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08 10 2015 Super America Hours of Opperation Report
o� P�O�P ti t'") (4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake,MN 55372 `�nvxeso�A CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION REPORT MEETING DATE: AUGUST 10, 2015 AGENDA#: FIRST ITEM PREPARED BY: FRANK BOYLES, CITY MANAGER PRESENTED BY: FRANK BOYLES AGENDA ITEM: HOURS OF OPERATION FOR SUPER AMERICA Super America representatives are aware of the City Council's direction to the developer and fully understand that there will be no further formal action by the City Council until all data requested by the Council has been provided. In the meantime, Super America representatives have asked for City Council feedback on one topic: hours of operation. Ideally they are seeking 24 hour operation for all aspects of the business. However, they are aware of and sensitive to the adjacent residents and businesses. As the Council may recall the Planning Commission's recommendation was as follows: • 5 a.m. — 10 or 11 p.m. Convenience Store • 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Car Wash (per city code) • Review of hours after 24 months in operation Super America seeks the following: • 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. Convenience Store • 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Car Wash • Review after 24 months in operation • 24 Hour Pay at the Pump At the work session, the staff will provide a comparison of hours for other gas station/convenience stores operating in the city. From a staff perspective, we do not receive an appreciable number of noise complaints regarding noise at gas station/convenience stores. Super America representatives would appreciate whatever direction that the Council would be willing to provide. Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245/www.cityofpriorlake.com 01 PRION rz/ 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: AUGUST 10, 2015 AGENDA#: SECOND AGENDA ITEM PREPARED BY: DAN ROGNESS, COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR PRESENTED BY: DAN ROGNESS AND KATY GEHLER AGENDA ITEM: 2040 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROCESS AND BUDGET DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this item is to discuss the upcoming 2040 Comprehensive Plan process that officially begins with the Met Council in 2016 and ends in 2018. The City Council should discuss the timeline and corresponding budget, which could include: (1)complete all updates in one year during 2016 or 2017; or(2)complete all updates over three years in 2015 through 2017. The city should be ready to submit the plan to the Met Council for its review no later than early 2018. History The 2030 Comprehensive Plan process was done early during 2005 and com- pleted within a one year period at a cost of approximately $200,000. This figure includes the cost of updating each one of the infrastructure plans (i.e., Sanitary Sewer, Transportation, and Surface Water Management) which ultimately were incorporated into the final comprehensive Plan document. The cost also included a comprehensive long term market study by Jim McCombs. City staff wants to evaluate our local comprehensive plan preparation process and budget for the 2040 plan update process, including whether a one or three- year process makes the most sense. Staff previously reviewed a flowchart at a City Council Work Session, which is provided as Attachment#2. It shows the status of various plans, as well as other studies and site-specific plans. Current Circumstances The comprehensive planning process requires actions both by the Metropolitan Council and by local governments which are subject to their planning authority. The Met Council's process, completed to date, includes the following: 1. 5/28/14—approved the Regional Development Guide (THRIVE 2040). 2. 1/14/15—approved the Transportation Policy Plan. 3. 2/11/15—approved the Regional Parks Policy Plan. 4. 3/25/15—approved the Housing Policy Plan (amended on 3/25/15). 5. The Water Resources Policy Plan is under review; August approval. 6. The Local Planning Handbook for local officials should be available in late 2015. Once all six steps above are completed, cities are free to complete and submit their 2040 plans to the Met Council for review. During the course of this process the city has submitted projections of growth. After numerous reviews, the Metropolitan Council has incorporated those projec- tions in their plans. Prior Lake (just like every other local agency) is expected to absorb its share of the metropolitan area growth based upon the projections. The Comprehensive Plan is the articulation of how this growth will take place in our community and the steps we will take to support it. The required sections of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan which we submit must include: 1. Background —vision, objectives, policies and forecasts*. 