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08 24 2015 1A Eagle Creek Commercial Plat
PRIO4 U tri 4646 Dakota Street SE 4iNvEso'cP Prior Lake, MN 55372 CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION REPORT MEETING DATE: AUGUST 24, 2015 AGENDA #: 1.A. PREPARED BY: DAN ROGNESS, COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEV. DIRECTOR PRESENTED BY: DAN ROGNESS AGENDA ITEM: EAGLE CREEK COMMERCIAL PLAT DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this agenda item is to review the history of the Eagle Creek Estates and Eagle Creek Commercial plats, including the devel- oper's withdrawal of their PUD application. History The Eagle Creek subdivision began in 2011; the property currently des- ignated for commercial use has a history as follows: • 5/16/11 — City Council approval of a Comprehensive Land Use Plan amendment from Business Office Park (C-BO) to Commu- nity Retail Shopping (C-CC). • 9/06/11 —City Council approval of a Rezoning from Low Density Residential (R-1) to General Business (C-2). • 5/07/12 — City Council approval of a Preliminary Plat, including two Outlots for future commercial development. • 7/08/13 — City Council approval of a Final Plat, including two Outlots for future commercial development. • 11/03/14— Planning Commission approval of a Conditional Use Permit for a Motor Fuel Station and Carwash (Kwik Trip). • 12/08/14 — City Council approval of a Final Plat for the first two commercial lots (including one for Kwik Trip). In May of 2015, the developer (KRB Development, which includes Key- land, Ryan and Brandl-Anderson) submitted a PUD application for the remaining commercial development area, not including the Kwik-Trip lot. On June 15, 2015, the Planning Commission held a public hearing and recommended the PUD application on to the City Council. There was testimony at that hearing related to neighborhood concerns about excess traffic, safety of children, and exit points from the commercial development. Current Circumstances KRB informed City staff that it was going to hold a neighborhood meet- ing prior to it being considered by the City Council. On August 13, Dave Anderson with KRB sent an email to City staff withdrawing their PUD application entirely. No neighborhood meeting has yet been held. Conclusion The developer applied for a PUD related to the commercial develop- ment in order to establish known parameters around future projects, in- cluding such things as joint parking, common signage, building design and total square footage. Without a PUD, the commercial area can proceed one project at a time by meeting the standards established within the C-2 Zoning Use District. That would include allowing uses that are either: (1) Permitted; (2) Per- mitted with Conditions; or (3) Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit. A list of those uses is provided in Attachment 3. The C-2 Zone would also establish minimum setbacks and parking ratios. Other sections of the Zoning Ordinance provide minimum requirements for things such as landscaping, buffering, lighting and building design. Kwik Trip has gone through the Conditional Use Permit process and received approval from the Planning Commission. Currently, staff is reviewing the final plans submitted as part of a building permit applica- tion prior to their anticipated construction start this year. The platting and CUP process all established the entrance and exit points for the Kwik Trip project, as well as a smaller vacant commercial lot directly north of Kwik Trip. All other entrances and exit points are subject to future approvals as other commercial projects are proposed. Staff will typically support entrances and exits across from other streets or drive- ways in order to focus turning movements in one location for safety. ISSUES: Once Eagle Creek Estates received approval for a Comprehensive Land Use Plan amendment and corresponding Rezoning in 2011, it was ready for C-2 permitted projects. It was the developer's option to pursue a PUD application rather than any obligation in order to develop com- mercial projects on approximately 13 acres of C-2 property. ALTERNATIVES: Discussion Only RECOMMENDED N/A MOTIONS: ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2. Various staff reports and approvals related to Eagle Creek Estates 3. List of uses in the C-2 General Business Use District 2 EAGLE CREEK ESTATES LOCATION MAP : -----7 Elm ii-mapa,. , . .. .,.W4,.. .. ./../1 ' Q 41'..,„t.,.,,.., ,,-,' v . ..,,,, ,c1. 41), 4—. *Tr 0.. .. _ ir.:, . _ ..,*iiir ., ... -..,46., 4,,,' , --s4.4-gia - 4-- 'Nit it - , :-":.:,, _,... fail,,,..,.',,,,,.Ati,,,•.:./ei-..,,•',,,,nyi.„,7r...:..;..,..,,\,‘;,_, ‘N.,t - ...* 4411111111 MB . 4t4) . Nil 4. • ,, ..,,.. mi err s.".• , ,-,-\\ ' BR®to77. .: IR 51 ' ' l''„1111::„-- ''''' ' gE . , e, ' ...:...--,. . ,. :.::: ligilli v0,..„, iimirl --'-''''2""17.:11:::-.1-1:— ..._-._ ::.:::T.�"-,- , . 4 : _. 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MN 55372 N411Ar 60' CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: MAY 16, 2011 AGENDA#: 10B PREPARED BY: JEFF MATZKE, PLANNER AGENDA ITEM: CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR APPROXIMATELY 16.0 ACRES OF PROPERTY LOCATED NORTHEAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF CSAH 21 AND FISH POINT ROAD DISCUSSION: Introduction Equity Properties LLC has submitted a request for an amendment to the Compre- hensive Plan Land Use Map for approximately 16.0 acres of land located northeast of the intersection of CSAH 21 and Fish Point Road. The proposed amendment would designate the 16.0 acre area as follows: • 14.55 acres to be designated C-CC (Community Retail Shopping) • 1.45 acres to be designated R-LD (Urban Low Density) The property is currently zoned R-1 (Low Density Residential) and is designated as R-LD (Urban Low Density Residential) and C-BO (Business Office Park) on the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. History The Developer presented a concept plan for the Eagle Creek Estates development to the City Council on January 18, 2011 with plans develop a 60-75 residential lot subdi- vision with approximately 15-20 acres of a retail and convenience service commercial area along the northern edge of County Highway 21. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on April 25, 2011 for the Compre- hensive Plan Amendment (see attached minutes). Many local residents were in at- tendance at the public hearing with questions and comments regarding the following: • Chance of a successful retail businesses at this location rather than a busi- ness office park • Need for convenience services for residents in this area of the City • Increased traffic numbers and safety along Fish Point Road • Parkland and trail needs for the proposed residential area • Tree impacts to the area with the proposed development Many of the specific questions regarding traffic, parks and trails, and trees will be fur- ther evaluated at the time of Preliminary Plat. The Planning Commission is required to hold another public hearing at that time to consider these comments in more detail. Current Circumstances The 16.0 acre Comprehensive Plan Amendment subject area is a portion of an ap- proximately 45.7 acre concept previously brought before the Planning Commission in January of 2011. The original concept plan proposed a mixture of commercial and residential uses, including 14.5 acres of retail commercially zoned property, 79 single family lots, and a 1.2 acre park. Since then the developer has revised the concept plan to increase the residential lot sizes resulting in a development with 67 proposed single family lots. The site is currently guided as R-LD (Urban Low Density Residential) for approxi- mately 30.92 acres and C-BO (Business Office Park) for approximately 14.81 acres on the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Equity Properties LLC is proposing the amendment to the 2030 Comprehensive Plan in order to allow C-CC commercial retail shopping uses within the southern portion of the project site. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The area of the Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment request con- sists of 16.0 acres of the total 45.7 acres site. Vegetation: There are a large number of significant trees located on the west end of the site. Future development of the property will be subject to the Tree Preservation Ordinance. Wetlands: The site is subject to the provisions of the State Wetland Conservation Act. A specific delineation will be required as part of any plat application. Access: Access to this property will be from extensions of existing Fish Point Road and Credit River Road. Utilities: Sewer services will be available from the existing lift station, southeast of the site. Water services will be available from the north and south through the extension of Fish Point Road. Adjacent Land Use and Zoning: Existing Use Land Use Designa- Zoning tion North Single Family Homes R-LD R-1 (Cardinal Ridge Development) (Urban Low Density Residential) (with PUD Overlay District) South County Hwy 21 & County Right-of-Way & C-3 Business Office Park uses C-BO (Business Park) (Waterfront Passage Development) (Business Office Park) East Vacant Land, R-LD R-1 City Maintenance Shop, & (Urban Low Density Residential) (Low Density Residential) Church Property IPI 11 (Planned Industrial) (General Industrial) West Single Family Homes, City R-LD R-1 Park (Urban Low Density Residential) (Low Density Residential) (Credit River Road&Brooksville Hills Park) ISSUES: The developer is proposing to develop this site with a mix of commercial and residen- tial uses. The proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment is consistent with this overall development proposal. The developer has submitted a market study which supports the placement of retail commercial services in the area. The study states "limited convenience retail and small service offices" are among the appropriate uses for the site. Currently there are no planned neighborhood or community retail shopping uses (C-NR or C-CC) in the immediate area that would serve the existing residents, as well as future resi- dents and employees of the surrounding area. While the City of Prior Lake has approximately 149 acres of C-CC (Community Retail Shopping) designated land throughout the community, there are no areas in the southeast quadrant of the City (along the County Hwy 21 corridor east of MN Hwy 13) currently designated for C-CC uses. In additional, 56 acres of land designated for C- BO (Business Office Park) is located south of the site (across County Hwy. 21). Therefore, the change of 14.81 acres of C-BO land to C-CC would allow for more di- versity in the allowed land uses in the area while removing 20% of C-BO designated property in this area of the City. The Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives that are applicable to this request are as follows: GOAL: SUITABLE HOUSING AND ENVIRONMENT OBJECTIVE No. 2: Maintain a choice of and encourage development of quality residential developments. The developer plans to provide a single family development of 65-80 home sites immediately north of the area of the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Quality residential neighborhoods are generally characterized by safety, good accessibility, and convenient nearby commercial services. Furthermore, as indicated in the market study, commercial uses intended to serve the convenience needs of nearby residents can be successful if they are "located within walking distance or within five minutes of residential neighborhoods." GOAL: ECONOMIC VITALITY OBJECTIVE No. 1: Determine and strive for a balance of commerce, industry, and population. The developer proposes to offer a mixture of single family housing and retail commercial uses within the overall site. While land designated for Business Office Park uses can be found in the surrounding area there are currently no properties designated for retail commercial uses nearby. The proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment will allow for an increased balance of commerce uses in the immediate area. OBJECTIVE No. 2: Encourage a diversified economic base and a broad range of employment opportunities. This objective of the Comprehensive Plan identifies the need to attract businesses and services that will serve the surrounding area and remains stable under changing economic conditions. As stated in the submitted market study this Comprehensive Plan Amendment will "act as an amenity to the nearby proposed land uses"and the use "would be attractive to companies wanting to locate in this area." The proposed C-CC and R-LD designations are consistent with these goals. The proposed amendment is consistent with this recommendation. FINANCIAL Approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment would allow the developer to pur- IMPACT: sue their commercial development plans for the site for retail and convenience ser- vices rather than office and business park uses. The City would acquire tax base for either type of future commercial uses however the City may receive the increased tax base sooner with the approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment given the cur- rent development proposal. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Adopt a resolution approving the amendment as requested. 2. Deny the Comprehensive Plan amendment on the basis that it is inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the Comprehensive Plan. In this case, the Council should direct the staff to prepare a resolution with findings of fact based in the record for the denial of these requests. 3. Defer consideration of this item and provide staff with specific direction. RECOMMENDED The Planning Commission and City Staff recommend Alternative #1. This action re- MOTION: quires the following motion: A motion and second adopting a resolution approving the amendment to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map designating 16.0 acres of land located immediately north of CSAH 21 and east of Fish Point Road as follows: • 14.55 acres to be designated C-CC (Community Retail Shopping) • 1.45 acres to be designated R-LD (Urban Low Density) EXHIBITS: 1. Approval Resolution 2. Location Map 3. Current Development Plan 4. Proposed Comprehensive Land Use Amendment Plan 5. Applicant's Market Study for Development Site Reviewed by: Frank Boyles, City Manager 4 • . ., AC'AC 1 ' 1 -.1 -1,-.1 //''' li-jj i 11 CI 1_ r N: 812:) <SVLLE I-T.I.S Ff URTH ....1 BIROOKSV'_LE HIL4S SECtZ_A_DfIT . . \ i' NAL RkGE/14. .i FIFTI. 4 12 11 10 9 8 7 8 5 3 2 i 4" 31 30 29 45/ Eagle .vd ---- L'7217\:11[:--------e cL3 • .1."' , ...,.\-<\ .ihilk ....... \ / / c-',..,,,,-,., /,,,s,,/' . ,,,,,:::::,,,,,,,%::::::.,. .,.., .• g° -i.:':::..:::2:::i::::::::::Kegi:EK:K::ii::::::::ii:a.:.:g.:tiii,„:.::::,::,::]*:.::.:.,:::•:•::i:3:::•::::.:..,4:r .,:..;,..., 1 \\\,‘, I \\ \ \ Scale: 1" c„4, .'4'''-/a°''''' 'k4i'6:-:g:4::.::::1::::::::::r.::,:5.:.4:/:.:::.:,.„.::.l'..:.:1:.:•:.::.:.:::.::.:-:::::.:a:::"::;::.,:::":,.::':''",:,i"',::::':::.'::.":.:::":t;'m:i::',,::'•:.Ki:::g•F.:iK2'::g'2:-:::„i5',::.::::":'::.:::.s::::,:::4::,:::i:::i:..::::,::K:.e::,::.:'K::'::i.i::;i,3i'.l.qii,::i.,::Ki::i:i:.,:i::i::::.,:s.:::.:..:•:::..:.-::.:::i:::::,:R::::::::,::::,::::o.::::':.::.:,s.:•::R-:::4:K::;:::::t:uE::R,:::..:,:„qm:::":?:E:,:i:::,K:ia:,'::R:,.::i,,,t,i',]p,:,,—K,i.:,,::::,.:,::::„i::::f:::.:,:.::o,.::x:::",,:::::,:::::,,::.,:::i::,:i.:::::t:::::::,,:::g:i::::::,,:::?.:i:::•::,::::..:z,::::,::::;:,.::::::g.:::R:,.:.:::::,::::::l:.i:.::::;,,;:::,„,i-,:::P.::,„::.E::x,,:„:::::::,„:::::,::::,i:::::,,:::-,,:::::::::•::,,::::i:::„::ik,:::,::•:i,:::::::„::;:i:::yi::::',1.•:iiK:..::::•::::.::*:::•::i::::::::.:i::•:R::,::>k::g:::::::::::::::::::.::::::.„.::F::::,::::::::::::::i.::::-::.:::•::„:::i::,.::::.:!::g:,.::::,:::K:,g:..::::,5:::.:::f;„::::::::i:::::,:::::.i::..f::::.::i„:.:.,4:.i:::.:.:.:.:„.,:.::.::::.:.:•:::.::-..:.::...-..„:......:s:,:.::m::::•::.:.a::::::„:.-,,::.:.„„]..:„...„:.„:.,.::"...:.:.,\ii.:i:.h,,:::::,„i,„.:i].....1i:.,.,,::::..„::::i::::,:i:.n,.:]::„::::::..:,„:::.::::.,,:1,-.:......„..:..:.::..,..,,.:...,.:1.:..t..::.::.:.:.....„,:..::.2,„,.......„:,.:...:.:•.,::,..:•.„.i..::._.::.::,,.:::::.,,:::i:::i..,::::g.::i:.:..:.,...:.:.::,:...m:,::::i:..:.:::::::.::..:,„:....:,:.:.„:::::K.:::.:,:::,,.::.:1.:,::„.::K::..::.„.:::.: - .. = L1:00 . % LR , - coNNi, 0H - ' i,./ ,..„/,... --/-) ''.:.'1.::;..4..::'„i'::‘'Z.„:.:.l:•:..*::.','':'...w.:.:.:.::.;...::..:.'.::.'.::.:.'..::.'•.:.•:.:.:..::::.:.:::.:.:.:.:...::.:::..:..:..:.:...:..:.:.,.i::..:.:.:.::.::.:::.:::,:::."::.:I.i..:..:i:i::'::..i:..?:.,\:....:.:.:::.•::.::..::..:1:.::.'::::..i.:..i.:,.i.:1..:i'l::.:1.::i:.:: ,.;i....::::i.:::1:..;:.:::.-..::...::.1.:::,:::1::.::.,::.::.::::.:::1::.::1..::::.::: 6., // 7--- (C = 3°) 1 LI 4.,......... 