HomeMy WebLinkAbout4B Eagle Creek Commercial 2nd Addn pc report agenda
Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
DISCUSSION: Introduction
KRB Development LLC has applied for approval of a preliminary Planned Unit
Development (PUD) and approval of a Preliminary Plat to be known as Eagle
Creek Commercial 2nd Addition. The property is located north of County
Highway 21 east of Fish Point Road along Credit River Road. The
applications include the following requests:
• Request for approval of a Planned Unit Development
• Request for approval of a Preliminary Plat
The City Council approved the preliminary plat for Eagle Creek Estates on May
7, 2014 for a residential development consisting of 60 single family homes, a
commercial area, and a park and trails on a total of 45 acres. Also, on
December 8, 2014 the City Council approved a Final Plat for Eagle Creek
Commercial which created two commercial lots (one which is planned to be a
future Kwik Trip site).
Current Circumstances
The proposal calls for a designation of the commercial area for the Eagle Creek
Estates Commercial Plat (with the exception of Lot 2, the future Kwik Trip site)
to be identified as a Planned Unit Development (PUD).
The following paragraphs outline the physical characteristics of the existing site,
the Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations, and a description of some of
the specifics of the site.
Total Site Area: The total site area of the PUD consists of 9.86 acres (9.01
acres within Eagle Creek 2nd Addition and 0.85 acres within the original Eagle
Creek Commercial Plat).
Topography: This site has relatively flat topography, with elevations ranging
from 928’ MSL to 944’ MSL.
Vegetation: The site was previously graded with the platting of Eagle Creek
Wetlands: No wetlands exist within the site.
Access: Access to the site is from Credit River Road with a right in access
from Fish Point Road.
2030 Comprehensive Plan Designation: This property is designated for
Community Retail Shopping (C-CC) uses on the 2030 Comprehensive Plan
Land Use Map.
Zoning: The site is currently zoned C-2 (General Business).
Lots: The plan calls for 8 comemrcial lots within the PUD (7 within the proposed
2nd Addition) to be identified. The lots are designed for various commercial uses
(retail, restaurant, office, etc.) with buildings ranging in size from 4,000 to 20,000
square feet in size.
Setbacks: The developer indicates the plan with met all building and parking
setbacks with the exception of interior lot lines. This is a design modification to
City zoning requirements as part of the PUD application.
Parking: The development plans indicate a total of 423 parking spaces (273
south of Credit River Road and 150 north of Credit River Road) within the
development area. The development plans for shared access and parking
agreeements between the various commercial businesses rather than individual
business parking designated areas. This provides for greater efficiency of
impervious surface and storm water runoff.
Streets/Utility Services: Public streets and utility lines are in place along
Credit River Road. The site proposes private utility lines within the site. A
maintenance agreeemtn wil be required for City maintenance of the hydrants
and water lines. Storm water design was previously completed with the Eagle
Creek Estates plat.
Landscape plan: The Landscape Ordinance identifies standards for perimeter
and parking lot landscaping and screening. City Staff recommends minor
adjustments to the landscaping plan as indicated in the attached memorandum.
Fees and Assessments: This development will be subject to the standard
development fees including park dedication, trunk street and utility service
As noted in the attached staff memorandums from the Engineering and
Community & Economic Development Departments, the developer must refine
the plans to assure compliance with the Public Work Design Manual
requirements and City Ordinances. However, none of these revisions will
greatly impact the overall design of the proposed site. Therefore, if the Planning
Commission finds the Preliminary PUD Plan and Preliminary Plat acceptable,
the staff would recommend the following conditions be attached:
1. The developer must obtain the required permits from any other state or local
agency prior to any work on the site.
2. Revise the plans to address all of the comments in the memorandum from
the City Engineering Department dated June 5, 2015.
3. Revise the plans to address all of the comments in the memorandum from
the City Community & Economic Development Department dated June 5,
ISSUES: Section 1106.400 of the Zoning Ordinance lists the types of uses and standards
allowed under a PUD. The PUD provisions offer maximum flexibility in many
areas, some of which include such aspects as setbacks, building heights, and
densities. In return additional public benefits to the community must be
presented that a standard development would not require. Such benefits may
include but are not limited to the following:
(1) Provides a flexible approach to development which is in harmony with the
purpose and intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance;
(2) More creative, efficient and effective use of land, open space and public
facilities through mixing of land uses;
(3) Create a sense of place and provide more interaction among people;
(4) Increase economic vitality and expand market opportunities;
(5) Support long-term economic stability by strengthening the tax base, job
market and business opportunities;
(6) Increase transportation options, such as walking, biking or bussing;
(7) Provide opportunities for life cycle housing to all ages;
(8) Provide more efficient and effective use of streets, utilities, and public
facilities that support high quality land use development at a lesser cost;
(9) Enhanced incorporation of recreational, public and open space components
in the development which may be made more useable and be more suitably
located than would otherwise be provided under conventional development
procedures. The PUD district also encourages the developer to convey
property to the public, over and above required dedications, by allowing a
portion of the density to be transferred to other parts of the site;
(10) Preserves and enhances desirable site characteristics and open space, and
protection of sensitive environmental features including, but not limited to,
steep slopes, wetlands, and trees. Where applicable, the PUD should also
encourage historic preservation, re-use and redevelopment of existing
(11) High quality of design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both
existing and planned.
