HomeMy WebLinkAbout8A - National Public Works Week
16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E.
Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714
MAY 16TH, 2005
FOR THE WEEK OF MAY 15-21,2005
Since 1960, the American Public Works Association (APW A) has sponsored National
Public Works Week. Across the nation, APW A's 26,000 members use this week to energize
and educate the public on the importance of the contribution of public works to their daily
lives: planning, building, managing and operating the infrastructure of our local
This year the theme of public works week is "Public Works is Everywhere You Look",
which reflects the all-encompassing nature of the services provided by our public works
department and those throughout the nation. Our Public Works Department makes sure that
potable water is there when you turn your faucet on in the morning, plows the streets and
trails when they are deep with snow, and keeps City parks clean and safe. The men and
women in our department are on duty 24/7 from power outages where they make sure the lift
stations are working, preventing sewer backups; to making sure the ball fields are in
excellent condition for a Sunday tournament game; to performing maintenance on the Police
and Fire Department vehicles allowing those departments emergency use of their vehicles.
I consider myself very fortunate to work with the following full time employees who make
up the City's Public Works Department. They make my job easier.
Streets and Utilities
Craig Eldred Brad Brandt Jim Larson, Jr.
Bruce Friedges Andy Stephes Joseph Wi ita
Jude Atkinson Pete Hilgers Jake Theisen
Leo Dorn
Fred Prindle
Al Friedges Fritz Shimota Carrie Wi ita
Greg Skluzacek Scott Johnson Chad Maatta
Tom Hein
Mike Buesgens
Fleet Maintenance
Chris Zweber Chad Shimota
Administrative at Maintenance Center
Mary Olson Makenzie McCormick
Steve Albrecht
Kevin Kleist
Larry Poppler Judy Pint Nate Briese
Jennifer Wittkopf Seng Thongvanh
laim the week of May 15-21, 2005 as National
d proclamation.
tify of Prior Lake, Minnesota
Ollite 01 the Mayor
National Poblic Works Week
Whereas, pub lit works servltes provided In our tommunlty are an Intel!ral part 01 our tltlzens'
everyday lives; and
Whereas, the support 01 an understanding and Inlormed tltizenry Is vital to the ellltlent
operation 01 PUbllt works systems and prol!rams suth as water, sewers, streets and hll!hways,
pUbllt bulldlnl!s, and parks; and
Whereas, the health, salety and tomlort 01 this tommunlty greatly depends on these latllltles
and servltes; and
Whereas, the quaUty and ellettiveness 01 these latlUtles, as well as their Plannlnl!, desll!n, and
tonstruttlon, Is vitally dependent upon the ellorts and skill 01 publlt works ollltlals; and
Whereas, the ellltlenty 01 the qualllled and dedltated personnel who stall publlt works
departments Is materially Inlluented by the people's attitude and understanding 01 the
Importante 01 the work they perlorm,
Now, therelore, I, )atk Haugen, Mayor 01 the tlty 01 Prior Lake, do hereby prOtlalm the week
01 May 15,,21 as
IWIII/II/1I1 PI/II/e Wlrks Week"
In the tlty 01 Prior Lake, and I tall upon all tltlzens and tlvlt orl!anlzatlons to atqualnt
themselves with the Issues Involved In providing our publlt works and to retognlze the
tontrlbutlons whlth PUbllt works ollltlals make every day to our health, salety, tomlort, and
quality olllle.
Given under my hand and Seal 01 the tlty 01 Prior Lake this Sixteenth day 01 May, 2005.
price of contractors and saves taxpayerdoUa~.tln
2004, 267,465 linear feet of striping wascompfetid.
Overlays are typically done 1 O. 15 yearsaftertfj~,
street is built to help extend the Iifeoftft~.p~yem~nlj
In 2004, overlays used 2,002 tons of asphalt.
Crews plowed or sanded during 30 events which
brought an accumulation of 29 inches of snow. In all,
they spent 844 hours plowing snow, covering 97.43
miles and applying 445 tons of salt and 580 tons of
Clearlane (a molasses salt mix that works better at
cold temps and sticks to the road).
,. hey are some of the unsung
heroes of our society - serving
the public every day with quiet dedi-
cation and determination.
No one wants to have .asewer bac~u~at~~fn
and Public Works goes to extraordinarUyJ~ngthS
prevent it from happening. In2004,cr~wsjetted
flushed) 137,855 linear feet ofs8wer line... the
equivalent of 26.11 miles! Eight liftstatiol't pu.....""
were also rehabilitated.
