HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 01 10 City Council Work Session O� PR/0 P►� i I rnoPk W kto 51io tA,0 4646 Dakota Street S.E. y ® Al l oczthov, eyteVez I sis Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 � �r ou�e5 e Q4,64:5 4fIMVESOTQ' l' C-1)1,1Svtlt'hOv-t CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION REPORT MEETING DATE: MARCH 1, 2010 PREPARED BY: STEVE ALBRECHT, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR JERILYN ERICKSON, FINANCE DIRECTOR TOPIC: SEWER AND WATER RATES DISCUSSION: Introduction The City of Prior Lake operates a Sewer and Water Utility Fund. This Fund is supported by revenues generated from the sewer and water rates. In order to better operate this Fund, Staff believes the City Council should adopt a long-term funding plan that provides for rate planning and fund stability. In order to complete that plan so it can be considered as part of the Draft CIP workshop on April 5, 2010, Staff needs input from the City Council on several items. History The City last increased water and sewer rates in January of 2004. Historically, the City has increased rates, built up a surplus in the sewer and water fund reserve and utilized those funds to supplement operating costs until the annual operating costs exceeded revenues to the point that fund reserves were reduced to what staff believed was an insufficient amount to continue operations. In November, 2009, the City Council approved the segregation of the sewer rate ($3.65/1000 gallons) into two components: City Sewer ($1.90/1000 gallons) and MCES Sewer($1.75/1000 gallons). The February, 2010, utility bill reflected this change. Current Circumstances Staff has completed detailed projections for the Sewer and Water Fund from 2010 to 2031. These projections indicate that without any changes to the current rates, the Sewer and Water Fund reserve balances will be at $0 sometime in mid 2013 to early 2014. The attached tables show projected Sewer and Water Fund operating and maintenance expenses over the planning period. Conclusion The City Council should consider developing a long-term funding plan for the Sewer and Water Fund to protect the operations and provide rate stability. ISSUES: Staff has identified the following issues for discussion by the City Council: 1) Should the City Separate the Sewer and Water Reserve Fund Balance? Currently, the City includes the water and sewer operations in a single utility fund. The expenses and revenues are budgeted and accounted for separately within the fund. The fund balance is the accumulation of surplus funds from both operations. A combined fund www.cityofpriorlake.com R o<to 2t is y; a p, ,Ph 1952.4417.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 balance does not provide the transparency about the viability of each operation. Staff believes that each utility operation should operate independent of the other and be reported as such to ensure that one operation is not subsidizing the other. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Sewer and Water Fund be segregated into two funds: 1) Sewer Fund and 2) Water Fund. 2) What should the minimum fund balance be before a rate increase is considered? As of 1/1/2010, the Sewer and Water Fund had an uncommitted balance of about $6,000,000. As is noted above, based on the projected expenses, that balance is expected to reach $0 in the next couple of years. Based on the proportionate share of sewer and water revenues recorded in the Fund, Staff would recommend splitting the fund balance 42% Sewer and 58% Water. This would result in fund balances of approximately $2.5 million and $3.5 million for the Sewer Fund and Water Fund, respectively. Staff recommends that, as part of a long-term rate strategy, the City Council should