As part of the PUD application the developer is requesting modifications to the
interior lot line building setbacks and individual lot parking requirements for
commercial properties.
The PUD benefits which the developer is proposing include common
architectural design, signage, and landscaping throughout the commercial
development (as identified in the developer’s narrative). City Staff recommends
the developer consider inclusion of more detailed signage, lighting, and
landscape plans for the overall PUD theme. Greater pedestrian connectivity
with sidewalks throughout the development is also encouraged.
ALTERNATIVES: The Planning Commission has the following alternatives:
1. (a) Motion and a second to recommend approval of the Eagle Creek
Commercial Preliminary PUD; and (b) motion and second to recommend
approval of Eagle Creek Commercial 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat subject
to the listed conditions.
2. Motion and a second to table this item to another Planning Commission
meeting and provide the developer with direction on the issues that have
been discussed.
3. Motion and a second to recommend denial of the request based on findings
of fact.
Two separate motions are required for this item. City Staff recommends
Alternative #1 for each motion.
EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map
2. Eagle Creek Commercial 2nd Addition Development Plans
3. Developer PUD narrative
4. Engineering Dept. Memorandum dated 6-5-15
5. Community Development Dept. Memorandum dated 6-4-15
Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com
Date: June 5, 2015
To: Community Development Department
From: Engineering Department – Larry Poppler, City Engineer
Public Works Department – Pete Young, Water Resources Engineer
Subject: Eagle Creek Commercial – City Project # DEV14-000023
The Engineering and Public Works Departments have reviewed the Preliminary Plat and site plans
for the subject project with stamped received date of April 23, 2015 and we have the following
1. After construction, an as-built record plan shall be submitted. The as-built plan shall follow
the requirements of Section 10 of the Public Works Design Manual prior to issuance of the
certificate of occupancy.
2. A Letter of Credit will be required for grading and erosion control, utility connection
restoration, and right of way restoration.
3. Please show additional details on the detail sheet including but not limited to curb, etc.
4. Please consult Section Nine of the Public Works Design Manual. Much information is
missing from the plans.
5. Please show existing easements on the drawings. A storm sewer on Block 2 is shown but
the easement is not.
Paving Plan
1. A concrete commercial entrance should be shown and built for entrances off city streets.
The commercial entrance should follow the Public Works Design Manual plate #607.
2. Any commercial entrance connection to Credit River Road should be performed
carefully. It should be the intention not to saw cut the bituminous within Credit River
Road. Sawcutting should be performed along the edge of the bituminous and this edge
protected during removal and placement of the concrete entrance. Preferably the
concrete would be poured the same day the curbing is removed. If not the same day, the
edge should be shored and protected. Please provide notes to assure this is achieved.
3. Please show street signage for the drive aisles.
4. It is recommended that the paving section for the drive aisles be 4” bituminous.
5. It is recommended that sidewalk entrance to the commercial areas be connected to the
sidewalk off Credit River Road.
6. The existing sidewalk will be impacted by the work on Credit River Road. Please show
removal limits, notes for sawcutting and removal, and for placement of new sidewalk.
The sidewalk typical section should be added to the drawings and include details for the
pedestrian ramps.
7. Is outdoor lighting proposed within the corridor of the drive aisles?
8. The entrance from the parking area west of Lot 1 Block 1 onto the north/south access off
Credit River Road should be removed as traffic could back up onto Credit River Road.
9. The entrance onto Credit River Road south of Lot 2 Block 1 should be removed.
10. It is difficult to determine interior sidewalk limits. Please add dimensions and hatch to
the proposed sidewalk.
11. The northern commercial access for Block 2 is in conflict with an existing hydrant. To
avoid the conflict and provide better spacing with the south entrance, the northern
entrance should be moved to the north.
