HomeMy WebLinkAbout4I - Sentencing to Serve Agree. AGENDA #: PREPARED BY: SUBJECT: DATE: BACKGROUND: DISCUSSION: ALTERNATIVES: STAFF AGENDA REPORT ti-i FRANK BOYLES, CITY MANAGER CONSIDER APPROVAL OF JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT BETWEEN SCOTT COUNTY AND THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE FOR PARTICIPATING IN THE SENTENCING TO SERVICE PROGRAM AUGUST 21, 1995 For some years now the City of Prior Lake has participated in the Sentencing to Service Program. Through this program individuals who are convicted of relatively minor offenses are afforded an opportunity to work away their obligation to society rather than be incarcerated. Approval of the attached Joint Powers Agreement would authorize Prior Lake's continued participation in this program from August 1, 1995 through June 30, 1997. Prior Lake, together with the cities of Jordan, Belle Plain, New Prague, Savage and Shakopee have historically participated in the Sentencing to Service program through Scott County. Through this program Prior Lake has received tens of thousands of dollars worth of work production in exchange for an annual cost of just over $2,000. In addition, it has afforded offenders the opportunity to do something productive rather than simply forfeit their time. Prior Lake has used the program extensively for construction and roofing of picnic shelters, cleaning of drainage ditches, landscaping installation and maintenance and a wide variety of other activities. Thanks to the Park And Recreation Department, Prior Lake has been one of the leaders in the use of this program. Only recently have other communities come to understand the real value that the program has. The Council has the following alternatives: 16200 Eagle Creek Ave., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTIJNITY EMPLOYER 1. Approve participation in the Joint Powers Agreement which would continue the Sentencing to Service Program in Prior Lake through June 30, 1997. 2. Direct that additional information be provided with respect to this proposal. 3. Elect to no longer participate in the program. RECOMMENDATION: Alternate Number 1. The Sentencing to Service Program is one of the prime examples of how government can maximize Community Services while minimizing costs. FISCAL IMPACT: The program's cost for the two year period is $4,045 or $2,022.50 per year. This amount is budgeted in the Proposed 1996 Budget under Professional Services in the City Manager's Budget. MOTION REQUIRED: Motion and second to authorize participation in the Sentencing to Service Program from August 1, 1995 through June 30, 1997 and authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to execute the attached Joint Powers Agree ent. Attachment AG8219S.DOC SCOTT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COURT SERVICES COURTHOUSE 207 428 HOLMES STREET SOUTH SHAKOPEE, MN 55379-1397 (612) 496-8260 DAVID P. LOFTNESS Court Services Director August 1, 1995 ,,,/ Frank Boyles City Administrator 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372 Dear Mr. Boyles: Please fmd enclosed the Joint Powers Agreement between Scott County and the City participating in the Sentencing to Service Program. In addition to Prior Lake, the Cities of Jordan, Belle Plaine, New Prague, Savage, and Shakopee have expressed an interest in participating in this program. With the participation of all six cities, the cost to Prior Lake would be $4,045.~ for the two year period. IIz,OL1-',)6 Please review and take the appropriate action to process the Agreement with your city. Upon approval and signature, the Agreement should be returned to me. I will process all the Agreements with the County Board when they have all been returned. Thank you for your cooperation. I look forward to working with you in this program. ~ DPL/et Enclosure An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/Safety Aware Employer JOINT PO?"VERS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF SCOTT AND CITIES IN THE COUNTY OF scon FOR PARTICIPATrON IN THE SENTENCING TO SERVICE PROGRAM THIS AGREEMENT, by and between the County of Scott, Ivtinnesota. hereinafter referred to as It County," and the cities within th~ County of Scott choosing to participate in the Sentencing to Service Program, he.reinafter conecdvely referred to ac; "Cities." and listed as follows: Belle Piaine Jordan New Prague Prior Lake Savage Shakopee WITNESSETH: vVHEREAS. fvlinr.. Stat. Sec. 609.135~ subdivision 1, pTovidf~S that a court mav order noninstitutional sanctions for a defendant. inciudin1! J ~ "Sentencing to Service" (STS): and WHEREAS, pursuant to Minn. Stat. Sec. 241.20 through 241.23. the Commissioner of Corrections may make inmates available to tbe head of any state departn1ent or agency for conservation and other work (;;'on any land which is within the jurisdjction or cO:1trol of such department .