establish a minimum fund balance with projected future decreases as a trigger for future rate increases. Staff Recommendation: Based on analysis of cash flow for the funds Staff recommends minimum fund balances of$1.2 million for the Water Fund and $660,000 for the Sewer Fund which were set based on the following factors: Water Fund Sewer Fund 3 months operating expenses $ 625,000 $ 300,000 1 year of debt service $ 575,000 $ 95,000 3 months MCES $ 0 $ 265,000 Totals $1,200,000 $ 660,000 In addition to the above analysis, the lower fund balance for the Sewer Fund is supported by the fact that revenues for this Fund are fairly consistent whereas revenues for the Water Fund are generally lower from October through April and spike during the summer months. Should the City experience any unplanned or catastrophic utility failures the City could issue Utility Revenue bonds to fund needed repairs and, therefore, an additional contingency for emergency purposes would not be necessary. Debt issuance would have an impact on future rates. 3) Should the Met Council Environmental Services Fee increases be passed through to users or absorbed by the City Sewer operations? The MCES Fee is the charge to all Prior Lake residents to treat and dispose of sewage waste. The Met Council has adopted a long-range sewer user fee plan that will rely on annual increases ranging from 3.8% for 2010 to between 4% and 5% for the next 4-5 years. Currently, the annual MCES Fees represent just less than 50% of the City's annual Sewer operating budget at approximately $1.1 million. By not passing the increases through to the users, the City will need to absorb the increased costs. Staff projects that with no increase to the MCES charge to correspond with increases from the Met Council, the Sewer Fund will Ft:v r3ciE'.2010 Agenda Ropurist03 01 10';v``arKs 0p-eport.rf; 2 • be at $0 sometime in 2013. With the MCES pass through but no other sewer rate increases the Sewer Fund will be at $0 sometime in 2015. Staff Recommendation: Staff believes the MCES cost should be passed through in an effort to be truly transparent about the costs of sewer system operations. The timing and date of that pass-through would be determined by the City Council. However, as is noted above, it will have an impact on the timing of potential rate increases. 4) Rate Strategy: Based on direction related to the above items Staff can develop some proposed rate strategies for Council consideration. Currently, the City utilizes a two-tier system for water: Water Tier 1: 0-25,000 gallons - $2.65/1,000 gallons Tier 2: 25,000+ gallons - $3.65/1,000 gallons The City breaks out the City Sewer and the MCES Sewer rates as follows: Sewer City Sewer: $1.90/1,000 gallons MCES Sewer: $1.75/1,000 gallons The actual 2010 MCES cost to the City is $1.98/1,000 gallons. As was noted in the brief history discussion above, the City has historically waited until fund reserves started to decline and then enacted rate increases meant to meet several years of expenditure needs. This strategy has resulted in large increases that collect and reserve funds prior to the expenditure need and then used fund balance reserves for capital and operating needs until the fund reserves were significantly reduced or depleted. Staff Recommendation: Staff believes a long term-rate strategy should be adopted as part of the 2011-2015 Capital Improvement Program. This plan will provide better rate planning, stability and transparency as it would set budget guidelines and limits for the Sewer Fund and Water Fund expenses. In order to minimize impact to base users, Staff is recommending a system that establishes a fixed base charge for up to a set level and then tiered conservation charges. For example: Base Charge: Tier 1: 0-10,000 gallons/month