HomeMy WebLinkAbout5B - 1995 Values WeekACENDA I TE~ $ ~
Prior Lake-
TO: Frank BoyLes, Cit~V_ of Prior Lake
Jerry Spies and ! will be at the 3/6/95 Council meeting
to present the city with the Community Values PLaque and
update the council of the 2nd Values Week scheduled 4/17-4/23/95.
Background info as follows:
The second annual COMMUNITY VALUES WEEK, 4/17-4/23/95, will be
celebrated with three outstanding speakers featured in the
entire school district, Early Childhood education an~to the
community at Large.
Jeff Smith/ "the Amazing Jeffo/" a blind magician will use magic
to illustrate and increase awareness of blindness and disability.
His performance emphasizes the ability and courage rather than the
disability of the blind and physically challenged, and promotes a
respect and appreciation of these differences. During Values Week,
Jeffo will speak and perform for the Westwood, Five Hawks, St,.
Michaels' and Ponds Edge schools and has a special preschool and
community at large ~erformance on Saturday, April 22 at the Hidden
Oaks Middle School from 10-11 am.
Prior Lake resident, Nancy Simon, will share her own personal story
how AIDS has affected her and her famiLiy. Nancy and her husband,
Doug, both have AIDS, and their daugher Candice died from
complications caused by this disease over one year ago. Nancy will
address the seventh and eighth graders of the Hidden Oa~s Middle
school accompanied by a Red Cross facilitator on Wednes~ 4/19.
Hike Patrick, a motivational speaker and health educator, will
speak to the community at large with his presentation "Think About
Patrick begins his presentation with his personal story of
overcoming obstacles. As a high school junior, his world came
crashing down, with a football injury Leaving him paralyzed from
the chest down. Using the dramatic example of his accident and his
adjustment to daily challenges, Patrick des.cribes how he struggled
to develop a mental attitude for dealing with the twists and turns
his Life has taken over the years. Mike will point out, each and
every member of the audience has problems, obstacles that Loom
before them--issues that, with the right attitude and courage, can
be dealt with successfully.
Prior Lake-
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Hike Patrick's presentation to the community will be held
Thursday, April ZO at 7:00pm at Hidden Oaks Riddle School
accompanying the Awards Ceremony for those residents nominated as
"Outstanding Citizens" and "Outstanding Youth" for Values Week.
~ALso during Values Week/ Hike Patrick will address the schools of
Grainwood and St. HichaeLs on Wednesday/ 4/19 and ~iLl spend an
entire day at the Prior Lake Senior High on Friday, April 21.
In addition, Community Education will be sponsoring the seminar
"You, Your Community and HIV/AIDS: The Facts" on Tues., 4/18
at St. Hichael's Parish from 7-8:30 pm. A certified Red Cross
HIV/AIDS instructor will address issues related to disease
progression including symptoms, transmission modes and related
prevention measures, HIV antibody testing, the safety of the
blood supply, basic guidelines for dealing with blood in a first
aid situation and other related topics.
Nominations for Outstanding Citizens and Youth will be sent out
to all the social, fraternal, religious organizations as well as
within the schools.
In addition, within the schools/ art and writing efforts in regards
to values; especially Courage will take place. The Prior Lake
American and Savage Pacer will publish' some of the best efforts
during Values Week.
Also, the Prior Lake Library will devote April to Values Listing
their literary offerings covering Courage, Blindness, AIDS and
Values Week is co-sponsored by PTC, the Prior Lake Optimists
CLub, the Prior Lake State Bank, Youth Services and the State
Violence Prevention Grant.
Prior Lake-
Courage to abstain from making harmful decisions for ourselves and others
Courage .......................................... regarding sexuality, chemical use and other issues; standing up for one's
convictions and the rights of others; daring to attempt difficult things that are
good; strength not to follow the crowd; to say no and mean it and influence
others by it.
A willingness to strive to learn more and increase personal levels of fulfillme
Education ....................................... and competence throughout life; to use reason and respect to resolve
differences; to improve solutions to existing and emerging problems for the
betterment of self and society. ..
Ideally it is in the family where we can learn and experience security and.
Family ............................................. belonging, where human worth and dignity are nurtured, where we can corn
to know the warmth of positive and loving commitment and where our positi
values and goals are developed.
Honesty ........................................... Dealing fairly and truthfully with others in all circumstances; creating a
personal integrity which fosters trust.
Human Worth And Dignity ............. Celebrating the diversity and creativity of ali people; recognizing, in spite of
differences, our sameness; holding dear the life each of us has been given,
viewing others with tolerance, kindness and compassion.
Respect ........................................... Respect for self and other people, for life, for the law, for the environment, !
property and the rights of others.
Responsibility ................................. A quality in which individuals are accountable and accept the impact their
actions, have upon themselves, their relationships, the community and the
environmenL A responsible individual will exhibit self-control, dependabilit~
and commitment by practicing good citizenship, patriotism, community ser¥'
through a strong work ethic.