HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 26 2016 EDAC Agenda Packet Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda Tuesday, January 26, 2016 7:30 a.m. City Hall, Little Prior Conference Room Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes a. December 10, 2015 3. Old Business a. Business Mixer Action Items b. EDAC Meeting Date/Time 4. New Business a. Election of Officers b. Review of 2016 EDA and EDAC Goals c. EDAC Bylaw Amendments d. EDAC Commercial Area Liaison Assignments e. Prior Lake Business Pages 5. Other Business a. Residential and Commercial Activity Update b. EDAC Commercial Area Liaison Update d. Member Ideas/Recommendations 6. Next Meeting Date a. Tuesday, February 23, 2016 7. Adjourn 1 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES – December 10, 2015 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:32 a.m. in the Wagon Bridge Conference Room at Prior Lake City Hall. Members present: Lloyd Erbaugh, Kim Prchal, Bill Henry, Thane Tande, Wade Larson, Celina Byers, Marie Voreis, Stephanie Carroll, Luke Brazier and EDA Liaison Michele Choudek. Members absent: Jim Mahoney, Srinivasan Prasanna, Trisha Rosenfeld and Chamber of Commerce Liaison Sandi Fleck. Staff present: Dan Rogness and Casey McCabe. 2. Introductions Returning and new EDAC members introduced themselves. 3. Approval of Meeting Minutes a. October 22, 2015 MOTION BY HENRY and SECOND BY PRCHAL to approve the October 22, 2015 meeting minutes. Motion adopted unanimously. 4. Old Business a. Business Mixer Follow-Up - Discussion EDAC Members: discussed the Prior Lake Business Mixer that was held on October 29, 2015 and shared their thoughts and comments; including:  The group felt the break-out discussions went well.  Some comments were not shared during the comment summary portion of the event.  The event felt rushed at the end. The committee suggested moving the break-out session to the beginning next time.  Provide an agenda next time that is available prior to the meeting so everyone has clear expectations.  Allow more time for socialization.  Provide more detail and information at the beginning of the event so attendants know what to expect.  Have the table facilitator (preferably EDAC member) present the top findings or ideas from their tables.  Talk about current issues separate from future issues.  Do a better job welcoming newcomers during the social time.  Do a better job sending communication out to meeting attendants sooner; possibly send a follow-up survey.  Get business owner perspective at the beginning of the presentation to set the stage for break-out session discussion. 5. New Business a. Business Mixer Action Items EDAC Members: reviewed a list of comments gathered at the Business Mixer and identified which of the comments were actionable items. Staff will revise the comment list based on EDAC discussion and identify specific action items which will be sent to EDAC members via email for review and comment. Following EDAC approval, the comments and proposed action items will be added to the EDAC page of the City of Prior Lake website and will be sent to all meeting attendants via email. Henry: suggested that in addition to emailing the comments and action items to attendants, EDAC liaisons visit with commercial businesses and share the findings and proposed action. b. 2016 Monthly Meetings (Date/Time/Location) McCabe: asked the committee to consider an alternate meeting date for 2016 because the EDAC now consists of 12 members and two liaisons and will need to find a larger meeting room. The largest meeting room in City Hall is occupied on Thursday mornings. EDAC Members: recommended moving the meeting date to the fourth Tuesday of each month. The meetings will now be held in the Parkview Conference Room, which is on the main level in City Hall. 6. Other Business a. EDA Meeting Update McCabe: provided a summary of the November 16, 2015 EDA meeting, which included the following agenda items:  Summary of EDAC Business Mixer  Downtown Bus Stop  EDA 2015 Accomplishments & 2016 Goals  Amendment to EDA Bylaws  Approve a Resolution Appointing the EDAC Members  Approve a Resolution Appointing the Technology Village Board of Director Members  Technology Village Phase II.3 Business Plan  Advisory Committee 2015 Accomplishments and 2016 Goals  Commercial & Industrial Development Update b. Residential and Commercial Activity Update EDAC Members: reviewed the residential and commercial activity update as of November 30, 2015. c. Staff Update McCabe: reminded the committee members that the EDAC would be electing officers during their January meeting. The committee will be electing a Chair and Vice-Chair for 2016. d. EDAC Commercial Area Liaison Update None. e. Member Ideas/Recommendations Larson: recommended adding the new EDAC members to the email list for the City of Prior Lake Weekly Update and the City Newswire. EDAC Members: recommended scheduling a future joint EDA/EDAC meeting with Bill Von Bank, the new RiverSouth Executive Director. EDAC Members: recommended scheduling a meeting with the Deerfield Industrial Park business owners, city staff and EDAC commercial area liaison Henry. EDAC Members: recommended scheduling a joint meeting with the EDA in 2016 to enhance the relationship between the two committees. Voreis: recommended staff include the 2016 EDA and EDAC goals in the January meeting materials to identify common themes. EDAC Members: recommended adding the EDAC commercial area liaison assignments to January meeting agenda to discuss adding additional committee liaisons to each commercial area. 6. Next Meeting Date. The next regular meeting of the EDAC will be on Tuesday, January 26, 2015 at 7:30 a.m. 7. Adjourn. MOTION BY HENRY and SECOND BY PRCHAL to adjourn the meeting. Motion adopted 9-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:59 a.m. Submitted by: Casey McCabe 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: January 26, 2016 AGENDA #: 3.a. PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist AGENDA ITEM: BUSINESS MIXER ACTION ITEMS DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this agenda item is to review Business Mixer action items and establish a process or timeline to review and respond to the action items identified by the EDAC. History On October 29, 2015, the EDAC hosted the Prior Lake Business Mixer. The primary purpose of the event was to provide an open forum for business leaders, property owners and developers to gather with local elected and appointed officials to share opportunities, express concerns or offer ideas to make Prior Lake a stronger business community. The Business Mixer helps fulfill two duties of the EDAC, which are to: i) serve as a liaison between city government and the community through interaction with business leaders and community residents; and ii) make recommendations to the EDA or city staff regarding economic development issues, strat- egy development and implementation and other initiatives that can be undertaken by the EDA to ex- pand and strengthen business retention & expansion. Current Circumstances During the December 2015 meeting EDAC members reviewed all comments from the Business Mixer and identified actionable items for the EDAC to work on in 2016. The comments and EDAC proposed action items have been shared with the meeting attendants via email and posting on the city website. Conclusion The EDAC should review the action items and discuss a process to accomplish these tasks in 2016. Updates of activity related to the Business Mixer action items will be added to the EDAC page of the city website and shared with event attendants via email throughout the year. ISSUES: City staff did receive a request from a downtown property owner to add the downtown comments to the listed action items. The downtown comments are generally related to traffic and safety issues so staff has referred these comments to the City of Prior Lake Traffic & Safety Committee. