section 1107.205 Driveways (1)]. Adopted by the Board of Adjustment on April 22, 2002. ATTEST: Anthony J. Stamson, Commission Chair Donald R. Rye, Community Development Director l:\02files\O2variances\O2-O29\dnyres.doc 2 SURVEY PREPlt~ED FOR: STEVE MOSEY 14524 GLENDALE AVENUE SE F~IOR L~KE, M~. 55372 Valley Surveying Co., PA 16670 FRANKLIN TRAIL SE ,~ , 24 GLENDALE AVENUE S.E. }R LAKE, MN. 55372 ,7 8 ~ · 25? I-- HOUSE ~:~ _J North line of lot 14 ;' OAKLAND BEAC;H · ~ ssg° 50' 24" W Ct" ~i lO0 plat U.J I t--~ 100.07 rfleas --- I~. ,,po ~OUSE PROP,~]![~ DE3CRIPTION %S PROVIDED: Lot 14, OAKLAND BEACh, Scott County, OAKLAND 3EACH 1ST ADDITIOg.:, Scott Coun~v~ i I ' RRR-17-~. 09:4~ L~ I ~Y ~W.~NG CO., P.~ . :/. ':< ?'i <:"'.~ -.' ~' .. '~ '..CITY OF PRIOR LAKE · ~ .i ?.'..'.:' :~.: -' '.'.i' ImperVioUs Surf~e'CalCUla~ons. ,. : , ' '" '" .' .:"' '~', :./. '...For:~l.'~oP~es. . ~'Located'~'~e, Shor~l~d Di~ct:(~. P.01 · ... .. " ., : ' ..... ' ,'., LENGTH WIDTH . SQ. FF..ET . ....... ..~,~ ~:'~.. .... ,' ..HOUSE'".':' ;'?='::': '.. ' ' ' '. :"" . .. .... "." ': 'ATTACH:EDG~...~, ~,GE. "..: .,.. :' x .. '" · .: . · ". '::. '.:'. :-.. :':""... , "...:"... .. .:. .. .~-o:,,:.p~cm:,: sT~u~ ........ :.....: ......... ~_~,, m , ::DETAci-I~ED:Bi~DG$''.'''': ..': '"'-' x ' . '".'.' ." :'.':". =-~S~ )." :'...,: :'.."...'...... · ......... "'..'' ': .'""!':"' '.'"":.': .."....' .':" ..,'TOTA'L'DETA'CH'ilD'I:ILrlLDI'IN'GS ....... : ...... OTHER TOT~DECKS..:..: ........................................... : ...... I~0 ATTACHMENT 4 - APPLICANT NARRATIVE TO: STEVE HORSMAN FROM: STEVE AND PATRICIA MOSEY BUILDING VARIANCE DATE: 03-21-02 My family and I are attempting to make improvements to our home. We currently live at 14620 Oakland Beach Ave S.E. We have been living here for approximately five and one half years. We are a growing family with two kids, ages 14 and 10 years old. We love living here, but our home does not have a garage. We are a two-car family along with many other property owner items, such as; lawn mower, snow blower, bikes, tools etc. We have very limited storage space. We would like to build an attached garage onto our existing home. We would also like to add a room above the garage to give us more room for our family. We have put a great amount of time and research into our project and feel we are in need for the addition. We will be asking for variances consisting of; Front and Side Setback, Combined Side Yards, Building Separation, A Building Wall Over 50 feet, Eave and Gutter Setback, and A Driveway Setback. These will be needed to build our proposed garage on our irregular lot. We are hoping that after you see our plans, and the survey, and give us some time to explain our need that you will grant us the variances we need to build our addition. If you have any questions please feel free to call us. Steve and Patricia Mosey Home; 440-6611 Steve work; 612 673-5704 Patricia work; 952 707-3367 89/84/1997 19:21 6072774631 DAVID FELDSHUH PAGE 81 ATTACHMENT 5 - LETTER DATED 3-21-02 April 16, 2002 Prior Lake Planning Commission City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Ave S.E. Prior Lake, M'N 55372-1714 Dear Planning Commission: We are wrki~g in support of Steven W. and Palricia 3. Mosey's application for a variance at 14620 Oakland Beach Ave. $1~., lot 14. This addition will not adversely affect the lake ~nd will be an k~oprovcmcnt to the property. Sincerely, David F¢ldshuh o~aldand Beach Ave arid Martha Frommelt 308 Elmwood Avenue Ithaca, NY 14850 SE. 16200 PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: SITE: PRESENTER: REVIEWED BY: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: CONSIDER A VARIANCE TO STRUCTURE SETBACK TO TH~: ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK (OHWM) ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3894 GREEN HEIGHTS TRAIL FOR DONALD B. SCHERER, (Case File #02-021PC) LOT 1, GREEN H~IGHTS 1ST ADDITION (PARTIAL LEGAL) STEVEN HORSMAN, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR JANE KANSmR, PLANNIiNG COORDINATOR __x_ APRIL 22, 2002 INTRODUCTION: The Planning Department received a variance application from Donald B. Scherer (applicant/owner) to allow an existing deck to remain on the property located at 3894 Green Heights Trail. The deck was constructed in the year 2000 without a required building permit. The deck is attached to an existing single-family dwelling that was constructed in 1946 (Attachment 1 - Certificate of Survey). On March 22, 2002, staff received a phone call requesting a continuance of this variance to the next scheduled meeting date. On March 25, 2002, the Planning Commission continued this agenda item to the public