Tier 2: 10,000-25,000 gallons/month Tier 3: 25,000+ gallons/month The above system would recognize that everyone that is hooked up to the system should have the same minimum charge. The intent would not be to increase rates to base users but rather to adjust Tier 1 rates to reflect the base charge. Tier 1 would serve as the basic use level. Staff Fdmil 12010 AgeAR Repor,R03 01 10 Rlorkshrp Rep',',c1;x, 3 is currently analyzing water use data to determine the separation point between basic home use and homes that irrigate. Preliminary indications are that this is somewhere between 7,500 and 10,000 gallons per month. Tier 2 would primarily affect those accounts that utilize residential irrigation. Tier 3, which is primarily homeowners associations or larger irrigation accounts, would have the highest rate. In addition to these tiers, Staff believes a separate commercial rate may be warranted to ensure that businesses are not negatively impacted by this conservation rate plan. Staff is also recommending that rather than the historic approach of large increases that build surpluses that an annual percentage increase that matches the City Council's approved plan be enacted. This will minimize future increases and allow the City to maintain a minimal reserve for these Funds. FINANCIAL Despite the fact that the last rate increase was in January, 2004, Staff is not IMPACT: proposing a rate increase for 2010. However, the City Council should provide direction on how they want to handle the MCES Fee increases because continuing to absorb this fee increase does have an impact on the City's Sewer and Water Fund reserves. RECOMMENDED The City Council should provide staff with direction on the above issues so a ACTION: draft long-term rate plan can be developed for City Council review as part of the Capital Improvement Program. F?:`r c 4 r3cE`,2 10 ti`.,7er,da R porLs'03 01 10:`"'o,,woo Report doc 4 I I - 1 I M 40• 2 N g (NiICI N• N 3 N N V tv N ARq C N m o •• CC O L N en CI I O _ N 13 IN = y 1 N • 0ehl V • L - a LL • CC N 1 co7. 1 hi ui ' No 3 zo 1�i $ N a) 1� p }. in x u i":" - N .• 11 0 1 Z C. I• ' V 1 ,••` m • - R a vii I • '45.1'1 2 IN 2 er. 2' ci I 1 _ its. I4-1 i a 8 g 8 vs vs in V' r., an O pMp N Eft NNp N co NNp N N N O ®I= %%O0 N N N - C N X m S W f4 ►= N C o N UmN W V"! Rli) ■ .L MC R a Ng CU a - 4 C g W N .o L g 3cu r. 0 Q d N inIA t IIIIIIII - § R ■ 0 R v ■ N© fV ri riN O N • • 3 N y ' t - - et ers • I - p N C I Q I - N • 1 1 Q recut N • .t 03 i • 7 opt E CO C CI II 0 I I • CD i M I .0. G N ' 0 1 W N I I 0 rsi 44 CO Z I i LL • PA a) I - t I ,. a - •• • *,�. CL I I •..• - • • • ' +N+ W •i LL ••• _ o t- IA N 14 N a- c opium NI MEI "0 0 11111111111111���� m 4�- N0 MMC 1111111MMIIIIIMMIIIIMIME11 ",PM 111111111111111MM111111111 :: (Dv' MIMI 11101111111111=11111 :1, 1cru r,,,,,, , 2 U.I 11.111111111111111111111111111111111.1 = 11011111111111 11111-® N a) Illi O. 0 11111.111111111111111 NMI o i W N .111 Nt....4:-: i- 7133) liaaillIllall.11.1 N 11110111 V ®� ®®IIIII R es f �• yr u ® pin'�-® IL = � NUM MOM 8 / I t rr , Steve Albrecht Finance Director m"r,111.2010 40,�0, Jerilyn Erickson The purpose of this meeting is to provide the City Council with an opportunity to discuss Sewer and Water Rate Issues so that Staff can d�vn|nn8 |ong-tr-rrn rz�r xi/a1f9y/p|oD |u| Li.� 5cm�x aod Water Funds for consideration as part ofthe 2011-2O15ClP Discussion • Seeer and WaterSystemDemognaphio • Seeer and Water Rates 1 talk z R • 200 miles Sanitary Se.•ver and i$;a'erma,n • 39 Lift Stations • Viater Treatment Facility • 7 Vsets, 2 Vrlater Tower, Reservoir, Booster • 7,600 + r'1eters • $200 million in Assets a1 Sewer and Water Rates • Last increased January 2005 • City Sewer - $1.90/1,000 gal • MCES Sewer - $1.75/1,000 gal • 0-25,000 $2.65/1,000 gal • 25,000 + $3.65/1,000 gal 6061ep s- Trunk Reserve: This fund is reserved for new sewer and v.'ater improvements as detailed in the 2030 Comprehensive Plan as required to serve nevi deve!onment. Funds are ;Jib r Jlii4 riot available for existing system repairs and replacement. 