HomeMy WebLinkAbout4C Jeffers 8th Addn PUD Amend PC report
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
DISCUSSION: Introduction
The Jeffers Foundation has applied for approval of a major amendment
to the Planned Unit Development (PUD) known as Jeffers Pond and
approval of a Preliminary Plat to be known as Jeffers Pond 8th Addition.
The area of consideration for the major PUD Amendment and Prelimi-
nary Plat applies to undeveloped portion of Jeffers Pond (Outlot D) lo-
cated north of Jeffers Parkway, east of Parkview Lane, and ¼ mile west
of CSAH 21. The applications include the following requests:
• Approve an Amendment to the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Map
• Approve a major Amendment to the Jeffers Pond Planned Unit
• Approve a Preliminary Plat to be known as Jeffers Pond 8th Ad-
The original Planned Unit Development Plan for Jeffers Pond was ap-
proved in 2005. Since that time, nearly all the residential neighborhoods
have been developed, as well as the streets, public park/trail system,
the elementary school and the fire station. Three outlots remain unde-
veloped, including:
• Outlot B – 9.3 acres, designated as “future retail” in the PUD
• Outlot C – 21.6 acres, designated as “The Village” as mixed-use
for commercial and residential (114 condominium units).
• Outlot D – 10.7 acres, designated as high-density condominium
development of 204 senior units in 3 buildings.
The Jeffers Pond PUD was designed as a lifecycle housing project
which offers various types of housing in a range of density and models
including small single family homes, large single family detached
homes, attached one a two-story single family townhomes, and apart-
ment condominiums.
The overall density of Jeffers Pond has been reduced through approval
of past amendments to the medium and low density areas. A total of 57
units that were planned in the original 691 unit PUD plan have been
eliminated over the last decade in various phases of development of the
None of the commercial uses identified for Outlots B and C have been
developed. However, a Concept Plan showing changes to the three
outlots was reviewed by the Planning Commission and City Council in
May of 2015. The changes related to more residential units and density
in the mixed-use area of Outlot C and medium density detached housing
units in Outlot D.
Current Circumstances
Following the Concept Plan review process, the Jeffers Foundation has
submitted detailed plans for a 30-lot medium density single family resi-
dential development to be located at a site south of County Highway 42
and west of Fountain Hills Drive (Outlot D). The area encompasses
land that has been pre-graded as part of the overall Jeffers Pond PUD.
The property is designated as R-HD Urban High Density on the 2030
Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The proposed amendment to the
Comprehensive Land Use Plan is to change that designation to R-MD
Urban Medium Density. This change would also become part of the
amended Jeffers Pond PUD.
In addition, the Foundation has submitted a revised concept for Outlots
B and C that decreases the amount of commercial development and
increases the number of high-density housing units as follows:
• Original Plan – 114 high-density housing units and 148,000
square feet of commercial space (assumed).
• Revised Plan – 318 high-density housing units and 87,000
square feet of commercial space, including a specific plan/loca-
tion for a gas station convenience store (SuperAmerica).
Total Site Area: The total site area consists of 10.7 acres.
Topography: This site has varied topography, with elevations ranging
from 886’ MSL at the southern wetland edge to 940’ MSL at the north-
west corner of the site.
Vegetation: The natural vegetation on the site was cleared after the
original preliminary/final plat was approved for the area. The project is
subject to the Tree Preservation requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.
Wetlands: The project site contains a single wetland area. These
wetlands will not be impacted under the current proposal.
Access: Access to the site is from Jeffers Parkway (public street).
2030 Comprehensive Plan Designation: This property is designated
for High Density Residential uses on the 2030 Comprehensive Plan
Land Use Map; however, this development project includes a request
for a Plan amendment to re-designate the area for medium density res-
idential development.
Zoning: The site is presently within the Jeffers Pond PUD. The origi-
nally approved density (net) of this area is 29 units per acre. The density
for the proposed plat is 4.1 units per acre.
Lots: The plan calls for 30 lots to be constructed with a single family
rambler or 1½-story homes. The lots range in size from 6,850 square
feet to 15,281 square feet with an average lot size of 7,422 square feet.