hearing on April 8, 2002. On April 5, 2002, staff received a phone call requesting a continuance to April 22, 2002. The applicant requests the following variance: 1) A 23-foot variance to allow a structure setback of 52-feet from the ordinary high water mark (OHWlVi) elevation of 904 feet, rather than the minimum required setback of 75-feet [Ordinance Section 1104.302 (4) Setback Requirements]. HISTORY On or around the week of April I0, 2000, Mr. Scherer asked the City Building Department about the process for obtaining a building permit for a new deck on an existing structure. The Building Department explained the procedure regarding replacement decks and the waiver of survey with a site plan versus the expansion of the existing deck which requires a new certificate of survey. The applicant felt a survey was too costly, and he left City Hall without completing a building permit application. The staff followed up with a phone call to the property owner and scheduled an appointment to inspect the subject property, on April 17, 2000, staffvisited the applicant's properly to verify the existing deck dimensions of approximately 16' x 8'. Staff explained the options to the L:\02FILES~02vafiances\02-021~VarRpt2.DOC Page 1 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER applicant: (1) replace the existing deck, as is, with a site plan, waiver of survey, and permit approval; or (2) if he intended to build a larger deck or closer to the OHWM, obtain a new certificate of survey to verify the OHWM setback for the permit application. The owner stated he did not intend to apply for a building permit at this time. On May 8, 2000, The City received a complaint regarding the construction of a deck on the subject property. Upon inspection it was noted a new deck was under construction and measured 16' x 16'. The applicant was notified of the building and zoning code violations after which he applied for a building permit on June 8, 2000. Upon review of the application staff determined a certificate of survey was required for this project and notified the applicant. The applicant submitted a site plan with the permit but this was deemed as insufficient submittal material, as the zoning ordinance requires new survey depicting proposed additions and setbacks to property boundaries and the OHWM, and the permit was denied. The applicant was given two written notices regarding denial of the permit as submitted, and the additional information staff requested. When the applicant did not respond, he was given a final notice and the case was then forwarded to the prosecuting attorney for court action. The applicant/owner eventually submitted a variance application for the deck as a result of a negotiated settlement with the attorney for the ordinance violation. DISCUSSION: Lot 1, Green Heights First Addition (partial legal), was platted in 1957. The subject lot is riparian and located within the R-1 (Low Density Residential) and the SD (Shoreland Overlay) Districts. The lot dimensions are 121.15' front, by 202' side by 108.04' rear by 174.83' side, for a total lot area of 21,284 square feet above the OHWM 904' elevation. The lot is considered a legal conforming lot of record. The applicant does not own either of the properties adjoining the subject lot. The applicant is requesting a 23' variance to permit a structure setback of 52' from the ordinary high water mark (OHWM). Setback averaging does not help the applicant in this case as the averge setback for the structures on adjoining properties is 64' [(83' + 45') / 2 = 64']. The applicant submitted deck plans that depict 16' x 16' deck dimensions, and attached to the principal structure [Attachment 2 - Deck Plans]. The applicant also submitted an impervious worksheet that describes an impervious surface coverage area for the subject property is 4,135 square feet of a total lot area of 21,284 square feet or 19.4% coverage (Attachment 3 - Impervious Surface Calculations). The City Engineering Department has submitted comments for this report. In essence, the variance request would encourage the following: I) Promote "lake creep"; the encroachment of buildings and impervious areas toward the lakeshore. The Department of Natural Resources submitted comments on this request. In essence, the DNR's concerns include the hardship for a 16' deep deck versus a 12', and a wider deck such as 20' to accommodate more area and less ora setback encroachment. If the Planning Commission approves a variance, the DNR suggested a condition be the removal of the existing shed located near the lake. In addition, the DNR is not supportive of issuing an after-the-fact variance for the deck