2 • gel fit a C 1 Should the City Separate the Sewer and Water Reserve Fund? C an .e fard te ate. z What should the minimum fund balance be before a rate increase is considered? 6 a: , rea The sr. f c ca ar _5'1G. 1 L 3 adi 3Lit.67 LItt Ad.si Water Fund 1 Sewer Fund .,,4fACott!iPPeiatini $625.000 $300.600 1Year Debt Service $575,000 $95,000 3McnIhsMCES 50 $265000 Total $1,200,000 $660 000 Fei-1 &Id - a)h ""11/74 1,144Lei fr.chd Should MCES Fee increases be passed through to users or absorbed by City Se%cr En tarp rise? Fund Balance the cost should be Tie date aria timing of this pass through should be determined by the City Council e mg, jadV) %woe 4) Rate Strategy In ruccnt.. as the Cdy has reserves and t Er:1-151 rate increauva meant tD meet = m of e. renetcue needs Th- vtratesvy ties rosstsi 15 ;)_r reserves cm occccrrmatcd pnor to tclre 500•15 4 t4p1CCLL f4 4y t. 5 . . SfatStaff baa.jaa a onatarm stra ,. an t1C,',Pa e aa r.a,t at t .a 20 • ootsor' Tr-L, an I b_.tyr a• r--• •, a; rd[ [..S [_"F.,—; •E td t;St0irr .V lilt OrOLOCI 0LTh,to rlOOIpOrttl, base charge along with a new residential Irrigation tier • and a commercial tier. tO1 6 i of two* 7 • Water&Sewer Fund 2009 Expenses Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug 1 49003 Lift Stations 7,988 - - - - 35,815 4,560 26,197k 49005 CIPP - - - - - - - - 49303 Transfers 34,583 34,583 34,583 311,115 55,633 205,640 34,583 34,583 t Water 17,292 17,292 17,292 17,292 17,292 17,292 17,291 17,291♦ Sewer 17,291 17,291 17,291 17,291 17,291 17,291 17,292 17,2921 Water Debt - - - - 21,050 171,057 - - Projects-Water - - - 239,608 - - - - Projects-Sewer - - - 36,924 - - - 49400 CE 117,286 133,232 125,093 101,649 98,843 157,733 238,194 146,342 530 - - - 580 - - 2,876 - - 476 6,646 - 49450 CE 57,633 73,399 50,640 85,253 66,996 72,347 113,041 76,178 MCES 440 87,393 87,393 87,393 87,393 87,393 87,393 87,393 87,393 530 - - - 4,854 - 24,373 - - 580 - - - - - - - - Total 304,883 328,607 300,585 590,264 308,865 583,777 484,417 370,693 304,883 328,607 300,586 590,264 308,865 583,777 484,417 370,694 Totals by Category, Net CE 209,502 241,214 210,316 498,017 22-I472 435,720 385,818 257,103 MCES 87,393 87,393 87,393 87,393 &7,393 8-7,393 8-7,393 87,39-3 Car cal 7,988 - 2,876 4,854 - 60,664 11,206 26,197 304,883 328,607 300,585 590,264 308,865 583,777 484,417 370,693 Totals for Water Net CE 134,578 150,524 142,385 118,941 137,185 346,082 255,485 163,633 Capital - - 2,876 239,608 - 476 6,646 - ' Totals 134,578 150,524 145,261 358,549 137,185 346,558 262,131 163,633 Cummulative Total 134,578 285,102 430,363 788,912 926,097 1,272,655 1,534,786 1,698,419 Totals for Sewer Net CE 74,924 90,690 67,931 102,544 84,287 89,638 130,333 93,470 MCES 87,393 87,393 87,393 87,393 87,393 87,393 87,393 87,393 Capital 7,988 - - 41,778 - 60,188 4,560 26,197 Totals 170,305 178,083 155,324 231,715 171,680 237,219 222,286 207,060 Cummulative Total 170,305 348,388 503,712 735,427 907,107 1,144,326 1,366,612 1,573,672 Grand Total 304,883 328,607 300,585 590,264 308,865 583,777 484,417 370,693 Cummulative Total 304,883 633,490 934,075 1,524,339 1,833,204 2,416,981 2,901,398 3,272,091 nfv•krut5 Current Cash 1o/ 3�{ ��� /94,9,5-0/ $ 6,300,000 Revenues: Water 58% $ 3,654,000 Sewer 42% $ 2,646,000 Expenses: Water 44% 46% 48% 61% 44% 59% 54% 44% Sewer 56% 54% 52% 39% 56% 41% 46% 56% 0rlaunrarum ^--- r-�i Sep Oct Nov Dec Total I�E 4,254 1,366 80,180 6_` 40 /7 ©'7 P /2/7/40/(7/ 84,443 - 84,443 i 34,583 34,583 190,633 315,644 1,320,746 i 0 CO 7-/)17,291 17,291 17,291 17,293 207,500 6" s rj� � 1 /'/rr°`r 7 f J // --' 17,292 17,292 17,292 17,294 207,500 r/1 iel" - - - - 156,050 281,057 629,214^ - 239,608 - 36,924 i.