The proposed residential housing units are conceptually planned to
range in size from 3,000-3,500 sq. ft. The units propose to include 2-
car garages and would be in similar to the existing homes for nearby
“Shores” area of Jeffers Pond which is south of Jeffers Parkway.
Setbacks: The typical residential required setbacks and proposed set-
backs for the development are shown on the following table:
Structure Setbacks Standard Proposed
Front 25’ 15’
Interior Side 10’ 7.5’
Building to Building NA 15’
Rear 25’ 15’
Wetland 30’ 30’ min.
Cantilever / Eves /
Egress Pit Setback
2’ 1’ maximum
Streets/Utilities: Street A is proposed as a public street cul-de-sac.
Water and sewer line connections are proposed within the Street A right
of way and storm sewer is proposed within Outlot B. The City Staff
recommends looping of the water main line through Outlot B to the ex-
isting watermain in the Parkview Development.
Impervious Surface: The originally approved maximum impervious
surface for the conceptual 204 unit high density development was ap-
proximately 185,000 square feet. The proposed impervious surface for
the proposed 30 detached home lots is approximately 135,000 square
feet, thereby reducing the previously approved impervious surface for
site by approximately 50,000 square feet. The developer has provided
a table listing the maximum impervious surface per lot which will enable
City Staff to track the impervious surface as each lot is constructed. The
overall impervious surface for the entire Jeffers Pond Development
would continue to be less than (24.5%) the original impervious surface
maximum amount (25.5%) approved in 2005.
Parks: In 2005, the Jeffers Pond Development was created with over
145 acres of dedicated natural public parkland. This original park dedi-
cation satisfies the total parkland requirement for all phases of the Jef-
fers Pond Development. A trail extension from the western terminus of
the cul-de-sac, behind Lots 1-10, Block 2, to Jeffers Parkway is pro-
posed with the plat.
Landscape Plan: The Subdivision Ordinance requires two front yard
subdivision trees per lot (4 for corner lots). The developer will be re-
quired to follow a landscape plan design which satisfies this Ordinance
Fees and Assessments: This development will be subject to the
standard development fees including park dedication, trunk street and
utility service charges, and utility connection charges payable at the time
of recording of the final plat
The Jeffers Foundation has met with City staff to address the proposed
changes to the PUD and ways to maintain the core of the originally ap-
proved plan of the Jeffers Pond Development. The results and impacts
of the amended PUD Plan, including existing developed area with all
three Outlots B, C and D include the following:
1. The total number of housing units is decreasing from 691 to 664,
and the overall housing density is going from 3.56 to 3.42 units
per net acre. The lower density still is above the overall housing
density average of 3.1 units per net acre for the city as supported
in the 2030 Comprehensive Plan.
2. High density residential units are being moved from Outlot D to
Outlot C, resulting in less commercial space in the PUD. No
specific amount of commercial building space was identified in
the PUD (square feet). The 24 acres set aside for commercial
could result in approximately 148,000 square feet of building
space (assuming 17 net acres x 20% as building space). The
revised Concept Plan would allow an estimated 87,000 square
feet of commercial in Outlots B and C.
As noted in the attached staff memorandums from the Engineering and
Community & Economic Development Departments, the developer
must refine the plans to assure compliance with the Public Work Design
Manual requirements and City Zoning Ordinance. None of these revi-
sions will likely impact the general design of the proposed plat. There-
fore, if the Planning Commission finds the Comprehensive Plan Amend-
ment, PUD Amendment and preliminary plat acceptable, the staff would
recommend the following conditions be attached:
1. The developer must obtain the required permits from any other state
or local agency prior to any work on the site.
2. Revise the plans to address all of the comments in the memoran-
dum from the City Engineering Department dated June 5, 2015.
3. Revise the plans to address all of the comments in the memoran-
dum from the City Community & Economic Development Depart-
ment dated June 5, 2015.
The three actions necessary for this application include:
• A Comprehensive Land Use Plan amendment to change the
density designation of Outlot D from high to medium density res-
idential, subject to Metropolitan Council approval;
• A PUD amendment to change the proposed land uses within
Outlots B, C and D in the Jeffers Pond PUD; and
• A Preliminary Plat of Outlot D to subdivide the property into lots
as the 8th Addition to Jeffers Pond.