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Some issues may need to have financial resources included as part of the solution or as part of further analysis. ALTERNATIVES: Discussion and provide direction to staff. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Business Mixer Comments and Action Items 2015 Prior Lake Business Mixer Comments & EDAC Action Items Comments Related to Business  Use business connections to expand and attract businesses that best fit the character of Prior Lake.  Need more signage visibility along highways.  Explore SMSC/Mystic Lake purchasing agency engaging with local businesses and chamber.  Prior Lake has a good local business synergy.  Need local businesses support other local businesses.  Need to grow Prior Lake as a great place for businesses.  How can Mystic Lake/SMSC engage local businesses?  Most important marketing efforts were: havi ng a website; paid Facebook ads; word of mouth; Facebook friends turn into customers; print marketing was used with some success.  City-wide events (Music Fest) and other big events help businesses.  City should develop a business directory on the City of Prior Lake website for all Prior Lake businesses.  As an outer-ring suburb, it is a challenge to bring in big business. Comments Related to Government/Communication  Focus on neighborhood issues and communicating to the residents (public notices).  Consistency in zoning; ensure commercial uses in commercial areas… industrial uses in industrial areas.  There is a need for reevaluation of assessed values because taxes are too high.  City needs to do less research and take more action.  Compile compelling stories about Prior Lake, including business success stories to market the City. Just giving numbers are easily forgotten or distorted; stories are remembered and make an impression.  Add more portable restrooms to the farmer’s market. A lot of the businesses on Main Ave. have their restrooms closed during the farmer’s market.  Would like to have property values re-assessed to lower taxes; it is felt that property values have dropped in the Deerfield Business Park since the pole building structure has been built.  There is a need for signs on CH21 for Deerfield Park and Welcome Ave. businesses.  How are schools successfully distributing information? Twitter and Facebook.  Improve communication with home-based businesses.  Continue to grow Technology Village into a larger space. Comments Related to Transportation / Infrastructure  Make improvements to Hwy 13 to improve traffic flow and to make it easier to get on and off. This would improve exposure to businesses located along Hwy 13 and increase business traffic.  The truck accesses to Deerfield are inadequate and very dangerous. The intersection at Revere Way is the worst, but Adelmann is a close second. Need turn lanes! They are dangerous for trucks and school busses.  Need for additional parking, truck accessibility and room to access garages at the 17,000 addresses on Adelmann.  Closure of Main Avenue at CH21 will ruin downtown.  There is a need for a stoplight at the Franklin Trail and Hwy 13 intersection.  There should be a 3-way stop sign at McKenna Rd. NW and Wilds Ridge NW. Comments Related to Public Assets / Quality of Life  Need for a Community Center/Theater.  Take advantage of the beautiful lake.  Make Prior Lake a culinary destination.  Community activities (Farmer’s Market, Music Fest) are positive but we are missing a big winter activity.  Maintain small town/comfortable feel.  Prior Lake is ‘different’ due to its small town – not suburb – feel.  The family orientated park system is a positive.  Prior Lake feels like a small town; comfortable place to live.  More recreation opportunities needed (community center, indoor parks, theater , swimming, etc.) Comments Related to Downtown  Limit on-street parking time on Main Avenue.  More lighting on busy streets (including in front of Premiere Dance).  Add speed bumps on busy streets.  Add downtown parking ramp.  Do not want to see change, need downtown to prosper.  Downtown Farmer’s Market is positive.  Address access issues downtown.  The mall should support downtown and downtown should support the mall. Proposed 2016 EDAC Action Items The Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) discussed all comments that were shared at the Prior Lake Business Mixer and is proposing to further evaluate the following during 2016: 1. Evaluate the Prior Lake Sign Ordinance to determine if there is an opportunity to provide more visible signage for businesses without highway frontage; specifically for properties located in the Deerfield Business Park and Welcome Avenue Industrial Park. 2. Engage the Prior Lake Area Chamber of Commerce and local businesses to explore opportunities to coordinate the purchasing agencies of the City of Prior Lake, SMSC/Mystic Lake and Prior Lake businesses to lower costs for all. 3. Work with the Communications and Technology Advisory Committee and the Prior Lake Area Chamber of Commerce toward the development of a Prior Lake Business Directory, which may be hosted on the City of Prior Lake website. 4. Work with Scott County and existing businesses who may wish to have their property reevaluated for tax purposes. 5. Compile compelling success stories about the City of Prior Lake and local businesses to market the city and its businesses through social media. 6. Work with the Prior Lake Farmer’s Market to ensure there is a sufficient number of portable restrooms available to alleviate the demand for restrooms in private businesses along Main Avenue. 7. Work with City staff to develop a plan to provide better communication and notice to residents about future development or construction plans that may affect their neighborhoods. 8. Work to identify and provide better communication with home-based businesses. 9. Work with City staff, Scott County staff and property owners in the Deerfield Business Park and Welcome Avenue Industrial Park to address access/turn lane concerns. 10. Assist the City Council in the evaluation of hourly parking restrictions along Main Avenue and Dakota Street in Downtown Prior Lake. 11. Schedule meeting with Adelmann Building owners, EDAC liaison and appropriate city and county staff to discuss parking, access and other issues specific to the property. 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: January 26, 2016 AGENDA #: 4.a. PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist AGENDA ITEM: ELECTION OF OFFICERS DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this agenda item is to elect a Chair and Vice-Chair from among the EDAC members. Current Circumstances Section 206 of the EDAC Bylaws state, “The Economic Development Advisory Committee shall elect from among its membership a Chair and Vice-Chair. The City Manager or his/her designee shall serve as Secretary of the Committee.” The Chair shall be elected by majority vote of the members present at the meeting. The term of the Chair shall begin in November and run for one year. The duties of the Chair shall include approval of meeting agendas, presiding at meetings and giving an accounting of its activities and any information before the EDA annually or as directed otherwise. The Vice-Chair shall be appointed in the same manner as the Chair and shall perform the duties of the Chair in his/her absence. The Vice-Chair shall assume such other duties as assigned by the Chair. The Secretary shall be responsible for recording and compiling a written summary of all official activities of the Committee. Conclusion All EDAC members are eligible to become officers for 2016. The current Chair (Erbaugh) and Vice- Chair (Prchal) are eligible for reappointment for 2016. Dan Rogness has been designated by the City Manager to serve as the Secretary of the EDAC. ISSUES: The annual appointments are for one-year term from November to October. The EDAC Chair and Vice- Chair will serve a term ending October 31, 2016. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDED MOTION: 1. Motion(s) and second(s) to elect an EDAC Chair and Vice-Chair. 2. Table the election. Alternative No. 1. 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: January 26, 2016 AGENDA #: 4.b. PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist AGENDA ITEM: REVIEW OF 2016 EDA AND EDAC GOALS DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this agenda item is to review the 2016 EDAC goals and 2016 EDA goals. History During the December 10, 2015 EDAC meeting, committee members recommended staff include the 2016 EDA and EDAC goals in the January meeting materials. The purpose of reviewing the goals of both committees is to ensure new members are aware of the EDAC goals and to identify common themes or potential areas for collaboration between the EDA and EDAC. Current Circumstances On Monday, January 11th the Prior Lake City Council approved the 2016 EDA Goals and 2016 EDAC goals. Below are the goals of both committees for EDAC review. 2016 EDAC Goals  Evaluate and respond to comments and ideas shared at the Business Mixer and use these sugges- tions to make recommendations to the EDA and City Council to make Prior Lake a stronger business community.  Support the implementation of the Downtown Parking Study recommendations.  Utilize the EDAC Commercial Liaison Program to contact every brick & mortar Prior Lake business at least once during the year.  Expand the committee’s social media outreach to promote local business news and the positive steps being taken by the City of Prior Lake to strengthen commercial and industrial activity in the community. 2016 EDA Goals  Guide and support the Technology Village Board of Directors and the Economic Development Ad- visory Committee.  Begin to plan and implement long-term recommendations provided in the 2015 Downtown Parking Analysis.  Identify key city support mechanisms related to the development of commercial and industrial prop- erty in targeted areas of the City.  Work with SCALE to plan and implement county-wide initiatives, including such things as workforce housing and development, a customer centric culture and transportation planning. Conclusion EDAC members should review the EDA goals and discuss any opportunities for collaboration or areas where the EDAC may be able to assist the EDA in achieving its goals. 2 ISSUES: There appears to be synergy between the EDA and EDAC in several areas. Both the EDA and EDAC identify implementing the recommendations of the Downtown Parking Study. The EDA identifies guiding and supporting the EDAC so the committee may wish to seek EDA assistance in accomplishing the identified Business Mixer action items. The EDA may also benefit from increased social media outreach that is planned by the EDAC. Committee members should discuss these and other collaboration oppor- tunities. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDED MOTION: 1. Identify collaboration opportunities between the EDA and EDAC in 2016 and provide direction to staff. 2. Continue discussion at a future meeting. Alternative No. 1. 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: January 26, 2016 AGENDA #: 4.c. PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist AGENDA ITEM: EDAC BYLAW AMENDMENTS DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this agenda item is to review recent amendments to the EDAC Bylaws. History The City of Prior Lake Economic Development Advisory Committee operates under an established set of bylaws. The purpose of the bylaws is to provide a set of operating procedures for the EDAC and to establish a code of ethics and conduct. Current Circumstances The City Attorney and City of Prior Lake Bylaws and Compensation Committee have reviewed and rec- ommended various updates to the bylaws of all City committees and commissions. Section 208 (Removal of Member); Section 302 (Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure); and Section 303 (Gifts and Favors) of the EDAC Bylaws have been amended. Conclusion Attached are the revised EDAC Bylaws which were recommended by the City Attorney and City of Prior Lake Bylaws Compensation Committee and approved by the EDA during their December 21st meeting. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. ALTERNATIVES: Information only. ATTACHMENTS: 1. EDAC Bylaws CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE BYLAWS Amendment Approval EDA July 11, 2011 April 9, 2012 August 19, 2013 January 20, 2015 Amended January 11, 2016 SECTION 100 PURPOSE 101. The purpose of the City of Prior Lake Economic Development Advisory Committee Bylaws is to provide a set of operating procedures for the Economic Development Advisory Committee, and to establish a code of ethics and conduct. 102: The Bylaws shall be reviewed annually by the Economic Development Advisory Committee, and any changes or amendments agreed to by a majority vote of the Committee shall be recommended to the City Economic Development Authority (“EDA”) for final approval. SECTION 200 STRUCTURE OF COMMITTEE 201. COMMITTEE CREATED: The City Council has established an Economic Development Advisory Committee. The Committee is advisory and its purpose is to study and provide reports, analysis and recommendations to the Economic Development Authority and City staff on economic development matters as assigned. Members to the Economic Development Advisory Committee shall be appointed by the Economic Development Authority. Members shall serve three (3) year-terms beginning November 1st and ending October 31st. The members of the Economic Development Advisory Committee shall annually elect officers in accordance with the procedures of paragraph 206 herein. 202. DUTIES OF THE COMMITTEE: The duties and responsibilities of the Committee include: 1. Serve as a liaison between city government and the community through interaction with business leaders and community residents. 2. As requested, review and comment on economic development and redevelopment policies to the Economic Development Authority or City staff. 3. Make recommendations to the Economic Development Authority or City staff regarding economic development issues, strategy development and implementation and other initiatives that can be undertaken by the Economic Development Authority to expand and strengthen business retention & expansion. 4. In conjunction with Economic Development Authority members or staff, introduce potential or new business representatives to others in the community. 203. APPOINTMENT: The Committee shall consist of no more than thirteen (13) members appointed by the Economic Development Authority. Said members shall consist of residents and non- residents affiliated with a business located within the City of Prior Lake as may be determined by the Economic Development Authority. No more than 40% of the Committee shall be non - 2 of 9 residents. Committee members shall serve for a term of three (3) years commencing on November 1 and concluding on October 31. Committee members may be appointed at any time throughout the year. If a Committee member is appointed at any time other than October, the Committee member shall begin service immediately upon appointment and shall serve as if appointed in the previous October, serving two full years and a partial year. 204: LIAISIONS: The Economic Development Authority, the Prior Lake Area Chamber of Commerce and other organizations deemed appropriate by the EDA and EDAC, may appoint Liaisons to serve on the Committee. The role of a Liaison is to act as a conduit and resource for information for the Committee. The Liaison shall not participate in the discussion or deliberation of any matter pending before the Committee, except where the Committee is meeting in a study or work session. The Committee, at its discretion, may ask the Liaison for input on the subject under consideration. The Liaison shall never use this occasion as an opportunity to communicate their personal position regarding the matter under consideration. 