2. Land Use —existing and future land use, staged development every five years, housing and special resources. 3. Public Facilities—transportation, water resources (sanitary sewer, water supply, surface water management). 4. Implementation — official controls, capital improvement program and housing implementation program. *NOTE: The 2040 Vision &Strategic Plan will be used as part of the plan's Back- ground chapter. Although a market study was done by McCombs Group for the 2030 Plan, staff is proposing that the most recent 2011 Maxfield Research report be used for the 2040 Plan. City staff is recommending that the City Council consider a 3-year plan update process including the following estimated schedule and corresponding budgets: 1. Update the Sanitary Sewer and Water Plans in 2015/2016, Budgeted in 2015 = $50,000 (utility enterprise fund). 2. Update the Land Use Plan, including Housing, in 2016. Budget in 2016 = $50,000 ($25,000 grant to be applied, resulting in a $25,000 final cost; housing plan done in-house). 3. Update the Surface Water Management Plan in 2016. Budget in 2016 = $40,000 (utility enterprise fund). 4. Update the Transportation Plan in concert with the SCALE consolidated transportation planning process in 2017. Budget in 2017 =�0 (local work done in-house). 5. Update the Parks and Trails Plan in 2017. Budget in 2017 = $50,000 (park dedication fund). 6. Complete the Implementation Program in 2017. Budget in 2017 =I0 (done in-house). Conclusion The City of Prior Lake is eligible to receive a $25,000 Planning Assistance Grant from the Met Council; half will be paid up-front, and the remainder will be paid once the plan is deemed to be complete in 2018. The 2040 Comprehensive Plan process is proposed to take place over a three year period from 2015 to 2017. The estimated budget impacts by year include: • 2015 = $50,000 (Sewer/Water Plans budgeted in 2015 at $50,000). 2 • 2016 = $90,000 (Sources = $40,000 enterprise fund; $12,500 one-half grant; $37,500 tax levy). • 2017 = $50,000 (Source = enterprise fund) • 2018 = $0 (Source = $12,500 one-half grant upon completion of plan) ISSUES: So, why should Prior Lake undertake this 2040 Comprehensive Plan process as established by the Met Council? Minnesota Statutes Section 473.864 (Attachment#3), requires that the city pre- pare and receive approval for its comprehensive plan from the Metropolitan Council. The city has in excess of$400 million invested in infrastructure at this time. The five year Capital Improvement Program the council will be considering tonight includes a projected $110 million in improvements to new and existing infrastruc- ture. In addition, portions of the city budgets assist in the operation and mainte- nance of that infrastructure. Finally, through the update of the comprehensive plan, the city's numerous development fees received from private developers are validated to assure both that the city is collecting the proper amount of money to reimburse our enterprise funds and that the amounts charged by the city are le- gally defensible. The order of completing various phases of the planning process will help spread the cost over three years, minimize tax impacts and also allow more time to en- gage appropriate committees, staff, City Council and the public. Coordinating various plan updates over a 3-year period will require a clear outline of the pro- cedures and timelines in order to keep all pieces connected. The final plan will be submitted to the Met Council no later than early 2018. The City Council may also want to identify its expectations of involvement by its boards and commissions, as well as the general public. Typically, the Planning Commission takes a lead role in overall coordination. FINANCIAL The estimated tax levy impact will occur in 2016 based on the proposed $37,500 IMPACT: general tax support pport for the planning process. All other costs will be absorbed from various utility enterprise funds and the Met Council grant. ALTERNATIVES: Discussion Only RECOMMENDED N/A MOTIONS: ATTACHMENTS: 1. Updated Met Council 2040 Forecasts 2. Planning Flowchart 3. Minnesota Statute 473.864 3 POPULATION/HOUSEHOLD/EMPLOYMENT FORECASTS PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA Forecasts by Met Council Census Census tT ���Sa 2000 2010 o POPULATION 15,917 22,796 =21-t � , Annual Change 688 470 640 660 HOUSEHOLDS 5,645 8,44713, Annual Change 280 205 260 260 PERSONS/HOUSEHOLD 2.82 2.70 .ikn ZSt EMPLOYMENT 7,766 r Ito 4 , Annual Change 125 200 110 2020, 2030, 2040 forecasts revised/final by the Metropolitan Council, 6/19/15 REDI CR 17/TH13 Corridor Study ` R1YEF Completed in 2009 HIGHLAND/F r /SKYLIN Downtown South Study GRAINWOOD. Completed in 2012 • CLAIRE r Pavement Management 2015 OVEI Program PROJEC Updated Annually , 2015 PAVEI JPA C . Water Rates & Fees Study A f d Water Plan Last Update 2005 Last update 2004 6 WELL. ill U date Early2015 P ! VVTF #2 Facility Plan RIEFIAtatt.IT�I LL. Not Scheduled 0 icic J „ Sewer Rates & Fees Study 0 Sanitary Sewer Last Update 2005 N Z FRANI UN 1 C Plan . Lift Station or Area Studies LIFT STAT CL Last update 2005 t e As Needed As W C St• orm Rates 8.t;.__ Fees Study Last Update -2005 ic S CL Markley Lake Flood StudyZ, 5 POND C2012 MAINTENAP V r (1- RETRQFI Surface Water Flood Damage Reduction Study and Modeling Management Plan In oroaress Last update 2005 r W Update 2016 I p 1 NPDES MS4 Permit Implementation LO Aoril 2015 1 (X Ili TMDL Implementation Plan 2 2012 No' .1 Park Dedication a Fee Study In progress r r Master Park Plan (Community Park Planning) ENCLAVE P, 2007 r PHASE 1 �`��� Parks & Trail Plan • . •• .a u.• ADA Transition Plan WILEPARS 1 MINNESOTA STATUTES 2014 473.864 473.864 PLANS; ADOPTION; AMENDMENT. Subdivision 1. When adopted. Each local governmental unit shall adopt its comprehensive plan with required modifications within nine months following a final decision, order, or judgment made pursuant to section 473.866. Subd. 2. Decennial review. By December 31, 1998, and at least once every ten years thereafter, each local governmental unit shall review and, if necessary, amend its entire comprehensive plan and its fiscal devices and official controls. Such review and, if necessary, amendment shall ensure that, as provided in section 473.865, the fiscal devices and official controls of each local government unit are not in conflict with its comprehensive plan.Upon completion of review and,if necessary,amendment of its comprehensive plan,fiscal devices,and official controls as required by this section,each local government unit shall either: (a) submit to the Metropolitan Council the entire current comprehensive plan together with written certification by the governing body of the local government unit that it has complied with this section and that no amendments to its plan or fiscal devices or official controls are necessary; or (b)(1) submit the entire updated comprehensive plan and amendment or amendments to its com- prehensive plan necessitated by its review to the Metropolitan Council for review; and (2) submit the amendment or amendments to its fiscal devices or official controls necessitated by its review to the Metropolitan Council for information purposes as provided by section 473.865. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, local governments shall consider, in preparing their updated comprehensive plans, amendments to metropolitan system plans in effect on December 31, 1996. For metropolitan system plans,or amendments thereto,adopted after December 31, 1996,local governments shall review their comprehensive plans to determine if an amendment is necessary to conform to the met- ropolitan system plans. If an amendment is necessary, the local government shall prepare the amendment and submit it to the council for review by September 30, 1999, or nine months after the council transmits the metropolitan system plan amendment to the local government,whichever is later. The periodic review required in this subdivision shall be in addition to the review required by section 473.856. The Metropolitan Council may grant extensions to local government units in order to allow local government units to complete the review and, if necessary, amendment required by this subdivision. Such extensions, if granted by the Metropolitan Council,must include a timetable and plan for completion of the review and amendment. Amendments to comprehensive plans of local governmental units shall be prepared, submitted, and adopted in conformance with guidelines adopted by the Metropolitan Council pursuant to section 473.854. History: 1976 c 127 s 15; 1977 c 347 s 68; 1981 c 242 s 1; 1995 c 176 s 9; 2006 c 194 s 8 Copyright©2014 by the Revisor of Statutes,State of Minnesota.All Rights Reserved.