Section 1106.400 of the Zoning Ordinance lists the types of uses and
standards allowed under a PUD. The PUD provisions offer maximum
flexibility in many areas, some of which include such aspects as set-
backs, building heights, and densities. The developer is requesting
modifications to the minimum lot areas for the single family lots, as well
as building setbacks for the proposed single family lots. The proposed
detached single family lot design will reduce the overall impervious sur-
face of Tiers 1 and 2.
ALTERNATIVES: 1. (a) Motion and a second to recommend approval of a Comprehen-
sive Plan Amendment from a Urban High Density (R-HD) to an Ur-
ban Medium Density (R-MD) designation for Outlot D; (b) motion
and second to recommend approval of an amendment to the Jeffers
Pond PUD related to Outlots B, C and D; and (c) motion and a sec-
ond to recommend approval of the Jeffers 8th Addition Preliminary
Plat subject to the listed conditions.
2. Motion and a second to table this item to another Planning Commis-
sion meeting and provide the developer with direction on the issues
that have been discussed.
3. Motion and a second to recommend denial of one or more of the
applications based on findings of fact.
Three separate motions are required for this item. City Staff recommends
Alternative #1 for each motion.
EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map
2. Jeffers Pond Original Plans (2005)
3. Outlot B,C,D Location Map
4. One to One Development Concept Plan dated 5-19-15
5. Jeffers Pond 8th Development Plans
6. Engineering Dept. Memorandum dated 6-4-15
7. Community Development Dept. Memorandum dated 6-4-15
Total Site Area: 336 acres
Net Site Area: 194.02 acres
Allowable Density:
(based on Shoreland District regulations)
3.6 units/acre or 698 units
Total Units Allowed:
(as per approved plan)
Actual Density:
(based on net site area)
3.57 units/acre
Housing Types: The development is intended to provide
lifecycle housing choices. It includes a
variety of housing types from single family
homes to residential condominiums to
townhomes to senior apartments.
Housing prices range from $200,000 per
unit and up.
Commercial Site: 24 acres.
The proposed commercial area includes
a mix of retail, restaurants, services,
offices and other commercial uses, and
114 residential condominium units above
the commercial spaces. Buildings are
designed as 2-4-story structures.
Elementary School Site: 12.53 acres
Fire Station Site: 1.4 acres
Parks: 175 acres
The parkland includes a 5 acre
neighborhood “active” park, a 35 acre
natural area, the lake and wetlands, and
5.7 acres of trail.
Development Process: Jeffers Waterfront was developed as a
Mixed Use PUD. The process included 2
Comprehensive Plan amendments, a
Zoning amendment, an EAW, and
preliminary and final plat and PUD
Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com
Date: June 4, 2015
To: Community Development
From: Engineering Department – Larry Poppler, City Engineer
Public Works Department – Pete Young, Water Resources Engineer
Subject: Jeffers Pond 8th (Project #DEV15-000004)
The Engineering Department and Public Works Department have reviewed the preliminary plat
for the subject project with a received date of May 18, 2015 and we have the following comments.
Comments highlighted in bold text are of particular concern:
1. The original preliminary PUD for Jeffers Pond envisioned apartment complexes at this
location. Considering the original PUD, neighboring areas were built according to the
original PUD plan. Changing this property to single family dwellings now requires a long
dead end cul-de-sac. Had single family homes been originally proposed, the City would
have required the roadways to connect.
2. The final plat plans should follow the requirements of the Public Works Design Manual.
3. Permits from the Met Council, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and Department of
Health are required.
4. City Project #DEV15-000004 should be shown on all plan sheets.
5. All plans should be drafted according to the City of Prior Lake layer system. A digital
copy of the plans in pdf or tif format is required prior to construction. All drawings should
use the Scott County Coordinate System.
6. Show property address of properties adjacent to the project area.
7. Provide survey sheet that includes all spot elevations shot for this project. Include datum
information on the sheet (existing condition sheet).
8. Show benchmarks utilized on the plans.
9. Show drainage and utility easements on all plan sheets.
Grading & SWPPP
1. Grading for Lot 2 Blk 2 would direct drainage onto Lot 3, please contain all drainage swales
with a drainage and utility easement.