~r agency. and WHEREAS. the County has authorIty pursuant to Minn. Stat. Sec. 373.01, subdivision ] ~ to hold real property and to make contracts in relation to tile property and concerns of the County necessary to the exercise of its corporate powers:, and WlfEREAS, tile County and the Cities have authority pursuant to Ivlinn. Stat. Sec. 471.59~ to jointly or cooperatively exercise any power common to the contracting parties or any similar powers; and \VHEREAS, the County. and the Cities have determined that it is in the. public interest. to establish joint community service projects utilizing It Sentencing to Ser\'ice" personnel; and WHEREAS~ the County and the Cities have agreed that the County shaH assume record..keeping and tinanciai accounting responsibil ities with respeei to contract administrarion~ work performa.nce, and financial participation verification of the parties hereto~ ..i. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual undertakings and agreclnent contained within this contract, the County, and the Cities hereby agree as foHows: 1. Joint P0wers A. The County and the Cities agree to jointly and collectively establish comtnUl1ity servke projects utilizing "Sentencing to Service" pe!'sonnel for the coHective be~efit. of the County, the Cities and their citiz.ens. B. The County shaH pay directly to the Minnesota Deparunent of Corrections, the County and the Cities' share of the coste; of a crewleader and placing the crews Into service on the STS prograrn outlined in that JOi;1t Pcwers Agreement between the Department of Corrections and Scott County effective J u! y 1, 1995, and incorpcrated herein by reference as Exhib~r A. The Cities agree to pay to the County directly their share of the prC'gram costs as outlined in Section 3, herein. The County and the Cities hereby agree that the sole purpose of th is agreement is lO facH itate the receiPt by the Cities of qualifIed conservation and beautification project:; by" Senrencing to Service Ii personnd for the County and the Cities as providec for in Exhibit A and to iacih~te the reimbursement to the County of monies for services provided on behalf of the individual city participants. It is contemplated that no prope.rty~ whether personal or r(;al, wili be acquired as a result of this Joint Po'\vers Agiec: mente The Caunty hereby assumes the va.rj()~S financial accounting, work partkipation and othe~ contract administration responsibiliti~s. This agreement is not intended to provide to any of the various members o{ the ag~'e.en1ent any authority ()[ responsibility not specifically out) ined in Exhibit A. 2. Scope of Services .~. The County shaii for'..vard progress reportS to Cities periodically to im.:ludc: (1) Date of service ~2') Location and type of service performed (3) Size of crew performing project (4) Total nurnber of hours worked by STS clients 2 . -- B. The crewleader shan base the work crews in Scott county. Work' of the crews shall be divided as foHows: 1/2 State referred projects a.nd 1/2 County or City referred projects. All projects shaH be performed within Scott County. c. The crewleader shall train each work crew in safety principles and techniques relevant to the work being done. in. '. Suggestions for work projects will be subnlitted by the County, the Cities, and the State (DNR or DOC) to the crew leader. The [)OC is responsible for screening projects to determine \vhich projects rneet STS guidelines. E. Vpon request by the County, the Cities shaH certify to any appropriate bargaining unit agent that the work performed bv inmates will not result in the displacement of currently employed workers or workers on seasonal layoff frorn a substantially equivalent position, including parcial dis- piacement such as reduction in hours of nonove!1ime work~ wages or other employn1ent benefits. Upon request., the Crcies shall arrange access as necessary to work sites for DOC for the })urpose of perfarn1iag the work described in this contract. 