-/S'7 �/ 143,430 96,760 102,243 115,006 1,575,811 g /O 187, 5 3) 1r /�i y/e7,, 7s '1 134,020 88,330 82,283 282,006 586,639 207 1,151 38 - 11,394 a‘)/ / C I.gip 4/77,, is/ 64,303 71,776 56,983 165,938 954,487 , C.,"/ /"P:3",' -7 5") , 'a`' 4,1 87,393 87,393 87,393 87,393 1,048,716 48,757 - 3,616 - 81,600 .q, ,,z/ 516,947 465,802 523,189 965,987 5,744,016 516,946 465,802 523,189 965,987 5,744,017 242,316 203,119 349,859 596,588 3,851,044 316' 1'114 S,1'r 87,393 87,393 87,393 87,3931,048,716 '� - 187,238 175,290 85,937 282,006 844,256 "lw) I -y Ili 1 7-kev--- e t� 2& // -.11 516,947 465,802 523,189 965,987 5,744,016 MvESrive ) 8*(13,LcZS / v a' ii t7'a ve) 4-&7 73 V 160,721 114,051 275,584 413,3562,412525 134,227 89,481 82,321 282,006 7,641 ----- tt 294,948 203,532 357,905 695,362 3,250,166 1,993,367 2,196,899 2,554,804 3,250,166 os LE(aru ) f�o3,!'�1 / chi- /z �' 81,595 89,068 74,275 183,232 1,161,987 � H F � `� 87,393 87,393 87,393 87,393 1,048,716 /�r.1 r 1./Ss,4, Li 53,011 85,809 3,616 - $3,147'✓ /S 221,999 262,270 165,284 270,625 2,493,850 1,795,671 2,057,941 2,223,225 2,493,850 -""�` GD �� 516,947 465,802 523,189 965,987 5,744,016 3 !gyp } 2 * //1 3,789,038 4,254,840 4,778,029 5744 016 MeeC /t �/-c 3//L19,Ky I t ,/Z 145; lite 57%68% 57% 44% 72% ° 43% 56% 32% 28% 43% i .401 f "1O4 City of Prior Lake Water&Sewer Fund As of 12/31/2009 4'1v sd«' (Preliminary and Unaudited) Variance with Amended 2009 Budget- Actual 2004 Budget Actual Positive(Negative) Percent Actual Operating revenues Charges for services-water 37100 Water revenues 2,138;750 2,288,856 148,106 107% 1,266,657 37110 Capital facility revenue 450,000 458,019 8,019 102% 305,114 37150 Water reconnect charges 7,650 24,808 17,158 324% 925 37160 Penalties 70,963 72,635 1,672 102% 47,189 37170 Water meters 43,625 35,197 (8,428) 81% 94,810 37175 Pressure reducers 12,975 9,973 (3,002) 77% 17,954 Total water revenues 2,723,963 2,8877488 163,525 106% 1,732,649 Charges for services-sewer 37102 Sewer revenues 1,916,250 2,072,511 156,261 108% 2,240,140 Total sewer revenues 1,916,250 2,072,511 156,261 108% 2,240,140 Intergovernmental - 33630 Metro council grants - - - 0% Total intergovermental - - - 0% - Contributions/transfers 37901 From other funds - - - 0% 812,202 37902 From developers - - - 0% - 39203 Transfers from other funds - - - 0% - Total contributions/transfers - - - 0% 812,202 Miscellaneous revenues 36210 Interest earnings 240,000 265,498 25,498 111% 156,492 36212 Miscellaneous - 4,379 4,379 0% 165 33630 Metro Council Grants - - - 0% 39102 Sale of Property - 350 350 0% - Total miscellaneous revenues 240,000 270,227 30,227 113% 128,083 Total revenues 4,880,213 5,230,226 350,013 107% 4,913,074 Operating expenses Personnel&current expenses 49400 Water 1,675,363 1,591,695 83,668 95% 1,192,264 49450 Sewer 1,962,489 2,010,029 (47,540) 102% 1,674,262 Total operating expenses 3,637,852 3,601,724 36,128 99% 2,866,526 Capital improvements 49400 Water improvements 887,212 598,032 289,180 67% 49450 Sewer improvements 129,000 81,600 47,400 0% 49002 Water tower recondition - - - 0% 183,896 49003 Lift station upgrade 165,000 80,179 84,821 49% 32,087 49004 Well houses upgrade - - 0% 84,749 49005 CIPP pipe slip lining 130,000 84,443 45,557 65% Total capital improvements 1,311,212 844,254 466,958 64% 300,732 49303 Transfers to other funds 1,044,214 1,320,746 (276,532) 126% 1,668,387 Total expenses 5,993,278 5,766,724 226,554 96% 4,835,645 Net change (1,113,065) (536,498) 77,429 801,572.00 ' Beginning retained earnings Ending retained earnings* *Reflects PP adjustments,etc. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 YTD Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual 1,875,955 2,208,184 2,343,070 2,240,671 2,286,856 425,916 435,318 446,148 452,196 458,019 461 1,975 4,200 8,295 24,808 59,196 66,439 77,819 76,236 72,635 69,978 58,876 65,190 44,896 35,197 16,817 17,045 13,602 10,250 9,973 2,448,323 2,787,837 2,950,029 58% 2,832,544 59% 2,887,488 58% 2,381,297 2,415,356 2,137,172 1,947,059 2,072,511 2,381,297 2,415,356 2,137,172 42% 1,947,059 41% 2,072,511 42% - 141,534 - 37,500 - - 141,534 - 37,500 - 770,045 351,657 58,818 - - - 958,911 109,248 - - 539,667 252,760 - - - 1,309,712 1,563,328 168,066 - - 113,138 229,657 325,060 385,537 265,498 100 40 4,435 170 4,379 - - - - 350 75,029 263,710 450,292 385,707 270,227 6,214,361 7,171,765 5,705,559 5,202,810 5,230,226 1,137,079 1,311,921 1,498,543 1,514,164 1,591,695 2,283,281 2,051,898 2,071,588 2,069,692 2,010,029 3,420,360 3,363,819 3,570,131 3,583,856 3,601,724 - - - - 598,032 - - - - 81,600 10,150 - - - - 504,056 227,369 205,531 143,317 80,179 - - - 100,171 84,443 514,206 227,369 205,531 243,488 844,254 1,450,423 500,406 709,025 1,003,826 1,320,746 5,384,989 4,091,594 4,484,687 4,831,170 5,766,724 829,372 3,080,171 1,220,872 371,640 (536,498) 5,502,704 6,542,714 sRun Date: 02/23/10 17:25 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Page: 1 GLAB 5.1 01.06 Selective Balance Ini: jerickso Starting Account: 60149303000 Round to dollar? no Full Detail Print zero balances? no Ending Account: 60149303000 Starting Date: 01/01/09 Page Break by fund? no Asset Mask: * Ending Date: 12/31/09 Page Break subfund? no Liability Mask: * Fund Equity Mask: * Total subfund? no Revenue Mask: * Expenditure Mask: * Print Subsidiaries? no Beginning Debit Credit Net Change Ending 601-UTILITY FUND 49303-TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS .00 01/31/09 Budget Trf F601 to F410 JV 09-027 0000000 7,500.00 .00 2009 Budget Transfers 01/31/09 Budget Trf F601 to F101 JV 09-027 0000000 27,083.00 .00 2009 Budget Transfers 02/28/09 Budget Trf F601 to F410 JV 09-028 0000000 7,500.00 .00 2009 Budget Transfers 02/28/09 Budget Trf F601 to F101 JV 09-028 0000000 27,083.00 .00 2009 Budget Transfers 03/31/09 Budget Trf F601 to F410 JV 09-029 0000000 7,500.00 .00 2009 Budget Transfers 03/31/09 Budget Trf F601 to F101 JV 09-029 0000000 27,083.00 .00 2009 Budget Transfers 04/06/09 Trf 601 to 501-Wtr-Proj09-011 JV 09-120 0000000 239,608.00 .00 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE 04/06/09 Trf 601 to 501-Swr-Proj09-011 JV 09-120 0000000 36,924.00 .00 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE 04/30/09 Budget Trf F601 to F410 JV 09-121 0000000 7,500.00 .00 2009 Budget Transfer 04/30/09 Budget Trf F601 to F101 JV 09-121 0000000 27,083.00 .00 2009 Budget Transfer 05/31/09 Budget Trf F601 to F101 JV 09-122 0000000 27,083.00 .00 2009 Budget Transfer 05/31/09 Budget Trf F601 to F350 Debt JV 09-122 0000000 21,050.00 .00 2009 Budget Transfer 05/31/09 Budget Trf F601 to F410 JV 09-122 0000000 7,500.00 .00 2009 Budget Transfer 06/30/09 Budget Trf F601 to F351 Debt JV 09-123 0000000 171,056.88 .00 2009 Budget Transfer 06/30/09 Budget Trf F601 to F101 JV 09-123 0000000 27,083.00 .00 2009 Budget Transfer 06/30/09 Budget Trf F601 to F410 JV 09-123 0000000 7,500.00 .00 2009 Budget Transfer 07/31/09 Budget Trf F601 to F101 JV 09-215 0000000 27,083.00 .00 2009 Budget Transfer 07/31/09 Budget Trf F601 to F410 JV 09-215 0000000 7,500.00 .00 2009 Budget Transfer 08/31/09 Budget Trf F601 to F410 JV 09-216 0000000 7,500.00 .00 2009 Budget Transfer 08/31/09 Budget Trf F601 to F101 JV 09-216 0000000 27,083.00 .00 2009 Budget Transfer 09/30/09 Budget Trf F601 to F410 JV 09-217 0000000 7,500.00 .00 2009 Budget Transfer 09/30/09 Budget Trf F601 to F101 JV 09-217 0000000 27,083.00 .00 2009 Budget Transfer 