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MN 55372 !NIY85o CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 6, 2011 AGENDA#: PREPARED BY: JEFF MATZKE, PLANNER AGENDA ITEM: CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING MAP FOR APPROXIMATELY 15.5 ACRES OF PROPERTY LOCATED NORTHEAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF CSAH 21 AND FISH POINT ROAD FROM R-1 (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) TO C-2 (GENERAL BUSINESS) DISCUSSION: Introduction Equity Properties LLC has submitted a request for an amendment to the Zoning Map for approximately 15.5 acres of land located northeast of the intersection of CSAH 21 and Fish Point Road. The property area is currently zoned R-1 and is designated C-CC (General Retail Shopping) on the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. History The 15.5 acre Zoning Map Amendment subject area is a portion of an approximately 45.7 acre conceptual development previously brought before the Planning Commis- sion and City Council. The City Council approved a Comprehensive Plan Amend- ment to redesignate the 15.5 acre area from C-BO (Business Park) to C-CC (Com- munity Retail Shopping) on May 16, 2011. The conceptual development plan pro- poses a mixture of commercial and residential uses, including 15.5 acres of retail commercially zoned property, 67 single family lots, and a park. The entire 45.7 acre site is currently zoned R-1 (Low Density Residential). Equity Properties LLC is proposing the amendment to the Zoning Map in order to allow C-2 (General Business) commercial uses within the southern portion of the project site. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 13, 2011 for the Amend- ment to the Zoning Map. At that meeting the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Zoning Map Amendment. Current Circumstances Equity Properties LLC is proposing the amendment to the Zoning Map in order to al- low C-2 (General Commercial) zoned properties within the southern portion of the project site. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The area of the Zoning Map Amendment request consists of 15.5 acres of the total 45.7 acres site. Vegetation: There are a large number of significant trees located on the west end of I the site. Future development of the property will be subject to the Tree Preservation Ordinance which will be reviewed as part of a proposed plat application. Wetlands: The site is subject to the provisions of the State Wetland Conservation Act. A specific delineation will be required as part of any plat application. Access: Access to this property will be from extensions of existing Fish Point Road and Credit River Road. Utilities: Sewer services will be available from the existing lift station, southeast of the site. Water services will be available from the north and south through the exten- sion of Fish Point Road. Adjacent Land Use and Zoning: Existing Use Land Use Designa- Zoning tion Single Family Homes R-LD R-1 North (Cardinal Ridge Development) (Urban Low Density Residen- (with PUD Overlay tial) District) County Hwy 21 & County Right-of-Way& C-3 South Business Office Park uses C-BO (Business Park) (Waterfront Passage Development) (Business Office Park) Vacant Land, City Maintenance R-LD R-1 Shop, & Church Property (Urban Low Density Residen- (Low Density Residen- East tial) 1-PI tial) (Planned Industrial) I-1 (General Industrial) Single Family Homes, City Park R-LD R-1 West (Credit River Road&Brooksville Hills (Urban Low Density Residen- (Low Density Residen- Park) tial) tial) ISSUES: The developer is proposing to develop this overall site with a mix of commercial and residential uses. The proposed Zoning Map Amendment is consistent with this over- all development proposal. The developer has submitted a market study which supports the placement of retail commercial services in the area. The study states "limited convenience retail and small service offices" are among the appropriate uses for the site. Currently there are no planned neighborhood or general business uses (C-1 or C-2 Zoning Districts) in the immediate area that would serve the existing residents, as well as future resi- dents and employees of the surrounding area. While the City of Prior Lake has approximately 149 acres of C-CC (Community Retail Shopping) designated land throughout the community, there are there are only 5.5 acres of property in the southeast quadrant of the City (along the County Hwy 21 cor- ridor east of MN Hwy 13) currently designated for C-2 uses. In additional, 56 acres of land designated for C-3 (Business Office Park) are located immediately south of the site (across Cty Hwy 21). The following is a list of uses allowed within the C-2 (General Business) Zoning Dis- trict: CIGENERAL BUSINESS Permitted Uses Uses Permitted by CUP Libraries Motor Fuel Station Museums Motor Vehicle Sales Open Space Motor Vehicle Service&Repair Police/Fire Stations Restaurants With Liquor Parking Business Clubs&Lodges With Liquor Banks Shopping Centers Over 275,000 Square Feet (Gross Area) Medical/Dental Offices Funeral Home Accessory Uses Office Parking Lots Service Incidental Repair or Processing Retail Food Service Business Trade Schools Outdoor Seating&Service Studio Helistops which are subordinate to the principal use Showrooms Bar (as accessory to a restaurant, hotel, private entertainment,club,or lodge) Permitted Uses with Conditions Adult Day Care Group Day Care/Nursery School Public Service St uctures Animal Handling Appliance,Small Engine&Bicycle Repair Clubs&Lodges without Liquor License Food Service In-Vehicle Sales or Service Restaurants Without Liquor License Dry Cleaning&Laundering With Route Delivery Utility Substation Zoning Ordinance Amendment Findings Section 1108.600 of the Zoning Ordinance identifies the following policies for amendments to the Official Zoning Map: • The area, as presently zoned, is inconsistent with the policies and goals of the Comprehensive Plan, or the land was originally zoned erroneously due to a tech- nical or administrative error, or • The area for which rezoning is requested has changed or is changing to such a degree that it is in the public interest to rezone so as to encourage redevelopment of the area, or • The permitted uses allowed within the proposed Use District will be appropriate on the subject property and compatible with adjacent properties and the neigh- borhood. In this case, the area for which the rezoning is requested has changed. On May 16, 2011 the City Council approved a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from C-BO (Business Park) to C-CC (Community Retail Shopping). The request was forwarded on to the Metropolitan Council; and, on June 9, 2011, they also approved the Com- prehensive Plan Amendment. The rezoning will facilitate and encourage redevelop- ment of the site. Through anaylsis will need to be taken as part of any future plat re- view, Site Plan Review, or Conditional Use Permit process to assure the uses will be appropriate in respect to the future adjacent residential neighborhood. FINANCIAL Approval of the Zoning Map Amendment would allow the developer to pursue their IMPACT: commercial development plans for the site for retail and convenience services rather than office and business park uses. The City would acquire tax base for either type of future commercial uses however the City may receive the increased tax base sooner with the approval of the Zoning Map Amendment given the current develop- ment proposal. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Adopt a resolution approving the Zoning Map Amendment as requested. 2. Deny the Zoning Map Amendment on the basis that it is inconsistent with the pur- pose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. In this case, the Council should direct the staff to prepare a resolution with findings of fact based in the record for the denial of these requests. 3. Defer consideration of this item and provide staff with specific direction. RECOMMENDED The Planning Commission and City Staff recommend Alternative #1. This action re- MOTION: quires the following motion: A motion and second adopting a resolution approving the Zoning Map Amendment to change the zoning of 15.5 acres of the subject prop- erty from the R-1 (Urban Low Density Residential) to C-2 (General Business) Zoning District. EXHIBITS: 1. Approval Resolution 2. Location Map 3. Current Development Plan 4. Proposed Zoning Map Amendment Plan 5. Market Study Report 4 01 s ae ss F— a) Y' 6r, W O /J 5 ,-E.,, W o t� 0 tga o', N fl n ► s€E, Q 0n ^ 5g$t W •C 0 N I O ILS U a 'rte, M a) a o W v 2 (n 0a) y a Q a) °o i o rag 0 W ° l"� o I p p a) W 0 U Q J J U O Z r-- a (n W i / u >N o I I i \ \ c \ w'C o I CJ '- � : -\\ \I Al \\\ j ce In in CO I C I4 I, \` ; Iv..aswnuxw.an xww wwNsn.a� aJliw• _ Z i Z u) w ai r0 U_ I .J 7 / .,e* U 7.1-0 / ' i I r rc 4.' / i. ek s� • S/S .z / / CY --. 