205. VACANCIES: If an appointed member of the Economic Development Advisory Committee resigns, is terminated, reaches a term limit, or otherwise vacates a seat of the Committee, the Economic Development Authority may appoint a replacement in the following manner: 1. Applications are solicited. A notice of the vacancy is made public and individuals may be encouraged to consider the position. The notice shall state the deadline for submitting applications. 2. Screening Committee. The City Manager or his designee, the EDA liaison to the Committee, the staff liaison to the Committee, and one member of the Committee appointed by majority vote of the Committee shall serve as the Screening Committee. An individual subject to re-appointment may not sit on the screening committee. 3. Appointment. The Screening Committee shall interview all candidates who have applied for appointment or reappointment and make a recommendation to the EDA. The recommendation of the Screening Committee will be presented to the EDA. The EDA may accept or reject the recommendation. If the recommendation is rejected, the EDA may appoint another individual or reopen the application period and invite new candidates to apply. 206. OFFICERS: The Economic Development Advisory Committee shall elect from among its members a Chair and Vice-Chair. The City Manager or his/her designee shall serve as Secretary of the Committee. 1. Chair: The Chair shall be elected at the first meeting in November by majority vote of the Board members present at the meeting. The term of the chair shall begin in November and run for one year. The duties of the chair shall include approval of meeting agendas, presiding at meetings, and giving an accounting of its activities and any information the Board may consider relevant before the EDA annually or as directed otherwise. . 2. Vice-Chair: The Vice-Chair shall be appointed in the same manner as the Chair and shall perform the duties of the Chair in his/her absence. The Vice-Chair shall assume such other duties as assigned by the Chair. 3. Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for recording and compiling a written summary of all official activities of the Committee. 4. Vacancy: If the office of Chair or Vice-Chair becomes vacant, the Economic Development Advisory Committee shall appoint a replacement by majority vote of those members present at the next regular meeting, and such election shall be for the unexpired term of said office. 3 of 9 207. TERM LIMIT: It is the policy of the Prior Lake City Council to impose a three term service limitation for all appointed positions on the Committee. The term limit applies only to full three year terms. The purpose of the term limit policy is to encourage resident participation on City advisory bodies and provide community members with the opportunity to participate in their local government. 208: REMOVAL OF MEMBER: Any member of the Economic Development Advisory Committee may be removed from office for just cause by a four-fifths (4/5) vote of the entire EDA for reasons including but not limited to. Just cause includes but is not limited to the following: (i) failure to attend a minimum of 75% of meetings; (ii) failure to attend site visits/inspections; (iii) failure to review and understand agenda materials; (iv) failure to participate in an appropriate and productive manner; and (v) failure to continue to meet any requirement set forth in Section 203; and (vi) failure to comply with any provision of these bylaws or any federal, state or local rule or regulation. SECTION 300 STATEMENT OF ETHICS 301: POLICY STATEMENT: The City of Prior Lake recognizes our system of democratic representative government is dependent in large measure, upon people having trust and confidence in their public officials. The public rightfully expects governmental officials will conduct City of Prior Lake business in ways which benefit the public good generally and that public office will not be used chiefly or improperly to advance personal interests. The City Council of Prior Lake has pledged the goals of fair, efficient and honest government will be fostered and that it will strive for integrity and objectivity from all of its officials. 1. The City of Prior Lake finds that the proper operation of democratic representative government requires that:  Elected and appointed officials be independent, impartial and responsible to the people;  Governmental decisions and policy are made in the proper channels of the governmental structure;  Public office and position not be used for personal gain; and  The public have confidence in the integrity of its government. 2. The City of Prior Lake shall adhere to the highest ethical standards that enhance the public trust in local government by:  Creating transparency in its actions through honest and open communication;  Basing decisions and adopting public policies based on what is in the best interest of the public and the overall community;  Supporting the public’s right to know the public’s business; and  Exercising fairness, optimism, responsiveness and respect in communicating with the public.  Providing a forum and periodic training for public officials and employees to discuss organizational values that reflect high standards and current conditions and concerns. 3. This Statement of Ethics shall be liberally construed in favor of protecting the public’s interest in full disclosure of conflicts of interest and promoting ethical standards of conduct. 302: CAMPAIGN FINANCE AND PUBLIC DISCLOSURE: Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 10A (adopted as the Ethics in Government Act) is incorporated herein by reference. This policy shall be construed and interpreted in consultation with the City Attorney according to Minnesota Statutes and case law. ETHICS IN GOVERNMENT: Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 10A, Ethics in Government, is incorporated herein by reference. This policy shall be construed and interpreted in consultation with the City Attorney according to Minnesota Statutes and case law. 4 of 9 303: GIFTS AND FAVORS: No public official shall accept any gift, including but not limited to money, real or personal property, services, loans, mementos, food, beverages, or any other favor or thing, regardless of value, from any interested person except as follows: 1. a contribution as defined in Minn. Stat. Section 10A.01, Subd. 11. 2. services to assist an official in the performance of official duties, including but not limited to providing advice, consultation, information, and communication in connection with legislation, and services to constituents. 3. services of insignificant monetary value. 4. a plaque or similar memento recognizing individual services in a field of specialty or to a charitable cause. 5. a trinket or memento costing $5 or less. 6. informational material of unexceptional value. 7. food or a beverage given at a reception, meal, or meeting away from the recipient's place of work by an organization before whom the recipient appears to make a speech or answer questions as part of a program. 8. received: (1) because of the recipient's membership in a group, a majority of whose members are not local officials, and an equivalent gift is given or offered to the other members of the group; (2) by an interested person who is a member of the family of the recipient, unless the gift is given on behalf of someone who is not a member of that family; or (3) by a national or multistate organization of governmental organizations or public officials, if a majority of the dues to the organization are paid from public funds, to attendees at a conference sponsored by that organization, if the gift is food or a beverage given at a reception or meal and an equivalent gift is given or offered to all other attendees. 