Public works employees go to great lengths to pre.
vent salt, sand and debris from reaching storm sewer
catch basins ... and eventually our lakes and streams.
In 2004, crews spent 800 hours, sweeping 759
cubic yards of sand and gravel, 885 cubic yards of
compost and.224 cubic yards of seal coat chips.
Prior Lake's publiC works profession-
als prOvide valuable services to resi-
dents on a 24/7 basis, be It by man-
aging water, sewer and roads or by
maintaining parks, publiC buildings,
and grounds.
To extend the life of its equipment, PtJbJicWo'*'
employees put in 345 hours of preven~ti\'eTaf....J~~
nance in 2004. During the year, theyalsoma~e)!~,a
repair orders and used 67,045 gallons offuetto:
drive 558,234 miles in city vehicles.
Typically done when only a portion of the road is
damaged (i.e., 8 pothole), and the entire road does
not need to be repaired, patching is a cost.effective
fix,and in 2004, the city used 652 tons of asphalt
and 8 tons of cold mix (used in winter when asphalt
plants are not in operation).
In observance of National Public
Works Week May 16 through 22, we
salute the members of the Prior Lake
Public Works Department and their
contributions to the wonderful quality
of life In this cltyl
Streets are sealcoated 1.10 years after they are
built to extend the life of the pavement. In 2004,
59,974 square yards of street were sealcoated.
Through a joint powers agreement, several cities
combine their street marking, sweeping, cracksealing
and sealcoating projects, which lowers the unit bid
.... ~'. ~ .,rfof f)ub
bus~. s\IleJl,teviewi
thefolfb~ '. . ~~ .~,rsion'projects:
.. 5. preh,~lttaryPI~~ '.~"~'. ~.
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..A~me"t$ ;': .:,.. . ..~ ~~.~ .
. 8 'sftet'~lanslconditional Use Permits ~..
..1 . Envlron,mental' Assessment Works~eet
For theyear;tiewdevelopment added 10,909lin-
ear feet of ",ater main; 4,969 linearf~tofsanitary
sewer; 7,355 ~~near feet of public streets (plMlte
streelSnof tracked); 330 linear feet of asphalt trails;
11 ,827Ul1ear feet of concrete sidewalks, and 41.48
acres of patidand.
Prior Ut<e'ssYstem of parks, trails and athletic,
'fiefds are a 1remendous community asset ... but they
wouldn't. be without the tireless efforts of Public
Works' employees.,
Prior Lake has six baseball fields, ~17 softbaUrr-bal
fields '~ma12 80ccerlfootball fields. In 2004 alone,
the Ponds Athletic Complex hosted over 2,000
games of softball and basebanr . '
To facilitate this acthfity, Public Works s~ff devoted
5,470 hOUfS to maintaining the fields and
facilitle~, including striping, ~ chalking and dragging.
Cou~fe that with another 5,073 hours of field
mowing/turl maintenance and you come to realize
just why Prior Lake's fields are such a source of com..
munity pride.
Engineering. aesigned, ~ man
construction of $2.1 million iI
improvementS associated wI
Recon8t~uctlon Project.
Also during the . year, Engineering managed and
inspected the$t3 million in, street and utility
fmprovell\ents for the Main Avenue and Dakota
street .Irnpro~ement Project.
On. snow events, staff plowed 121,440 linear feet ...
equivalent of 23 miles .. of city trails. Combined,
staff.~ jn72~hour8 of snow removal ~n trails
and. parldng .1C)tS, and 304 hours. flooding! and
",alntalnfng'"~ckeyand pleasure rinks.
Public Works. devoted 1,984 hours to picking up
and/or hauling trash in 2004.10 all, '1,100 cubic
yardS' of retuse was collected. .~
Public Works a'
(952) 440-9675,
or visit the Web site,
. .~~~ ~ TIDBrrS
Public Works constructed two picnic'shelters in.
2004. By doing the work in-house, it saved cQnsider-
able taxpayer dollars. ~ . .... . ~ . .<.
Staff alsbdevoted 230 hours .to the. removal of
buckthorn ftorn Lakefront Park, installed boat slips
atWatzl's Beach, planted 750 trees in city parks,
boulevards and nursery, and built an 80o-linear-foot
boardwalk at Haas Lake.