4.0 / -- / /971 1 ) x ,11 > jj 11 .\ / 3 _ s LLT 1 /J^/J NO g3 1 ''.-1:6 ' ''',)//'2 / l' 'cliV D 6 1 4/1 EEP '' A x'17 ,1/' \`i, \-- 1 )::1'<\ . ..' ;' ‘9/';'/./ 1 S t I E Yre.-6,4,ikoiv-1( INA- cc- 4ii'II n'' 4646 Dakota Street SE ' Prior Lake.MN 55372 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: MAY 7, 2012 AGENDA#: 10A PREPARED BY: JEFF MATZKE, PLANNER PRESENTED BY: JEFF MATZKE AGENDA ITEM: CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS EAGLE CREEK ESTATES DISCUSSION: Introduction Equity Properties LLC has submitted request for approval of a Preliminary Plat to be known as Eagle Creek Estates. The property is located on a 45 acre site northeast of the intersection of CSAH 21 and Fish Point Road, south of the Cardinal Ridge residential development area. The development plan calls for a residential development consisting of 61 single family homes and 12.7 acres of commercially designated property. History On September 26, 2011 the Planning Commission held a public hearing re- garding the Preliminary Plat-request. Public comments at the meeting included the traffic on the collector street (Fish Point Road), proposed tree removal, and the number and size of proposed residential lots. After discussion of storm wa- ter requirements for the project, the Planning Commission closed the public hearing and voted to table discussion of the item to a future Planning Commis- sion meeting. The Developer has spent considerable time redesigning the storm water drain- age system for the project over the winter months and presented the Prelimi- nary Plat to the Planning Commission again on April 9, 2012 upon which the Planning Commission recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat. Current Circumstances The following paragraphs outline the physical characteristics of the existing site, the Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations, and a description of some of the specifics of the proposed site. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The total site consists of 45.7 acres. Topography: This site has a varied topography, with elevations ranging from 890 MSL at its lowest point to 950' MSL at its highest point. Vegetation: There are a large number of significant trees located on the north and west end of the site. Wetlands: Two wetlands exist along the eastern edge of the site and an addi- tional wetland is at the northwest corner of the site. The site is subject to the provisions of the State Wetland Conservation Act. Access: Access to this property will be from extensions of existing Fish Point Road and Credit River Road. Utilities: Sewer services will be available from the existing lift station, south- east of the site, Water services will be available from the north and south through the extension of Fish Point Road. 2030 Comprehensive Plan Designation: This majority of the property is des- ignated for Urban Low Density Residential (R-LD) uses on the 2030 Compre- hensive Plan Land Use Map. A 12.7 acre area along County Highway 21 is designated for Community Retail Shopping (C-CC) commercial uses. Zoning: Separate areas of the development site are zoned R-1 (Low Density Residential) and C-2 (General Business Commercial). Shoreland: The eastern portion of this property is located within the Shoreland District for Markely Lake, a Natural Environment Lakes. As such, the property is subject to the Shoreland requirements listed in Section 1104 of the Zoning Ordinance. PROPOSED PLAN The development plan calls for a residential development consisting of 61 sin- gle family homes and 12.7 acres of commercially designated property. Lot Sizes: The residential lots are proposed with an average lot size of 13, 800 square feet and a minimum lot size of 12,000 square feet. The proposed lots will meet the minimum lot width requirements of 86 feet in the R-1 (Low Density Residential)Zoning District. The commercial area is being proposed as outlots with final lot sizes and widths to be determined with future final plats. The minimum lot size and width required in the C-2 (General Business) Zoning District is 1 acre and 150 feet respectively. Setbacks: The residential lots have proposed setbacks that will meet the min- imum required 25 foot front yard, 10 foot side yard, 25 foot rear yard, and 25 foot side yard abutting a street. The minimum required setbacks for the future platted commercial lots is 30 foot front yard, 20 foot side yard, 30 foot rear yard, and 30 foot side yard abutting a street. Impervious Surface: The maximum impervious surface coverage for each individual residential lot within the Markely Lake Shoreland District is 30% of the total lot area as required by the Shoreland Ordinance. The maximum impervi- ous surface for the future commercial lots is 75% of total lot area. Density: Density of the residential development is based on the residential net area of the site, which is 31.9 acres. The density of the residential area of the development is 1.9 units/acre. Parks: The developer proposes to dedicate 2.18 acres of parkland into the City's public park system. A comment listed in the Community Development memorandum states that the slopes in the area adjacent to Lot 13, Block 2 ex- ceed the standards for usable parkland, and therefore, should be considered as a dedicated public outlot instead. Any remaining parkland dedication required by City Ordinance (10% of net acreage)that is not satisfied thru land dedication is proposed to be satisfied thru a cash payment into the City's park fund. Streets: The Developer proposes construction of Fish Point Road, Credit River Road, Eagle Creek Circle, and Markley Lake Drive with the first phase of devel- opment. Currently a roundabout is proposed at the intersection of Fish Point Road and Credit River Road due to the traffic study forecasts for the area. Grading: Significant grading is required for the project. The Developer has revised the original proposed plans to address a large number of the grading issues for the site; however, as identified in the Engineering Staff memoran- dum, additional grading comments will need to be addressed prior to construc- tion. Sanitary Sewer/Water Mains/Storm Sewer: The hydrology and storm water design of the site is challenging given the site is located within the Markley Lake watershed area, a landlocked basin. The developer is working with the proper- ty owner to the east on a common storm water plan to help achieve an overall efficient design of the storm water system for development of the entire area east of Markley Lake. The developer has been in constant contact with City Staff regarding their design of the system. Phasing: The developer proposes to develop the residential lots within the site in 3 phases beginning with Lots 1-23 of Block 1 and Lots 17-23 of Block 2 (phase 1), followed by the remaining lots in Block 2 (Phase 2), and the remain- ing lots of Block 1 (Phase 3) in the northeast corner of the site. The commer- cial area will be designated as outlots initially and platted by commercial busi- nesses prior to future Site Plan or Conditional Use Permit application for indi- vidual sites. Tree Replacement/Landscaping: There are many significant trees on the site. The tree inventory identified 16,185 significant caliper inches of trees on the site. Up to 35% of the significant caliper inches may be removed for house pads and driveways. Any removal above these amounts requires tree re- placement at a rate of 1/2 caliper inches for each inch removed. Per City Staff comments, the developer is revising the tree replacement calculations. The majority of tree removals are in the interior eastern portion of the site. Fees and Assessment: The development will be subject to all development fees including trunk utility, park dedication, utility connection fees, a City admin- istration fee, and a Construction Observation fee at the time Final Plat. ISSUES: The developer has met with City staff to address the comments as outlined in the City Staff memorandums. City Staff believes the overall proposed devel- opment layout appears appropriate, and recommends approval of the Prelimi- nary Plat subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. The developer must obtain the required permits from any other state or lo- cal agency prior to any work on the site. 2. Revise the plans to address all of the comments in the City Engineering Staff memorandum dated March 29, 2012. 