2. Provide low floor elevations for existing properties adjacent to Basin 1 to verify low floor
elevations meet requirements.
3. Show existing EOF down stream of project area on Jeffers Parkway. Provide EOF for each
4. Could catch basin in backyard area of Lot 20 Blk 1 be eliminated with revisions to grading?
5. Any backyard drainage paths must be sodded and protected at the conclusion of grading
activities. Provide notes indicating that this protection is needed.
6. Provide top and bottom of retaining walls.
7. Grading is shown on the adjacent property to the west. A temporary easement may be
necessary for this work.
8. Include a typical detail for riprap at pipe outlets (MnDOT 3133).
9. A Minnesota General Construction Stormwater Permit (MN R100001) will be required
for this project. The City will conduct a full SWPPP review prior to grading permit
issuance. SWPPP must meet all current permit standards.
1. Proposed utilities for the development shall follow the requirements of the Public Works
Design Manual. Additional review comments will be provided during the final plat
2. Additional notes pertaining to utility installation will be required for final plat plans.
3. Provide looping of watermain to Parkview Lane.
4. Wherever possible, backyard storm sewer pipes and structures should be eliminated.
Please see grading comments.
5. All pipes outside the roadway areas should have rhino marking posts as specified in the
public works design manual.
6. Storm sewer pipe size shall be a minimum of 15”. Please provide rational method
calculations for storm sewer network.
7. Provide note that the last three pipe joints from the flared end section shall be tied
together. Provide class and quantities for riprap at flared end sections.
8. Sheet 12 of 14 missing storm sewer reach from the street to basin 1.
1. Proposed road design for the development shall follow the requirements of the Public
Works Design Manual. Additional review comments will be provided during the final
plat process.
2. Provide geotechnical analysis report for soil borings in the project area. Show soil boring
locations on all plan sheets. A pavement section recommendation will be needed based
3. Typical section should include crown of the roadway.
4. Additional details will be needed for the cul-de-sac (cross slope, drainage arrows. Radius
labels, etc).
5. Road profile shows 2% to centerline of Jeffers Parkway. Cross slope of Jeffers Parkway
should control.
6. Provide note on the plans stating that the final date for paving of the bituminous base
course is November 1st and the final date for paving the bituminous wear course is
September 30th. No paving shall commence prior to the removal of seasonal road
1. Additional information is needed for the bioretention/infiltration basin. Ensure that the
basin meets MN Stormwater Manual design standards. A cross section detail is needed
showing critical elevations, structures, vegetation, etc. Fully infiltrating BMPs require
soil borings to confirm design infiltration rates.
2. Show NWE and HWL on plans for all ponds/basins.
3. Elevation numbering should be consistent throughout the plan set (e.g., 96 vs. 896).
4. Show/define maintenance access routes to all inlets/outlets. Routes should be maximum
8% grade, maximum 2% cross slope, and at least 10’ wide.
Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com
The Community & Economic Development Department has reviewed the Preliminary Plat for
the subject project with a plan date of 5-18-15 and we have the following comments:
1. Development fees – The following development fees are to be collected at the time of
final plat approval: Trunk Water ($5,500/net acre), Trunk Sanitary Sewer ($3,040/net
acre), Trunk Storm Sewer ($2,790/net acre), Street Oversize ($4,920/net acre), and a 4%
administrative fee and 5% construction observation fee based on the total estimated
construction costs (which include grading, landscaping, and public utility connections).
2. Consider dedication of additional outlot dedication 1) around infiltration basin 6B
(between Outlots A and B) 2) in the rear of Lots 16 and 17 or 3) in the rear of Lot 20 (for
water main connection) to decrease the net lot area (Net area includes private lot area and
local right of way combined, so the net area for the site proposal is currently 7.85 acres
(6.62 + 1.23) which makes the density 3.82 units/acre which would be low density
residential under the Com Plan. The City recommends a medium density residential
classification of the area (4.1 units/acre minimum required for medium density).
Date: June 4, 2015
To: Paul Oberg & Kelly Johnson, Jeffers Foundation
From: Jeff Matzke, Planner
Subject: Jeffers Pond 8th Addition Preliminary Plat, PUD Amendment, & Comp Plan
Amendment - City Project #DEV2015-000004