9. received in exchange goods or services of equal value.No public official shall accept any valuable gift, favor or thing of value, regardless of amount whether in the form of money, service, loan, thing or promise from any person which to the official's knowledge is concerned, directly or indirectly in any manner whatsoever in business dealings with the City. 304: USE OF EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES: No public official shall request or permit the unauthorized use of City-owned vehicles, equipment, materials, property, labor or services for personal convenience or profit. 305: CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Except as authorized in Minn. Stat. 471.88, a public officer who is authorized to take part in any manner in making any sale, lease, or contract in official capacity shall not voluntarily have a personal financial interest in that sale, lease, or contract or personally benefit financially therefrom. (Minn. Stat. Section 471.87) 306 A public official or local official elected to or appointed by a metropolitan governmental unit who in the discharge of official duties would be required to take an action or make a decision that would substantially affect the official's financial interests or those of an associated business, unless the effect on the official is no greater than on other members of the official's business classification, profession or occupation, must take the following actions: 1. Advise the City Attorney of the potential conflict of interest as soon as possible, preferably before the meeting; and 2. The City Attorney shall determine whether a disqualifying conflict of interest exists. 3. Any committee member shall orally inform the commitee of the potential conflict and abstain from any participation in that agenda item if a conflict is determined to exist. 5 of 9 307: The purpose behind the creation of a rule, which would disqualify public officials from participating in proceedings in a decision-making capacity when they have a direct conflict of interest in its outcome, is to ensure that their decision will not be an arbitrary reflection of their own selfish interests. There is no settled general rule as to whether such an interest will disqualify an official. Each case must be decided on the basis of the particular facts present. Among the relevant factors that should be considered in making this determination are: (1) nature of the decision being made; (2) the nature of the pecuniary interest; (3) the number of officials making the decision who are interested; (4) the need, if any, to have interested persons make the decision; and (5) the other means available, if any, such as the opportunity for review, that serve to ensure that the officials will not act arbitrarily to further their selfish interests. SECTION 400: CONDUCTING MEETINGS 401: REGULAR MEETINGS: In conformance with the Minnesota Open Meeting Law all meetings of the Committee are open to the public. Regular meetings shall be held on a minimum of a quarterly basis during each calendar year at Prior Lake City Hall, 4646 Dakota Street SE, Prior Lake, Minnesota. Regular meetings may be rescheduled, canceled or changed depending upon unique circumstances and subject to the approval and consent of either the Chair or Vice-Chair. 402: NOTIFICATION: A schedule of all regular meetings shall be kept on file at the City Clerk’s Office. Notice of all meetings shall be provided as required by the Minnesota Open Meeting Law. 1. Unless extenuating circumstances exist, a copy of the notice, agenda and accompanying materials shall be received by the Committee, EDA, staff and others designated by the EDA, no later than three (3) business days prior to the next scheduled meeting and no later than two (2) days prior to a special meeting. 2. Notice of any Public Hearing must be published as required by statute. 403: SPECIAL MEETINGS: Special Meetings of the Committee may be called by the Chair or any two (2) members of the Committee for the purpose of transacting any business designated in the notice. Staff may recommend calling a special meeting, but must receive approval from either the chair or two members of the Committee. Notice of a special meeting shall be provided as required by the Minnesota Open Meeting Law. At such meetings, no business shall be considered other than as designated in the notice. 404: AGENDA AND MEETING FORMAT: Business of the meeting will be conducted according to the Agenda prepared by the Staff Liaison. A memo, report, or brief explanation of each agenda item shall be included in the Committee agenda packet. The information provided by staff should serve to inform the Committee of the subject matter under discussion. The information should explain in detail the staff comments or work, or state that the staff will present the necessary details and comments at the meeting. The meeting agenda will be prepared according to the following: 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes 4. Hearings 5. Old Business 6. New Business 7. Announcements / Correspondence 8. Adjournment 405: MINUTE PREPARATION. The Staff Liaison is responsible for the preparation of the minutes of the meeting. The meeting proceedings will be audio-recorded and written minutes will be 6 of 9 prepared. The written minutes of the meeting as approved by the Committee are the official record of the meeting. The audio recording is intended to supplement the minutes for the purpose of an "on the record review" in a judicial proceeding. A DVD recording may also be prepared for the purpose of rebroadcast of the meeting on the City’s public access cable channel. The following two requirements for "minute" preparation shall be adhered to: 1. All motions typed in capital letters. 2. List the names of the Committee Members after their vote on each motion. The official minutes shall be prepared and presented to the Committee at the next regularly scheduled meeting as part of the agenda packet. The text of the minutes shall consist of official Committee business conducted while the Committee is in session. Any comments made at a meeting that are made prior to the start of or after adjournment of the meeting, or during any recess, shall not be made part of the minutes. The Committee shall review the minutes and the presiding officer shall call for any additions or corrections. If an addition or correction is presented, the change must be specific as to place, paragraph, and sentence, if applicable. The official minutes shall be corrected to reflect the change. Approval of the minutes requires a motion, second and a majority vote of the members present at the meeting unless otherwise provided by these bylaws, State Statute or City Code. Committee members who were not present at the meeting for which the minutes are being approved shall abstain from voting on the action to approve the minutes. The Staff Liaison is responsible for the maintenance and filing of the minutes. 1. The approved minutes shall be retained as a permanent record of the Committee meeting. 2. The approved minutes of the past twelve months of Committee meetings shall be available on the City Website. 3. All audio and DVD recordings will be retained in accordance with the City's data retention schedule. 406: ROLES AT MEETING: 1. All meetings of the Committee shall comply with the Minnesota Open Meeting law, which requires meetings (with few exceptions) of all municipal bodies to be open to the public. The City of Prior Lake encourages citizen attendance. Public attendance at meetings of the Committee helps to develop a more enlightened, interested and participatory citizenry. 