setback. L:\02FILES\02variances\02-021\VarRpt2.DOC Page 2 VARIANCE HARDSHIP STANDARDS Where by reason of narrowness, shallowness, or shape of a lot, or where by reason of exceptional topographical or water conditions or other extraordinary and exceptional conditions of such lot, the strict application of the terms of this Ordinance would result in peculiar and practical difficulties or exceptional or undue hardship upon the owner of such lot in developing or using such lot in a manner customary and legally permissible within the Use District in which said lot is located. The subject lot does not meet the variance hardship standards for narrowness, shallowness, or shape, and is not exceptional with regards to topography or water conditions. Therefore, staffhas determined the request does not meet this hardship criteria. o Conditions applying to the structure or land in question are peculiar to the property or immediately adjoining property, and do not apply, generally, to other land or structures in the Use District in which the land is located. The existing conditions of the lot area and dimensions are not peculiar to the property, and generally do apply to most other lots within the Shoreland District. When all required setbacks are applied, there was a buildable area for a replacement deck on this lot without the need for a variance. 3. The granting of the proposed Variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the owner. The approved legal site precluded the need for the variance request. The hardship has been created by the owner when the decision was made to build a deck of these dimensions and at this location. The granting of the proposed Variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to the adjacent property, unreasonably increase the congestion in the public streets, increase the danger of fire, or endanger the public safety. The granting of the requested variance will not impair light and air to adjacent properties or increase congestion, danger of fire or endanger public safety. . The granting of the Variance will not unreasonably impact on the character and development of the neighborhood, unreasonably diminish or impair established property values in the surrounding area, or in any other way impair the health safety, and comfort of the area. The granting of the variances will adversely affect the above stated values by increasing slructure encroachments upon the lakeshore and thereby affecting the adjacent properties. 6. The granting of the proposed Variance will not be contrary to the intent of this Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. L:\O2FILES\O2vadances\02-02 l~VarRpt2.DOC Page 3 The granting of the variance is contrary to the intent of the Ordinance or the Comprehensive Plan by allowing increased encroachments of the shoreland setback regulations, contrary to the intent of the zoning ordinance for structure setbacks from the OHWM, and setback averaging. 7. The granting of the Variance will not merely serve as a convenience to the applicant but is necessary to alleviate a demonstrable undue hardship or difficulty. The granting of the variance request appears to serve as a convenience to the applicant. The applicant/owner constructed the deck with full knowledge of the building permit and zoning ordinance requirements prior to constructing the structure. 8. The hardship results from the application of the provisions of this Ordinance to the affected property and does not result from actions of the owners of the property. The hardship results from the actions of the property owner when he constructed the deck in the year 2000. A legal alternative building site existed that allowed for replacement of the existing deck without the need for a variance. 9. Increased development or construction costs or economic hardship alone shall not be grounds for granting a Variance. Financial considerations alone shall not be grounds for granting this variance request. The property owner stated that the expense of a survey was a mason for not applying for a building permit. RECOMMENDATION: The staff has concluded that all of the required variance hardship criteria have not been met, and the variance hardship was created by the owner when the deck structure was constructed in violation of the zoning ordinance and without an approved building permit. Staff therefore recommends denial of the variance request. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve all the variances requested by the applicant. In this case, the Planning Commission should direct staff to prepare a resolution with findings approving the Variance requests. 