3. Tenns of Fc.vmen! A. Scott COll:}ty agrees to pay to DOC an arnount not to exceed $48,550.00 on or before June 30, 1996, for the DOC cost of providing a crewleader and placing the work crews :0(0 service on the 51'S Program during the term of this agreem.ent. B. As their share of the cost of providing a crewleader apd placing the work crews into service on the STS Program during the term of this agreement. the Cities 5haIl coIJectively pay ene-half or the contract an~ount. The Cities shall individually pay to the County. an amount not to exceed four thousand, forty.-five dollars ($4.045. GO) for the contract period. The amount \I.dB be determined by the number of cities participating and will be payable in two jnst:aliments on orbefore January 1, 1996, and on or before January 1, 1997. 4. Effective Date of Contract This contract shall be effective Augu,:H 1. 1995. 3 5. Term of Cont.ract This contract shall remain in effect until June 30, 1997. or until ail obiigations set forth in this agreement have been satisfactorily fulfilled, whichever occurs earlier. 6. Authorized Agents The parties shall appoint authorized agents for the purpose of administration of this contract. Authorized agentc; are as follows: David LC1rtness Scott County Court Services Scott County Courthouse 207 428 South Holmes StTeet Shakopee ivlN 55379-1382 (612) 496-8287 Dav id ! vcrson City Administrator 420 EastN!ain P.O. Box 6 BeHe Plaine MN 5601.1 Kay .K uhimann City Administrator 210 Ea<;t 1st Street Jordan MN 5,S352 Jerolne Bohnsack City Administrator 118 Central Avenue North New Prague lVIN 56071 Frank Boyles City Administrator 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S E Prior L..-:ti<e MN 55372 Dennis Kraft City Administrator 129 South Hoitnes St. Shakopee, MN 55379 4 Stephen King C i~y Adn1 inistratGf Savage City Hall 6000 McColl Drive Savage MN 55378 7. Ten1J..lllatioil This contract tnay be terminated by any party, with. or witltout cause, upon 30 (thirty) days written notice to the Authorized Agents of the other parties hereto. 8. Notices Any notices to be given under this contract shaH be given by enclosing the saIne in a sealed envelope. J:'ostage prepaid, and depositing the same in the United States Postai Service, addressed to the authorized agents of the parties at the addresses stated herein. 9. Controlling Law This cont:act is to be governed by the laws of the State of ~~innesota. 10. fulccessors and Assigns The parties hereto, respectively, bind themselves, their panners, successors, assigns., and legal representatives to the other party to this contract and to. the partners, successors, assigns, and legai represt::ntatives of such other party with respect to all covenants of this contract. No party shall assIgn, sublet~ or iransfer any interest in this conu.act without the prior written. consent of the others. 11. ~haI~ The parties agree that no change or modification to this contract, or any attachments hereto, shall have any force or effect unle.ss the change is reduced to writing, dated, and. made part of this contract. The execution of the change shall be aut~orized and signed in the same tnanner a'5 for th is contract. 5 i 2. Sep.3.rabil ity In the event any provision of this contract shall be held invalid and unenforceable, the renlaining provisions shall be valid and binding upon the parties unless such invalidity or non-enforceability would cause the contract to fail its purpose. One or nlore waivers by either party of any provjsion, term, condition or covenant shall not be construed by the other party as a waiver of a subsequent breach of the same by the other pany 134 Entire AQ:re.ement It is understood and agreed that the entire agreenlent of the parties is contained herein and that this contrac:t supersedes all orai agreements and negotiatIons between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. This agreement supersedes and terminates (he agreeInent between the Departme.nt of Corre.ction~ and Scott County executed by Scott County on June 27, 1993, and by the Department of Corrections on August 9. 1993. 14. Inlurv to Crewmember Claims or demand5 arising out of the injury or dea.th of a crewmember shall be governed by Minn. Stat. Sec. 3.739. 15. :fort Liability of Political Subdivisions Tort. claims or demands against the County or the Cities shan be governed by tvlinn. Stat. Sec. 466.0 i et seq. } } 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties have caused this contract to be duiy executed intending to be bound thereby. scon COUNTY by: ------- . Chairman, Scott County Board of Commissioners Date: Attest: Date: CITY OF: by: Mayor Date: City Administrator