2. Any Committee member may recognize a member of the public for the purpose of asking question(s) relating to the matter under consideration by the Committee. Members of the Committee must use judgment and discretion when recognizing members of the public to answer a question during the time they have the floor. 3. Members of the Committee may also ask questions of staff in order to clarify their understanding of the relevant information necessary to make an informed judgment. In preparation for Committee meetings, Committee members may want to consider contacting the Staff Liaison, in sufficient time prior to the meeting, to advise the question they intend to ask in order for the Staff Liaison to attempt to bring the additional information to the Committee meeting. 4. The Chair shall be the presiding officer at all meetings. If the Chair is absent, the Vice- Chair shall preside at the meeting. If the Chair and the Vice-Chair are both absent, the Secretary shall call the meeting to order and preside until such time the Committee elects 7 of 9 among itself a member to preside at the meeting. The presiding officer, at all times, shall be allowed to vote in the same manner as all other members of the Committee. 5. The presiding officer has two unique powers: interpreting and applying the rules of procedure; and recognizing speakers from the audience. That official shall have the obligation to be impartial and objective in conducting the meeting. 6. The presiding officer shall recognize all speakers from the audience, except when a member of the Committee has the floor and they expressly recognize a member of the audience who desires to speak on the issue under consideration. 7. The presiding officer has the responsibility to facilitate discussion by the Committee. This may occur in a variety of ways, including:  Interpret and apply rules of procedure  Decide whether motions are properly made.  Decide whether motions are in order.  Decide whether questions of special privilege ought to be granted.  Decide when to recognize speakers.  Call for motions or recommend motions.  Expel disorderly persons from the meeting.  Enforce speaking procedures. 8. The presiding officer is responsible for maintaining order at the meetings. Although meetings must be open to the public, no person who is noisy or unruly has a right to remain in the Council Chambers. When individuals abuse their rights to be present, the presiding officer, subject to overrule by the Committee, can order their removal from the room. 407: PUBLIC HEARING FORMAT. Public Hearings shall be conducted in the following manner: 1. The presiding officer announces the agenda item that is the subject of the public hearing. 2. It is the intent of the Committee to open all public hearings at the time indicated in the public hearing notice, or as soon as possible thereafter. From a practical standpoint, not all hearings can be opened at their designated time. The Committee may delay the start of a hearing until the pending business is acted upon. However under no circumstances may a public hearing be opened prior to the time specified in the notice and published in the official newspaper. 3. Staff and/or a consultant make a presentation or report on the subject matter of the public hearing. 4. At the conclusion of any presentation or remarks by staff and/or a consultant, the presiding officer asks the Committee members if they have questions of the staff or consultant. 5. The presiding officer requests a motion and second from a member of the Committee to open the public hearing and calls for a vote. 6. The presiding officer declares the public hearing opened, announces the time and then proceeds to ask for citizen input, comments and questions.  Members of the public, interested parties or their authorized representatives may address the Committee orally. If the speaker intends to present written or hard copy materials to support their presentation to the Committee, they must provide the staff, at the time of their presentation or before, seven (7) copies of the original for distribution to Committee members and City staff. If the materials are lengthy the members may not have sufficient time to review the materials during the presentation; please consider providing materials in advance to allow the members sufficient time for review. The materials will be included in the public record. If the speaker intends to present audio or video materials to support their presentation to the Committee, such materials must be in an electronic format that is compatible with the City’s existing equipment. An 8 of 9 audio or video presentation may not introduce testimony from any person other than the author. The electronic materials should be submitted to the staff by 12:00 p.m. noon of the day of the meeting. The City will use best efforts to play audio or video presentations, however, if there are technical or other issues the City will not disrupt a meeting in order to play the presentation. All materials including audio and video presentations are subject to the presiding officer’s judgment relating to timeliness and relevance.  If unable to attend the meeting, members of the public, interested parties or their authorized representatives may submit written comments and supporting materials. Seven (7) copies of the comments and materials must be submitted to the City staff prior to the Committee meeting. The comments and materials will be distributed to Committee members and City staff. The written comments and materials will become part of the record, but will not be read aloud at the meeting  If unable to attend a meeting, members of the public, interested parties or their authorized representatives may submit testimony to the Committee using a prerecorded audio or video communication. An audio or video communication must be in an electronic format that is compatible with the City’s existing equipment. An a udio or video presentation may not introduce testimony from any person other than the author. The author of the recorded testimony must provide seven (7) copies to the City staff at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the meeting in order to allow staff an opportunity to view the presentation and prepare a written summary. The recorded testimony and summary prepared by the staff will be provided to the Committee as part of their Committee agenda package. The audio or visual communication may be used by individual Committee members in preparation for the Committee meeting, but will not be played during the meeting. The presentation and the summary will become a part of the public record. Generally, Committee agenda packages are distributed to members of the Committee three (3) days prior to the meeting. 7. After all persons have been heard, the presiding officer will ask whether there are any other persons in attendance who want to be heard on the matter pending. The presiding officer will explain that the Committee is going to deliberate and that the Committee may not take any additional public comment prior to closing the hearing and taking action. The presiding officer will then ask one more time whether there are any other persons in attendance who want to be heard on the matter pending. 8. The Committee addresses the subject matter through deliberation. The Committee may ask questions of the staff and City Attorney. Committee members should refrain from calling upon a member of the public except for the sole purpose of asking a question that can be answered by a “yes” or “no” response. 