HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 20 2015 Meeting Minutes 1 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Monday, July 20, 2015 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Hite called the Monday, July 20, 2015 Prior Lake Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Adam Blahnik, Perri Hite, Bryan Fleming, Wade Larson and Mark Petersen; Community & Economic Development Director Dan Rogness, Planner Jeff Matzke and Development Service Assistant Sandra Woods. 2. Approval of Agenda: MOTION BY HITE, SECONDED BY FLEMING TO APPROVE THE MONDAY, JULY 20, 2015 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA. VOTE: Ayes by Blahnik, Hite, Fleming, Larson and Petersen. The Motion carried. 3. Approval of Monday, July 6, 2015 Meeting Minutes: MOTION BY HITE, SECONDED BY PETERSEN TO APPROVE THE MONDAY, JULY 6, 2015 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES. VOTE: Ayes by Blahnik, Hite, Fleming, Larson and Petersen. The Motion carried. 4. Public Hearings: A. DEV14-000021 – Cardinal Addition Preliminary Plat – Affordable R & R Services is proposing a preliminary plat of the Cardinal Addition of 9 Single family lots. The subject property is located at 5871 160th Street SE on the south side of County Highway 44 (160th Street) in the (R-1) Low Density Residential District; PID: 25-901-019-0. Planner Matzke introduced a request for approval of a preliminary plat to be developed as a 9-lot, low density residential subdivision known as Cardinal Addition. The subject property is located south of County Highway 44 and east of Fish Point Road. He explained the history, current circumstances, issues, alternatives and recommended motion. He provided a location map, development plans dated May 19, 2014, a Community Development Dept. memorandum dated July 6, 2015, an Engineering/Public Works Dept. Memorandum dated June 19, 2015 and a Scot County Highway Dept. Memorandum dated June 22, 2015. Commission Comments/Questions: Blahnik asked if the extra land from the development to the immediate south is developable and whether any of the surrounding property can be used for future development. Planner Matzke replied this south area is an Outlot owned by the City of Prior Lake and is part of the park system; most of it is wetlands and low in elevation; therefore, it is not developable. 2 Hite pointed out the center median on Highway 44 and asked if the egress to this site is a right-in and right-out only. Planner Matzke replied yes. Applicant Dave Clough, 4050 Miller View Road Elko, said he grew up in the City of Prior Lake and is here for questions. Hite asked Mr. Clough how many other developments or components of developments he has done before. She inquired about Mr. Clough’s timeline of start/completion and who would be marketing these homes. Applicant Clough replied this is the first that he has done for an entire residential development. However, has done other new single family homes, townhome projects and home rehab. He explained once everything is approved, he is hopeful to be done this fall and said that he has a few realtors to market the houses, including Derrick Walgrave who is present. Petersen asked Mr. Clough if he is a home builder and if he would be building all of the houses or selling them to other builders. Applicant Clough replied that between Derrick Walgrave and himself, they would be building all of the houses. Larson asked for the square footage and price range of the homes. Derrick Walgrave replied the primary design would be ramblers around 3,800-3,900 square feet finished with a price range of $450,000 - $500,000 with finished basements. MOTION BY HITE, SECONDED BY PETERSEN TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 6:15 P.M. VOTE: Ayes by Blahnik, Hite, Fleming, Larson and Petersen. The Motion carried. Public Comment Johnathan Dymit, 16131 Crossandra Circle SE, shared experiences and concern about the wetland and asked for a better understanding of the wetland impact with additional nine homes. Engineer Poppler explained the stormwater rules must be met and showed the grading plan; there are still more to do to meet the rules, which are reviewed now and also between the City Council meeting. He expressed one of the areas that is under investigation is the overflow. Hite asked about the depths of the two ponds on the site and if there were outlets in case of an overflow. She questioned if these two ponds have the capacity; she stated that even though each site has different topography, the water should run off into one of the two ponds. Engineer Poppler said the Outlots to the east and west of the existing wetlands flow on from there. He stated the two ponds do have the capacity per rules for the 100-year storm, and he further explained the design in the pipe network for the ten-year storm. 3 Petersen asked Engineer Poppler about putting more impervious in this area, and questioned whether there will be more water in-between this development and the residential property. Will this are be filling up more during rain events? Engineer Poppler said it depends on the rain event; after they discharge to the wetland, they will relieve themselves to where they flow to. Petersen asked if while the encroachment of water was happening at Mr. Dymit’s property, could it also be overflowing somewhere else. Engineer Poppler stated he is unsure of specifics, but the wetlands will flow the same way they currently do. He stated the Water Resources Engineer could not be here tonight, but he will be completing the water resource review on this area. Petersen said the Water Resource Engineer would be a good contact for public questions. Johnathan Dymit explained the process they went through to construct a porch and were told they needed a 200-year storm design. He asked for clarification between a 100-year and 200-year storm. Engineer Poppler explained a land locked water basin may be what is referenced, which requires setbacks from the 100-year storm. Mike Orrie, 5856 Crossandra Street SE, stated he lives directly behind the development location and asked if there would be any preservation of