12. Handicapped parking is absent for Lot 1, Block 1.
Utility Plan
1. Please provide legend for all line types.
2. A discussion occurred on May 21, 2015 with the DRC and the City Attorney. An easement
agreement or maintenance agreement is necessary for the water and sewer utilities. The
agreement should include discussion of ownership of the utilities and maintenance
3. Place note on the plans that the Contractor contact the Prior Lake Engineering Department
at 952-447-9830 to coordinate inspection of utility installations. City inspectors require a
minimum of 48 hours notice.
4. It is undetermined what the dashed service lines are intended to represent.
5. Sanitary sewer service from each commercial building should connect into a manhole.
6. Please show the PIV locations on the plans
7. The southernmost hydrant for Block 1 does not appear to be necessary for hydrant
coverage. The corresponding watermain loop shown around Lot 3, Block 1 would also be
unnecessary if the hydrant were removed.
8. Existing storm sewer stubs are provided to the east of Lot 1, Block 1 and Lot 2, Block 1.
Roof drainage could be tied into these stubs.
9. Provide additional notes for the utility connections.
Grading and SWPPP
1. A Minnesota General Construction Stormwater Permit (MN R100001) will be required
for this project.
2. Please provide legend for line types and SWPPP BMPs. Without a legend it is difficult to
determine if the SWPPP meets all city and state requirements.
3. Please show turf establishment areas and notes.
4. The lots within the Eagle Creek Commercial site are all approved for up to 75%
impervious cover based on the capacity of the stormwater system that was installed for
the Eagle Creek Estates development, no additional stormwater system improvements are
necessary with the work proposed.
5. The grades within the drive aisles and parking areas should not exceed 5%.
6. Slopes should not exceed 4:1 throughout the site; slopes adjacent to wetland or natural
areas may be up to 3:1.
7. The retaining wall on Block 2 exceeds 4 feet in height. A building permit will be
required and the retaining wall is not compliant with typical structure setbacks.
Developer should consider two smaller walls with plantings between the two.
8. Catch basin inlet protection must be installed for all catch basins that could receive runoff
from the project area, including down gradient off-site catch basins. Please include
additional catch basin inlet protection in the SWPPP.
9. Please include specifications for temporary erosion control measures (seed mix, mulch
type, etc.) in the SWPPP. Note that MnDOT seed mix 250 is no longer a valid seed mix
(listed in quantity table); please refer to current state seed mixes.
10. SWPPP template includes references to “Spirit Lake”. Please ensure that the SWPPP is
updated to reference the correct project location.
11. Concrete washout detail is needed; SWPPP notes that a suggested washout area will be
specified on the plan.
12. Describe methods used to minimize soil compaction and preserve topsoil in SWPPP.
13. SWPPP should not reference Cleary Lake. Only waters that could receive runoff from the
construction site should be listed. Markley Lake receives all runoff from the site.
Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com
The Community & Economic Development Department has reviewed the Preliminary
Plat/Preliminary PUD for the subject project with a plan date of April 23, 2015 and we have the
following comments:
1. Development fees – The following development fees are to be collected at the time of
final plat approval: Park Dedication ($6,400/ net acre), Trunk Water ($5,500/net acre),
Trunk Sanitary Sewer ($3,040/net acre), Trunk Storm Sewer ($5,780/net acre), Street
Oversize ($4,920/net acre), and a 4% administrative fee and 5% construction observation
fee based on the total estimated construction costs (which include grading, landscaping,
and public utility connections).
2. Submit a phasing/staging plan identifying timeframe (number of years) for various
phases of the development along with the Final and Final PUD Plat application.
3. A Final Plat and Final PUD application shall be submitted prior to construction.
4. PUD Details – Add language into the narrative which could be used for potential PUD
Agreement requirements such as inclusion of various detail plans of building and signage
materials. Recommendations of City Staff include the following:
a. Building architecture – Identify color palette for exterior material surfaces for
all buildings to model.
b. Signage – Identify typical architectural monument signage plan for future
tenants to follow; no signage allowed on building facades on Lot 1 and 2
directly facing Credit River Road or on Lot 7 facing adjacent residential
c. Lighting/Landscaping – Identify type of lighting or landscaping features to be
placed into the development. Features of similar style such be used to
complement the entire development.
Site Plan / Preliminary Plat
1. Indicate a sidewalk into the development parking areas at both Eagle Creek Court and
Markley Lake Drive access points for connectivity to the trail and sidewalk system.
Date: June 4, 2015
To: Jonathan Adam & KRB Development Group
From: Jeff Matzke, Planner
Subject: Eagle Creek Commercial 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat, Preliminary PUD
City Project #DEV2015-000003