10/31/09 Budget Trf F601 to F101 JV 09-218 0000000 27,083.00 .00 2009 Budget Transfer 10/31/09 Budget Trf F601 to F410 JV 09-218 0000000 7,500.00 .00 2009 Budget Transfer 11/30/09 Budget Trf F601 to F410 JV 09-219 0000000 7,500.00 .00 2009 Budget Transfer 11/30/09 Budget Trf F601 to F101 JV 09-219 0000000 27,083.00 .00 2009 Budget Transfer 11/30/09 Budget Trf F601 to F350 Debt JV 09-322 0000000 156,050.00 .00 2009 Budget Transfer 12/31/09 Budget Trf F601 to F410 JV 09-220 0000000 7,500.00 .00 2009 Budget Transfer 12/31/09 Budget Trf F601 to F101 JV 09-220 0000000 27,087.00 .00 2009 Budget Transfer 12/31/09 Budget Trf F601 to F351 Debt JV 09-339 0000000 281,056.88 .00 2009 Budget Transfer ** Account Totals 1,320,745.76 .00 1,320,745.76 1,320,745.76 Total Assets .00 Total Liabilities/Equity .00 Total Revenue .00 Total Expenditures 1,320,745.76 sRun Date: 0.2/24/10 10:34 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Page: 1 GLRVN•5.1 97.02 Statement of Revenues Ini: jerickso Starting Fund: 601 Starting Date: 01/01/09 Print zero balances? no Print Subsidiaries? no Ending Fund: 601 Ending Date: 03/31/09 Page Break by fund? no Round to dollar? yes MTD % YTD % Remain FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT Description 24 MID Revenues 24 YTD Revenues Budget Remaining 76% 601 UTILITY FUND 36000 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 36210 Interest Earnings 52 124,787 52 124,787 240,000 115,213 48 36212 Miscellaneous Revenue 0 280 0 280 -280 0 36000 Total MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 52 125,067 52 125,067 240,000 114,933 48 37000 ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUES 37100 Utility Receipts - Water 10 220,916 10 220,916 ' 2,138,750 1,917,834 90 37102 Utility Receipts - Sewer 16 299,333 16 299,333 1,916,250 1,616,917 84 37110 Capital Facility Revenue 17 76,208 17 76,208 450,000 373,792 83 37150 Water Reconnect Charges 55 4,175 55 4,175 ' 7,650 3,475 45 37160 Penalties 13 9,545 13 9,545 ' 70,963 61,418 87 37170 Water Meter Sales 11 4,722 11 4,722 43,625 38,903 89 37175 Pressure Reducers 3 435 3 435 • 12,975 12,540 97 37000 Total ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUES 13 615,334 13 615,334 4,640,213 4,024,879 87 601 Total UTILITY FUND 15 740,401 15 740,401 4,880,213 4,139,812 85 Grand Totals > 15 740,401 15 740,401 4,880,213 4,139,812 85 ?,J&kiv 3/6(60 57, 4/ °l au A.t 4, z99, 333 48 4 la 4/S 334 sRun Date; fd2/24/10 10:50 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Page: 1 GLRVN 5.1 97.02 Statement of Revenues Ini: jerickso Starting Fund: 601 Starting Date: 01/01/09 Print zero balances? no Print Subsidiaries? no Ending Fund: 601 Ending Date: 06/30/09 Page Break by fund? no Round to dollar? yes MTD % YTD % Remain FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT Description 49 MTD Revenues 49 YTD Revenues Budget Remaining 51% 601 UTILITY FUND 36000 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 36210 Interest Earnings 72 172,692 72 172,692 240,000 67,308 28 36212 Miscellaneous Revenue 0 293 0 293 -293 0 36000 Total MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 72 172,984 72 172,984 240,000 67,016 28 37000 ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUES 37100 Utility Receipts - Water 34 721,773 34 721,773 ' 2,138,750 1,416,977 66 37102 Utility Receipts - Sewer 50 962,645 50 962,645 1,916,250 953,605 50 37110 Capital Facility Revenue 51 228,422 51 228,422 • 450,000 221,578 49 37150 Water Reconnect Charges 115 8,803 115 8,803 • 7,650 -1,153 -15 37160 Penalties 42 29,519 42 29,519 . 70,963 41,444 58 37170 Water Meter Sales 32 13,769 32 13,769 . 