9. Once deliberations are complete, the presiding officer requests a motion. There are two (2) possible motions, seconds and votes:  A motion and second to close the public hearing. Once the vote is taken, the public hearing is closed. The presiding officer announces, for the record, the time the public hearing is closed; or  A motion and second to continue the public hearing to a date certain. The presiding officer, in consultation with the Staff Liaison and the Committee, shall select and announce a time and date certain for the continued public hearing. No additional publication or notice are needed if a hearing is continued to a later specified date. No public hearing may be continued more than once without re-notice, publishing the time, date, location and subject of the public hearing. 10. If the public hearing has been closed, rather than continued until a date certain, the Committee may take action on the subject matter. 408: QUORUM AND VOTING: At each meeting a majority of all the members appointed (e.g. three out of five, four out of six) shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 9 of 9 The voting options available to the Committee when a vote has been initiated are: aye (affirmative); nay (negative vote); and a qualified abstention. When a vote is to be taken, the presiding officer shall first call for the ayes, then the nays, and if applicable, shall call for abstentions. The votes of each member shall be recorded in the minutes. If a member of the Committee is absent during a vote, the member’s vote for the official minutes shall read as “absent”. SECTION 500 MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS 501: The Committee may take formal action in one of two methods - motions or resolutions. All motions in any form require a second unless otherwise stated below. All votes of the Committee in any of the two methods require a majority vote for approval unless otherwise specified below or prescribed by statute or City code. 502: MOTIONS: A motion is a matter of parliamentary procedure. Motions are a formal method of bringing business before the Committee and for stating propositions on which a decision will have to be made. It also can be used in the form of a proposal so that the Committee can act by resolution. Motions may be used to introduce resolutions, to amend them, and to take any other actions concerning them. Motions may also be used for action on simple administrative acts, such as approving the monthly department reports or directing City staff. Every motion shall be stated in full and be reasonably understood, to the extent practical, before it is submitted to a vote by the presiding officer. 503: RESOLUTIONS: Resolutions are normally used to reflect the Committee position on items of business that do not require or warrant an ordinance. Resolutions may be enacted on a motion, which has been duly seconded, and received majority vote. The Staff Liasion will maintain a record of all resolutions and will be responsible for the proper numbering and execution of each resolution adopted by the Committee. SECTION 600 SCOPE OF POWERS AND DUTIES 601: POWERS AND DUTIES: The Committee shall act in an advisory capacity to the Prior Lake Economic Development Authority and shall advise on Economic Development matters identified in Section 100 and Section 200 or as assigned to the Committee by the EDA. The Committee Chair shall give an accounting of the Committee’s activities with respect to its purposes, goals and objectives to the EDA on a regular basis. Additionally, specific powers, duties and responsibilities may be assigned to the Committee upon approval of the EDA. 602: SUBCOMMITTEES: The Committee may divide its membership into Subcommittees as it deems necessary to implement its goals and objectives. SECTION 700 AMENDMENTS 701: AMENDMENTS: These bylaws shall be reviewed by the Committee annually. The Committee may recommend revised bylaws to the EDA for final approval. 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: January 26, 2016 AGENDA #: 4.d. PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist AGENDA ITEM: EDAC COMMERCIAL AREA LIAISONS DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this agenda item is to review the EDAC commercial area liaison assignments and consider assigning a second EDAC liaison to each of the commercial areas of Prior Lake. History One of the committee’s duties outlined in the EDAC Bylaws is, “To serve as a liaison between city government and the community through interaction with business leaders and community residents.” In order to help accomplish this, the EDAC has previously assigned some of its members to act as a liaison to five specific commercial and industrial areas of the community. The role of the EDAC liaison is to help communicate City and EDAC activities with business owners and provide an additional point of contact for their questions and concerns. A list of the identified commercial and industrial areas and the EDAC member assigned to each area is below.  Downtown Area – Erbaugh / Prchal  Deerfield Business Park / Welcome Avenue Industrial Area – Henry  Commerce Avenue / Fountain Hills Area – Larson  Village Commerce / South Lake Village Area – Vacant  Gateway Area – Mahoney Current Circumstances An EDAC communication piece and the Prior Lake community profile/marketing packet has been distributed by the EDAC liaisons to the commercial areas of the community. The liaisons have also communicated with the businesses when promoting the Prior Lake Business Mixer in the fall of 2015. Committee members should discuss commercial area liaison assignments and preferred interaction in 2016. Conclusion ISSUES: One of the EDAC’s goals for 2016 is to, “Utilize the EDAC Commercial Liaison Program to contact every brick & mortar Prior Lake business at least once during the year.” The committee should review and confirm commercial area liaison assignments and discuss what interaction may be expected between the EDAC and business owners in 2016. The EDAC may wish to assign two committee members to some or all of the commercial areas. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Motion and Second assigning EDAC liaisons to the five commercial and industrial areas as identified. 2. Provide direction to staff and continue discussion at a future meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Alternative No. 1. ATTACHMENTS: 1. City of Prior Lake Commercial Areas Downtown Area Deerfield Business Park / Welcome Avenue Industrial Area Commerce Avenue / Fountain Hills Area Village Commerce / South Lake Village Area Gateway Area 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: January 26, 2016 AGENDA #: 4.e. PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist AGENDA ITEM: PRIOR LAKE BUSINESS PAGES DISCUSSION: Introduction In an effort to communicate with the business community, the City of Prior Lake EDAC has distrib- uted an electronic newsletter (Prior Lake Business Pages). The e-newsletter is a valuable tool to provide information about pending projects, make announcements and keep the public informed about the services provided by the EDAC and the Community & Economic Development Depart- ment. History E-newsletters are sent on an ‘as needed’ basis to provide important information, highlight a specific development project or advertise an upcoming event. The e-newsletter is currently distributed to approximately 350 recipients who have specifically requested to receive the Prior Lake Business Pages on the City of Prior Lake website. If interested, anyone can sign up to receive the Prior Lake Business Pages on the City website at http://www.cityofpriorlake.com/e-news.php. Conclusion Below are draft topics for the winter 2016 issue of the e-newsletter. EDAC members should review the proposed topics and provide direction, additional suggestions and/or comments to staff.  