2. Table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose. 3. Deny the application because the Planning Commission finds a lack of demonstrated hardship under the zoning code criteria. ACTION REQUIRED: Staff recommends alternative #3. 1. Motion and second adopting Resolution 02-003PC, denying a 23' foot variance to permit a 52' stracture setback, rather than the required minimum 75' setback to the OHWM. L:\02FILES\02variances\02-021\VarRpt2.DOC Page 4 RESOLUTION 02-003PC A RESOLUTION DENYING A 23 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A 52 FOOT STRUCTURE SETBACK FROM THE ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota; FINDINGS Donald B. & Betty Jean Scherer (applicant/owners) have applied for a variance fi.om the Zoning Ordinance in order to obtain a permit for a deck built and attached to a single family dwelling on property located in the R-1 (Low Density Residential) District and the SD (Shoreland Overlay) District at the following location, to wit; 3894 Green Heights Trail NE, legally described as Lot 1, Green Heights First Addition, Scott County Minnesota. Together with that part of Government Lot 1, Section 3, Township 114, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota, described as follows: Lot 1, Green Heights First Addition, Scott County, Minnesota. Together with that part of Government Lot 1, Section 3, Township 114, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota, described as follows: Starting at a point which is North 57 degrees 14 minutes East distant 165.00 feet fi.om the northeast comer of "Green Heights", in said Government Lot 1; and continuing thence North 57 degrees 14 minutes East 78.1 feet; thence South 27 degrees 40 minutes East 182.4 feet; thence South 62 degrees 5 minutes West 79.3 feet; thence North 27 degrees 15 minutes West 177.0 feet to the place of beginning and all land lying north of the north line of the above described tract to the shore of Prior Lake. 2. The Board of Adjustment has reviewed the application for variances as contained in Case #02-021PC and held hearings thereon on March 25, 2002, and April 8, 2002. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variance on the Comprehensive Plan. l:\02files\02variance$\02-021 ~dnyres2.doc 1 16200 Ea§le Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAl. OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 4. Because of conditions on the subject property and on the surrounding property, the proposed variance will result in the impairment of an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent properties, unreasonably increase congestion in the public streets, increase the danger of fire, and danger to the public safety, unreasonably diminish or impair health, safety, comfort, morals or in any other respect be contrary to the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. 5. A legal building envelope exists that allows for a replacement deck that meets the required setback for the structure on the subject lot. The hardship has been created by the applicant when the deck was built without the necessary permits. Reasonable use of the property exists without the requested variances. 6. There is no justifiable hardship caused by the required lakeshore setback as reasonable use of the property exists without the granting of the variance. The granting of the variance, as originally requested, is not necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. The variance will serve merely as a convenience to the applicant, and is not necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship. The factors above allow for an alternative deck structure to be permitted with a reduced variance or none at ail. 8. The contents of Planning Case 02-021PC are hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of decision for this case. CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Board of Adjustment hereby denies the following variance request for an attached deck to an existing single family dwelling, as shown in Attachment 1 Survey: 1. A 23-foot variance to permit a structure setback of 52-feet from the ordinary high water mark of 904 feet, rather than the required 75-foot structure setback. Adopted by the Board of Adjustment on April 22, 2002. ATTEST: Anthony J. Stamson, Commission Chair Donald R. Rye, Planning Director l:\02files\02variances\02-021 \dnyres2.doc ATTA~CHMENT 1- SURVEY ~)EC .ANS CITY OF PRIOR L~ DEC27 2001 Impervious Surface Calculations (To be SubmilXed with Building Permit Application) For All Properties Located in the Shoreland Distn'ct The Maximum Lmpervious Surface Coverage Permitted in 30 Percent. Properry Address ~%%c'cq ~_,--~.~..~:'-,e~4 ~-.~-eXc.