trees as it is a very heavily wooded lot. Applicant Clough stated there is a 30 percent rule; they would be taking more than this percentage due to grading, but then replacing them with other trees in the development. Hite questioned if there is a landscaping plan and asked about the tree retention to the south to create a buffer. Applicant Clough replied they don’t want to remove trees and will only remove those as necessary; he explained the reasoning as to why any tree removal would be done. Mike Orrie, 5856 Crossandra Street SE, noted a sewer line that was put through just south of this line and trees were tagged; he asked if they knew why these trees are tagged. Applicant Clough explained every substantial tree is tagged as part of the required tree inventory. Mike Orrie asked if a substantial tree is removed, would a substantial tree be replaced or just a seedling. Planner Matzke explained the process in replacing trees per City Ordinance and stated how much the applicant would be removing and replacing. He stated the benefits to the applicant for saving trees. Mike Orrie asked about a completion date from start and finish. Hite replied that as soon as the applicant can get through the permitting process, they will be prepared to break ground and start the utility and road work, including the landscaping, small tree removal, etc. 4 Planner Matzke added that a likely start date would be later this summer or early fall per getting permits and plans revised in accordance with the City Ordinances. Kelly Banyai, 5798 Crossandra Street SE, stated she lives right behind where the development is being built and explained her reasoning’s for purchasing her house. She stated her concerns of the development and concerns of the unknown developer. Applicant Clough replied as soon as they can started, it will not take a long time. He explained the process of the development and stated R & R Affordable is the company name, which was the company when he bought it. He mentioned that Derrick Walgrave has his own building company. Fleming asked questioned how many homes could the builder be working on at the same time. Applicant Clough replied with the size and quality, it may be 120-150 days per home; he stated all homes could be worked on at the same time if there is market demand. MOTION BY HITE, SECONDED BY FLEMING TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 6:32 P.M. VOTE: Ayes by Blahnik, Hite, Fleming, Larson and Petersen. The Motion carried. Commission Comments/Questions: Larson stated concerns of the right-hand turn out of the development and would like to see a little more room to accompany those turns. He would like the engineering details of the holding ponds to be worked out with the hydrologist related to drainage and flow. Blahnik stated this preliminary plat is straight forward; the best use of the space and all the houses are consistent with the setbacks as required by City Ordinance. He understands the neighboring homeowners concerns, but feels there is a significant buffer between the south end of this development and the homes with a significant amount of trees; this development is not right in anyone’s backyard. He stated some conditions identified by the City in staff memorandums that the applicant would need to follow. Subject to these conditions, he supports this preliminary plat. Petersen stated he agrees with his fellow Commissioners; the applicant has done their due diligence. He said it seems like a good fit and a good plan; the surrounding areas will not ever be developed so he cannot imagine a better purpose for this land. He will be supporting the preliminary plat. Fleming will be supporting the preliminary plat subject to the listed conditions and will also encourage the developer to have contact with staff and adjacent homeowners to keep dialog open throughout the duration of the development for any potential impacts to their properties. Hite stated she is in favor of the preliminary plat reiterating some of the prior Commission member’s comments. She said it is a good fit due to Prior Lake needing more new homes. She said it is nice to see the land being repurposed for more residential needs in this community. She appreciates the risk that is being taken and feels there is a demand for the homes. She said the price point will help fit in with the character of the homes that are in Cardinal Ridge and will be complementary to that area. 5 MOTION BY BLAHNIK, SECONDED BY FLEMING TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THIS PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBJECT TO FOUR CONDITIONS: (1) THE DEVELOPER SHALL OBTAIN THE REQUIRED PERMITS FROM OTHER STATE AND LOCAL AGENCIES PRIOR TO ANY WORK ON THE SITE; (2) THE DEVELOPER SHALL REVISE THE PLANS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MEMORANDUM FROM THE ENGINEERING PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DATED JUNE 22, 2015; (3) THE DEVELOPER SHALL REVISE THE PLANS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MEMORANDUM FROM THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATED JULY 6, 2015; AND (4) THE DEVELOPER SHALL REVISE THE PLANS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MEMORANDUM FROM THE SCOTT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT DATED JUNE 22, 2015. VOTE: Ayes by Blahnik, Hite, Fleming, Larson and Petersen. The Motion carried. 5. Old Business: No New Business 6. New Business: A. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) - Comprehensive Plan Compliance – The Planning Commission will review whether the proposed CIP for 2016-2020 is in general compliance with the Prior Lake 2030 Comprehensive Plan. Engineer Poppler introduced a consideration of 2016-2020 Capital Improvement Program. He explained proposed property acquisitions or disposals and capital improvements to be reviewed by the Planning Commission for consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission must report findings in writing to the City Council including the transportation plan, water plan, storm water quality plan, and park plan. He provided a resolution, a draft of the proposed 2016-2020 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and the 2016-2025 Transportation Plan. Fleming stated this is good news; he asked how long before the August meeting are notices sent out and how does the City share news with residents about street improvements. Engineer Poppler replied that public hearing legal notice follows state statutes, but staff will also provide additional communication within the City’s Wave Link newsletter. Hite asked if the materials that were provided this evening are the same that are provided to residents. Engineer Poppler replied the materials are not the same level of detail; however, the documents provided tonight are on the City’s website in the document center. Larson asked for further explanation on replacing water meters; will this be at the same time as the new water treatment plan. Public Works and Natural Resource Director Gehler explained the existing water system was installed in 2002 and should last about 20 years. She mentioned staff is currently looking at options for when this would be needed and whether the City continues with the existing system or transition to a new system. Hite stated the detail of this is always interesting to see as a citizen, it is nice to see the discipline that goes into the planning and prioritization of projects. She finds that the categories fit with in the 2030 6 Comprehensive Plan which is the duty of the Planning Commission this evening to ensure consistency of projects with the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. MOTION BY HITE, SECONDED BY PETERSEN TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION WITH FINDING THAT THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT IDENTIFIED IN THE 2016 – 2020 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE 2030 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. VOTE: Ayes by Blahnik, Hite, Fleming, Larson and Petersen. The Motion carried. B. Fences – Consideration of a request for the Planning Commission to initiate the review of amendments to Section 1101 (General Provisions) of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance related to fences. Director Rogness introduced a consideration to initiate the review of amendments to Section 1101 (General Provisions) of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance related to fences. He explained the current circumstances, issues and recommended motions. He provided the Subsection 1101.504 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance. Planner Matzke added comments on corner lots and that there are numerous inquiries on having different fence options on these lots. The ordinance has not changed since the 1990s. Commission Comments/Questions: Hite agreed that corner lots, due to limitations, cannot fully utilize their yard the way they may like. She said the extension of Fish Point Road resulted in a variety of fencing. She would like to see more consistency, which could possibly be addressed in new developments. She would like to have homeowners install fences that meet the needs of their families and budgets. Petersen asked the reasoning for this item and asked if someone has an obligation to maintain both sides of a fence. He also questioned if there are any rules on which way the good side versus bad side of the fence should face on the property. Planner Matzke replied that a fence can either be placed along the property line, or set back to allow for maintenance of both sides. He stated currently there is not an ordinance on good versus bad side. Petersen would like the maintenance and the good/bad side of the fence evaluated as well as allowing chain link fences in front yards. He stated fences impact other properties as well. Fleming thinks this should be reviewed and is interested in exploring it further. Petersen asked if there are any color requirements in the City’s ordinances. Planner Matzke stated no; the current code defines design, opacity, height and setbacks. He stated staff would like to research this further, but he has not had issues with fences that are not aesthetically pleasing. Hite commented on color fences and the thought that we may want to be open minded for commercial. Planner Matzke stated we currently have less regulations for commercial fencing since it is required for screening and buffer yards; however, staff also evaluate regulations for commercial fences. 7 MOTION BY HITE, SECONDED BY PETERSEN AUTHORIZING THE INITIATION OF THE REVIEW OF THE AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 1101, GENERAL PROVISION OF THE PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING TO FENCING. VOTE: Ayes by Blahnik, Hite, Fleming, Larson and Petersen. The Motion carried C. 2030 & 2040 Comprehensive Plan Presentation Director Rogness presented two Powerpoints on the 2030 & 2040 Comprehensive Plans, one from the Met Council and one by City Staff. The purpose of the presentation was to apprise the Commissioners of the upcoming 2040 planning process as well as a review of some aspects of the current 2030 plan. Commission Comments/Questions: Commissioners asked various questions related to staging of development, population and household forecasts, commercial/industrial demand, etc. They asked about their role in the 2040 process. Director Rogness replied that their ongoing role is to be further defined by staff and City Council, but he foresees a combination of Planning Commission workshops and time allocated at regular meetings. This process will likely begin in 2016 and carry through 2017. 7. Announcements / City Council Updates: Recent City Council Discussions/Decisions • Markley lake Woods final plat was approved. • Dominium’s project had the final PUD and Tax Increment Agreements approved. • Removed from the agenda Jeffers PUD and Super America applications. 8. Adjournment: MOTION BY HITE, SECONDED BY FLEMING TO ADJORN THE JULY 20, 2015 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. VOTE: Ayes by Blahnik, Hite, Fleming, Larson and Petersen. The Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:48p.m. Sandra Woods, Development Services Assistant