3. Revise the plans to address all of the comments in the City Community & Economic Development Department memorandum dated March 30, 2012. 4. All grading, hydrology and storm water comments must be addressed prior to any grading on the site. 5. As part of the park development, the developer is responsible for any grad- ing, topsoil, turf establishment and construction of any proposed trails to the specifications provided by the City. It has been awhile since the council approved new preliminary plats, so a re- minder is in order. The council should assure themselves that the conditions contained in the preliminary plat are comprehensive and address every major concern. The final plat approval requires only two conditions: (1) compliance with the preliminary plat, and (2) execution of the developer's contract. FINANCIAL Approval of this Preliminary Plat will allow the developer to continue to draft IMPACT: plans to plat new residential and commercial sites, which will contribute to the City's tax base. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat subject to any listed conditions as identified by the City Council. 2. Table this item to another City Council meeting and provide the developer with direction on the issues that have been discussed. 3. Recommend denial of the request. RECOMMENDED City Staff recommends Alternative#1. MOTION: EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Preliminary Plat Plans 3. City Engineering Staff Memorandum dated March 29, 2012 4. City Community Development Staff Memorandum dated March 30, 2012 O PRlp ti U 4646 Dakota Street SE ` /A,NEso t' Prior Lake,MN 55372 RESOLUTION 12-069 A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS EAGLE CREEK ESTATES Motion By: Soukup Second By: Hedberg WHEREAS, Equity Properties LLC has submitted an application for a Preliminary Plat to be known as Eagle Creek Estates; and WHEREAS, The Prior Lake Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on September 26, 2011 to consider the proposed Preliminary Plat; and WHEREAS, The Prior Lake Planning Commission continued discussion of the Preliminary Plat at the September 26, 2011 meeting and recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat at the April 9, 2012 Planning Commission meeting; and WHEREAS, Notice of the public hearing on said Preliminary Plat has been duly published and posted in accordance with the applicable Minnesota Statutes and Prior Lake Ordinance; and WHEREAS, All persons interested in the proposed Preliminary Plat were afforded the opportunity to present their views and objections related to the Preliminary Plat of Eagle Creek Estates for the record at the public hearing conducted by the Planning Commission;and WHEREAS, The Prior Lake City Council considered the application for the proposed Preliminary Plat on May 7, 2012;and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission and City Council have reviewed the Preliminary Plat according to the applicable provisions of the Prior Lake Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances and found said Preliminary Plat to be consistent with the provisions of said Ordinances;and WHEREAS, The City Council has the authority to impose reasonable conditions on a Preliminary Plat. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA as follows: 1. The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein. 2. The Preliminary Plat is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: a) The developer must obtain the required permits from any other state or local agency prior to any work on the site. b) Revise the plans to address all of the comments in the City Engineering Staff memorandum dated March 29, 2012. c) Revise the plans to address all of the comments in the City Community & Economic Development Department memorandum dated March 30, 2012. d) All grading, hydrology and storm water comments must be addressed prior to any grading on the site. 1 e) As part of the park development, the developer is responsible for any grading, topsoil, turf establishment and construction of any proposed trails to the specifications provided by the City. f) Final Plat must provide phasing plan consistent with provisions defined in Subdivision Ordinance, Section 1002.306. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 7TH DAY OF MAY, 2012. YES NO Myser X Myser Erickson X Erickson Hedberg X Hedberg Keeney X Keeney Soukup X Soukup Frank Boyle anager 2 AEI ZIOZ VE ,__.ilbIOMMMi V 5 f= f-.aiR Ise 2' e I L14111111al9HTyHa4:ii 3t]r I;E y°Ow i° A eH2$ief-0 zx gi of I } sip.' �n lx sla] ;Hi�'g3ii siI -I' i \ /� 1 �t� F, m f. ! 5g :jj d R H=iz I li i /' .H f tali �'°-� _ u. �o x i€ 5 - 4$s'% .m<_ F //,✓i' 3'i i'F�m.o a o is ca -e5t.g;Il.-5: i .. m = ..- ► ° °onw I.- #_F °`liix( ages1l-a ,e-3gaq,ge4 f11� N1 i,w. s! �' a;l til j a:ega i 11,!!!€ 3t _fill `fit f pW 4: . 1 1 O W Ef�. ii1P11 g , a i l92' B �' 3 i i § Ili •1 s y • 3 1 �' ;i . x E�:a{{33F5 F8li4 t g• 1 •'-: E _a..°''=cam . b, 3'21�m� :1 Y i �i �_ ;� 3a $"ii,sxe` --tea;�f tr ' 3 aj': ;; ii 5 nab"a $ a. ie °! 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L---- L'4 `/ �/ r� ham. ` `��',� , ! / ,„////' ... x 13 "' tom.\`� € �\ '. \,,3� ���i/ // // /� // I I L;;,1 IMEILW.1 I t----4 ,,\ \.,,,,,,,,,,,,ti -'4'' '-', ' ' ' ' / , A - r � \\,,,.4. /, \ss,\\y v 1� � 3 • / dc` \�, N. :,' ,/,'::;, -. ,/. ,* C1‘3"). /,i 11111 ..... .,,,,, _,.., ... ,_, __-_,:.,. : 1 /‘‘s44MP. \l iIP1 /I N 4P‘‘ /I/ 'i / rik\ .•n ] /r v I I • 1 1 114+ o� r nr . /025 I 1 rf-, . 7, rn 4646 Dakota Street SE 11111111111e ,/ Prior Lake,MN 55372 • 'fVNESol CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: JULY 8, 2013 AGENDA #: PREPARED BY: JEFF MATZKE, PLANNER AGENDA ITEM: CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING A FINAL PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT FOR EAGLE CREEK ESTATES AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A DE- VELOPMENT CONTRACT DISCUSSION: Introduction KRB Development Inc. has submitted request for approval of a Final Plat to be known as Eagle Creek Estates. The property is located on a 45 acre site located northeast of the intersection of CSAH 21 and Fish Point Road, south of the Cardinal Ridge residential development area. The initial phase of de- velopment plan calls for a residential development consisting of 59 single family home sites. Future phases will include 2 other home sites and 12.7 acres of commercially designated property. Current Circumstances The City Council approved the preliminary plat application on May 7, 2012. The final plat of Eagle Creek Estates consists of approximately 45 acres to be subdivided into 59 single family lots, and 13 outlots. Included in these areas are 9 outlots to be dedicated to the City for utility and storm water ponding purposes, two outlots for future residential development, and 2 outlots for fu- ture commercial development. The Final Plat proposes the construction of Fish Point Road and Credit River Road links along with additional local streets. Staff has reviewed the final plat and finds it to be in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plat. ISSUES: The principal requirements for final plat approval include conformance with all aspects of the preliminary plat and an agreement to a Development Contract identifying the surety for the installation of utilities and streets. The Develop- ment Contract also specifies the development fees for the platted lots. FINANCIAL Approval of this final plat will allow construction of new dwelling units, which IMPACT: will contribute to the City's tax base. ALTERNATIVES: The City Council has the following alternatives: 1. Adopt a resolution with conditions approving the final plat and Develop- ment Contract for Eagle Creek Estates. 2. Amend or deny the resolution approving the final plat. 3. Defer this item and provide staff with specific direction. Staff recommends Alternative #1. RECOMMENDED 1. A motion and second to adopt a resolution approving the final plat and MOTION: Development Contract for Eagle Creek Estates and authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute the Development Contract. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Final Plat 3. Eagle Creek Estates Addition Development Contract#11-101 (0C P1,-"41) ' ( - =e x ,,, - -:___ u g 4646 Dakota Street SE 41t1rso " Prior Lake,MN 55372 RESOLUTION 13-086 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE"EAGLE CREEK ESTATES" FINAL PLAT AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT Motion By: Soukup Second By: McGuire WHEREAS, On May 7, 2012, the City Council approved the preliminary plat known as "Eagle Creek Estates",subject to conditions identified by Resolution 12-069;and WHEREAS, KRB Development Inc.(the"Developer')has submitted an application to the City of Prior Lake for approval of a Final Plat for Eagle Creek Estates;and WHEREAS, The City Council has found that the final plat of"Eagle Creek Estates" is in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plat for Eagle Creek Estates. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA as follows: 1. The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein as if fully set forth. 2. The final plat of"Eagle Creek Estates"is approved subject to the following conditions,which shall be met prior to release of and recording of the final plat: a. A current title opinion or commitment of title insurance is submitted acceptable to the City Attorney. b. Payment of all fees prior to release of the final plat mylars. c. Reductions of the entire final plat be submitted,to the following scales: 1"=200';and one reduction at no scale which fits onto an 8112"x 11"sheet of paper. d. Three mylar sets of the final plat with all required signatures are submitted. e. The developer provides financial security, acceptable to the City Engineer, prior to release of the final plat mylars. f. The final plat and all pertinent documents must be filed by the Developer with Scott County within sixty(60)days from the date of final plat approval. Failure to record the documents by September 8,2013 will render the final plat null and void. 3. All comments in the City Staff Memorandum from the City Engineer must be addressed. 4. The Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized to execute the Development Contract on behalf of the City. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 8TH DAY OF JULY,2013. YES NO Hedberg X Hedberg Keeney X Keeney McGuire X McGuire Morton Absent Morton Soukup X Soukup 1 v`�` Frank Bo e ,Ci Manager i '1 1 i 1 I 1 1 I f i NOTi NEAST DOIW Or I / r D! am .7:LE OLL.S • :mom 1 BR'CdKS'."..z HL'L s FOURTH x:mew DIE SOL/THREW 1 RDINAL F..^� O c _�__,_--_—A_______ _ _ ___� . I I I I H ear W ; _ , — ,a ion,I Ttt ADDITION _ E A G L E `` \yRot C�.4`t'S0 nista aA ilril i 10 'i6 1 — Nam m.Of_Nr.-Warpef°f .,sr .11"'"m II t it I i� m nLusT a �"°ct "'rim`� ,. . 'i� ,•600 1;, 1 1! 10 i 9 i 8 jI 7 it 6 ', 6 I, 4 I1 13 II 2 1 , ""4-- .4 -\ �. , J.�;.� t_-i�.—J�-..-�,_-JL__�:.___,L____LI_,i. IL. ail 1 , 3 ; * CREEK \--y-- \ . , `i ��.�;.._ ; 5 El —.re. = ESTATES P � ' f t, i ! 11! 2; 3 4 ; 61ie ti 8 f—:,..--r-----,r----r----r -, �� f. ' \2 ,o'K1 i I,,,,,_1`--a Blocid`ii 1-- 1LL II ,� i 12 Ii ii ii 10 \Lot s,8ocT „ $'.. ,I t' i \ OUTLOT I I . / Jim".H 3 N> <'" PARK \\/ �� r v� ti�-, ° 'i r 1N \; �O 4/, (oN /e�P �\,i 5\.,\6 t�?;T` r 8 it e y1 \ ���a Tree. ie„'g .>– / .." / \,.., 2 %1 ^ry' die �10–__-r SECTION Lill 5,22_ \ ' '`4y�ya / \,..........\* o '' \ \, 9 :.�� LOCATION MAP • \`''cco 14 ca. X` `.+; OUTLOT H .'1 ``��j . <6.•I \ oo 4 .`1 3\��.,//' g J 1.1 r�-)J, ` << A /,./ as \\_5„--�/�n. 3 , 04 ti Oto y L 0 LZ1e 4:p �i SOP o ° \ 7 ', \O;K -G� s` pe / yOq Cp. - !e S x e Of)4, R/ �. `� �`• } ; OUTLOT D r /Q8 / �o.o yT "' ti / s / ¢ �'C4' l C64.;`,........ t L / I , �,� / CRAPRIC SCALE 00 7��`.' '� 1 , '+Y 4me�\ 'J:1•1.11. W °=?,r.�4`�1 .I I Ir..nl�`L00 A IS4 A0,,, ,/`}T•A N O f �/ /RNHADE AND UMI1Y EASEVENTS ARE SNOW IMUS: i oq,O b`" O�?N / 1 t *� I OUTLOT E DaBi �\ DEMO 10 FEET IN NIDTH.UNLESS OTNERN)SE INDICATED. Saulhaesl ewnn of m. AND ADJOINING RIGHT v WAY ONES MID REAL LOT SEE SHEETS 3, 4 AND 5 OF 5 SHEETS FOR te1.`,S,�14MRFg•.° ~� ammo,ANDFEET ADDAIIININDDS LOUNLETIINEA"SE DETAILS OF OUTLOTS AND BLOCKS 1 THROUGH 13. � .. BRANDT ENGINEERING & SURVEYING, LLC 1713 Southcross Drive West, Suite A Burnsville, MN 55306 (952) 435-1966 Sheet 2 of 5 Sheets C„,.U t-C - KtAN' k. 10 ,0� PRZp,,,„y { /a � u ', , 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake,MN 55372 �tNivESO�P PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: NOVEMBER 3, 2014 AGENDA #: 4A PREPARED BY: JEFF MATZKE, PLANNER PRESENTED BY: JEFF MATZKE PUBLIC HEARING: YES AGENDA ITEM: PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO AL- LOW A MOTOR FUEL STATION AND CAR WASH LAND USE IN THE C-2 (GENERAL BUSINESS) ZONING DISTRICT DISCUSSION: Introduction Kwik Trip Inc. has applied for a conditional use permit to allow a Motor Fuel Station and Car Wash Land Use in the C-2 (General Business) Commercial Zon- ing District. The site is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of County Highway 21 (Eagle Creek Boulevard), and Fish Point Road. Current Circumstances The following paragraphs outline the physical characteristics of the existing site, the Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations, and a description of some of the specifics of the proposed site. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The site is 2.14 acres. Existing Conditions: The site is currently a vacant outlot. A Final Plat appli- cation has also been submitted for review by the City Council. Access: Access to the site is proposed from Fish Point Road (right-in only) and from Credit River Road. 2030 Comprehensive Plan Designation: This property is designated C-CC for Community Retail Shopping on the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Zoning: The site area is zoned C-2 (General Business). PROPOSED PLAN The applicant plans to develop the currently vacant site into a Motor Fuel Sta- tion, Car Wash, and Convenience Store. The site will include a 5,600 sq. ft. convenience store with 24 hours of operation as well as 20 pump stations and a 2 stall car wash. Setbacks: The building is proposed to meet all applicable setbacks including 30 foot front yard, 20 foot side yard, and 30 foot rear yard. Landscaping/Screening: Landscaping is proposed throughout the site with both deciduous and coniferous trees. Staff would suggest an increase in the number of coniferous trees to provide year round vegetation to the site. Screening in the form of a fence or wall is proposed for the trash enclosure as well. Parking: The minimum number of parking including pump spaces that is re- quired by ordinance is 46 spaces. The applicant proposes 48 stalls. Architectural Design: The exterior elevations of the proposed building will be mainly constructed of brick material along with glass windows and a metal roof. The design materials will meet the architectural design requirements of the City Ordinance. Land Use Conditions: The required listed conditions for a Motor Fuel Station as outlined in Subsection 1102.1103 (1) are as follows: a. A bufferyard, as determined by Subsection 1107.2003, shall be constructed along all lot lines abutting an"R"Use District, except that no wall shall be required within the required front yard. b. All pump islands, air dispensers and other service devices shall be installed at least 12 feet from any required yard line, and no display,servicing of vehicles, parking shall take place within the required yard. On sites where pump islands have been constructed at the required yard line, a landscaped area of 8 feet will be installed in the required yard. c. All parking and paved areas shall meet the grading, design, and landscaping requirements of Subsection 1107.200. d. All on-site utility installations shall be placed underground. e. Outside sale or display is permitted for gasoline, seasonal items, and other goods consumed in the normal operation of a car, including but not limited to oil, gasoline and oil additives, windshield cleaner, windshield wipers, tires and batteries. No products shall be sold or displayed in any required yard, parking area, or drive aisle. f. Canopies and canopy support systems shall be designed and constructed of materials which are compatible with the principal structure. g. No public address system shall be audible from any property located in an "R" Use District. The required listed conditions for a Car Wash as outlined in Subsection 1102.1103 (2) are as follows: a. No public address system shall be audible from any property located within an"R" Use District. b. Drainage and surfacing plans shall be approved by the City Engineer. The