43,625 29,856 68 37175 Pressure Reducers 35 4,570 35 4,570 • 12,975 8,405 65 37000 Total ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUES 42 1,969,501 42 1,969,501 4,640,213 2,670,712 58 39000 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 39102 Sale of Property 0 350 0 350 -350 0 39000 Total OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 0 350 0 350 -350 0 601 Total UTILITY FUND 44 2,142,836 44 2,142,836 4,880,213 2,737,377 56 Grand Totals > 44 2,142,836 44 2,142,836 4,880,213 2,737,377 56 (30%"k_ // o o 4, k' 7 / elo Ste. 9t,z,1„4 5 Ll 4'.9 V. sRun Date: A2/24/10 10:50 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Page: 1 GLRVN 5.1 97.02 Statement of Revenues Ini: jerickso Starting Fund: 601 Starting Date: 01/01/09 Print zero balances? no Print Subsidiaries? no Ending Fund: 601 Ending Date: 09/30/09 Page Break by fund? no Round to dollar? yes MTD % YTD % Remain FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT Description 75 MTD Revenues 75 YTD Revenues Budget Remaining 25% 601 UTILITY FUND 36000 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 36210 Interest Earnings 93 223,011 93 223,011 240,000 16,989 7 36212 Miscellaneous Revenue 0 3,302 0 3,302 -3,302 0 36000 Total MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 94 226,313 94 226,313 240,000 13,687 6 37000 ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUES 37100 Utility Receipts - Water 67 1,425,313 67 1,425,313 2,138,750 713,437 33 37102 Utility Receipts - Sewer 72 1,371,855 72 1,371,855 1,916,250 544,395 28 37110 Capital Facility Revenue 68 305,082 68 305,082 450,000 144,918 32 37150 Water Reconnect Charges 237 18,120 237 18,120 ' 7,650 -10,470 -99 37160 Penalties 64 45,205 64 45,205 ` 70,963 25,758 36 37170 Water Meter Sales 57 25,059 57 25,059 ' 43,625 18,566 43 37175 Pressure Reducers 56 7,220 56 7,220 • 12,975 5,755 44 37000 Total ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUES 69 3,197,854 69 3,197,854 4,640,213 1,442,359 31 39000 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 39102 Sale of Property 0 350 0 350 -350 0 39000 Total OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 0 350 0 350 -350 0 601 Total UTILITY FUND 70 3,424,517 70 3,424,517 4,880,213 1,455,696 30 Grand Totals > 70 3,424,517 70 3,424,517 4,880,213 1,455,696 30 Cc)a.. ) 1, �o25-;519 57, 0v. °/o 6.1-14A-ti, /, 3'7�, �'cc it.? ,/ ?. 3, /97,181{ sRun l2ate4 x2/24/10 10:34 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Page: 1 GLRVN 5.1 97.02 Statement of Revenues Ini: jerickso Starting Fund: 601 Starting Date: 01/01/09 Print zero balances? no Print Subsidiaries? no Ending Fund: 601 Ending Date: 04/30/09 Page Break by fund? no Round to dollar? yes MTD % YTD % Remain FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT Description 33 MTD Revenues 33 YTD Revenues Budget Remaining 67% 601 UTILITY FUND 36000 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 36210 Interest Earnings 58 139,934 58 139,934 240,000 100,066 42 36212 Miscellaneous Revenue 0 285 0 285 -285 0 36000 Total MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 58 140,219 58 140,219 240,000 99,781 42 37000 ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUES 37100 Utility Receipts - Water 20 429,010 20 429,010 2,138,750 1,709,740 80 37102 Utility Receipts - Sewer 31 589,549 31 589,549 1,916,250 1,326,701 69 37110 Capital Facility Revenue 34 152,148 34 152,148 450,000 297,852 66 37150 Water Reconnect Charges 61 4,660 61 4,660 7,650 2,990 39 37160 Penalties 25 18,033 25 18,033 70,963 52,930 75 37170 Water Meter Sales 12 5,208 12 5,208 43,625 38,417 88 37175 Pressure Reducers 5 616 5 616 12,975 12,359 95 37000 Total ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUES 26 1,199,225 26 1,199,225 4,640,213 3,440,988 74 601 Total UTILITY FUND 27 1,339,444 27 1,339,444 4,880,213 3,540,769 73 Grand Totals > 27 1,339,444 27 1,339,444 4,880,213 3,540,769 73 1,x,1 4,09,4.11e so, 8 °/"A i; ,, S g9,5-4 q N9. ,2 DID J