~x~-,:~ Lot Area 'Z\, i-t~q ' -a_V, ooe Cz-.qoR'OSq. Feet x 30% = .............. ~ - LENGTH WIDTH SQ. FEET HOUSE , (4 x '%'2L = .? c, c X '- ATTACHiED GAR.AGE 7.&-, x ,-2_..-7 = ,,'? q. ~' TOTAL PRINC[?LE STRUCTURE ...................... [ k[~.lO DETACHED BLDGS (Garage, S, x TOTAL DETACHED BUILDiNGS ....................... DRIVEWAY/PAVED A:R_EAS (K~rriveway-paved 6r not) (Sidewalk/?arking Area.s) TOTAL PAVED AREAS ......................................... t q ~{' t PATIOS/PORCHES/DECKS ~£)~xC ~Gr'x~:, (Open D~ck~ ~/," min, opening oerween TOTAL DECKS ........................................................ OTteR TOTAL OTHER. ...................................................... TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE OVER. /"-'x , ~ Prepared By ~--, '~x.,e , VN [c~.4 .. i _.. '.> 7-2. ~.- - . Phone Ill PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 7A REVIEW REQUEST TO VACATE THE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED ADJACENT TO LOTS 5, 6, 7 & 8, BLOCK 1, DEERFIELD 2"D (Case File #02-041) JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR YES X NO-N/A APRIL 22, 2002 INTRODUCTION D. R. Horton, Inc. has filed an application to vacate a 5' wide portion of the drainage and utility easement located on Lot 45, Deerfield 2r~ Addition, immediately adjacent to the properties at 17252, 17254, 17256 and 17258 Deerfield Drive. This 5' strip of land is to be added to these properties, in the plat of Deerfield 6t~ Addition. The easement must be vacated in order to allowed the placement of decks on these units. As required by State Statute 462.356 Subd.2, the Planning Commission is required to make a recommendation to the City Council regarding the disposal or acquisition of public lands as it relates to compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Upon proper notification, State Statute 412.851 allows the Council to vacate easement or right-of-way by resolution. The statute also states "no such vacation shall be made unless it appears to be in the public interest to do so': DISCUSSION Deerfield 2nd was originally platted in July, 2000. Lot 45 was platted as common area for the townhouse development, and as such, was covered by a drainage and utility easement. On April 1,2002, the City Council approved the final plat to be known as Deerfield 6th. This plat will add 5' of property to the existing townhouse lots, described as Lots 5-6, Block 1, Deerfield 2nd, which will allow the construction of a deck on the townhouse units. In order to facilitate this 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Dh. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 construction, the existing drainage and utility easement over this 5' must be vacated. The Planning Commission must make two determinations. Does the vacation of the existing easement comply with the Comprehensive Plan and is there a public need or anticipated future need for the dedicated property? Comprehensive Plan Review The Comprehensive Plan does not specifically discuss utility easements, other than as a function of ensuring access to public utilities. The vacation of this easement is not inconsistent with any specific goai or objective of the Comprehensive Plan. Public Need There are no utilities located within this 5' strip, so there is no need for a drainage and utility easement. The remaining area will still retain the easement. RECOMMENDATION There is no need for the retention of an easement on this 5' strip of land. The Planning staff therefore recommends approval of this request. ALTERNATIVES: Recommend the City Council approve the proposed vacation of the easement as presented or with changes recommended by the Commission. Continue the discussion to a date and time certain to allow the staff to provide additional information specifically requested by the Planning Commission. Based upon expressed findings of fact, recommend the City Council deny part or all of the applications based upon inconsistency of the proposa~ with specific regulations of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances and/or specific policies of the Comprehensive Plan. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends Alternative #1. ACTION REQUIRED: Motion and second to recommend the City Council approve the vacation of the easement. l:\02files\O2vacations\02-41 deerfield\02-4l pc report.doc 2 CER'~FIOA'E OF SURVEY M 32- 2519- 01 for D,R. HORTON Top curb to Oor slob = ...... Scole: 1"= 17252 54 56 ~ 55 Deerfield Drive SE report wos prepored by me or under my direct 'DE/RFIELD SIXTH O~e ~ ~ J~ ~OZ Reg. No. 8140 BRANDT ENGINEERING & SURVEYING?~u~"=",,~'il 14041 Burnhoven Drive, Suite 114 Burnsville, MN 55337 i~ '- {952) 455-1966 M52--2519-01