plans shall describe the wash water disposal and sludge removal facilities for on-premise dust, salt and other chemical and mud abatement. Drainage must be designed to prevent the accumulation of 3 surface water, wash water or sludge on the site or in the vicinity of the premises. c. All parking and paved areas shall meet the drainage, design and landscaping provisions of Subsection 1107.200. d. The ingress or egress points for an accessory car wash shall be approved by the City Engineer. The exit door from the car wash shall be at least 45 feet from the public right-of-way. Drainage shall be away from the public street at egress points of the car wash to prevent spillage onto the street. The grades of the interior floor shall be sloped away from the exit door, and sloped to an accepted interior drainage system. No water which is used in the operation of the car wash shall be allowed on any public right-of-way. e. An automatic car wash accessory to a motor fuel station or motor vehicle service and repair facility shall provide stacking space for at least four cars. Cars located in these stacking spaces should not block ingress and egress driveways on the site or driveways providing access to gasoline pumps, service bays or required off-street parking, except that vehicles in stacking spaces may block access to parking stalls which are signed for employee parking only. f. Hours of operation shall be limited to 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., unless the service doors to the facility remain closed at all times. ISSUES: CUP ANALYSIS Subsection 1108.200 of the City Code sets forth the criteria for approval of CUPs. (1) The use is consistent with and supportive of the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Two of the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan are to "determine and strive for a balance of commerce, industry and population"and to "maintain high standards in the promotion and development of commerce and industry." This proposal will be consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan provided it complies with the conditions of approval. Another objective of the Comprehensive Plan is to "enact and maintain policies and ordinances to ensure the public safety, health and welfare." The proposed Motor Fuel Station and Car Wash Land Use would appear consistent with these policies. (2) The use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community as a whole. Based on staff review, the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community. The conditions of the approving resolution are intended to ensure ongoing protection of the community. (3) The use is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance and the Use District in which the Conditional Use is located. Section 1102.1103 (1-2) of the Zoning Ordinance allows a Motor Fuel Station and a Car Wash Land Use within the C-2 Zoning District. Eagle Creek Estates was platted to include Outlots G and D, combined as 11.3 acres of commercially guided and zoned property. The conditions set forth in the Zoning Ordinance will be met with the issuance of the Conditional Use Permit. (4) The use will not have undue adverse impacts on governmental facilities,services, or improvements which are either existing or proposed. The use will not have adverse impacts on governmental facilities. (5) The use will not have undue adverse impacts on the use and enjoyment of properties in close proximity to the conditional use. The use will not have undue adverse impacts on the use and enjoyment of properties in close proximity. Eagle Creek Estates has been planned to have a combination of residential and commercial land uses, with commercial close to County Highway 21. The facility is separated from adjacent residential properties by a local street(Credit River Road) and over 200 feet of distance. In addition the trash enclosure will be screened according to City Ordinance, and lighting and landscaping will be required to meet City Ordinances standards. (6) The use is subject to the design and other requirements of site and landscape plans prepared by or under the direction of a professional landscape architect, or civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota, approved by the Planning Commission and incorporated as part of the conditions imposed on the use by the Planning Commission. The applicant has submitted site plans prepared by a civil engineer which identify existing and proposed site design and landscaping. (7) The use is subject to drainage and utility plans prepared by a professional civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota which illustrate locations of city water, city sewer, fire hydrants, manholes, power, telephone and cable lines, natural gas mains, and other service facilities. The plans shall be included as part of the conditions set forth in the CUP approved by the Planning Commission. 1 The applicant has submitted plans prepared by a civil engineer which illustrate existing and proposed drainage and utility details for the site. City staff memorandums reviewed these plans with corresponding comments. (8) The use is subject to such other additional conditions which the Planning Commission may find necessary to protect the general welfare, public safety and neighborhood character. Such additional conditions may be imposed in those situations where the other dimensional standards, performance standards, conditions or requirements in this Ordinance are insufficient to achieve the objectives contained in subsection 1108.202. In these circumstances, the Planning Commission may impose restrictions and conditions on the CUP which are more stringent than those set forth in the Ordinance and which are consistent with the general conditions above. The additional conditions shall be set forth in the CUP approved by the Planning Commission. Additional conditions to ensure the protection of the general health, safety and welfare of the public are included as part of the CUP. These conditions include approval of permits from other governmental agencies and adherence to the conditions outlined in Subsection 1102.1103 (1-2) of the Zoning Ordinance. Conclusion The site has been evaluated for Zoning Ordinance requirements including parking, landscaping, and architectural design. The site will meet these requirements subject to adherence to the listed conditions of approval. Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit request, subject to the following conditions: a) The applicant shall record the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) at Scott County no later than 60 days after approval. b) The CUP is contingent of the Eagle Creek Estates Commercial Final Plat approval by the City Council. c) Prior to any grading on the site,the applicant shall meet requirements set forth by the City Engineering Department in the memorandum dated October 28, 2014. d) Prior to approval of a building permit,the applicant shall meet require- ments set forth by the City Community&Economic Development De- partment in the memorandum dated October 28, 2014. e) The Conditional Use Permit is subject to the issuance of required per- mits from all applicable governmental agencies. f) Conditions outlined in Subsection 1102.1103(1) of the City Code, re- lated to Motor Fuel Station and Subsection 1102.1103(2) related to Car Wash, as uses permitted by a Conditional Use Permit, shall be adhered to as part of the CUP. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Motion and a second to approve the CUP subject to the above conditions. 2. Motion and a second to table this item to a date specific, and provide the applicant with direction on the issues that have been discussed. 3. Motion and a second to deny the request based on specific findings of fact. RECOMMENDED Alternative#1 MOTION: EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution 14-XXPC 2. Location Map 3. Site Plans and Building Plans 4. Engineering Department Memorandum dated October 28, 2014 5. Community & Economic Development Department Memorandum dated Oc- tober 28, 2014 t gE 3 1 i •eyo) ; anuanv - _ - , -is I I . .._________________a_________________ ,-; 3„COSZ.Z 9S .Zi,EtZ.L.V .Z0,6C.0.7 ,) 1 I I ,17----is 1 _A ____ „ _1 *1 III —,:—111111WMIII: f .._ .1111111111111---S.,-ii--1 i I I ill t r Aliatiffill J 1 ,,- i 'imiratitmalica. inzia• itibill 1111 LCW6iLi3di comvolt p=. imrimi 1 1, _ ,„ :_rimmimminam .... . . 11 I I Irk I c,, i B m ' Ea 4, '6 61. ,;;tiirrol"11 g wi a:. 