Prior Lake Business Mixer Comments and Action Items On October 29, 2015, Prior Lake’s Economic Development Authority (EDA) and Economic De- velopment Advisory Committee (EDAC) hosted the Prior Lake Business Mixer. One of the pri- mary purposes of the event was to provide an open forum for business leaders, property owners and developers to gather with local elected and appointed officials to share opportunities, ex- press concerns, or offer ideas to make Prior Lake a stronger business community. The EDAC met in December to compile a list of comments received during the event. It then developed a list of 2016 EDAC action items to address many of the comments and sugges- tions. Here is a link to the comments and action items. The EDAC will be following up throughout 2016 as the action items are addressed.  Small Business Workshop Set for Feb. 10th This one-day workshop will cover federal funding opportunities that are available from the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) pro- grams. The workshop will be held at Prior Lake City Hall on February 10, 2016. Session 1 is from 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.; Session 2 is from 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. The registration fee is $25 to attend one or both of the sessions and includes a networking box lunch. Learn how the $2.8B offered from these programs can be a vital resource to fund and support your technological innovations with commercial potential. Click Here for more information. 2  Take Charge Workshop The Prior Lake Area Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a Take Charge Workshop on Thurs- day, February 11th from 7:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Take Charge is a mini educational session for everyone at your business! Rejuvenate your work environment, share an experience with your staff and take back tools to improve teamwork, motivate others and help reinforce and build leadership skills within your organization. Breakfast and lunch are included! Click Here for more information.  2015 Prior Lake Building Activity  Prior Lake issued commercial building permits (new & addition/alteration) with a total valu- ation of $4,700,800 in 2015, which is a 31% increase from 2014 when commercial building permit valuation was $3,582,000.  Prior Lake issued 122 new residential building permits in 2015; 112 single family dwellings and 10 townhouse units, which is slightly less than 2014 when 126 new residential building permits were issued.  The total declared value for 2015 new residential construction permits of $38,903,000 is $404,000 higher than the declared value in 2014.  The City of Prior Lake issued a total of 2,195 new construction, addition/alteration and me- chanical permits in 2015 with a total declared value of $46,766,760 compared to a total of 2,066 permits in 2014 with a total declared value of $45,705,400.  Kwik Trip Open House / Ribbon Cutting Come and help Kwik Trip celebrate their Open House / Ribbon Cutting on Wednesday, Febru- ary 10th from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Kwik Trip is located at 16751 Fish Point Road SE, Prior Lake. Click Here for more information about Kwik Trip, Inc. ISSUES: Staff anticipates sending the winter 2016 Prior Lake Business Pages in early February. EDAC mem- bers should review the proposed e-newsletter topics and provide direction, additional suggestions and/or comments to staff. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Staff time dedicated to the newsletter. ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDED MOTION: 1. Approve the proposed articles topics, with changes or additions, and direct city staff to finalize the winter 2016 issue of the Prior Lake Business Pages with a targeted circulation date in early February 2016. 2. Take no action and continue discussion at a future EDAC meeting. Alternative #1. 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: January 26, 2016 AGENDA #: 5.a. PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist AGENDA ITEM: RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY UPDATE DISCUSSION: Introduction Staff has prepared a development update as of December 31, 2015 for EDAC review. The attached memorandum provides a summary of 2015 commercial and industrial development and residential construction in the City of Prior Lake. ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVE: ATTACHMENT: Information Only. Information Only. 1. Development Update Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com Memo Date: January 19, 2016 To: City of Prior Lake Economic Development Advisory Committee From: Dan Rogness, Community & Economic Development Director Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist Subject: Residential & Commercial Activity Update Below is an update of residential and commercial development in the City of Prior Lake as of December 31, 2015. Number of Permits Declared Value Number of Permits Declared Value Number of Permits % Increase / (% Decrease) Declared Value % Increase / (% Decrease) Single Family Dwellings 112 $37,072,000.00 118 $37,397,000.00 -5.1%-0.9% Townhouses (# units)10 $1,831,000.00 8 $1,102,000.00 25.0%66.2% Multiple Units 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 n/a n/a New Commercial Industrial & Commercial 10 $3,742,000.00 5 $85,000.00 100.0%4302.4% Residential 712 $3,162,960.00 688 $3,624,400.00 3.5%-12.7% Industrial & Commercial 41 $958,800.00 32 $3,497,000.00 28.1%-72.6% tMechanical 822 $0.00 711 $0.00 15.6%n/a ttMechanical (SF & TH)488 $0.00 504 $0.00 -3.2%n/a TOTALS 2195 $46,766,760.00 2066 $45,705,400.00 6.2%2.3% t Mechanical permits include but are not limited to furnaces, water heaters, softeners, and fireplaces. They are flat-rate permit fees. tt Mechanical (SF & TH) permits include required plumbing, heating, sewer and water and fireplace permits for new single family residences. They are flat-rate permit fees. 2015 Year to Date 2014 Year to Date New Residential Additions and Alterations Increase / (Decrease) Name Address Type (New/Relocation/Expansion) Previous Tenant/Owner etaKnowledge (Technology Village)4646 Dakota St. SE New Business Black Dog Computer Services iWMS Americas (Technology Village)4646 Dakota St. SE New Business Vacant & design a tivity (2 suites) Michael Beach Coaching & Consulting 4719 Park Nicollet Ave. SE, Ste. 210 New Business Vacant design a tivity 4769 Dakota Street SE Relocated Business Vacant Versatile Vehicles 16450 Anna Trl. SE New Business Vacant (former Digger's Polaris) Cross Fit Prior Lake 16535 Anna Trail SE New Business Creative Graphics Charlie's Port on Prior 3950 Green Heights Trl. SW New Construction Captain Jack's Source Machine 16801 Industrial Cir. SE New Business Prior Lake Machine Mary's Angels Daycare 14180 Commerce Ave. NE New Business St. Paul's Lutheran Preschool Schoenberger Drywall, Inc. 17180 Adelmann St. SE Relocated Business Vacant eCig Store 16731 Hwy 13 S, Ste. 112 New Business Vacant (previously Snap Fitness) Auto Repair Business (Vitaliy Tereshkov)16720 Welcome Ave. SE New Construction Vacant UPS Store 14033 Commerce Ave. NE, Ste. 300 New Business Vacant (former chiropractor) Center Stage Dance Studio 4385 Fountain Hills Drive NE Expansion Vacant International Motion Supply 14120 Commerce Ave. NE New Business Vacant Prior Lake Spine 15815 Franklin Trl. SE, Ste 100 Relocated Business Vacant W Social Fit 16180 Hastings Ave. SE New Business Giggle Gals Bodies in Motion 16189 Main Ave. SE New Business Vacant (former CarQuest) Kwik Trip 16751 Fish Point Rd. SE New Construction Vacant Local Vibe LLC (Technology Village)4646 Dakota St. SE Expansion Vacant (additional office space) Pizza & Pasta 15875 Franklin Trl. SE Relocated Business Vacant (former karate studio) Lifestyle Counseling Services 14162 Commerce Ave. NE, Ste. 400 New Business Vacant GCS Title Co. 4719 Park Nicollet Ave. SE, Ste. 270 New Business Vacant Edward Jones 5116 Gateway Street SE, Ste 203 Expansion Finder's Fee 4775 Dakota St. SE New Business Uptown Girlz NMS Mechanical 15981 Jordan Ave. SE New Business Vacant 2015 Prior Lake Commercial Activity