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Impervious Surface Calcs
CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ....ImperviOusSllrface Calculations < . ('I''' be Subtnilted'VithBuilding Permit Application) . ....' I<'or.AH!,r()perti~s focatedin.theShor.~land District (SD).. Th~Maxitil)ll11Im:peryi()usSurfaceCoverage .Permitted in30 Petcent. prope~ty;d~~ss]J'/1S.~:l~-?~~~.<.;~\'~,~~S<<'1Jl. .. .pA~U'\ f)" ......................i..' \. .'. ..' .... LotAre~\~;t)c;; . . . Sq. feet x 30%=.............. t;~l"'1 .... . "'.'" "'*"'* "'''' '" '" '" >Ie \Ie '" \Ie '" "'''' '" '" "'''''''''' '" >1<>1< >I< "'>I<'" '" '" "'* >I< '" '" >I< "'>I< >I< '" '" '" >I< >I< '" "'''' '" '" >1<>1< "'''' >I< >I< >I< >I< '" '" >I< '" '" >I< >I< >I< >I< '" *>1< ~........~.Ay~~.. HOUSE 0 ...... . i. ." ................ .... '.. c.........,.'.;....,.. ", ':."._ ,. I: '.,. .. ATTAe. HED G.' ARAG..E.... . \J..l'~ "'....-t,,~~.s ...., .'. ...... .... . \.J '.", ::;l'otAiPRI~dPLESTRUC'I'UM.......;,............; 3oe.., (?~~~~r.O WIDTH SQ. FEET = X. = = .... DETACHED13LDGS (Garage/Shed) x x . \{c> CIlJ~~'. '. ..' TOTAL DETACHED BUILDINGS....................... D~WAY/PAVEDA:REAS. ....x = \ c..'-tP. . .. - \unve'Vay-paved orn"t):.. = (Side'Valk/!'arking Areas) . x = . i':' T'OTAL,',P A VED. 'AREAS............................................. Ilo4.~ . .'.1' ATIOS/PORCHES/DECKS . ',_..,.. .. .,..." . (()pen D~ck" Wi lI1in.' opening between -b9~d~i'_witha pervious surfac~_below, - ': are not.c~nsideled to be impervious) ........,;.. .^,..:......... ,-"". C""".-',:.',; ,"''- x. X = = C.",.." . _':"._' " ' .' '.- ..'. .:".^ . " ; '.' rO~J\L.DEGKS.~..~.,...~.....;.........~....;,...;,~....,..~.......'~.....~ ......OTfIER ~'tQ X . = .~tI~l)~ /. X == _e:3.J . (.'M\~. ,Q.\J~1"QJS) . . . tr.9TAi.~THER.........;........................,.................... ~.. ~1tf:I :,,~ . ,r>T01ALIM~ERVlc:)]jSStJRFACE ~v Ii'. . ..'.S$li I.. kl'l..! ,C~'"~r'. ...........~.....l..:~. i.....Sf~....i.wa}..j......~......;.~.~,..J,~I":: .~.~. .~'1. 0.. e.... ,.S ~.' .\\~~-, .....J. . 8J'" .' ...... ,.,. ..... et"clpo'!.-f'0 ~O'~.O.p,..