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M6op 1E4 Eg 1 a "_=oeakio 55 n !lib > a5 lApq s. o -V bas 50. 5 P8 °lam o 'nE ; o z3 " ' �' `i KPIPI d At71 3� gt 5! 4 11 JK n Y li z �77 g 2 g d a .33Q 0 4 oR 101 1, 60 a" n5101 5ge 7 T6 : 1 i ~p l ic is a I I I I LANDSCAPE PLAN xF abCn (n 3 IIPI " §sexs I th b i "' CONVENIENCE STORE 281 ` i _€n !" off O O 3 i,, ,6iie,Irl SC A' m m F'- PRIOR •LAKE, MINNESOTA z { i -� ;\O•( 1>VA-+ ComwercIto,t os Yrz I .fes/ I4- U` ,trl 4646 Dakota Street SE . ' / Prior Lake,MN 55372 4'VNEsW' CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 8, 2014 AGENDA#: PREPARED BY: JEFF MATZKE, PLANNER PRESENTED BY: DAN ROGNESS AGENDA ITEM: CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE EAGLE CREEK COMMERCIAL FINAL PLAT DISCUSSION: Introduction KRB Development Inc. has submitted request for approval of a Final Plat to be known as "Eagle Creek Commercial". This site is located on Credit River Road. History The City Council approved the preliminary plat for Eagle Creek Estates on May 7, 2014 for a residential development consisting of 60 single family homes, a commercial area, and a park and trails on a total of 45 acres. Current Circumstances Eagle Creek Commercial consists of two commercial lots (one for a future Kwik Trip location) and a 7 acre outlot for future commercial development. The street (Credit River Road) and all public utilities are installed to serve this area. The commercial area will share drive aisle access lanes. Conclusion Staff has reviewed the final plat and finds it to be in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plat. ISSUES: The principal requirements for this final plat approval include conformance with all aspects of the preliminary plat and payment of development fees associated with the plat. FINANCIAL Approval of this final plat will allow construction of new commercial properties, IMPACT: which will contribute to the City's tax base. ALTERNATIVES: The City Council has the following alternatives: 1. Motion and a second, as part of the Consent Agenda, to approve a resolu- tion approving the Eagle Creek Commercial Final Plat. 2. Motion and a second to deny the resolution. 3. Motion and a second to defer this item and provide staff with specific direc- tion. RECOMMENDED Alternative#1 MOTION: ATTACHMENTS: 1. Final Plat 6C9)01 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake,MN 55372 RESOLUTION 14-190 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE EAGLE CREEK COMMERCIAL FINAL PLAT Motion By: KEENEY Second By: SOUKUP WHEREAS, On May 7,2012, the City Council approved the preliminary plat for Eagle Creek Estates, subject to conditions identified by Resolution 12-069;and WHEREAS, On July 8,2013,the City Council approved the final plat for Eagle Creek Estates, subject to conditions by Resolution 13-086;and WHEREAS, KRB Development Inc. (the"Developer")has submitted an application to the City of Prior Lake for approval of a Final Plat for"Eagle Creek Commercial"to include two commercial lots and one outlot located within Outlot G of Eagle Creek Estates;and WHEREAS, The City Council has found that the final plat of Eagle Creek Commercial is in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plat for Eagle Creek Estates. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA as follows: 1. The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein as if fully set forth. 2. The final plat of"Eagle Creek Commercial" is approved subject to the following conditions,which shall be met prior to release of and recording of the final plat: a. The Developer shall submit a current title opinion or commitment of title insurance acceptable to the City Attorney. b. The Developer shall pay all Development Fees identified below. c. The Developer shall provide reductions of the entire final plat be submitted, to the following scales: 1"=200';and one reduction at no scale which fits onto an 81/2"x 11"sheet of paper. d. The Developer shall submit three mylar sets of the final plat with all required signatures. e. The Developer shall provide financial security,acceptable to the City Engineer. 3. Prior to recording of the Final Plat the Developer shall pay the following applicable Development Fees based on 2.8 net acres: Park Dedication Fee - $18,189; Trunk Storm Water Acreage Charge - $16,427.00; Trunk Water Acreage Charge - $15,631.00; Trunk Sewer Acreage Charge - $8,640.00; Street Oversize Acreage Charge-$13,983.00. A Development Contract is not necessary to execute for this Final Plat. 4. The Developer shall file the final plat and all pertinent documents with Scott County within 60 days from the date of final plat approval. Failure to record the documents by February 6,2015,will render the final plat null and void. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 8TH DAY OF DECEMBER,2014. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Soukup Aye ® ® F2 Nay ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Absent ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Abstain ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ A .1111111 Frank • s, City Manager • 2 EAGLE CREEK COMMERCIAL SITE. . LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA —..g i R �� STM * �, FINAL PLAT EXHIBITS =;§ y$x �` L4. x,4 r k JI # H 1x �' A\� ' ° `, �'' KRB DEVELOPMENT cc 0 ' � f t " "k.a, ',„titr 14750 CEDAR AVENUE SOUTH, SUITE 100, APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 a a i W, N ° � to 1i� I ELS"(1" INDEX ci)y\ L @R,' V” ,t t Y 1 .a 7l�p' ) re � 1 STILE 9HECT LI EE � R 1 Iy 'v ,� + t"' [ r',61, h BOUNDARY&TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY/ 2.1 _ T'• . 10,,P,,,' '1'I EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAT 4 + I.Ih^It1j:..r A Ir 11, .;..v.t,l'.,I,,, PRELIMINARY PwT �E 7 i.,, S' y. IF r4 1 GRADING,00000000&EROSION CONTROL 00 ...R I Fl_ . 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SCNE N i¢i ' rs'� T `\1:•y \ DATE t '/ I W zW 7W \\ {�i"LIS \ \ / _ 08/22/2014 1 XVA-100 bet \\ \\.'\ RLH1SION5 DEING D FEET N WDM UNLESS \ \ g OTWRNISE INDICA ,ADJOINING - - I:. OM REM.09/111/2014EDT LIES,AND BEING ID FEET IN VDI SV 00/24/7014 WDM.UNIONS OTIERWSE ow MOORS 1//72.T.INDICATED.ADJONNO PIPITO' . WAY UNES.AS SHOWN ON THE PUT. g - E9 - PROJECT CONTACTS PROJECT PIONEER: JOEL COOPER,P.O.-JAMES R HILL INC (053). o-8014(0) N PROECT OWNER: DAYS ANDERSON-KRB DEVELOPMENT 982}Bp8-0200(0) o CAD FILE NP00N 6SFSCER: JUDYYMAOE YWCER A (P52)-447-9612(0) 23051-TO 881)-7e7-2544(D) J PROJECT NO. If 27051 I. 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Val �dk Ks .� ` t\ \ s- U Cg7 \\ <'�, St ,7AN. i ,\\\ '\ \<; ` , a .7 Q % 1s \ W LL DRAWN BY rL n ''�.�' 1 \ XS \ 1 I I 22/2 \ Ik �\�,� I 08/22/2014 \\\ I• f1•1 f '2 ' I ' I REVISIONS \\ 1�1�1 v I I I D't"'R7Zfi^O ,/¢'e a a•RAB. �I�� ixcsAm R,:miai \\\ '1����r�`1 \\▪ ``\� . k \ `� / rwNornnc ,',1 ,Kry fn \ \` \ M'T \ Ii _ I f Tr SMT, Ma�OA cS \',. \• ,\ \ c n a: A L t:u :Tau 1 • :T;La�' CAD FILE 8812 CURS '••-- 23051-PAV 1 PROJECT NO. 23051 i CITY PROJECT # DEV14-000022 MESIM t 7 City of Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance (C-2, General Business Use District) P=Permitted Uses PUC=Uses Permitted With Conditions CUP=Uses Permitted With Conditional Use Permit AC=Accessory Uses Land Use Description C-2 Bank P Business Services P Business/Trade Schools P Copy Shop P Funeral Home P Library P Medical/Dental Office P Museums/Art Galleries P Office P Parks/Open Space P Police/Fire Stations/Ambulance P Private Entertainment(Indoor) P Service P Showroom P Studio P Retail P Adult Day Care PUC Appliance,Small Engine and Bicycle Repair PUC Club/Lodge(without liquor) PUC Dry Cleaning,Laundering with Route Pick-up and Delivery PUC Group Day Care/Nursery School PUC Hotel/Motel PUC In Vehicle Sales or Service PUC Medical/Dental Laboratories PUC Public Service Structure PUC Restaurants(without Liquor) PUC Senior Care Facility PUC Shopping Center PUC Utility Substations PUC Adult Uses(Sec. 1111) CUP Alternative School CUP Animal Handling CUP Car Wash CUP Club/Lodge(with liquor) CUP Convention and Exhibition Center CUP Marina,Commercial CUP Marina,Recreational CUP Motor Fuel Stations CUP Motor Vehicle Sales CUP Motor Vehicle Service and Repair CUP Outdoor Sales CUP Restaurants(with Liquor) CUP Shopping Center over 150,000 SF CUP Community Centers CUP Food Service AC Off-Street Parking/On-Site Parking AC Bar AC Helistop AC Incidental Repair or Processing(25%) AC Outdoor Seating AC Warehouse/Storage/Distribution AC&7